'A loose cannon with an opinion and a quest to Restore the 'Republic'.
We must think "Not Losing" to preserve Trumps changes
The ongoing conflict between the Democrats and the Republicans is never won by either side. That's because of the basic nature of the conflicting ideologies of both sides. Thinking prevailing now, among the Republicans and conservative population is "We Won". In fact what really happened is "We Did Not Lose".
Thinking we have 'won' will make us lose in future elections. Maybe it will happen in the mid term election, maybe the next Presidential election, or a near future election. The plain fact of the matter is eventually we will lose. When we do, everything we have done to advance our political philosophy, will be reversed by our opposition. That is the nature of the beast called politics.
Our focus needs to be on "Not Losing" instead of on "Winning". The subtle difference there is; Winning indicates, and specifically implies, a permanent end to the situation. To apply that thinking to politics is not only 'not possible', it is foolishness in the extreme. So we have to focus specifically on "Not Losing," to keep us from resting on our "We Won" laurels, and losing it.
Let the opposition work towards their simplistic goal of winning the election, while we who have "Not Lost" this election consolidate and harden our changes, to make them as near as impossible to change by the opposition, the next time we "Don't Lose", and the opposition has "Not Lost". Trump will do the most to see to our "Not Losing the Next Election". We need to back his play.
Many of the changes Trump has enacted, while good for the moment are not permanent changes, except in the subconscious of the people who think they "Won" something. Makes us temporarily blind to what will be done to us the next time we don't lose.
One of the most permanent barriers to political change is our Constitution. What we need, is to use that Constitution to specifically in plain no nonsense language, to lock in Trumps changes with a clear amendment, or a series of amendments. We know from experience Congress will never entertain term limits, other than as endless debates aimed at mollifying the public, until they can distract us with another subject.
There are many other amendments besides Term Limits, needed in clear, concise, and plain language. That can only be done through the method our Founders incorporated into the Constitution to protect the peoples superiority right to control and order their government how to govern. That right is protected by Article-V of the Constitution. Our Founders protecting the publics right to control their government, gave the ultimate power to the public. That right was to order the government to open an Amendment Convention.
So far the Congres has used it's right to propose amendments to create the 27 we now have. The people have never directly proposed one. That has led to a situation where the amendments, except for the first ten, have slightly benfitted the government. They do this with their included ability to be easily "interpreted" in a partisan way. A way that benefits the political party pushing the interpretation, and not the people as a whole. As an example; The 17h amendment allowed for thje dirct election of Senators. Simple right?
The Constitution NEVER intended for the Senators to represent the people. They were to be a check and balance between the high population States and the low population States to have Equal Representation in Congress. Prior to the 17th, the State Legislatures had the sole right to appoint and control what the Senators could do in Congress. After the 17th, the Senators usually represent their Party exclusively and ending the check and balance to give high population States more authority over how things would run. The very thing the Senate was created to prevent.
This all comes down to the people taking charge over their government and forcing it, through Constitutional Law, to obey the peoples wishes, instead of Congressional wishes. We need to start right now to get that moving to lock in Trumps changes to they way government is conducted. Those changes need to restore the original checks and balances the Founders incorporated into the Constitution.
As with the original establishment of the United States; We need to individually as well as collectively turn to God, to guide us to the right path to follow with the Amendments.
The Tradesman
Thinking we have 'won' will make us lose in future elections. Maybe it will happen in the mid term election, maybe the next Presidential election, or a near future election. The plain fact of the matter is eventually we will lose. When we do, everything we have done to advance our political philosophy, will be reversed by our opposition. That is the nature of the beast called politics.
Our focus needs to be on "Not Losing" instead of on "Winning". The subtle difference there is; Winning indicates, and specifically implies, a permanent end to the situation. To apply that thinking to politics is not only 'not possible', it is foolishness in the extreme. So we have to focus specifically on "Not Losing," to keep us from resting on our "We Won" laurels, and losing it.
Let the opposition work towards their simplistic goal of winning the election, while we who have "Not Lost" this election consolidate and harden our changes, to make them as near as impossible to change by the opposition, the next time we "Don't Lose", and the opposition has "Not Lost". Trump will do the most to see to our "Not Losing the Next Election". We need to back his play.
Many of the changes Trump has enacted, while good for the moment are not permanent changes, except in the subconscious of the people who think they "Won" something. Makes us temporarily blind to what will be done to us the next time we don't lose.
One of the most permanent barriers to political change is our Constitution. What we need, is to use that Constitution to specifically in plain no nonsense language, to lock in Trumps changes with a clear amendment, or a series of amendments. We know from experience Congress will never entertain term limits, other than as endless debates aimed at mollifying the public, until they can distract us with another subject.
There are many other amendments besides Term Limits, needed in clear, concise, and plain language. That can only be done through the method our Founders incorporated into the Constitution to protect the peoples superiority right to control and order their government how to govern. That right is protected by Article-V of the Constitution. Our Founders protecting the publics right to control their government, gave the ultimate power to the public. That right was to order the government to open an Amendment Convention.
So far the Congres has used it's right to propose amendments to create the 27 we now have. The people have never directly proposed one. That has led to a situation where the amendments, except for the first ten, have slightly benfitted the government. They do this with their included ability to be easily "interpreted" in a partisan way. A way that benefits the political party pushing the interpretation, and not the people as a whole. As an example; The 17h amendment allowed for thje dirct election of Senators. Simple right?
The Constitution NEVER intended for the Senators to represent the people. They were to be a check and balance between the high population States and the low population States to have Equal Representation in Congress. Prior to the 17th, the State Legislatures had the sole right to appoint and control what the Senators could do in Congress. After the 17th, the Senators usually represent their Party exclusively and ending the check and balance to give high population States more authority over how things would run. The very thing the Senate was created to prevent.
This all comes down to the people taking charge over their government and forcing it, through Constitutional Law, to obey the peoples wishes, instead of Congressional wishes. We need to start right now to get that moving to lock in Trumps changes to they way government is conducted. Those changes need to restore the original checks and balances the Founders incorporated into the Constitution.
As with the original establishment of the United States; We need to individually as well as collectively turn to God, to guide us to the right path to follow with the Amendments.
The Tradesman
Letter to Congress
I Received this from an anonymous source, and I am passing it on;
A Letter for Y'all to Send or E-Mail to your Senators and Representative - Stop the Impeachment!!!!
------- Copy and Paste letter below.............
I am writing to demand that you take a strong and public stand against the latest sham impeachment effort being pushed against President Trump. This is nothing more than another chapter in the relentless witch hunt that began during his first term, where he endured two baseless impeachments driven by partisan politics rather than facts.
The American people are sick and tired of these political games. We see through the corruption and manipulation at play. Instead of focusing on the real issues affecting everyday Americans—our economy, border security, crime, and international threats—Democrats and their allies are once again weaponizing impeachment for their own agenda. This is an outright abuse of power and a disgrace to our constitutional system.
I urge you to fight back against this nonsense. Speak out. Push back. Do everything in your power to expose this charade for what it is. The American people are watching, and we expect our elected officials to stand up for truth and fairness, not allow this circus to continue unchecked.
I look forward to your response and to seeing you take action.
A Letter for Y'all to Send or E-Mail to your Senators and Representative - Stop the Impeachment!!!!
------- Copy and Paste letter below.............
I am writing to demand that you take a strong and public stand against the latest sham impeachment effort being pushed against President Trump. This is nothing more than another chapter in the relentless witch hunt that began during his first term, where he endured two baseless impeachments driven by partisan politics rather than facts.
The American people are sick and tired of these political games. We see through the corruption and manipulation at play. Instead of focusing on the real issues affecting everyday Americans—our economy, border security, crime, and international threats—Democrats and their allies are once again weaponizing impeachment for their own agenda. This is an outright abuse of power and a disgrace to our constitutional system.
I urge you to fight back against this nonsense. Speak out. Push back. Do everything in your power to expose this charade for what it is. The American people are watching, and we expect our elected officials to stand up for truth and fairness, not allow this circus to continue unchecked.
I look forward to your response and to seeing you take action.
Why Democrats version of Socialism is bad for the people
Socialism in it's three forms of Communism, Fascism, and Socialism presents itself as a benevolent way to help the Common people overcome the 'abuses' of the rich and powerful. That is the ongoing lie it has always perpetuated. However it is just a reiteration of the Master/Slave relationship so predominant throughout human history.
When you take a long hard look at it, in retrospect you can see where the Elite Leaders have led their government into conning their people into believing slavery to a ruling class, is in effect freedom and a better way of life for the people. This includes Capitalism as well, but to a much lesser extent. At least with Capitalism, and the limiting factor of a voluntarily enforced Written Constitution, there is always an existing chance for the people to work towards a better life for themselves and their families in a free society.
Look at the governing philosophy advocated by the NWO and the WEF. Look at other controlled or indoctrinated groups with leaders like Klaus Schwab. Once you compare them to what the Democrats have been induced, recruited, or bribed into promoting, you'll see how completely controlled, manipulated, and brainwashed, their supporters have been duped into believing.
For any form of Socilism to work, it takes a self installed ruling class. A ruling Class promoting the form of government they see something in, that benefits them personally, instead of their publicly stated benefits to the common folks about helping them.
They start with a program specifically constructed to play on peoples moral principles and charitable natures. A program supposely to make everyones lives better and more equal. In retrospect after that's established, it starts their existing civilization falling into disrepair and dissolution and collapse.
They do this using misdirection, lies, innuendo, false compassion, self destructive programs, ridiculing religion, destroying morality, bastardizing science, rewriting history, all disguised as helping the downtrodden. This goes on until the overburdened social order collapses under it's own weight.
Concurrently, they gradually impose their new order, traditions, morality, religion of non-religion, to realign the mindset of the populace. From the beginning on, they set themselves up as benevolent leaders, promoting the same goals and lifestyles as the common people, while living the lifestyles of Kings.
For example; Look at the contrast between what Senator Bernie Sanders promotes for his voters and what he does for himself; He advocates they should live in financial and lifestyle equality. Have their 'rich oppressors' turn over all profits and money above the common financial and lifestyle level. Have those profits distributed equally to the people.
Compare that with the actual lifestyle he lives, and his increasing monetary worth.
Now compare all of this, with what the Democrats have done and still are Advocate doing. They have been trying to take down everything built up since the beginning. Generation upon generation of tried and true societal morality and traditions. Doing it under under the false flags of diversity, equality, inclusion and compassion. In fact the way they do it, actuality destroys everything they say it's accomplishing, while setting up their few as a ruling class unto themselves. They believe they are razing the existing society to benefit themselves. Until we can make them believe that won't happen, we will be at risk of total destuction. Same goes for the players on the world stage.
Compare them with what Trumps doing; Trump advocates restoring the once common principles of our floundering society. A return to common decency. A return to tried and true morality and integrity. A Return to common sense and honesty. A return to a hand up, not a hand out and self reliance. A return to a meritocracy not to the lowest common denominator, just to name the basics Trump wants to see America embrace as a nation again.
When you take a long hard look at it, in retrospect you can see where the Elite Leaders have led their government into conning their people into believing slavery to a ruling class, is in effect freedom and a better way of life for the people. This includes Capitalism as well, but to a much lesser extent. At least with Capitalism, and the limiting factor of a voluntarily enforced Written Constitution, there is always an existing chance for the people to work towards a better life for themselves and their families in a free society.
Look at the governing philosophy advocated by the NWO and the WEF. Look at other controlled or indoctrinated groups with leaders like Klaus Schwab. Once you compare them to what the Democrats have been induced, recruited, or bribed into promoting, you'll see how completely controlled, manipulated, and brainwashed, their supporters have been duped into believing.
For any form of Socilism to work, it takes a self installed ruling class. A ruling Class promoting the form of government they see something in, that benefits them personally, instead of their publicly stated benefits to the common folks about helping them.
They start with a program specifically constructed to play on peoples moral principles and charitable natures. A program supposely to make everyones lives better and more equal. In retrospect after that's established, it starts their existing civilization falling into disrepair and dissolution and collapse.
They do this using misdirection, lies, innuendo, false compassion, self destructive programs, ridiculing religion, destroying morality, bastardizing science, rewriting history, all disguised as helping the downtrodden. This goes on until the overburdened social order collapses under it's own weight.
Concurrently, they gradually impose their new order, traditions, morality, religion of non-religion, to realign the mindset of the populace. From the beginning on, they set themselves up as benevolent leaders, promoting the same goals and lifestyles as the common people, while living the lifestyles of Kings.
For example; Look at the contrast between what Senator Bernie Sanders promotes for his voters and what he does for himself; He advocates they should live in financial and lifestyle equality. Have their 'rich oppressors' turn over all profits and money above the common financial and lifestyle level. Have those profits distributed equally to the people.
Compare that with the actual lifestyle he lives, and his increasing monetary worth.
Now compare all of this, with what the Democrats have done and still are Advocate doing. They have been trying to take down everything built up since the beginning. Generation upon generation of tried and true societal morality and traditions. Doing it under under the false flags of diversity, equality, inclusion and compassion. In fact the way they do it, actuality destroys everything they say it's accomplishing, while setting up their few as a ruling class unto themselves. They believe they are razing the existing society to benefit themselves. Until we can make them believe that won't happen, we will be at risk of total destuction. Same goes for the players on the world stage.
Compare them with what Trumps doing; Trump advocates restoring the once common principles of our floundering society. A return to common decency. A return to tried and true morality and integrity. A Return to common sense and honesty. A return to a hand up, not a hand out and self reliance. A return to a meritocracy not to the lowest common denominator, just to name the basics Trump wants to see America embrace as a nation again.
15 days into the respite Trump gave us
Today in America it is 15 days into the respite Trump has given us, from the destruction levied on us by the corrupt Democrats and the global elitists who control them one way or another. IMHO!
The next 4 years will be the most critical years in Americas history including the Revolution, 1812 War, Civil War, WWI, and WWII. Everything hinges on establishing or actually re-establishing our traditional social order and morality. To do that we will have to do everything possible to reverse the last 112 years of Democratic Malfeasance and Defilement, by the Globalist Elites, who have chosen forms of Marxism to try and takeover the world.
Like Bernie Eisenfield who pretends to be a Socialist, but is a typical socialist Multi-Millionaire/leader because of his position as are all of his Democrat contemporaries, who are pretending to be for the little guy, while reaping the benefits and money from the labors of others.
Trump is bringing the retribution full speed, to try and insure the damage done by the Democrats will be reversed, and new orders will be in place by the end of the second year. Furthemore we must primary every Hard Left Democrat and every corrupt RINO, to insure they are kicked out of Congress. Then we will get more conservative members elected.
While we are doing that, we desperately need to work tirelessly and concurrently in our home States, to get our State Legislators to petition Congress for a States called Article-V Amendment Proposal Convention. With a States called Article-V, Congress must by Constitutional Law, call it, and step back for the people to run it through the States. This means for the first time the American People will have the ability to propose Amendments without Congressional input or interference. Congress can't even change one word of the proposals. When they are delivered to Congress, they must be sent out to all 50 states for Ratification. Bear in mind all delegates to the Article-V must agree on the wording of any proposals, and even the State Legislatures can't interfere with the peoples desires for the wording of an amendment.
Finally, it's NOT a Constitutional Convention, and the main body of the Constitution cannot be opened and changed. What Amendments do is change how the sections of the Constitution are interpreted by Courts, the People, and Politicians. Besides that, amendments are not permanent changes because they can be, and have been, repealed, (the 18th for instance).
If we want Trump's changes to survive the next Democrat superiority in Congress and the next Democrat President, we will have to lock them in with Amendments to stave off a potential back and forth rivalry situation between the parties in power. Just like the last 16 years when Obama made certain changes, Trump came along and switched them, Biden reversed almost everything Trump placed, and how quick Trump is repealing all of Biden's damaging changes, and also the Bureaucracy.
If this keeps up everything in America will be in constant flux until it crashes and burns.
A States petitioned for Article-V will be the only way the American people will be able to stop this from happening.
Finally, America must embrace a return to God, and keep the Commandments. Outside of their religious context, the Commandments are basically a blueprint for a workable human society, but only if we follow their intent as well as their strictures.
Amarica, I will be praying that we all realize this is our last chance to "Save America and maintain our Freedoms". If America falls, the Constitution will only be a piece of scrap paper to our enemies who will have overthrown us.
The Tradesman
The next 4 years will be the most critical years in Americas history including the Revolution, 1812 War, Civil War, WWI, and WWII. Everything hinges on establishing or actually re-establishing our traditional social order and morality. To do that we will have to do everything possible to reverse the last 112 years of Democratic Malfeasance and Defilement, by the Globalist Elites, who have chosen forms of Marxism to try and takeover the world.
Like Bernie Eisenfield who pretends to be a Socialist, but is a typical socialist Multi-Millionaire/leader because of his position as are all of his Democrat contemporaries, who are pretending to be for the little guy, while reaping the benefits and money from the labors of others.
Trump is bringing the retribution full speed, to try and insure the damage done by the Democrats will be reversed, and new orders will be in place by the end of the second year. Furthemore we must primary every Hard Left Democrat and every corrupt RINO, to insure they are kicked out of Congress. Then we will get more conservative members elected.
While we are doing that, we desperately need to work tirelessly and concurrently in our home States, to get our State Legislators to petition Congress for a States called Article-V Amendment Proposal Convention. With a States called Article-V, Congress must by Constitutional Law, call it, and step back for the people to run it through the States. This means for the first time the American People will have the ability to propose Amendments without Congressional input or interference. Congress can't even change one word of the proposals. When they are delivered to Congress, they must be sent out to all 50 states for Ratification. Bear in mind all delegates to the Article-V must agree on the wording of any proposals, and even the State Legislatures can't interfere with the peoples desires for the wording of an amendment.
Finally, it's NOT a Constitutional Convention, and the main body of the Constitution cannot be opened and changed. What Amendments do is change how the sections of the Constitution are interpreted by Courts, the People, and Politicians. Besides that, amendments are not permanent changes because they can be, and have been, repealed, (the 18th for instance).
If we want Trump's changes to survive the next Democrat superiority in Congress and the next Democrat President, we will have to lock them in with Amendments to stave off a potential back and forth rivalry situation between the parties in power. Just like the last 16 years when Obama made certain changes, Trump came along and switched them, Biden reversed almost everything Trump placed, and how quick Trump is repealing all of Biden's damaging changes, and also the Bureaucracy.
If this keeps up everything in America will be in constant flux until it crashes and burns.
A States petitioned for Article-V will be the only way the American people will be able to stop this from happening.
Finally, America must embrace a return to God, and keep the Commandments. Outside of their religious context, the Commandments are basically a blueprint for a workable human society, but only if we follow their intent as well as their strictures.
Amarica, I will be praying that we all realize this is our last chance to "Save America and maintain our Freedoms". If America falls, the Constitution will only be a piece of scrap paper to our enemies who will have overthrown us.
The Tradesman
Congress Slaps America In The Face Once Again!
I see the piglets feeding at the public trough, are once again slapping down Americans wishes, and taking their marching orders from their hidden elite masters. Voters who elected them to REPRESENT, not to rule over them. The latest vote on the bloated CR proves that! All the outcry about public spending, and all the exposure of shady dealings, still did nothing to curb the excess greed processed through that package deal called a Continuing resolution.
I can now confidently state; If the American People do not start acting immediatly to use the Article-V measure for a "States called Article-V Amendment Proposal Convention", to cut our iniquitious Congress out of the process, we will never again have any control over our government.
Our Founders put Article-V in as a safety valve, to allow the people to stop the government when it's so totally out of control like it now is. To do so without waging a shooting war to control it. We know every Amendment so far, has been exclusively been originated by Congress. Those Amendments have by benefited Congress more than America and the American people, by giving legal interpretations of the Constitution, and contrary to what the Founders intended the Constitution was supposed to do to protect for the people.
Every time the people have tried to access Article-V through their States, they have been thwarted by a concerted effort to block and scare them off. Usually the methods center around the Falsehood if the States called an Article-V it would create a Constitutional Convention which could and would open the main body of the Constitution to be rewritten. THAT IS A LIE!
If it were true about opening the Constitution to change, don't you think the corrupted elements in Congress would have already done it to benefit themselves even more? The safeguards in place which restrain Congress, also restrain States, from opening the main body of the Constitution to change it. Granted, Amendments can be created, changed, or repealed, but that is exactly what Article-V was designed and intended to do. The safety factor is how those changes are ratified.
For an Amendment to be proposed by the States, the amendment proposal wording, must be exactly the same for every State in the convention, and agreed on. It must be worded as agreed on by the States delegates to the Convention, when submitted to Congress to be sent out for Ratification. Congress can not change or alter anything about the proposed Amendment. When Proposals that fulfill those criterion are presented to Congress, even if they already have the 3/4 approval of the States, Congress MUST send that proposal out to all 50 States for a formal Ratification vote. At this point, it takes 38 States to approval to Ratify an Amendment.
The process is the same for the States as it is for Congress; For Congress a proposal must be made on the floor. The specific wording of the ;pro;posal must be agreed on by members of Congress. When that criterion has been reached, it's then sent out to all 50 States for formal Ratification. Congress has proposed approximately 11,848 measures to amend the Constitution from 1789 to Jan 3, 2019. During the course of history, 27 Amendments have been ratified and one repealed. Six additional Amendments have been submitted to the States, and have not been Ratified. 307 U.S. 433 (1939)
Does anyone wonder what those Amendments proposed by Congress only, to change the interpretation of the articles of the Constitution, would have done to America? It all comes down to this; WHO DO YOU TRUST MORE WITH OUR FUTURE, CONGRESS OR OUR FELLOW AMERICANS?
The Tradesman
I can now confidently state; If the American People do not start acting immediatly to use the Article-V measure for a "States called Article-V Amendment Proposal Convention", to cut our iniquitious Congress out of the process, we will never again have any control over our government.
Our Founders put Article-V in as a safety valve, to allow the people to stop the government when it's so totally out of control like it now is. To do so without waging a shooting war to control it. We know every Amendment so far, has been exclusively been originated by Congress. Those Amendments have by benefited Congress more than America and the American people, by giving legal interpretations of the Constitution, and contrary to what the Founders intended the Constitution was supposed to do to protect for the people.
Every time the people have tried to access Article-V through their States, they have been thwarted by a concerted effort to block and scare them off. Usually the methods center around the Falsehood if the States called an Article-V it would create a Constitutional Convention which could and would open the main body of the Constitution to be rewritten. THAT IS A LIE!
If it were true about opening the Constitution to change, don't you think the corrupted elements in Congress would have already done it to benefit themselves even more? The safeguards in place which restrain Congress, also restrain States, from opening the main body of the Constitution to change it. Granted, Amendments can be created, changed, or repealed, but that is exactly what Article-V was designed and intended to do. The safety factor is how those changes are ratified.
For an Amendment to be proposed by the States, the amendment proposal wording, must be exactly the same for every State in the convention, and agreed on. It must be worded as agreed on by the States delegates to the Convention, when submitted to Congress to be sent out for Ratification. Congress can not change or alter anything about the proposed Amendment. When Proposals that fulfill those criterion are presented to Congress, even if they already have the 3/4 approval of the States, Congress MUST send that proposal out to all 50 States for a formal Ratification vote. At this point, it takes 38 States to approval to Ratify an Amendment.
The process is the same for the States as it is for Congress; For Congress a proposal must be made on the floor. The specific wording of the ;pro;posal must be agreed on by members of Congress. When that criterion has been reached, it's then sent out to all 50 States for formal Ratification. Congress has proposed approximately 11,848 measures to amend the Constitution from 1789 to Jan 3, 2019. During the course of history, 27 Amendments have been ratified and one repealed. Six additional Amendments have been submitted to the States, and have not been Ratified. 307 U.S. 433 (1939)
Does anyone wonder what those Amendments proposed by Congress only, to change the interpretation of the articles of the Constitution, would have done to America? It all comes down to this; WHO DO YOU TRUST MORE WITH OUR FUTURE, CONGRESS OR OUR FELLOW AMERICANS?
The Tradesman
God and American Beliefs
I fail to see why certain liberal people get so upset when anyone talks about or even says they believe in God. They seem to get even more upset when anyone talks about Jesus as their Savior and Redeemer. The true Marxist/Socialists are non-believers, and they want to impose their lack of belief on everyone else. They want that because they want to be considered the highest power anywhere. America over the last two or three decades, has been slipping into the idea that there is no God, and, the Ten Commandments are mythological/antique artifacts whose time has past.
I personally believe there is a Supreme Being. A being that our small minds can not understand. We universely call that being GOD. We use analogies to try and comprehend what the being we call GOD is. That's why we have so many diverse religions. The divisions between Religions, and how they view God, and in their rituals to honor God. That causes much friction.
It's strange because every Religion considers there is only one true God. So, in actuality we who revere and honor God, are all praying to and trying to please the same Supreme Being.
In general, all the major religions, have some form of the 10 commandments as an integral part of their belief system. The non-believers also have a system that mimics, but does not work as well as the moral lessons of the Ten Commandments. Commandments we used to try to incorporate into, and practice in our society.
When you look at it from a civilization viewpoint, you see the Ten Commandments are the most concise ground rules for a workable human society, bar none. They work! The concepts behind them work. They stop abuse and excessive behavior on moral grounds. They teach Honesty and Integrity. They also teach honor. Our Societies adherence to them in spirit and fact, offers a benevolent moral and spiritual society. What's wrong with that?
At one time America was a stalwart Christian Nation. Believing in God, and keeping the Ten Commandments. Our Founders were mostly all Christian, or saw the impact to our fledgling nation as benefiting from the moral and social foundation that Christian morality provided. They also saw the need to keep the spiritual aspect incorporated in creating our laws, but not writing Christian Religious Dogma into law. Therefore they wrote into law, a seperation of church and state. This did not mean the United States would be godless, it meant the United States would not have a sanctioned formal State Religion like England had.
The watershed moment when rejection of our traditional values manifested publicly, was with the Madalyn Murray O'hare ruling. The ruling where the extremely liberal/left Supreme Court of Chief Justice Earl Warren, took God out of schools, and the purge of God from Federal, State, and Local government began. That was the beginning of what some say immoral, and what some say Godless, decisions of courts and law makers began. It won't end until America takes God back into the process and returns to 'letting but not forcing' God back in schools and other government functions, then using the Ten Commandments as moral guidelines for laws and regulations we live by.
I personally believe there is a Supreme Being. A being that our small minds can not understand. We universely call that being GOD. We use analogies to try and comprehend what the being we call GOD is. That's why we have so many diverse religions. The divisions between Religions, and how they view God, and in their rituals to honor God. That causes much friction.
It's strange because every Religion considers there is only one true God. So, in actuality we who revere and honor God, are all praying to and trying to please the same Supreme Being.
In general, all the major religions, have some form of the 10 commandments as an integral part of their belief system. The non-believers also have a system that mimics, but does not work as well as the moral lessons of the Ten Commandments. Commandments we used to try to incorporate into, and practice in our society.
When you look at it from a civilization viewpoint, you see the Ten Commandments are the most concise ground rules for a workable human society, bar none. They work! The concepts behind them work. They stop abuse and excessive behavior on moral grounds. They teach Honesty and Integrity. They also teach honor. Our Societies adherence to them in spirit and fact, offers a benevolent moral and spiritual society. What's wrong with that?
At one time America was a stalwart Christian Nation. Believing in God, and keeping the Ten Commandments. Our Founders were mostly all Christian, or saw the impact to our fledgling nation as benefiting from the moral and social foundation that Christian morality provided. They also saw the need to keep the spiritual aspect incorporated in creating our laws, but not writing Christian Religious Dogma into law. Therefore they wrote into law, a seperation of church and state. This did not mean the United States would be godless, it meant the United States would not have a sanctioned formal State Religion like England had.
The watershed moment when rejection of our traditional values manifested publicly, was with the Madalyn Murray O'hare ruling. The ruling where the extremely liberal/left Supreme Court of Chief Justice Earl Warren, took God out of schools, and the purge of God from Federal, State, and Local government began. That was the beginning of what some say immoral, and what some say Godless, decisions of courts and law makers began. It won't end until America takes God back into the process and returns to 'letting but not forcing' God back in schools and other government functions, then using the Ten Commandments as moral guidelines for laws and regulations we live by.
We Must Reform or Lose
Today, we need to re-evaluate our position on what this country needs to do, to reform itself back to the original intent of the Founders. The Founding Principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence, were categorized in the creation of the Constitution. Though it was a wonder in it's time, it still had many problems then, as it does now. That is the reason the Founders included Article-V.
Just as the authority was given by act of Congress to revise the Articles of the Confederation of the Perpetual Union, it also gave a one time authorization, to the delegates of what became the Constitutional Convention. Article-V gives the Congress, and also the people through their States, the rights to amend, not the wording of the Constitution, but the way the Justice System interprets the intent of that wording. On how to apply Constitutional Law to every law, regulation, or practice.
Article-V allows Federal Legislators authority to correct any problem the changing times creates. It also gives the people the 'supreme authority' to overrule their own government. So far our government, through the actions of Congress, has modified the intent of the Constitution 27 times.
There have been approximately 11,000 other Amendments proposed and never ratified by the people into law. Affirming the people, as the highest authority in the land, have the final say on how they will govern themselves.
(https://constitutionus.com/constitution/amendments/constitutional-amendments/) It is what keeps our Representatives from becoming our Overlords and Task Masters.
We have all seen how the Government has incrementally but consistently moved forward inserting itself as the ruler in our lives instead of it's proper designated role as our servant.
We have seen how President Trump tried to reform the Federal Government. Likewise we have also seen how quick the embedded elements who created the usurpation of the peoples legitimate power, changed them back by edict or executive order. We can no longer allow that to happen. We can no longer believe our Federal Government will act in our best interests instead of their own.
The only way to take back our rightful authority is through the Amendment Process. The process is so lengthy and complicated to make it hard to change the interpretation of the Constitution for trivial reasons, and acts as a check and balance. The Congress has the authority to create laws, but those laws are constrained by Constitutional Limitations. The limitations are the checks and balances on Congressional law making powers.
Congress has seen fit to create all of the 27 amendments/changes interpreting the Constitution, since the Constitution was originally ratified. Strangely enough, the people through their States, have not had an amendment convention to propose/repeal amendments. In fact this action has been discouraged by many politically active naysayers over the years. If the people finally did get a proposal convention, the main losers would be the Congressional powers taken from the people by some Congressionally proposed Amendments.
As an example; The 17th Amendment gave people the right to vote for Senators. Until then, the Senators by Constitutional Law, were appointed Representatives of their respective States Legislatures under the Sherman Compromise, to insure Equal Representation in Congress, of every State in America regardless of it's population and size. Since the 17th was ratified, the Senators have devolved into representatives of their political parties and party agendas, instead of representing the People or the States in Congress to Congress.
My position is, this Amendment should be repealed like the 18th was repealed.
Another amendment which would benefit the people and their States would be to get a term limit amendment ratified that included:
Pay to be voted on by the people instead of allowing Congress to just give themselves a raise.
Retirement and healthcare packages for Congress to be the same as given to the people by Social Security/Medicare, but not to disallow any private packages personally paid for but independent from the Government.
Modifying the 14th amendment due process clause to forbid Anchor Babies.
Preventing Congress from giving funds from social/welfare programs,et.al.to any illegal alien/s
Eliminating the Federal Reserve and return money creation back to the Treasury under the original Tresury rules and regulations. All laws rules and regulations to be written in common language understood by average Americans.
Allowing the Legal American Citizen Voters to overturn any law or ruling by a 70% vote against it in a scheduled or special election.
Plus any more proposals the people may want to see.
Those posibilities are why a States called Convention, is the greatest fear of the hidebound politician or political party.
To preserve the Union, we must demand our State Legislatures petition Congress for an Article-V convention.
Just as the authority was given by act of Congress to revise the Articles of the Confederation of the Perpetual Union, it also gave a one time authorization, to the delegates of what became the Constitutional Convention. Article-V gives the Congress, and also the people through their States, the rights to amend, not the wording of the Constitution, but the way the Justice System interprets the intent of that wording. On how to apply Constitutional Law to every law, regulation, or practice.
Article-V allows Federal Legislators authority to correct any problem the changing times creates. It also gives the people the 'supreme authority' to overrule their own government. So far our government, through the actions of Congress, has modified the intent of the Constitution 27 times.
There have been approximately 11,000 other Amendments proposed and never ratified by the people into law. Affirming the people, as the highest authority in the land, have the final say on how they will govern themselves.
(https://constitutionus.com/constitution/amendments/constitutional-amendments/) It is what keeps our Representatives from becoming our Overlords and Task Masters.
We have all seen how the Government has incrementally but consistently moved forward inserting itself as the ruler in our lives instead of it's proper designated role as our servant.
We have seen how President Trump tried to reform the Federal Government. Likewise we have also seen how quick the embedded elements who created the usurpation of the peoples legitimate power, changed them back by edict or executive order. We can no longer allow that to happen. We can no longer believe our Federal Government will act in our best interests instead of their own.
The only way to take back our rightful authority is through the Amendment Process. The process is so lengthy and complicated to make it hard to change the interpretation of the Constitution for trivial reasons, and acts as a check and balance. The Congress has the authority to create laws, but those laws are constrained by Constitutional Limitations. The limitations are the checks and balances on Congressional law making powers.
Congress has seen fit to create all of the 27 amendments/changes interpreting the Constitution, since the Constitution was originally ratified. Strangely enough, the people through their States, have not had an amendment convention to propose/repeal amendments. In fact this action has been discouraged by many politically active naysayers over the years. If the people finally did get a proposal convention, the main losers would be the Congressional powers taken from the people by some Congressionally proposed Amendments.
As an example; The 17th Amendment gave people the right to vote for Senators. Until then, the Senators by Constitutional Law, were appointed Representatives of their respective States Legislatures under the Sherman Compromise, to insure Equal Representation in Congress, of every State in America regardless of it's population and size. Since the 17th was ratified, the Senators have devolved into representatives of their political parties and party agendas, instead of representing the People or the States in Congress to Congress.
My position is, this Amendment should be repealed like the 18th was repealed.
Another amendment which would benefit the people and their States would be to get a term limit amendment ratified that included:
Pay to be voted on by the people instead of allowing Congress to just give themselves a raise.
Retirement and healthcare packages for Congress to be the same as given to the people by Social Security/Medicare, but not to disallow any private packages personally paid for but independent from the Government.
Modifying the 14th amendment due process clause to forbid Anchor Babies.
Preventing Congress from giving funds from social/welfare programs,et.al.to any illegal alien/s
Eliminating the Federal Reserve and return money creation back to the Treasury under the original Tresury rules and regulations. All laws rules and regulations to be written in common language understood by average Americans.
Allowing the Legal American Citizen Voters to overturn any law or ruling by a 70% vote against it in a scheduled or special election.
Plus any more proposals the people may want to see.
Those posibilities are why a States called Convention, is the greatest fear of the hidebound politician or political party.
To preserve the Union, we must demand our State Legislatures petition Congress for an Article-V convention.
Our Vanishing Constitutional Rights
Since 1837 Democrats have tried to get our guns; 1837 Ga. Acts 90, An Act to Guard and Protect the Citizens of this State, Against the Unwarrantable and too Prevalent use of Deadly Weapons, § 1. [" it shall not be lawful for any merchant, or vender of wares or merchandize in this State, or any other person or persons whatsoever, to sell, or offer to sell, or to keep, or to have about their person or elsewhere, any of the hereinafter described weapons, to wit: Bowie, or any other kinds of knives, manufactured and sold for the purpose of wearing, or carrying the same as arms of offence or defense, pistols, dirks, sword canes, spears, &c., shall also be contemplated in this act, save such pistols as are known and used as horseman's pistols, &c."] was proposed by the Democrats.
All through the ages, the Democrats have been trying to remove our means of self defense, It started when they deliberately started calling the 2nd-A a Firearms Amendment. In plain fact the 2nd-A is an Arms Protection Amendment. The accepted definition of Arms when the Amendment was written included ALL ARMS that the military had access to plus any new innovations in Arms. The purpose was to give Americans the means to defend themselves against a professional, Army, and Navy and currently in the modern World Air Force and Space Force, and their own Government. Technically all the modern weapons and weapon systems are included but they don't want us to know that.
Just taking into account modern firearms, the Liberal Hard Left Gun Grabbers have not and will not accept anything but total disarmament of the public as the end result. They have found ways around the 2nd and will continue trying to until either they get their way or are strictly forbidden from making any Law, Rule, Restriction or Regulation about weapons unless the public votes to approve those Laws, Rules, Restrictions and Regulations in a clearly worded Yes or No vote of 3/4 to individually affirm every one of those those Existing or Future Laws, Rules, Restrictions or Regulations.
The only way we have a chance of putting the shackles back on our overreaching government is to propose a States Controlled Amendment Proposal Convention under the guidance of Article-V of the Constitution. That way we are prevented from opening a Constitutional Convention and changing the original wording of our constitution. Remember that Amendments are temporary guides to the interpretation of the basic Constitution not permanent changes.
See; Timeline of Gun Control in the United States. https://www.thoughtco.com/us-gun-control-timeline-3963620 To verify their attempts.
Every Restriction cited in that article goes against the intent of the 2nd-A, and every restriction resulted in a more violent America because kids were not taught or disciplined how to use them properly and have the proper respect for life. Until the 1938 law was enacted the laws could be considered acceptable unless the people themselves decided against them, but they didn't have that choice under the prevailing conditions. Still there were groups that continued to train and instill positive values in young shooters. The Director of civilian Marksmanship ( a government agency) taught generations of American kids to shoot safely and morally, and be competitive with sports shooting clubs, sponsored by many schools and churches.
However, in the 1960's things took a wrong turn with the 1968 gun control act. The Gun Control Act of 1968 was enacted for the purpose of “keeping firearms out of the hands of those not legally entitled to possess them because of age, criminal background, or incompetence.” There was never a real problem doing that before then, but it did take away the sobering influence of adults passing on their knowledge and morals to the younger generation. That era was rife with basically propaganda movies about how evil guns were. Those movies displayed gratuitous violence and Anti-heroes.
From there everything went downhill with more restrictions, less training, and more senseless violence which the general public had little to no defense against.
At this point in history the American people have lost control of their government and won't get it back until strong government limiting public oversight amendments are proposed and ratified.
Every Time the Biden ATF has imposed a new Rule/Law/Regulation even though the Constitution forbids anyone but Congress from enacting laws, and that Rule/Law/Regulation was shut down by a Court Order they came back to challenge that order ( Including trying to go around a Supreme Court Order) in another way to get the same response. They just won't give up and obey the intent of the law or ruling. Unless we directly and clearly Outright Forbid the Government and it's agencies from doing this, they will keep wasting time and tax money until they finally chip away the Second Amendment.
We are losing everything, and doing nothing necessary to stop it and prevent further losses of our Freedoms.
Video List showcasing these points;
This video is now the rule rather than the exception in how the ATF and other agencies are being directed to act against guns and other weapons by the Democrat Administration IMHO!
The Tradesman
All through the ages, the Democrats have been trying to remove our means of self defense, It started when they deliberately started calling the 2nd-A a Firearms Amendment. In plain fact the 2nd-A is an Arms Protection Amendment. The accepted definition of Arms when the Amendment was written included ALL ARMS that the military had access to plus any new innovations in Arms. The purpose was to give Americans the means to defend themselves against a professional, Army, and Navy and currently in the modern World Air Force and Space Force, and their own Government. Technically all the modern weapons and weapon systems are included but they don't want us to know that.
Just taking into account modern firearms, the Liberal Hard Left Gun Grabbers have not and will not accept anything but total disarmament of the public as the end result. They have found ways around the 2nd and will continue trying to until either they get their way or are strictly forbidden from making any Law, Rule, Restriction or Regulation about weapons unless the public votes to approve those Laws, Rules, Restrictions and Regulations in a clearly worded Yes or No vote of 3/4 to individually affirm every one of those those Existing or Future Laws, Rules, Restrictions or Regulations.
The only way we have a chance of putting the shackles back on our overreaching government is to propose a States Controlled Amendment Proposal Convention under the guidance of Article-V of the Constitution. That way we are prevented from opening a Constitutional Convention and changing the original wording of our constitution. Remember that Amendments are temporary guides to the interpretation of the basic Constitution not permanent changes.
See; Timeline of Gun Control in the United States. https://www.thoughtco.com/us-gun-control-timeline-3963620 To verify their attempts.
Every Restriction cited in that article goes against the intent of the 2nd-A, and every restriction resulted in a more violent America because kids were not taught or disciplined how to use them properly and have the proper respect for life. Until the 1938 law was enacted the laws could be considered acceptable unless the people themselves decided against them, but they didn't have that choice under the prevailing conditions. Still there were groups that continued to train and instill positive values in young shooters. The Director of civilian Marksmanship ( a government agency) taught generations of American kids to shoot safely and morally, and be competitive with sports shooting clubs, sponsored by many schools and churches.
However, in the 1960's things took a wrong turn with the 1968 gun control act. The Gun Control Act of 1968 was enacted for the purpose of “keeping firearms out of the hands of those not legally entitled to possess them because of age, criminal background, or incompetence.” There was never a real problem doing that before then, but it did take away the sobering influence of adults passing on their knowledge and morals to the younger generation. That era was rife with basically propaganda movies about how evil guns were. Those movies displayed gratuitous violence and Anti-heroes.
From there everything went downhill with more restrictions, less training, and more senseless violence which the general public had little to no defense against.
At this point in history the American people have lost control of their government and won't get it back until strong government limiting public oversight amendments are proposed and ratified.
Every Time the Biden ATF has imposed a new Rule/Law/Regulation even though the Constitution forbids anyone but Congress from enacting laws, and that Rule/Law/Regulation was shut down by a Court Order they came back to challenge that order ( Including trying to go around a Supreme Court Order) in another way to get the same response. They just won't give up and obey the intent of the law or ruling. Unless we directly and clearly Outright Forbid the Government and it's agencies from doing this, they will keep wasting time and tax money until they finally chip away the Second Amendment.
We are losing everything, and doing nothing necessary to stop it and prevent further losses of our Freedoms.
Video List showcasing these points;
This video is now the rule rather than the exception in how the ATF and other agencies are being directed to act against guns and other weapons by the Democrat Administration IMHO!
The Tradesman
Sad State Of Our Nation
Every Day we see more and more corruption and filth, and an American Public steeped in disappointment in our Government. The elite in power are the ones that actually outright act in word and deed like they HATE America with a passion, and work to destroy it. Corrupt media tells the story over and over in a 30 minute compromised news cycle looped 24 hours a day. We stand witness. While the majority of Americans stand as witness to this destruction they ask, "what can we do to stop it?"
Let us consider the border situation. On the surface it easily seems to be a ploy by the Democrats for votes to keep them perpetually in power and control. I say easily because our society is programmed to quickly assume and point fingers to the other side to assess blame, but not so easily taught to question everything and ask a first principle question, who programs us to divide in the first place so that they might conquer? There is a more sinister component that is the pillar, nail, and plank of that foul platform. (explain the deep state here) How basic is the tactic Those Who Control employ, they depart far from Founding Principles toward the hard left, forcibly replacing (rural?) traditional America one cause and effect at a time. The pace by which this transformation of America is happening is breathless, those sounding the warning for years are acutely aware of our rapid decline. The technocrat, autocrat, one word vision comes to America primarily through Democrat hidden controllers but there are many of the same clothe who claim to carry the Republican banner too. Complete and complex corruption has taken over the halls and chambers of American government.
Rural America still believes in and remembers the traditions and ideals The Founding Fathers penned in our oldest documents and recorded in our earliest history. Traditional Americans from the rural areas, the farms and the small cities, the hard working middle class who do the work that keeps America going see the likes of Bill Gates buying up farmland, development swallowing up our fields to stand cut and paste housing. American Manufacturing has been exiled to foreign countries, our medicines come from China as are many of the illegals who now flood our open borders. Those who seek the destruction of America are no longer a warning of things to come...they are here. They walk among us and they own the people who constitute our government in Washington D.C. There will be no resistance to their complete takeover, and their eventual iron control of our nation.
The Controllers think they will be able to control everyone they have imported. America is being presently faced by the devastating problem that our corrupted system of controlled government is not doing any diligent back ground checks, no DNA testing, no medical testing, they are not even checking what is being brought in by the ersatz (?) refugees they fly, bus and quietly release in the dead of night across our country. Giving illegals who have entered our county a Carte Blanche access to every place in America, and financing the agenda to open these floodgates of unknown humanity with hard earned taxpayer money. These illegal persons are being given free phones, lodging, food, money, committing crimes with impunity and causing massive burden to the cities and communities where they are being dumped.
The current Administration we call our Government is ruled in fee simple by mentally deficient and deranged individuals being controlled by vainglorious narcissists' who's desire for power, control, and wealth will never be sated. They are the ones who truly hate the very things they can't control, and America has so far been uncontrollable by them.
A recent case of illegal immigration by 20 military age Chinese males allowed to brazenly walk across the Southern Border, were found to be target practicing with rifles and hand guns. Where did they get them? Who funded their journeys here, gave them the new clothes they are wearing, provides them with the supplies that they carry? An illegal and/or non-citizen foreigner, by law, is not allowed to purchase a legal firearm or ammunition. So, where did they get them? Were any of these target practicing weapons fully automatic? Were these foreign illegals arrested? Were they even stopped or questioned?
Why do you think the Biden Administration is spreading them out predominantly in Rural America or in Red Cities? The Texas Governor has sought to turn the tables on the massive illegal foreign invasion crossing our border and is bussing these non-citizens to the Blue "Sanctuary Cities" who first preached that our country should be welcoming them here when they were burdening someone somewhere else. Now as they feel the impacts and are being forced to the reality of unwelcome invasion themselves they too are loudly complaining about them. As many ask what the foreign invasion is going to look like further down the road for our country we need to look at what this policy has done to Countries like England, Australia, Germany, France et.al.
What needs to be done to salvage the free nations of the world is for the free people of the world to unite and and force our governments to outlaw the WEF, and the NWO. We can only do this when we have 'eliminated and purged' the Elites who are the power movers and puppeteers behind the reprehensible organizations who buy and influence those who sitting the seats of these governments. The rot has replicated and metastasized nearly beyond the point of no return. The cancer of global elitism and those who seek a one world agenda and centralized power base are no longer conspiracy theories, they are illustrative and operational fact. We no longer have to try to decipher the voices calling from the wilderness of warning and we can no longer scoff at their words from the comfort of an easy chair. Our chairs and the safe homes we sit in are no longer safe.
It has to be a legal Government action. The Governments not already doing this, need to outlaw what the known elites like Soros Schwab and Gates etc. are doing with their foundations. The people need to demand their State Governments call for an Article-V Amendment convention, controlled by the people and their States, making a plea to repeal the 17th-A, the 15th-A, and modify the 14th-A to forbid anchor babies, and promote an amendment that would make it a criminal offense for any Elected or Hired Government official/individual and any Political Party to facilitate any breech of immigration law, provide any monetary aid, allow any use of American Health Care except for valid emergency treatments, or allow illegals access to Social Security, Welfare Payments, or to remain in this country except for VERIFIED sanctuary reasons and provide a central area containing food and shelter where the Sanctuary people would be confined for the duration of their Sanctuary Period. A Balanced Budget Amendment that would end continuing Resolutions except in War Time where the National Effort was needed like it was in WWII. Financially and Politically punish Congress if the budget was not done by 4 months after they were seated. Any other amendments the people deemed necessary to straighten out the mess Congress has given us over the last hundred or so years.
If we fail to recognize the dire reality we are living, if we fail to see it and act decisively and urgently...we are about out of time to act at all and if we fail now....will eventually become them.
Lady Boots and The Tradesman
Let us consider the border situation. On the surface it easily seems to be a ploy by the Democrats for votes to keep them perpetually in power and control. I say easily because our society is programmed to quickly assume and point fingers to the other side to assess blame, but not so easily taught to question everything and ask a first principle question, who programs us to divide in the first place so that they might conquer? There is a more sinister component that is the pillar, nail, and plank of that foul platform. (explain the deep state here) How basic is the tactic Those Who Control employ, they depart far from Founding Principles toward the hard left, forcibly replacing (rural?) traditional America one cause and effect at a time. The pace by which this transformation of America is happening is breathless, those sounding the warning for years are acutely aware of our rapid decline. The technocrat, autocrat, one word vision comes to America primarily through Democrat hidden controllers but there are many of the same clothe who claim to carry the Republican banner too. Complete and complex corruption has taken over the halls and chambers of American government.
Rural America still believes in and remembers the traditions and ideals The Founding Fathers penned in our oldest documents and recorded in our earliest history. Traditional Americans from the rural areas, the farms and the small cities, the hard working middle class who do the work that keeps America going see the likes of Bill Gates buying up farmland, development swallowing up our fields to stand cut and paste housing. American Manufacturing has been exiled to foreign countries, our medicines come from China as are many of the illegals who now flood our open borders. Those who seek the destruction of America are no longer a warning of things to come...they are here. They walk among us and they own the people who constitute our government in Washington D.C. There will be no resistance to their complete takeover, and their eventual iron control of our nation.
The Controllers think they will be able to control everyone they have imported. America is being presently faced by the devastating problem that our corrupted system of controlled government is not doing any diligent back ground checks, no DNA testing, no medical testing, they are not even checking what is being brought in by the ersatz (?) refugees they fly, bus and quietly release in the dead of night across our country. Giving illegals who have entered our county a Carte Blanche access to every place in America, and financing the agenda to open these floodgates of unknown humanity with hard earned taxpayer money. These illegal persons are being given free phones, lodging, food, money, committing crimes with impunity and causing massive burden to the cities and communities where they are being dumped.
The current Administration we call our Government is ruled in fee simple by mentally deficient and deranged individuals being controlled by vainglorious narcissists' who's desire for power, control, and wealth will never be sated. They are the ones who truly hate the very things they can't control, and America has so far been uncontrollable by them.
A recent case of illegal immigration by 20 military age Chinese males allowed to brazenly walk across the Southern Border, were found to be target practicing with rifles and hand guns. Where did they get them? Who funded their journeys here, gave them the new clothes they are wearing, provides them with the supplies that they carry? An illegal and/or non-citizen foreigner, by law, is not allowed to purchase a legal firearm or ammunition. So, where did they get them? Were any of these target practicing weapons fully automatic? Were these foreign illegals arrested? Were they even stopped or questioned?
Why do you think the Biden Administration is spreading them out predominantly in Rural America or in Red Cities? The Texas Governor has sought to turn the tables on the massive illegal foreign invasion crossing our border and is bussing these non-citizens to the Blue "Sanctuary Cities" who first preached that our country should be welcoming them here when they were burdening someone somewhere else. Now as they feel the impacts and are being forced to the reality of unwelcome invasion themselves they too are loudly complaining about them. As many ask what the foreign invasion is going to look like further down the road for our country we need to look at what this policy has done to Countries like England, Australia, Germany, France et.al.
What needs to be done to salvage the free nations of the world is for the free people of the world to unite and and force our governments to outlaw the WEF, and the NWO. We can only do this when we have 'eliminated and purged' the Elites who are the power movers and puppeteers behind the reprehensible organizations who buy and influence those who sitting the seats of these governments. The rot has replicated and metastasized nearly beyond the point of no return. The cancer of global elitism and those who seek a one world agenda and centralized power base are no longer conspiracy theories, they are illustrative and operational fact. We no longer have to try to decipher the voices calling from the wilderness of warning and we can no longer scoff at their words from the comfort of an easy chair. Our chairs and the safe homes we sit in are no longer safe.
It has to be a legal Government action. The Governments not already doing this, need to outlaw what the known elites like Soros Schwab and Gates etc. are doing with their foundations. The people need to demand their State Governments call for an Article-V Amendment convention, controlled by the people and their States, making a plea to repeal the 17th-A, the 15th-A, and modify the 14th-A to forbid anchor babies, and promote an amendment that would make it a criminal offense for any Elected or Hired Government official/individual and any Political Party to facilitate any breech of immigration law, provide any monetary aid, allow any use of American Health Care except for valid emergency treatments, or allow illegals access to Social Security, Welfare Payments, or to remain in this country except for VERIFIED sanctuary reasons and provide a central area containing food and shelter where the Sanctuary people would be confined for the duration of their Sanctuary Period. A Balanced Budget Amendment that would end continuing Resolutions except in War Time where the National Effort was needed like it was in WWII. Financially and Politically punish Congress if the budget was not done by 4 months after they were seated. Any other amendments the people deemed necessary to straighten out the mess Congress has given us over the last hundred or so years.
If we fail to recognize the dire reality we are living, if we fail to see it and act decisively and urgently...we are about out of time to act at all and if we fail now....will eventually become them.
Lady Boots and The Tradesman
My Opinion of the State of our Government
In My Personal Opinion, we no longer have an impartial justice system. The inroads the hard left moguls controlling the hyper-liberal Democratic Party have fashioned a national behind the scenes Star Chamber style Kangaroo Court Process which finds any person or incident guilty if it does not 100% conform to the current liberal agenda philosophy. It ends and cherry picks the law to arrive at preordained verdicts used as harsh examples to keep the rank and file in line and under control by fear of running afoul of the Ruling Class. That is my personal opinion and I cite the following hapless ruling on a case from a hard left blue state;
"Michigan mother found responsible for son's actions in high school mass shooting: how we got here and what's next? Jennifer Crumbley was found guilty on all four counts of involuntary manslaughter, one for each student who was killed by her son, Ethan Crumbley, at Oxford High School on Nov. 30, 2021."
Jennifer’s husband, James Crumbley, is also charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter and will be tried separately.
Link to article about court case;
It really looks like the hard left has stepped up their drive to lower the Constitutional Protections of American Citizens when it comes to their self serving attempts to disarm the American public, so they can be safe from any retribution for instituting an enslavement style control over all people. Where else would you find an official court ruling that allowed persons other than the murderer to be charged with a crime they did not commit? For almost 80 years, the Left has propagandized, shamed, ridiculed, forced their will to do away with the teeth of the Constitution, and disarm America. Now they are using precedent setting tactics like this mock trial that found people who did not participate in a crime, guilty of that crime by association. My opinion is they were emboldened by their current agenda condemning the Jan-6 crowd and denying them their Constitutional right to a speedy trial, along with their twisted prosecution of Trump for the same things Democrat politicians like Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, Stacey Abrams, Rep. Lee Zeldin: "Every time a Republican has been elected president over the last few decades, House Democrats have objected to the result." So why are they crucifying Trump for doing the same as they have done multiple times in the past?
The point I'm trying to make is; The Democrats have been showing reluctance for decades to honor the spirit of Constitutional Laws and must be brought to heel. It needs to be shoved in their collective consciousness that they are not the rulers but in fact are only hired hands who do not have the right to dictate to us, only to represent our wishes. We need to demand our State Legislators call for an Article-V Amendment Proposal Convention so we can strengthen the Bill of Rights and remove the key amendments Congress imposed through stealth like the 17th, 16th, parts of the 14th that were not meant to be used for Anchor babies. We need Clear specific language Amendments the people approve of like; The Government is strictly forbidden from making or enforcing any Law, rule, or regulation about Weapons unless those Laws, Rules, or Regulations are approved by vote of registered American citizens in a yes or no approval vote. Another one would be; All Registered voters are tom appear personally with proof of citizenship like a birth certificate, naturalization papers, or other certified government document and re-apply for a picture ID voter registration card encoded with a random voter registration number, and persons whom are handicapped or otherwise unable to appear in person will be visited by a government employee to be registered. this number will be assigned to that person for life and will be included with their death certificate to remain on record and prevent future fradulent use.
We are losing our Constitutionally protected freedoms on a daily basis, and will lose all of them if we don't use every legal, means we have at our disposal. Article-V was provided by our Founders so the people could take back their rightful powers from a corrupt overreaching government.
My personal Opinion is;
Our Government is Out of Control, and the People need to take Action!
The Tradesman 2/7/24
"Michigan mother found responsible for son's actions in high school mass shooting: how we got here and what's next? Jennifer Crumbley was found guilty on all four counts of involuntary manslaughter, one for each student who was killed by her son, Ethan Crumbley, at Oxford High School on Nov. 30, 2021."
Jennifer’s husband, James Crumbley, is also charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter and will be tried separately.
Link to article about court case;
It really looks like the hard left has stepped up their drive to lower the Constitutional Protections of American Citizens when it comes to their self serving attempts to disarm the American public, so they can be safe from any retribution for instituting an enslavement style control over all people. Where else would you find an official court ruling that allowed persons other than the murderer to be charged with a crime they did not commit? For almost 80 years, the Left has propagandized, shamed, ridiculed, forced their will to do away with the teeth of the Constitution, and disarm America. Now they are using precedent setting tactics like this mock trial that found people who did not participate in a crime, guilty of that crime by association. My opinion is they were emboldened by their current agenda condemning the Jan-6 crowd and denying them their Constitutional right to a speedy trial, along with their twisted prosecution of Trump for the same things Democrat politicians like Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, Stacey Abrams, Rep. Lee Zeldin: "Every time a Republican has been elected president over the last few decades, House Democrats have objected to the result." So why are they crucifying Trump for doing the same as they have done multiple times in the past?
The point I'm trying to make is; The Democrats have been showing reluctance for decades to honor the spirit of Constitutional Laws and must be brought to heel. It needs to be shoved in their collective consciousness that they are not the rulers but in fact are only hired hands who do not have the right to dictate to us, only to represent our wishes. We need to demand our State Legislators call for an Article-V Amendment Proposal Convention so we can strengthen the Bill of Rights and remove the key amendments Congress imposed through stealth like the 17th, 16th, parts of the 14th that were not meant to be used for Anchor babies. We need Clear specific language Amendments the people approve of like; The Government is strictly forbidden from making or enforcing any Law, rule, or regulation about Weapons unless those Laws, Rules, or Regulations are approved by vote of registered American citizens in a yes or no approval vote. Another one would be; All Registered voters are tom appear personally with proof of citizenship like a birth certificate, naturalization papers, or other certified government document and re-apply for a picture ID voter registration card encoded with a random voter registration number, and persons whom are handicapped or otherwise unable to appear in person will be visited by a government employee to be registered. this number will be assigned to that person for life and will be included with their death certificate to remain on record and prevent future fradulent use.
We are losing our Constitutionally protected freedoms on a daily basis, and will lose all of them if we don't use every legal, means we have at our disposal. Article-V was provided by our Founders so the people could take back their rightful powers from a corrupt overreaching government.
My personal Opinion is;
Our Government is Out of Control, and the People need to take Action!
The Tradesman 2/7/24
Population growth, illegal immigrants, and America's Future.
The following copyrighted articles are used for educational purposes only!
The following articles showcase major problems our Congress has refused to correct. We must make them address and correct it, by proposing an amendment specifying immigration policy and deportation policy of any illegals.
These are main reasons why the American People must demand a States petitioned Article-V amendment proposal convention if we desire to keep all our freedoms and retain our Constitution and the rights it protects!
IN MY OPINION!; The actual end game result of those who wish to destroy America and take it over from inside is to spread all the illegals over the many Blue States, have them be counted in the next census to Skew and Dominate the Electoral College. They will then proceed with their already in the works bills to allow everyone to vote in elections using the "WOKE BULL SH*T ideology of INCLUSION." Since most first time voters vote as Democrats, doing this would actually give Democrats a permanent advantage in the electoral college which probably could not be broken, and would be the demise of all other political parties except as ineffectual tokens for public propaganda of a being democratic system.
US Population to see Major Growth;
Source; https://republicaninformer.com/u-s-population-projected-to-see-major-growth/
As the clock struck midnight on New Year’s Day, the United States welcomed a population of 335,893,238, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Throughout 2023, America’s population had grown by an impressive 1.75 million, representing a 0.53% increase since the beginning of the year. Comparing the numbers to the 2020 Census Day figure, there has been a substantial rise of 4,443,957 individuals.
The South and the West regions experienced the most significant population growth, while the Midwest and Northeast saw smaller increases. These demographic shifts reflect the ongoing migration and settlement patterns across the country.
The Census Bureau projects that in the upcoming month, there will be a birth in the United States every 9 seconds, a death every 9.5 seconds, and international migration, adding one person to the population every 28.3 seconds. Considering these factors, the overall U.S. population is expected to increase by about one person every 24.2 seconds.
The Census Bureau’s long-term projections indicate that the U.S. population will reach a peak of nearly 370 million by 2080. However, after that, the numbers are expected to decline gradually, reaching approximately 366 million by 2100. These projections consider factors such as birth, mortality, and immigration trends.
On a global scale, the United States ranks as the third most populous country, trailing behind China and India. Indonesia and Pakistan round out the top five. According to the Census Bureau’s Population Clock, the world’s population surpassed 8 billion just over a year ago, reaching 7 billion in 2011. As we usher in the new year, the global population is estimated to be 8,019,876,189.
The United Nations predicts that the world’s population will continue to increase, reaching over 10 billion within the next 60 years. In January alone, officials project that there will be 4.3 births and two deaths occurring every second worldwide.
For those interested in tracking the real-time counts of the world’s and U.S. populations, the Census Bureau provides a convenient online tool to stay informed.
"Sean Hannity Makes Good On Promise To Ditch New York"
Source; https://republicaninformer.com/sean-hannity-makes-good-on-promise-to-ditch-new-york/
"Over the last several years, the decline of the United States has increased dramatically. Under the poor, questionable leadership of Joe Biden, Americans have suffered economically, culturally, and politically. America’s streets are no longer safe as the southern border remains open and millions of illegal migrants continue to enter the nation on an annual basis while tens of thousands arrive on a daily basis. The president and the federal government appear unwilling or unable to address the problem, and America’s embarrassingly weak immigration policies have allowed the problem to worsen and worsen with no end in sight. Economically, 6 out of every 10 citizens are estimated to be living paycheck to paycheck as people grapple with the worsening effects of inflation. What’s worse; the cost of living and homes have skyrocketed to such an extent that it is now nearly impossible for a middle class family earning near the median national income of some seventy thousand a year to own a home. The “hourglass effect” has worsened, and there are less, and less people considered “middle class’ ‘, while the gap between the poor and wealthy continues to grow."
The expression is also stated that people “vote with their feet and speak with their wallets”. People have been fleeing high-tax, progressively run Democratic states like New York and California for years while migrating to places like Florida and Tennessee where the cost of living is lower, there is more patriotism and freedom, and taxes are minimal. Recently, one longtime New York resident and conservative media pundit made the move from New York City to Florida. Sean Hannity, recently announced that he finally moved and delivered his first broadcast from the sunshine state. Hannity said that he feels that for the first time in his adult life he feels as though his representatives share his values. Hannity is not alone; thousands of New Yorkers have fled to Florida in recent years.As the clock struck midnight on New Year’s Day, the United States welcomed a population of 335,893,238, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Throughout 2023, America’s population had grown by an impressive 1.75 million, representing a 0.53% increase since the beginning of the year. Comparing the numbers to the 2020 Census Day figure, there has been a substantial rise of 4,443,957 individuals.
The South and the West regions experienced the most significant population growth, while the Midwest and Northeast saw smaller increases. These demographic shifts reflect the ongoing migration and settlement patterns across the country.
The Census Bureau projects that in the upcoming month, there will be a birth in the United States every 9 seconds, a death every 9.5 seconds, and international migration, adding one person to the population every 28.3 seconds. Considering these factors, the overall U.S. population is expected to increase by about one person every 24.2 seconds.
The Census Bureau’s long-term projections indicate that the U.S. population will reach a peak of nearly 370 million by 2080. However, after that, the numbers are expected to decline gradually, reaching approximately 366 million by 2100. These projections consider factors such as birth, mortality, and immigration trends.
On a global scale, the United States ranks as the third most populous country, trailing behind China and India. Indonesia and Pakistan round out the top five. According to the Census Bureau’s Population Clock, the world’s population surpassed 8 billion just over a year ago, reaching 7 billion in 2011. As we usher in the new year, the global population is estimated to be 8,019,876,189.
The United Nations predicts that the world’s population will continue to increase, reaching over 10 billion within the next 60 years. In January alone, officials project that there will be 4.3 births and two deaths occurring every second worldwide.
For those interested in tracking the real-time counts of the world’s and U.S. populations, the Census Bureau provides a convenient online tool to stay informed.
The following copyrighted articles are used for educational purposes only!
The following articles showcase major problems our Congress has refused to correct. We must make them address and correct it, by proposing an amendment specifying immigration policy and deportation policy of any illegals.
These are main reasons why the American People must demand a States petitioned Article-V amendment proposal convention if we desire to keep all our freedoms and retain our Constitution and the rights it protects!
IN MY OPINION!; The actual end game result of those who wish to destroy America and take it over from inside is to spread all the illegals over the many Blue States, have them be counted in the next census to Skew and Dominate the Electoral College. They will then proceed with their already in the works bills to allow everyone to vote in elections using the "WOKE BULL SH*T ideology of INCLUSION." Since most first time voters vote as Democrats, doing this would actually give Democrats a permanent advantage in the electoral college which probably could not be broken, and would be the demise of all other political parties except as ineffectual tokens for public propaganda of a being democratic system.
US Population to see Major Growth;
Source; https://republicaninformer.com/u-s-population-projected-to-see-major-growth/
As the clock struck midnight on New Year’s Day, the United States welcomed a population of 335,893,238, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Throughout 2023, America’s population had grown by an impressive 1.75 million, representing a 0.53% increase since the beginning of the year. Comparing the numbers to the 2020 Census Day figure, there has been a substantial rise of 4,443,957 individuals.
The South and the West regions experienced the most significant population growth, while the Midwest and Northeast saw smaller increases. These demographic shifts reflect the ongoing migration and settlement patterns across the country.
The Census Bureau projects that in the upcoming month, there will be a birth in the United States every 9 seconds, a death every 9.5 seconds, and international migration, adding one person to the population every 28.3 seconds. Considering these factors, the overall U.S. population is expected to increase by about one person every 24.2 seconds.
The Census Bureau’s long-term projections indicate that the U.S. population will reach a peak of nearly 370 million by 2080. However, after that, the numbers are expected to decline gradually, reaching approximately 366 million by 2100. These projections consider factors such as birth, mortality, and immigration trends.
On a global scale, the United States ranks as the third most populous country, trailing behind China and India. Indonesia and Pakistan round out the top five. According to the Census Bureau’s Population Clock, the world’s population surpassed 8 billion just over a year ago, reaching 7 billion in 2011. As we usher in the new year, the global population is estimated to be 8,019,876,189.
The United Nations predicts that the world’s population will continue to increase, reaching over 10 billion within the next 60 years. In January alone, officials project that there will be 4.3 births and two deaths occurring every second worldwide.
For those interested in tracking the real-time counts of the world’s and U.S. populations, the Census Bureau provides a convenient online tool to stay informed.
"Sean Hannity Makes Good On Promise To Ditch New York"
Source; https://republicaninformer.com/sean-hannity-makes-good-on-promise-to-ditch-new-york/
"Over the last several years, the decline of the United States has increased dramatically. Under the poor, questionable leadership of Joe Biden, Americans have suffered economically, culturally, and politically. America’s streets are no longer safe as the southern border remains open and millions of illegal migrants continue to enter the nation on an annual basis while tens of thousands arrive on a daily basis. The president and the federal government appear unwilling or unable to address the problem, and America’s embarrassingly weak immigration policies have allowed the problem to worsen and worsen with no end in sight. Economically, 6 out of every 10 citizens are estimated to be living paycheck to paycheck as people grapple with the worsening effects of inflation. What’s worse; the cost of living and homes have skyrocketed to such an extent that it is now nearly impossible for a middle class family earning near the median national income of some seventy thousand a year to own a home. The “hourglass effect” has worsened, and there are less, and less people considered “middle class’ ‘, while the gap between the poor and wealthy continues to grow."
The expression is also stated that people “vote with their feet and speak with their wallets”. People have been fleeing high-tax, progressively run Democratic states like New York and California for years while migrating to places like Florida and Tennessee where the cost of living is lower, there is more patriotism and freedom, and taxes are minimal. Recently, one longtime New York resident and conservative media pundit made the move from New York City to Florida. Sean Hannity, recently announced that he finally moved and delivered his first broadcast from the sunshine state. Hannity said that he feels that for the first time in his adult life he feels as though his representatives share his values. Hannity is not alone; thousands of New Yorkers have fled to Florida in recent years.As the clock struck midnight on New Year’s Day, the United States welcomed a population of 335,893,238, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Throughout 2023, America’s population had grown by an impressive 1.75 million, representing a 0.53% increase since the beginning of the year. Comparing the numbers to the 2020 Census Day figure, there has been a substantial rise of 4,443,957 individuals.
The South and the West regions experienced the most significant population growth, while the Midwest and Northeast saw smaller increases. These demographic shifts reflect the ongoing migration and settlement patterns across the country.
The Census Bureau projects that in the upcoming month, there will be a birth in the United States every 9 seconds, a death every 9.5 seconds, and international migration, adding one person to the population every 28.3 seconds. Considering these factors, the overall U.S. population is expected to increase by about one person every 24.2 seconds.
The Census Bureau’s long-term projections indicate that the U.S. population will reach a peak of nearly 370 million by 2080. However, after that, the numbers are expected to decline gradually, reaching approximately 366 million by 2100. These projections consider factors such as birth, mortality, and immigration trends.
On a global scale, the United States ranks as the third most populous country, trailing behind China and India. Indonesia and Pakistan round out the top five. According to the Census Bureau’s Population Clock, the world’s population surpassed 8 billion just over a year ago, reaching 7 billion in 2011. As we usher in the new year, the global population is estimated to be 8,019,876,189.
The United Nations predicts that the world’s population will continue to increase, reaching over 10 billion within the next 60 years. In January alone, officials project that there will be 4.3 births and two deaths occurring every second worldwide.
For those interested in tracking the real-time counts of the world’s and U.S. populations, the Census Bureau provides a convenient online tool to stay informed.
Stop the imposed fear of an Article-V States called Amendment Convention.
I want to have discussion to try and present my points about the differences between a Constitutional Convention, and an Amendment Convention.
The First article that was previously cited was this one (https://www.commoncause.org/resource/coalition-statement-opposing-a... ). every cautionary missive holds true for a Congressionally called Article-V. Citing the state of our current Congress, and it's penchant for ignoring the people and the Constitution, leads to grave concerns about what their Soros and other Elites influence has on their potential proposals. It comes down to who at this point do you trust more. the American People or our elected 'representatives'?
The Second article I want to address is (https://www.commoncause.org/resource/u-s-constitution-threatened-as... ). This also uses the actual concerns but it elevates them to sort of fear mongering in my personal opinion. It's true that any and all amendments could be repealed or modified, however do you actually believe 3/4 of the states could ratify any repeal of any Bill of Rights Amendment? Remember, an Article-V can not touch the main body of the Constitution because it would take an actual Constitutional Convention to open the main body of the constitution up for changes. It can only create and repeal amendments. Amendments only define how the main body of the Constitutional and the application of Constitutional Law is to be interpreted by the Supreme Court, and all lesser courts.
The Third article to be addressed is (https://helenair.com/opinion/letters/article-v-constitutional-convention-is-very-risky/article_bce5bd10-da94-5249-adf9-930d45e3386e.html ). One of the main points therein is "Some legal scholars argue the ratification process could itself be changed in a new convention, much like it was in the 1787 convention." Two things prevent this from happening. An amendment to change the Article-V process would have to be ratified before it became enforcable law, and at the convention to arbitrairily change the written procedure would probably come under "Article I, Section 9, Clause 3: No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed." and not be legally valid.
The Fourth article (https://defendourconstitution.org/) This looks like an ad to gain followers, and seems to me to voice the concerns of Congressional politicians to maintain their power and control instead of actually representing their constituents. I may be wrong, but that's how I feel about this article.
The Fifth article (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_to_propose_amendments_to_the_United_States_Constitution) bears witness to the various potentials and should be the reason states need to enact laws that governs their delegates conduct at any Article-V convention before one is ever called.
The Sixth article (https://soundcloud.com/user-124503492/glenn-beck-changes-position-he-is-against-article-v-15sep22?cmid=415bde14-3cbf-44f3-9f75-615bd4b09243) Glen like all the others seem to believe the Article-V opens the Constitution. Think about it, he's of the correct opinion in my belief that the main body of the Constitution was divinely inspired. He also believes that a Article-V would ,open it if it was called for by the people. If an Article-V does what he says it does about the Constitution, then Congress has opened it up by themselves without any oversight by the people except ratification 27 times already.
The Seventh article (https://helenair.com/opinion/letters/article-v-constitutional-convention-is-very-risky/article_bce5bd10-da94-5249-adf9-930d45e3386e.html) is the same premise. Judge Scalia is against the idea of a Constitutional Convention. I am also against a Constitutional Convention. However the requirements for an actual Constitutional Convention lie within the original Articles of the Confederation of the Perpetual Union, and the legal precedent was set there for a Constitutional Convention. It was there the Founders and Framers of the Constitution created Article-V that allows for growth and remember even the Constitution as we know it today had to be ratified by all 13 of the states, to become the law of the land. That by implementation became the legal precedent for a 'Constitutional Convention'. It also means it would take 100% of the States to make any permanent changes in the main Body of our Constitution. The amendments are not permanent changes just modern interpretations of the Constitutional Laws.
The Eight article (https://www.tahlequahdailypress.com/opinion/columns/column-point-counterpoint-oklahoma-legislators-want-to-rewrite-u-s-constitution/article_e9f7f09d-4940-55a2-a87e-26d6a4e15d35.html) is also talking about re-writing the Constitution. My only perspective on the ongoing theme of "Re-Writing the Constitution", is the American public has been duped by the Social ,studies classes tat replaced actual civics classes in the 1960's have deliberately clouded everyone's mind about America being a Democracy and the actuality of an Article-V. America is a REPUBLIC with certain democratic principles of operation which are strictly governed by our written Constitution, so lets all stop with the 'Constitutional Convention' doom and gloom and get on with the actual problems that may occur if and when the States petitioned Congress.
1. If the States do not enact laws governing what can and can not be done by their delegates in the convention there is a possibility of it collapsing and accomplishing nothing.
2. The States need to enact laws concerning how their delegates are selected, appointment by legislature, or election by the people.
3. The States need to enact laws determining how much individual discretion delegates have in the necessary compromising of amendment proposals wording and intent and whether they have the authority to modify, originate or disregard them.
4. The States need to enact laws that will define what amendment proposals are presented, who originates them, the process of writing their language, and the process of defining approval of the final wording of them.
5. The States need to enact laws governing where and how the delegates from all the participating states meet, agreed on rules by all participating states on how the convention will be conducted.
6. The States need to enact agreed on legislation about who pays for the convention, what costs are shared by all the participating states, and, what costs are incurred by the individual states.
We Must Stop the Constant Attempts by the Liberal Left to Undermine The Teeth of the Constitution
In order to end confusion among judges, govt. agencies, enforcement agencies, and the people in general. Also to end the ongoing flagrant ignoring of Supreme Court Decisions that some agencies and judges use to put their personal interpretations on the laws, we need to get an amendment that addresses all the variances and nit-picking caused by what some call the "vague" wording of the Second Amendment that serves their political opinions about what it does and does not allow.
I propose the American Public unites and forces if necessary, their Legislatures to petition Congress for a states called Article-V Amendment Proposal Convention. that is the method our Founders created to insure that future generations could amend the interpretations of the Articles of then Constitution without opening it's main body up. A States called Article-V insures Congress must open it then stand back and the people get to propose Amendments, especially ones that congress would not propose themselves.
Since we are speaking about the dumpster fire hodgepodge the various anti-gunners and left leaning politicians have made and continue to make about the meanings of the 2nd Amendment Lets start with that one and create an Amendment to supplement the 2nd amendment in simple non-legalese terms, that can not be misconstrued or twisted by anyone. The Amendment I propose is this;
"The Federal State and Local Governments are Forbidden from making Any Laws, Rules, and Regulations, and are forbidden from enforcing any current Laws, Rules or Regulations now on the books, UNLESS each individual Law, Rule, or Regulation is voted on by the Legal American Citizen Registered Voters, and those voters, vote to approve by a 3/4 or more affirmative vote."
The people can also create other amendments the Congress would not create. Here are a few examples;
1. Term Limits.
2. Stop Congress from exempting themselves from laws they make for us.
3. Make congress use Social Security and Medicare just like the rest of us.
4. If Congress wants extra benefits and healthcare, they must pay for it out of their own pockets.
5. Repeal the 17th Amendment and put the Senators back under their State Legislatures control so they represent their States instead of their political parties.
6. Repeal the 15th Amendment and go back to apportioned taxation.
7. A balanced Budget with severe penalties for Congress if they don't provide one by the end of the first year the new congress is in office after elections. Actual Shooting War periods excepted.
8. An Amendment that requires a 2% of the years collected revenues be spent to pay off the national debt until it's zero.
9. Restore States Rights by returning govt. agencies back to the States that originally were in charge of them example Dept. of Education power returned to the States etc.
10 Eliminate all executive orders and start fresh with each new President.
11. An Amendment that limits the money sent to the UN to the average percentage sent by the other countries.
12. Amendment returning us to the Gold and Silver Standards, eliminate the Federal Reserve and returning the money controls to the US Treasury.
There are many more potential Amendments that would benefit the Country and the people. Lets get the movement started.
I propose the American Public unites and forces if necessary, their Legislatures to petition Congress for a states called Article-V Amendment Proposal Convention. that is the method our Founders created to insure that future generations could amend the interpretations of the Articles of then Constitution without opening it's main body up. A States called Article-V insures Congress must open it then stand back and the people get to propose Amendments, especially ones that congress would not propose themselves.
Since we are speaking about the dumpster fire hodgepodge the various anti-gunners and left leaning politicians have made and continue to make about the meanings of the 2nd Amendment Lets start with that one and create an Amendment to supplement the 2nd amendment in simple non-legalese terms, that can not be misconstrued or twisted by anyone. The Amendment I propose is this;
"The Federal State and Local Governments are Forbidden from making Any Laws, Rules, and Regulations, and are forbidden from enforcing any current Laws, Rules or Regulations now on the books, UNLESS each individual Law, Rule, or Regulation is voted on by the Legal American Citizen Registered Voters, and those voters, vote to approve by a 3/4 or more affirmative vote."
The people can also create other amendments the Congress would not create. Here are a few examples;
1. Term Limits.
2. Stop Congress from exempting themselves from laws they make for us.
3. Make congress use Social Security and Medicare just like the rest of us.
4. If Congress wants extra benefits and healthcare, they must pay for it out of their own pockets.
5. Repeal the 17th Amendment and put the Senators back under their State Legislatures control so they represent their States instead of their political parties.
6. Repeal the 15th Amendment and go back to apportioned taxation.
7. A balanced Budget with severe penalties for Congress if they don't provide one by the end of the first year the new congress is in office after elections. Actual Shooting War periods excepted.
8. An Amendment that requires a 2% of the years collected revenues be spent to pay off the national debt until it's zero.
9. Restore States Rights by returning govt. agencies back to the States that originally were in charge of them example Dept. of Education power returned to the States etc.
10 Eliminate all executive orders and start fresh with each new President.
11. An Amendment that limits the money sent to the UN to the average percentage sent by the other countries.
12. Amendment returning us to the Gold and Silver Standards, eliminate the Federal Reserve and returning the money controls to the US Treasury.
There are many more potential Amendments that would benefit the Country and the people. Lets get the movement started.
Lets Honestly Face The Truth and Fight Back So Our Republic Survives
We need to change the way courts are required to use and apply the laws that govern both themselves, government, and us. Doing that will take Constitutional Amendments. We know we can no longer trust our so called representatives in Federal and even some State Governments. Therefore, we must use the means our Founders gave us to hold or return our representatives in check. Article-V is the process we need to use without going through the cesspit that the federal Government has become, so we will have a fighting chance of cleaning it up. Congress and the powers behind and controlling it are terrified we will use it are trying to scare the people off by lying about it opening and changing the original language of the written Constitution, calling an amendment proposal convention a con-con. Amendments do not change the original wording of the Constitution, they are by their nature temporary and only modify how the Constitutional Laws are applied. So, if it doesn't work out, it can always be changed back. Think the repeal of the 18th amendment.
We do, that by changing or eliminating some of the bias the Congress has put in the existing amendments, to benefit only them, their power, and their cronies. the very first thing we need to do on a State level, is to clean up the elections process and remove any and all methods that have or can be used for fraud. We must get these changes in place before the next election if our Republic is to survive.
The next thing we must do before making our State Legislatures petition for a States Called Amendment proposal Convention is to get the process codified in State Law how the Delegates will be elected. What duties and restrictions will govern what those delegates do at the convention. How the ratification process will be implemented. A very general guideline can be seen at; https://alec.org/model-policy/resolution-for-limitations-on-authority-of-state-delegates-to-a-convention-for-proposing-amendments-under-article-v-of-the-us-constitution/
The problems we are facing with this Reset/Attack by the hidden entities behind the Liberal/NWO/Deep-State are basically the same for both sides. They are the limiting factors even if they don't realize it. Unfortunately the left has fewer of them currently. Both sides refuse to see what actually is, but from different viewpoints and expected results. Regardless of how much actual and empirical evidence is laid out before them, they both revert to habitual beliefs about the human aspects of the situation.
It's not a lack of doing something, it's a lack of admitting what has to be done. Neither side seems to realize the paradigm has shifted, and nothing works or acts like it did before the shift. At this point the actual movers and shakers of the Left are thinking more outside the proverbial, box and are using a multi pronged set of agendas to bring about the results they want. To overcome the left, we must also think outside the box and develop strategies and agendas to defeat the left agendas, regardless of what we believe to be fair play. We need to fight fire with fire IMHO.
We must first gain the courage and insight to see what actually is happening, instead of what we want it to be. We need to get the word out that "Wokeism" is carefully constructed political propaganda designed to prey on our naïve basic beliefs that good always triumphs over evil, we were brought up with. It is designed to use what we were taught to think of as the standard moral actions of society, against us.
How it works, is by turning the positive emotions and moral expressions into the undesirable and making the truly undesirable emotions and moral impressions look like positive ones promotes the "Wokism" model we have been saddled with. Negative affectivity is negative emotions and expression. This includes sadness, disgust, lethargy, fear, and distress. Positive and negative affectivity not only plays a large role in our day-to-day experience and our enjoyment, our affectivity can also influence our opinions, thoughts, performance, abilities, and even our brain activity!
America was built on the principles of Freedom, Truth, Honor, Justice, and Individual Responsibility. We must re-affirm those principles. Chameleon like, our Left Leaning Progressives have clothed themselves in a mantle of legitimacy, respectability, and elected power. The Left leaning media uses everything at their command to poison the minds of our fellow citizens against us and enhance the false flags of the left. For years now the Progressive Machine, through their controlled media, has cast all conservative and Christian morality as violent and threatening. I think the latest attack by the Progressive Machine, labeling military veterans, law enforcement officers, law abiding gun owners, and those with Christian beliefs as terrorists, is being used to goad us into something stupid.
There is a propaganda technique that over stresses the desirability of certain existing society standards/agendas with such glowing terms of saccharine sweetness, that people reject it, but the mainstream authorities can not condemn it as anything treasonous but only over enthusiasm. It also makes the weaker minded turn to the opposite value system of wants and desires and believe it was their idea to do so. basically it tells people that something is so too good to be true, they subconsciously reject it. The medium used, is Iconography. The method used, is negative psychological indices.
The textbook definition of Iconography is; Symbolic Representations, of the conventional meanings attached to images. It is a basic tool of Madison Avenue Advertising products including attitudes, character, codes, conduct, conscience, credos, ethics, faith, ideals, integrity, opinions, policy, probity, rectitude, scruples, sense of duty, sense of honor, systems, teachings, tenets, uprightness, etc.
The definition of negative indices used to enhance or explain a psychological format is best exemplified by the related following terms; indicators, ratios, evidence, basis, symbols, signs, tokens, rules, marks, clues, indications, formulas, models, pointers, guides, symptoms, indicants, significances etc. all of which evoke defined mental images. Those images can and are changed over time into what the left desires for their agendas to be.
Perceptions we were brought up with, can be modified by a judicious blend of subject matter rendered visually, verbally, recorded, or penned, to change the subjects mind on their original conventional beliefs. Doing this in visual arts is called iconology and it creates representations or a group of representations of what the new paradigm expects of the people.
Knowing how the enemy on the Left uses this, we must actively negate their successes and correct all the methods they have used to, bring us to the brink.
We need to change the way courts are required to use and apply the laws that govern the courts, the government, and us. Doing that will take Constitutional Amendments. We know we can no longer trust our so called representatives in Federal and even some State Governments. Therefore, we must use the means our Founders gave us to hold or return our representatives into check. Article-V is the process we need to use without going through the cesspit that the federal Government has become, so we will have a fighting chance of cleaning it up.
We do, that by changing or eliminating some of the bias the Congress has put in the existing amendments, to benefit only them, their power, and their cronies. the very first thing we need to do on a State level, is to clean up the elections process and remove any and all methods that have or can be used for fraud. We must get these changes in place before the next election if our Republic is to survive.
We need to change the way courts are required to use and apply the laws that govern both themselves, government, and us. Doing that will take Constitutional Amendments. We know we can no longer trust our so called representatives in Federal and even some State Governments. Therefore, we must use the means our Founders gave us to hold or return our representatives in check. Article-V is the process we need to use without going through the cesspit that the federal Government has become, so we will have a fighting chance of cleaning it up. Congress and the powers behind and controlling it are terrified we will use it are trying to scare the people off by lying about it opening and changing the original language of the written Constitution, calling an amendment proposal convention a con-con. Amendments do not change the original wording of the Constitution, they are by their nature temporary and only modify how the Constitutional Laws are applied. So, if it doesn't work out, it can always be changed back. Think the repeal of the 18th amendment.
We do, that by changing or eliminating some of the bias the Congress has put in the existing amendments, to benefit only them, their power, and their cronies. the very first thing we need to do on a State level, is to clean up the elections process and remove any and all methods that have or can be used for fraud. We must get these changes in place before the next election if our Republic is to survive.
The next thing we must do before making our State Legislatures petition for a States Called Amendment proposal Convention is to get the process codified in State Law how the Delegates will be elected. What duties and restrictions will govern what those delegates do at the convention. How the ratification process will be implemented. A very general guideline can be seen at; https://alec.org/model-policy/resolution-for-limitations-on-authority-of-state-delegates-to-a-convention-for-proposing-amendments-under-article-v-of-the-us-constitution/
The problems we are facing with this Reset/Attack by the hidden entities behind the Liberal/NWO/Deep-State are basically the same for both sides. They are the limiting factors even if they don't realize it. Unfortunately the left has fewer of them currently. Both sides refuse to see what actually is, but from different viewpoints and expected results. Regardless of how much actual and empirical evidence is laid out before them, they both revert to habitual beliefs about the human aspects of the situation.
It's not a lack of doing something, it's a lack of admitting what has to be done. Neither side seems to realize the paradigm has shifted, and nothing works or acts like it did before the shift. At this point the actual movers and shakers of the Left are thinking more outside the proverbial, box and are using a multi pronged set of agendas to bring about the results they want. To overcome the left, we must also think outside the box and develop strategies and agendas to defeat the left agendas, regardless of what we believe to be fair play. We need to fight fire with fire IMHO.
We must first gain the courage and insight to see what actually is happening, instead of what we want it to be. We need to get the word out that "Wokeism" is carefully constructed political propaganda designed to prey on our naïve basic beliefs that good always triumphs over evil, we were brought up with. It is designed to use what we were taught to think of as the standard moral actions of society, against us.
How it works, is by turning the positive emotions and moral expressions into the undesirable and making the truly undesirable emotions and moral impressions look like positive ones promotes the "Wokism" model we have been saddled with. Negative affectivity is negative emotions and expression. This includes sadness, disgust, lethargy, fear, and distress. Positive and negative affectivity not only plays a large role in our day-to-day experience and our enjoyment, our affectivity can also influence our opinions, thoughts, performance, abilities, and even our brain activity!
America was built on the principles of Freedom, Truth, Honor, Justice, and Individual Responsibility. We must re-affirm those principles. Chameleon like, our Left Leaning Progressives have clothed themselves in a mantle of legitimacy, respectability, and elected power. The Left leaning media uses everything at their command to poison the minds of our fellow citizens against us and enhance the false flags of the left. For years now the Progressive Machine, through their controlled media, has cast all conservative and Christian morality as violent and threatening. I think the latest attack by the Progressive Machine, labeling military veterans, law enforcement officers, law abiding gun owners, and those with Christian beliefs as terrorists, is being used to goad us into something stupid.
There is a propaganda technique that over stresses the desirability of certain existing society standards/agendas with such glowing terms of saccharine sweetness, that people reject it, but the mainstream authorities can not condemn it as anything treasonous but only over enthusiasm. It also makes the weaker minded turn to the opposite value system of wants and desires and believe it was their idea to do so. basically it tells people that something is so too good to be true, they subconsciously reject it. The medium used, is Iconography. The method used, is negative psychological indices.
The textbook definition of Iconography is; Symbolic Representations, of the conventional meanings attached to images. It is a basic tool of Madison Avenue Advertising products including attitudes, character, codes, conduct, conscience, credos, ethics, faith, ideals, integrity, opinions, policy, probity, rectitude, scruples, sense of duty, sense of honor, systems, teachings, tenets, uprightness, etc.
The definition of negative indices used to enhance or explain a psychological format is best exemplified by the related following terms; indicators, ratios, evidence, basis, symbols, signs, tokens, rules, marks, clues, indications, formulas, models, pointers, guides, symptoms, indicants, significances etc. all of which evoke defined mental images. Those images can and are changed over time into what the left desires for their agendas to be.
Perceptions we were brought up with, can be modified by a judicious blend of subject matter rendered visually, verbally, recorded, or penned, to change the subjects mind on their original conventional beliefs. Doing this in visual arts is called iconology and it creates representations or a group of representations of what the new paradigm expects of the people.
Knowing how the enemy on the Left uses this, we must actively negate their successes and correct all the methods they have used to, bring us to the brink.
We need to change the way courts are required to use and apply the laws that govern the courts, the government, and us. Doing that will take Constitutional Amendments. We know we can no longer trust our so called representatives in Federal and even some State Governments. Therefore, we must use the means our Founders gave us to hold or return our representatives into check. Article-V is the process we need to use without going through the cesspit that the federal Government has become, so we will have a fighting chance of cleaning it up.
We do, that by changing or eliminating some of the bias the Congress has put in the existing amendments, to benefit only them, their power, and their cronies. the very first thing we need to do on a State level, is to clean up the elections process and remove any and all methods that have or can be used for fraud. We must get these changes in place before the next election if our Republic is to survive.
How California WOKE Democrats set the tone for the Nation's dissolution.
How does a perverse egocentric and venomously malignant political faction go about following the orders of their modern day Robber Baron Liege Lords, who want to resurrect the type of governance that existed in Feudal states before the Magna Charta calling it social equality? All it is, is the old peon system with a modern name, and a few bells and whistles which will evaporate for the chosen woke ones, as soon as the billionaires whom are behind this unholy travesty, have unconditional control over the world populations.
Here are a few of the methods the Hard Left Woke crowd uses to demoralize people by their forced acceptance of woke perverse societal standards 80+ percent of the people don't want. They are encourages to go on and poison the minds of our young with propaganda that destroys any morality and decency by twisting everything with a pernicious and diabolical agenda.
The woke have decided to force false gender issues;Brave Female High School Student Delivers Explosive Speech Destroying Radical Trans Ideology and Her School District After a Giant Transgender Student Assaulted an Innocent Girl- Crowd Erupts in Rousing Applause!May 5, 2023 By Stephen Frank This school board, Principal and county government have normalized and legalized perversion and sexual assault. https://www.capoliticalreview.com/capoliticalnewsandviews/brave-female-high-school-student-delivers-explosive-speech-destroying-radical-trans-ideology-and-her-school-district-after-a-giant-transgender-student-assaulted-an-innocent-girl-crowd-erupts-in-rousi/
How to destroy the very institutions charged with protecting the nation.Biden: The Navy Needs to Recruit Drag Queens—NOT Patriotic AmericansMay 5, 2023 By Stephen Frank How do you destroy our military? You tell good people they have to accept men in make-up and stilettos in the showers and on the battlefield. https://www.capoliticalreview.com/capoliticalnewsandviews/biden-the-navy-needs-to-recruit-drag-queens-not-patriotic-americans/
How to poison the ,minds of our young by force feeding them lies;California Bill Would Require Books on ‘All Gender Expressions’ in Every Elementary School May 5, 2023 By Stephen Frank Imagine that every government school in California had to have books that promoted Satan and denounced Christians. That is what Democrat Assemblyman Corey Jackson is trying to get passed in Sacramento. https://www.capoliticalreview.com/capoliticalnewsandviews/california-bill-would-require-books-on-all-gender-expressions-in-every-elementary-school/
How to destroy any loyalty to the nation and steal that emotion for themselves;Bar Patrons Standing for National Anthem Sparks Outrage: ‘The Most Dangerous Situation’ May 5, 2023 By Stephen Frank At Rainbow Oaks Restaurant — just an hour outside of San Diego — a TikTok user shared that she had faced the most “dangerous” situation she had ever been in. At noon, while she was eating her stack of pancakes, about a dozen people stood up for the Star-Spangled Banner being played on the bar’s TVs. As first reported by Fox News, the TikTok user who goes by the screen name @Paulinaappa_0 recorded the patriotic display and included the caption: “By far the most dangerous situation I’ve ever been in #godblessamerica #getout #illegal #whitepeoplethings.” https://www.capoliticalreview.com/capoliticalnewsandviews/bar-patrons-standing-for-national-anthem-sparks-outrage-the-most-dangerous-situation/
How to simultaneously attack women, advance gender lies, and destroy honorable traditions; Opting ‘IN’ for Mother’s DayMay 5, 2023 By Stephen Frank To the WOKE, women are birthing mothers and egg donors. In the sports world, women are to be defeated by men in dresses. In school’s girls are prey for boys in dresses or who “feel like a girl today.” https://www.capoliticalreview.com/capoliticalnewsandviews/opting-in-for-mothers-day/
How to maintain complete control over the lies they want as their agenda;Fired college professor who opposed social justice initiatives speaks out: ‘State-funded smear campaign’. May 4, 2023 By Stephen Frank “The tenured history professor’s termination comes after years of battles with the California school’s administration over issues of free speech, censorship and college spending on political initiatives. It started in 2019 after he wrote an op-ed pushing back against the school labeling anonymous anti-Marxist stickers on campus as a “hate crime.” In response, a media website paid for by Bakersfield College grants called him an “apologist for white supremacy.” https://www.capoliticalreview.com/capoliticalnewsandviews/fired-college-professor-who-opposed-social-justice-initiatives-speaks-out-state-funded-smear-campaign/
There are many other examples out there, but California politicians seem to be in the forefront of the most outrageous and perverse agendas being FORCED on us by the Left for their version of an EQUALITY that is just another name for involuntary servitude to the ruling class of Oligarchs.
Look at This;
Here are a few of the methods the Hard Left Woke crowd uses to demoralize people by their forced acceptance of woke perverse societal standards 80+ percent of the people don't want. They are encourages to go on and poison the minds of our young with propaganda that destroys any morality and decency by twisting everything with a pernicious and diabolical agenda.
The woke have decided to force false gender issues;Brave Female High School Student Delivers Explosive Speech Destroying Radical Trans Ideology and Her School District After a Giant Transgender Student Assaulted an Innocent Girl- Crowd Erupts in Rousing Applause!May 5, 2023 By Stephen Frank This school board, Principal and county government have normalized and legalized perversion and sexual assault. https://www.capoliticalreview.com/capoliticalnewsandviews/brave-female-high-school-student-delivers-explosive-speech-destroying-radical-trans-ideology-and-her-school-district-after-a-giant-transgender-student-assaulted-an-innocent-girl-crowd-erupts-in-rousi/
How to destroy the very institutions charged with protecting the nation.Biden: The Navy Needs to Recruit Drag Queens—NOT Patriotic AmericansMay 5, 2023 By Stephen Frank How do you destroy our military? You tell good people they have to accept men in make-up and stilettos in the showers and on the battlefield. https://www.capoliticalreview.com/capoliticalnewsandviews/biden-the-navy-needs-to-recruit-drag-queens-not-patriotic-americans/
How to poison the ,minds of our young by force feeding them lies;California Bill Would Require Books on ‘All Gender Expressions’ in Every Elementary School May 5, 2023 By Stephen Frank Imagine that every government school in California had to have books that promoted Satan and denounced Christians. That is what Democrat Assemblyman Corey Jackson is trying to get passed in Sacramento. https://www.capoliticalreview.com/capoliticalnewsandviews/california-bill-would-require-books-on-all-gender-expressions-in-every-elementary-school/
How to destroy any loyalty to the nation and steal that emotion for themselves;Bar Patrons Standing for National Anthem Sparks Outrage: ‘The Most Dangerous Situation’ May 5, 2023 By Stephen Frank At Rainbow Oaks Restaurant — just an hour outside of San Diego — a TikTok user shared that she had faced the most “dangerous” situation she had ever been in. At noon, while she was eating her stack of pancakes, about a dozen people stood up for the Star-Spangled Banner being played on the bar’s TVs. As first reported by Fox News, the TikTok user who goes by the screen name @Paulinaappa_0 recorded the patriotic display and included the caption: “By far the most dangerous situation I’ve ever been in #godblessamerica #getout #illegal #whitepeoplethings.” https://www.capoliticalreview.com/capoliticalnewsandviews/bar-patrons-standing-for-national-anthem-sparks-outrage-the-most-dangerous-situation/
How to simultaneously attack women, advance gender lies, and destroy honorable traditions; Opting ‘IN’ for Mother’s DayMay 5, 2023 By Stephen Frank To the WOKE, women are birthing mothers and egg donors. In the sports world, women are to be defeated by men in dresses. In school’s girls are prey for boys in dresses or who “feel like a girl today.” https://www.capoliticalreview.com/capoliticalnewsandviews/opting-in-for-mothers-day/
How to maintain complete control over the lies they want as their agenda;Fired college professor who opposed social justice initiatives speaks out: ‘State-funded smear campaign’. May 4, 2023 By Stephen Frank “The tenured history professor’s termination comes after years of battles with the California school’s administration over issues of free speech, censorship and college spending on political initiatives. It started in 2019 after he wrote an op-ed pushing back against the school labeling anonymous anti-Marxist stickers on campus as a “hate crime.” In response, a media website paid for by Bakersfield College grants called him an “apologist for white supremacy.” https://www.capoliticalreview.com/capoliticalnewsandviews/fired-college-professor-who-opposed-social-justice-initiatives-speaks-out-state-funded-smear-campaign/
There are many other examples out there, but California politicians seem to be in the forefront of the most outrageous and perverse agendas being FORCED on us by the Left for their version of an EQUALITY that is just another name for involuntary servitude to the ruling class of Oligarchs.
Look at This;
Does it look familiar to you? Doesn't it look like what's been happening in America and the world lately? Name one standard tradition the Left has not attacked. Can you? The Biden Administration has regularly ignored Constitutional Law in it's execution of enforcement.
Like the;
Like the;
To come right down to it, the people controlling the Biden Administration have elected to assist the foreign invaders of our shores, giving them aid and comfort in technically a time of war. That is Treason as defined by; 18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)
Don't forget the Bill of Rights, or Second Amendment either;
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)
Don't forget the Bill of Rights, or Second Amendment either;
The wording is clear and the regulations and interpretations put on it by Courts and gun grabbing politicians are by their very nature unconstitutional. That forbade the Federal Government from doing anything to restrict Americans right to KEEP & BEAR ARMS. In 1868 the 14th Amendment was ratified and it's second sentence stated “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” That sentence imposed the Bill of Rights on the States.
The chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase Jamie Dimon Said;
jamie dimon, chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, said, out loud, in his annual letter to shareholders. Paraphrasing: to fight climate change we need more crony capitalism, and the government or its corporate surrogates will have to take private property by force.
dimon is a regular attendee of the World Economic Forum (WEF), hosted by economic guru and climate extremist klaus schwab. dimon even has his own profile page on the WEF’s website.
For those not in the know, the WEF is an elitist international lobbying organization whose members include rich elites from banking, finance, and high-tech industries; current and former politicians; and politically connected heads of various nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). They wield tremendous influence and power over national and international economic policy. At its meetings corporate, political, and NGO movers and shakers annually pronounce which issues they, not the citizens, will address.
Dominating the WEF’s current list are the development of digital currencies controlled by central banks, governments, or international organizations; establishing a global regulatory framework to monitor and impose limits on social media companies and users, including pushing environment, social, and governance goals across various social media platforms; and fighting climate change.
dimon addressed the latter in his letter to shareholders, suggesting the U.S. government may have to take people’s private property for left-wing energy schemes and other climate policies. Or, the government could delegate such authority to left-wing climate-woke, unanswerable to the public private-sector partners. dimon said: "We need to do more, and we need to do so immediately. To expedite progress, governments, businesses and non-governmental organizations need to align across a series of practical policy changes that comprehensively address fundamental issues that are holding us back. Massive global investment in clean energy technologies must be done and must continue to grow year-over-year. At the same time, permitting reforms are desperately needed to allow investment to be done in any kind of timely way. We may even need to evoke eminent domain — we simply are not getting the adequate investments fast enough for grid, solar, wind and pipeline initiatives. … basic lack of analysis cannot keep us from addressing one of the most complex challenges of our time. Diverse stakeholders need to come together, seeking the best answers through engagement around our common interest."
In other words, dimon argues the government should collaborate with BIG business and rich powerful elites in public-private partnerships for government expropriating private property. That is theft with a note saying: “Sorry, but it’s for the ‘public good as determined by us and our desires. You'll have no effective say."
The problem is that not enough of us peons are willing to sacrifice their dreams, goals, and personal and family pursuits to fulfill the dreams of dimon and his junk-science climate-woke, green-profiteering: building foolish wind turbines, electric car chargers, and solar panels and stringing electric cables all across the country. Too many people are refusing to sell or lease their land to left-wing energy behemoths, and too many communities are blocking expensive, inefficient, unreliable wind, solar, and power-line development. dimon and other rich left-wing elites claim they know best--ignore or censor sound opposition, and profit handsomely from bogus climate crisis projects, that we all pay for and bear its burdens. They argue the time is now for governments to partner with climate-woke corporations to take your land to save the world from a fictional climate disaster.
At least JP Morgan’s customers now know their bank is not on their side.
"The habit seen in the public rule, is gradually accustoming the American mind to an interference with private rights that is slowly undermining the individuality of the national character. There is getting to be so much public right, that private right is overshadowed and lost. A danger exists that the ends of liberty will be forgotten altogether in the means.”—James Fenimore Copper
“We are members of a society; we live by the rules of that society, we participate in the making of those rules; we win some, lose more, but there is nothing wrong if we are in the minority in acting individually so as to promote our own interests.” —Milton Friedman
“For of what use freedom of thought if it does not produce freedom of action?”— Jonathan Swift
"Without liberty, law loses its nature and its name, and becomes oppression." --James Wilson
“Life and liberty are secure only so long as the right of property is secure. All property is an extension of a person's life, energy, effort, and ingenuity. Therefore, to destroy or confiscate such property (and every person has a ‘property’ in his own ‘person’) is, in reality, an attack on the essence of life itself.”—Mark Skousen
“To give one his liberty but take from him the property which is a fruit and badge of his liberty, is to still leave him a slave.”— George Sutherland, Supreme Court Justice
“Property is the fruit of labor. Property is desirable, is a positive good in the world. Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another, but let him work diligently to build one for himself.”— Abraham Lincoln
“The reason why men enter into society is the preservation of their property [which includes their very lives]… Whenever the legislators [government leaders] endeavor to take away and destroy the property [and lives] of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people…They forfeit the power the people had put into their hands… and it devolves to the people, who have a right to resume their original liberty, and…provide for their own safety and security.”--John Locke
"Just as a man may be said to have a right to his property, so he has a property in his rights."--James Madison
Civilization progresses through gains from trade, beyond those minimal ones that primitive societies achieve, and are attainable only in cultures where individual rights are both extensive and secure(1). The rule of law in a free society includes recognition of general rules governing the conditions under which objects or circumstances become part of the protected sphere of a person. The recognition of property is clearly the 1st step, along with the whole network of rights created by contracts, which are as important a part of our own protected sphere, as any property of our own.
To realize then all those life enhancing gains from trade, there has to be a legal system and political order that supports individual rights. One that must protect property rights, which includes enforcing contracts, carries out mortgage agreements, provides for a limit on liability and facilitates a lasting and widely used capital market that makes investments and loans more liquid than they would otherwise be. These arrangements must also be expected to last for some time. To view those elements, which provide for individual rights, as expendable to a better life is utterly erroneous.
The emancipation of the individual was indeed the great revolution which led to the rise of democracy. But there is no inherent guarantee that a democracy will secure those aforementioned individual rights. In fact, a phenomenon exits where some people enthusiastically vote away their rights. As Jean-Francois Revel has noted: “..some important part of every society consists of people who actively want tyranny: either to exercise it themselves or to submit to it. Democracy therefore will therefore always be at risk.”
Bret Stephens has observed that: “Freedom’s goodness must first be demonstrated…in terms of what it tangibly delivers---before it can be demonstrated morally or spiritually.” His message in essence was that there is a most profound and crucial connection between a lasting democracy and economic progress. Economic progress then is a crucial ingredient in order to insure democracy. And that progress depends in large part on the fundamentals of respect for property and contractual rights. Mechanisms for defining and protecting property rights, such as enforcing contracts and resolving disputes, are therefore utmost in the common interest. Since economics move polities and polities govern economics, it is intuitive that good scientific knowledge about the requirements for economic performance is essential.
It should be obvious then, that one of the prerequisites required for the good life includes the necessary element of a government powerful enough to create and protect private property rights and to enforce contracts, yet constrained so as not, by its own action, to deprive individuals of those same rights. It makes a huge difference whether individuals controlling the coercive power of government have a narrow or broad stake in determining actual societal outcomes. It is, in a significant way, the security of private property that distinguishes today's rich countries, where people have an incentive to save, invest, and innovate, from today's poor countries, where people's private property rights continue to be insecure.
The main ingredient in civilization’s secret sauce for progress, that drives economic growth which provides the only real escape from poverty and rises the standard of living, is freedom. That culture provides the incentives that either encourage or discourage individuals to manifest their ideas in reality. Individuals, who lack equal legal rights, and face onerous regulatory burdens, confiscatory taxation, or insecure property rights, will be disincentivized from turning their ideas into inventions and innovations, necessary ingredients for progress, that organizes existing forms of resources to make them more productive and hence more valuable. It also creates new resources.
Yes, for value to be created humans need a relatively free market. The freedom to create and disseminate, to synergize. A culture in which people trust one another. The self-interest of individuals and firms in a free market with good policies and clearly delineated property rights is the force for the elimination of what Hobbes called a short, nasty, brutish life that mankind had experienced until the Industrial Revolution freed humanity from them from pain and misery of just trying to exist. If only Hobbes had an understanding of the efficacy of the market and its order as occurs under a minimalist government, we might be so much further ahead.
The probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-hearted person would get the job of whipping master in a slave plantation… who ever wanted power for any other reason, what have those who achieve do when they get it...those are the limitations of man in society.---Frank Knight, UC
“The moral defense of liberty requires that we make distinctions between rights and privileges…privileges, government and the collective are not entirely separate, they essential rest on coercion.”--Rev. Robert Sirico
“The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence. Property must be secure or liberty cannot exist.”— John Adams
1. “Modern democracy originated in medieval towns with free enterprise, which begot those towns. That is the principal or sole means for the advancement of human liberty.... “---Max Weber.
dimon is a regular attendee of the World Economic Forum (WEF), hosted by economic guru and climate extremist klaus schwab. dimon even has his own profile page on the WEF’s website.
For those not in the know, the WEF is an elitist international lobbying organization whose members include rich elites from banking, finance, and high-tech industries; current and former politicians; and politically connected heads of various nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). They wield tremendous influence and power over national and international economic policy. At its meetings corporate, political, and NGO movers and shakers annually pronounce which issues they, not the citizens, will address.
Dominating the WEF’s current list are the development of digital currencies controlled by central banks, governments, or international organizations; establishing a global regulatory framework to monitor and impose limits on social media companies and users, including pushing environment, social, and governance goals across various social media platforms; and fighting climate change.
dimon addressed the latter in his letter to shareholders, suggesting the U.S. government may have to take people’s private property for left-wing energy schemes and other climate policies. Or, the government could delegate such authority to left-wing climate-woke, unanswerable to the public private-sector partners. dimon said: "We need to do more, and we need to do so immediately. To expedite progress, governments, businesses and non-governmental organizations need to align across a series of practical policy changes that comprehensively address fundamental issues that are holding us back. Massive global investment in clean energy technologies must be done and must continue to grow year-over-year. At the same time, permitting reforms are desperately needed to allow investment to be done in any kind of timely way. We may even need to evoke eminent domain — we simply are not getting the adequate investments fast enough for grid, solar, wind and pipeline initiatives. … basic lack of analysis cannot keep us from addressing one of the most complex challenges of our time. Diverse stakeholders need to come together, seeking the best answers through engagement around our common interest."
In other words, dimon argues the government should collaborate with BIG business and rich powerful elites in public-private partnerships for government expropriating private property. That is theft with a note saying: “Sorry, but it’s for the ‘public good as determined by us and our desires. You'll have no effective say."
The problem is that not enough of us peons are willing to sacrifice their dreams, goals, and personal and family pursuits to fulfill the dreams of dimon and his junk-science climate-woke, green-profiteering: building foolish wind turbines, electric car chargers, and solar panels and stringing electric cables all across the country. Too many people are refusing to sell or lease their land to left-wing energy behemoths, and too many communities are blocking expensive, inefficient, unreliable wind, solar, and power-line development. dimon and other rich left-wing elites claim they know best--ignore or censor sound opposition, and profit handsomely from bogus climate crisis projects, that we all pay for and bear its burdens. They argue the time is now for governments to partner with climate-woke corporations to take your land to save the world from a fictional climate disaster.
At least JP Morgan’s customers now know their bank is not on their side.
"The habit seen in the public rule, is gradually accustoming the American mind to an interference with private rights that is slowly undermining the individuality of the national character. There is getting to be so much public right, that private right is overshadowed and lost. A danger exists that the ends of liberty will be forgotten altogether in the means.”—James Fenimore Copper
“We are members of a society; we live by the rules of that society, we participate in the making of those rules; we win some, lose more, but there is nothing wrong if we are in the minority in acting individually so as to promote our own interests.” —Milton Friedman
“For of what use freedom of thought if it does not produce freedom of action?”— Jonathan Swift
"Without liberty, law loses its nature and its name, and becomes oppression." --James Wilson
“Life and liberty are secure only so long as the right of property is secure. All property is an extension of a person's life, energy, effort, and ingenuity. Therefore, to destroy or confiscate such property (and every person has a ‘property’ in his own ‘person’) is, in reality, an attack on the essence of life itself.”—Mark Skousen
“To give one his liberty but take from him the property which is a fruit and badge of his liberty, is to still leave him a slave.”— George Sutherland, Supreme Court Justice
“Property is the fruit of labor. Property is desirable, is a positive good in the world. Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another, but let him work diligently to build one for himself.”— Abraham Lincoln
“The reason why men enter into society is the preservation of their property [which includes their very lives]… Whenever the legislators [government leaders] endeavor to take away and destroy the property [and lives] of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people…They forfeit the power the people had put into their hands… and it devolves to the people, who have a right to resume their original liberty, and…provide for their own safety and security.”--John Locke
"Just as a man may be said to have a right to his property, so he has a property in his rights."--James Madison
Civilization progresses through gains from trade, beyond those minimal ones that primitive societies achieve, and are attainable only in cultures where individual rights are both extensive and secure(1). The rule of law in a free society includes recognition of general rules governing the conditions under which objects or circumstances become part of the protected sphere of a person. The recognition of property is clearly the 1st step, along with the whole network of rights created by contracts, which are as important a part of our own protected sphere, as any property of our own.
To realize then all those life enhancing gains from trade, there has to be a legal system and political order that supports individual rights. One that must protect property rights, which includes enforcing contracts, carries out mortgage agreements, provides for a limit on liability and facilitates a lasting and widely used capital market that makes investments and loans more liquid than they would otherwise be. These arrangements must also be expected to last for some time. To view those elements, which provide for individual rights, as expendable to a better life is utterly erroneous.
The emancipation of the individual was indeed the great revolution which led to the rise of democracy. But there is no inherent guarantee that a democracy will secure those aforementioned individual rights. In fact, a phenomenon exits where some people enthusiastically vote away their rights. As Jean-Francois Revel has noted: “..some important part of every society consists of people who actively want tyranny: either to exercise it themselves or to submit to it. Democracy therefore will therefore always be at risk.”
Bret Stephens has observed that: “Freedom’s goodness must first be demonstrated…in terms of what it tangibly delivers---before it can be demonstrated morally or spiritually.” His message in essence was that there is a most profound and crucial connection between a lasting democracy and economic progress. Economic progress then is a crucial ingredient in order to insure democracy. And that progress depends in large part on the fundamentals of respect for property and contractual rights. Mechanisms for defining and protecting property rights, such as enforcing contracts and resolving disputes, are therefore utmost in the common interest. Since economics move polities and polities govern economics, it is intuitive that good scientific knowledge about the requirements for economic performance is essential.
It should be obvious then, that one of the prerequisites required for the good life includes the necessary element of a government powerful enough to create and protect private property rights and to enforce contracts, yet constrained so as not, by its own action, to deprive individuals of those same rights. It makes a huge difference whether individuals controlling the coercive power of government have a narrow or broad stake in determining actual societal outcomes. It is, in a significant way, the security of private property that distinguishes today's rich countries, where people have an incentive to save, invest, and innovate, from today's poor countries, where people's private property rights continue to be insecure.
The main ingredient in civilization’s secret sauce for progress, that drives economic growth which provides the only real escape from poverty and rises the standard of living, is freedom. That culture provides the incentives that either encourage or discourage individuals to manifest their ideas in reality. Individuals, who lack equal legal rights, and face onerous regulatory burdens, confiscatory taxation, or insecure property rights, will be disincentivized from turning their ideas into inventions and innovations, necessary ingredients for progress, that organizes existing forms of resources to make them more productive and hence more valuable. It also creates new resources.
Yes, for value to be created humans need a relatively free market. The freedom to create and disseminate, to synergize. A culture in which people trust one another. The self-interest of individuals and firms in a free market with good policies and clearly delineated property rights is the force for the elimination of what Hobbes called a short, nasty, brutish life that mankind had experienced until the Industrial Revolution freed humanity from them from pain and misery of just trying to exist. If only Hobbes had an understanding of the efficacy of the market and its order as occurs under a minimalist government, we might be so much further ahead.
The probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-hearted person would get the job of whipping master in a slave plantation… who ever wanted power for any other reason, what have those who achieve do when they get it...those are the limitations of man in society.---Frank Knight, UC
“The moral defense of liberty requires that we make distinctions between rights and privileges…privileges, government and the collective are not entirely separate, they essential rest on coercion.”--Rev. Robert Sirico
“The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence. Property must be secure or liberty cannot exist.”— John Adams
1. “Modern democracy originated in medieval towns with free enterprise, which begot those towns. That is the principal or sole means for the advancement of human liberty.... “---Max Weber.
They have a Constitutional framework to end the corruption. I wonder why they won't use it?
They have a Constitutional framework they could be using to end the corruption. I wonder why they won't use it?
Also see; https://articlevprojecttorestoreliberty.com/index.html online Library, for more information about the feasibility, safety, and necessity for why the American people need to direct their State Legislatures to petition Congress for an Article-V Amendment Proposal Convention. The so called professional talking heads who attempt to terrorize the public into believing Article-V would open the main body of the Constitution for change and a Runaway Constitutional Convention ( like the one that was specifically authorized to create the constitution ), are either abysmally ignorant or are outright lying for political purposes IMHO. Amendments are instructions on how the various articles of the Constitution are to be interpreted by Courts, Federal, State, and Local Governments, and the People themselves.
Amendments are not permanent changes to the written Constitution. Amendments can be repealed like the 18th was. The procedures for a States petitioned for an Article-V Amendment Proposal Convention ( because that is exactly what it is, 'proposals' until ratified ), and the same steps and protections used by Congress apply to the States. The only difference is; When the 34 State Petitioning Requirement is reached, Congress MUST call for a Convention then step back and refrain from making or editing any proposals for Amendments. There are also many States which have legislation on how they are to conduct the proposals, and control their delegates to the convention. Example: Model "No runaway Article V Conventions act; https://alec.org/model-policy/resolution-for-limitations-on-authori...
The Constitution avows the people themselves are the Supreme Sovereign of the United States Government. Per the Xth Amendment Center; "While many Americans assume the federal government sits at the top of the power pyramid, it actually belongs on the bottom. Under the intended constitutional system, “we the people” hold the top position of authority, with the states under them and the federal government only supreme within the limited scope of the explicit powers delegate to it." So, the ultimate and final authority always remains in the people. That is the basis for Article-V of the Constitution, the one Article that gives us dominion over all the established governmental bodies in the USA. Unfortunately, it's one we have never used, but congress has exclusively used it so far.
Amendments are not permanent changes to the written Constitution. Amendments can be repealed like the 18th was. The procedures for a States petitioned for an Article-V Amendment Proposal Convention ( because that is exactly what it is, 'proposals' until ratified ), and the same steps and protections used by Congress apply to the States. The only difference is; When the 34 State Petitioning Requirement is reached, Congress MUST call for a Convention then step back and refrain from making or editing any proposals for Amendments. There are also many States which have legislation on how they are to conduct the proposals, and control their delegates to the convention. Example: Model "No runaway Article V Conventions act; https://alec.org/model-policy/resolution-for-limitations-on-authori...
The Constitution avows the people themselves are the Supreme Sovereign of the United States Government. Per the Xth Amendment Center; "While many Americans assume the federal government sits at the top of the power pyramid, it actually belongs on the bottom. Under the intended constitutional system, “we the people” hold the top position of authority, with the states under them and the federal government only supreme within the limited scope of the explicit powers delegate to it." So, the ultimate and final authority always remains in the people. That is the basis for Article-V of the Constitution, the one Article that gives us dominion over all the established governmental bodies in the USA. Unfortunately, it's one we have never used, but congress has exclusively used it so far.
The Blight Imposed On Our Nation By Socialism
The Blight;
The younger generation say 40 and younger, have been continually brainwashed since birth to accept/embrace Collectivism
( Socialism, Fascism, Communism) as the best form of government possible, and truly believe the lie. This is a repeat of the move in America from the 1900's until WWII when the world saw the extremism and human suffering Collectivism brought to it's citizens. Ever since Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels collaborated in Das Kapital, the world has been torn asunder by it's set of sweet sounding lies and half truths. Basically it's a subtrefuge to instate a system like the old kings had before Runnymead and the Magna Charta, but in modern sound-byte terms.
Traditionally America was a society of free thinkers and energetic doers who fought to be self governed. Basically Americans brought us into the 20th Century with the Industrial Revolution. At it's beginning, that revolution was responsible for much upheaval and even pain for the common man. Just as the American Republic has some Democratic principles, the republic was supposed to use the legal strictures of the Constitution to preserve the rights sought in the Declaration of Independence. However Greed stepped in and wrecked havoc on the ideals of the Founders. The "Robber Barons" of the 1800's exploited Americans, giving rise to Socialist ideas like Unionism, because of their abuse of their workers. The idea that government was responsible to 'give' the citizens certain things, came out of that era, and greedy self centered politicians grabbed on to that idea to maintain their voter base.
Certain restrictions needed to be placed on Free Enterprise to protect lives and livelihoods of the workers. Politicians being dependent on the public for their continued easy chair lifestyles as law makers kept gradually overreacting to the desires of the public for free stuff instead of their proper role of protectors of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness for the entire population. This led to political corruption istitutionalized in organizations like the Democrats Tamanny Hall, and gave rise to ever more powerful unions, and a strong move towards Socialism in America.
One of the things people are not told when they are urged towards any form of socialism is the control government will start putting on the people. Free thinking, free speech, freedom of movement, and loss of personal initiative is the first strictures any socialist government will lay down, first and foremost attempting to disarm the public, "FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY" of course. Once disarmed, the people become slaves to the ruling class just like the middle ages peasants were enslaved to their king and their liege lords. The names are different but the effects on the common man are the same.
The younger generations after the original baby boomers, were never given a complete education or taught the truth. They are ignorant of the reality that a freethinking individual, is opposed by sundry collectivists. There are some who believe that a person should conform to others, some who believe that a person should rebel against others, and some who believe that, politically, we should have a Fascist or Communist dictatorship in which the individual is utterly subordinate to the will of the people. They are never exposed to the down side of those political philosophies.
Another thing the youth are ignorant of is; The naivete mentality of the millions of "true believers" who blindly follow a Jim Jones, a Sun Myung Moon, or an Adolf Hitler. Ayn Rand shows that conformity, a widespread phenomenon in contemporary American society, is one of the underlying causes of collectivist dictatorship. The end result being; whether of the Nazi/Fascist, or Communist variety, are the evils that result in concentration camps. The extermination of millions of innocent victims. And the precipitation of world wars to maintain their hegemony over the masses.
Guess where we're at right now....
The Tradesman
The younger generation say 40 and younger, have been continually brainwashed since birth to accept/embrace Collectivism
( Socialism, Fascism, Communism) as the best form of government possible, and truly believe the lie. This is a repeat of the move in America from the 1900's until WWII when the world saw the extremism and human suffering Collectivism brought to it's citizens. Ever since Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels collaborated in Das Kapital, the world has been torn asunder by it's set of sweet sounding lies and half truths. Basically it's a subtrefuge to instate a system like the old kings had before Runnymead and the Magna Charta, but in modern sound-byte terms.
Traditionally America was a society of free thinkers and energetic doers who fought to be self governed. Basically Americans brought us into the 20th Century with the Industrial Revolution. At it's beginning, that revolution was responsible for much upheaval and even pain for the common man. Just as the American Republic has some Democratic principles, the republic was supposed to use the legal strictures of the Constitution to preserve the rights sought in the Declaration of Independence. However Greed stepped in and wrecked havoc on the ideals of the Founders. The "Robber Barons" of the 1800's exploited Americans, giving rise to Socialist ideas like Unionism, because of their abuse of their workers. The idea that government was responsible to 'give' the citizens certain things, came out of that era, and greedy self centered politicians grabbed on to that idea to maintain their voter base.
Certain restrictions needed to be placed on Free Enterprise to protect lives and livelihoods of the workers. Politicians being dependent on the public for their continued easy chair lifestyles as law makers kept gradually overreacting to the desires of the public for free stuff instead of their proper role of protectors of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness for the entire population. This led to political corruption istitutionalized in organizations like the Democrats Tamanny Hall, and gave rise to ever more powerful unions, and a strong move towards Socialism in America.
One of the things people are not told when they are urged towards any form of socialism is the control government will start putting on the people. Free thinking, free speech, freedom of movement, and loss of personal initiative is the first strictures any socialist government will lay down, first and foremost attempting to disarm the public, "FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY" of course. Once disarmed, the people become slaves to the ruling class just like the middle ages peasants were enslaved to their king and their liege lords. The names are different but the effects on the common man are the same.
The younger generations after the original baby boomers, were never given a complete education or taught the truth. They are ignorant of the reality that a freethinking individual, is opposed by sundry collectivists. There are some who believe that a person should conform to others, some who believe that a person should rebel against others, and some who believe that, politically, we should have a Fascist or Communist dictatorship in which the individual is utterly subordinate to the will of the people. They are never exposed to the down side of those political philosophies.
Another thing the youth are ignorant of is; The naivete mentality of the millions of "true believers" who blindly follow a Jim Jones, a Sun Myung Moon, or an Adolf Hitler. Ayn Rand shows that conformity, a widespread phenomenon in contemporary American society, is one of the underlying causes of collectivist dictatorship. The end result being; whether of the Nazi/Fascist, or Communist variety, are the evils that result in concentration camps. The extermination of millions of innocent victims. And the precipitation of world wars to maintain their hegemony over the masses.
Guess where we're at right now....
The Tradesman
Gun Control or Congressional Tyranny?
Anyone can see from these two articles, the Gun Grabbers in Congress are hell bent on disarming the American Public despite the Second Amendment.
June 2 2022;House Dems, Republicans clash over gun proposals in emotional debate. House Republicans lamented they were kept out of talks for the legislation taken up Thursday and argued that Democrats were moving too fast with proposals that will only curb Second Amendment gun rights.
Rep. Mondaire Jones said Thursday Democrats will abolish (https://www.foxnews.com/category/politics/house-of-representatives/democrats) the Senate filibuster and pack the Supreme Court (https://www.foxnews.com/category/politics/judiciary/supreme-court) in order to pass more restrictions on guns, as the House prepares to advance a package of gun bills next week. 6/2/22
Jones, D-N.Y., made the comments at a House Judiciary Committee markup on a package called the "Protecting Our Kids Act." The emergency committee meeting was called by Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., in response to the mass shootings in Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, New York, in recent weeks. https://news.yahoo.com/house-dem-declares-gun-control-181652989.html .
Who else finds it so strange when every time the Democrats are facing total defeat in elections, or they want to slip something by us, there are mass shootings or a contrived "epidemic" to distract our focus so they can do their dirty deeds? Now they are so focused on disarming us to the point of actually threatening us with the destruction of the Filibuster to negate the Second Amendment protections by their fiat pronouncements, and the corruption of one of our traditional bulwarks against Congressional overreach, the supposedly non-partisan Supreme Court they will bastardize into a Star Chamber Kangaroo court.
Now, both sides are seemingly working together to again distract the American Public by having their strategists opine that the economy will be bad enough to focus peoples minds on surviving and then throw in Abortion as the other hot topic to distract us from seeing our Constitutional rights evaporate through behind the scenes legislation being passed before the people have a say on it.
This subterfuge by the Congress must be stopped, and stopped cold by the American Public. The way our Founders who framed the Constitution left for the American People to do this, is through Article-V of the Constitution. The Article-V is not a Constitutional Convention as depicted by those persons who are either ignorant of it's limitations and intent, or those who want to retain their stranglehold on power to use it for their own advancement.
Article-V was put there primarily for the people to overrule an overreaching or uncaring Congress. From the first amendment proposed and ratified after the Bill of Rights, Congress has usurped the process as their own exclusively. In doing so has bluffed the public into thinking it was put there for them alone, and if the people exercised their Constitutional Rights to rein in Congress there would be chaos and the total destruction of the Constitution.
It was meant to keep the chains on the Federal Government by allowing the people themselves to order their State Legislatures to petition Congress to convene an Amendment Proposal Convention where Congress must step back and let the people themselves decide proposals for amendments. The safeguards are exactly the same for the peoples proposals as they are for Congressional proposals. an Article-V does not open up the main body of the Constitution to fundamentally change it, it only changes the legal interpretation of those Constitutional Articles.
The people themselves have the ability to make the changes to election laws, interpretation of existing Amendments, and also existing Supreme Court Rulings. Using the Article-V process through our States would restore the balance between the peoples power, the States power, and Federal (Congressional) Powers. If you were not taught it in school, the people are the highest power in America and the various governmental agencies are supposed to be our servants and doing OUR bidding not ruling us.
The first amendment proposal should be; to include the Bill of Rights as sacrosanct as the main body of the Constitution, and immune from any future repeals.
Under Gun Control and the Second Amendment, the people could propose an Amendment that stated " The Second Amendment gives the right to the people to own and use any Weapon that the military has. However, The People have the right to vote to approve or deny on any existing and/or future Gun Law or Regulation by the Federal Government. Furthermore the States with their citizens approval, have the right to determine their own gun laws subject to approval in a vote by the legal voters in their States. The vote to, be conducted with paper ballots, the tally counted publicly by hand, and those original ballots be secured for 20 years, and also placed on whatever media is being used to preserve records in perpetuity.
The potential for existing amendments the public does not collectively want, can be repealed through the Article-V process. In Repealing or Proposing, Amendments must go through the entire ratification process with one exception; "Congress does not have the Constitutional power to Edit or Eliminate any Amendment Proposal generated by a States Article-V Convention". Congress must officially transmit every proposal to all of the States for Ratification.
The current proposal for a ( Convention of States ) of getting from 34 to all 50 States to create an Amendment proposal and sending it to congress without an Article-V Convention is not Constitutional because it does not meet the clear and concise requirements of Article-V
The Public must contact their representatives and order them to vote down all the new anti-gun proposals
The Tradesman
June 2 2022;House Dems, Republicans clash over gun proposals in emotional debate. House Republicans lamented they were kept out of talks for the legislation taken up Thursday and argued that Democrats were moving too fast with proposals that will only curb Second Amendment gun rights.
Rep. Mondaire Jones said Thursday Democrats will abolish (https://www.foxnews.com/category/politics/house-of-representatives/democrats) the Senate filibuster and pack the Supreme Court (https://www.foxnews.com/category/politics/judiciary/supreme-court) in order to pass more restrictions on guns, as the House prepares to advance a package of gun bills next week. 6/2/22
Jones, D-N.Y., made the comments at a House Judiciary Committee markup on a package called the "Protecting Our Kids Act." The emergency committee meeting was called by Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., in response to the mass shootings in Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, New York, in recent weeks. https://news.yahoo.com/house-dem-declares-gun-control-181652989.html .
Who else finds it so strange when every time the Democrats are facing total defeat in elections, or they want to slip something by us, there are mass shootings or a contrived "epidemic" to distract our focus so they can do their dirty deeds? Now they are so focused on disarming us to the point of actually threatening us with the destruction of the Filibuster to negate the Second Amendment protections by their fiat pronouncements, and the corruption of one of our traditional bulwarks against Congressional overreach, the supposedly non-partisan Supreme Court they will bastardize into a Star Chamber Kangaroo court.
Now, both sides are seemingly working together to again distract the American Public by having their strategists opine that the economy will be bad enough to focus peoples minds on surviving and then throw in Abortion as the other hot topic to distract us from seeing our Constitutional rights evaporate through behind the scenes legislation being passed before the people have a say on it.
This subterfuge by the Congress must be stopped, and stopped cold by the American Public. The way our Founders who framed the Constitution left for the American People to do this, is through Article-V of the Constitution. The Article-V is not a Constitutional Convention as depicted by those persons who are either ignorant of it's limitations and intent, or those who want to retain their stranglehold on power to use it for their own advancement.
Article-V was put there primarily for the people to overrule an overreaching or uncaring Congress. From the first amendment proposed and ratified after the Bill of Rights, Congress has usurped the process as their own exclusively. In doing so has bluffed the public into thinking it was put there for them alone, and if the people exercised their Constitutional Rights to rein in Congress there would be chaos and the total destruction of the Constitution.
It was meant to keep the chains on the Federal Government by allowing the people themselves to order their State Legislatures to petition Congress to convene an Amendment Proposal Convention where Congress must step back and let the people themselves decide proposals for amendments. The safeguards are exactly the same for the peoples proposals as they are for Congressional proposals. an Article-V does not open up the main body of the Constitution to fundamentally change it, it only changes the legal interpretation of those Constitutional Articles.
The people themselves have the ability to make the changes to election laws, interpretation of existing Amendments, and also existing Supreme Court Rulings. Using the Article-V process through our States would restore the balance between the peoples power, the States power, and Federal (Congressional) Powers. If you were not taught it in school, the people are the highest power in America and the various governmental agencies are supposed to be our servants and doing OUR bidding not ruling us.
The first amendment proposal should be; to include the Bill of Rights as sacrosanct as the main body of the Constitution, and immune from any future repeals.
Under Gun Control and the Second Amendment, the people could propose an Amendment that stated " The Second Amendment gives the right to the people to own and use any Weapon that the military has. However, The People have the right to vote to approve or deny on any existing and/or future Gun Law or Regulation by the Federal Government. Furthermore the States with their citizens approval, have the right to determine their own gun laws subject to approval in a vote by the legal voters in their States. The vote to, be conducted with paper ballots, the tally counted publicly by hand, and those original ballots be secured for 20 years, and also placed on whatever media is being used to preserve records in perpetuity.
The potential for existing amendments the public does not collectively want, can be repealed through the Article-V process. In Repealing or Proposing, Amendments must go through the entire ratification process with one exception; "Congress does not have the Constitutional power to Edit or Eliminate any Amendment Proposal generated by a States Article-V Convention". Congress must officially transmit every proposal to all of the States for Ratification.
The current proposal for a ( Convention of States ) of getting from 34 to all 50 States to create an Amendment proposal and sending it to congress without an Article-V Convention is not Constitutional because it does not meet the clear and concise requirements of Article-V
The Public must contact their representatives and order them to vote down all the new anti-gun proposals
The Tradesman
TCF Center Massive Ballot Drop Video Finally Released
After months of FOIA requests; This is the video that got TGP banned from Twitter, which shows a massive ballot dump at the TCF counting facility, 8 hours AFTER the polls closed!" ( https://t.me/MachiavelliRodStryker/9171 )
Tax the Rich, Lower World Population. Bulls**t!
We all know the Democrats "allegedly" champion the working class and want to "eliminate" or severely lower the "Tax Cuts" to the rich they call by the politicized term "Welfare for the Rich". It's utterly amazing that so many Americans still believe that pack of lies. Biden wants to "Invest" in America and to quote his speech writers "Build Back Better".
They keep harping on the old standard political hackneyed phrase, " The Rich and the Corporations are finally going to "pay their fair share" because they are going to "Tax the Rich". This is unmitigated Bulls**t! They know all the corporate taxes on profits just like the sales taxes are passed along to the working class consumer. The really Rich like the Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, and all those like them, just get insider trading and other perks to make up for far more than what they are "Taxed". [Example: Nancy Pelosi's Husband Buys Millions in Electric Vehicle Stocks as Democrats Push Green Energy Handouts. I ask you, doesn't this look a lot like insider trading?
https://www.westernjournal.com/nancy-pelosis-husband-buys-millions-electric-vehicle-stocks-democrats-push-green-energy-handouts/?ff_source=Email&ff_medium=CBBreaking&ff_campaign=wj-breaking&ff_content=libertyalliance ] However, they have probably finally killed the Goose that laid the golden egg.
I am speaking about the (estimated) $130 Trillion debt they have currently saddled the US with by insanely overspending on programs like Green Energy and crippling the other reliable fossil fuel and nuclear fueled energy industries. We are now in a severe inflationary spiral and added to that fact, is the recent move by Putin to demand payment for his fossil fuels in the Rubles which are now backed by a gold standard. The Chinese are also moving to back their yuan by gold. These moves will decimate the American economy which has been based on fiat currency which up until now was backed by the selling of debt instead of either gold or saleable goods.
The US Dollar once being the reserve currency which was the required currency to purchase oil, is no longer true. What is happening is investors and nations holding USD are dumping them on the market. America will soon be called to task to redeem that $130 Trillion in debt, and there is no way we can do it. We are headed to a time of hyperinflation that will make Post WWI Germany's hyper inflation look like a picnic in the park.
The one thing that could have saved us is the unequalled food production we were once capable of. That capability has been hamstrung by the Democrats over the years by paying farmers to not plant crops for a profit. The Biden Administration has already implemented that idiocy; Biden pays farms to STOP - EU out of Feed - Meat taxes & Chicken permits - Up to you to GROW FOOD! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ9aLIacUmc .
We are in a perfect storm scenario, brought about by the overlords who control the Left worldwide, and the Democrat Party here in the US. Their goal has always been to destroy us and the American Dream of competent self reliant independent individuals who neither serve or rule. Instead leaders have decided that the world population is far exceeding the ability of the planet to feed them.
This directly impacts the economy and predisposes those in control to crash it to induce a population thinning through famine. This is where we find ourselves as a race of humans once again. See the 11/95 article Depopulation of a Planet Thinning Out The "Useless Eaters" a report by Rick Martin; https://criticalunity.org/news/nwo/population/293-depopulation-of-a-planet to gain a long term insight of what has been ongoing from at least 1798, from an essay published by Thomas Malthus, to present day.
They keep harping on the old standard political hackneyed phrase, " The Rich and the Corporations are finally going to "pay their fair share" because they are going to "Tax the Rich". This is unmitigated Bulls**t! They know all the corporate taxes on profits just like the sales taxes are passed along to the working class consumer. The really Rich like the Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, and all those like them, just get insider trading and other perks to make up for far more than what they are "Taxed". [Example: Nancy Pelosi's Husband Buys Millions in Electric Vehicle Stocks as Democrats Push Green Energy Handouts. I ask you, doesn't this look a lot like insider trading?
https://www.westernjournal.com/nancy-pelosis-husband-buys-millions-electric-vehicle-stocks-democrats-push-green-energy-handouts/?ff_source=Email&ff_medium=CBBreaking&ff_campaign=wj-breaking&ff_content=libertyalliance ] However, they have probably finally killed the Goose that laid the golden egg.
I am speaking about the (estimated) $130 Trillion debt they have currently saddled the US with by insanely overspending on programs like Green Energy and crippling the other reliable fossil fuel and nuclear fueled energy industries. We are now in a severe inflationary spiral and added to that fact, is the recent move by Putin to demand payment for his fossil fuels in the Rubles which are now backed by a gold standard. The Chinese are also moving to back their yuan by gold. These moves will decimate the American economy which has been based on fiat currency which up until now was backed by the selling of debt instead of either gold or saleable goods.
The US Dollar once being the reserve currency which was the required currency to purchase oil, is no longer true. What is happening is investors and nations holding USD are dumping them on the market. America will soon be called to task to redeem that $130 Trillion in debt, and there is no way we can do it. We are headed to a time of hyperinflation that will make Post WWI Germany's hyper inflation look like a picnic in the park.
The one thing that could have saved us is the unequalled food production we were once capable of. That capability has been hamstrung by the Democrats over the years by paying farmers to not plant crops for a profit. The Biden Administration has already implemented that idiocy; Biden pays farms to STOP - EU out of Feed - Meat taxes & Chicken permits - Up to you to GROW FOOD! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ9aLIacUmc .
We are in a perfect storm scenario, brought about by the overlords who control the Left worldwide, and the Democrat Party here in the US. Their goal has always been to destroy us and the American Dream of competent self reliant independent individuals who neither serve or rule. Instead leaders have decided that the world population is far exceeding the ability of the planet to feed them.
This directly impacts the economy and predisposes those in control to crash it to induce a population thinning through famine. This is where we find ourselves as a race of humans once again. See the 11/95 article Depopulation of a Planet Thinning Out The "Useless Eaters" a report by Rick Martin; https://criticalunity.org/news/nwo/population/293-depopulation-of-a-planet to gain a long term insight of what has been ongoing from at least 1798, from an essay published by Thomas Malthus, to present day.
We Are At War!
The very essence of what makes America, America is at risk today. We are at WAR. Make no mistake this attempted takeover of our Government by Fraud and Deceit are only the opening shots. This is not just any fight. This is a fight like the original revolution, and the American people are the Militias who will do the fighting.
This war of ideologies and outright greed was brought on by selfish self centered individuals who consider themselves far above the common man. These people care nothing for the lives and livelihood of the people they use a cannon fodder for their base desires of uncontested power over all others in this Nation. they hold nothing sacred except their personal opinions about what reality should look like.
In the history of humanity, wars have been fought for selfish gains and very few were fought for moral purposes. This war of ideologies is being waged against morality by the liberal enemies of America. I'm sad to say there are many Americans who are fighting on the wrong side of history. Very many politicians are on the wrong side of History too, most of the Democrats and all the RINO's.
We are now faced with a corrupt administration, which over 80% of us believe cheated and defrauded to get in place. These people are the usurpers who want everything, and will stop at nothing, to gain the upper hand. Like I said, We Are At War!
The American people are the modern day heirs to the original Militia who so ably fought off the British. Right now the usurpers in Congress and Government are trying to do the same as the British were trying to do to pacify us by taking our guns. We must remember our guns are the Symbol of Freedom, they are the Teeth of the Constitution, and the 2nd Amendment is what is supposed to protect the Inalienable Right to defend ourselves against all comers even the Government, it sets America apart from the rest of the world.
Fortunately our Founders gave us a way to Defeat the corrupt government they foresaw eventually rearing it's ugly head. That way is Article-V of the Constitution. It was put there for the People to use, not for Congress to use exclusively. Early on Congress usurped that right and brainwashed the people into believing only congress was capable of safely making those decisions. This came about the time Congress started seeing itself as the rulers of the people, not their servants.
We must either take our Political Power Back, or we must give up any hint of having political power ever again. Lets unite behind a proper cause and prevent a Corrupt and Perverse Congress from destroying America. All it takes is for YOU to actively do something instead of waiting for 'others' to do it for you.
The Tradesman
Concerning the Constitution and How To Use It.
Here is something to explain the Constitution and it's Amendments a little clearer. It's what Americans have at their disposal within the amendments to rectify problems/revolution/major government change without resorting to a shooting war.
On January 6, 2021 Americans witnessed the Death of a Free America. After the evidence and sworn affidavits were refused to be heard by any Court including the Supreme Court by citing "Lack of Standing" or some such nonsense, Our America died. It was hurried along by a staged incursion into the Capitol building to disrupt proceedings where members of Congress, who still had a measure of Honor and Integrity, were poised to challenge the election results.
They were challenging not for the winner or loser, they were challenging in hopes of presenting the evidence that the integrity of the vote was stripped from the people. It was a Constitutional Crisis issue that being unresolved, has illegally taken the peoples right to choose their representatives away from them. Possibly in perpetuity, unless we act quickly and effectively.
Anyone with sense enough to pour urine out of a boot, could see the election was rigged by what we call Deep State Players. Americans now have no say in their government. The Constitution is being and will continue to be ignored by the winning cheaters. Our American government has been hi-jacked by those same Socialist/Communist players. Americans have been told they have only three options to overcome the assault by hidden players controlling the Democrat Party.
The Soap Box, The Ballot box, and the Bullet Box. Unfortunately, if hot heads choose the Bullet box, everyone will lose.
There is a Fourth Option that Politicians do not want the people to use under any circumstances. They know if the people use it even once, the politicians strangle hold on political power is forever broken. That Fourth Option is what the Founders in their wisdom placed in the Constitution for just such an issue as we now face. The option is; "Article-V of the Constitution".>
Article-V gives the people the power to overrule every governmental division of our Nation; Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches inclusive. It infers supreme power on the people, if they are brave enough to use it, despite all the outright lies the politicians fearmonger about it.
It works like this; The people order their State Legislatures to petition Congress for an Article-V Amendment Proposal Convention. The politicians and those with vested interests in keeping their political power, will outright lie and try to say it's a Constitutional Convention which will open the Constitution and destroy it. That is pure HORSE PUCKY!
Simply put, when the States at the direction of their citizens, petition Congress for an Amendment Proposal Convention (Article-V/Convention of States), the Congress must by Constitutional Law open one then step back and let the people, through their respective States, propose Amendments to the Constitution. Congress can not propose any Amendments at that convention, That is exactly what they are so terrified of. Basically the People can take away the powers Congress has stolen from them over the years, and Congress can do nothing except lie and fearmonger and make other phony statements to the people, to try and stop the proposals.
This might frighten the ill informed and cause them to think everything could be torn down. That is not so. The same safeguards in place for a States called Article-V are exactly the same as for a Congress called for Article-V. Who do you trust to make the decisions benefitting the people? The Congress with it's self serving track record, or, the people themselves?
Article-V states;
Article V:
The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.
According to Article V of the Constitution, Congress must call a convention when 2/3rds of the states apply.
That magic number is 34 states.
This means after 34 States petition Congress, Congress has no choice but to open it. The people can propose anything, but it must pass approval of the citizens of 38 States to become part of the Amendment's to the Constitution.
It only gives Congress the right to propose the method, NOT, order the method, the States will use to ratify any Amendments Proposed by the people.
Contrary to what Congress and others will say, Article-V does not have the legal power to open and change the written Constitution. The Constitution despite the lies of the Left tries to imply, is not a "Living Document". In plain fact Article-V was put in so the people could when necessary, Modify the interpretation of what the Written Constitution states. Understand that, Amendments, only modify the interpretations of the articles of the U.S. Constitution. They in no way permanently modify it because if the people want to repeal an Amendment, they can. Even the Supreme Court can not modify the Constitution, or the Amendments. The Amendments serve only to instruct them how to interpret the limitations and protections the Constitution provides.
We are at a dangerous tipping point presently. If we do nothing, the US as we know it, will cease to exist and will be replaced by a system that ignores rule of law, in favor of rule by the leaders whims. That is how Oligarchy, Monarchy, and Dictatorships operate. It is what we fought against in the American Revolution. Today we are in A more dangerous position than we were in in 1776. We are in need of a Second American Revolution, a LEGAL/CONSTITUTIONAL REVOLUTION!
Article-V provides the legal framework for that Revolution.
The Tradesman.
On January 6, 2021 Americans witnessed the Death of a Free America. After the evidence and sworn affidavits were refused to be heard by any Court including the Supreme Court by citing "Lack of Standing" or some such nonsense, Our America died. It was hurried along by a staged incursion into the Capitol building to disrupt proceedings where members of Congress, who still had a measure of Honor and Integrity, were poised to challenge the election results.
They were challenging not for the winner or loser, they were challenging in hopes of presenting the evidence that the integrity of the vote was stripped from the people. It was a Constitutional Crisis issue that being unresolved, has illegally taken the peoples right to choose their representatives away from them. Possibly in perpetuity, unless we act quickly and effectively.
Anyone with sense enough to pour urine out of a boot, could see the election was rigged by what we call Deep State Players. Americans now have no say in their government. The Constitution is being and will continue to be ignored by the winning cheaters. Our American government has been hi-jacked by those same Socialist/Communist players. Americans have been told they have only three options to overcome the assault by hidden players controlling the Democrat Party.
The Soap Box, The Ballot box, and the Bullet Box. Unfortunately, if hot heads choose the Bullet box, everyone will lose.
There is a Fourth Option that Politicians do not want the people to use under any circumstances. They know if the people use it even once, the politicians strangle hold on political power is forever broken. That Fourth Option is what the Founders in their wisdom placed in the Constitution for just such an issue as we now face. The option is; "Article-V of the Constitution".>
Article-V gives the people the power to overrule every governmental division of our Nation; Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches inclusive. It infers supreme power on the people, if they are brave enough to use it, despite all the outright lies the politicians fearmonger about it.
It works like this; The people order their State Legislatures to petition Congress for an Article-V Amendment Proposal Convention. The politicians and those with vested interests in keeping their political power, will outright lie and try to say it's a Constitutional Convention which will open the Constitution and destroy it. That is pure HORSE PUCKY!
Simply put, when the States at the direction of their citizens, petition Congress for an Amendment Proposal Convention (Article-V/Convention of States), the Congress must by Constitutional Law open one then step back and let the people, through their respective States, propose Amendments to the Constitution. Congress can not propose any Amendments at that convention, That is exactly what they are so terrified of. Basically the People can take away the powers Congress has stolen from them over the years, and Congress can do nothing except lie and fearmonger and make other phony statements to the people, to try and stop the proposals.
This might frighten the ill informed and cause them to think everything could be torn down. That is not so. The same safeguards in place for a States called Article-V are exactly the same as for a Congress called for Article-V. Who do you trust to make the decisions benefitting the people? The Congress with it's self serving track record, or, the people themselves?
Article-V states;
Article V:
The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.
According to Article V of the Constitution, Congress must call a convention when 2/3rds of the states apply.
That magic number is 34 states.
This means after 34 States petition Congress, Congress has no choice but to open it. The people can propose anything, but it must pass approval of the citizens of 38 States to become part of the Amendment's to the Constitution.
It only gives Congress the right to propose the method, NOT, order the method, the States will use to ratify any Amendments Proposed by the people.
Contrary to what Congress and others will say, Article-V does not have the legal power to open and change the written Constitution. The Constitution despite the lies of the Left tries to imply, is not a "Living Document". In plain fact Article-V was put in so the people could when necessary, Modify the interpretation of what the Written Constitution states. Understand that, Amendments, only modify the interpretations of the articles of the U.S. Constitution. They in no way permanently modify it because if the people want to repeal an Amendment, they can. Even the Supreme Court can not modify the Constitution, or the Amendments. The Amendments serve only to instruct them how to interpret the limitations and protections the Constitution provides.
We are at a dangerous tipping point presently. If we do nothing, the US as we know it, will cease to exist and will be replaced by a system that ignores rule of law, in favor of rule by the leaders whims. That is how Oligarchy, Monarchy, and Dictatorships operate. It is what we fought against in the American Revolution. Today we are in A more dangerous position than we were in in 1776. We are in need of a Second American Revolution, a LEGAL/CONSTITUTIONAL REVOLUTION!
Article-V provides the legal framework for that Revolution.
The Tradesman.
"We The People" need to demand Congress do these fixes.
Tradesman and Friends
This is a group effort what we have come up with as a beginning of some changes we need to order our Representatives to do to clean up the elections. Please feel free to copy this, add anything we might have missed, and question anything you think needs to go.
In view of the current fiasco we have with the 2020 Election I submit we the people need to demand Congress do these fixes.
1. End bundling.
2. End same day Registration (more on this later).
3. Clean up Voter Rolls (more on this later).
4. End early voting with the exception of special Absentee Ballots (More on this later).
5. Institute Picture ID on voter cards.
6. Computerize Voter Rolls and crosscheck with Death Records,Postal Address Records.
7. Return to Mechanical Voting Machines automatically tally votes W/computer check.
8. Make Voter ID cards with magnetic strip like license or credit cards to use machine
9. End Voter Remorse vote changing.
10. Void all existing voter rolls and make people sign up within 6 months in person.
11. Standardize Absentee Ballots to only allow aged or infirm to access them.
12. Allow for verifiable computer voting from home for periods like the C-19 crisis.
13. Have randomized computer generated codes specific to voter for Computer Voting.
14. Create Law to prevent Media from calling a winner. Only allow them to see totals.
15. Have State by State real time # of votes displayed on central tally board.
16 Individual Precincts to keep tally's on file for ten years from election poll closings.
17. Disallow any votes to be included except those waiting to be in final count.
18. Electronically lock drop boxes & W/lock release card given to authorized collectors.
19. Have drop boxes scanner code necessary to pick up, and transmit who did.
20. Have scanners at each station the ballots go through for chain of evidence.
Starting from #1. It is imperative that the practice of Vote Bundling be stopped because of the potential for fraud or accidental loss or other mishandling of voters ballots.
It's also necessary to end same day registrations to end the potential for multiple, illegal, or false name registrations.
For clearing non-valid names off the voter rolls with the potential to remove every name that is not supposed to be there. My friend Oren proposed that right after an election was over and verified, purge the entire set of existing voter rolls and if people wanted to vote, they would have up until 6 months before the next election to re-register, but had to go and register in person with proof of citizenship.
The next issue is early voting. There may be a need to vote early, but it must be defined as those people who qualify for an Absentee Ballot can send it in up to a month early. Others who wish to vote early must vote in person at the clerks office.
This brings us to the idea of Picture Voter ID. Since voter ID is not charged for, it could be provided like then DMV provides Picture Driver licenses. It could even become part of a driver license. All of the new registrations would have to be computerized and be cross checked with Death Records and Postal Address Records on file at the post office.
Standardizing of the requirements for Absentee Ballots could easily be done to only issue them to aged 65 or older,infirm, crippled, or other physical condition that would not allow a person to get to the polls. There is also a possibility to encode a random computer generated personal ID code in the voter ID, like your Driver License Number, that would allow people to vote anywhere and the vote would go directly to their precinct to be tabulated. That number would be with the voter for life and be cross checked with Death records to invalidate it on the voters death It could be used to vote from your home computer with the vote automatically being tabulated and preventing multiple or illegal votes.
Since there has been so much Chaos surrounding the media calling the elections and that calling skewing votes a law needs to be enacted to prevent media or anyone from calling an election until all the votes have been tabulated. all the precincts would be connected to one State tabulation board that would automatically display numbers as they came in for the official count. Special inputs with certified and equal numbered watchers would watch poll workers enter ballots into the absentee ballot tabulation machine. Precincts would be required to keep the electronic records for five years of the votes.
Set up permanent drop box locations that can only be placed and/or removed with an electronic key, and the key will only be given to the certified ballot box collectors. The drop boxes would be dropped off at the poll opening picked up when the polls closed. All boxes would be under camera surveillance for the duration of the voting day. Internal configuration would be tamper proof cells that contained the ballots which could not be accessed except at the polling station with proper tools and scanners. Ballots will be numbered and the numbers will be scanned in at every station to verify chain of evidence on who handled it and where, even to who and where they were disposed of.
I would add;
poll watchers from both parties inspect each ballot before it is logged into the count. I would also mandate video surveillance of all polling place activities and the recordings be maintained 10 years under a strict evidentiary chain to preserve it's validity.
The Tradesman and Friends
Critical Necessities Americans Need To Do To Protect The Republic
The Tradesman
We need to get term limits, but the most critical issue facing us this minute and into Trump's second term is getting an Article-V Amendment Proposal Convention by way of the States petitioning Congress for one. If the states ask Congress for an Article-V Congress must open it and step back. Congress can't make any amendment proposals. The people make those proposals through elected or appointed representatives to the convention.
Here are links to a Model Law on the books to set limits on representatives to an Article-V convention;
http://www.in.gov/apps/lsa/session/billwatch/billinfo?year=2013&session=1&request=getBill&docno=224 Indiana law describing the duties of a Delegate
http://www.in.gov/legislative/bills/2013/SE/SE0224.1.html "Duties of Delegates" Describing the Legal Restrictions the Legislature puts on them At the Convention.
I suggest that every State put something in place like this for future use.
The most critical proposal is the one Ted Cruz proposed for the Supreme Court. He proposed setting a Constitutional Limit on the Court's sitting Justices at 9, and their terms as Lifetime.Getting this amendment before the Democrats regain the upper hand and Pack the Court to force their agendas on America, is critical for the American Republic, and our Freedom/Liberty to survive.
If there was a States called Article-V Amendment Proposal Convention. Contrary to the lies put out by the powers that be, It would not be a Constitutional Convention. Every time it has come up in the past, Congress through their media contacts have used that fear to stop it. A Constitutional Convention can not be called during an Article-V because that issue is addressed by the Amendments provision within the Constitution. Amendments are the only legal Constitutional way to modify interpretations of the Constitution itself. Noting the Constitution itself is not modified, only the interpretations of it are modified.
Should there be an Article-V states called convention every proposal could be brought up at the convention. Then, following past practice, all proposals would have to be voted on and approved unanimously by the Convention Delegates, the exact wording would have to be agreed on, the proposals would be sent to Congress, and Congress send them out to the States for ratification.
In one fell swoop, the people could set the tone for America to follow. Term Limits, Supreme Court numbers, repeal the 17th and make Senators responsible to their States instead of their parties, Clarify the 2nd A, Repeal all government 2nd A restrictions on the books, forbid Government from placing restrictions on it like Age only with mutually agreed on restrictions by national vote of the people, end the 16th & IRS and go back to apportioned taxation, remove the three toxic words of the 14th (No State Shall) that flipped the power and control to the Federal government, end anchor babies, require picture voter ID, require yearly updating of voter roles, standardize election procedures etc.
Every protection for a States Called Convention would be exactly the same as if Congress called for one with the exception, "Congress could not propose any amendments during it" the ratification process would be the same, and it would be the people who decided how America should be governed, just as the Founders wanted it to be.
The Tradesman
Here are links to a Model Law on the books to set limits on representatives to an Article-V convention;
http://www.in.gov/apps/lsa/session/billwatch/billinfo?year=2013&session=1&request=getBill&docno=224 Indiana law describing the duties of a Delegate
http://www.in.gov/legislative/bills/2013/SE/SE0224.1.html "Duties of Delegates" Describing the Legal Restrictions the Legislature puts on them At the Convention.
I suggest that every State put something in place like this for future use.
The most critical proposal is the one Ted Cruz proposed for the Supreme Court. He proposed setting a Constitutional Limit on the Court's sitting Justices at 9, and their terms as Lifetime.Getting this amendment before the Democrats regain the upper hand and Pack the Court to force their agendas on America, is critical for the American Republic, and our Freedom/Liberty to survive.
If there was a States called Article-V Amendment Proposal Convention. Contrary to the lies put out by the powers that be, It would not be a Constitutional Convention. Every time it has come up in the past, Congress through their media contacts have used that fear to stop it. A Constitutional Convention can not be called during an Article-V because that issue is addressed by the Amendments provision within the Constitution. Amendments are the only legal Constitutional way to modify interpretations of the Constitution itself. Noting the Constitution itself is not modified, only the interpretations of it are modified.
Should there be an Article-V states called convention every proposal could be brought up at the convention. Then, following past practice, all proposals would have to be voted on and approved unanimously by the Convention Delegates, the exact wording would have to be agreed on, the proposals would be sent to Congress, and Congress send them out to the States for ratification.
In one fell swoop, the people could set the tone for America to follow. Term Limits, Supreme Court numbers, repeal the 17th and make Senators responsible to their States instead of their parties, Clarify the 2nd A, Repeal all government 2nd A restrictions on the books, forbid Government from placing restrictions on it like Age only with mutually agreed on restrictions by national vote of the people, end the 16th & IRS and go back to apportioned taxation, remove the three toxic words of the 14th (No State Shall) that flipped the power and control to the Federal government, end anchor babies, require picture voter ID, require yearly updating of voter roles, standardize election procedures etc.
Every protection for a States Called Convention would be exactly the same as if Congress called for one with the exception, "Congress could not propose any amendments during it" the ratification process would be the same, and it would be the people who decided how America should be governed, just as the Founders wanted it to be.
The Tradesman
The Similarities Between America Today And The Russian Revolution
Similarities between the Bolshevik 1917 Revolution and what has happened with the Democrats
Starting with the Democrats handling of the Vietnam War and comparing it to Russia in WWI. The people started to disassociate themselves from trusting the Government. the Democrats realized this and started to turn the youth against our Capitalist Republic and the Constitution. The Democrats deliberately did nothing to counter the Counter Culture Revolution of the 1960's.
The hidebound Republicans of that time acted just like the Duma did in 1917 and maintained their corrupt ways. In doing so they exacerbated the rift between the youth and the Government. That was the beginning of the end because it mated the earlier infiltration of our universities by the Communist influence that were placed there by Lenin and later Stalin to warp the universities over time into the Pro-Socialist/Communist agenda organizations they are today. they also infiltrated the Democratic Party slowly beginning then.
Riots broke out in Russia over Food and Housing and general incompetence of the government to deal with those things. That equates to the stubborn obstructionism the Democrats have played since the Nixon Administration through the Reagan administration and culminating in open rebellion now, in the Trump administration.
As under the Kerensky Provisional Government, the Left Wing broke with the Central Provisional Government. The Bolshevik's used the conditions to cause massive unrest among the Citizenry with their Peace,land, and bread campaign. This dovetails with the Antifa as the Bolsheviks, the BLM as the Left Socialist Revolutionaries.
The public believing in the Bolsheviks led to the Soviet State with all it's oppression. This is the path we are treading down in lockstep because we did not teach our children what we were taught in then 1940's and 1950's. Unless we act immediately against then Democrat influence and expose the hidden Puppet Master Overlords controlling the Democrat Party, we will follow the Soviet Union into the depths of tyranny for several generations if not forever.
The Tradesman
I have been silent for too long
I have been silent for too long.
The Tradesman:
Something I found on Twitter;
· 3h
#VIRGINIA...... “YOU JUST MADE ME A FELON!” Virginia House passes Ban on AR-15 style rifles, Suppressors & High Capacity Magazines... AND all hell breaks loose as law enforcement forces Americans out onto the street as their anger erupts
Below is one response to that twitter post, but added to, and paraphrased by me with my apologies to the original poster;
All across America, Law abiding Americans are under a vicious attack by, "oligarchic elitist puppet masters", through the political machinations of the Democratic Party. They are using Legislative and Propaganda means, via the Controlled Media to destroy us and the Constitution. If we don't get rid of them in Nov. we will lose America to Lying Socialists Elitists, who do not have Americas best interests at heart. In fact they have no American interests at heart, only their own personal interests and aggrandizement.
This ATTACK is not just happening in Virginia. It is happening in EVERY Democratic/Socialist Controlled State in the Union. To effectively start fighting back against this aggression, we can begin by starting a mass letter & postcard campaign which will 'START THE FIGHT' against the Elitists in power. It will have the added benefit of uniting political opposition, and bolstering those in power who are set against them. Unfortunately it will only be a START, and that start needs to include All the various factions and political groups who disagree with the agendas of the Democrats.
The Letters and Postcards must detail the disgust loyal law abiding Americans have for the tactics and outright corruption sponsored by the D's. In fact they need to outright condemn them. We need to use the truth against them and their "Illusion of Truth" Propaganda they want us to believe just because it is repeated over and over. That is exactly how that Propaganda works. It starts with a lie, added to that is a small truth everyone will recognize, and repeat many many times. After enough repetitions, the people associate the lie with truth in their minds. The Democrats and their hidden Masters are extremely proficient at that method of bluffing the public.
These are the same tactics and lies that the original Fascists in Italy and Germany used to suppress the outrage of honorable citizens, to be able to set up their bloody regimes. Regimes which were responsible for between 70 & 85 Million deaths. DO WE WANT THAT TO HAPPEN HERE BECAUSE OF THE DEMOCRATS? I don't think so. Rest assured, it will happen if we don't curtail the Democrats political power until they come to their senses and publicly refute their hidden masters.
All honorable Americans, no matter what their personal politics, need to band together to stop the current Elitist Democratic/Socialists, and their hidden Puppet Masters, from ever repeating what happened in WW II when Germany and Italy succumbed to the siren song of Socialism. We need to VOTE AGAINST EVERY DEMOCRAT in every Election until either their political power is forever broken, or the rational Americans who believe in our Republic, and the original Democratic Party Principles encompassed within the Constitution, change that party back to a Loyal American Party.
If we as Americans wish to preserve the Republic, and all that it stands for, we must act now to eliminate this serious threat to the Constitution and to our Liberty and Freedom.
The Tradesman
The Tradesman:
Something I found on Twitter;
· 3h
#VIRGINIA...... “YOU JUST MADE ME A FELON!” Virginia House passes Ban on AR-15 style rifles, Suppressors & High Capacity Magazines... AND all hell breaks loose as law enforcement forces Americans out onto the street as their anger erupts
Below is one response to that twitter post, but added to, and paraphrased by me with my apologies to the original poster;
All across America, Law abiding Americans are under a vicious attack by, "oligarchic elitist puppet masters", through the political machinations of the Democratic Party. They are using Legislative and Propaganda means, via the Controlled Media to destroy us and the Constitution. If we don't get rid of them in Nov. we will lose America to Lying Socialists Elitists, who do not have Americas best interests at heart. In fact they have no American interests at heart, only their own personal interests and aggrandizement.
This ATTACK is not just happening in Virginia. It is happening in EVERY Democratic/Socialist Controlled State in the Union. To effectively start fighting back against this aggression, we can begin by starting a mass letter & postcard campaign which will 'START THE FIGHT' against the Elitists in power. It will have the added benefit of uniting political opposition, and bolstering those in power who are set against them. Unfortunately it will only be a START, and that start needs to include All the various factions and political groups who disagree with the agendas of the Democrats.
The Letters and Postcards must detail the disgust loyal law abiding Americans have for the tactics and outright corruption sponsored by the D's. In fact they need to outright condemn them. We need to use the truth against them and their "Illusion of Truth" Propaganda they want us to believe just because it is repeated over and over. That is exactly how that Propaganda works. It starts with a lie, added to that is a small truth everyone will recognize, and repeat many many times. After enough repetitions, the people associate the lie with truth in their minds. The Democrats and their hidden Masters are extremely proficient at that method of bluffing the public.
These are the same tactics and lies that the original Fascists in Italy and Germany used to suppress the outrage of honorable citizens, to be able to set up their bloody regimes. Regimes which were responsible for between 70 & 85 Million deaths. DO WE WANT THAT TO HAPPEN HERE BECAUSE OF THE DEMOCRATS? I don't think so. Rest assured, it will happen if we don't curtail the Democrats political power until they come to their senses and publicly refute their hidden masters.
All honorable Americans, no matter what their personal politics, need to band together to stop the current Elitist Democratic/Socialists, and their hidden Puppet Masters, from ever repeating what happened in WW II when Germany and Italy succumbed to the siren song of Socialism. We need to VOTE AGAINST EVERY DEMOCRAT in every Election until either their political power is forever broken, or the rational Americans who believe in our Republic, and the original Democratic Party Principles encompassed within the Constitution, change that party back to a Loyal American Party.
If we as Americans wish to preserve the Republic, and all that it stands for, we must act now to eliminate this serious threat to the Constitution and to our Liberty and Freedom.
The Tradesman
What We Have Lost.
by The Tradesman 12/19
Originally our Founding Fathers created an experiment in Governance that was unprecedented. It was the People governed by themselves and the methods of that governance was categorized within the US Constitution. That Constitution was not what controlled the people, it was intended to govern the actions of the Government. Within it's parameters it set out what was and what was not allowed for the Governments to do unless 3/4 of the people wanted to interpret it's article or articles in a slightly different way than originally stated. In effect it was a Clarification the people put on themselves without changing the basic structure of that Constitution.
Under the Constitution as originally interpreted, The States were Sovereign Nations unto themselves but banded together in a perpetual union for the mutual protection and mutual benefits for all. The Federal central government was controlled by the states who in turn were controlled by their citizens. The States were controlled by their individual Constitutions originally, and the overriding political theory was; The states could decide how they wanted their laws to be made, and if people were not satisfied they could change them or move to another State were the laws were more to their liking. At that point, the Bill of Rights only pertained to laws the Federal Government enacted.
As time went on, Things were being slowly changed by Amendments to the Constitution. Again those Amendments by their very nature, are not permanent, and do not create a permanent change to the Original strictures of the Constitution. All they do, and were intended to do, was to allow the following generations to interpret the legal meanings of the Constitution and what it impacted, as determined by a 3/4 majority of the people themselves.
After the Civil War there was a forced change to the interpretation of the Constitution. Some of it was necessary to redress past improper racial and religious intolerance and discrimination. Some of the provisions were devastating to the original intent of the Constitution that allowed the Federal government supreme control over the States and the people. That was done through the 14th amendment. the vast majority of the 14th Amendment is right and proper in restoring rights that were wrongly stripped from a class of Americans, for the 84 years the Constitution was in effect. Later interpretations by the Court system used it to grant certain rights it's original meaning did not intend to grant, and it was not done by the parliamentary process of legislation. Specifically Birthright citizenship without proper restrictions the original legislators intended. See; http://www.14thamendment.us/amendment/14th_amendment.html for what the sponsors of that Amendment intended it to be and how it has been expanded by Justices Legislating from the bench.
Now we come to thinks that have skewed over the last 110 years. Starting with Theodore Roosevelt and his idea of classic Liberalism. Originally, Liberalism was not intended to destroy businesses, but instead to temper the monopolistic industrial capitalism the industrial age brought forth. Roosevelt made it clear in his first State of the Union message what he wanted for America; “The old laws, and the old customs which had almost the binding force of law, were once quite sufficient to regulate the accumulation and distribution of wealth. Since the industrial changes which have so enormously increased the productive power of mankind, they are no longer sufficient.” It was the meager beginnings of the Socialist Welfare State to come.
Now enters the 16th Amendment. That Amendment further abrogated the rights of the people and strengthened the power of the Federal central government by ignoring the Constitutional principle of an apportioned taxation. Apportioned Taxation means based upon the population of the state, in proportion to the rest of the states. Example, if a state was home to 10% of the total population of the nation as found by the census, that state's share of any federal income tax would be 10% of the total tax burden to be levied. Now in excess of that the government taxes the income of each citizen at the SAME rate percentage wise.
The 17th Amendment was the Amendment that Stripped the States of their Constitutional control of the Senators who were supposed to Represent the States interests in Congress as determined by the State Legislatures. The Senators were never meant to directly be elected by the people nor to directly represent the people. With that Amendment the Senators were only responsible to their own political party.
Lets speak about the hidden side of Socialism before I go on, since it more than any other thing, is responsible for most of the loss we have experienced. Socialism presents itself as a protectorate for the people to make them Equal in every aspect. If Socialism really intended to do what it's creators implied it would do, is to make everyone equally poor and stifle out every innovation and advancement unless that advancement added to more total control by the Socialist Leaders. A central government like that is not desirable. It would only tend to make cookie cutter individuals marching to the same tune. In reality it does not represent all of the people, it represents a handful of the people who want to give orders to the rest of the people, without any constraints whatsoever. It centralizes power in that handful of people, and they in turn usually abuse it from the beginning.
Now we turn to the FDR administration. It was the Administration which under the cover of "helping" the population during the Great Depression, in fact extended that depression by institution Controls to Regulate but instead hindered. They in one form or another are still with us today, and we are paying for them even though they have not solved any of the underlying problems. That was the start of general institutionalized Socialism in the US. The basic problem is, it's been initiated slowly over the generations to the point the current generation does not know what it has lost in self actualization, and legality.
The sad fact is; The originators of those processes have always been a part of America, since before it's beginnings as a Nation of Sovereign States. They were the ones who wanted to elect G. Washington King so they could emulate the British House of Lords in the new nation. They were the ones who demanded that Slavery be allowed to benefit themselves financially. They were the ones who fought the end of slavery. After the civil war, they saw the writing on the wall, they camouflaged themselves and pretended to be Champions of the oppressed. All except the Dixiecrat's who refused to change from the Antebellum ways until the JFK administration. All those changes were initiated and promoted by what is now the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is the modern party of excessive taxation.
Listing that taxation;
The inheritance tax. Accounts Receivable Tax. Building Permit Tax. CDL license Tax. Cigarette Tax. Corporate Income Tax. Dog License Tax. Excise Taxes. Federal Income Tax. Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA). Fishing License Tax. Food License Tax Fuel Permit Tax.Gasoline Tax (currently 44.75 cents per gallon avg.). Gross Receipts Tax. Hunting License Tax.Inheritance Tax. Inventory Tax. IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax).License Plate/ Registration tax. Liquor Tax. Luxury Taxes. Marriage License Tax. Medicare Tax. Personal Property Tax.Property Tax. Real Estate Tax. Service Charge Tax. Social Security Tax (FICA) (which the government stole). Road Usage Tax. Recreational Vehicle Tax. Sales Tax. School Tax. State Income Tax. State Unemployment Tax (SUTA).Telephone Federal Excise Tax. Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax. Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes. Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax. Telephone Recurring and Nonrecurring Charges Tax. Telephone State and Local Tax. Telephone Usage Charge Tax. Utility Taxes. Vehicle Sales Tax. Watercraft Registration Tax. Well Permit Tax. Workers Compensation Tax.
Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, & our nation was the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.What in the hell happened? Can you spell 'politicians?'
What I have listed is only the beginnings of what we have lost, and does not cover what we stand to lose unless we band together and take back our rightful control over our elected Representatives who profess to be the Government when the People themselves who are the Government.
The Tradesman
by The Tradesman 12/19
Originally our Founding Fathers created an experiment in Governance that was unprecedented. It was the People governed by themselves and the methods of that governance was categorized within the US Constitution. That Constitution was not what controlled the people, it was intended to govern the actions of the Government. Within it's parameters it set out what was and what was not allowed for the Governments to do unless 3/4 of the people wanted to interpret it's article or articles in a slightly different way than originally stated. In effect it was a Clarification the people put on themselves without changing the basic structure of that Constitution.
Under the Constitution as originally interpreted, The States were Sovereign Nations unto themselves but banded together in a perpetual union for the mutual protection and mutual benefits for all. The Federal central government was controlled by the states who in turn were controlled by their citizens. The States were controlled by their individual Constitutions originally, and the overriding political theory was; The states could decide how they wanted their laws to be made, and if people were not satisfied they could change them or move to another State were the laws were more to their liking. At that point, the Bill of Rights only pertained to laws the Federal Government enacted.
As time went on, Things were being slowly changed by Amendments to the Constitution. Again those Amendments by their very nature, are not permanent, and do not create a permanent change to the Original strictures of the Constitution. All they do, and were intended to do, was to allow the following generations to interpret the legal meanings of the Constitution and what it impacted, as determined by a 3/4 majority of the people themselves.
After the Civil War there was a forced change to the interpretation of the Constitution. Some of it was necessary to redress past improper racial and religious intolerance and discrimination. Some of the provisions were devastating to the original intent of the Constitution that allowed the Federal government supreme control over the States and the people. That was done through the 14th amendment. the vast majority of the 14th Amendment is right and proper in restoring rights that were wrongly stripped from a class of Americans, for the 84 years the Constitution was in effect. Later interpretations by the Court system used it to grant certain rights it's original meaning did not intend to grant, and it was not done by the parliamentary process of legislation. Specifically Birthright citizenship without proper restrictions the original legislators intended. See; http://www.14thamendment.us/amendment/14th_amendment.html for what the sponsors of that Amendment intended it to be and how it has been expanded by Justices Legislating from the bench.
Now we come to thinks that have skewed over the last 110 years. Starting with Theodore Roosevelt and his idea of classic Liberalism. Originally, Liberalism was not intended to destroy businesses, but instead to temper the monopolistic industrial capitalism the industrial age brought forth. Roosevelt made it clear in his first State of the Union message what he wanted for America; “The old laws, and the old customs which had almost the binding force of law, were once quite sufficient to regulate the accumulation and distribution of wealth. Since the industrial changes which have so enormously increased the productive power of mankind, they are no longer sufficient.” It was the meager beginnings of the Socialist Welfare State to come.
Now enters the 16th Amendment. That Amendment further abrogated the rights of the people and strengthened the power of the Federal central government by ignoring the Constitutional principle of an apportioned taxation. Apportioned Taxation means based upon the population of the state, in proportion to the rest of the states. Example, if a state was home to 10% of the total population of the nation as found by the census, that state's share of any federal income tax would be 10% of the total tax burden to be levied. Now in excess of that the government taxes the income of each citizen at the SAME rate percentage wise.
The 17th Amendment was the Amendment that Stripped the States of their Constitutional control of the Senators who were supposed to Represent the States interests in Congress as determined by the State Legislatures. The Senators were never meant to directly be elected by the people nor to directly represent the people. With that Amendment the Senators were only responsible to their own political party.
Lets speak about the hidden side of Socialism before I go on, since it more than any other thing, is responsible for most of the loss we have experienced. Socialism presents itself as a protectorate for the people to make them Equal in every aspect. If Socialism really intended to do what it's creators implied it would do, is to make everyone equally poor and stifle out every innovation and advancement unless that advancement added to more total control by the Socialist Leaders. A central government like that is not desirable. It would only tend to make cookie cutter individuals marching to the same tune. In reality it does not represent all of the people, it represents a handful of the people who want to give orders to the rest of the people, without any constraints whatsoever. It centralizes power in that handful of people, and they in turn usually abuse it from the beginning.
Now we turn to the FDR administration. It was the Administration which under the cover of "helping" the population during the Great Depression, in fact extended that depression by institution Controls to Regulate but instead hindered. They in one form or another are still with us today, and we are paying for them even though they have not solved any of the underlying problems. That was the start of general institutionalized Socialism in the US. The basic problem is, it's been initiated slowly over the generations to the point the current generation does not know what it has lost in self actualization, and legality.
The sad fact is; The originators of those processes have always been a part of America, since before it's beginnings as a Nation of Sovereign States. They were the ones who wanted to elect G. Washington King so they could emulate the British House of Lords in the new nation. They were the ones who demanded that Slavery be allowed to benefit themselves financially. They were the ones who fought the end of slavery. After the civil war, they saw the writing on the wall, they camouflaged themselves and pretended to be Champions of the oppressed. All except the Dixiecrat's who refused to change from the Antebellum ways until the JFK administration. All those changes were initiated and promoted by what is now the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is the modern party of excessive taxation.
Listing that taxation;
The inheritance tax. Accounts Receivable Tax. Building Permit Tax. CDL license Tax. Cigarette Tax. Corporate Income Tax. Dog License Tax. Excise Taxes. Federal Income Tax. Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA). Fishing License Tax. Food License Tax Fuel Permit Tax.Gasoline Tax (currently 44.75 cents per gallon avg.). Gross Receipts Tax. Hunting License Tax.Inheritance Tax. Inventory Tax. IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax).License Plate/ Registration tax. Liquor Tax. Luxury Taxes. Marriage License Tax. Medicare Tax. Personal Property Tax.Property Tax. Real Estate Tax. Service Charge Tax. Social Security Tax (FICA) (which the government stole). Road Usage Tax. Recreational Vehicle Tax. Sales Tax. School Tax. State Income Tax. State Unemployment Tax (SUTA).Telephone Federal Excise Tax. Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax. Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes. Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax. Telephone Recurring and Nonrecurring Charges Tax. Telephone State and Local Tax. Telephone Usage Charge Tax. Utility Taxes. Vehicle Sales Tax. Watercraft Registration Tax. Well Permit Tax. Workers Compensation Tax.
Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, & our nation was the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.What in the hell happened? Can you spell 'politicians?'
What I have listed is only the beginnings of what we have lost, and does not cover what we stand to lose unless we band together and take back our rightful control over our elected Representatives who profess to be the Government when the People themselves who are the Government.
The Tradesman
A war is being waged against America
By The Tradesman 12/2019
A clandestine war is being waged against America and Her Moral Traditions and no one seems to know about it.
The following are my personal opinions and as such are protected by the First Amendment on Freedom of Speech, Political Speech, Freedom of Religion Religious Beliefs Speech. The foregoing is my legal disclaimer.
I have been silent for too long. What is happening to America is criminal. I am not Politically Correct now and will never will be. Political Correctness is one of the weapons that is being used by our enemies, to shatter the Societal Standards, the Moral Standards, the Religious Standards. The Common Decency, the Honesty and Integrity, and everything else that once was decent and commonplace, and practiced as accepted methods of conduct, on how we were supposed to comport ourselves with each other both publicly and privately. What I am going to say, will be called by many names they consider vile and unacceptable, by the very perpetrators who are bent on ending our Self Governance, and destroying our lives.
Where to start, where to start? Lets begin with the current perversion agenda being touted and promoted by various factions we call the Left, but in fact are more evil than anything we may consider even remotely human, let alone humane. The blithering twisted sycophants to this evil, have cropped up all over the world in double quick time. I consider them minions of the Devil himself. These people have been using everything at their command to overturn Accepted Family Values, Accepted Ethical Values, Accepted Standards of interpersonal conduct. They have touted what was once considered unnatural. Things like Pederasty, Pedophilia, Murder of Innocent Babies, just for starters.
These God forsaken miscreants actually are trying to make our children believe that sex, drugs, violence is completely acceptable behavior between an adult and a child. They promote a sadistic misogynistic set of practices as a Religion. They teach our young that anything they say to do is OK to do. They even go so far as to supplant Christian and Judaic beliefs with Satanic Rituals. they preach the falsehood that there are over 46 different genders instead of two sexes. This is proselytized under the color of law, and anyone who disagrees or calls foul is subject to legal repercussions.
The question is; why are they doing that? They are doing that to prevent anyone from challenging their ascension to even higher political power and money.The leaders feel they are entitled to use and abuse anyone not of their cliques and peer groups. They are behind human sex trafficking on a worldwide scale. They have absolutely no respect for any human life but their own.
Lets list some things they have brought about which 20 years ago would have condemned them. Here is where it goes against Political Correctness. Much of which has been deemed legal by Supreme Court Rulings that were once considered Unconstitutional until a highly partisan Liberal faction gained control of the Supreme Court. Again, my Political Opinion.
Consider the laws,regulations, and lower court rulings that allow or force someone to go against their Religious beliefs and force them to conform to and promote or pay for situations that they are Religiously against. Abortion, Contraception,celebrating what was once considered unnatural or bestial acts. Homosexuality and Homosexual practices. Lesbianism and Lesbian practices, Bestiality and Bestial sexual practices. I'm not saying they should be punished for those practices, just not be allowed to flaunt them as the natural order of things, because they are not. Especially where it comes to training children.
It was not enough for them to allow those to be decriminalized, they now try and force feed and propagandize our children, that those acts are perfectly natural and acceptable. There are even places that promote the ideology that forced pedophilia and sex with children are sanctioned by law. I kid you not, they are trying to get a law passed to that effect in a Western State I will not name. The basic problem is;Liberals belief in a “living” Constitution that can be bent, twisted, and broken by ideologies and liberal judges to fit their view of what an American utopia should look like. They ignore rights they don’t like (like the 2nd Amendment) and create nonexistent rights they do want by deliberately misinterpreting the Constitutional laws that pertain.
The same people who want to criminalize Christianity and Judaism as unhealthy and obsolete practices, and want to institute Islamic Sharia Law that condemns all those practices with the exception of sanctioned child sex, child forced marriage, beating of women and treating them the same as slaves were treated before the Civil War, killing homosexuals ans Lesbians. In short Islam is against everything that the Progressives are pushing, but the progressive handlers are in fact pushing Islam, thinking they can control it once they take total control. Islam believes in draconian punishments for not conforming to their religion or paying an ongoing bribe to be allowed to be left alone. Beheading for failure to convert to Islam or rejecting Islam. Oh yes the list is ongoing.
What I want to see is for people to start standing up for what's right and fighting to remove the scum who have beleaguered our way of life to enhance their own. This is an actual war, and in war there is violence and killing. To date it has been the innocent who have been killed and maimed. It's time us bring the fire to the enemy and root them out even if it means exterminating them like they will exterminate us given the chance.
America was built on the principles of Freedom, Truth, Honor, Justice, and Individual Responsibility. We must re-affirm those principles and use them to expose the Left and their minions for what they are. We must stop being afraid of what they will call us or how they will use the color of law to silence us. What they propose and promote is vile in the extreme. Have we succumbed to the falsehoods of Political Correctness used as a weapon, to subvert our normal sense of fair play and compassion into lockstep with their preferred perversions?
I am not advocating that we should condemn those who are built different than us. I fully agree we must at the very least TOLERATE them. Tolerance does not mean we agree with them, nor does it mean we must ostracize or ridicule them if we don't agree with their life styles unless they are actually hurting someone with those lifestyles. Neither does it mean they or the Government have the right to force us to agree with them through color of law like they now are doing. The societal standards must be reset back to what was once accepted as proper. The Parents not the schools must be responsible for the moral training of their kids. The religions that advocate any violence to others or advocate against others must be prevented from trying to force those precepts on the public. that goes for the Government also.
The current trends, pushed by the small but vocal factions, which are using and twisting our highest principles to indoctrinate and legalize those precepts into enforced public conformity must be overruled by the largest majority of the people, not just 50% + 1. Standards like our Republic was built on and prospered with for over 243 years must be the basis for our continuance into the future as a Nation. For way too long the minorities have been used by the hidden faction to subvert our common sense responses as hateful, have used our highest values to set up unworkable situations, then used the color of law and the color of religion,as enforcement pretending to be appalled by non-compliance as anti-social evil. Those Satanic controlling yet hidden factions, have basically used mind controlling Propaganda, lies, horrific innuendos, to brainwash the public and the minorities into believing the situations the hidden controllers want are the only decent and correct ones.
No matter what your personal beliefs are, no matter what your personal lifestyles are, we must use the essence of the Ten Commandments as a guide to a workable and prosperous society. Leaving the Religious side of those Commandments aside, the Moral Principles they embrace and explain, are the principles that protect both the Individuals and the Society when used as the basis for any society. They must also be adhered to voluntarily, by the People and their Governments. They must be adopted by Societies as the basis for those societies.
There is no Social Justice, there is only the concept of Equal Justice. Social Justice is the perversion of the concept of Equal Justice by the hidden controllers. The ideology of stripping one segment of societies rights to reimburse another segments for past practices is the same in effect as re-instituting those past practices not redeeming past treatment. The same goes for Equal Opportunity. Equal Opportunity does not mead getting a handout, it means having a level playing field to be able to work for a better lifestyle. In fact everything has always been Root Hog or Die, instead of sitting back complaining and expecting everything.
Deliberate ignoring of the law in the name of compassion, by other Government entities to advance a questionable belief and which puts public safety at risk, is another agenda pushed on Americans by the same hidden elitists to further their agendas of destruction, and needs to be stopped, forcibly if necessary. There are many things which have been forced on the American Public that need to be eliminated, or changed to the benefit of the largest majority of the public, not just 50% + 1. In fact everything specifically protected by the Written Constitution needs to be re-instituted and make the Government subject to the rules too. No more passing a law by Congress for the people and exempting themselves from it.Congress forgets it's our hired servants, not our masters.
The Tradesman
By The Tradesman 12/2019
A clandestine war is being waged against America and Her Moral Traditions and no one seems to know about it.
The following are my personal opinions and as such are protected by the First Amendment on Freedom of Speech, Political Speech, Freedom of Religion Religious Beliefs Speech. The foregoing is my legal disclaimer.
I have been silent for too long. What is happening to America is criminal. I am not Politically Correct now and will never will be. Political Correctness is one of the weapons that is being used by our enemies, to shatter the Societal Standards, the Moral Standards, the Religious Standards. The Common Decency, the Honesty and Integrity, and everything else that once was decent and commonplace, and practiced as accepted methods of conduct, on how we were supposed to comport ourselves with each other both publicly and privately. What I am going to say, will be called by many names they consider vile and unacceptable, by the very perpetrators who are bent on ending our Self Governance, and destroying our lives.
Where to start, where to start? Lets begin with the current perversion agenda being touted and promoted by various factions we call the Left, but in fact are more evil than anything we may consider even remotely human, let alone humane. The blithering twisted sycophants to this evil, have cropped up all over the world in double quick time. I consider them minions of the Devil himself. These people have been using everything at their command to overturn Accepted Family Values, Accepted Ethical Values, Accepted Standards of interpersonal conduct. They have touted what was once considered unnatural. Things like Pederasty, Pedophilia, Murder of Innocent Babies, just for starters.
These God forsaken miscreants actually are trying to make our children believe that sex, drugs, violence is completely acceptable behavior between an adult and a child. They promote a sadistic misogynistic set of practices as a Religion. They teach our young that anything they say to do is OK to do. They even go so far as to supplant Christian and Judaic beliefs with Satanic Rituals. they preach the falsehood that there are over 46 different genders instead of two sexes. This is proselytized under the color of law, and anyone who disagrees or calls foul is subject to legal repercussions.
The question is; why are they doing that? They are doing that to prevent anyone from challenging their ascension to even higher political power and money.The leaders feel they are entitled to use and abuse anyone not of their cliques and peer groups. They are behind human sex trafficking on a worldwide scale. They have absolutely no respect for any human life but their own.
Lets list some things they have brought about which 20 years ago would have condemned them. Here is where it goes against Political Correctness. Much of which has been deemed legal by Supreme Court Rulings that were once considered Unconstitutional until a highly partisan Liberal faction gained control of the Supreme Court. Again, my Political Opinion.
Consider the laws,regulations, and lower court rulings that allow or force someone to go against their Religious beliefs and force them to conform to and promote or pay for situations that they are Religiously against. Abortion, Contraception,celebrating what was once considered unnatural or bestial acts. Homosexuality and Homosexual practices. Lesbianism and Lesbian practices, Bestiality and Bestial sexual practices. I'm not saying they should be punished for those practices, just not be allowed to flaunt them as the natural order of things, because they are not. Especially where it comes to training children.
It was not enough for them to allow those to be decriminalized, they now try and force feed and propagandize our children, that those acts are perfectly natural and acceptable. There are even places that promote the ideology that forced pedophilia and sex with children are sanctioned by law. I kid you not, they are trying to get a law passed to that effect in a Western State I will not name. The basic problem is;Liberals belief in a “living” Constitution that can be bent, twisted, and broken by ideologies and liberal judges to fit their view of what an American utopia should look like. They ignore rights they don’t like (like the 2nd Amendment) and create nonexistent rights they do want by deliberately misinterpreting the Constitutional laws that pertain.
The same people who want to criminalize Christianity and Judaism as unhealthy and obsolete practices, and want to institute Islamic Sharia Law that condemns all those practices with the exception of sanctioned child sex, child forced marriage, beating of women and treating them the same as slaves were treated before the Civil War, killing homosexuals ans Lesbians. In short Islam is against everything that the Progressives are pushing, but the progressive handlers are in fact pushing Islam, thinking they can control it once they take total control. Islam believes in draconian punishments for not conforming to their religion or paying an ongoing bribe to be allowed to be left alone. Beheading for failure to convert to Islam or rejecting Islam. Oh yes the list is ongoing.
What I want to see is for people to start standing up for what's right and fighting to remove the scum who have beleaguered our way of life to enhance their own. This is an actual war, and in war there is violence and killing. To date it has been the innocent who have been killed and maimed. It's time us bring the fire to the enemy and root them out even if it means exterminating them like they will exterminate us given the chance.
America was built on the principles of Freedom, Truth, Honor, Justice, and Individual Responsibility. We must re-affirm those principles and use them to expose the Left and their minions for what they are. We must stop being afraid of what they will call us or how they will use the color of law to silence us. What they propose and promote is vile in the extreme. Have we succumbed to the falsehoods of Political Correctness used as a weapon, to subvert our normal sense of fair play and compassion into lockstep with their preferred perversions?
I am not advocating that we should condemn those who are built different than us. I fully agree we must at the very least TOLERATE them. Tolerance does not mean we agree with them, nor does it mean we must ostracize or ridicule them if we don't agree with their life styles unless they are actually hurting someone with those lifestyles. Neither does it mean they or the Government have the right to force us to agree with them through color of law like they now are doing. The societal standards must be reset back to what was once accepted as proper. The Parents not the schools must be responsible for the moral training of their kids. The religions that advocate any violence to others or advocate against others must be prevented from trying to force those precepts on the public. that goes for the Government also.
The current trends, pushed by the small but vocal factions, which are using and twisting our highest principles to indoctrinate and legalize those precepts into enforced public conformity must be overruled by the largest majority of the people, not just 50% + 1. Standards like our Republic was built on and prospered with for over 243 years must be the basis for our continuance into the future as a Nation. For way too long the minorities have been used by the hidden faction to subvert our common sense responses as hateful, have used our highest values to set up unworkable situations, then used the color of law and the color of religion,as enforcement pretending to be appalled by non-compliance as anti-social evil. Those Satanic controlling yet hidden factions, have basically used mind controlling Propaganda, lies, horrific innuendos, to brainwash the public and the minorities into believing the situations the hidden controllers want are the only decent and correct ones.
No matter what your personal beliefs are, no matter what your personal lifestyles are, we must use the essence of the Ten Commandments as a guide to a workable and prosperous society. Leaving the Religious side of those Commandments aside, the Moral Principles they embrace and explain, are the principles that protect both the Individuals and the Society when used as the basis for any society. They must also be adhered to voluntarily, by the People and their Governments. They must be adopted by Societies as the basis for those societies.
There is no Social Justice, there is only the concept of Equal Justice. Social Justice is the perversion of the concept of Equal Justice by the hidden controllers. The ideology of stripping one segment of societies rights to reimburse another segments for past practices is the same in effect as re-instituting those past practices not redeeming past treatment. The same goes for Equal Opportunity. Equal Opportunity does not mead getting a handout, it means having a level playing field to be able to work for a better lifestyle. In fact everything has always been Root Hog or Die, instead of sitting back complaining and expecting everything.
Deliberate ignoring of the law in the name of compassion, by other Government entities to advance a questionable belief and which puts public safety at risk, is another agenda pushed on Americans by the same hidden elitists to further their agendas of destruction, and needs to be stopped, forcibly if necessary. There are many things which have been forced on the American Public that need to be eliminated, or changed to the benefit of the largest majority of the public, not just 50% + 1. In fact everything specifically protected by the Written Constitution needs to be re-instituted and make the Government subject to the rules too. No more passing a law by Congress for the people and exempting themselves from it.Congress forgets it's our hired servants, not our masters.
The Tradesman
America is at a Dangerous Crossroad
by The Tradesman 9/14/19
America is at a crossroads. We are about to lose our Constitutional Protections because of a group of self styled Democratic/Communists, who only have their own interests in mind, want to change the rules to suit their agendas. They have been trying to slowly remove the 2nd Amendment's protections since the FDR Administration. They have almost succeeded.
They're doing it because they KNOW the 2nd is NOT ABOUT hunting, NOT about target shooting, NOT about personal protection. The primary reason it was placed right after the protected rights of Free Speech, Free Press, and Free Religious Persuasion. It's the TEETH of Constitution. It gives the people the tools and capability to stand up against their Government, should that Government ever decide to ignore it's proper place of serving the people. That is why the Liberal Communistic/Socialists want the people disarmed. Even Dictators like Mao Zedong admitted that political power came from the barrel of a gun, and then forbade Chinese citizens from having firearms. When they were collected he started killing off the opposition with little to no danger to himself. Remember that.
The fact that Americans can legally keep and bear arms in the crux of our Self Governance. Remember the Founders had just came through a period where the King was going to confiscate all their personal weapons. The Founders put it there, for the time they foresaw our government overstepping. Since then our Government has been overstepping a little at a time, by creating regulations that require extensive background checks and large tax stamps, essentially a Government police permit to keep and own certain types of firearms. Now the Democratic/Socialists want to do that with all Civilian firearms. The entire reason that the Second amendment exists in the first place was to give Citizens an equal footing with the military might of their Government.
As I said before it's there because it gives the people the means to fight back against the government, and it was intended to allow the citizens to have all the same weaponry the government has. Many people on the Left want you to believe that the Founders only meant Flintlock Muzzle Loaders and such they had during the Revolutionary War.. They conveniently ignore Cannons and other period arms. So only types they had during the Revolutionary War. How about the Cookson repeater 1690.The Kalthoff repeater 1600's, The Belton repeating musket 100 ordered by Washington/Congress, Puckle gun 1718, Nordenfelt 10 barrel rifle-caliber machine gun 1783 are those types allowed too? The Gun Grabbing Democratic/Communists or 'Socialists' if you prefer, are openly lying when they say modern style arms were never intended, nor were Military Assault style weapons. Ask yourselves this; Did the Gun Grabbers not know the arms they were talking about WERE the Military Assault weapons of the period? The Gun Grabbing Democrats have stolen our Second Amendment Rights under the color of the law.
Every Law that's been passed against guns and other weapons, since the Ratification of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, has INFRINGED on that specific protection the 2nd Amendment granted. The politicians saying it's to protect people is a line of HORSE SH*T, and they know it. It's to protect them from angered abused citizens who would finally come after them to end the excesses they have rained down on us.
Now not only do they (Democratic/Socialist Party) want to take away our guns, they want to rip the Constitution to shreds so they can become the Dictatorial Rulers who only care for their continued Power and Positions, and who can change the rules at a whim. It must stop, and we must stop it using the provisions the Founders left with us to hold the Federal Government in check! The Vote, and Article V to propose Amendments that will keep Congress honest. After the Bill of Rights, EVERY SINGLE AMENDMENT has been proposed by Congress. Many of them were embedded with Stealth provisions that would only serve the Congress and increase the power and scope of Federal Government. Three come to mind. the 14th, 16th, & 17th.
The 14th had a stealth bomb within it that actually flipped the power structure to the Central Federal Government by curtailing the power of the States and the People. It contained three toxic words; "No State Shall" It's amazing how three words took the power from it's rightful owners and invested it in the Federal Government when the Constitution was intended by the Founders to be the Legal Chains on the power of the Federal Government. The 16th which some thing was not properly ratified Changed the portion of the Constitution that Apportioned taxes and installed a privately owned bank over the Treasury of the United States. the 17th stripped the Equal Representation the States had in Congress by allowing the direct election of Senators by the people. Now, instead of owing fealty to their State Legislatures like was intended, the Senators only owe fealty to their own political party. That is why we are in this mess today. Look up the Connecticut Compromise and find out why there were only two Senators per State, and how they were chosen.
I fail to see why the American People have allowed those Evil Incarnate Misanthropes in Congress to reign supreme, and hold unchecked positions of power. They are not our Rulers, they are our Hired Hands. If they don't do the job we tell them to do, then we must fire them ASAP. The Sooner the Better I say. I also believe, if we don't wake up soon, and eliminate those who put themselves above the good of America for personal gain, we will soon be incapable of doing it. Then we will far down the road to becoming enslaved to the Socialist Masters, and to their whims of governance.
The Tradesman
They're doing it because they KNOW the 2nd is NOT ABOUT hunting, NOT about target shooting, NOT about personal protection. The primary reason it was placed right after the protected rights of Free Speech, Free Press, and Free Religious Persuasion. It's the TEETH of Constitution. It gives the people the tools and capability to stand up against their Government, should that Government ever decide to ignore it's proper place of serving the people. That is why the Liberal Communistic/Socialists want the people disarmed. Even Dictators like Mao Zedong admitted that political power came from the barrel of a gun, and then forbade Chinese citizens from having firearms. When they were collected he started killing off the opposition with little to no danger to himself. Remember that.
The fact that Americans can legally keep and bear arms in the crux of our Self Governance. Remember the Founders had just came through a period where the King was going to confiscate all their personal weapons. The Founders put it there, for the time they foresaw our government overstepping. Since then our Government has been overstepping a little at a time, by creating regulations that require extensive background checks and large tax stamps, essentially a Government police permit to keep and own certain types of firearms. Now the Democratic/Socialists want to do that with all Civilian firearms. The entire reason that the Second amendment exists in the first place was to give Citizens an equal footing with the military might of their Government.
As I said before it's there because it gives the people the means to fight back against the government, and it was intended to allow the citizens to have all the same weaponry the government has. Many people on the Left want you to believe that the Founders only meant Flintlock Muzzle Loaders and such they had during the Revolutionary War.. They conveniently ignore Cannons and other period arms. So only types they had during the Revolutionary War. How about the Cookson repeater 1690.The Kalthoff repeater 1600's, The Belton repeating musket 100 ordered by Washington/Congress, Puckle gun 1718, Nordenfelt 10 barrel rifle-caliber machine gun 1783 are those types allowed too? The Gun Grabbing Democratic/Communists or 'Socialists' if you prefer, are openly lying when they say modern style arms were never intended, nor were Military Assault style weapons. Ask yourselves this; Did the Gun Grabbers not know the arms they were talking about WERE the Military Assault weapons of the period? The Gun Grabbing Democrats have stolen our Second Amendment Rights under the color of the law.
Every Law that's been passed against guns and other weapons, since the Ratification of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, has INFRINGED on that specific protection the 2nd Amendment granted. The politicians saying it's to protect people is a line of HORSE SH*T, and they know it. It's to protect them from angered abused citizens who would finally come after them to end the excesses they have rained down on us.
Now not only do they (Democratic/Socialist Party) want to take away our guns, they want to rip the Constitution to shreds so they can become the Dictatorial Rulers who only care for their continued Power and Positions, and who can change the rules at a whim. It must stop, and we must stop it using the provisions the Founders left with us to hold the Federal Government in check! The Vote, and Article V to propose Amendments that will keep Congress honest. After the Bill of Rights, EVERY SINGLE AMENDMENT has been proposed by Congress. Many of them were embedded with Stealth provisions that would only serve the Congress and increase the power and scope of Federal Government. Three come to mind. the 14th, 16th, & 17th.
The 14th had a stealth bomb within it that actually flipped the power structure to the Central Federal Government by curtailing the power of the States and the People. It contained three toxic words; "No State Shall" It's amazing how three words took the power from it's rightful owners and invested it in the Federal Government when the Constitution was intended by the Founders to be the Legal Chains on the power of the Federal Government. The 16th which some thing was not properly ratified Changed the portion of the Constitution that Apportioned taxes and installed a privately owned bank over the Treasury of the United States. the 17th stripped the Equal Representation the States had in Congress by allowing the direct election of Senators by the people. Now, instead of owing fealty to their State Legislatures like was intended, the Senators only owe fealty to their own political party. That is why we are in this mess today. Look up the Connecticut Compromise and find out why there were only two Senators per State, and how they were chosen.
I fail to see why the American People have allowed those Evil Incarnate Misanthropes in Congress to reign supreme, and hold unchecked positions of power. They are not our Rulers, they are our Hired Hands. If they don't do the job we tell them to do, then we must fire them ASAP. The Sooner the Better I say. I also believe, if we don't wake up soon, and eliminate those who put themselves above the good of America for personal gain, we will soon be incapable of doing it. Then we will far down the road to becoming enslaved to the Socialist Masters, and to their whims of governance.
The Tradesman
The Coming Darkness
By The Tradesman
With a shout out to LadyBoots for her well appreciated help
The Coming Darkness
By The Tradesman
The world today is in a shambles because of the greed and selfishness of the elites and their dupes, who believe they are smarter and better than the rest of us. The propaganda techniques they are using seem evidently plausible at the outset, but until you get into the main reasoning you won't see the fallacy they contain. The ones who call themselves Progressive, or Liberal, or NWO believers are a canny lot. They revel in duplicity and two faced actions. The real problem is they somehow spin and twist our good values, rely on our societal beliefs and traditions, and pretend they are doing this out of some sort of altruistic reason.
The plain truth is they use the essence of our values and morals to hide the fact that their methods utilize deception disguised as honorable ideologies. They make statements that profess to follow the upstanding virtues of faith hope and charity then twist them into some fallow caricature of theirs. They play on our sympathies and promise what could only happen in a perfect world, as the end result of our following their ideologies. The youth are readily bluffed by this idea because of several factors. They have not had to work for anything they wanted. They were immediately given gratification by their doting parents, they were not educated in the realities of history, but instead given a highly stylized and inaccurate rendition of the reality. This stylized version was deliberately created to enhance the moral wrongs that were proposed to be the best things to do and the best way to act.
In fact those ways were inimical with reality and were only suited for creating mindless idiots who would blindly champion whatever their handlers desired them to champion, even if the issues were contradictory in and of themselves.In short the kids were trained in a situational belief system where their avowed leaders told them what to think and do at every turn.
Look at what we have lost because of these greedy Dictators; Competition used to strengthen people has been undercut by the idea that everyone must receive a trophy for participating or they can throw a tantrum. This belies the fact that people are different and have different skills. It also belies the fact that people are not equal in their accomplishments. That philosophy stops any advancement and sabotages anything that may make things better for everyone.
We have also lost the common decency that used to be existent between people and the sexes by proposing that everyone can do everything that anyone else can do and with equal ability. Citing Lets see how well men are at carrying a baby to full term. Granted that is an extreme example but different people have different skill sets. the same goes for innate intelligence. Not everyone is an Albert Einstein, and not everyone is a skilled prototype machinist. Nor is everyone an Opera class singer. The list goes on ad-infinitum.
The main point is the current class of proto-dictators personified by the Democratic left is trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes. Socialism and it's two sub-sets Communism and Fascism, pretend to staunchly uphold the basic equality among all their adherents. Bullshit! What it actually does is to elevate the very few at the top and enslave the other underling proletariat public. Most of the millennials can't see that, and it's not their fault. It's the fault of slow and calculated interference by the ones who want to end up on the top regardless of those they must trod over to make it.
Is it any wonder our Nation not to mention the world at large is verging on chaos? This must be some sort of actual conspiracy to usurp everything and shift the paradigm back to a world wide rule by whims of men instead of by written and enforced laws. Strangely enough the current world events seemingly match up to the general plot of Revelations. I wonder if it is a coincidence, or if there is an evil supernatural force prodding us to annihilation.
The average honorable citizen is losing everything they have held dear because of the few who have taken over using their billions for influence and trading on the naivete of morally and educationally crippled modern youth. If we don't shake off the cloak of darkness and return to the light of reason, we will become as slaves of old with nothing to look forward to except more and more abuse by those who have traded their souls for money and power.
This is not just my opinion, it is straight from the Alinsky Handbook and the Cloward Piven Strategy (US)
The Tradesman
By The Tradesman
The world today is in a shambles because of the greed and selfishness of the elites and their dupes, who believe they are smarter and better than the rest of us. The propaganda techniques they are using seem evidently plausible at the outset, but until you get into the main reasoning you won't see the fallacy they contain. The ones who call themselves Progressive, or Liberal, or NWO believers are a canny lot. They revel in duplicity and two faced actions. The real problem is they somehow spin and twist our good values, rely on our societal beliefs and traditions, and pretend they are doing this out of some sort of altruistic reason.
The plain truth is they use the essence of our values and morals to hide the fact that their methods utilize deception disguised as honorable ideologies. They make statements that profess to follow the upstanding virtues of faith hope and charity then twist them into some fallow caricature of theirs. They play on our sympathies and promise what could only happen in a perfect world, as the end result of our following their ideologies. The youth are readily bluffed by this idea because of several factors. They have not had to work for anything they wanted. They were immediately given gratification by their doting parents, they were not educated in the realities of history, but instead given a highly stylized and inaccurate rendition of the reality. This stylized version was deliberately created to enhance the moral wrongs that were proposed to be the best things to do and the best way to act.
In fact those ways were inimical with reality and were only suited for creating mindless idiots who would blindly champion whatever their handlers desired them to champion, even if the issues were contradictory in and of themselves.In short the kids were trained in a situational belief system where their avowed leaders told them what to think and do at every turn.
Look at what we have lost because of these greedy Dictators; Competition used to strengthen people has been undercut by the idea that everyone must receive a trophy for participating or they can throw a tantrum. This belies the fact that people are different and have different skills. It also belies the fact that people are not equal in their accomplishments. That philosophy stops any advancement and sabotages anything that may make things better for everyone.
We have also lost the common decency that used to be existent between people and the sexes by proposing that everyone can do everything that anyone else can do and with equal ability. Citing Lets see how well men are at carrying a baby to full term. Granted that is an extreme example but different people have different skill sets. the same goes for innate intelligence. Not everyone is an Albert Einstein, and not everyone is a skilled prototype machinist. Nor is everyone an Opera class singer. The list goes on ad-infinitum.
The main point is the current class of proto-dictators personified by the Democratic left is trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes. Socialism and it's two sub-sets Communism and Fascism, pretend to staunchly uphold the basic equality among all their adherents. Bullshit! What it actually does is to elevate the very few at the top and enslave the other underling proletariat public. Most of the millennials can't see that, and it's not their fault. It's the fault of slow and calculated interference by the ones who want to end up on the top regardless of those they must trod over to make it.
Is it any wonder our Nation not to mention the world at large is verging on chaos? This must be some sort of actual conspiracy to usurp everything and shift the paradigm back to a world wide rule by whims of men instead of by written and enforced laws. Strangely enough the current world events seemingly match up to the general plot of Revelations. I wonder if it is a coincidence, or if there is an evil supernatural force prodding us to annihilation.
The average honorable citizen is losing everything they have held dear because of the few who have taken over using their billions for influence and trading on the naivete of morally and educationally crippled modern youth. If we don't shake off the cloak of darkness and return to the light of reason, we will become as slaves of old with nothing to look forward to except more and more abuse by those who have traded their souls for money and power.
This is not just my opinion, it is straight from the Alinsky Handbook and the Cloward Piven Strategy (US)
The Tradesman
Two Executive Second Amendment Actions Available to President Trump
Ammoland Inc.
Posted on November 16, 2018 by Dean Weingarten
Normally I write my own commentary here, but, I feel this is critical information to post.
The Tradesman
Source; https://www.ammoland.com/2018/11/two-executive-second-amendment-actions-available-to-president-trump/#ixzz5XQUOIZVx
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Donald Trump – Second AmendmentU.S.A. -(Ammoland.com)- -What can President Trump accomplish in the wake of the 2018 mid-term elections, with respect to the Second Amendment?
The Democrats, with the aid of their colleagues in the media, have managed to take control of the House of Representatives.
At the same time, the Republicans have gained seats in the Senate, cementing their control there, especially with the retirement of Senator Jeff Flake and the death of John McCain.
Given the new reality, Donald Trump's presidency has gained some potential and lost some potential.
The losses are real. They mean little legislation will be passed. I do not expect any positive legislative reforms to restore Second Amendment rights to pass in the next two years. The House will work to bog down the executive branch with frivolous investigations.
The gains are real, and can be acted on. President Trump now controls the executive branch more effectively than he has previously.
President Trump can issue executive orders. He has more latitude to pick his cabinet and have his selections approved by the Senate. He can work with his new AG to clarify existing law.
First action:Many Federal gun free zones are based on interpretation of 18 U.S. Code § 930 – Possession of firearms and dangerous weapons in Federal facilities.
The relevant paragraphs are (a) and (d).
(a) Except as provided in subsection (d), whoever knowingly possesses or causes to be present a firearm or other dangerous weapon in a Federal facility (other than a Federal court facility), or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 1 year, or both.
(d) Subsection (a) shall not apply to--
(1) the lawful performance of official duties by an officer, agent, or employee of the United States, a State, or a political subdivision thereof, who is authorized by law to engage in or supervise the prevention, detection, investigation, or prosecution of any violation of law;
(2) the possession of a firearm or other dangerous weapon by a Federal official or a member of the Armed Forces if such possession is authorized by law; or
(3) the lawful carrying of firearms or other dangerous weapons in a Federal facility incident to hunting or other lawful purposes.
The new U.S. Attorney General can issue an opinion that self defense is a lawful purpose for the carry of firearms under (3). It is hardly a controversial opinion. All 50 states and the District of Columbia issue permits specifically for people to carry firearms for the purposes of self defense.
In spite of the obvious nature that carrying a firearm for self defense is a lawful purpose, expect much wailing in the media about such a move “making us less safe”. Exactly the opposite is the case. Expect some semi-retired judge in a deep blue state, most likely in the Ninth Circuit, to place an injunction on any action based on the opinion. With any luck, such an injunction would be appealed to the Supreme Court.
Second action:Have the Secretary of the Treasury issue an amnesty for the registration of items requiring a tax stamp under the National Firearms Act (NFA).
When the Gun Control Act of 1968 was passed, the Congress concurrently passed a bill to allow an amnesty for people who had possessed unregistered NFA items. No fingerprints or tax was required.
Fill out a paper form and send it in, and your NFA item was registered. The initial amnesty was for 30 days in 1968, from October 2nd to November 1st. The law contained a provision for further amnesties at the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury. They need to be announced beforehand in the Federal Register. From PUBLIC LAW 90-619-OCT. 22, 1968, found on page 1236 of United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/1278:
(d) The Secretary of the Treasury, after publication in the Federal Register of his intention to do so, is authorized to establish such periods of amnesty, not to exceed ninety days in the case of any single period, and immunity from liability during any such period, as the Secretary determines will contribute to the purposes of this title. TITLE III — AMENDMENTS TO TITLE VII O F THE OMNIB U S C R I M E CONTROL A N D S A F E S T R E E T S ACT O F 1968
I do not believe this statute has ever been repealed or superseded. It appears to be effective law.
In 1968, there was an expectation that amnesties would be a common, regular occurrence to bring unregistered NFA items into the legal fold. No Amnesty has been announced in the last fifty years. It is past time to do so. With the current ruling by the BATFE that “bump stocks” are NFA items, all existing “bump stocks” should be included in an amnesty.
The Secretary of the Treasury should declare a 90 day amnesty for the registration of all NFA items. As a backup, because the BATFE has been transferred to the Department of Justice, the Attorney General should be ready with a duplicate declaration.
Partial amnesties have been pushed in Congress in recent years, for the purpose of registering war trophies brought home by returning veterans.
Some will argue these actions will incite the media to a greater condemnation of President Trump. I doubt the media can exceed its current level of 90% negative coverage of the President.
The Tradesman
Source; https://www.ammoland.com/2018/11/two-executive-second-amendment-actions-available-to-president-trump/#ixzz5XQUOIZVx
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Donald Trump – Second AmendmentU.S.A. -(Ammoland.com)- -What can President Trump accomplish in the wake of the 2018 mid-term elections, with respect to the Second Amendment?
The Democrats, with the aid of their colleagues in the media, have managed to take control of the House of Representatives.
At the same time, the Republicans have gained seats in the Senate, cementing their control there, especially with the retirement of Senator Jeff Flake and the death of John McCain.
Given the new reality, Donald Trump's presidency has gained some potential and lost some potential.
The losses are real. They mean little legislation will be passed. I do not expect any positive legislative reforms to restore Second Amendment rights to pass in the next two years. The House will work to bog down the executive branch with frivolous investigations.
The gains are real, and can be acted on. President Trump now controls the executive branch more effectively than he has previously.
President Trump can issue executive orders. He has more latitude to pick his cabinet and have his selections approved by the Senate. He can work with his new AG to clarify existing law.
First action:Many Federal gun free zones are based on interpretation of 18 U.S. Code § 930 – Possession of firearms and dangerous weapons in Federal facilities.
The relevant paragraphs are (a) and (d).
(a) Except as provided in subsection (d), whoever knowingly possesses or causes to be present a firearm or other dangerous weapon in a Federal facility (other than a Federal court facility), or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 1 year, or both.
(d) Subsection (a) shall not apply to--
(1) the lawful performance of official duties by an officer, agent, or employee of the United States, a State, or a political subdivision thereof, who is authorized by law to engage in or supervise the prevention, detection, investigation, or prosecution of any violation of law;
(2) the possession of a firearm or other dangerous weapon by a Federal official or a member of the Armed Forces if such possession is authorized by law; or
(3) the lawful carrying of firearms or other dangerous weapons in a Federal facility incident to hunting or other lawful purposes.
The new U.S. Attorney General can issue an opinion that self defense is a lawful purpose for the carry of firearms under (3). It is hardly a controversial opinion. All 50 states and the District of Columbia issue permits specifically for people to carry firearms for the purposes of self defense.
In spite of the obvious nature that carrying a firearm for self defense is a lawful purpose, expect much wailing in the media about such a move “making us less safe”. Exactly the opposite is the case. Expect some semi-retired judge in a deep blue state, most likely in the Ninth Circuit, to place an injunction on any action based on the opinion. With any luck, such an injunction would be appealed to the Supreme Court.
Second action:Have the Secretary of the Treasury issue an amnesty for the registration of items requiring a tax stamp under the National Firearms Act (NFA).
When the Gun Control Act of 1968 was passed, the Congress concurrently passed a bill to allow an amnesty for people who had possessed unregistered NFA items. No fingerprints or tax was required.
Fill out a paper form and send it in, and your NFA item was registered. The initial amnesty was for 30 days in 1968, from October 2nd to November 1st. The law contained a provision for further amnesties at the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury. They need to be announced beforehand in the Federal Register. From PUBLIC LAW 90-619-OCT. 22, 1968, found on page 1236 of United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/1278:
(d) The Secretary of the Treasury, after publication in the Federal Register of his intention to do so, is authorized to establish such periods of amnesty, not to exceed ninety days in the case of any single period, and immunity from liability during any such period, as the Secretary determines will contribute to the purposes of this title. TITLE III — AMENDMENTS TO TITLE VII O F THE OMNIB U S C R I M E CONTROL A N D S A F E S T R E E T S ACT O F 1968
I do not believe this statute has ever been repealed or superseded. It appears to be effective law.
In 1968, there was an expectation that amnesties would be a common, regular occurrence to bring unregistered NFA items into the legal fold. No Amnesty has been announced in the last fifty years. It is past time to do so. With the current ruling by the BATFE that “bump stocks” are NFA items, all existing “bump stocks” should be included in an amnesty.
The Secretary of the Treasury should declare a 90 day amnesty for the registration of all NFA items. As a backup, because the BATFE has been transferred to the Department of Justice, the Attorney General should be ready with a duplicate declaration.
Partial amnesties have been pushed in Congress in recent years, for the purpose of registering war trophies brought home by returning veterans.
Some will argue these actions will incite the media to a greater condemnation of President Trump. I doubt the media can exceed its current level of 90% negative coverage of the President.
Politicians, Veterans, the Constitution, and Modern America
This Treatise is a joint effort with contributions from Mangus Colorado and Lady Boots. Both of whom I thank profusely for their time and inputs.
The Tradesman
Recently I had the privilege of being in Washington DC and watching the changing of the guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier. Watching it and seeing the Arlington Cemetery Graves of some who I personally knew and worked alongside, and those who I didn't personally know, struck a common chord within me.Every last one of them including the living Veterans and the Active Military wrote a blank check for anything up to their lives when they swore to defend the Constitution and America from all enemies, Foreign and Domestic. What civilians don't seem to know is that oath when taken has only one expiration date; the passing of the oath taker.
Politicians take similar oaths, but I suspect many of them have no real knowledge of what they are promising and some of them may have even taken it under false pretenses.Some of them honor it to the letter, and some of them ignore the fact they have even taken an oath. It never used to be that way.Yes there was the occasional rat bastard who ignored it and went into politics for money and power instead of public service. Once upon a time in America, there used to be a certain code of ethics and an accepted standard of public conduct. That standard is missing in almost every facet of American life today.
The Founding Fathers signed a mutual agreement that came into force on March 4, 1789. That agreement has been in effect for 229 years, and the laws have worked for America that long. This is not to say they were working for everyone, or that they have never been challenged. The truth is they are not perfect, but they are better than other countries have working for their citizens. That Agreement has been modified 27 times in those 229 years and will be modified many more times in the future. That agreement for mutual protection is of course the Constitution of the REPUBLIC of the United States. It is all that stands between Americans and Anarchy which would devolve into Chaos and Dictatorship in a true Democracy.
Whatever happens in America, we have this Document that is designed to primarily Protect our Unalienable Rights from the excesses of an Overreaching Excessive Government which would curtail our rights for it's own selfish advancement. Seriously though a Government is made up from people. Many of those people have forgotten, or never knew, that agreement was what protected us from destruction from outside or from within. They have no concept that we must not turn away from it's intent. We are a nation of people who over 229 years ago, agreed to govern themselves, and turned their backs on Monarchies, Dictatorships, Satrap's,Theocracies,and Democracies. We became the First Self Governed Republic in the World.
That Noble experiment does have aspects of of Democracy and other forms of governance, but those are tempered by a written Constitution. A Constitution which was designed to, and is meant to, curtail and control the limits of what can be done by the people, and by their elected representatives. Unfortunately, the wanna-be rulers have usurped much of the power designated to the people themselves.In case they have forgotten, the People are the highest authority of our Constitutional Republic. This misconception about Federal Power being Supreme, must be stopped and reversed, or the experiment will fail. It will fail with disastrous results for the American People. Lately, the Nation is showing preliminary signs of a Theocratic-Dictatorial- Monarchy, and rule by force instead of by public consent as it was intended to be by our Founders. Some of the reasons for this I will go into a little later.
Over the last Hundred and Fifty Three Years, many elected representatives and a few Presidents have skirted the intent of the Constitution and have weakened the peoples say in how they choose to be governed. This is decidedly Un-American in nature. This must be reversed. Many will disagree with me on this, but the American People must take most of the blame for the present Chaos we are fraught with. We pursued hedonistic and selfish ideals, and lost sight of what our representatives were taking from us through the old Roman ploy of Bread and Circuses designed to hide actual events and to usurp our rightful power for themselves. In short, to make us subjects instead of the citizens we are.
We became greedy and complacent over their lies/promises, and even allowed ourselves to be divided among ourselves by their lies to become more self centered and less interested in the health and strength of our nation. We unwittingly allowed greedy and power hungry representatives to beguile us and secretly create political upheaval. This was not accomplished overnight, but over a century and a half.
They Infiltrated the centers of higher learning and twisted our moral and ethical tenets into weapons used in the psychological warfare they have waged against us by turning our beliefs inside out and using them against us through faulty logic, at every turn. In Fact they have turned us from a melting pot, into a plethora of groups sniping at each other, so they can cause us to attack each other, when it suits advancing their agendas and false narratives.
This latest Infiltration has taken the original ones several steps closer to ending our autonomy and self rule. It goes like this; There are massive influxes of Illegal immigrants, and the existing politicians on one side are supporting them and fighting with the politicians on the opposite side. This divides us and we all lose sight of the cadre of immigrants who come legally into america, gain citizenship, and then ensconce themselves into positions of power and influence in the various areas of Government, State and Federal Bureaucratic Positions, the Business Community,and every aspect of American life. While doing this they breed prolifically and gain majorities in various areas of the nation. Granted this is what our forebears did, but they have a different agenda. NWO.
Think about it,Federal State and Local Judges using Sharia Law instead of Constitutional law. grass roots politics on up to national politics slowly being taken over by naturalized citizens with differing agendas. Ask yourselves this; Is there a foreign central group that is controlling these "Immigrants? Another chilling fact is this is happening all over the world with the exceptions of China and Japan. extrapolate the influx to date, and move it forward to say 2060. By that time the foreign elements will be the majorities and the existing power structures along with the traditions of Liberty and Freedom will be gone. Here are some statistics; in 1969 there were an estimated 540,000 illegal immigrants, and the latest figures of 2016 estimated the Illegals at 11,300,000 or a rise of 0.03% in 1969 to 3.5% in 2016. The increase has been a steady influx of foreign nationals from a multitude of countries.
The American People are beginning to wake up to some of the threats, but not all of them. Federal Government has been infiltrating State and Local governments for years to make them basically outposts for Federal Compliance.
See(http://thefederalist.com/ 2018/06/20/theres-no-thing- local-government/?utm_source= The+Federalist+List&utm_ campaign=a504c5c4c4-RSS_The_ Federalist_Daily_Updates_w_ Transom&utm_medium=email&utm_ term=0_cfcb868ceb-a504c5c4c4- 83785165) Why there's no local Governments. That was submitted to me by Ladyboots.
Mangus Colorado has stated;"
the answer lies in the Constitution using only literal meanings of the time written. Over the last 235+ years the Progressive Socialists (A.K.A. Communists) have been suing clauses to distort meanings and have expanded federal powers by simple usurpation (started with John Marshall in 1800). These usurpations morphed into Hundreds of agencies complete with their own selected Courts and Judges. The Judges are appointed by the agency without Presidential or Senate approval? So, they create false laws that have no constitutional basis and this become the base for the Corrupt DC elites? The Supreme Court has given the President power to fire these unconstitutional judges. This will be a big game changer as all of the corruption will be exposed and stopped by President Trump.
http://patriotjournal.org/ supreme-court-trump-power- fire-judges/"
Well the Supreme Court has laid open the old wound of Appointed administrative Judges by the many agencies without Presidential of Senate approval. Trump can now fire them by the thousands and he should act quickly before the Socialists find a remedy? Yes and that includes Congress - both parties.
This is my position and it must be done if we are to LIMIT government powers to those enumerated in the Original Constitution. To hell with John Marshall and the usurping courts.
http://patriotjournal.org/ supreme-court-trump-power- fire-judges/
We have also been warned by many extremely well educated persons from the past like John Locke
(1632-1704) English philosopher and political theorist who probably inspired our Forefathers in their endeavors to create the United States.
"Tis a Mistake to think this Fault [tyranny] is proper only to Monarchies; other Forms of Government are liable to it, as well as that. For where-ever the Power that is put in any hands for the Government of the People, and the Preservation of their Properties, is applied to other ends, and made use of to impoverish, harass, or subdue them to the Arbitrary and Irregular Commands of those that have it: There it presently becomes Tyranny, whether those that thus use it are one or many."
-- John Locke
(1632-1704) English philosopher and political theorist
http://libertytree.ca/quotes/ John.Locke.Quote.A3DC
"[E]very Man has a Property in his own Person. This no Body has any Right to but himself. The Labour of his Body, and the Work of his Hands, we may say, are properly his. The great and chief end therefore, of Mens uniting into Commonwealths, and putting themselves under Government, is the Preservation of their Property."
-- John Locke
(1632-1704) English philosopher and political theorist
http://libertytree.ca/quotes/ John.Locke.Quote.07AA
"The Natural Liberty of Man is to be free from any Superior Power on Earth, and not to be under the Will or Legislative Authority of Man, but to have only the Law of Nature for his Rule."
-- John Locke
(1632-1704) English philosopher and political theorist
Source: Two Treatises on Government, 1690
http://libertytree.ca/quotes/ John.Locke.Quote.E23D
After all this information has been read and digested, the question remains; "What are our options?" and "What are we as a people going to do about the issues?"
We actually have some good options, but they are time sensation and they are somewhat related by priorities. We know the Democrats are not the same party they were 50 years ago. I seriously doubt that even people like Schumer and Pelosi can see the degrading changes that have been brought about. I know they don't see the infiltration by the naturalized people placing themselves in critical positions of power in the body politic of the United States. So, what do we do to preserve and restore the Republic?
The most critical election of the last 200 years will be the mid-term elections. If the the Cultural Neo - Marxist Democrats win and take control of Congress, it's game over. So the first and foremost item to be promoting is uniting the Conservatives and educating them why it's so critical to have a massive turn out at the polls in November and even the remaining primaries. This group of Anti - Progressive Democrat voters, must realize it's imperative to vote against every Democrat running, or risk losing the Republic to a Socialist Oppressive Government with most if not all of our freedoms removed. The Constitution will be either ignored or changed by them. This they have already promised to do starting with modifying the 1st Amendment and abolishing the 2nd Amendment.
Concurrently with opposing the Federal Democrats, we must also oppose the State and Local Democrats running in November. This will be hard to do given the Blue States and the Democrats uniting to take back the power they lost since 2010.
It does not end there either. To prevent more stolen powers from the people, the people must also demand their State Legislatures petition Congress for an Article V Amendment proposal Convention. This might seem very scary to the public, but it can not open the Main body of the Constitution like the ones who have the most to lose are saying. For the first time it will be the people proposing amendments that Congress would never propose. Things like Term Limits for Congress. Balanced Budget Amendment that imposes severe penalties on Congressional Representatives who do not create one in the time specified. Repeal of the original three post Civil War amendments where the Federal Government stole the powers from the people and the States.
Many more amendments can and will be proposed, but the same safeguards that govern the Amendments Congress proposes for their own benefit are in place for ones the people propose without any input from Congress. I can see others like;
Any raises for Congress must be approved by the public instead of just enacted by Congress.
Or, Congress must use the same Health care plan they imposed on the people, or buy more coverage out of their own pockets.
Government paid for health coverage ends when their terms are over.
Any pensions must be in line with the average pensions of people in their States and can only be collected by current Representatives prior to the start date of the amendment so pensions can be phased out.
There is a multitude of potential amendments that can and should be proposed, but bear in mind the Delegates and their States will have to agree on the wording, and it still takes 38 States to ratify any Amendment.
For the first time in a very long time, the ball is in the peoples court instead of in the Representatives. What will we do with it?
The Tradesman
The Tradesman
Recently I had the privilege of being in Washington DC and watching the changing of the guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier. Watching it and seeing the Arlington Cemetery Graves of some who I personally knew and worked alongside, and those who I didn't personally know, struck a common chord within me.Every last one of them including the living Veterans and the Active Military wrote a blank check for anything up to their lives when they swore to defend the Constitution and America from all enemies, Foreign and Domestic. What civilians don't seem to know is that oath when taken has only one expiration date; the passing of the oath taker.
Politicians take similar oaths, but I suspect many of them have no real knowledge of what they are promising and some of them may have even taken it under false pretenses.Some of them honor it to the letter, and some of them ignore the fact they have even taken an oath. It never used to be that way.Yes there was the occasional rat bastard who ignored it and went into politics for money and power instead of public service. Once upon a time in America, there used to be a certain code of ethics and an accepted standard of public conduct. That standard is missing in almost every facet of American life today.
The Founding Fathers signed a mutual agreement that came into force on March 4, 1789. That agreement has been in effect for 229 years, and the laws have worked for America that long. This is not to say they were working for everyone, or that they have never been challenged. The truth is they are not perfect, but they are better than other countries have working for their citizens. That Agreement has been modified 27 times in those 229 years and will be modified many more times in the future. That agreement for mutual protection is of course the Constitution of the REPUBLIC of the United States. It is all that stands between Americans and Anarchy which would devolve into Chaos and Dictatorship in a true Democracy.
Whatever happens in America, we have this Document that is designed to primarily Protect our Unalienable Rights from the excesses of an Overreaching Excessive Government which would curtail our rights for it's own selfish advancement. Seriously though a Government is made up from people. Many of those people have forgotten, or never knew, that agreement was what protected us from destruction from outside or from within. They have no concept that we must not turn away from it's intent. We are a nation of people who over 229 years ago, agreed to govern themselves, and turned their backs on Monarchies, Dictatorships, Satrap's,Theocracies,and Democracies. We became the First Self Governed Republic in the World.
That Noble experiment does have aspects of of Democracy and other forms of governance, but those are tempered by a written Constitution. A Constitution which was designed to, and is meant to, curtail and control the limits of what can be done by the people, and by their elected representatives. Unfortunately, the wanna-be rulers have usurped much of the power designated to the people themselves.In case they have forgotten, the People are the highest authority of our Constitutional Republic. This misconception about Federal Power being Supreme, must be stopped and reversed, or the experiment will fail. It will fail with disastrous results for the American People. Lately, the Nation is showing preliminary signs of a Theocratic-Dictatorial- Monarchy, and rule by force instead of by public consent as it was intended to be by our Founders. Some of the reasons for this I will go into a little later.
Over the last Hundred and Fifty Three Years, many elected representatives and a few Presidents have skirted the intent of the Constitution and have weakened the peoples say in how they choose to be governed. This is decidedly Un-American in nature. This must be reversed. Many will disagree with me on this, but the American People must take most of the blame for the present Chaos we are fraught with. We pursued hedonistic and selfish ideals, and lost sight of what our representatives were taking from us through the old Roman ploy of Bread and Circuses designed to hide actual events and to usurp our rightful power for themselves. In short, to make us subjects instead of the citizens we are.
We became greedy and complacent over their lies/promises, and even allowed ourselves to be divided among ourselves by their lies to become more self centered and less interested in the health and strength of our nation. We unwittingly allowed greedy and power hungry representatives to beguile us and secretly create political upheaval. This was not accomplished overnight, but over a century and a half.
They Infiltrated the centers of higher learning and twisted our moral and ethical tenets into weapons used in the psychological warfare they have waged against us by turning our beliefs inside out and using them against us through faulty logic, at every turn. In Fact they have turned us from a melting pot, into a plethora of groups sniping at each other, so they can cause us to attack each other, when it suits advancing their agendas and false narratives.
This latest Infiltration has taken the original ones several steps closer to ending our autonomy and self rule. It goes like this; There are massive influxes of Illegal immigrants, and the existing politicians on one side are supporting them and fighting with the politicians on the opposite side. This divides us and we all lose sight of the cadre of immigrants who come legally into america, gain citizenship, and then ensconce themselves into positions of power and influence in the various areas of Government, State and Federal Bureaucratic Positions, the Business Community,and every aspect of American life. While doing this they breed prolifically and gain majorities in various areas of the nation. Granted this is what our forebears did, but they have a different agenda. NWO.
Think about it,Federal State and Local Judges using Sharia Law instead of Constitutional law. grass roots politics on up to national politics slowly being taken over by naturalized citizens with differing agendas. Ask yourselves this; Is there a foreign central group that is controlling these "Immigrants? Another chilling fact is this is happening all over the world with the exceptions of China and Japan. extrapolate the influx to date, and move it forward to say 2060. By that time the foreign elements will be the majorities and the existing power structures along with the traditions of Liberty and Freedom will be gone. Here are some statistics; in 1969 there were an estimated 540,000 illegal immigrants, and the latest figures of 2016 estimated the Illegals at 11,300,000 or a rise of 0.03% in 1969 to 3.5% in 2016. The increase has been a steady influx of foreign nationals from a multitude of countries.
The American People are beginning to wake up to some of the threats, but not all of them. Federal Government has been infiltrating State and Local governments for years to make them basically outposts for Federal Compliance.
See(http://thefederalist.com/ 2018/06/20/theres-no-thing- local-government/?utm_source= The+Federalist+List&utm_ campaign=a504c5c4c4-RSS_The_ Federalist_Daily_Updates_w_ Transom&utm_medium=email&utm_ term=0_cfcb868ceb-a504c5c4c4- 83785165) Why there's no local Governments. That was submitted to me by Ladyboots.
Mangus Colorado has stated;"
the answer lies in the Constitution using only literal meanings of the time written. Over the last 235+ years the Progressive Socialists (A.K.A. Communists) have been suing clauses to distort meanings and have expanded federal powers by simple usurpation (started with John Marshall in 1800). These usurpations morphed into Hundreds of agencies complete with their own selected Courts and Judges. The Judges are appointed by the agency without Presidential or Senate approval? So, they create false laws that have no constitutional basis and this become the base for the Corrupt DC elites? The Supreme Court has given the President power to fire these unconstitutional judges. This will be a big game changer as all of the corruption will be exposed and stopped by President Trump.
http://patriotjournal.org/ supreme-court-trump-power- fire-judges/"
Well the Supreme Court has laid open the old wound of Appointed administrative Judges by the many agencies without Presidential of Senate approval. Trump can now fire them by the thousands and he should act quickly before the Socialists find a remedy? Yes and that includes Congress - both parties.
This is my position and it must be done if we are to LIMIT government powers to those enumerated in the Original Constitution. To hell with John Marshall and the usurping courts.
http://patriotjournal.org/ supreme-court-trump-power- fire-judges/
We have also been warned by many extremely well educated persons from the past like John Locke
(1632-1704) English philosopher and political theorist who probably inspired our Forefathers in their endeavors to create the United States.
"Tis a Mistake to think this Fault [tyranny] is proper only to Monarchies; other Forms of Government are liable to it, as well as that. For where-ever the Power that is put in any hands for the Government of the People, and the Preservation of their Properties, is applied to other ends, and made use of to impoverish, harass, or subdue them to the Arbitrary and Irregular Commands of those that have it: There it presently becomes Tyranny, whether those that thus use it are one or many."
-- John Locke
(1632-1704) English philosopher and political theorist
http://libertytree.ca/quotes/ John.Locke.Quote.A3DC
"[E]very Man has a Property in his own Person. This no Body has any Right to but himself. The Labour of his Body, and the Work of his Hands, we may say, are properly his. The great and chief end therefore, of Mens uniting into Commonwealths, and putting themselves under Government, is the Preservation of their Property."
-- John Locke
(1632-1704) English philosopher and political theorist
http://libertytree.ca/quotes/ John.Locke.Quote.07AA
"The Natural Liberty of Man is to be free from any Superior Power on Earth, and not to be under the Will or Legislative Authority of Man, but to have only the Law of Nature for his Rule."
-- John Locke
(1632-1704) English philosopher and political theorist
Source: Two Treatises on Government, 1690
http://libertytree.ca/quotes/ John.Locke.Quote.E23D
After all this information has been read and digested, the question remains; "What are our options?" and "What are we as a people going to do about the issues?"
We actually have some good options, but they are time sensation and they are somewhat related by priorities. We know the Democrats are not the same party they were 50 years ago. I seriously doubt that even people like Schumer and Pelosi can see the degrading changes that have been brought about. I know they don't see the infiltration by the naturalized people placing themselves in critical positions of power in the body politic of the United States. So, what do we do to preserve and restore the Republic?
The most critical election of the last 200 years will be the mid-term elections. If the the Cultural Neo - Marxist Democrats win and take control of Congress, it's game over. So the first and foremost item to be promoting is uniting the Conservatives and educating them why it's so critical to have a massive turn out at the polls in November and even the remaining primaries. This group of Anti - Progressive Democrat voters, must realize it's imperative to vote against every Democrat running, or risk losing the Republic to a Socialist Oppressive Government with most if not all of our freedoms removed. The Constitution will be either ignored or changed by them. This they have already promised to do starting with modifying the 1st Amendment and abolishing the 2nd Amendment.
Concurrently with opposing the Federal Democrats, we must also oppose the State and Local Democrats running in November. This will be hard to do given the Blue States and the Democrats uniting to take back the power they lost since 2010.
It does not end there either. To prevent more stolen powers from the people, the people must also demand their State Legislatures petition Congress for an Article V Amendment proposal Convention. This might seem very scary to the public, but it can not open the Main body of the Constitution like the ones who have the most to lose are saying. For the first time it will be the people proposing amendments that Congress would never propose. Things like Term Limits for Congress. Balanced Budget Amendment that imposes severe penalties on Congressional Representatives who do not create one in the time specified. Repeal of the original three post Civil War amendments where the Federal Government stole the powers from the people and the States.
Many more amendments can and will be proposed, but the same safeguards that govern the Amendments Congress proposes for their own benefit are in place for ones the people propose without any input from Congress. I can see others like;
Any raises for Congress must be approved by the public instead of just enacted by Congress.
Or, Congress must use the same Health care plan they imposed on the people, or buy more coverage out of their own pockets.
Government paid for health coverage ends when their terms are over.
Any pensions must be in line with the average pensions of people in their States and can only be collected by current Representatives prior to the start date of the amendment so pensions can be phased out.
There is a multitude of potential amendments that can and should be proposed, but bear in mind the Delegates and their States will have to agree on the wording, and it still takes 38 States to ratify any Amendment.
For the first time in a very long time, the ball is in the peoples court instead of in the Representatives. What will we do with it?
The Tradesman
We Are Into A Full Blown Constitutional Crisis Right Now!
I found this information in an article by Ron Ewert the President of N.A.R.L.O.National Association of Rural Landowners on the post at; http://wethepeopleusa.ning.com/forum/topics/royalty-dynasties-the-e...
The Royal Connecticut legislature, gun control nuts all, just passed the National Popular Vote Compact. The Compact, by Democrat controlled states, is blatantly designed to circumvent the Electoral College and return America to the popular vote. They may just succeed.
From an article in the Daily Signal they describe Connecticut's conspiratorial end run around the Constitution.
"Most Americans have never heard of the National Popular Vote compact, but it is shockingly close to causing a major political and legal firestorm.
It is a clever scheme to change how we elect the president without the bother of having to pass a constitutional amendment."
"States that approve this legislation enter a simple compact with one another. Each participating state agrees to allocate its electors to the winner of the national popular vote regardless of how its own citizens voted. The compact goes into effect when states holding 270 electoral votes (enough to win the presidency) have agreed to the plan."
"With Connecticut’s vote, 11 states and the District of Columbia have now approved the measure, giving the compact a total of 172 electors. It needs only "98 more" to reach the 270 mark.".
and the election can be stolen from the people of America just that easy. Talk about dirty corrupt Politics.
Frankly I don't have a clue on how to stop and reverse this. I do know it will lead to another Revolution, and that is probably what the originators are hoping for as their "End Game for Americans who are not Elites or their Cronys." IMHO.
"Most Americans have never heard of the "National Popular Vote Compact", but it is shockingly close to causing a major political and legal firestorm.The end result if we allow this to go on will not end well for loyal Americans who believe in Liberty and Freedom
This information needs to be distributed far and wide to educate the public what is going on behind their backs by the Loss Oriented Democrats, who will not allow themselves to lose no matter what they have to do, or what trust they have to break, to win the elections.
Important links to information;
Link to voter compact "A MUST READ FULLY"; https://www.dailysignal.com/2018/05/10/connecticut-subverts-the-ele...
Heritage Foundation link on destroying the electoral College "ANOTHER MUST READ FULLY"; https://www.heritage.org/election-integrity/report/destroying-the-e...
Libs claim electoral is biased "PLEASE READ FULLY; https://www.dailysignal.com/2017/10/24/is-the-electoral-college-bia...
Found this also;
votes (EV)Date adopted
1Maryland10April 10, 2007
2New Jersey14January 13, 2008
3Illinois20April 7, 2008
4Hawaii4May 1, 2008
5Washington12April 28, 2009
6Massachusetts11August 4, 2010
7District of Columbia3December 7, 2010
8Vermont3April 22, 2011
9California55August 8, 2011
10Rhode Island4July 12, 2013
11New York29April 15, 2014
12Connecticut7May 24, 2018
Total172 (63.7% of the 270 EVs needed)
This Wikipedia article is more informative and yes I don’t consider Wikipedia a particularly trustworthy source but it does have more specific information than the other articles, including the count as of May 2018 and which states passed it. You guessed right- all deep blue states." IT'S A MUST READ ".
This must be challenged in at least one state. I’d start with California or New York since they carry the most electoral votes among those which have passed this interstate compact.
Well, let’s get onto this people - talking and wailing over email isn’t enough. We need to get active right now. Eventually it will need to be challenged in the Supreme Court on Constitutionality Grounds since the end run around the Constitution depends on the autonomy of the electors and not on what the states can impose on them as I see it.
This is the same, exact thing that happened with the 17th Amendment. Control of the Senate was removed from State Legislatures and given to National Party Leadership, thus undermining the Original Intent of the Founders and the Constitution.
If this National Popular Vote compact succeeds, we conservatives would be relegated to the House of Representatives ONLY. Even though conservatives are still the majority of the country, we would be cast as "fringe".
This, like the 17th Amendment, is one of those things that sounds good on paper but has massive evil intent behind the curtain.
The Tradesman
Information for this Trieste comes from several contributors;
Ron Ewert President of N.A.R.L.O.
Owen Long
Shelley Kennedy
Heritage Foundation
Daily Signal
The Royal Connecticut legislature, gun control nuts all, just passed the National Popular Vote Compact. The Compact, by Democrat controlled states, is blatantly designed to circumvent the Electoral College and return America to the popular vote. They may just succeed.
From an article in the Daily Signal they describe Connecticut's conspiratorial end run around the Constitution.
"Most Americans have never heard of the National Popular Vote compact, but it is shockingly close to causing a major political and legal firestorm.
It is a clever scheme to change how we elect the president without the bother of having to pass a constitutional amendment."
"States that approve this legislation enter a simple compact with one another. Each participating state agrees to allocate its electors to the winner of the national popular vote regardless of how its own citizens voted. The compact goes into effect when states holding 270 electoral votes (enough to win the presidency) have agreed to the plan."
"With Connecticut’s vote, 11 states and the District of Columbia have now approved the measure, giving the compact a total of 172 electors. It needs only "98 more" to reach the 270 mark.".
and the election can be stolen from the people of America just that easy. Talk about dirty corrupt Politics.
Frankly I don't have a clue on how to stop and reverse this. I do know it will lead to another Revolution, and that is probably what the originators are hoping for as their "End Game for Americans who are not Elites or their Cronys." IMHO.
"Most Americans have never heard of the "National Popular Vote Compact", but it is shockingly close to causing a major political and legal firestorm.The end result if we allow this to go on will not end well for loyal Americans who believe in Liberty and Freedom
This information needs to be distributed far and wide to educate the public what is going on behind their backs by the Loss Oriented Democrats, who will not allow themselves to lose no matter what they have to do, or what trust they have to break, to win the elections.
Important links to information;
Link to voter compact "A MUST READ FULLY"; https://www.dailysignal.com/2018/05/10/connecticut-subverts-the-ele...
Heritage Foundation link on destroying the electoral College "ANOTHER MUST READ FULLY"; https://www.heritage.org/election-integrity/report/destroying-the-e...
Libs claim electoral is biased "PLEASE READ FULLY; https://www.dailysignal.com/2017/10/24/is-the-electoral-college-bia...
Found this also;
votes (EV)Date adopted
1Maryland10April 10, 2007
2New Jersey14January 13, 2008
3Illinois20April 7, 2008
4Hawaii4May 1, 2008
5Washington12April 28, 2009
6Massachusetts11August 4, 2010
7District of Columbia3December 7, 2010
8Vermont3April 22, 2011
9California55August 8, 2011
10Rhode Island4July 12, 2013
11New York29April 15, 2014
12Connecticut7May 24, 2018
Total172 (63.7% of the 270 EVs needed)
This Wikipedia article is more informative and yes I don’t consider Wikipedia a particularly trustworthy source but it does have more specific information than the other articles, including the count as of May 2018 and which states passed it. You guessed right- all deep blue states." IT'S A MUST READ ".
This must be challenged in at least one state. I’d start with California or New York since they carry the most electoral votes among those which have passed this interstate compact.
Well, let’s get onto this people - talking and wailing over email isn’t enough. We need to get active right now. Eventually it will need to be challenged in the Supreme Court on Constitutionality Grounds since the end run around the Constitution depends on the autonomy of the electors and not on what the states can impose on them as I see it.
This is the same, exact thing that happened with the 17th Amendment. Control of the Senate was removed from State Legislatures and given to National Party Leadership, thus undermining the Original Intent of the Founders and the Constitution.
If this National Popular Vote compact succeeds, we conservatives would be relegated to the House of Representatives ONLY. Even though conservatives are still the majority of the country, we would be cast as "fringe".
This, like the 17th Amendment, is one of those things that sounds good on paper but has massive evil intent behind the curtain.
The Tradesman
Information for this Trieste comes from several contributors;
Ron Ewert President of N.A.R.L.O.
Owen Long
Shelley Kennedy
Heritage Foundation
Daily Signal
Concerning the Florida Shooting, We Are At A Crossroads.
Concerning the Florida school shooting: Gun law changes attract renewed GOP interest http://fxn.ws/2oeMKun #FoxNews Just strengthening existing laws and regulations will not result in more safety. We need to find out the root causes driving these killers.
When they strengthen the background check system there also needs to be a fixed set of rules open to public debate on what is and what is not acceptable to the public at large about impacting constitutional rights, and agreed on by all parties. This set of rules must realistically address root causes.It must also be fixed as if in stone, so future politicians can't change anything to suit their agendas.
To put it plainly; If they fix the background check system there must be an agreed on hard set of rules as to what can and can't be done in the name of safety.Too often reasonable rules are bastardized by politicians who practice overreach as a matter of course.interpreting the new rules must be clearly spelled out and agreed on by the public.
One other important observation; While it sounds good on the surface, it begs the question, "Who decides?" Obviously, the government would seize that mantle and, like ALL government programs, would soon overreach, disarming anyone and everyone it could, for our own good, of course.This must be prevented at it's inception so politicians would be unable to change it at a whim.
The root causes must be studied within a reasonable time frame to begin with and be able to continue as new information is accrued,then the public must decide how much Safety is really derived and how much suppression of rights will be created. A reasonable balance needs to be determined. These decisions must not be driven by Political Agendas for any reason.
ALL factions need an equal seat at the negotiation table. The same caveat needs to be held for all the collected data in finding out the root causes that drive the killers as well as what could stop them. At this point, we do not actually know what those root causes might be. We do not know what will necessarily work. We do however know what has not worked so far, so it will be necessary for all sides to relax their hard held beliefs until facts are forthcoming from the study.
Gun Control is the progressives deadly lie. look how it has done nothing to stop the killings.Outlawing certain guns did nothing to stop the killings either.Lets demand real protections for our kids and our selves. Repeating Progressive folly did not work, and will not work. The very Definition of insanity is repeating the same things like the progressives do with Gun Control/Gun Free Zones, and expecting a different outcome. Lets find out the real problems for once and correct them to save our kids lives..
Based on findings from all the shooters backgrounds, things like medical histories,upbringing,school records,friends, environment,habitual behaviors, and the many more things found to be commonalities across the range of shooters. Those things will have to be studied in depth.
Seriously though, we need to reevaluate what we have been doing, and see it in the light of reality to determine how effective it really is in the real world as opposed to the Fantasy World inhabited by the Progressive/Liberal/Socialist Gun Grabbers.I truthfully believe they don't give one Whit about it's effectiveness, as long as it conforms to their Agendas..
From that study we need to formulate plans to eliminate the triggering conditions and find ways to ameliorate damage already done to potential shooters. This also must not be corrupted by political agendas or wishful thinking.The compromises must be reasonable not dictatorial.
Everything we are doing now must of necessity be reevaluated for it's effectiveness and impact on the issue of serial shootings and serial shooters. We may or may not find things we are doing contribute to the killings.We may find that Not training our kids about guns is a factor. There are probably many more factors to be considered.
We must learn to act on the factors the study finds out about the root causes, and act on them while rejecting political and personal desires as wishful thinking that will only serve to harm more innocent people. As it sits, neither side is right at this point. Neither side actually knows what is happening, but are ready to create fixes based on their personal preferences and agendas.
We have a real mess here that poses a danger to all innocent people unless it's addressed properly. I believe that most of the problem stems from political expedience to pander to public fears for reelection purposes rather, than systematically correcting the killings problem.
I agree we do need change. Change that will not be political desideratum, but in fact, will positively impact the clear and present danger from serial shooters, preying on the innocent public. Politicians will take the easy road unless we force them to take the right road on this.
What Trump and/or Congress needs to do is to commission an unbiased study on all the factors common to all the serial shooters and see which ones contributed to their becoming serial killers. Once we really know what the causes are we can work to eliminate them and save lives. Bring in both sides Pro gun and Con gun, to oversee the integrity of the study, but not contribute to the end results.
I suggest that the Congress get it together and create real laws that actually have a chance of saving lives instead of pandering to highly vocal agendas on both sides of the issue.Until then, we must harden the targets as much as is possible and train & arm the staffs.
The Tradesman
When they strengthen the background check system there also needs to be a fixed set of rules open to public debate on what is and what is not acceptable to the public at large about impacting constitutional rights, and agreed on by all parties. This set of rules must realistically address root causes.It must also be fixed as if in stone, so future politicians can't change anything to suit their agendas.
To put it plainly; If they fix the background check system there must be an agreed on hard set of rules as to what can and can't be done in the name of safety.Too often reasonable rules are bastardized by politicians who practice overreach as a matter of course.interpreting the new rules must be clearly spelled out and agreed on by the public.
One other important observation; While it sounds good on the surface, it begs the question, "Who decides?" Obviously, the government would seize that mantle and, like ALL government programs, would soon overreach, disarming anyone and everyone it could, for our own good, of course.This must be prevented at it's inception so politicians would be unable to change it at a whim.
The root causes must be studied within a reasonable time frame to begin with and be able to continue as new information is accrued,then the public must decide how much Safety is really derived and how much suppression of rights will be created. A reasonable balance needs to be determined. These decisions must not be driven by Political Agendas for any reason.
ALL factions need an equal seat at the negotiation table. The same caveat needs to be held for all the collected data in finding out the root causes that drive the killers as well as what could stop them. At this point, we do not actually know what those root causes might be. We do not know what will necessarily work. We do however know what has not worked so far, so it will be necessary for all sides to relax their hard held beliefs until facts are forthcoming from the study.
Gun Control is the progressives deadly lie. look how it has done nothing to stop the killings.Outlawing certain guns did nothing to stop the killings either.Lets demand real protections for our kids and our selves. Repeating Progressive folly did not work, and will not work. The very Definition of insanity is repeating the same things like the progressives do with Gun Control/Gun Free Zones, and expecting a different outcome. Lets find out the real problems for once and correct them to save our kids lives..
Based on findings from all the shooters backgrounds, things like medical histories,upbringing,school records,friends, environment,habitual behaviors, and the many more things found to be commonalities across the range of shooters. Those things will have to be studied in depth.
Seriously though, we need to reevaluate what we have been doing, and see it in the light of reality to determine how effective it really is in the real world as opposed to the Fantasy World inhabited by the Progressive/Liberal/Socialist Gun Grabbers.I truthfully believe they don't give one Whit about it's effectiveness, as long as it conforms to their Agendas..
From that study we need to formulate plans to eliminate the triggering conditions and find ways to ameliorate damage already done to potential shooters. This also must not be corrupted by political agendas or wishful thinking.The compromises must be reasonable not dictatorial.
Everything we are doing now must of necessity be reevaluated for it's effectiveness and impact on the issue of serial shootings and serial shooters. We may or may not find things we are doing contribute to the killings.We may find that Not training our kids about guns is a factor. There are probably many more factors to be considered.
We must learn to act on the factors the study finds out about the root causes, and act on them while rejecting political and personal desires as wishful thinking that will only serve to harm more innocent people. As it sits, neither side is right at this point. Neither side actually knows what is happening, but are ready to create fixes based on their personal preferences and agendas.
We have a real mess here that poses a danger to all innocent people unless it's addressed properly. I believe that most of the problem stems from political expedience to pander to public fears for reelection purposes rather, than systematically correcting the killings problem.
I agree we do need change. Change that will not be political desideratum, but in fact, will positively impact the clear and present danger from serial shooters, preying on the innocent public. Politicians will take the easy road unless we force them to take the right road on this.
What Trump and/or Congress needs to do is to commission an unbiased study on all the factors common to all the serial shooters and see which ones contributed to their becoming serial killers. Once we really know what the causes are we can work to eliminate them and save lives. Bring in both sides Pro gun and Con gun, to oversee the integrity of the study, but not contribute to the end results.
I suggest that the Congress get it together and create real laws that actually have a chance of saving lives instead of pandering to highly vocal agendas on both sides of the issue.Until then, we must harden the targets as much as is possible and train & arm the staffs.
The Tradesman
The 14th and how it became what it is today
By The Tradesman
Did you ever see this page ( https://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/ourdocs/14thamendment.html ) on the 14th? Notice the spin in the first and second sentences?;
The 14th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified on July 9, 1868, and granted citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States,” which included former slaves recently freed. In addition, it forbids states from denying any person "life, liberty or property, without due process of law" or to "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
The way that is stated while technically correct, throws a plethora of recent SCOTUS arguments/rulings into the mix,and implies the word 'born' is used in modern context of anchor babies, instead of the original interpretation at the time the Amendment was created, or am I mistaken? I believe this representation is what we are fighting against with the Federal control over the States and us.
I find the explaination at; http://www.14thamendment.us/amendment/14th_amendment.html is a far more balanced explaination with minimal spin.
Further opinion on the damage the 14th has caused. Remember it was written by the victorious North to punish the South.
Source; https://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/ourdocs/14thamendment.html
Primary Documents in American History 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
The 14th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified on July 9, 1868, and granted citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States,” which included former slaves recently freed. In addition, it forbids states from denying any person "life, liberty or property, without due process of law" or to "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” By directly mentioning the role of the states, the 14th Amendment greatly expanded the protection of civil rights to all Americans and is cited in more litigation than any other amendment.
Library of Congress Web Site | External Web Sites | Selected Bibliography
Digital Collections
A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation
This collection contains congressional publications from 1774 to 1875, including debates, bills, laws, and journals.
African American Perspectives: Pamphlets from the Daniel A.P.Murray Collection, 1818-1907
The Daniel A. P. Murray Pamphlet Collection presents a panoramic and eclectic review of African-American history and culture, spanning almost one hundred years from the early nineteenth through the early twentieth centuries, with the bulk of the material published between 1875 and 1900
The National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) is a library of nearly 800 books and pamphlets documenting the suffrage campaign. They were collected between 1890 and 1938 by members of NAWSA and donated to the Rare Books Division of the Library of Congress on November 1, 1938. The bulk of the collection is derived from the library of Carrie Chapman Catt, president of NAWSA from 1900-1904, and again from 1915-1920.
Jump Back in Time: 14th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified.
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers
The Chronicling America site allows you to search and view millions of historic American newspaper pages from 1836-1922. Search this collection to find newspaper articles about the 14th Amendment.
A selection of articles on the 14th Amendment includes:
Constitution Annotated | Congress.gov | Library of Congress www.congress.gov/constitution-annotated
Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation
The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation (popularly known as the Constitution Annotated) contains legal analysis and interpretation of the United States Constitution, based primarily on Supreme Court case law. This regularly updated resource is especially useful when researching the constitutional implications of a specific issue or topic. It includes a chapter on the 14th Amendment.
African American Odyssey: A Quest for Full Citizenship
This exhibition showcases the African American collections of the Library of Congress. Displays more than 240 items, including books, government documents, manuscripts, maps, musical scores, plays, films, and recordings.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964: A Long Struggle for Freedom
This exhibition, which commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964, explores the events that shaped the civil rights movement, as well as the far-reaching impact the act had on a changing society.
Law Library of Congress
Fourteenth Amendment and Citizenship
Law Library of Congress page on the Fourteenth Amendment and the history of the citizenship clause.
Today in History
July 28, 1868
On July 28, 1868, Secretary of State William Seward issued a proclamation certifying without reservation that the Fourteenth Amendment was a part of the Constitution.
May 18, 1898
The Supreme Court ruled separate-but-equal facilities constitutional on intrastate railroads. For fifty years, the Plessy v. Ferguson decision upheld the principle of racial segregation.
June 2, 1924
On June 2, 1924, Congress enacted the Indian Citizenship Act, which granted citizenship to all Native Americans born in the U.S. The right to vote, however, was governed by state law; until 1957, some states barred Native Americans from voting.
External Web Sites
Citizenship, Due Process, and Equal Protection: The Creation of the Fourteenth Amendment, HarpWeek
The Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment, National Constitution Center
Documents from Freedom: A Documentary History of Emancipation, 1861-1867, University of Maryland
Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, Legal Information Institute, Cornell Law School
Landmark Legislation: Thirteenth, Fourteenth, & Fifteenth Amendments, U.S. Senate
Our Documents, 14th Amendment, National Archives and Records Administration
Toward Racial Equality: Harper’s Weekly Reports on Black America, 1857-1874, HarpWeek
Selected Bibliography
Avins, Alfred, comp. The Reconstruction Amendments' Debates: The Legislative History and Contemporary Debates in Congress on the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments. Richmond: Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government, 1967. [Catalog Record]
Berger, Raoul. The Fourteenth Amendment and the Bill of Rights. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1989. [Catalog Record]
-----. Government by Judiciary: The Transformation of the Fourteenth Amendment. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1997. [Catalog Record]
Bond, James E. No Easy Walk to Freedom: Reconstruction and the Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1997. [Catalog Record]
Curtis, Michael Kent. No State Shall Abridge: The Fourteenth Amendment and the Bill of Rights. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1986. [Catalog Record]
Epps, Garrett. Democracy Reborn: The Fourteenth Amendment and the Fight for Equal Rights in Post-Civil War America. New York: H. Holt, 2006. [Catalog Record]
Flack, Horace Edgar. The Adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment. Buffalo, N.Y.: W.S. Hein, 2003. [Catalog Record]
Hay, Jeff, ed. Amendment XIV: Citizenship For All. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Greenhaven Press, 2009.[Catalog Record]
James, Joseph B. The Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, 1984. [Catalog Record]
Meyer, Howard N. The Amendment that Refused to Die: Equality and Justice Deferred: The History of the Fourteenth Amendment. Lanham, Md.: Madison Books, 2000. [Catalog Record]
Nelson, William E. The Fourteenth Amendment: From Political Principle to Judicial Doctrine. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1988. [Catalog Record]
Perry, Michael J. We the People: The Fourteenth Amendment and the Supreme Court. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. [Catalog Record]
Younger Readers
Burgan, Michael. The Reconstruction Amendments. Minneapolis: Compass Point Books, 2006.[Catalog Record]
Hudson, David L. Jr. The Fourteenth Amendment: Equal Protection Under the Law. Berkeley Heights, N.J.: Enslow Publishers, 2002 [Catalog Record]
Source: http://14thamendment.harpweek.com/HubPages/CommentaryPage.asp?Commentary=03Passage
Secondary explanation of the background for the 14th Amendment;
Highlighted/Bold Italicised areas added by the Tradesman.
Congressional Passage // Freedmen's Bureau Act // Race Riots
Early State Ratification // Congressional Elections // Southern Rejection
Congressional Reconstruction
The Civil Rights Act became law on April 9, 1866, but other issues remained unsettled. At that point, the proposed constitutional amendment ensuring federal civil rights had been tabled in both chambers of Congress; the proposed constitutional amendment on apportionment of federal representation had received a two-thirds majority in the House, but failed to gain the same in the Senate; resolutions to disfranchise former Confederates and prohibit them from holding public office had been referred to the Joint Committee on Reconstruction; and the proposed constitutional amendment protecting the national debt and rejecting Confederate debt had passed the House with a two-thirds majority, but had not been considered in the Senate.
At a meeting of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction on April 21, 1866, Congressman Thaddeus Stevens introduced a plan for combining the various proposals into one amendment. It comprised a section dealing with each of the four topics for which resolutions had been submitted previously, along with a fifth section to allow Congress to enforce the constitutional amendment with “appropriate legislation.” Section Five was based on the enforcement clause of the Thirteenth Amendment. A week later, after discussion and changes were made, the committee endorsed the proposed Fourteenth Amendment, 12-3, and ordered it reported to Congress. On April 30, it was introduced into the Senate by Senator William Fessenden, chairman of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction, and into the House by Congressman Stevens, ranking House member of the committee. The House began debating the Fourteenth Amendment on May 8.
The initial version of Section Three, which disfranchised and prohibited former Confederates from holding public office, proved to be the most controversial in the House, including with mainstream Republicans. Congressman James Blaine feared that if the amendment overrode the President’s pardons, then the federal government would be open to the charge of making promises in bad faith. Congressman John Bingham, author of Section One, worried that opposition to Section Three might torpedo passage of the entire amendment. Congressmen Stevens insisted, however, that Section Three was the most important part of the proposed amendment because it was necessary to keep the Southern state governments in loyal hands during Reconstruction.
Section Four, securing the national debt and prohibiting assumption of Confederate debt, was so generally agreeable that it provoked little comment and only token opposition from Border State congressman complaining about the ban on compensation to former slaveowners.
The House passed the Fourteenth Amendment on May 10 by more than the required two-thirds majority, 128-37, sparking applause in the House galleries as well as on the floor. The five negative Republican votes were congressmen from the Border States of Kentucky, Maryland, and West Virginia. Although most supporters and opponents agreed that Section One incorporated the substance of the Civil Rights Act into the Constitution, the Fourteenth Amendment as initially passed by the House did not include a clause defining national citizenship. House participants may have assumed that the citizenship clause in the Civil Rights Act was sufficient to affirm that blacks were citizens.
[Tradesman's NOTE: The Civil Rights Act (1866) is the act indicated and it was passed by Congress on 9th April 1866 Source;http://spartacus-educational.com/USAcivil1866.htm ]
Debate on the proposed Fourteenth Amendment opened in the Senate on May 23. Because Senator Fessenden was absent due to illness, Senator Jacob Howard represented the Joint Committee on Reconstruction by opening the debate and steering the Fourteenth Amendment through the Senate. On May 29, Howard moved to amend Section One by adding a citizenship clause to read, “all persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the States wherein they reside.” In addition, the Senate Republican Caucus decided to strike the disfranchisement clause from Section Three, and Senator Howard presented a substitute with that omission, which was approved by the full Senate, 32-10, on May 31.
Senate opponents unsuccessfully attempted to thwart passage of the Fourteenth Amendment by dividing it once again into separate amendments. On June 8, the Senatepassed the Fourteenth Amendment by a two-thirds majority of those present, 33-11 (five senators were absent and one seat was vacant). On June 13, the House approved the Senate’s version of the Fourteenth Amendment (with the citizenship clause and without the disfranchisement clause), 120-32, with all Republican voting in the affirmative. The June 30, 1866 issue of Harper’s Weekly (published June 20)reported Congressman Stevens’s displeasure with the Senate version, which removed the disfranchisement clause. Although accepting it as the best that could be accomplished at that time, he predicted the necessity of the federal government securing voting rights for black men (which later would be embodied in the Fifteenth Amendment).
On June 16, 1866, the proposed Fourteenth Amendment was presented to Secretary of State William Henry Seward, who then submitted it to the states for ratification or rejection. When Congress received notification from President Johnson on June 22 of the secretary’s action, the chief executive made it clear that he had not approved the proposed constitutional amendment. Harper’s Weekly editor Curtis reacted in the July 7 issue (published June 27), expressing regret for the president’s disapproval and disagreeing with Johnson’s contention that the Fourteenth Amendment did not represent public sentiment. The editor explained that presidents are not directly involved in the process of amending the constitution. (Curtis mentioned the exception of Lincoln signing of the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolished slavery. The editor was apparently unaware that in March 1861, a day before leaving office, President James Buchanan had signed the original pro-slavery Thirteenth Amendment, which was subsequently not ratified by the states. For more information, visit HarpWeek’s Thirteenth Amendment website.)
Harper's Weekly References
1) May 26, 1866, p. 323, c. 4
“Domestic Intelligence” column
2) June 16, 1866, p. 371, c. 4
“Domestic Intelligence” column
3) June 23, 1866, p. 387, c. 3
“Domestic Intelligence” column
4) June 30, 1866, p. 403, c. 4
“Domestic Intelligence” column
5) July 7, 1866, p. 419, c. 4
“Domestic Intelligence” column
6) July 7, 1866, p. 418, c. 4 to p. 419, c. 1
editorial, “The President and the Amendment”
Congressional Passage // Freedmen's Bureau Act // Race Riots
Early State Ratification // Congressional Elections // Southern Rejection
Congressional Reconstruction
When considering the above information, it looks like the Supreme Court has deliberately fixated on the words "Born in" instead of considering it in the context and general consensus of opinion of the time frame it was created in and the purpose it was intended for by it's creators.
Cornell Law has this to say;
The Fourteenth Amendment addresses many aspects of citizenship and the rights of citizens. The most commonly used -- and frequently litigated -- phrase in the amendment is "equal protection of the laws", which figures prominently in a wide variety of landmark cases, including Brown v. Board of Education(racial discrimination), Roe v. Wade (reproductive rights), Bush v. Gore (election recounts), Reed v. Reed(gender discrimination), and University of California v. Bakke (racial quotas in education). See more...
Amendment XIVSection 1.All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Section 2.Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of a state, or the members of the legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such state.
Section 3.No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
Section 4.The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any state shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.
Section 5.The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.
wex resourcesSection 1.Privileges and Immunities Clause
Civil Rights
Slaughterhouse Cases
Due Process
Substantive Due Process
Right of Privacy: Personal Autonomy
Territorial Jurisdiction
Equal Protection
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
Plyer v. Doe (1982)
Section 4.Debt
Section 5.Enforcement Power
Commerce Clause
To me, this shows the total disregard by SCOTUS of the 14th's real purpose, and a linchpin for Legislating from the bench. This information goes far beyond the "No State Shall" caveat. the 14th MUST be Repealed to return to the Republic we were intended to be. The other amendments protect the basic rights without the propensity of misuse by SCOTUS or Congress in the Constitutional Law Domain.However with the Repeal there must be a simplified replacement amendment that protects American Citizenship without stripping the rightful power of government from the people and the states.
Equal Protection of the LawsIn the immediate aftermath of the Civil War, the Constitution was amended to abolish slavery, establish civil equality, and guarantee all men the right to vote. Ratified on July 9, 1868, the 14th Amendment granted citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States,” thereby granting citizenship to former slaves.(A) It also stated that “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”(B)
With language echoing the Declaration of Independence, all Americans were not only created equal but were to be treated equally before the law. Racism, segregation, and disenfranchisement limited the effect of the 14th Amendment until the 1960s (C) and beyond. Yet, over time its impact has been deep and widespread. It has been cited by those on both sides of contentious social issues ranging from abortion to marriage equality for gays and lesbians.
(A) The original intent of the 14th Amendment was specifically directed to the Freed Slaves. In 1866, Senator Jacob Howard clearly spelled out the intent of the 14thAmendment by stating:
"Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country."This understanding was reaffirmed by Senator Edward Cowan, who stated:
"[A foreigner in the United States] has a right to the protection of the laws; but he is not a citizen in the ordinary acceptance of the word..."
This explanation from the period when the 14th was added is what SCOTUS has consistently ignored in all of it's expanding Rulings.
The phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" was intended to exclude American-born persons from automatic citizenship whose allegiance to the United States was not complete. With illegal aliens who are unlawfully in the United States, their native country has a claim of allegiance on the child. Thus, the completeness of their allegiance to the United States is impaired, which therefore precludes automatic citizenship. By overturning this portion with the Anchor Baby ruling SCOTUS defied the Constitutions Separation of powers and Legislated from the bench doing the same with every subsequent ruling to date.
(B) This section about Due Process and Equality Did nothing to stop the Jim Crow laws on Poll Taxes Literacy tests etc. This section has been supplanted by the various Civil Rights acts which cover more equality ground in specific detail.
(C) This section specifically shows that American Citizens were to be treated Equally under the Law by Equal Application of the Law. Then SCOTUS technically by remaining silent on the issue endorses SOCIAL JUSTICE as superior to EQUAL JUSTICE.. That stance defeats the concept of EQUAL APPLICATION of the LAW.
My Friend and Mentor, Mangus Colorado had this to say about the 14th;
"The 14th was poorly written on purpose IMHO, the North wanted to punish the South. They also wanted the South to be ruled by the Federal Government and not the limited power of the Federal government as in a Republic. So. they made the 14th appear to be freeing the Slaves and protecting their right to vote. No State Shall is the State killer as the courts have used it to force States to be controlled by Superior Federal laws?"
Therefore: In my considered opinion the existing 14th Amendment must be completely Repealed and replaced with a streamlined amendment that grants Citizenship to babies of American Citizens of two (2) parents for natural born status and (1) American Citizen parent for basic citizenship. It would also have to specify voting rights for Citizens only, W/Official ID supplied for free, for every Legal Citizen to vote. Concerning that vote, mandate 3 Electors for every State regardless of size or population with the highest vote getting two (2) electoral votes, and the Second highest getting one (1) electoral vote. Unless the high vote getter gets 3/4 or more of the vote, then that person gets all three electoral votes. Doing that preserves the Electoral College and the will of the people to choose.
The Tradesman
Library of Congress Web Site | External Web Sites | Selected Bibliography
Digital Collections
A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation
This collection contains congressional publications from 1774 to 1875, including debates, bills, laws, and journals.
- June 8, 1866 - The Senate passed the 14th Amendment by a vote of 33 to 11.
- June 13, 1866 - The House of Representatives passed the 14th Amendment by a vote of 120 to 32.
- June 16, 1866 - The text of the 14th Amendment can be found in the United States Statutes at Large, volume 14, page 358 (14 Stat. 358).
- June 22, 1866 - President Andrew Johnson submitted a message to Congress announcing that the Fourteenth Amendment had been sent to the states for ratification. Johnson voiced his displeasure with the amendment by stating that his actions should "be considered as purely ministerial, and in no sense whatever committing the Executive to an approval or a recommendation of the amendment to the State legislatures or to the people."
- July 28, 1868 - Secretary of State William Seward issued a proclamation certifying the ratification of the 14th Amendment by the states.
African American Perspectives: Pamphlets from the Daniel A.P.Murray Collection, 1818-1907
The Daniel A. P. Murray Pamphlet Collection presents a panoramic and eclectic review of African-American history and culture, spanning almost one hundred years from the early nineteenth through the early twentieth centuries, with the bulk of the material published between 1875 and 1900
- The fourteenth amendment to the Constitution considered : the right to pursue any lawful trade or avocation, without other restraint than such as equally affects all persons, is one of the privileges of citizens of the United States which can not be abridged by state legislation / dissenting opinions of Mr. Justice Field, Mr. Justice Bradley, and Mr. Justice Swayne, of U.S. Supreme Court, in the New Orleans slaughter-house cases.
- Negro suffrage : should the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments be repealed? / Speech of Hon. Edward De V. Morrell, of Pennsylvania, in the House of Representatives, Monday, April 4, 1904.
The National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) is a library of nearly 800 books and pamphlets documenting the suffrage campaign. They were collected between 1890 and 1938 by members of NAWSA and donated to the Rare Books Division of the Library of Congress on November 1, 1938. The bulk of the collection is derived from the library of Carrie Chapman Catt, president of NAWSA from 1900-1904, and again from 1915-1920.
- Suffrage conferred by the Fourteenth amendment : woman's suffrage in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, in general term, October, 1871 : Sara J. Spencer vs. The Board of Registration, and Sarah E. Webster vs. The Judges of Election : argument of the counsel for the plaintiffs : with the opinions of the court
Jump Back in Time: 14th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified.
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers
The Chronicling America site allows you to search and view millions of historic American newspaper pages from 1836-1922. Search this collection to find newspaper articles about the 14th Amendment.
A selection of articles on the 14th Amendment includes:
- "Passage of the Constitutional Amendment by the Senate," The Evening Telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]), June 9, 1866.
- "The Constitutional Amendment Passed by the House," The Sun. (New York [N.Y.]), June 14, 1866.
- "The President on the Amendment," The Daily Phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.), June 24, 1866.
- "Reconstruction: Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment," New-York Tribune. (New York [N.Y.]), July 20, 1868.
Constitution Annotated | Congress.gov | Library of Congress www.congress.gov/constitution-annotated
Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation
The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation (popularly known as the Constitution Annotated) contains legal analysis and interpretation of the United States Constitution, based primarily on Supreme Court case law. This regularly updated resource is especially useful when researching the constitutional implications of a specific issue or topic. It includes a chapter on the 14th Amendment.
African American Odyssey: A Quest for Full Citizenship
This exhibition showcases the African American collections of the Library of Congress. Displays more than 240 items, including books, government documents, manuscripts, maps, musical scores, plays, films, and recordings.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964: A Long Struggle for Freedom
This exhibition, which commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964, explores the events that shaped the civil rights movement, as well as the far-reaching impact the act had on a changing society.
Law Library of Congress
Fourteenth Amendment and Citizenship
Law Library of Congress page on the Fourteenth Amendment and the history of the citizenship clause.
Today in History
July 28, 1868
On July 28, 1868, Secretary of State William Seward issued a proclamation certifying without reservation that the Fourteenth Amendment was a part of the Constitution.
May 18, 1898
The Supreme Court ruled separate-but-equal facilities constitutional on intrastate railroads. For fifty years, the Plessy v. Ferguson decision upheld the principle of racial segregation.
June 2, 1924
On June 2, 1924, Congress enacted the Indian Citizenship Act, which granted citizenship to all Native Americans born in the U.S. The right to vote, however, was governed by state law; until 1957, some states barred Native Americans from voting.
External Web Sites
Citizenship, Due Process, and Equal Protection: The Creation of the Fourteenth Amendment, HarpWeek
The Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment, National Constitution Center
Documents from Freedom: A Documentary History of Emancipation, 1861-1867, University of Maryland
Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, Legal Information Institute, Cornell Law School
Landmark Legislation: Thirteenth, Fourteenth, & Fifteenth Amendments, U.S. Senate
Our Documents, 14th Amendment, National Archives and Records Administration
Toward Racial Equality: Harper’s Weekly Reports on Black America, 1857-1874, HarpWeek
Selected Bibliography
Avins, Alfred, comp. The Reconstruction Amendments' Debates: The Legislative History and Contemporary Debates in Congress on the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments. Richmond: Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government, 1967. [Catalog Record]
Berger, Raoul. The Fourteenth Amendment and the Bill of Rights. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1989. [Catalog Record]
-----. Government by Judiciary: The Transformation of the Fourteenth Amendment. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1997. [Catalog Record]
Bond, James E. No Easy Walk to Freedom: Reconstruction and the Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1997. [Catalog Record]
Curtis, Michael Kent. No State Shall Abridge: The Fourteenth Amendment and the Bill of Rights. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1986. [Catalog Record]
Epps, Garrett. Democracy Reborn: The Fourteenth Amendment and the Fight for Equal Rights in Post-Civil War America. New York: H. Holt, 2006. [Catalog Record]
Flack, Horace Edgar. The Adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment. Buffalo, N.Y.: W.S. Hein, 2003. [Catalog Record]
Hay, Jeff, ed. Amendment XIV: Citizenship For All. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Greenhaven Press, 2009.[Catalog Record]
James, Joseph B. The Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, 1984. [Catalog Record]
Meyer, Howard N. The Amendment that Refused to Die: Equality and Justice Deferred: The History of the Fourteenth Amendment. Lanham, Md.: Madison Books, 2000. [Catalog Record]
Nelson, William E. The Fourteenth Amendment: From Political Principle to Judicial Doctrine. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1988. [Catalog Record]
Perry, Michael J. We the People: The Fourteenth Amendment and the Supreme Court. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. [Catalog Record]
Younger Readers
Burgan, Michael. The Reconstruction Amendments. Minneapolis: Compass Point Books, 2006.[Catalog Record]
Hudson, David L. Jr. The Fourteenth Amendment: Equal Protection Under the Law. Berkeley Heights, N.J.: Enslow Publishers, 2002 [Catalog Record]
Source: http://14thamendment.harpweek.com/HubPages/CommentaryPage.asp?Commentary=03Passage
Secondary explanation of the background for the 14th Amendment;
Highlighted/Bold Italicised areas added by the Tradesman.
Congressional Passage // Freedmen's Bureau Act // Race Riots
Early State Ratification // Congressional Elections // Southern Rejection
Congressional Reconstruction
The Civil Rights Act became law on April 9, 1866, but other issues remained unsettled. At that point, the proposed constitutional amendment ensuring federal civil rights had been tabled in both chambers of Congress; the proposed constitutional amendment on apportionment of federal representation had received a two-thirds majority in the House, but failed to gain the same in the Senate; resolutions to disfranchise former Confederates and prohibit them from holding public office had been referred to the Joint Committee on Reconstruction; and the proposed constitutional amendment protecting the national debt and rejecting Confederate debt had passed the House with a two-thirds majority, but had not been considered in the Senate.
At a meeting of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction on April 21, 1866, Congressman Thaddeus Stevens introduced a plan for combining the various proposals into one amendment. It comprised a section dealing with each of the four topics for which resolutions had been submitted previously, along with a fifth section to allow Congress to enforce the constitutional amendment with “appropriate legislation.” Section Five was based on the enforcement clause of the Thirteenth Amendment. A week later, after discussion and changes were made, the committee endorsed the proposed Fourteenth Amendment, 12-3, and ordered it reported to Congress. On April 30, it was introduced into the Senate by Senator William Fessenden, chairman of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction, and into the House by Congressman Stevens, ranking House member of the committee. The House began debating the Fourteenth Amendment on May 8.
The initial version of Section Three, which disfranchised and prohibited former Confederates from holding public office, proved to be the most controversial in the House, including with mainstream Republicans. Congressman James Blaine feared that if the amendment overrode the President’s pardons, then the federal government would be open to the charge of making promises in bad faith. Congressman John Bingham, author of Section One, worried that opposition to Section Three might torpedo passage of the entire amendment. Congressmen Stevens insisted, however, that Section Three was the most important part of the proposed amendment because it was necessary to keep the Southern state governments in loyal hands during Reconstruction.
Section Four, securing the national debt and prohibiting assumption of Confederate debt, was so generally agreeable that it provoked little comment and only token opposition from Border State congressman complaining about the ban on compensation to former slaveowners.
The House passed the Fourteenth Amendment on May 10 by more than the required two-thirds majority, 128-37, sparking applause in the House galleries as well as on the floor. The five negative Republican votes were congressmen from the Border States of Kentucky, Maryland, and West Virginia. Although most supporters and opponents agreed that Section One incorporated the substance of the Civil Rights Act into the Constitution, the Fourteenth Amendment as initially passed by the House did not include a clause defining national citizenship. House participants may have assumed that the citizenship clause in the Civil Rights Act was sufficient to affirm that blacks were citizens.
[Tradesman's NOTE: The Civil Rights Act (1866) is the act indicated and it was passed by Congress on 9th April 1866 Source;http://spartacus-educational.com/USAcivil1866.htm ]
Debate on the proposed Fourteenth Amendment opened in the Senate on May 23. Because Senator Fessenden was absent due to illness, Senator Jacob Howard represented the Joint Committee on Reconstruction by opening the debate and steering the Fourteenth Amendment through the Senate. On May 29, Howard moved to amend Section One by adding a citizenship clause to read, “all persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the States wherein they reside.” In addition, the Senate Republican Caucus decided to strike the disfranchisement clause from Section Three, and Senator Howard presented a substitute with that omission, which was approved by the full Senate, 32-10, on May 31.
Senate opponents unsuccessfully attempted to thwart passage of the Fourteenth Amendment by dividing it once again into separate amendments. On June 8, the Senatepassed the Fourteenth Amendment by a two-thirds majority of those present, 33-11 (five senators were absent and one seat was vacant). On June 13, the House approved the Senate’s version of the Fourteenth Amendment (with the citizenship clause and without the disfranchisement clause), 120-32, with all Republican voting in the affirmative. The June 30, 1866 issue of Harper’s Weekly (published June 20)reported Congressman Stevens’s displeasure with the Senate version, which removed the disfranchisement clause. Although accepting it as the best that could be accomplished at that time, he predicted the necessity of the federal government securing voting rights for black men (which later would be embodied in the Fifteenth Amendment).
On June 16, 1866, the proposed Fourteenth Amendment was presented to Secretary of State William Henry Seward, who then submitted it to the states for ratification or rejection. When Congress received notification from President Johnson on June 22 of the secretary’s action, the chief executive made it clear that he had not approved the proposed constitutional amendment. Harper’s Weekly editor Curtis reacted in the July 7 issue (published June 27), expressing regret for the president’s disapproval and disagreeing with Johnson’s contention that the Fourteenth Amendment did not represent public sentiment. The editor explained that presidents are not directly involved in the process of amending the constitution. (Curtis mentioned the exception of Lincoln signing of the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolished slavery. The editor was apparently unaware that in March 1861, a day before leaving office, President James Buchanan had signed the original pro-slavery Thirteenth Amendment, which was subsequently not ratified by the states. For more information, visit HarpWeek’s Thirteenth Amendment website.)
Harper's Weekly References
1) May 26, 1866, p. 323, c. 4
“Domestic Intelligence” column
2) June 16, 1866, p. 371, c. 4
“Domestic Intelligence” column
3) June 23, 1866, p. 387, c. 3
“Domestic Intelligence” column
4) June 30, 1866, p. 403, c. 4
“Domestic Intelligence” column
5) July 7, 1866, p. 419, c. 4
“Domestic Intelligence” column
6) July 7, 1866, p. 418, c. 4 to p. 419, c. 1
editorial, “The President and the Amendment”
Congressional Passage // Freedmen's Bureau Act // Race Riots
Early State Ratification // Congressional Elections // Southern Rejection
Congressional Reconstruction
When considering the above information, it looks like the Supreme Court has deliberately fixated on the words "Born in" instead of considering it in the context and general consensus of opinion of the time frame it was created in and the purpose it was intended for by it's creators.
Cornell Law has this to say;
- U.S. Constitution >
- 14th Amendment
The Fourteenth Amendment addresses many aspects of citizenship and the rights of citizens. The most commonly used -- and frequently litigated -- phrase in the amendment is "equal protection of the laws", which figures prominently in a wide variety of landmark cases, including Brown v. Board of Education(racial discrimination), Roe v. Wade (reproductive rights), Bush v. Gore (election recounts), Reed v. Reed(gender discrimination), and University of California v. Bakke (racial quotas in education). See more...
Amendment XIVSection 1.All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Section 2.Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of a state, or the members of the legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such state.
Section 3.No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
Section 4.The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any state shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.
Section 5.The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.
wex resourcesSection 1.Privileges and Immunities Clause
Civil Rights
Slaughterhouse Cases
Due Process
Substantive Due Process
Right of Privacy: Personal Autonomy
Territorial Jurisdiction
Equal Protection
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
Plyer v. Doe (1982)
Section 4.Debt
Section 5.Enforcement Power
Commerce Clause
To me, this shows the total disregard by SCOTUS of the 14th's real purpose, and a linchpin for Legislating from the bench. This information goes far beyond the "No State Shall" caveat. the 14th MUST be Repealed to return to the Republic we were intended to be. The other amendments protect the basic rights without the propensity of misuse by SCOTUS or Congress in the Constitutional Law Domain.However with the Repeal there must be a simplified replacement amendment that protects American Citizenship without stripping the rightful power of government from the people and the states.
Equal Protection of the LawsIn the immediate aftermath of the Civil War, the Constitution was amended to abolish slavery, establish civil equality, and guarantee all men the right to vote. Ratified on July 9, 1868, the 14th Amendment granted citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States,” thereby granting citizenship to former slaves.(A) It also stated that “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”(B)
With language echoing the Declaration of Independence, all Americans were not only created equal but were to be treated equally before the law. Racism, segregation, and disenfranchisement limited the effect of the 14th Amendment until the 1960s (C) and beyond. Yet, over time its impact has been deep and widespread. It has been cited by those on both sides of contentious social issues ranging from abortion to marriage equality for gays and lesbians.
(A) The original intent of the 14th Amendment was specifically directed to the Freed Slaves. In 1866, Senator Jacob Howard clearly spelled out the intent of the 14thAmendment by stating:
"Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country."This understanding was reaffirmed by Senator Edward Cowan, who stated:
"[A foreigner in the United States] has a right to the protection of the laws; but he is not a citizen in the ordinary acceptance of the word..."
This explanation from the period when the 14th was added is what SCOTUS has consistently ignored in all of it's expanding Rulings.
The phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" was intended to exclude American-born persons from automatic citizenship whose allegiance to the United States was not complete. With illegal aliens who are unlawfully in the United States, their native country has a claim of allegiance on the child. Thus, the completeness of their allegiance to the United States is impaired, which therefore precludes automatic citizenship. By overturning this portion with the Anchor Baby ruling SCOTUS defied the Constitutions Separation of powers and Legislated from the bench doing the same with every subsequent ruling to date.
(B) This section about Due Process and Equality Did nothing to stop the Jim Crow laws on Poll Taxes Literacy tests etc. This section has been supplanted by the various Civil Rights acts which cover more equality ground in specific detail.
(C) This section specifically shows that American Citizens were to be treated Equally under the Law by Equal Application of the Law. Then SCOTUS technically by remaining silent on the issue endorses SOCIAL JUSTICE as superior to EQUAL JUSTICE.. That stance defeats the concept of EQUAL APPLICATION of the LAW.
My Friend and Mentor, Mangus Colorado had this to say about the 14th;
"The 14th was poorly written on purpose IMHO, the North wanted to punish the South. They also wanted the South to be ruled by the Federal Government and not the limited power of the Federal government as in a Republic. So. they made the 14th appear to be freeing the Slaves and protecting their right to vote. No State Shall is the State killer as the courts have used it to force States to be controlled by Superior Federal laws?"
Therefore: In my considered opinion the existing 14th Amendment must be completely Repealed and replaced with a streamlined amendment that grants Citizenship to babies of American Citizens of two (2) parents for natural born status and (1) American Citizen parent for basic citizenship. It would also have to specify voting rights for Citizens only, W/Official ID supplied for free, for every Legal Citizen to vote. Concerning that vote, mandate 3 Electors for every State regardless of size or population with the highest vote getting two (2) electoral votes, and the Second highest getting one (1) electoral vote. Unless the high vote getter gets 3/4 or more of the vote, then that person gets all three electoral votes. Doing that preserves the Electoral College and the will of the people to choose.
The Tradesman
The Grass Roots Opposition Is Taking Hold
This Is Critical To Restoring The Peoples Rightful Power Over Government!
It seems the grass roots opposition to the swamp is taking hold despite everything the Establishment/Swamp/Deep State is trying to do to derail it. What I believe needs to happen now is for the public in every State to push for a State/People controlled Article V convention. The establishment is terrified that the people will do that and learn they are in complete control of the government when they unite together to block the self interests of the elites and special interest groups that have systematically stolen the power of the people over the Government. The establishment will do everything they can to stop the people from taking back their proper powers and turning the government back into their servant instead of their master.
The battle lines have been drawn, and now all that's necessary is for the people to keep them moving forward against the hidebound and corrupt establishment to take back what was stolen from us over the years.
As I see it there are three things necessary to block the special interest groups and corrupt politicians from derailing us.
1. We need to either repeal or severely modify the number one threat to our sovereignty; the 14th Amendment. It was originally created to insure the voting rights and citizenship of the Freed Slaves. However the three words "No State Shall" were the contentious words that flipped the intent of the Constitution from being the chains that reined in the power of the Federal Government into the chains the Federal Government placed on the States and the people.
2. We absolutely must repeal the 16th Amendment to reinstate financial control over Irresponsible Government spending, and choke off the technically unlimited money supply that the Federal Government seems to think is it's personal property. It will also put a limit on the ever expanding debt the Government creates with their refusal to create a budget and stick to it through always raising the debt ceiling at every turn.
3. We absolutely must repeal the 17th Amendment because the Senators were never intended to directly represent the people but were intended to represent their States exclusively as directed by their State Legislatures. The fact they are now directly elected by the people is not now, and never was what the Founders and Framers of the Constitution meant for them to be. The people were bluffed into pushing through the 17th amendment, an amendment originated/promoted solely by Congress, as all the other amendments have been to date. This amendment gave the Senators the capability of ignoring the wishes of their respective States and promoting the agendas of their respective political parties.
All three of those amendments removed the checks and balances the Founders drew into the Constitution to prevent such an occurrence of Federal Superiority as we now have.with the Federal Government riding roughshod over the States and the People while only paying heed to the Elitist Special Interest Groups which are destroying the basic Freedoms and Liberties of the American People. I know there are other just as worthy amendments we need to put in place to restore our rightful power over the Government, and to keep SCOTUS from overruling Legislation like the Graham-Rudman-Hollings Act Congress enacted to control and force the Federal Government to balance the budget.
Excerpt from the Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia;
Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act, officially the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of1985, U.S. budget deficit reduction measure. The law provided for automatic spending cuts to take effect if the president and Congress failed to reach established targets; the U.S. comptroller general was given the right to order spending cuts.Because the automatic cuts were declared unconstitutional, a revised version of the act was passed in 1987; it failed to result in reduced deficits. A 1990 revision of the act changed its focus from deficit reduction to spending control.
What happened to the Graham-Rudman Act?Part of the Act was declared unconstitutional in 1986. The law itself was reworded in 1987, but the Balanced Budget Act of 1990 effectively killed the law in its application. However, the original Gramm-Rudman Act sparked an initiative that did lead to somewhat balanced budgets during the latter part of the Clinton Administration. Even today, spending caps - one of the fundamental concepts of the original act are still in law today.
As you can see this act would have insured Fiscal Responsibility, however the SCOTUS declared this law the people of America wanted was declared Unconstitutional because there was nothing in the Amendments that authorized it. Many people say "What good does it do to make amendments since the Government ignores the Constitution any way" I'll tell you what good it does. The usual Legal Vehicle the Federal Government uses to usurp the intent of the Constitution is SCOTUS rulings, since SCOTUS is essentially part and parcel of the existing political establishment complete with the various agendas of the party in power when the Justices were appointed.
The bastardization of the 14th Amendment from it's original intent into what is fueling the craziness of immigration laws today is directly the sole responsibility of SCOTUS rulings. Did you know that the original Income Tax law was declared Unconstitutional by the Then presiding SCOTUS? That ruling was almost immediately overturned by the 16th Amendment which Congress rammed through using scare tactics and there is some speculation that it was not properly ratified but simply declared ratified by then Secretary of State Knox. My point is; It has been CONGRESS proposing all the amendments, and doing so primarily for Congressional benefit instead of benefit to the people.
In my opinion it is the aforementioned pseudo dictators in Government that are the prime movers against the people taking back control. They use the very same Scare Tactics/Terrifying Rhetoric to try and dissuade the people from reestablishing their power through the Constitutional method the Founders supplied in Article V. Article V is basically the Constitutionally Legitimate and Legal way to bloodlessly. overthrow a corrupt Government which is following it's own agenda and is not responding to the peoples wishes. The people are making themselves heard in State Elections where they are throwing out the Progressive hacks and replacing them with candidates who seem to be more in tune with mainstream America. Time will tell if these new players are what they seem to be.
So, in the mean time, We The People, need to get together and construct the Constitutional bridge back to our rightful powers. That bridge can be secured only through the amendment process, and you know that Congress "WILL NOT" voluntarily cede the powers they have slowly stolen from us over the previous decades. It's up to us to decide if we want to resurrect the Actual Republic the Founders gave us, or if we want to become Sheep like subjects like we were under the King.
Never Forget the FACT the powers that be want us to forget; Each State of the Union essentially is a Sovereign Nation unto itself, and that Sovereign Nation has voluntarily elected to form a Union of Sovereign States for Mutual Protection and Prosperity, as well as to secure the blessings of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for ALL of it's Citizens in perpetuity. It's now up to us, the Citizens of that Union, to secure the original intent along with the original checks and balances the Constitution was framed to protect.
The Tradesman
The battle lines have been drawn, and now all that's necessary is for the people to keep them moving forward against the hidebound and corrupt establishment to take back what was stolen from us over the years.
As I see it there are three things necessary to block the special interest groups and corrupt politicians from derailing us.
1. We need to either repeal or severely modify the number one threat to our sovereignty; the 14th Amendment. It was originally created to insure the voting rights and citizenship of the Freed Slaves. However the three words "No State Shall" were the contentious words that flipped the intent of the Constitution from being the chains that reined in the power of the Federal Government into the chains the Federal Government placed on the States and the people.
2. We absolutely must repeal the 16th Amendment to reinstate financial control over Irresponsible Government spending, and choke off the technically unlimited money supply that the Federal Government seems to think is it's personal property. It will also put a limit on the ever expanding debt the Government creates with their refusal to create a budget and stick to it through always raising the debt ceiling at every turn.
3. We absolutely must repeal the 17th Amendment because the Senators were never intended to directly represent the people but were intended to represent their States exclusively as directed by their State Legislatures. The fact they are now directly elected by the people is not now, and never was what the Founders and Framers of the Constitution meant for them to be. The people were bluffed into pushing through the 17th amendment, an amendment originated/promoted solely by Congress, as all the other amendments have been to date. This amendment gave the Senators the capability of ignoring the wishes of their respective States and promoting the agendas of their respective political parties.
All three of those amendments removed the checks and balances the Founders drew into the Constitution to prevent such an occurrence of Federal Superiority as we now have.with the Federal Government riding roughshod over the States and the People while only paying heed to the Elitist Special Interest Groups which are destroying the basic Freedoms and Liberties of the American People. I know there are other just as worthy amendments we need to put in place to restore our rightful power over the Government, and to keep SCOTUS from overruling Legislation like the Graham-Rudman-Hollings Act Congress enacted to control and force the Federal Government to balance the budget.
Excerpt from the Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia;
Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act, officially the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of1985, U.S. budget deficit reduction measure. The law provided for automatic spending cuts to take effect if the president and Congress failed to reach established targets; the U.S. comptroller general was given the right to order spending cuts.Because the automatic cuts were declared unconstitutional, a revised version of the act was passed in 1987; it failed to result in reduced deficits. A 1990 revision of the act changed its focus from deficit reduction to spending control.
What happened to the Graham-Rudman Act?Part of the Act was declared unconstitutional in 1986. The law itself was reworded in 1987, but the Balanced Budget Act of 1990 effectively killed the law in its application. However, the original Gramm-Rudman Act sparked an initiative that did lead to somewhat balanced budgets during the latter part of the Clinton Administration. Even today, spending caps - one of the fundamental concepts of the original act are still in law today.
As you can see this act would have insured Fiscal Responsibility, however the SCOTUS declared this law the people of America wanted was declared Unconstitutional because there was nothing in the Amendments that authorized it. Many people say "What good does it do to make amendments since the Government ignores the Constitution any way" I'll tell you what good it does. The usual Legal Vehicle the Federal Government uses to usurp the intent of the Constitution is SCOTUS rulings, since SCOTUS is essentially part and parcel of the existing political establishment complete with the various agendas of the party in power when the Justices were appointed.
The bastardization of the 14th Amendment from it's original intent into what is fueling the craziness of immigration laws today is directly the sole responsibility of SCOTUS rulings. Did you know that the original Income Tax law was declared Unconstitutional by the Then presiding SCOTUS? That ruling was almost immediately overturned by the 16th Amendment which Congress rammed through using scare tactics and there is some speculation that it was not properly ratified but simply declared ratified by then Secretary of State Knox. My point is; It has been CONGRESS proposing all the amendments, and doing so primarily for Congressional benefit instead of benefit to the people.
In my opinion it is the aforementioned pseudo dictators in Government that are the prime movers against the people taking back control. They use the very same Scare Tactics/Terrifying Rhetoric to try and dissuade the people from reestablishing their power through the Constitutional method the Founders supplied in Article V. Article V is basically the Constitutionally Legitimate and Legal way to bloodlessly. overthrow a corrupt Government which is following it's own agenda and is not responding to the peoples wishes. The people are making themselves heard in State Elections where they are throwing out the Progressive hacks and replacing them with candidates who seem to be more in tune with mainstream America. Time will tell if these new players are what they seem to be.
So, in the mean time, We The People, need to get together and construct the Constitutional bridge back to our rightful powers. That bridge can be secured only through the amendment process, and you know that Congress "WILL NOT" voluntarily cede the powers they have slowly stolen from us over the previous decades. It's up to us to decide if we want to resurrect the Actual Republic the Founders gave us, or if we want to become Sheep like subjects like we were under the King.
Never Forget the FACT the powers that be want us to forget; Each State of the Union essentially is a Sovereign Nation unto itself, and that Sovereign Nation has voluntarily elected to form a Union of Sovereign States for Mutual Protection and Prosperity, as well as to secure the blessings of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for ALL of it's Citizens in perpetuity. It's now up to us, the Citizens of that Union, to secure the original intent along with the original checks and balances the Constitution was framed to protect.
The Tradesman
We are in dire straights, and 2016 is the turning point for America
2016 will be the most crucial election America has ever had to face.
The sad fact is; America is at a defining moment and at the crossroads where she finds herself, will determine the next Century of what America is to become. If the current crop of Progressive Socialists in the Democratic Party win both the Presidency and the Majority in the House, the Senate, or both, it will be 10 times as bad for Americans as the 111th Congress Super Majority was. It will determine if America remains a Republic, or if it becomes another failed Socialist experiment like George Soros and the other Elitists behind him wants it to become, so he and his band of Elites can then take over control of the World. We can't afford to sit back and not vote like way too many of us did in 2012, or we will be in a much worse trick bag than the one Obama put us in. If we sit back and lose this time, there will be no coming back for generations of misery and poverty.
I know from listening to the convention, the wide eyed Naive Democratic/Socialist voters are going to go out in massively large numbers to try and insure they get their people in office, so they can get, and continue to get, the "Free Stuff" we all have to pay for. I wonder what Hillary and the DNC promised Bernie to get him to endorse Hillary with such flowery speech? I'll bet they agreed to push most of his campaign agenda as part and parcel of the Democratic platform.
If you think I'm exaggerating you are a damn fool. It is that critical. The GOP has had a serious melt down, The DNC cheated Bernie to put Hillary in as candidate, Bernie was probably given something to make him support hillary after what the DNC did to him. Judging by what went on at the Convention even his hollowers knew something was rotten when he endorsed Hillary. The bad guys in the black hats are winning. If we want to do the basic and necessary damage control, we will have to acknowledge that the political paradigm has shifted, and having shifted, nothing is as it was before. We are in a new political reality and the opposition wants us to believe it has not changed. We must fight the opposition and not engage in internecine competition with others who are against Hillary and want to prevent the Democratic/Socialists winning so they can Forever change America.
One of the problems being, there are too many groups that "Intrinsically know what is the best course of action is for everyone else" when they are only pursuing their own agendas, and usually are at odds with others who are fighting the Democratic/Socialists. That means there is basically no cohesion or unified opposition, to a Highly Motivated, Superbly Financed, and Ideologically Fanatic Band of Opponents and their Political War Machine. Those fanatics are bent on Destroying America. This is the culmination of over 150 years of planning and scheming to take the Country down the road to an Elitist controlled and operated nation, where the Elitists are in total control so they can rule by their whim instead of by law. In short, a Dictatorial Oligarchy, controlled with an iron fist by the very few Elitists at the top .
We may not be able to completely stave off a disaster, but we should be able to hold it to the barest minimum of Damage. Lets look at the big picture. No matter which candidate wins the Presidency, they are only the figurehead for the already decided on agendas of their respective party. It's the other politicians who give life and form to that agenda. The President can only ask Congress (The House) to appropriate funds for his agendas. Congress must agree to spend the money asked for. the President can only suggest appointments to Federal Posts like the Supreme Court but it is the Senate that confirms those suggested appointments. The President can only order troops into combat for a limited time and then must ask Congress to keep them there or even if it's bad enough to declare war.
We must stop kidding ourselves into believing the Democrats won't win. They will most certainly take back a few seats in the Senate and in the House. Hillary may even win the election because the GOP and the real conservatives are so fragmented some of them will think it's better to vote for Hillary now, and correct her damage down the road. The problem with that thinking is, the cumulative damage that has already happened, combined with the coming damage from the Socialist Programs that have become part and parcel of the Democratic Platform will finally bury us. We have to stop the wishful thinking the Democrats will see what is going on and curtail their actions. that, is as bat shit crazy as Feinstein's statement, "when the gunman realizes that nobody else is armed, he will lay down his weapons and turn himself in, that's human nature.". ill tell you they will not.
The best way to lessen the coming damage is to pay as much attention to the other elections for Congress Primarily and also for State Legislatures and Local Offices as you do for President. Everyone will have to do their own Vetting, but the guidelines are simple. Choose the candidates in your State and District who are the most Constitutionally oriented and Conservative leaning. Basing that on their past records. In some races it will look like the candidates are equally bad so you can do one of two things; Vote for the one that is marginally better than the other even though that is fraught with the danger of giving the Democrats more clout, or vote for the GOP candidate even if he is a RINO. Better a Republican RINO than giving the Democrats the numerical edge in Congress. Remember it's the majority in both houses that control those houses and we don't want another Pelosi or Reid calling the shots. These suggestions hold true for the State and Local elections too.
I know that everyone is sick and tired of having to hold our noses and vote for the lesser of two evils. So; Lets make a commitment among ourselves to Immediately after this election, put together groups in every State to find suitable candidates for office, and then do the necessary things to force them on the 2018 ballots despite what either Political Party Leadership wants. We have the power to do that, BUT, Do We Have The Will To Do That?
I can't stress this enough; If we lose this time, we lose for good, that means; Everything we believe America Stands for will be trampled in the dirt by the Elitist controlled Progressives! The very same Progressives who through years of machinations,corruption, and lies, have created all the Dissention and Inequality that is driving the factions who have been tricked into supporting them. Stalin used the same technique and called his rabid followers "Useful Idiots".
Ted Nugent published a list of people who fall into the category of the users and abusers when he listed who was against Trump.
Nugent's List;
"Obama is against Trump, The Media is against Trump, The establishment Democrats are against Trump, The establishment Republicans are against Trump, The Pope is against Trump,
The UN is against Trump, The EU is against Trump, China is against Trump, Mexico is against Trump, Soros is against Trump, Black Lives Matter is against Trump, MoveOn.Org ( a Soros backed activist/agitator organization) is against Trump, Koch Bro’s are against Trump ( they back the establishment Republicans ), Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump."
Everyone on that list has a personal agenda and a personal stake in maintaining what has befallen America. All the names on the list are enemies of the Republic and would like to see the Constitution shredded to enhance their position and power. All the listed parties have an agenda against what America used to stand for, Yes, USED TO STAND FOR. If America still stood for the things it used to stand for, we would not be compromised like we now are. I believe the average American who is sitting in his web of denial about what is happening by losing themselves in the "Reality Shows", and the fantasies provided by Television and the Movies still believes this Socialist takeover is temporary. If we don't swallow our pride and unite against it, it will become permanent under 8 years of Hillary.
Instead of the internecine Ideological infighting our groups are conducting for the pure purpose of Hubris to say I'm the one we will follow, and I'll save America, we need to compromise to find a workable solution that will defeat the known enemies whomever they are. Democratic Socialists, Hidebound Establishment Political Leaders, Crony Capitalists, Hidden Elitists, Corrupt Media, and who ever else is hell bent on Destroying what America Stands for.
We won't be able to do that in our present condition. We won't be able to do that by fighting each other in the pissing contest our side is currently engaged in to see which tactic or plan we will use against them. We won't be able to defeat them if we duplicate certain tactics and forget about using other tactics effectively. We won't defeat them if we don't formulate and institute a plan to defeat Hillary and as many Democratic Socialists running in November elections as possible, while maintaining and increasing the numerical superiority of the Republicans in Congress to the point of Veto override capability.
We know the Republicans have betrayed our trust and will do so again if it suits their Establishment Leaders. We also know if the Democrats get even a majority of one vote, we will have the same debacle that we had at the beginning of the Obama Takeover and Transition of America into a Socialist regime. We must go one more time with the GOP, but in doing so, we must start immediately after the elections, to find potential candidates to supplant the Establishment Republicans.
WE can do this by finding and fully Vetting them, then doing all the legwork and requirements for putting them on the 2018 Primary Ballots despite Republican Leadership Opposition to them. We need to pull a Trump Move against the GOP with our chosen candidates for office. We need to do this at all levels of Government, Congressional, State Legislature, and even Local Offices. This is one way to reform our Government.
Another way to reform the debacle that has become our Federal Government is; Rise Up and Unite in the single purpose of forcing our State Legislatures to petition Congress for an Article V Amendment Proposal Convention, a Convention where Congress will have no say in what is proposed.
Yet another way is to Unite and convince our State Legislatures to formulate an amendment or several amendments like "Repeal the 14th,16th,17th" or "Term Limits for Congress", or "Congress must not be allowed to exempt itself from any of the laws it passes." or "Congressional Pay will only be provided during the Congress persons actual term, with no ongoing pension or other benefits that have voted for themselves when their term of office is over."
It's things like these we must agree on, and unite behind, if we want to maintain our Republic with it's Liberty and Freedoms intact.
The one thing I hope and pray we don't is discount the potential for disaster and stay home or vote for Hillary instead of Trump like we did in 2012 when most disgruntled voters refused to vote because Romney was running. We can't afford doing that anymore and still think we will have a Constitutional Republic at the end of her term. She will load the Supreme Court against us and that will have decades of ramifications about how the Constitution is interpreted. She will attempt to subvert the past conservative rulings of conservative courts when she has loaded the Court with Communist/Socialist/NWO oriented Justices. She will find a way to disarm American civilians. She will open the doors to any and all immigrants and probably Sharia Law as well. So people, DON'T FOOL YOURSELVES, Hillary is 1000 times worse than Trump ever could be.
Those are the reasons why;
"2016 will be the most crucial election America has ever had to face!"
These are solely my opinions.
The Tradesman
The sad fact is; America is at a defining moment and at the crossroads where she finds herself, will determine the next Century of what America is to become. If the current crop of Progressive Socialists in the Democratic Party win both the Presidency and the Majority in the House, the Senate, or both, it will be 10 times as bad for Americans as the 111th Congress Super Majority was. It will determine if America remains a Republic, or if it becomes another failed Socialist experiment like George Soros and the other Elitists behind him wants it to become, so he and his band of Elites can then take over control of the World. We can't afford to sit back and not vote like way too many of us did in 2012, or we will be in a much worse trick bag than the one Obama put us in. If we sit back and lose this time, there will be no coming back for generations of misery and poverty.
I know from listening to the convention, the wide eyed Naive Democratic/Socialist voters are going to go out in massively large numbers to try and insure they get their people in office, so they can get, and continue to get, the "Free Stuff" we all have to pay for. I wonder what Hillary and the DNC promised Bernie to get him to endorse Hillary with such flowery speech? I'll bet they agreed to push most of his campaign agenda as part and parcel of the Democratic platform.
If you think I'm exaggerating you are a damn fool. It is that critical. The GOP has had a serious melt down, The DNC cheated Bernie to put Hillary in as candidate, Bernie was probably given something to make him support hillary after what the DNC did to him. Judging by what went on at the Convention even his hollowers knew something was rotten when he endorsed Hillary. The bad guys in the black hats are winning. If we want to do the basic and necessary damage control, we will have to acknowledge that the political paradigm has shifted, and having shifted, nothing is as it was before. We are in a new political reality and the opposition wants us to believe it has not changed. We must fight the opposition and not engage in internecine competition with others who are against Hillary and want to prevent the Democratic/Socialists winning so they can Forever change America.
One of the problems being, there are too many groups that "Intrinsically know what is the best course of action is for everyone else" when they are only pursuing their own agendas, and usually are at odds with others who are fighting the Democratic/Socialists. That means there is basically no cohesion or unified opposition, to a Highly Motivated, Superbly Financed, and Ideologically Fanatic Band of Opponents and their Political War Machine. Those fanatics are bent on Destroying America. This is the culmination of over 150 years of planning and scheming to take the Country down the road to an Elitist controlled and operated nation, where the Elitists are in total control so they can rule by their whim instead of by law. In short, a Dictatorial Oligarchy, controlled with an iron fist by the very few Elitists at the top .
We may not be able to completely stave off a disaster, but we should be able to hold it to the barest minimum of Damage. Lets look at the big picture. No matter which candidate wins the Presidency, they are only the figurehead for the already decided on agendas of their respective party. It's the other politicians who give life and form to that agenda. The President can only ask Congress (The House) to appropriate funds for his agendas. Congress must agree to spend the money asked for. the President can only suggest appointments to Federal Posts like the Supreme Court but it is the Senate that confirms those suggested appointments. The President can only order troops into combat for a limited time and then must ask Congress to keep them there or even if it's bad enough to declare war.
We must stop kidding ourselves into believing the Democrats won't win. They will most certainly take back a few seats in the Senate and in the House. Hillary may even win the election because the GOP and the real conservatives are so fragmented some of them will think it's better to vote for Hillary now, and correct her damage down the road. The problem with that thinking is, the cumulative damage that has already happened, combined with the coming damage from the Socialist Programs that have become part and parcel of the Democratic Platform will finally bury us. We have to stop the wishful thinking the Democrats will see what is going on and curtail their actions. that, is as bat shit crazy as Feinstein's statement, "when the gunman realizes that nobody else is armed, he will lay down his weapons and turn himself in, that's human nature.". ill tell you they will not.
The best way to lessen the coming damage is to pay as much attention to the other elections for Congress Primarily and also for State Legislatures and Local Offices as you do for President. Everyone will have to do their own Vetting, but the guidelines are simple. Choose the candidates in your State and District who are the most Constitutionally oriented and Conservative leaning. Basing that on their past records. In some races it will look like the candidates are equally bad so you can do one of two things; Vote for the one that is marginally better than the other even though that is fraught with the danger of giving the Democrats more clout, or vote for the GOP candidate even if he is a RINO. Better a Republican RINO than giving the Democrats the numerical edge in Congress. Remember it's the majority in both houses that control those houses and we don't want another Pelosi or Reid calling the shots. These suggestions hold true for the State and Local elections too.
I know that everyone is sick and tired of having to hold our noses and vote for the lesser of two evils. So; Lets make a commitment among ourselves to Immediately after this election, put together groups in every State to find suitable candidates for office, and then do the necessary things to force them on the 2018 ballots despite what either Political Party Leadership wants. We have the power to do that, BUT, Do We Have The Will To Do That?
I can't stress this enough; If we lose this time, we lose for good, that means; Everything we believe America Stands for will be trampled in the dirt by the Elitist controlled Progressives! The very same Progressives who through years of machinations,corruption, and lies, have created all the Dissention and Inequality that is driving the factions who have been tricked into supporting them. Stalin used the same technique and called his rabid followers "Useful Idiots".
Ted Nugent published a list of people who fall into the category of the users and abusers when he listed who was against Trump.
Nugent's List;
"Obama is against Trump, The Media is against Trump, The establishment Democrats are against Trump, The establishment Republicans are against Trump, The Pope is against Trump,
The UN is against Trump, The EU is against Trump, China is against Trump, Mexico is against Trump, Soros is against Trump, Black Lives Matter is against Trump, MoveOn.Org ( a Soros backed activist/agitator organization) is against Trump, Koch Bro’s are against Trump ( they back the establishment Republicans ), Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump."
Everyone on that list has a personal agenda and a personal stake in maintaining what has befallen America. All the names on the list are enemies of the Republic and would like to see the Constitution shredded to enhance their position and power. All the listed parties have an agenda against what America used to stand for, Yes, USED TO STAND FOR. If America still stood for the things it used to stand for, we would not be compromised like we now are. I believe the average American who is sitting in his web of denial about what is happening by losing themselves in the "Reality Shows", and the fantasies provided by Television and the Movies still believes this Socialist takeover is temporary. If we don't swallow our pride and unite against it, it will become permanent under 8 years of Hillary.
Instead of the internecine Ideological infighting our groups are conducting for the pure purpose of Hubris to say I'm the one we will follow, and I'll save America, we need to compromise to find a workable solution that will defeat the known enemies whomever they are. Democratic Socialists, Hidebound Establishment Political Leaders, Crony Capitalists, Hidden Elitists, Corrupt Media, and who ever else is hell bent on Destroying what America Stands for.
We won't be able to do that in our present condition. We won't be able to do that by fighting each other in the pissing contest our side is currently engaged in to see which tactic or plan we will use against them. We won't be able to defeat them if we duplicate certain tactics and forget about using other tactics effectively. We won't defeat them if we don't formulate and institute a plan to defeat Hillary and as many Democratic Socialists running in November elections as possible, while maintaining and increasing the numerical superiority of the Republicans in Congress to the point of Veto override capability.
We know the Republicans have betrayed our trust and will do so again if it suits their Establishment Leaders. We also know if the Democrats get even a majority of one vote, we will have the same debacle that we had at the beginning of the Obama Takeover and Transition of America into a Socialist regime. We must go one more time with the GOP, but in doing so, we must start immediately after the elections, to find potential candidates to supplant the Establishment Republicans.
WE can do this by finding and fully Vetting them, then doing all the legwork and requirements for putting them on the 2018 Primary Ballots despite Republican Leadership Opposition to them. We need to pull a Trump Move against the GOP with our chosen candidates for office. We need to do this at all levels of Government, Congressional, State Legislature, and even Local Offices. This is one way to reform our Government.
Another way to reform the debacle that has become our Federal Government is; Rise Up and Unite in the single purpose of forcing our State Legislatures to petition Congress for an Article V Amendment Proposal Convention, a Convention where Congress will have no say in what is proposed.
Yet another way is to Unite and convince our State Legislatures to formulate an amendment or several amendments like "Repeal the 14th,16th,17th" or "Term Limits for Congress", or "Congress must not be allowed to exempt itself from any of the laws it passes." or "Congressional Pay will only be provided during the Congress persons actual term, with no ongoing pension or other benefits that have voted for themselves when their term of office is over."
It's things like these we must agree on, and unite behind, if we want to maintain our Republic with it's Liberty and Freedoms intact.
The one thing I hope and pray we don't is discount the potential for disaster and stay home or vote for Hillary instead of Trump like we did in 2012 when most disgruntled voters refused to vote because Romney was running. We can't afford doing that anymore and still think we will have a Constitutional Republic at the end of her term. She will load the Supreme Court against us and that will have decades of ramifications about how the Constitution is interpreted. She will attempt to subvert the past conservative rulings of conservative courts when she has loaded the Court with Communist/Socialist/NWO oriented Justices. She will find a way to disarm American civilians. She will open the doors to any and all immigrants and probably Sharia Law as well. So people, DON'T FOOL YOURSELVES, Hillary is 1000 times worse than Trump ever could be.
Those are the reasons why;
"2016 will be the most crucial election America has ever had to face!"
These are solely my opinions.
The Tradesman
Comments On Judge Napolitano's Questioning Commentary
Source of Napolitano's commentary; http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2016/07/21/judge-napolitano-what-if-fix-was-in-for-hillary-at-obama-justice-department.html?ref=yfp
Judge Napolitano raises some very important questions concerning Hillary Clinton, The Department of Justice, Obama, The FBI, and Libya. Putting all this together, he makes a strong case with related circumstantial evidence for the probability that the FIX was in to keep Hillary from facing charges unless she losses the Election and becomes vulnerable. I am going to try and comment on each of Judge Napolitano's comments.
My comments will be in Parenthesis and Italic to distinguish them from the Judges. Although Judge Napolitano did not mention it, What if the rumors about Hillary possibly appointing Obama to the Supreme Court should she become President have impacted on the decision to not press charges?
What if the folks who run the Department of Political Justice recently were told that the republic would suffer if Hillary Clinton were indicted for espionage because Donald Trump might succeed Barack Obama in the presidency? What if espionage is the failure to safeguard state secrets and the evidence that Clinton failed to safeguard them is unambiguous and overwhelming?
" I believe that if the DOJ were to be told that, and because of it's seemingly partisan affiliation with Obama's Socialistic agenda, The head of that department would accede to the requests of her political boss (Obama) and agree to not prosecute if the FBI would not recommend prosecution. As for the FBI it seems 'Prima Facie' that the head of that department has followed the orders of his political boss (Obama) and made a 180 degree shift on the evaluation as compared to what he recommended on the similar but less critical Petraeus case. That being what it is, I have to agree with Napolitano in the validity of his question about the espionage angle being implied as what was being suppressed to make the call of no recommendation to prosecute by the FBI."
What if President Obama never really liked his former rival whom he appointed as his secretary of state? What if he had no real interest in seeing her succeed him because he and his wife simply could never trust her?
" I believe this is not only possible considering the schism that erupted between them in his first bid for President, but that it is actually probable he may feel that way."
What if, when Clinton suggested to the president that the U.S. wage a secret undeclared war against Libya, the president went along with it as a no-lose proposition? What if he assumed that if her secret war succeeded he’d get the credit and if her secret war failed she would get the blame?
" This fits in completely with past practices of Presidents since the FDR administration war years. It's proper name and designation is (Plausible Deniability) and it is regularly used by agencies like the CIA to protect the public image of a President."
What if the means of fighting the secret war consisted of employing intelligence assets rather than the U.S. military? What if Clinton concocted that idea because the use of the military requires a public reporting to the entire Congress but the use of intelligence assets requires only a secret reporting to a dozen members of Congress?
"Strangely enough this is a normal practice in our Government since the end of WWII, so why wouldn't it be used to keep the public in the dark about such clandestine operations. This is Standard OPS for the CIA,ONI,etc."
What if Clinton expanded her war by permitting American and foreign arms dealers to bypass the NATO arms embargo on Libya by selling heavy-duty, military-grade arms directly to militias in Libya? What if this was Clinton’s dream scenario -- an apparent civil war in Libya in which the victorious side was secretly armed by the U.S., with democracy brought to the country and Clinton the architect of it all?
"Since the breaking of the story behind 'Fast & Furious' and the resultant cover up through refusal to release documentation on it by Obama, why would it be so hard to believe this is just another fiasco in the making?"
What if the CIA warned Clinton that this would backfire? What if the CIA told her that she was arming not pro-Western militias but anti-American terrorist groups? What if she rejected all that advice? What if providing material assistance to terrorist groups is a felony? What if the Department of Political Justice actually obtained an indictment of an American arms dealer for going along with Clinton’s schemes?
" This in my estimation is also part and parcel of the plausible deniability process that protects the president and politicians doing things secretly sanctioned by the president."
What if Clinton’s secret war in Libya was a disaster? What if she succeeded in toppling the Libyan leader, Col. Moammar Gadhafi, only to have him replaced by feuding warlords who control anti-Western terrorist groups that not only failed to produce democracy but instead produced destruction, chaos, terror, torture and death?
"You just have to look at the mess in the middle east that the Obama administration hath wrought through either ineptitude or design, and you can answer that one yourself."
What if Clinton managed her Libyan disaster using a non-secure email system even though she regularly sent and received state secrets? What if she sent many emails containing state secrets about her Libyan war to her friend Sid Blumenthal? What if Blumenthal had been turned down for a State Department job by the president himself?
" I'll hold off commenting on this one until Guccifer or Putin releases more of those 'Lost or Deleted' E-Mails which were hacked off her server."
What if Blumenthal did not have a government security clearance to receive lawfully any state secrets? What if Clinton knew that? What if the FBI found that Blumenthal’s emails had been hacked by intelligence services of foreign governments that are hostile to America?
"In that case I would expect the government to do some sort of damage control with the Public, because it would already be too late to block what the foreign governments had already gained access to. Similar to the 'VIDEO" being the cause of the Benghazi Islamic Terrorist Attack."
What if there were terrible secrets that Clinton wanted to keep from the public and for that reason she used private servers and non-government-issued mobile devices? What if those terrible secrets involved her enabling the unlawful behavior of her husband and his shoddy, unlawful foundation? What if Mrs. Clinton made decisions as secretary of state that were intended to enrich her husband and herself and she needed to keep emails about those decisions away from the public?
" The simple answer to this is to go to Guccifer's site and look at the released e-mails he has opened up about the Clinton Foundation, or go to Open Secrets to see the money trail there."
What if the president recognized all this and authorized the FBI to conduct criminal investigations of Mrs. Clinton?
" I would say this is possible, but to what end other than figuring out how much damage control would be needed to offset what Hillary had done, and if it had been done deliberately for some other purpose. He would have had to have been in on it from the beginning because nothing happens in politics by accident."
What if, after the ascendancy of Donald Trump in the Republican presidential primaries, the president warmed up to his former rival? What if Trump so got under the president’s skin that it drove him to embrace Clinton as his chosen successor and as the one Democrat who could prevent a Trump presidency?
"We have all been following that timeline, so we all can make our own informed decision about this potential and believable political scenario."
What if the president sent word to the Department of Political Justice to exonerate Clinton no matter what evidence was found against her? What if, in response to that political interference, the FBI investigation of her failure to safeguard state secrets and her corruption took irregular turns?
" Again, Guccifer has released documentation that supports that theory, but only the Obama Administration knows for sure. However based on the circumstantial evidence, past practice of the FBI in similar cases, I BELIEVE IT IS SO!"
What if FBI management began to intimidate FBI agents who had the goods on her? What if FBI management forced agents to sign highly irregular agreements governing what the agents can tell anyone when it comes to what they learned about Clinton?
"Some Agents did say they were uncharacteristically ordered to sign Non Disclosure agreements about the content of their investigations. This is a smoking gun. I could see it as part of an active investigation into anything so the investigation would not be corrupted or the principles in that investigation be made aware of findings before charges were made, bur not after it was concluded because it then with few national security considerations it becomes public domain information."
What if the Department of Political Justice never subpoenaed anything from Clinton? What if it never convened a grand jury to seek and hear evidence against her? What if the FBI requires a grand jury to subpoena documents and tangible things? What if it is highly irregular for a major FBI criminal investigation to be undertaken without a grand jury?
"In that case it would definitely smell like a deliberate cover up."
What if the attorney general was involved in a publicity stunt with Clinton’s husband and then used that stunt as an excuse to remove herself and her top aides from making decisions in the case? What if this was a sham, done so as to make it appear that FBI professionals -- rather than someone politically motivated, such as the president or the attorney general -- were calling the shots in the case?
" Everyone knows that the FBI works for the DOJ, and since the death of Hoover,it has become subject to the whims of the party in power and is under that Party's direct control. So that is an extremely plausible situation."
What if Hillary Clinton has engaged in espionage and public corruption and FBI agents know that she has? What if they have evidence to prove it but they could not present anything to a grand jury because President Obama wants Clinton, and not Donald Trump, to succeed him in office? What if this blatant political interference with a criminal investigation is itself a crime? What if, midstream in this criminal invest
Judge Napolitano raises some very important questions concerning Hillary Clinton, The Department of Justice, Obama, The FBI, and Libya. Putting all this together, he makes a strong case with related circumstantial evidence for the probability that the FIX was in to keep Hillary from facing charges unless she losses the Election and becomes vulnerable. I am going to try and comment on each of Judge Napolitano's comments.
My comments will be in Parenthesis and Italic to distinguish them from the Judges. Although Judge Napolitano did not mention it, What if the rumors about Hillary possibly appointing Obama to the Supreme Court should she become President have impacted on the decision to not press charges?
What if the folks who run the Department of Political Justice recently were told that the republic would suffer if Hillary Clinton were indicted for espionage because Donald Trump might succeed Barack Obama in the presidency? What if espionage is the failure to safeguard state secrets and the evidence that Clinton failed to safeguard them is unambiguous and overwhelming?
" I believe that if the DOJ were to be told that, and because of it's seemingly partisan affiliation with Obama's Socialistic agenda, The head of that department would accede to the requests of her political boss (Obama) and agree to not prosecute if the FBI would not recommend prosecution. As for the FBI it seems 'Prima Facie' that the head of that department has followed the orders of his political boss (Obama) and made a 180 degree shift on the evaluation as compared to what he recommended on the similar but less critical Petraeus case. That being what it is, I have to agree with Napolitano in the validity of his question about the espionage angle being implied as what was being suppressed to make the call of no recommendation to prosecute by the FBI."
What if President Obama never really liked his former rival whom he appointed as his secretary of state? What if he had no real interest in seeing her succeed him because he and his wife simply could never trust her?
" I believe this is not only possible considering the schism that erupted between them in his first bid for President, but that it is actually probable he may feel that way."
What if, when Clinton suggested to the president that the U.S. wage a secret undeclared war against Libya, the president went along with it as a no-lose proposition? What if he assumed that if her secret war succeeded he’d get the credit and if her secret war failed she would get the blame?
" This fits in completely with past practices of Presidents since the FDR administration war years. It's proper name and designation is (Plausible Deniability) and it is regularly used by agencies like the CIA to protect the public image of a President."
What if the means of fighting the secret war consisted of employing intelligence assets rather than the U.S. military? What if Clinton concocted that idea because the use of the military requires a public reporting to the entire Congress but the use of intelligence assets requires only a secret reporting to a dozen members of Congress?
"Strangely enough this is a normal practice in our Government since the end of WWII, so why wouldn't it be used to keep the public in the dark about such clandestine operations. This is Standard OPS for the CIA,ONI,etc."
What if Clinton expanded her war by permitting American and foreign arms dealers to bypass the NATO arms embargo on Libya by selling heavy-duty, military-grade arms directly to militias in Libya? What if this was Clinton’s dream scenario -- an apparent civil war in Libya in which the victorious side was secretly armed by the U.S., with democracy brought to the country and Clinton the architect of it all?
"Since the breaking of the story behind 'Fast & Furious' and the resultant cover up through refusal to release documentation on it by Obama, why would it be so hard to believe this is just another fiasco in the making?"
What if the CIA warned Clinton that this would backfire? What if the CIA told her that she was arming not pro-Western militias but anti-American terrorist groups? What if she rejected all that advice? What if providing material assistance to terrorist groups is a felony? What if the Department of Political Justice actually obtained an indictment of an American arms dealer for going along with Clinton’s schemes?
" This in my estimation is also part and parcel of the plausible deniability process that protects the president and politicians doing things secretly sanctioned by the president."
What if Clinton’s secret war in Libya was a disaster? What if she succeeded in toppling the Libyan leader, Col. Moammar Gadhafi, only to have him replaced by feuding warlords who control anti-Western terrorist groups that not only failed to produce democracy but instead produced destruction, chaos, terror, torture and death?
"You just have to look at the mess in the middle east that the Obama administration hath wrought through either ineptitude or design, and you can answer that one yourself."
What if Clinton managed her Libyan disaster using a non-secure email system even though she regularly sent and received state secrets? What if she sent many emails containing state secrets about her Libyan war to her friend Sid Blumenthal? What if Blumenthal had been turned down for a State Department job by the president himself?
" I'll hold off commenting on this one until Guccifer or Putin releases more of those 'Lost or Deleted' E-Mails which were hacked off her server."
What if Blumenthal did not have a government security clearance to receive lawfully any state secrets? What if Clinton knew that? What if the FBI found that Blumenthal’s emails had been hacked by intelligence services of foreign governments that are hostile to America?
"In that case I would expect the government to do some sort of damage control with the Public, because it would already be too late to block what the foreign governments had already gained access to. Similar to the 'VIDEO" being the cause of the Benghazi Islamic Terrorist Attack."
What if there were terrible secrets that Clinton wanted to keep from the public and for that reason she used private servers and non-government-issued mobile devices? What if those terrible secrets involved her enabling the unlawful behavior of her husband and his shoddy, unlawful foundation? What if Mrs. Clinton made decisions as secretary of state that were intended to enrich her husband and herself and she needed to keep emails about those decisions away from the public?
" The simple answer to this is to go to Guccifer's site and look at the released e-mails he has opened up about the Clinton Foundation, or go to Open Secrets to see the money trail there."
What if the president recognized all this and authorized the FBI to conduct criminal investigations of Mrs. Clinton?
" I would say this is possible, but to what end other than figuring out how much damage control would be needed to offset what Hillary had done, and if it had been done deliberately for some other purpose. He would have had to have been in on it from the beginning because nothing happens in politics by accident."
What if, after the ascendancy of Donald Trump in the Republican presidential primaries, the president warmed up to his former rival? What if Trump so got under the president’s skin that it drove him to embrace Clinton as his chosen successor and as the one Democrat who could prevent a Trump presidency?
"We have all been following that timeline, so we all can make our own informed decision about this potential and believable political scenario."
What if the president sent word to the Department of Political Justice to exonerate Clinton no matter what evidence was found against her? What if, in response to that political interference, the FBI investigation of her failure to safeguard state secrets and her corruption took irregular turns?
" Again, Guccifer has released documentation that supports that theory, but only the Obama Administration knows for sure. However based on the circumstantial evidence, past practice of the FBI in similar cases, I BELIEVE IT IS SO!"
What if FBI management began to intimidate FBI agents who had the goods on her? What if FBI management forced agents to sign highly irregular agreements governing what the agents can tell anyone when it comes to what they learned about Clinton?
"Some Agents did say they were uncharacteristically ordered to sign Non Disclosure agreements about the content of their investigations. This is a smoking gun. I could see it as part of an active investigation into anything so the investigation would not be corrupted or the principles in that investigation be made aware of findings before charges were made, bur not after it was concluded because it then with few national security considerations it becomes public domain information."
What if the Department of Political Justice never subpoenaed anything from Clinton? What if it never convened a grand jury to seek and hear evidence against her? What if the FBI requires a grand jury to subpoena documents and tangible things? What if it is highly irregular for a major FBI criminal investigation to be undertaken without a grand jury?
"In that case it would definitely smell like a deliberate cover up."
What if the attorney general was involved in a publicity stunt with Clinton’s husband and then used that stunt as an excuse to remove herself and her top aides from making decisions in the case? What if this was a sham, done so as to make it appear that FBI professionals -- rather than someone politically motivated, such as the president or the attorney general -- were calling the shots in the case?
" Everyone knows that the FBI works for the DOJ, and since the death of Hoover,it has become subject to the whims of the party in power and is under that Party's direct control. So that is an extremely plausible situation."
What if Hillary Clinton has engaged in espionage and public corruption and FBI agents know that she has? What if they have evidence to prove it but they could not present anything to a grand jury because President Obama wants Clinton, and not Donald Trump, to succeed him in office? What if this blatant political interference with a criminal investigation is itself a crime? What if, midstream in this criminal invest
Hillary's Lies Exposed Under Sworn Testimony.
The above video is included under the Fair Usage Act for educational purposes.
It is my considered Opinion that should Hillary become President she will set up the United States as a Personally Controlled Criminal Enterprise, to benefit her and her progeny. This Treatise is in the Editorial Section and on my page because as pointed out to me by Mangus Colorado; She HAS and IS violating the Constitution. Taking quid pro quo when Bill gave a speech and she as Secretary Of State, gave approvals that Bills speech got the money for.
Here are my reasons;
First; The Sworn Testimony before Congress between Gowdey and Comey;
Comey at a House hearing with Comey under oath, the Gowdy-Comey exchange exposed lies Hillary herself is on record of telling Congress under oath:
Gowdy: Clinton said she never sent or received any classified information over her private email. Not true?
Comey: Right.
Gowdy: Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails. . . . Was that true?
Comey: That's not true.
Gowdy: Clinton said [she] didn't email any classified material to anyone. . . . True?
Comey: There was classified material emailed.
Gowdy: [She] said that she used just one device. True?
Comey: She used multiple devices.
Gowdy: [She] said all work-related emails were returned to the State Department. True?
Comey: No.
Gowdy: [She] said neither she nor anyone else deleted work-related emails. . . . True?
Comey: That's a harder one to answer. We found traces of work-related emails. . . . Whether they were deleted . . . or something happened to them, there's no doubt that there were work-related emails . . . removed electronically from the email system. [Translation: not true.]
Gowdy: [She] said her lawyers read every one of the emails [individually before deleting any of them]. True?
Comey: No.
Gowdy: False, exculpatory statements—they are used for what?
Comey: Either for the substantive prosecution or for evidence of intent in a criminal prosecution?
Gowdy: Exactly. Intent and consciousness of guilt, right?
Comey: Right.
In spite of that exchange showing at the very least Malfeasance on the part of Hillary, and for some as yet unknown reason, Comey's official recommendation to the DOJ advocated NO criminal charges for Hillary!
Lets take some other verifiable instances when Hillary lied;
1. In a face to face meeting with families of the CIA commando's killed trying to protect Ambassador Stevens, she deliberately lied to them and said the attack was a direct result of an Anti-Islam Video when she positively knew that statement wasn't true. She could have said we are investigating it and given her condolences without compromising anything our intelligence community knew or was investigating. Instead she chose to lie.
2. She is a very skillful and I personally believe she is a compulsive liar. This goes back to the Watergate investigation. House Judiciary Committee's Chief of Staff Jerry Zeifman who was Hillary's Supervisor Stated to Dan Calabreese of North Star newspaper syndicate that " Hillary engaged in a variety of self-serving unethical practices in violation of House rules.” Zeifman said that Rodham wrote a fraudulent legal brief, said he regrets not reporting Rodham to the appropriate bar association. Later,(4/4/2008) Zeifman was asked in an interview with nationally syndicated radio host Neal Boortz, "You fired her [Clinton], didn't you?" Zeifman responded, "Let me put it this way, I terminated her along with other staff members who we no longer needed. And I said that I could not recommend her for any further positions."
3. On just the e-mail issue alone Hillary's Lies are, have been, and judging by lifelong practices will continue to be the way she conducts business, the disregard for National Security, and the allegations of her using Foreign Policy for personal gain makes her unfit for the Presidency. Comey spared Clinton the criminal prosecution for treating classified emails so cavalierly. He was unforgiving in discussing her approach to "very sensitive, highly classified information." indicating it was just short of an indictment. Comey said Clinton emails with "Top Secret/Special Access" information—the truly sensitive stuff—were less protected than they would have been "with a commercial service like Gmail." Consider the 8 notebooks that Gen Petraeus gave to Pamela Broadwell as research material for a book she was writing. Nothing was included in the book and even then most of the information was already in the public domain. Cormey recommended Felony charges against Petraeus and Petraeus eventually plead guilty to a misdemeanor. See the juxtaposition? Old Information that was not used caused the FBI to recommend Felony charges on Petraeus, and new critical classified TOP/SECRET information mishandled by Hillary NO criminal charges recommended, not even misdemeanor charges. WHY?
4. FBI testimony indicated "No Direct Evidence" Hillary's account being hacked but he did specify that others who were in constant contact through her account were hacked. "Guccifer" had no trouble hacking and copying her emails, so why would the likes of Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and Ali Khamenei have trouble tapping in from the start of the Obama administration when Hillary's e-mail domain was known and apparent. Or considering the fact she used it unsecured outside the US in the countries of our ADVERSARIES said Comey, and also we know who they are.
5. Considering that statement from Comey, David Sanger of the New York Times Opined; The "Lack of clear evidence of hacking gave a clear signal to experts and government investigators that her email likely "had been breached, but the intruders were far too skilled to leave evidence of their work." Still no recommendation of criminal charges, WHY?
6. The Clintons together constructed a means ( The Clinton foundation" ) the same foundation that Peter Schweizer cited in his book " Clinton Cash" examined in detail and found out how it was a primary method for the Clintons to use Foreign Policy to their financial advantage. He found out if an entity donated to the Foundation or hired Billy to speak, good things happened for them. The dollar amount cited for the years 2001- 2014 was $229,319,855 and that "Foundation structure" allowed Foreign Governments, Foreign Businesses, and Foreign Financiers to gain 'access' to Politicians even though Federal Election Law prohibits 'Foreign Entities' from donating to American Political Campaigns and their Super-PACS. With the 'Foundation' those entities could go around the laws.
7. Following up on the "Foundation', Politifact confirmed that Bill Clinton's speaking fees took a meteoric rise when Hillary became Secretary of State. To name a few instances;
Two Speeches in Nigeria $700,ooo each.
A speech at Swedish Telecom Company Ericsson $700,000.
Thirteen Speeches for a Hong Cong Company @ $500.000 each.
All this happened from 2001 when he vacated the Oval Office and went on until 2013, when Hillary left as Secretary of State. Thirteen of those speeches by Bill was during the time Hillary was Secretary of State. That alone gives the impression of corruption whether or not it in fact happened, and politics is all about impressions of the politician.
8. There are other instances of the Clinton's making money off of their holding High Offices;
Bill received $16.5 million from Laureate International Industries as their Honorary Chancellor for five years of that online diploma mill, so you can imagine the profits that company made during those five years. It's legal, but is it moral and honorable for a retired president to blatantly sell himself for such things? By the way, Laureate receives $55 million in State Department Grants during Hillary's term as Secretary of State and Bill's honorary Chancellorship. That was only one of the reputed deals in Russia, India, Columbia, and Africa. The Clinton "Foundation" seems more and more like a pay for play quasi-legal and contemptible personal finance enhancing enterprise than the "Charity" it is reputed to be. Is financially enhancing your personal lifestyle considered a "Charity"?
9. The "Foundation" signed a disclosure document to disclose any foreign 'Donations' during Hillary's Secretary of State Position. Even John Kerry asked why the "Foundation" needed to take in 'Foreign Donations'. Kerry publicly speculated; "If you're traveling to some country and you meet with the foreign leadership and a week later or two weeks later or three weeks later the president [Bill Clinton] travels there and solicits a donation and they pledge to give at some point in the future but nobody knows, is there an appearance of a conflict?" I would call it a definite conflict of interest bordering on Criminal behavior, but that's just my opinion. Oh Yeah, the "Foundation" violated that agreement at least FIVE TIMES!
10. Why do the Clinton's get away with such behavior time and time again? Are they members of the Hidden Elite Class that is hell bent on running the world with a stratified Oligarchy? the usual tactic they use is Stonewall and admit nothing. Hillary even did this in the beginning and throughout the E-Mail case, even when caught red handed she only modified her testimony for the specific act she was accused of, feigning faulty memory to being mis-quoted on the facts (See the Gowdey questions again). Hey, who remembers the 1978 Cattle Futures $100,000 gain that was a 31Trillion to 1 shot? Coincidence? She used the aforementioned tactic then until the incident was conveniently forgotten.
This leaves us with the question; Do we really want someone who through repeated actions has shown themselves to be Morally and Ethically unsuited for such a high office? It's also a warning to the splinter GOP fools that will vote for her because they were told that Trump was BAD by the Establishment Leadership who want to keep the status Quo as it is instead of doing what is right by the American Public. This election is the watershed election over the Future of the Republic.
The Tradesman
It is my considered Opinion that should Hillary become President she will set up the United States as a Personally Controlled Criminal Enterprise, to benefit her and her progeny. This Treatise is in the Editorial Section and on my page because as pointed out to me by Mangus Colorado; She HAS and IS violating the Constitution. Taking quid pro quo when Bill gave a speech and she as Secretary Of State, gave approvals that Bills speech got the money for.
Here are my reasons;
First; The Sworn Testimony before Congress between Gowdey and Comey;
Comey at a House hearing with Comey under oath, the Gowdy-Comey exchange exposed lies Hillary herself is on record of telling Congress under oath:
Gowdy: Clinton said she never sent or received any classified information over her private email. Not true?
Comey: Right.
Gowdy: Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails. . . . Was that true?
Comey: That's not true.
Gowdy: Clinton said [she] didn't email any classified material to anyone. . . . True?
Comey: There was classified material emailed.
Gowdy: [She] said that she used just one device. True?
Comey: She used multiple devices.
Gowdy: [She] said all work-related emails were returned to the State Department. True?
Comey: No.
Gowdy: [She] said neither she nor anyone else deleted work-related emails. . . . True?
Comey: That's a harder one to answer. We found traces of work-related emails. . . . Whether they were deleted . . . or something happened to them, there's no doubt that there were work-related emails . . . removed electronically from the email system. [Translation: not true.]
Gowdy: [She] said her lawyers read every one of the emails [individually before deleting any of them]. True?
Comey: No.
Gowdy: False, exculpatory statements—they are used for what?
Comey: Either for the substantive prosecution or for evidence of intent in a criminal prosecution?
Gowdy: Exactly. Intent and consciousness of guilt, right?
Comey: Right.
In spite of that exchange showing at the very least Malfeasance on the part of Hillary, and for some as yet unknown reason, Comey's official recommendation to the DOJ advocated NO criminal charges for Hillary!
Lets take some other verifiable instances when Hillary lied;
1. In a face to face meeting with families of the CIA commando's killed trying to protect Ambassador Stevens, she deliberately lied to them and said the attack was a direct result of an Anti-Islam Video when she positively knew that statement wasn't true. She could have said we are investigating it and given her condolences without compromising anything our intelligence community knew or was investigating. Instead she chose to lie.
2. She is a very skillful and I personally believe she is a compulsive liar. This goes back to the Watergate investigation. House Judiciary Committee's Chief of Staff Jerry Zeifman who was Hillary's Supervisor Stated to Dan Calabreese of North Star newspaper syndicate that " Hillary engaged in a variety of self-serving unethical practices in violation of House rules.” Zeifman said that Rodham wrote a fraudulent legal brief, said he regrets not reporting Rodham to the appropriate bar association. Later,(4/4/2008) Zeifman was asked in an interview with nationally syndicated radio host Neal Boortz, "You fired her [Clinton], didn't you?" Zeifman responded, "Let me put it this way, I terminated her along with other staff members who we no longer needed. And I said that I could not recommend her for any further positions."
3. On just the e-mail issue alone Hillary's Lies are, have been, and judging by lifelong practices will continue to be the way she conducts business, the disregard for National Security, and the allegations of her using Foreign Policy for personal gain makes her unfit for the Presidency. Comey spared Clinton the criminal prosecution for treating classified emails so cavalierly. He was unforgiving in discussing her approach to "very sensitive, highly classified information." indicating it was just short of an indictment. Comey said Clinton emails with "Top Secret/Special Access" information—the truly sensitive stuff—were less protected than they would have been "with a commercial service like Gmail." Consider the 8 notebooks that Gen Petraeus gave to Pamela Broadwell as research material for a book she was writing. Nothing was included in the book and even then most of the information was already in the public domain. Cormey recommended Felony charges against Petraeus and Petraeus eventually plead guilty to a misdemeanor. See the juxtaposition? Old Information that was not used caused the FBI to recommend Felony charges on Petraeus, and new critical classified TOP/SECRET information mishandled by Hillary NO criminal charges recommended, not even misdemeanor charges. WHY?
4. FBI testimony indicated "No Direct Evidence" Hillary's account being hacked but he did specify that others who were in constant contact through her account were hacked. "Guccifer" had no trouble hacking and copying her emails, so why would the likes of Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and Ali Khamenei have trouble tapping in from the start of the Obama administration when Hillary's e-mail domain was known and apparent. Or considering the fact she used it unsecured outside the US in the countries of our ADVERSARIES said Comey, and also we know who they are.
5. Considering that statement from Comey, David Sanger of the New York Times Opined; The "Lack of clear evidence of hacking gave a clear signal to experts and government investigators that her email likely "had been breached, but the intruders were far too skilled to leave evidence of their work." Still no recommendation of criminal charges, WHY?
6. The Clintons together constructed a means ( The Clinton foundation" ) the same foundation that Peter Schweizer cited in his book " Clinton Cash" examined in detail and found out how it was a primary method for the Clintons to use Foreign Policy to their financial advantage. He found out if an entity donated to the Foundation or hired Billy to speak, good things happened for them. The dollar amount cited for the years 2001- 2014 was $229,319,855 and that "Foundation structure" allowed Foreign Governments, Foreign Businesses, and Foreign Financiers to gain 'access' to Politicians even though Federal Election Law prohibits 'Foreign Entities' from donating to American Political Campaigns and their Super-PACS. With the 'Foundation' those entities could go around the laws.
7. Following up on the "Foundation', Politifact confirmed that Bill Clinton's speaking fees took a meteoric rise when Hillary became Secretary of State. To name a few instances;
Two Speeches in Nigeria $700,ooo each.
A speech at Swedish Telecom Company Ericsson $700,000.
Thirteen Speeches for a Hong Cong Company @ $500.000 each.
All this happened from 2001 when he vacated the Oval Office and went on until 2013, when Hillary left as Secretary of State. Thirteen of those speeches by Bill was during the time Hillary was Secretary of State. That alone gives the impression of corruption whether or not it in fact happened, and politics is all about impressions of the politician.
8. There are other instances of the Clinton's making money off of their holding High Offices;
Bill received $16.5 million from Laureate International Industries as their Honorary Chancellor for five years of that online diploma mill, so you can imagine the profits that company made during those five years. It's legal, but is it moral and honorable for a retired president to blatantly sell himself for such things? By the way, Laureate receives $55 million in State Department Grants during Hillary's term as Secretary of State and Bill's honorary Chancellorship. That was only one of the reputed deals in Russia, India, Columbia, and Africa. The Clinton "Foundation" seems more and more like a pay for play quasi-legal and contemptible personal finance enhancing enterprise than the "Charity" it is reputed to be. Is financially enhancing your personal lifestyle considered a "Charity"?
9. The "Foundation" signed a disclosure document to disclose any foreign 'Donations' during Hillary's Secretary of State Position. Even John Kerry asked why the "Foundation" needed to take in 'Foreign Donations'. Kerry publicly speculated; "If you're traveling to some country and you meet with the foreign leadership and a week later or two weeks later or three weeks later the president [Bill Clinton] travels there and solicits a donation and they pledge to give at some point in the future but nobody knows, is there an appearance of a conflict?" I would call it a definite conflict of interest bordering on Criminal behavior, but that's just my opinion. Oh Yeah, the "Foundation" violated that agreement at least FIVE TIMES!
10. Why do the Clinton's get away with such behavior time and time again? Are they members of the Hidden Elite Class that is hell bent on running the world with a stratified Oligarchy? the usual tactic they use is Stonewall and admit nothing. Hillary even did this in the beginning and throughout the E-Mail case, even when caught red handed she only modified her testimony for the specific act she was accused of, feigning faulty memory to being mis-quoted on the facts (See the Gowdey questions again). Hey, who remembers the 1978 Cattle Futures $100,000 gain that was a 31Trillion to 1 shot? Coincidence? She used the aforementioned tactic then until the incident was conveniently forgotten.
This leaves us with the question; Do we really want someone who through repeated actions has shown themselves to be Morally and Ethically unsuited for such a high office? It's also a warning to the splinter GOP fools that will vote for her because they were told that Trump was BAD by the Establishment Leadership who want to keep the status Quo as it is instead of doing what is right by the American Public. This election is the watershed election over the Future of the Republic.
The Tradesman
America At The Crossroads Of Liberty And Totalitarianism
We Americans are on the cusp of the most intense and critical crossroads which will determine our continued Freedom and our Constitutional Republic. We will not be allowed to remain at this point for very long. I can see where the Progressive/Liberal/Socialists are priming their Democratic Party attack dogs, to do their bidding and castrate American Power and Exceptionalism, replacing it with Sycophancy and Deference to the Dictatorial Oligarchy on the horizon. We Americans have been bluffed and bull sh*tted into a state of moronic political blindness by the forces arrayed against us. Namely the forces of hidden Elitist Puppet Masters who are controlling our Politicians, Finances, Educational Systems, and Mass Media outlets. Today's Media is much worse than the old USSR Pravda and Tass, Party Approved Propaganda dispensers.
The American Ideology and Spirit has been under an onslaught of differing attacks aimed at weakening and dissipating all American Unity so the eventual takeover will be easier, and more safely scripted for the Elites and their occupying force who will be charged with initiating it. For years I have been championing a States Petitioned for 'Article V Amendment Proposal Convention' that would have the initial primary focus on Repealing the 14th, 16th, 17th amendments to flip the Constitutional power flow back to where the Founders intended it to be. Now, the idea is taking on steam towards that end in the minds of the People and the States, the opposition from the Democratic/Socialists known as the Democratic party wants Congress to call for an Article V convention they control, to change two Bill of Rights Amendments into something else they can use to further enslave the American Citizenry.
On holidays like the Fourth of July, Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, the American Public still pays homage to our successful Revolution, but they have been bluffed and partially brainwashed by the Progressive influencers, into thinking everything is settled in that department. In point of fact, the same oppressive conditions remain, and even greater ones exist today than existed in 1776, albeit from a different source. It is a shameful fact that our Federal Government has become a worse oppressor than King George ever was. This Flagrant and contemptible condition is due to the fact that the three reprehensible words ( NO STATE SHALL) were clandestinely and stealthily included in the 14th Amendment to act as a covert political infernal device, used to flip the Constitution 180 degrees in it's power flow of endowing specific enumerated authority rights. It took away the original power the People and the States were vested with, unjustly transferring it without the lawful consent of the People or the States, to the Federal Government.
It's time for all Freedom and Liberty loving Americans from both sides of the Aisle, to stand up against this usurpation of our Valid, Ethical, Legal and Constitutionally Enumerated Powers, and take them back by force of Law! The Founders being well educated men, were aware that every political system eventually becomes corrupt and untenable to the purposes it was constructed to embrace. The Founders knew that the people could not unconditionally trust their government, or their representatives over time, because that government, and those representatives, would eventually knuckle under to the forces of rampant greed, and would lust for powers beyond those specifically granted to them by the Constitution. The Founders also knew the written Constitution would have to be refreshed and interpreted by the People themselves, not by the Government or the Courts, for the future times it was to pass through. Knowing they did not want the main body to be tampered with by anyone, they devised a method less permanent to temporarily interpret the Main body of the Constitution for each generation of the American People.
The method they came up with is as simple as it is brilliant. It can be instituted and removed at the will of the people, as they see fit, without changing one word of the Main Body of the Constitution. That method is codified in Article V within the Constitution's Main Body. Article V allows for the Amendment process by Congress AND by the People themselves! The Founders knowing that there would come a time when the people could no longer trust their Government, or their Representatives, to act in the people's best interests, the Founders set forth provisions for the people, who are the actual supreme power in the United States, to go around that government and to reform it where the people themselves see a need for reformation.
Knowing all of this, and considering how the Federal Government has went far beyond what it was ever intended to go, it must be put back in check. The legal bloodless force 'We The People' need to invoke, in order to curtail the governmental excesses, and it's circumventing of the will of the people, and not not overstepping Constitutional restrictions, is Article V of the Constitution. It is time for the people to demand their States petition Congress for that States controlled Amendment Proposal Convention, to first Repeal the 14th,16th,17th Amendments so we have Legitimate Constitutional Power over the Federal Government once again.Then propose other amendments the people want to see enacted to precipitate further control over the Central Federal Government.
Bear in mind, it will be 'The People' of America that have the vote of Yea or Nay on the Ratification of all proposed Amendments, and it WILL TAKE 38 States to Ratify any of those changes in interpretation the Amendments are purposed for.
On this Fourth of July 2016;
These ideas and facts are my insights to what must be done to preserve the Republic in Freedom and Liberty! The implementation of them is up to the people.
Yours in Freedom and Liberty,
The American Ideology and Spirit has been under an onslaught of differing attacks aimed at weakening and dissipating all American Unity so the eventual takeover will be easier, and more safely scripted for the Elites and their occupying force who will be charged with initiating it. For years I have been championing a States Petitioned for 'Article V Amendment Proposal Convention' that would have the initial primary focus on Repealing the 14th, 16th, 17th amendments to flip the Constitutional power flow back to where the Founders intended it to be. Now, the idea is taking on steam towards that end in the minds of the People and the States, the opposition from the Democratic/Socialists known as the Democratic party wants Congress to call for an Article V convention they control, to change two Bill of Rights Amendments into something else they can use to further enslave the American Citizenry.
On holidays like the Fourth of July, Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, the American Public still pays homage to our successful Revolution, but they have been bluffed and partially brainwashed by the Progressive influencers, into thinking everything is settled in that department. In point of fact, the same oppressive conditions remain, and even greater ones exist today than existed in 1776, albeit from a different source. It is a shameful fact that our Federal Government has become a worse oppressor than King George ever was. This Flagrant and contemptible condition is due to the fact that the three reprehensible words ( NO STATE SHALL) were clandestinely and stealthily included in the 14th Amendment to act as a covert political infernal device, used to flip the Constitution 180 degrees in it's power flow of endowing specific enumerated authority rights. It took away the original power the People and the States were vested with, unjustly transferring it without the lawful consent of the People or the States, to the Federal Government.
It's time for all Freedom and Liberty loving Americans from both sides of the Aisle, to stand up against this usurpation of our Valid, Ethical, Legal and Constitutionally Enumerated Powers, and take them back by force of Law! The Founders being well educated men, were aware that every political system eventually becomes corrupt and untenable to the purposes it was constructed to embrace. The Founders knew that the people could not unconditionally trust their government, or their representatives over time, because that government, and those representatives, would eventually knuckle under to the forces of rampant greed, and would lust for powers beyond those specifically granted to them by the Constitution. The Founders also knew the written Constitution would have to be refreshed and interpreted by the People themselves, not by the Government or the Courts, for the future times it was to pass through. Knowing they did not want the main body to be tampered with by anyone, they devised a method less permanent to temporarily interpret the Main body of the Constitution for each generation of the American People.
The method they came up with is as simple as it is brilliant. It can be instituted and removed at the will of the people, as they see fit, without changing one word of the Main Body of the Constitution. That method is codified in Article V within the Constitution's Main Body. Article V allows for the Amendment process by Congress AND by the People themselves! The Founders knowing that there would come a time when the people could no longer trust their Government, or their Representatives, to act in the people's best interests, the Founders set forth provisions for the people, who are the actual supreme power in the United States, to go around that government and to reform it where the people themselves see a need for reformation.
Knowing all of this, and considering how the Federal Government has went far beyond what it was ever intended to go, it must be put back in check. The legal bloodless force 'We The People' need to invoke, in order to curtail the governmental excesses, and it's circumventing of the will of the people, and not not overstepping Constitutional restrictions, is Article V of the Constitution. It is time for the people to demand their States petition Congress for that States controlled Amendment Proposal Convention, to first Repeal the 14th,16th,17th Amendments so we have Legitimate Constitutional Power over the Federal Government once again.Then propose other amendments the people want to see enacted to precipitate further control over the Central Federal Government.
Bear in mind, it will be 'The People' of America that have the vote of Yea or Nay on the Ratification of all proposed Amendments, and it WILL TAKE 38 States to Ratify any of those changes in interpretation the Amendments are purposed for.
On this Fourth of July 2016;
These ideas and facts are my insights to what must be done to preserve the Republic in Freedom and Liberty! The implementation of them is up to the people.
Yours in Freedom and Liberty,
Companion Piece To "America At The Crossroads "
Where We Need To Be In November If We Want To Survive In Freedom And Liberty.
Where We Need To Be In November If We Want To Survive In Freedom And
With the coming election in November, we have it within our power to start setting things right in our beloved Republic. What we are experiencing as the large disparity between what the people want, and the things the Progressive minorities want, is not the first time this has happened. Before, things were corrected until some Elitist figured out how to jury rig or slip around the regulations and safeguards. Safeguards which were passed, by creating loop holes that always become manifest through the legalese the Lawyer class in power in Congress leave in every bill.i.e. "And for other purposes". Loop holes that they can use to their advantage later and after bluffing the public into agreeing that the legislation was needed, thus allowing their privileged class to amass fortunes off of each others pet projects and primarily paid for off the backs of the public.
Everything that has happened in Washington since 1866 has been approved and rubber stamped by the power elite. The first inroad to the usurpation of Constitutional power, and eventual take over of the Constitution by inverting it's caveat of keeping the Federal Government in check, was created by the three words that were deliberately placed in the 14th Amendment ( " NO STATE SHALL" ). That statement flipped and reversed the governmental power flow. These Elitists have been with us since the beginning, when our Nation of Individual Sovereign States coalesced into the United States with first the Articles of Confederation of the Perpetual Union, then with the Constitution as the guidelines for setting and citing the rules. Even then the greed and lust for power, like those which the British Parliament held over the masses with their peerage system of highly stratified class structures, infected the Republic Elitists at it's inception.
To cite overwhelming instances; The original plan was to make George Washington the first American King. Thankfully Washington declined and opted for the unheard of idea of self rule. The next instance where the thwarted Elitists stepped in, was the Constitutional delegates from Virginia and the Slavery issue. That issue would have been a deal breaker for the Constitution if they were not satisfied with the outcome. Next was the idea of Judicial review by the Supreme Court that has allowed that Court to basically legislate from the bench without the Constitutional enumerated power to do so.
It was a Justice from that Elitist Class (Chief Justice John Marshall)that promoted that ideology and we are stuck with it today to the detriment of the Republic. Even George Mason who was one of the three attendees at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, and was one of the three who refused to sign, said that federal judges "could declare an unconstitutional law void." Mason added that the power of judicial review is not a general power to strike down all laws, but only ones that are unconstitutional:
Therefore I will go out on a limb here and postulate that the driving force of the hidden Elitists Class is basically GREED and LUST for POWER. Case in point; When laws and regulations are stifling anything the Elitists want or desire, those laws or regulations strangely become lax, changed, or rescinded at the expense of the average American Citizen. The twin enablers of this recurring condition are Greed coupled with the lack of vigilance on the part of the public. This is enhanced by lulling the public into a state where they are complacent because they are allowed just enough to pursue their hedonistic desires but not enough to become independent of the monied powers that make up the majority of that Elitist ruling class.
Our Government was originally formed for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, NOT for profit or the interests of private individuals or groups. We do not have a highly defined Class Structure like the British do. We adhered to the principle that people have an incontestable and unalienable right to form a Government based on their collective standards, and through the auspices of Article V within the main body of the Constitution, the PEOPLE have the explicit right to reform that government when it no longer works for the Common Good of the people, but instead only works for the insiders and Elitists.
Our Declaration of Independence lays out the basis that first the original articles of the Confederation of the Perpetual Union of the United States of America, and subsequently the United States Constitution are based on. Since that fateful day when the Elitists of that era slipped in those three words ( "NO STATE SHALL"), we have been falling down an ever increasing slippery slope towards Oligarchy again. Conditions are self evident that the Elitists have systematically reversed most of the Constitution in it's intent, for their specific betterment. People speak of the Elitists with many names and accredit to them the formation of some kind of "New World Order".
That is not true. In simple FACT, it's the ideology of the Declaration of Independence and the construction of the United States Constitution codifying the ideological concept of a Nation of People, Ruled by themselves, and by their freely given consent, Was and Is the REAL New World Order. What the Elites want to do is to Re-Establish the Old World Order of a Monarchy Rule style Oligarchy in modified form, until they can supplant even that with a World Wide Total Oligarchy.
As was established in the opening paragraph, the intent of this is to inform the public that November is the watershed moment those Elites have worked for since the beginning. Obama was their Penultimate political stooge, but Hillary will be the Ultimate Political Enforcer for their agenda to reshape America into their image of the Subjugated Nation they want. Our only recourse is to get massive numbers to the polls to thwart the Elites chosen one, and even more importantly, get to the polls and choose the existing candidates who, based no their track record, are the most Conservative and Constitutionally Oriented running and elect them to office. This goes for State and Local offices as well! We must at all costs defeat the attempted Socialization of the United States into a quasi Communist/Socialist/Fascist mode that facilitates the hidden Elitist's plans and agendas.
Immediately after the election start petitioning your State Legislatures to tell Congress that they want to have an Article V amendment proposal convention with the first item on the list being the proposal to Repeal the 14th,16th,& 17th amendments so the Constitution will revert to it's original intent. After that is accomplished, other amendments may or may not be proposed to stand or fall on their own merits. It's critically important to have your State Legislators enact measures similar to the model Indiana laws which put operational constraints on their delegates to an Article V, Amendment Proposal Convention. Just to clarify, each State deciding what restraints to put on their own delegates, not on all the delegates
( Example from Single Subject Amendment.com; By the time the first Article V Convention is convened, every state legislature should have enacted a state statute that provides for the method of delegate selection, duties of delegates, instructions for delegates, oath for delegates, requirement that delegates not exceed their instructions or compromise their oath, automatic removal and replacement of delegates who do not follow instructions or who compromise their oath, and in some states/instances, criminal penalties for being in violation of such statute. )
In doing that we will once again put barriers in front of those who would use and abuse their positions of trust for personal Power and Financial Gain.
In the Spirit of the American Revolution,
The Tradesman
With the coming election in November, we have it within our power to start setting things right in our beloved Republic. What we are experiencing as the large disparity between what the people want, and the things the Progressive minorities want, is not the first time this has happened. Before, things were corrected until some Elitist figured out how to jury rig or slip around the regulations and safeguards. Safeguards which were passed, by creating loop holes that always become manifest through the legalese the Lawyer class in power in Congress leave in every bill.i.e. "And for other purposes". Loop holes that they can use to their advantage later and after bluffing the public into agreeing that the legislation was needed, thus allowing their privileged class to amass fortunes off of each others pet projects and primarily paid for off the backs of the public.
Everything that has happened in Washington since 1866 has been approved and rubber stamped by the power elite. The first inroad to the usurpation of Constitutional power, and eventual take over of the Constitution by inverting it's caveat of keeping the Federal Government in check, was created by the three words that were deliberately placed in the 14th Amendment ( " NO STATE SHALL" ). That statement flipped and reversed the governmental power flow. These Elitists have been with us since the beginning, when our Nation of Individual Sovereign States coalesced into the United States with first the Articles of Confederation of the Perpetual Union, then with the Constitution as the guidelines for setting and citing the rules. Even then the greed and lust for power, like those which the British Parliament held over the masses with their peerage system of highly stratified class structures, infected the Republic Elitists at it's inception.
To cite overwhelming instances; The original plan was to make George Washington the first American King. Thankfully Washington declined and opted for the unheard of idea of self rule. The next instance where the thwarted Elitists stepped in, was the Constitutional delegates from Virginia and the Slavery issue. That issue would have been a deal breaker for the Constitution if they were not satisfied with the outcome. Next was the idea of Judicial review by the Supreme Court that has allowed that Court to basically legislate from the bench without the Constitutional enumerated power to do so.
It was a Justice from that Elitist Class (Chief Justice John Marshall)that promoted that ideology and we are stuck with it today to the detriment of the Republic. Even George Mason who was one of the three attendees at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, and was one of the three who refused to sign, said that federal judges "could declare an unconstitutional law void." Mason added that the power of judicial review is not a general power to strike down all laws, but only ones that are unconstitutional:
Therefore I will go out on a limb here and postulate that the driving force of the hidden Elitists Class is basically GREED and LUST for POWER. Case in point; When laws and regulations are stifling anything the Elitists want or desire, those laws or regulations strangely become lax, changed, or rescinded at the expense of the average American Citizen. The twin enablers of this recurring condition are Greed coupled with the lack of vigilance on the part of the public. This is enhanced by lulling the public into a state where they are complacent because they are allowed just enough to pursue their hedonistic desires but not enough to become independent of the monied powers that make up the majority of that Elitist ruling class.
Our Government was originally formed for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, NOT for profit or the interests of private individuals or groups. We do not have a highly defined Class Structure like the British do. We adhered to the principle that people have an incontestable and unalienable right to form a Government based on their collective standards, and through the auspices of Article V within the main body of the Constitution, the PEOPLE have the explicit right to reform that government when it no longer works for the Common Good of the people, but instead only works for the insiders and Elitists.
Our Declaration of Independence lays out the basis that first the original articles of the Confederation of the Perpetual Union of the United States of America, and subsequently the United States Constitution are based on. Since that fateful day when the Elitists of that era slipped in those three words ( "NO STATE SHALL"), we have been falling down an ever increasing slippery slope towards Oligarchy again. Conditions are self evident that the Elitists have systematically reversed most of the Constitution in it's intent, for their specific betterment. People speak of the Elitists with many names and accredit to them the formation of some kind of "New World Order".
That is not true. In simple FACT, it's the ideology of the Declaration of Independence and the construction of the United States Constitution codifying the ideological concept of a Nation of People, Ruled by themselves, and by their freely given consent, Was and Is the REAL New World Order. What the Elites want to do is to Re-Establish the Old World Order of a Monarchy Rule style Oligarchy in modified form, until they can supplant even that with a World Wide Total Oligarchy.
As was established in the opening paragraph, the intent of this is to inform the public that November is the watershed moment those Elites have worked for since the beginning. Obama was their Penultimate political stooge, but Hillary will be the Ultimate Political Enforcer for their agenda to reshape America into their image of the Subjugated Nation they want. Our only recourse is to get massive numbers to the polls to thwart the Elites chosen one, and even more importantly, get to the polls and choose the existing candidates who, based no their track record, are the most Conservative and Constitutionally Oriented running and elect them to office. This goes for State and Local offices as well! We must at all costs defeat the attempted Socialization of the United States into a quasi Communist/Socialist/Fascist mode that facilitates the hidden Elitist's plans and agendas.
Immediately after the election start petitioning your State Legislatures to tell Congress that they want to have an Article V amendment proposal convention with the first item on the list being the proposal to Repeal the 14th,16th,& 17th amendments so the Constitution will revert to it's original intent. After that is accomplished, other amendments may or may not be proposed to stand or fall on their own merits. It's critically important to have your State Legislators enact measures similar to the model Indiana laws which put operational constraints on their delegates to an Article V, Amendment Proposal Convention. Just to clarify, each State deciding what restraints to put on their own delegates, not on all the delegates
( Example from Single Subject Amendment.com; By the time the first Article V Convention is convened, every state legislature should have enacted a state statute that provides for the method of delegate selection, duties of delegates, instructions for delegates, oath for delegates, requirement that delegates not exceed their instructions or compromise their oath, automatic removal and replacement of delegates who do not follow instructions or who compromise their oath, and in some states/instances, criminal penalties for being in violation of such statute. )
In doing that we will once again put barriers in front of those who would use and abuse their positions of trust for personal Power and Financial Gain.
In the Spirit of the American Revolution,
The Tradesman
Transgender Bathroom Issues
On the Transgender Bathrooms and other pertinent issues facing us today in America. Where do we draw the line?
The bottom line in this issue confronting us, and in most issues confronting us, is the fact that one faction or another demands everyone see it their way, and accept the things they want accepted without any compromise. As far as Transgender bathrooms go, I believe the problem issues are being fought with the wrong principles and in the wrong arena.
Why not look at it this way; Have one type of Public bathroom for all people. In these model bathrooms, have fully enclosed cubicles, which can be locked from the inside affording privacy and security to the user, and with the necessary amenities incorporated within those cubicles?
This would not only afford privacy with dignity not only to Transgenders but to everyone. It would also totally benefit another group that is usually left out; Handicapped persons that need their spouse or friend of the opposite sex to enter and help them when they have to go.
It would make a lot more sense to do it that way instead of fighting over who can use what and what has to be forced on other groups. They could be set up similar to the Porta-Potty stalls at public gatherings the best of which have a toilet , a stand up urinal, and a washbasin with a mirror and paper towel dispensers. That way no ones rights to privacy would be compromised, no ones sensibilities would be compromised, nor would there be any Onus put on those persons who were different from the average majority.
Most importantly it would encourage TOLERANCE instead of LEGISLATING DEMANDED ACCEPTANCE. I feel that many Americans may not accept a different lifestyle, but they should be able and capable of showing tolerance for it without compromising any of their beliefs, stepping on anyones rights, and not having their rights stepped on by Legislation demanding Acceptance that takes rights from one person or group, to give them to another person or group under the guise of "Protecting Civil Rights of Individuals' or for anything else for that matter.
This idea of TOLERANCE for an issue, instead of Legislated Demanded Acceptance for an issue, goes way beyond the bathroom issue. It works both ways, promoting Tolerance from both sides in a legitimate dispute on what needs to be done in any given circumstances. It would be a start towards Honorable, Ethical, and Acceptable True Compromise /s and can be adapted to any issues plaguing America today. The main criterion is True Compromise where neither side gets their rights stepped on or diminished unless they are equally diminished for both sides.
Example other than the bathroom issue. Contraceptives. Instead of making Religions pay for them if it goes against their Religious teachings, how about a tax break for everyone ( men and women inclusive to be fair) during their reproductive years, and let the individuals pay for their own contraceptives by using that tax break money on them. It lowers taxes for individuals and makes it fair for all concerned.
The Gun Control issue is tougher but not impossible. Strangely enough the knee jerk attack on the Second Amendment by the Obama Administration, whereby it is trying to get Governors and State Legislatures to enact the gun rules it wants to see enacted, is actually a throwback to what the Founders intended, instead of the usual Liberal disarmament rhetoric. The Founders intended that the Individual Sovereign States set the rules for their own States within the boundaries of the Written Constitution, and if the people disagreed with those State rules, the people could either replace the representatives, or they could move to another State with laws that were more agreeable with them. That doctrine would work PROVIDED the States enacted Gun Laws commensurate with their individual State Constitutions and without Federal Government interference.
The Compromise could be;
1. The Federal Government stepping in and requiring the States to all have some sort of concealed carry license,with the individual States setting their own standards for that License.
2. Minimum standards for ALL States on safety training, applicable law, and physical competency with a firearm.
3. Reciprocity for concealed carry permits mandatory among all the States, and allowing for the transportation and carry of loaded personal weapons, covered by the Concealed Carry License, and preventing harassment by Police forces of the individual States of anyone so covered.
4. Legislation for the private transportation of personal firearms covering both with and without a concealed carry license, having all situations (One example being; Long Guns being required to be unloaded and secured within the vehicle during transportation) covered and reciprocal between all States.
5. Legislation binding on all States to 'prevent the sales/gifting/inheriting of weapons between private individuals of different States unless they went through FFL license holders'.
6. States to decide the criterion commensurate with their Individual State Constitutions, on mandatory background checks for sales within their States and whether to keep records of those sales, tracking of subsequent sales/gifting/inheriting etc.
7. States determining with hard and fast written in plain English rules with no generalities only specifics, on who would be proscribed from owning a firearm. i.e. Convicted Felons who have not had their rights restored by a Court of Law. Mentally Incompetent individuals, Known Terrorists, ( Again a hard and fast clear set of standards written in plain English [Medical Terms excepted but explained so a layman can fully understand them] with no generalities or terms like "and for other purposes" as the basis for denial with results reviewed and verifiable by independent review groups, and allowing for appeals), but those designations determined by the States NOT the Federal Government.. General Federal Guidelines can set up as advisories only, which can be followed by the States, but are not mandatory guidelines to be followed by the States in the Final Determinations.
The bottom line in this issue confronting us, and in most issues confronting us, is the fact that one faction or another demands everyone see it their way, and accept the things they want accepted without any compromise. As far as Transgender bathrooms go, I believe the problem issues are being fought with the wrong principles and in the wrong arena.
Why not look at it this way; Have one type of Public bathroom for all people. In these model bathrooms, have fully enclosed cubicles, which can be locked from the inside affording privacy and security to the user, and with the necessary amenities incorporated within those cubicles?
This would not only afford privacy with dignity not only to Transgenders but to everyone. It would also totally benefit another group that is usually left out; Handicapped persons that need their spouse or friend of the opposite sex to enter and help them when they have to go.
It would make a lot more sense to do it that way instead of fighting over who can use what and what has to be forced on other groups. They could be set up similar to the Porta-Potty stalls at public gatherings the best of which have a toilet , a stand up urinal, and a washbasin with a mirror and paper towel dispensers. That way no ones rights to privacy would be compromised, no ones sensibilities would be compromised, nor would there be any Onus put on those persons who were different from the average majority.
Most importantly it would encourage TOLERANCE instead of LEGISLATING DEMANDED ACCEPTANCE. I feel that many Americans may not accept a different lifestyle, but they should be able and capable of showing tolerance for it without compromising any of their beliefs, stepping on anyones rights, and not having their rights stepped on by Legislation demanding Acceptance that takes rights from one person or group, to give them to another person or group under the guise of "Protecting Civil Rights of Individuals' or for anything else for that matter.
This idea of TOLERANCE for an issue, instead of Legislated Demanded Acceptance for an issue, goes way beyond the bathroom issue. It works both ways, promoting Tolerance from both sides in a legitimate dispute on what needs to be done in any given circumstances. It would be a start towards Honorable, Ethical, and Acceptable True Compromise /s and can be adapted to any issues plaguing America today. The main criterion is True Compromise where neither side gets their rights stepped on or diminished unless they are equally diminished for both sides.
Example other than the bathroom issue. Contraceptives. Instead of making Religions pay for them if it goes against their Religious teachings, how about a tax break for everyone ( men and women inclusive to be fair) during their reproductive years, and let the individuals pay for their own contraceptives by using that tax break money on them. It lowers taxes for individuals and makes it fair for all concerned.
The Gun Control issue is tougher but not impossible. Strangely enough the knee jerk attack on the Second Amendment by the Obama Administration, whereby it is trying to get Governors and State Legislatures to enact the gun rules it wants to see enacted, is actually a throwback to what the Founders intended, instead of the usual Liberal disarmament rhetoric. The Founders intended that the Individual Sovereign States set the rules for their own States within the boundaries of the Written Constitution, and if the people disagreed with those State rules, the people could either replace the representatives, or they could move to another State with laws that were more agreeable with them. That doctrine would work PROVIDED the States enacted Gun Laws commensurate with their individual State Constitutions and without Federal Government interference.
The Compromise could be;
1. The Federal Government stepping in and requiring the States to all have some sort of concealed carry license,with the individual States setting their own standards for that License.
2. Minimum standards for ALL States on safety training, applicable law, and physical competency with a firearm.
3. Reciprocity for concealed carry permits mandatory among all the States, and allowing for the transportation and carry of loaded personal weapons, covered by the Concealed Carry License, and preventing harassment by Police forces of the individual States of anyone so covered.
4. Legislation for the private transportation of personal firearms covering both with and without a concealed carry license, having all situations (One example being; Long Guns being required to be unloaded and secured within the vehicle during transportation) covered and reciprocal between all States.
5. Legislation binding on all States to 'prevent the sales/gifting/inheriting of weapons between private individuals of different States unless they went through FFL license holders'.
6. States to decide the criterion commensurate with their Individual State Constitutions, on mandatory background checks for sales within their States and whether to keep records of those sales, tracking of subsequent sales/gifting/inheriting etc.
7. States determining with hard and fast written in plain English rules with no generalities only specifics, on who would be proscribed from owning a firearm. i.e. Convicted Felons who have not had their rights restored by a Court of Law. Mentally Incompetent individuals, Known Terrorists, ( Again a hard and fast clear set of standards written in plain English [Medical Terms excepted but explained so a layman can fully understand them] with no generalities or terms like "and for other purposes" as the basis for denial with results reviewed and verifiable by independent review groups, and allowing for appeals), but those designations determined by the States NOT the Federal Government.. General Federal Guidelines can set up as advisories only, which can be followed by the States, but are not mandatory guidelines to be followed by the States in the Final Determinations.
War On Guns Equals War On Constitution!
The War On Guns Equals War On The Constitution!
Why is the top Presidential advisor (Valerie Jarrett) an Iranian born American woman, the leader in the Gun Grabbing Gun Control Movement of the Progressive Socialists? Is there some hidden reason why this woman who's Father-in-Law was a member of the Communist Party (see FBI files on Vernon Jarrett http://www.judicialwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Vernon-Jarr... ) should want to take away American citizens guns? Especially with the increase in Terrorist attacks like the recent one in Orlando that is being used to bluff the public into giving up their Constitutional Rights. Having gotten her start in the Chicago Political Mafia, and with the constant gun violence, and despite Chicago having the toughest gun laws in the Nation, I can see why Obama wants her to be his attack dog on the whole gun issue.>
She also has earned a B.A. in psychology from Stanford University, and a Juris Doctor degree from the U of M Law School. Those attributes makes her a very dangerous opponent to Constitutional Rights supporters of the Second Amendment Rights Issue. Jarrett has been the motivating force behind Obamas push for new stricter regulations.
Jarrett has all but abandoned Joe Bidens strategy to build a consensus and is taking s more dictatorial path. When she 'Invited' 30 gun manufacturers to collaborate on the so called 'smart guns' and they refused to show up. The typical Democrat that she is, decided to mobilize 200,000 protestors, in a strong arm tactic for propaganda purposes, to make a scene for the Left Controlled Media, supporting the new misnamed "Assault Weapons" ban. This ban is aimed primarily at the Firearms Industry's best sellers, the LOOK ALIKE SEMI-AUTOMATIC RIFLES, like the
AR-15. I would personally believe that this tactic was deliberately meant to slam the door on any further attempts to reach an honorable and workable compromise with the Fire Arms Industry. With that door effectively slammed, Jarrett can make it look like the industry will not even talk about a compromise. That in turn is a perfect propaganda move to sway public opinion against the industry and make the public more prone to demand the Federal Government take away even more of their Constitutional Rights for some false sense of Safety!
Jarrett is acknowledged as Obamas friend and conscience in the west wing of the White House. Could that be interpreted as his Elitist Controlled 'HANDLER' to insure Obamas compliance to his hidden puppet masters, or even the lesser role of go between to surreptitiously and repeatedly move Messages/Orders from the Elites back and forth to keep their attack agenda against America and her Constitution on track?
You decide the answer to that question.
With Biden now relegated to lesser duties since his Gun Grabbing Tactics failed, Jarrett is championing Obamas call to massively Politicize the Gun Issues. One of Jarretts main duties is to put pressure on Pro-Gun, Pro-Second Amendment, Pro-America politicians in Congress and lately on Governors and State Legislatures including all reluctant law makers who won't blindly jump aboard the Administration's Anti-Gun Agendas. She even lets the issue of expanded back ground checks take second place to aan all out gun ban and confiscation agenda that she will implement in gradual stages.
She uses the Communist Alinsky's tactic, of repeating the same lies and mis-nomers over and over again, through her trained cadre of professional protestors, to make it look like a massive movement by the public at large. She even used the emotional string of making her petition to ban the AR-15 "We The People" in a deliberate attempt to capitalize on Americans Loyalty to the United States and the Constitution to help in overthrowing one of the Constitutions most important tenets and critical safeguards of American Independence.. She regularly ignores the publics interest in the Sporting Aspect, and most probably in the Self Defense Aspect the AR-15fills the need for. In short, She wants it banned.
Thankfully it is a Presidential Election Year. Otherwise Obama, Biden and especially Jarrett would be doing things much different to achieve the Gun Ban Agenda. Biden took the less confrontational method of putting the AR-15 ban in his petition stating "Assault Weapons Should Be Banned From Civilian Ownership" that is a blatant Politically Correct Propaganda used to deceive the public. ASSAULT WEAPONS are already banned from public ownership unless the citizen that wants to own one goes through a rigorous background check, gets a permit, pays $300.00 for the weapon, every clip, and every add on to that weapon for that permit. The AR-15 is only a look alike and so are all the other so called "Assault Weapons" named by the Gun Grabbers as their propaganda rhetoric to inflame the admittedly clueless public. Never underestimate that self serving political activist Valerie Jarrett, She has been the prime mover advancing gun control and eventual confiscation incrementally despite the opposition from the Pro-Second Amendment faction in Congress and the resulting gridlock.
In plain fact it has been Jarrett who has been the originator of the rhetoric and probably the nuts and bolts of the Agenda to disarm Law Abiding Americans. She works hand in hand with people like Peter Ambler,(Americans with Responsible Solutions) and along with Gabby Giffords & Mark Kelly constructed the new push for expanded Back Ground checks. Jarrett is the singular person other than Obama who can be seen as the one responsible for the successes so far of the Gun Control/Confiscation Agenda. To be sure, this is a concerted effort by the most dedicated Democratic/Socialists in America to advance the Elitists agenda to remove guns from the public. they must truly fear the public if they are that afraid of what Americans will do when they begin to push us beyond anything reasonable, and they can't enslave us like they want to if we remain armed.
While Biden was proselytizing about weapons bans and background checks, Jarrett sent her hit team ( Paulette Aniskoff, Bess Evans, Yohannes Abraham) out from her 'Office of Public Engagement'. Although Biden was the primary architect of the Assault weapons ban and the original background check bills, Jarrett has taken over the bulk of Bidens agenda and brought it forward to the Obama administrations West Wing, and from there has distributed it to Governors, State Legislatures, and even Local Governments with the express purpose of encouraging/pressuring them to make it law in their respective governmental areas. Luckily both resurrected bills failed to pass in Congress. Do not even think for one second that we have won, we are going to have to get ready for the next onslaught by this Anti-American, Anti-Constitution, Political Tyrant in training, who deliberately ignores the wished of the vast majority of public sentiment in favor of her Elitist ordered agenda.
Make no mistake America, WE ARE AT WAR with forces we still are not allowed to see clearly. Forces that control most of the Socialist/Communist/Fascist World. If we back off even slightly, we will lose our hard won, and paid for in the Blood of our Forefathers, up to and including the latest Military Casualty to date. We will in actuality be betraying them and their sacrifices to keep us free. We will allow our Elitist Controlled Political Ruling Class to win if we don't remain extremely vigilant to ward off their continuing assault on our Constitution. The tactics so effectively employed by Jarrett and the rest of the Obama Political Mafia also includes working with the families of the victims to elicit an emotional response that is guided carefully to agree with the Anti-Gun Sentiments and agendas. While doing this to undermine the Second amendment, the Gun Grabber Crowd uses another Communist Alinsky tactic of outright lying. They proffer the false flag of their support for the Second Amendment, while working slowly to remove it's intent and practical usages through more and more restrictions and regulations.
Here is one of the lies Jarrett regularly spouts; She has a ringer in the audience she is addressing that asks "Why are you trying to disarm us?" Her stock replies are, “We wouldn’t take a gun away from a law-abiding citizen." and “We wouldn’t take a gun away from a law-abiding citizen,” Jarrett insisted. "We wouldn’t take a gun away from anyone.” This does not even make any sense when she has gone on record as demanding that we take away the guns of criminals,terrorists, lately anyone on the totally inaccurate No Fly List. etc.
Make no mistake, We Are At War, a War of Ideologies, with the Elitist controlled Gun Grabber factions. We may think we have won but we haven't. This war will never be over as long as we don't clarify in plain English that any American having attained the age of Majority and not a convicted Felon nor of a proven mental incapacity, proven by using hard and fast rules to determine that condition, has the Constitutional right to own and carry a fire arm. We must be eternally vigilant to retain our Constitutional Rights. Still Jarrett is trying to dupe the police to buy into the concept of smart guns for their officers. If they do buy in, it would jeopardize every officers life because the technology as it stands today is not reliable.
We have to worry about Hillary too. She wants to go even farther and faster than Jarrett to "Take The weapons Of War Off The Streets" again that catch phrase is simply Politically Correct Propaganda. Law abiding citizens don't have "Weapons of War" the Criminals do and so do the Criminally bent Street gangs. Do you think they got them legitimately?
Getting back to Jarrett, even thoiugh she is desperately trying to get the weapons ban re-instituted, even Diane Feinstein has not decided to re-introduce it yet.
This is my personal opinion on Jarrett and her gun control ideology.
The Tradesman
Why is the top Presidential advisor (Valerie Jarrett) an Iranian born American woman, the leader in the Gun Grabbing Gun Control Movement of the Progressive Socialists? Is there some hidden reason why this woman who's Father-in-Law was a member of the Communist Party (see FBI files on Vernon Jarrett http://www.judicialwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Vernon-Jarr... ) should want to take away American citizens guns? Especially with the increase in Terrorist attacks like the recent one in Orlando that is being used to bluff the public into giving up their Constitutional Rights. Having gotten her start in the Chicago Political Mafia, and with the constant gun violence, and despite Chicago having the toughest gun laws in the Nation, I can see why Obama wants her to be his attack dog on the whole gun issue.>
She also has earned a B.A. in psychology from Stanford University, and a Juris Doctor degree from the U of M Law School. Those attributes makes her a very dangerous opponent to Constitutional Rights supporters of the Second Amendment Rights Issue. Jarrett has been the motivating force behind Obamas push for new stricter regulations.
Jarrett has all but abandoned Joe Bidens strategy to build a consensus and is taking s more dictatorial path. When she 'Invited' 30 gun manufacturers to collaborate on the so called 'smart guns' and they refused to show up. The typical Democrat that she is, decided to mobilize 200,000 protestors, in a strong arm tactic for propaganda purposes, to make a scene for the Left Controlled Media, supporting the new misnamed "Assault Weapons" ban. This ban is aimed primarily at the Firearms Industry's best sellers, the LOOK ALIKE SEMI-AUTOMATIC RIFLES, like the
AR-15. I would personally believe that this tactic was deliberately meant to slam the door on any further attempts to reach an honorable and workable compromise with the Fire Arms Industry. With that door effectively slammed, Jarrett can make it look like the industry will not even talk about a compromise. That in turn is a perfect propaganda move to sway public opinion against the industry and make the public more prone to demand the Federal Government take away even more of their Constitutional Rights for some false sense of Safety!
Jarrett is acknowledged as Obamas friend and conscience in the west wing of the White House. Could that be interpreted as his Elitist Controlled 'HANDLER' to insure Obamas compliance to his hidden puppet masters, or even the lesser role of go between to surreptitiously and repeatedly move Messages/Orders from the Elites back and forth to keep their attack agenda against America and her Constitution on track?
You decide the answer to that question.
With Biden now relegated to lesser duties since his Gun Grabbing Tactics failed, Jarrett is championing Obamas call to massively Politicize the Gun Issues. One of Jarretts main duties is to put pressure on Pro-Gun, Pro-Second Amendment, Pro-America politicians in Congress and lately on Governors and State Legislatures including all reluctant law makers who won't blindly jump aboard the Administration's Anti-Gun Agendas. She even lets the issue of expanded back ground checks take second place to aan all out gun ban and confiscation agenda that she will implement in gradual stages.
She uses the Communist Alinsky's tactic, of repeating the same lies and mis-nomers over and over again, through her trained cadre of professional protestors, to make it look like a massive movement by the public at large. She even used the emotional string of making her petition to ban the AR-15 "We The People" in a deliberate attempt to capitalize on Americans Loyalty to the United States and the Constitution to help in overthrowing one of the Constitutions most important tenets and critical safeguards of American Independence.. She regularly ignores the publics interest in the Sporting Aspect, and most probably in the Self Defense Aspect the AR-15fills the need for. In short, She wants it banned.
Thankfully it is a Presidential Election Year. Otherwise Obama, Biden and especially Jarrett would be doing things much different to achieve the Gun Ban Agenda. Biden took the less confrontational method of putting the AR-15 ban in his petition stating "Assault Weapons Should Be Banned From Civilian Ownership" that is a blatant Politically Correct Propaganda used to deceive the public. ASSAULT WEAPONS are already banned from public ownership unless the citizen that wants to own one goes through a rigorous background check, gets a permit, pays $300.00 for the weapon, every clip, and every add on to that weapon for that permit. The AR-15 is only a look alike and so are all the other so called "Assault Weapons" named by the Gun Grabbers as their propaganda rhetoric to inflame the admittedly clueless public. Never underestimate that self serving political activist Valerie Jarrett, She has been the prime mover advancing gun control and eventual confiscation incrementally despite the opposition from the Pro-Second Amendment faction in Congress and the resulting gridlock.
In plain fact it has been Jarrett who has been the originator of the rhetoric and probably the nuts and bolts of the Agenda to disarm Law Abiding Americans. She works hand in hand with people like Peter Ambler,(Americans with Responsible Solutions) and along with Gabby Giffords & Mark Kelly constructed the new push for expanded Back Ground checks. Jarrett is the singular person other than Obama who can be seen as the one responsible for the successes so far of the Gun Control/Confiscation Agenda. To be sure, this is a concerted effort by the most dedicated Democratic/Socialists in America to advance the Elitists agenda to remove guns from the public. they must truly fear the public if they are that afraid of what Americans will do when they begin to push us beyond anything reasonable, and they can't enslave us like they want to if we remain armed.
While Biden was proselytizing about weapons bans and background checks, Jarrett sent her hit team ( Paulette Aniskoff, Bess Evans, Yohannes Abraham) out from her 'Office of Public Engagement'. Although Biden was the primary architect of the Assault weapons ban and the original background check bills, Jarrett has taken over the bulk of Bidens agenda and brought it forward to the Obama administrations West Wing, and from there has distributed it to Governors, State Legislatures, and even Local Governments with the express purpose of encouraging/pressuring them to make it law in their respective governmental areas. Luckily both resurrected bills failed to pass in Congress. Do not even think for one second that we have won, we are going to have to get ready for the next onslaught by this Anti-American, Anti-Constitution, Political Tyrant in training, who deliberately ignores the wished of the vast majority of public sentiment in favor of her Elitist ordered agenda.
Make no mistake America, WE ARE AT WAR with forces we still are not allowed to see clearly. Forces that control most of the Socialist/Communist/Fascist World. If we back off even slightly, we will lose our hard won, and paid for in the Blood of our Forefathers, up to and including the latest Military Casualty to date. We will in actuality be betraying them and their sacrifices to keep us free. We will allow our Elitist Controlled Political Ruling Class to win if we don't remain extremely vigilant to ward off their continuing assault on our Constitution. The tactics so effectively employed by Jarrett and the rest of the Obama Political Mafia also includes working with the families of the victims to elicit an emotional response that is guided carefully to agree with the Anti-Gun Sentiments and agendas. While doing this to undermine the Second amendment, the Gun Grabber Crowd uses another Communist Alinsky tactic of outright lying. They proffer the false flag of their support for the Second Amendment, while working slowly to remove it's intent and practical usages through more and more restrictions and regulations.
Here is one of the lies Jarrett regularly spouts; She has a ringer in the audience she is addressing that asks "Why are you trying to disarm us?" Her stock replies are, “We wouldn’t take a gun away from a law-abiding citizen." and “We wouldn’t take a gun away from a law-abiding citizen,” Jarrett insisted. "We wouldn’t take a gun away from anyone.” This does not even make any sense when she has gone on record as demanding that we take away the guns of criminals,terrorists, lately anyone on the totally inaccurate No Fly List. etc.
Make no mistake, We Are At War, a War of Ideologies, with the Elitist controlled Gun Grabber factions. We may think we have won but we haven't. This war will never be over as long as we don't clarify in plain English that any American having attained the age of Majority and not a convicted Felon nor of a proven mental incapacity, proven by using hard and fast rules to determine that condition, has the Constitutional right to own and carry a fire arm. We must be eternally vigilant to retain our Constitutional Rights. Still Jarrett is trying to dupe the police to buy into the concept of smart guns for their officers. If they do buy in, it would jeopardize every officers life because the technology as it stands today is not reliable.
We have to worry about Hillary too. She wants to go even farther and faster than Jarrett to "Take The weapons Of War Off The Streets" again that catch phrase is simply Politically Correct Propaganda. Law abiding citizens don't have "Weapons of War" the Criminals do and so do the Criminally bent Street gangs. Do you think they got them legitimately?
Getting back to Jarrett, even thoiugh she is desperately trying to get the weapons ban re-instituted, even Diane Feinstein has not decided to re-introduce it yet.
This is my personal opinion on Jarrett and her gun control ideology.
The Tradesman
Why we need an Article V, States petitioned for, Amendment Proposal Convention.
Can I put it any clearer than this?
The Progressive Socialist Faction has first used Soviet Russia to be the test bed to move against the American Republic through subversive actions and placing subversive elements within our Educational structures. They complemented this with obstructive minorities and small but highly organized groups using actions were to negate, tear down, and destroy every good thing about our free Republic. Things considered our finest things. Love, Truth, Loyalty, Altruism, Decency, Honor, Integrity, Self Discipline, Work Ethic, Reverence, Respect, and most of all, Our Compassion for those in need.
They use our desire to help the less fortunate for their own ends not actually caring about helping anyone, just moving their agendas forward. They turned all these things against us by tweaking them to their poisonous agendas so they could chastise us from a false moral high ground. They used them against the naivety of the youth of our nation while twisting their minds and morals all out of things that were up to that point the way people saw things as righteous, honorable and commendable. They control most of the main Stream Media too.
They use their mantra of hate, disguised as love and caring for people and things, to bring about their twisted ends. They are still doing it with great aplomb and success even as you read this Treatise. The thing we need to do immediately, is to find a way to expose the ones behind this travesty to the public, and expose them in such a way that they will not be able to counter it with their spin and lies.
If you think I do not know of what I speak, look at the Vice, Drugs, Greed, Extortion, Religion, and Superstition that is being plied every day under the guise of law, both Canonical and Secular, or in the so called entertainment programs they have unleashed. Even the cartoons for our kids are turning around of everything we once called good into what we used to call evil, and that same evil, into what is now presented as good by them.
The hidden leaders work through echelon upon echelon of lower lackeys and well meaning useful idiots, so they may remain perfectly safe from Public Scrutiny, and free of possible retaliation for what they are doing to destroy us. These are the ones who wish to eradicate civilizations protocols as we know them, and supplant them with a morally twisted iron fisted Oligarchy, that humanity will not be able to break away from for countless generations if ever. These hidden ones are the evil incarnate masters we must strive to uncover and hold to the light of day.
Today, the Conservatives, and I mean the true Conservatives not the extreme right wingers with as bad of an agenda for America as the ultra left's is, are simply attempting to fulfill the Founders vision of an America dedicated to the principles expressed by the Declaration of Independence, codified in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and further stated in Lincoln's Gettysburg address. The American People are fighting for an Ideal; They want and deserve a peaceful,harmonious, Liberty-living civilization steeped in individual freedoms and Equality for ALL.
It's Up To Us To Stop The Progressive Faction Cold Before they destroy everything America used to stand for prior to their infiltration into the body politic!
You can see at every turn where the Progressive Socialists who are now in temporary control have twisted those Ideals into something that pushes the opposite giving us Social Justice instead of Equal Justice,Monopolies instead of Free Enterprise, Selective Enforcement of Laws instead of Impartial Enforcement of those laws. The progressive/socialists stress Dependence on Government instead of Self Reliance, Survival through Welfare Handouts instead of a Work Ethic, Secular Humanism instead of belief in Natures God. They promote and support Barbaric Beliefs, Rites and Practices instead of benign Judeo-Christian tenets and beliefs the Country was based on.
The Progressive/Socialists over the last 150 years have even twisted the Constitution out of what was intended by the founders into something that now serves their agenda to turn us into something that can be easily manipulated under the guise of laws they have instituted to obliterate our Liberties and Freedoms. I cite three toxic Amendments that have either been twisted out of their original intent into something that only serves the elites, or have been deliberately set up to implement hidden intent or remove the checks and balances the Founders placed within the Constitution proper.
Lets start with the vaunted 14th Amendment. the Progressive faction has said so many times that it is responsible for defining citizenship. That is what the progressives have twisted it to mean. Originally it was only intended to insure the Freed Slaves were not stripped of their Citizenship and Voting rights they gained with the provisions of the Emancipation Proclamation. Nothing more was intended.
See; http://www.14thamendment.us/ for full disclosure and timelines on when and how it was changed in meaning by SCOTUS without being legislated through Congress as the Constitution stipulates. In fact SCOTUS reversed the intent and defied the original meaning with the Anchor Baby ruling. Also and even more damaging was the three words that changed the power flow and control from the People to the States to the Federal Government around to the Federal Government now being Constitutionally able to dictate to the States and the People. Those words were; "NO STATE SHALL".
This in effect also negated the provisions of the 9th and 10th amendments because with the 14th the Federal Government could legally supersede any State law and block any attempt at Nullification by a State on Federal Laws. this has been proven by every Nullification case brought before the SCOTUS which has always found in favor of the Federal Government instead of the State. To reverse this, will take Repealing the 14th through an Article V State petitioned for amendment proposal convention. The fear mongers in Government who will lose their stolen power will try and convince the uninformed public that the public will lose their rights if this happens. That will be and is a bald faced LIE and Deliberate Mis-Direction. Other parts of the Constitution preserve those rights the Government lackeys say will be taken away.
The 16th amendment was only pushed after the progressive faction had it's legislation struck down by SCOTUS as unconstitutional and going against the provision in the Constitution mandating Apportioned taxation. Based on what they have done with it, the original intent of the Elitist/Progressives meant it to help grow the Federal government into the monster it is today. there is even some circumstantial evidence that it was not properly ratified but only declared as ratified by the Secretary of State Knox.
The House of Representatives were given the purse strings to keep the Federal Government in check but the influx of massive amounts of money because of the 16th had the effect of a narcotic like drug on the sensibilities of those representatives sparking ever more Greed and corruption.
The 17th was the last string in the Progressives bow to take away the last barrier the States had to even moderately keep the Federal Government in check. They even started a propaganda campaign to make the people think that their Senators were supposed to represent them directly and the public should directly elect them. Not so. The Senators were intended to only Represent the States and were under the direct control of their State Legislatures and were responsible only to them not to their respective political parties or directly to the people. That was called "The Great Compromise" or sometimes "The Connecticut Compromise".
Up until the 17th was ratified, the State Legislatures had the right to recall any Senator at any time if they did not properly represent their State against the Federal Government. Now, the Senators are only responsible to their respective party's agendas, not to the States, and certainly not to the People who elected them. The Constitutionally approved and designated Representatives of the People are the members of the House, and that's why the House has control of the purse strings.
If we ever want to get back what we lost through the connivance of the various Progressive Congresses and their self serving amendments, we MUST REPEAL those Three Toxic Amendments
These are my Carefully Considered Views
The Tradesman
The Progressive Socialist Faction has first used Soviet Russia to be the test bed to move against the American Republic through subversive actions and placing subversive elements within our Educational structures. They complemented this with obstructive minorities and small but highly organized groups using actions were to negate, tear down, and destroy every good thing about our free Republic. Things considered our finest things. Love, Truth, Loyalty, Altruism, Decency, Honor, Integrity, Self Discipline, Work Ethic, Reverence, Respect, and most of all, Our Compassion for those in need.
They use our desire to help the less fortunate for their own ends not actually caring about helping anyone, just moving their agendas forward. They turned all these things against us by tweaking them to their poisonous agendas so they could chastise us from a false moral high ground. They used them against the naivety of the youth of our nation while twisting their minds and morals all out of things that were up to that point the way people saw things as righteous, honorable and commendable. They control most of the main Stream Media too.
They use their mantra of hate, disguised as love and caring for people and things, to bring about their twisted ends. They are still doing it with great aplomb and success even as you read this Treatise. The thing we need to do immediately, is to find a way to expose the ones behind this travesty to the public, and expose them in such a way that they will not be able to counter it with their spin and lies.
If you think I do not know of what I speak, look at the Vice, Drugs, Greed, Extortion, Religion, and Superstition that is being plied every day under the guise of law, both Canonical and Secular, or in the so called entertainment programs they have unleashed. Even the cartoons for our kids are turning around of everything we once called good into what we used to call evil, and that same evil, into what is now presented as good by them.
The hidden leaders work through echelon upon echelon of lower lackeys and well meaning useful idiots, so they may remain perfectly safe from Public Scrutiny, and free of possible retaliation for what they are doing to destroy us. These are the ones who wish to eradicate civilizations protocols as we know them, and supplant them with a morally twisted iron fisted Oligarchy, that humanity will not be able to break away from for countless generations if ever. These hidden ones are the evil incarnate masters we must strive to uncover and hold to the light of day.
Today, the Conservatives, and I mean the true Conservatives not the extreme right wingers with as bad of an agenda for America as the ultra left's is, are simply attempting to fulfill the Founders vision of an America dedicated to the principles expressed by the Declaration of Independence, codified in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and further stated in Lincoln's Gettysburg address. The American People are fighting for an Ideal; They want and deserve a peaceful,harmonious, Liberty-living civilization steeped in individual freedoms and Equality for ALL.
It's Up To Us To Stop The Progressive Faction Cold Before they destroy everything America used to stand for prior to their infiltration into the body politic!
You can see at every turn where the Progressive Socialists who are now in temporary control have twisted those Ideals into something that pushes the opposite giving us Social Justice instead of Equal Justice,Monopolies instead of Free Enterprise, Selective Enforcement of Laws instead of Impartial Enforcement of those laws. The progressive/socialists stress Dependence on Government instead of Self Reliance, Survival through Welfare Handouts instead of a Work Ethic, Secular Humanism instead of belief in Natures God. They promote and support Barbaric Beliefs, Rites and Practices instead of benign Judeo-Christian tenets and beliefs the Country was based on.
The Progressive/Socialists over the last 150 years have even twisted the Constitution out of what was intended by the founders into something that now serves their agenda to turn us into something that can be easily manipulated under the guise of laws they have instituted to obliterate our Liberties and Freedoms. I cite three toxic Amendments that have either been twisted out of their original intent into something that only serves the elites, or have been deliberately set up to implement hidden intent or remove the checks and balances the Founders placed within the Constitution proper.
Lets start with the vaunted 14th Amendment. the Progressive faction has said so many times that it is responsible for defining citizenship. That is what the progressives have twisted it to mean. Originally it was only intended to insure the Freed Slaves were not stripped of their Citizenship and Voting rights they gained with the provisions of the Emancipation Proclamation. Nothing more was intended.
See; http://www.14thamendment.us/ for full disclosure and timelines on when and how it was changed in meaning by SCOTUS without being legislated through Congress as the Constitution stipulates. In fact SCOTUS reversed the intent and defied the original meaning with the Anchor Baby ruling. Also and even more damaging was the three words that changed the power flow and control from the People to the States to the Federal Government around to the Federal Government now being Constitutionally able to dictate to the States and the People. Those words were; "NO STATE SHALL".
This in effect also negated the provisions of the 9th and 10th amendments because with the 14th the Federal Government could legally supersede any State law and block any attempt at Nullification by a State on Federal Laws. this has been proven by every Nullification case brought before the SCOTUS which has always found in favor of the Federal Government instead of the State. To reverse this, will take Repealing the 14th through an Article V State petitioned for amendment proposal convention. The fear mongers in Government who will lose their stolen power will try and convince the uninformed public that the public will lose their rights if this happens. That will be and is a bald faced LIE and Deliberate Mis-Direction. Other parts of the Constitution preserve those rights the Government lackeys say will be taken away.
The 16th amendment was only pushed after the progressive faction had it's legislation struck down by SCOTUS as unconstitutional and going against the provision in the Constitution mandating Apportioned taxation. Based on what they have done with it, the original intent of the Elitist/Progressives meant it to help grow the Federal government into the monster it is today. there is even some circumstantial evidence that it was not properly ratified but only declared as ratified by the Secretary of State Knox.
The House of Representatives were given the purse strings to keep the Federal Government in check but the influx of massive amounts of money because of the 16th had the effect of a narcotic like drug on the sensibilities of those representatives sparking ever more Greed and corruption.
The 17th was the last string in the Progressives bow to take away the last barrier the States had to even moderately keep the Federal Government in check. They even started a propaganda campaign to make the people think that their Senators were supposed to represent them directly and the public should directly elect them. Not so. The Senators were intended to only Represent the States and were under the direct control of their State Legislatures and were responsible only to them not to their respective political parties or directly to the people. That was called "The Great Compromise" or sometimes "The Connecticut Compromise".
Up until the 17th was ratified, the State Legislatures had the right to recall any Senator at any time if they did not properly represent their State against the Federal Government. Now, the Senators are only responsible to their respective party's agendas, not to the States, and certainly not to the People who elected them. The Constitutionally approved and designated Representatives of the People are the members of the House, and that's why the House has control of the purse strings.
If we ever want to get back what we lost through the connivance of the various Progressive Congresses and their self serving amendments, we MUST REPEAL those Three Toxic Amendments
These are my Carefully Considered Views
The Tradesman

It's Time To Re-Evaluate Our Fight
It's with a deeply abiding concern and an abject fear for our future, that I write these words. We need to actually "LOOK AT" what we have been able to accomplish, and separate it from what we intended/pretended or were led to believe we were accomplishing.
How much of what we are fighting for have the so called representatives done anything about? Damn near nothing! How much have the Conservative groups done to actually influence the Representatives to listen to us and act on what we want? Damn Little Also! The public is being ignored by the elected representatives in leaps and bounds. Even those who postured and presented themselves as conservatives, have betrayed the oaths of office and the people they supposedly represent. I cite Boehner and McConnell kowtowing and ass kissing Obama and forwarding his Socialist agenda to "Fundamentally Change America" forever. With these two and their hidebound Establishment crony's Obama will reign supreme unless we do something about it.
What has been done to undo over two centuries of self rule and advancement by that daemon in the White House is unbelievable. No one expected the fabric of our nation to be so easy to unravel. The fact remains that it is unraveling despite our best efforts to date to stop it. The real question is why are we so impotent in the face of the National Disaster being forced on us by the Elitists puppets now in control?
What nefarious hold over, or what promises were made to our Representatives? They, are the ones who fail to represent our interests in place of their own. What influences,payoffs,promises, threats, have been made? Another thing, why are all the "Conservative" groups vying for more money to continue the fight instead of combining their resources to obliterate the oppositions propaganda tactics with the media? There is strength in numbers and it seems the Anti-Socialist leaders of those groups have been infiltrated with opposition controlled agents, to keep the people separated and ineffectual.It seems the movement has devolved into a power struggle between the leaders to gain more personal influence,money, and power, just like our Representatives do for themselves.
They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I believe that, and that is the method of attack on our strengths/weaknesses the Elites have made into an art form to use against and control those whom they consider lesser beings. This is how they work their brand of totalitarian control on the masses; Brainwashing by using our Compassion, Our desire to help others, our Morality, our integrity, our Sense of Honor and Duty, in fact all the Altruistic Values the average person considers to be good and upstanding behavior. They twist the underlying meanings out of their proper context, and morph them into something twisted which serves their self serving agendas.
Look at it this way;
The problem the progressive brainwashed bots have is, they have been programmed to believe that posturing with the official defeatist attitude that the victim is responsible for anything and everything, will have a positive effect on the aggressor to back off from aggression. It's propaganda techniques that unites them into an aggressive single minded weapon against human values. It's kinda like the walking softly adage but without carrying the big stick (except the one used against us dissenters). That format twists what Teddy Roosevelt said was needed to control foreign/domestic aggression against us with his "Speak Softly But Carry A Big Stick" adage.
It seems that Obama either believes in the appeasement drivel, or more likely based on the total of his actions, he's actively and aggressively removing the self defense infrastructure of the United States. Not only does that pacifism/defenselessness not work, it makes the aggressor even bolder and more prone to aggression. If that aggressor wants to come in and take something, they will be even more apt to do that if the promoters of pacifism/guilty defeatism, are in the controlling majority. Neville Chamberlain proved that with Hitlers aggression by ceding him the Sudetenland, and we all know how well that worked out for the world.
It is way beyond the time when we should have closed ranks to defeat the Progressive/Socialist "Domestic Enemy" confronting every loyal and patriotic American. We must unite with a single minded purpose to defeat that enemy, then we can sort out who has the best way to restore the Republic. The only way to start is to advance the ideology of supporting a Convention of States to demand Congress call an Amendment Convention so we can repeal the 14th, 16th,and 17th Amendments to take away 90% of the current Federal Power over the States/People, and start the Restoration of Checks and Balances in our Republic!
The Tradesman
It's with a deeply abiding concern and an abject fear for our future, that I write these words. We need to actually "LOOK AT" what we have been able to accomplish, and separate it from what we intended/pretended or were led to believe we were accomplishing.
How much of what we are fighting for have the so called representatives done anything about? Damn near nothing! How much have the Conservative groups done to actually influence the Representatives to listen to us and act on what we want? Damn Little Also! The public is being ignored by the elected representatives in leaps and bounds. Even those who postured and presented themselves as conservatives, have betrayed the oaths of office and the people they supposedly represent. I cite Boehner and McConnell kowtowing and ass kissing Obama and forwarding his Socialist agenda to "Fundamentally Change America" forever. With these two and their hidebound Establishment crony's Obama will reign supreme unless we do something about it.
What has been done to undo over two centuries of self rule and advancement by that daemon in the White House is unbelievable. No one expected the fabric of our nation to be so easy to unravel. The fact remains that it is unraveling despite our best efforts to date to stop it. The real question is why are we so impotent in the face of the National Disaster being forced on us by the Elitists puppets now in control?
What nefarious hold over, or what promises were made to our Representatives? They, are the ones who fail to represent our interests in place of their own. What influences,payoffs,promises, threats, have been made? Another thing, why are all the "Conservative" groups vying for more money to continue the fight instead of combining their resources to obliterate the oppositions propaganda tactics with the media? There is strength in numbers and it seems the Anti-Socialist leaders of those groups have been infiltrated with opposition controlled agents, to keep the people separated and ineffectual.It seems the movement has devolved into a power struggle between the leaders to gain more personal influence,money, and power, just like our Representatives do for themselves.
They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I believe that, and that is the method of attack on our strengths/weaknesses the Elites have made into an art form to use against and control those whom they consider lesser beings. This is how they work their brand of totalitarian control on the masses; Brainwashing by using our Compassion, Our desire to help others, our Morality, our integrity, our Sense of Honor and Duty, in fact all the Altruistic Values the average person considers to be good and upstanding behavior. They twist the underlying meanings out of their proper context, and morph them into something twisted which serves their self serving agendas.
Look at it this way;
The problem the progressive brainwashed bots have is, they have been programmed to believe that posturing with the official defeatist attitude that the victim is responsible for anything and everything, will have a positive effect on the aggressor to back off from aggression. It's propaganda techniques that unites them into an aggressive single minded weapon against human values. It's kinda like the walking softly adage but without carrying the big stick (except the one used against us dissenters). That format twists what Teddy Roosevelt said was needed to control foreign/domestic aggression against us with his "Speak Softly But Carry A Big Stick" adage.
It seems that Obama either believes in the appeasement drivel, or more likely based on the total of his actions, he's actively and aggressively removing the self defense infrastructure of the United States. Not only does that pacifism/defenselessness not work, it makes the aggressor even bolder and more prone to aggression. If that aggressor wants to come in and take something, they will be even more apt to do that if the promoters of pacifism/guilty defeatism, are in the controlling majority. Neville Chamberlain proved that with Hitlers aggression by ceding him the Sudetenland, and we all know how well that worked out for the world.
It is way beyond the time when we should have closed ranks to defeat the Progressive/Socialist "Domestic Enemy" confronting every loyal and patriotic American. We must unite with a single minded purpose to defeat that enemy, then we can sort out who has the best way to restore the Republic. The only way to start is to advance the ideology of supporting a Convention of States to demand Congress call an Amendment Convention so we can repeal the 14th, 16th,and 17th Amendments to take away 90% of the current Federal Power over the States/People, and start the Restoration of Checks and Balances in our Republic!
The Tradesman

Addendum Guide to Progressives.. Posted 6/24/15
This has become even more self evident since I first wrote this piece in December 2013 as we can see the threat clearer at this point in their attempted takeover;
Guide to Progressives And The Progressive Golden Age In America
I want you to consider this about the current Progressive push to reassert themselves somewhat into the original mold they developed during their "Golden Age" from the 1890's to the 1920's. During that time frame they gained massive support from the public, many of whom were second generation children of Irish Refugees from the famine, and children of the Scots who came here because of the clearances. They were being abused like their parents were by the Lords of the old country.
Because the progressives portrayed themselves as fighting against the same callousness towards the workers by the Robber Barons of that era, the Second generation was eager to rid themselves of the same actions from the Barons as the Lords displayed. Those Barons put profits ahead of an employee's basic safety, because they believed that workers were infinitely replaceable, and anyone who contested that was automatically considered one of the 'good guys' by the abused.
Progressives use the same tactics today with the poor and downtrodden of our generation. They promise everything but in the end they only steal the wealth and deliberately keep the poor held down and dependent to the progressives for their daily bread.
This public persona contrived by the progressives worked well for them, but only until the public realized how they were destroying the Republic. The realities of the movement derogate the actual loss of freedoms and rights Americans have, and acting as if they should not exist. This is because the basic 'Philanthropic Progressive', lauds praises and compliments on themselves, and are to a person, guilty of believing themselves to be the final authority on everything that is good and necessary, and create legal requirements for everyone to follow their desires mindlessly.
The overriding similarity among Progressives then and now, is they actually believe they know what is better for everyone than the "mere mortals" themselves know and the believe they have the right to enforce their beliefs. To do that they set up Progressive oriented Governments that want to control their people from cradle to grave for their own good. Notwithstanding, the profits from the labors of all the 'little people' go to the elites primarily.
They try to change the minds of everyone, encouraging them to break away from the Free, Independent, Moral, Work Ethic Spirit that made America Great, into one of utter dependence on the Central Government to provide everything 'freely' to all, and risk losing everything should anyone disagree with their orders from on high. How they plan to accomplish this is cleverly never spoken of, but it is done through total redistribution of wealth, and iron fisted control over society. This in turn is disingenuous because it destroys all incentive to do better, to innovate, or even to complete necessary tasks. It destroys the basic American respect for Liberty and Independence, and most importantly Self Respect. After taking those things away Progressives automatically Replace it with a Nanny State. Think Communist Russia under Stalin or China under Mao when you think of a 'Progressive' Nanny State.
One thing to always remember;Progressive Socialism also has a Right and Left side track, just like our Republic has Left and Right Factions in Government. Hitlerian Fascism is the Right side Track of Progressive Socialism, and Stalinist or Maoist Communism is the Left side track of Progressive Socialism when it's taken to it's logical conclusion. Another overriding factor about Socialism is, the practitioners have no compunctions about using outright lies and mis-direction combined and recruiting people to their way of thinking with a false philosophy of telling the people they can do anything they want to do, with no bad consequences to themselves for their actions.
Actually the Original American National Political Leaders for the Progressive movement were; Theodore Roosevelt, Robert M. LaFollette Sr., and Charles Evans Hughes on the Republican side and William Jennings Bryan, Woodrow Wilson, and Al Smith on the Democratic side. From the 1890's through the 1920's movement flourished as the way to purify the Government and break down the Machine Bosses like Tammany Hall for example. Even Prohibition played a part and one of the obscured reasons it passed was to break the power structures of the Bosses which was usually based in the saloons. The 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th amendments were amendments that were pushed by the Progressives to permanently fix their reforms into law.
Between the Presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, 1901 through 1921, most of the Federal Regulatory agencies came into being because of the Progressives. Prior to 1910 they made a push into education (to begin to entrench their way into all schools ). This was the era when Progressive Scholars began taking over research universities. Harvard, Columbia, Chicago, Michigan, California, and Wisconsin were targeted for Progressive Ideology based Modernization with the specific goal being, to make them into the Progressive idea of 'Scientific' Social Sciences like History, Economics, and especially the new field of Political Science. All these 'innovations' were incorporated into School systems with a new 'Ideological Professionalism' based on existing international models of progressive scholarship.
In actuality during the golden age of Progressivism ( 1890's - 1920's) they got their hands into everything with their philosophy, and changed America from the Republic it was, to the beginnings burgeoning Democracy by doing it. When the magazines and newspapers of that era began exposing the political corruption, Roosevelt gave them the nickname of "Muckrakers" to try and discredit them to the public. Maybe this is the underlying reason the progressives have taken control of most of the media today?
The Progressives Agendas encompassed these things then and still do now, however they are more insidious and sophisticated now;
"Progressive Modernization Ideology" This included inroads into Science, Technology, and Especially Education ( to indoctrinate the subsequent generations into their philosophy), Intervention into economic and social affairs, and promoting the illogical concept of the efficiency of Government intervention.
"Progressive Philanthropic Ideology" This is where the Elites took notice of the movement and joined in for their own reasons, and hiding those reasons through what they named 'a duty to society' where they gave money ( with tenuous strings attached) to Colleges, Hospitals,Libraries, Museums, Social Betterment ( whatever they thought that was it was). In effect they set up and controlled the foundations and business oriented operations we know today. None of this was actually charity though, and that let them operate with tremendous power Internationally as benevolent and powerful entities.
"Progressive Democracy Ideology" Here's the rub, ostensibly the Progressives promoted the concept of Democracy to the public originally to circumvent the political bosses and assume their power over the people. However you would not get them to admit that even among themselves except behind closed doors. They wanted more direct rule by an uninformed and highly manipulable public, who they could talk into doing exactly what they wanted them to do, because the Progressives always did and always will believe they knew what was best for the people, more so than the people did for themselves.
This culminated in the passing of the 17th Amendment Ratified in 1913. That Amendment took the power of the Legislatures away and gave it to the Progressives under the false Flag of reducing the power of political bosses. The progressives succeeded taking it for themselves, all in a benevolent way of course, to better help the people.
They were not idle at the State levels either. This was a concerted effort to change politics in America with the Progressives always leading the charge. The State 'Reforms' they initiated were "Initiative" "Referendum" and "Recall". the Initiative and Referendum allowed citizens to directly introduce, propose, and approve laws in the State. The recall provision, gave citizen voters the power to recall elected officials.
About half of the States today have some form of this because it was pushed into their State Constitutions by the Progressive's influence over the masses. The Progressives looked at it as a way to negate the influence of countering the so called 'Influence of Large Corporations', and supplanting it with their Progressive Influence.
"Progressive Municipal Reform Ideology" With this concept, the Progressives began a major reorganization of City and State Governments. They began by getting Progressive Mayors elected to City Governments, and also getting Progressive Governors elected at the State level to facilitate the reorganization of State Governments. A good example is Robert LaFollett of Wisconsin who began the process of using the State University ( Remember the education push the progressives made) as the major source of ideas for change.
" Progressive Family and Food Ideologies" Progressives knew the importance of convincing families to be the foundation for their Progressive Agenda for America, and American Society. America could not be changed until the basic concept of how families viewed themselves and how their position in society could be changed to the better because of the Progressive Model.
The progressives used their influence in government to gradually change and strengthen acceptance of the progressive concepts into the family unit. This was not enough to satisfy the progressives. They took over the existing public assistance programs and formed them into what we see today, as welfare programs that keeps generations trapped and subjugated to control their votes, for a continuous progressive handout of redistributed wealth.
They established Juvenile Courts complete with the laws that took away parental control and vested it in the State. They set up standards for pure Drugs, Water, Milk, Foodstuffs, and established Federal agencies to enforce those standards. They even began to censure Motion Pictures and Movie houses because they deemed them Unsafe and Unclean environments ( see how they believe they know what is best for us mere mortals and then force it on us). Doing that then, planted the seeds for things like the EPA, Dept of Education, and all the other Federal Agencies we must contend with today.
"Progressive Eugenics Ideology" This is where it gets very dangerous for the average person. The Progressives embraced this philosophy because they believed in their God like Delusions about their infallibility, and that they were the ones designated to "Improve" the Genetic Traits and Quality of the human population. This heinous philosophy advocated promoting that "Improvement" by encouraging higher reproduction rates among the people they deemed had the best traits ( usually of their own ethnic group), and heavily suppressing even to to extinction, the reproductive rates of those they deemed had undesirable traits (usually racially based decisions, citing mental inferiority). See how the Progressives tried to institute this program here, years before Hitler instituted it in Germany.
"Progressive Constitutional Change Policy" The Progressives tried to hedge their bets by attempting to insert their reforms in the body of amendments to the Constitution, instead of in Federal Law to do it. That was because the Federal Laws could be declared Unconstitutional at a later date, or they could be repealed by a later Congress. They knew it would be much harder to repeal an Amendment to the Constitution, so they instigated for the proposal of the 16th Amendment because the income tax they wanted to impose was ruled Unconstitutional by the Supreme Court before the 16th amendment existed, and for the 17th Amendment for the direct election of Senators, knowing they would abridge State Powers and quietly, reduce the Power of the People to seriously influence the Federal Government. Due to Sentiments against the Germans during WWI, they were able to pass the 18th Amendment for prohibition. The final Progressive Amendment passed was the 19th Amendment for Women's suffrage proving that not even dyed in the wool Progressives can be totally evil.
"Progressive Prohibition Reasoning" In another spectacular failure of the Progressives who believe even until today that they can legislate morals and social behavior,tried to do that through the Volstead Act. progressives helped pushing it through Congress to prohibit the manufacture sale and transportation of alcohol, and did not prohibit drinking. The underlying reason was to break the political machine bosses by attacking the seat of their continued power, the Saloons. Prohibition was basically a movement by Protestants and was embraced by the Progressives to gain their votes, and to weaken the political saloon based big city political machines whose power the progressives wanted to take over. In retrospect we can thank the progressives for setting up and entrenching the Criminal mobs we have today.
"Progressive Education Initiatives" Basically it was grab the children when they are young and indoctrinate them with the Progressive Philosophy. It worked out then to projecting their public persona of trying to improve the living standards through educating the youth of America so they could get better paying and more prestigious jobs, The progressives pushed hard to reform schools and their curriculum to their standards as modernization of the schools ( they are doing this again through Common core Programs today). The progressives created the Department of Education at the Federal Level and that took the regulatory power away from both parents and the States. Up to 1910 big city schools numbers expanded considerably, and after rural school systems followed suit. By 1940 half of American teens had a high school diploma, and that along with WWII and the GI Bill, resulted in a rapid growth of the educated middle class which became the prime support of the progressives.
"Progressive Medicine and Law Initiatives" The progressives made inroads into the medical profession through a report ( Flexner Report) sponsored by the Andrew Carnegie Foundation ( remember Carnegie was one of the first Elites to embrace progressiveism for power and profit) . The Flexner Report was compiled by Abraham Flexner in a book length study bewailing the poor state of medical schools and their teaching practices, and advocating for a unified and government controlled system, in typical progressive fashion, to correct the perceived problems.
By the way, Abraham was not a doctor, he was a secondary school teacher. The report was basically responsible for the closing of a multitude of smaller schools the average man could afford to attend for a higher education, and focused National Funds on medical schools associated with Universities like Harvard. Leaders like the Mayo brothers supported the essence of the report and it gained traction.
It also affected the Legal Profession, and the American Bar Association set up the Association of American Law Schools in 1900 establishing national standards and replacing the time honored practice of apprenticing under attorneys to study law and gain proficiency in it, and requiring using progressive standardized School settings for learning, as was done with the medical profession. Progressives really like the national control bit don't they?
"Progressive Social Sciences Experiments" The Progressive Scholars ensconced in pivotal positions in Universities like Harvard, Michigan, Johns Hopkins,etc., worked to modernize those places utilizing the modern progressive disciplines. The progressive goal and and game plan, was to change them into models of progressive social sciences of history,political science,political correctness, and economics. This professionalization required the universities to create new career tracks making hiring, with promotion dependent on meeting the international models of scholarship the progressives cherished.
"Progressive Economic Policy Experiment" the golden age of progressives was basically prosperous with only two minor glitches; the panic of 1893, which was basically a Deep Depression ( this was when the attitudes began to change toward the Progressive agendas, and the Small Businesses, Farmers, and Labor Organizations, began looking to the Federal government to act in their interests) and the panic of 1907 basically affecting financiers. These two issues did weaken the economy and stressed Wilson's policies creating federal deficits resulting in changed fiscal policy ( imposition of the Income Tax and the Federal Reserve ). This continued until WWI. I find it very strange that Progressive policies that precipitate a fiscal crisis precede world wars and police actions that are not called wars. Progressives constantly argued for more government regulation of businesses.
This was the era of greatly expanded Federal Government control where agencies were formed like The Interstate Commerce Commission. In 1877 the ICC was formed as an agency to regulate the railroads. The Progressives expanded it to encompass trucking,interstate bus lines,common carriers, and telephone companies and in 1995 was disbanded and its functions transferred to the expanded jurisdiction of the Surface Transportation Board which is exempted from certain Federal State and Local Laws unlike it's predecessors early years ICC regulations took a Federal Court Order to become effective.
The Sherman anti-trust Act, the Clayton Anti-trust Act and the Federal Trade Commission were all conceived and created during the Progressive era ostensibly for the protection of the consumers but in effect to control business practices. Here is where we find out that much of the substance of the Sherman and Clayton acts were developed and animated by the Progressive Supreme Courts to effectively legislate from the bench. The Neill-Reynolds meat inspection report that was one of the reports used to justify the creation of the Food and Drug Administration which took the regulatory power away from the States.
"Progressives and Labor Unions" It can be said that Labor Unions are a progressive movement or the child of progressives and they created great numbers of supporters for the progressive agendas. In 1906 the Labor Movement joined into a working political alliance with the bastion of the progressives, the Democratic Party. The main focus was in the large industrial cities where the labor unions wanted restrictions on the judges who ruled on labor disputes mostly or wholly on the side of business. The Democrats progressive political machine facilitated those demands, thus securing a large voter base for progressives to retain their power. the real breakthrough for the Progressive/Labor Movement cause was the passage of the Norris-LaGuardia Act of 1932.
"Progressive Immigration Policy Ideology" After 1896 Immigration grew until WWI and the influx of unskilled workers stopped suddenly and resumed in 1919. Labor Unions turned to the progressive leaders and and asked them to place restrictions on immigration especially Chinese and other Asians. the unions did this because those people would work for lower wages and the unions efforts to raise wages were thwarted. the leveling factor was the rapid growth of industry that needed the large numbers of workers that could be trained for the menial jobs in those industries.
In the 1920's the progressives and the industry realized that the influx needed to be restricted to a manageable level, even the progressives who believed in eugenics were involved as were the prohibitionists and protestants who wanted to again curtail the "Saloon Power " of the political bosses. the Progressives were in fact racists and that was ingrained in the movement from the start and pushed to the fore Front by Wilson. But I digress.
The progressives of that generation pushed the "Americanization" of the immigrants with their programs pushed through the public school system they had essentially taken over decades before. Immigration restrictions continued after WWII as a national policy. Recently the Progressive faction, in an attempt to again dominate the voting public, has recanted and tried to reform immigration policy back to an open door policy, in hopes of capturing generations of voters to keep them in power. As can be seen the Progressives have no real loyalty to any program, but will back anything that will keep them in power.
Comment: I reiterate, we must demand the State Legislatures Petition for an article V Convention if we are to reverse the destructive progressive agendas.
The Tradesman
2015 addendum to this treatise;
Reasons to oppose Progressive agendas.
I stridently oppose the Progressive Agendas, but we are at a crossroads right now. We have abdicated our parental responsibilities about properly educating our children in actual American history and instilling in them the need to pay it forward as it was paid forward to us. Even Reagan said that the principles of Freedom and Liberty are not passed down to our children and are needed to be reaffirmed in every generation. I think of the Patriot Act and the monitoring by the NSA, the restrictions on our basic God Given freedoms, and the seemingly random enforcement of draconian laws and regulations. I see that caveat has not been heeded for at least two generations now, possibly three. I see how much we threw away to pursue Hedonistic pursuits instead of riding herd over our Elected Officials.
The elementary school children since 1960 have been taught an increasingly propagandized lies. this stems from the original infiltration of agents of both Lenin and Stalin who were tasked to infiltrate the universities and to gradually twist everything towards a world wide Socialist State. Fortunately I had a Father and other Relatives who served in both World Wars and were taught a much less propagandized version of American History. I even had a relative that remembered what America was like just after the Civil War because he grew up during those years.
I was usually in trouble in school because I often challenged the 'Official History' I was being taught.I was able to back up my claims that the history being taught from the late 40s was incorrect because I had an Encyclopedia that was printed before 1876. It contained many items that were being denied and twisted by the 'Official' history books.
I had partially believed what I was being taught without question until my relatives started correcting me on things that they were taught prior to the books my school used. All of my peers in school generally believed the official texts but I didn't and was vocal about it. That made me an outsider and the subject of many taunts and cat calls during my schooling, and not only from the kids either.
I know from personal experience that the Government can and does re-write history to conform with the current political agendas of the Elites controlling the Government from the shadows. The Government can and does tell as many lies as it wants to. The thing the Government can't do is erase the memories of those who have lived through the periods in history that the Government wants to change. Unless of course they are going to take a page out of the darkest days of the Soviet Union and meld it with the techniques espoused in the book Nineteen Eighty Four to incorporate in the FEMA camps we know little or nothing about.
The main thing we must realize is that the Progressive agenda does not support anyone but the Elites that have originated it strictly for their own benefit. The progressive 'Hook' is promising people safety and security. Eisenhower said; "If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom." - Dwight D. Eisenhower. So, I ask you, do you really want America to become a Prison? Ben Franklin summed it up even more clearly; "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin.
Any time the Government comes to us and says 'We must temporarily suspend some of your Constitutional Liberties' we must remember; If we restrict Liberty even temporarily to gain a measure of Security, We Will Lose Both! As Franklin said, our security lies in our Strength both in numbers and in wealth.
When we were young we believed all the things we were taught about patriotism self sacrifice for the common good and we went off to war to experience horrific trials and even death in many instances. We did this because we really believed we were doing it to protect those loved ones we left behind and to insure our way of life would not be lost to history. Belief like that is what makes heroes out of common men and women, it also sustains ones sanity in a world where human life is cheaper than the objective.
When we were younger we readily accepted the rules we were taught to live by and not to question them closely. It was considered unpatriotic to question then just as it is considered extremely unpatriotic to question the machinations of Government now. We have all seen the upsetting of our cherished principles and the topsy turvy way the Progressives have reversed the beliefs in the last 70 years. Now we are faced with international terrorism and that is the watch word for the Elites to continue stripping our Liberty and Freedom from us.
I wonder how a rational Freedom Loving people, can remain so blind, and stupidly march in lock step to the tune of the Elites have created for their self gratification of attaining even more power? The Elites want to set up a world wide Oligarchy since the Monarchies have fallen. they will accept no less than totalitarian power over the "mere humans' of the world. This is the threat we face. Evil self centered men who do not care about the fate of the to them "Mere Humans" and use them as cannon fodder to attain their nefarious goals. To use an analogy they are the spiritual Sons of Satan.
I am going to take a turn off the path for a bit and talk about the horrible treatment the Government gives to it's veterans. These are the same people that in most cases have volunteered their lives to defend the Nation and even the corrupt politicians who use then fear them. As I see it, the truth is once they have trained these men and women to be killers, they don't want them to come back. For the most part these people have lived outside the rigid controls the politicos have held over the civilian populations. the politicos know that free mindset is one of the things that revolutions are made of. Once you have been in combat more than once, you will not be cowed by the empty threats about consequences the politicos use to keep the masses in line. 'nuff said on that.
Lately, the American people have been seeing bits and pieces of their faith in the causes proposed by the progressives fall apart in the harsh light of reality. It never ceases to amaze my just how any why people are so easily led. Our belief system is a combination of what our parents first teach us, they it goes on to the schooling, and from there society has the admixture of differing points of view that settles out to our perceived moral codes what the Elites perceive as the operational codes they want other mere mortals/people to live by.
Why don't we think for ourselves? Why do we take everything the "Leaders" say at face value without even checking to see if it's true or if it would be harmful to our Nation and Society? Why do we uncover a Scandal,make noises about how terrible it was and then just willingly accept the next scandal until it's publicly disclaimed as a fraud? Why don't we demand the perpetrators be punished with jail time if the scandal is so big that affects all of us?
Ask yourselves this question; How honest is everybody? Governmental leaders (honesty is an oxymoron and disability with them). Our school teachers ( how indoctrinated were they by the schools they went to to become teachers?). Even our parents ( how many of them pass on the falsehoods they learned as children?). How much of History is factual ( how much is revised by the winners? I would say all of it). This leads us to the ethics promoted by the Progressive Master Race (in their own minds that is.). What set of moral codes are universal and generally help promote a livable society, and which ones were created by the Elites to further their personal agendas.
Why are the ones who see through all the deceptions by the Elites discredited as fools and even dangerous to our nation? What about the generations of our veterans that have had their nation fundamentally changed from what they were promised it would remain but only if they decided to defend the principles that it was supposed to be built on? We must challenge and remove from power the vile creatures who have originated this travesty, and all those who have come after them. they deserve no place of honor in our history, they deserve revulsion.
Any and all who perpetuate the self centered progressive myth, those who work either consciously or unwittingly,any and all who are helping it to persevere are stained by it's innate evil must be eradicated from positions of power and influence not only in the United States but the entire world. Like a systemic infection that threatens the life of the body, their influence must be eradicated completely.
To make it clear, I am not against normal human compassion,nor am I against helping those that need it. I am against those who use the acts of human kindness towards others to perpetuate their own power and place. We must help each other and do it in such a way that all people, except those who are physically or mentally incapable of ever helping themselves, learn to function on their own and learn to rely on themselves first and foremost.To do less is to subject those being helped into a system that is virtual Slavery to the Elites agendas.
Beware, We are losing to the progressives and need to ramp up our protests to restore the Republic!!!
This has become even more self evident since I first wrote this piece in December 2013 as we can see the threat clearer at this point in their attempted takeover;
Guide to Progressives And The Progressive Golden Age In America
I want you to consider this about the current Progressive push to reassert themselves somewhat into the original mold they developed during their "Golden Age" from the 1890's to the 1920's. During that time frame they gained massive support from the public, many of whom were second generation children of Irish Refugees from the famine, and children of the Scots who came here because of the clearances. They were being abused like their parents were by the Lords of the old country.
Because the progressives portrayed themselves as fighting against the same callousness towards the workers by the Robber Barons of that era, the Second generation was eager to rid themselves of the same actions from the Barons as the Lords displayed. Those Barons put profits ahead of an employee's basic safety, because they believed that workers were infinitely replaceable, and anyone who contested that was automatically considered one of the 'good guys' by the abused.
Progressives use the same tactics today with the poor and downtrodden of our generation. They promise everything but in the end they only steal the wealth and deliberately keep the poor held down and dependent to the progressives for their daily bread.
This public persona contrived by the progressives worked well for them, but only until the public realized how they were destroying the Republic. The realities of the movement derogate the actual loss of freedoms and rights Americans have, and acting as if they should not exist. This is because the basic 'Philanthropic Progressive', lauds praises and compliments on themselves, and are to a person, guilty of believing themselves to be the final authority on everything that is good and necessary, and create legal requirements for everyone to follow their desires mindlessly.
The overriding similarity among Progressives then and now, is they actually believe they know what is better for everyone than the "mere mortals" themselves know and the believe they have the right to enforce their beliefs. To do that they set up Progressive oriented Governments that want to control their people from cradle to grave for their own good. Notwithstanding, the profits from the labors of all the 'little people' go to the elites primarily.
They try to change the minds of everyone, encouraging them to break away from the Free, Independent, Moral, Work Ethic Spirit that made America Great, into one of utter dependence on the Central Government to provide everything 'freely' to all, and risk losing everything should anyone disagree with their orders from on high. How they plan to accomplish this is cleverly never spoken of, but it is done through total redistribution of wealth, and iron fisted control over society. This in turn is disingenuous because it destroys all incentive to do better, to innovate, or even to complete necessary tasks. It destroys the basic American respect for Liberty and Independence, and most importantly Self Respect. After taking those things away Progressives automatically Replace it with a Nanny State. Think Communist Russia under Stalin or China under Mao when you think of a 'Progressive' Nanny State.
One thing to always remember;Progressive Socialism also has a Right and Left side track, just like our Republic has Left and Right Factions in Government. Hitlerian Fascism is the Right side Track of Progressive Socialism, and Stalinist or Maoist Communism is the Left side track of Progressive Socialism when it's taken to it's logical conclusion. Another overriding factor about Socialism is, the practitioners have no compunctions about using outright lies and mis-direction combined and recruiting people to their way of thinking with a false philosophy of telling the people they can do anything they want to do, with no bad consequences to themselves for their actions.
Actually the Original American National Political Leaders for the Progressive movement were; Theodore Roosevelt, Robert M. LaFollette Sr., and Charles Evans Hughes on the Republican side and William Jennings Bryan, Woodrow Wilson, and Al Smith on the Democratic side. From the 1890's through the 1920's movement flourished as the way to purify the Government and break down the Machine Bosses like Tammany Hall for example. Even Prohibition played a part and one of the obscured reasons it passed was to break the power structures of the Bosses which was usually based in the saloons. The 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th amendments were amendments that were pushed by the Progressives to permanently fix their reforms into law.
Between the Presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, 1901 through 1921, most of the Federal Regulatory agencies came into being because of the Progressives. Prior to 1910 they made a push into education (to begin to entrench their way into all schools ). This was the era when Progressive Scholars began taking over research universities. Harvard, Columbia, Chicago, Michigan, California, and Wisconsin were targeted for Progressive Ideology based Modernization with the specific goal being, to make them into the Progressive idea of 'Scientific' Social Sciences like History, Economics, and especially the new field of Political Science. All these 'innovations' were incorporated into School systems with a new 'Ideological Professionalism' based on existing international models of progressive scholarship.
In actuality during the golden age of Progressivism ( 1890's - 1920's) they got their hands into everything with their philosophy, and changed America from the Republic it was, to the beginnings burgeoning Democracy by doing it. When the magazines and newspapers of that era began exposing the political corruption, Roosevelt gave them the nickname of "Muckrakers" to try and discredit them to the public. Maybe this is the underlying reason the progressives have taken control of most of the media today?
The Progressives Agendas encompassed these things then and still do now, however they are more insidious and sophisticated now;
"Progressive Modernization Ideology" This included inroads into Science, Technology, and Especially Education ( to indoctrinate the subsequent generations into their philosophy), Intervention into economic and social affairs, and promoting the illogical concept of the efficiency of Government intervention.
"Progressive Philanthropic Ideology" This is where the Elites took notice of the movement and joined in for their own reasons, and hiding those reasons through what they named 'a duty to society' where they gave money ( with tenuous strings attached) to Colleges, Hospitals,Libraries, Museums, Social Betterment ( whatever they thought that was it was). In effect they set up and controlled the foundations and business oriented operations we know today. None of this was actually charity though, and that let them operate with tremendous power Internationally as benevolent and powerful entities.
"Progressive Democracy Ideology" Here's the rub, ostensibly the Progressives promoted the concept of Democracy to the public originally to circumvent the political bosses and assume their power over the people. However you would not get them to admit that even among themselves except behind closed doors. They wanted more direct rule by an uninformed and highly manipulable public, who they could talk into doing exactly what they wanted them to do, because the Progressives always did and always will believe they knew what was best for the people, more so than the people did for themselves.
This culminated in the passing of the 17th Amendment Ratified in 1913. That Amendment took the power of the Legislatures away and gave it to the Progressives under the false Flag of reducing the power of political bosses. The progressives succeeded taking it for themselves, all in a benevolent way of course, to better help the people.
They were not idle at the State levels either. This was a concerted effort to change politics in America with the Progressives always leading the charge. The State 'Reforms' they initiated were "Initiative" "Referendum" and "Recall". the Initiative and Referendum allowed citizens to directly introduce, propose, and approve laws in the State. The recall provision, gave citizen voters the power to recall elected officials.
About half of the States today have some form of this because it was pushed into their State Constitutions by the Progressive's influence over the masses. The Progressives looked at it as a way to negate the influence of countering the so called 'Influence of Large Corporations', and supplanting it with their Progressive Influence.
"Progressive Municipal Reform Ideology" With this concept, the Progressives began a major reorganization of City and State Governments. They began by getting Progressive Mayors elected to City Governments, and also getting Progressive Governors elected at the State level to facilitate the reorganization of State Governments. A good example is Robert LaFollett of Wisconsin who began the process of using the State University ( Remember the education push the progressives made) as the major source of ideas for change.
" Progressive Family and Food Ideologies" Progressives knew the importance of convincing families to be the foundation for their Progressive Agenda for America, and American Society. America could not be changed until the basic concept of how families viewed themselves and how their position in society could be changed to the better because of the Progressive Model.
The progressives used their influence in government to gradually change and strengthen acceptance of the progressive concepts into the family unit. This was not enough to satisfy the progressives. They took over the existing public assistance programs and formed them into what we see today, as welfare programs that keeps generations trapped and subjugated to control their votes, for a continuous progressive handout of redistributed wealth.
They established Juvenile Courts complete with the laws that took away parental control and vested it in the State. They set up standards for pure Drugs, Water, Milk, Foodstuffs, and established Federal agencies to enforce those standards. They even began to censure Motion Pictures and Movie houses because they deemed them Unsafe and Unclean environments ( see how they believe they know what is best for us mere mortals and then force it on us). Doing that then, planted the seeds for things like the EPA, Dept of Education, and all the other Federal Agencies we must contend with today.
"Progressive Eugenics Ideology" This is where it gets very dangerous for the average person. The Progressives embraced this philosophy because they believed in their God like Delusions about their infallibility, and that they were the ones designated to "Improve" the Genetic Traits and Quality of the human population. This heinous philosophy advocated promoting that "Improvement" by encouraging higher reproduction rates among the people they deemed had the best traits ( usually of their own ethnic group), and heavily suppressing even to to extinction, the reproductive rates of those they deemed had undesirable traits (usually racially based decisions, citing mental inferiority). See how the Progressives tried to institute this program here, years before Hitler instituted it in Germany.
"Progressive Constitutional Change Policy" The Progressives tried to hedge their bets by attempting to insert their reforms in the body of amendments to the Constitution, instead of in Federal Law to do it. That was because the Federal Laws could be declared Unconstitutional at a later date, or they could be repealed by a later Congress. They knew it would be much harder to repeal an Amendment to the Constitution, so they instigated for the proposal of the 16th Amendment because the income tax they wanted to impose was ruled Unconstitutional by the Supreme Court before the 16th amendment existed, and for the 17th Amendment for the direct election of Senators, knowing they would abridge State Powers and quietly, reduce the Power of the People to seriously influence the Federal Government. Due to Sentiments against the Germans during WWI, they were able to pass the 18th Amendment for prohibition. The final Progressive Amendment passed was the 19th Amendment for Women's suffrage proving that not even dyed in the wool Progressives can be totally evil.
"Progressive Prohibition Reasoning" In another spectacular failure of the Progressives who believe even until today that they can legislate morals and social behavior,tried to do that through the Volstead Act. progressives helped pushing it through Congress to prohibit the manufacture sale and transportation of alcohol, and did not prohibit drinking. The underlying reason was to break the political machine bosses by attacking the seat of their continued power, the Saloons. Prohibition was basically a movement by Protestants and was embraced by the Progressives to gain their votes, and to weaken the political saloon based big city political machines whose power the progressives wanted to take over. In retrospect we can thank the progressives for setting up and entrenching the Criminal mobs we have today.
"Progressive Education Initiatives" Basically it was grab the children when they are young and indoctrinate them with the Progressive Philosophy. It worked out then to projecting their public persona of trying to improve the living standards through educating the youth of America so they could get better paying and more prestigious jobs, The progressives pushed hard to reform schools and their curriculum to their standards as modernization of the schools ( they are doing this again through Common core Programs today). The progressives created the Department of Education at the Federal Level and that took the regulatory power away from both parents and the States. Up to 1910 big city schools numbers expanded considerably, and after rural school systems followed suit. By 1940 half of American teens had a high school diploma, and that along with WWII and the GI Bill, resulted in a rapid growth of the educated middle class which became the prime support of the progressives.
"Progressive Medicine and Law Initiatives" The progressives made inroads into the medical profession through a report ( Flexner Report) sponsored by the Andrew Carnegie Foundation ( remember Carnegie was one of the first Elites to embrace progressiveism for power and profit) . The Flexner Report was compiled by Abraham Flexner in a book length study bewailing the poor state of medical schools and their teaching practices, and advocating for a unified and government controlled system, in typical progressive fashion, to correct the perceived problems.
By the way, Abraham was not a doctor, he was a secondary school teacher. The report was basically responsible for the closing of a multitude of smaller schools the average man could afford to attend for a higher education, and focused National Funds on medical schools associated with Universities like Harvard. Leaders like the Mayo brothers supported the essence of the report and it gained traction.
It also affected the Legal Profession, and the American Bar Association set up the Association of American Law Schools in 1900 establishing national standards and replacing the time honored practice of apprenticing under attorneys to study law and gain proficiency in it, and requiring using progressive standardized School settings for learning, as was done with the medical profession. Progressives really like the national control bit don't they?
"Progressive Social Sciences Experiments" The Progressive Scholars ensconced in pivotal positions in Universities like Harvard, Michigan, Johns Hopkins,etc., worked to modernize those places utilizing the modern progressive disciplines. The progressive goal and and game plan, was to change them into models of progressive social sciences of history,political science,political correctness, and economics. This professionalization required the universities to create new career tracks making hiring, with promotion dependent on meeting the international models of scholarship the progressives cherished.
"Progressive Economic Policy Experiment" the golden age of progressives was basically prosperous with only two minor glitches; the panic of 1893, which was basically a Deep Depression ( this was when the attitudes began to change toward the Progressive agendas, and the Small Businesses, Farmers, and Labor Organizations, began looking to the Federal government to act in their interests) and the panic of 1907 basically affecting financiers. These two issues did weaken the economy and stressed Wilson's policies creating federal deficits resulting in changed fiscal policy ( imposition of the Income Tax and the Federal Reserve ). This continued until WWI. I find it very strange that Progressive policies that precipitate a fiscal crisis precede world wars and police actions that are not called wars. Progressives constantly argued for more government regulation of businesses.
This was the era of greatly expanded Federal Government control where agencies were formed like The Interstate Commerce Commission. In 1877 the ICC was formed as an agency to regulate the railroads. The Progressives expanded it to encompass trucking,interstate bus lines,common carriers, and telephone companies and in 1995 was disbanded and its functions transferred to the expanded jurisdiction of the Surface Transportation Board which is exempted from certain Federal State and Local Laws unlike it's predecessors early years ICC regulations took a Federal Court Order to become effective.
The Sherman anti-trust Act, the Clayton Anti-trust Act and the Federal Trade Commission were all conceived and created during the Progressive era ostensibly for the protection of the consumers but in effect to control business practices. Here is where we find out that much of the substance of the Sherman and Clayton acts were developed and animated by the Progressive Supreme Courts to effectively legislate from the bench. The Neill-Reynolds meat inspection report that was one of the reports used to justify the creation of the Food and Drug Administration which took the regulatory power away from the States.
"Progressives and Labor Unions" It can be said that Labor Unions are a progressive movement or the child of progressives and they created great numbers of supporters for the progressive agendas. In 1906 the Labor Movement joined into a working political alliance with the bastion of the progressives, the Democratic Party. The main focus was in the large industrial cities where the labor unions wanted restrictions on the judges who ruled on labor disputes mostly or wholly on the side of business. The Democrats progressive political machine facilitated those demands, thus securing a large voter base for progressives to retain their power. the real breakthrough for the Progressive/Labor Movement cause was the passage of the Norris-LaGuardia Act of 1932.
"Progressive Immigration Policy Ideology" After 1896 Immigration grew until WWI and the influx of unskilled workers stopped suddenly and resumed in 1919. Labor Unions turned to the progressive leaders and and asked them to place restrictions on immigration especially Chinese and other Asians. the unions did this because those people would work for lower wages and the unions efforts to raise wages were thwarted. the leveling factor was the rapid growth of industry that needed the large numbers of workers that could be trained for the menial jobs in those industries.
In the 1920's the progressives and the industry realized that the influx needed to be restricted to a manageable level, even the progressives who believed in eugenics were involved as were the prohibitionists and protestants who wanted to again curtail the "Saloon Power " of the political bosses. the Progressives were in fact racists and that was ingrained in the movement from the start and pushed to the fore Front by Wilson. But I digress.
The progressives of that generation pushed the "Americanization" of the immigrants with their programs pushed through the public school system they had essentially taken over decades before. Immigration restrictions continued after WWII as a national policy. Recently the Progressive faction, in an attempt to again dominate the voting public, has recanted and tried to reform immigration policy back to an open door policy, in hopes of capturing generations of voters to keep them in power. As can be seen the Progressives have no real loyalty to any program, but will back anything that will keep them in power.
Comment: I reiterate, we must demand the State Legislatures Petition for an article V Convention if we are to reverse the destructive progressive agendas.
The Tradesman
2015 addendum to this treatise;
Reasons to oppose Progressive agendas.
I stridently oppose the Progressive Agendas, but we are at a crossroads right now. We have abdicated our parental responsibilities about properly educating our children in actual American history and instilling in them the need to pay it forward as it was paid forward to us. Even Reagan said that the principles of Freedom and Liberty are not passed down to our children and are needed to be reaffirmed in every generation. I think of the Patriot Act and the monitoring by the NSA, the restrictions on our basic God Given freedoms, and the seemingly random enforcement of draconian laws and regulations. I see that caveat has not been heeded for at least two generations now, possibly three. I see how much we threw away to pursue Hedonistic pursuits instead of riding herd over our Elected Officials.
The elementary school children since 1960 have been taught an increasingly propagandized lies. this stems from the original infiltration of agents of both Lenin and Stalin who were tasked to infiltrate the universities and to gradually twist everything towards a world wide Socialist State. Fortunately I had a Father and other Relatives who served in both World Wars and were taught a much less propagandized version of American History. I even had a relative that remembered what America was like just after the Civil War because he grew up during those years.
I was usually in trouble in school because I often challenged the 'Official History' I was being taught.I was able to back up my claims that the history being taught from the late 40s was incorrect because I had an Encyclopedia that was printed before 1876. It contained many items that were being denied and twisted by the 'Official' history books.
I had partially believed what I was being taught without question until my relatives started correcting me on things that they were taught prior to the books my school used. All of my peers in school generally believed the official texts but I didn't and was vocal about it. That made me an outsider and the subject of many taunts and cat calls during my schooling, and not only from the kids either.
I know from personal experience that the Government can and does re-write history to conform with the current political agendas of the Elites controlling the Government from the shadows. The Government can and does tell as many lies as it wants to. The thing the Government can't do is erase the memories of those who have lived through the periods in history that the Government wants to change. Unless of course they are going to take a page out of the darkest days of the Soviet Union and meld it with the techniques espoused in the book Nineteen Eighty Four to incorporate in the FEMA camps we know little or nothing about.
The main thing we must realize is that the Progressive agenda does not support anyone but the Elites that have originated it strictly for their own benefit. The progressive 'Hook' is promising people safety and security. Eisenhower said; "If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom." - Dwight D. Eisenhower. So, I ask you, do you really want America to become a Prison? Ben Franklin summed it up even more clearly; "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin.
Any time the Government comes to us and says 'We must temporarily suspend some of your Constitutional Liberties' we must remember; If we restrict Liberty even temporarily to gain a measure of Security, We Will Lose Both! As Franklin said, our security lies in our Strength both in numbers and in wealth.
When we were young we believed all the things we were taught about patriotism self sacrifice for the common good and we went off to war to experience horrific trials and even death in many instances. We did this because we really believed we were doing it to protect those loved ones we left behind and to insure our way of life would not be lost to history. Belief like that is what makes heroes out of common men and women, it also sustains ones sanity in a world where human life is cheaper than the objective.
When we were younger we readily accepted the rules we were taught to live by and not to question them closely. It was considered unpatriotic to question then just as it is considered extremely unpatriotic to question the machinations of Government now. We have all seen the upsetting of our cherished principles and the topsy turvy way the Progressives have reversed the beliefs in the last 70 years. Now we are faced with international terrorism and that is the watch word for the Elites to continue stripping our Liberty and Freedom from us.
I wonder how a rational Freedom Loving people, can remain so blind, and stupidly march in lock step to the tune of the Elites have created for their self gratification of attaining even more power? The Elites want to set up a world wide Oligarchy since the Monarchies have fallen. they will accept no less than totalitarian power over the "mere humans' of the world. This is the threat we face. Evil self centered men who do not care about the fate of the to them "Mere Humans" and use them as cannon fodder to attain their nefarious goals. To use an analogy they are the spiritual Sons of Satan.
I am going to take a turn off the path for a bit and talk about the horrible treatment the Government gives to it's veterans. These are the same people that in most cases have volunteered their lives to defend the Nation and even the corrupt politicians who use then fear them. As I see it, the truth is once they have trained these men and women to be killers, they don't want them to come back. For the most part these people have lived outside the rigid controls the politicos have held over the civilian populations. the politicos know that free mindset is one of the things that revolutions are made of. Once you have been in combat more than once, you will not be cowed by the empty threats about consequences the politicos use to keep the masses in line. 'nuff said on that.
Lately, the American people have been seeing bits and pieces of their faith in the causes proposed by the progressives fall apart in the harsh light of reality. It never ceases to amaze my just how any why people are so easily led. Our belief system is a combination of what our parents first teach us, they it goes on to the schooling, and from there society has the admixture of differing points of view that settles out to our perceived moral codes what the Elites perceive as the operational codes they want other mere mortals/people to live by.
Why don't we think for ourselves? Why do we take everything the "Leaders" say at face value without even checking to see if it's true or if it would be harmful to our Nation and Society? Why do we uncover a Scandal,make noises about how terrible it was and then just willingly accept the next scandal until it's publicly disclaimed as a fraud? Why don't we demand the perpetrators be punished with jail time if the scandal is so big that affects all of us?
Ask yourselves this question; How honest is everybody? Governmental leaders (honesty is an oxymoron and disability with them). Our school teachers ( how indoctrinated were they by the schools they went to to become teachers?). Even our parents ( how many of them pass on the falsehoods they learned as children?). How much of History is factual ( how much is revised by the winners? I would say all of it). This leads us to the ethics promoted by the Progressive Master Race (in their own minds that is.). What set of moral codes are universal and generally help promote a livable society, and which ones were created by the Elites to further their personal agendas.
Why are the ones who see through all the deceptions by the Elites discredited as fools and even dangerous to our nation? What about the generations of our veterans that have had their nation fundamentally changed from what they were promised it would remain but only if they decided to defend the principles that it was supposed to be built on? We must challenge and remove from power the vile creatures who have originated this travesty, and all those who have come after them. they deserve no place of honor in our history, they deserve revulsion.
Any and all who perpetuate the self centered progressive myth, those who work either consciously or unwittingly,any and all who are helping it to persevere are stained by it's innate evil must be eradicated from positions of power and influence not only in the United States but the entire world. Like a systemic infection that threatens the life of the body, their influence must be eradicated completely.
To make it clear, I am not against normal human compassion,nor am I against helping those that need it. I am against those who use the acts of human kindness towards others to perpetuate their own power and place. We must help each other and do it in such a way that all people, except those who are physically or mentally incapable of ever helping themselves, learn to function on their own and learn to rely on themselves first and foremost.To do less is to subject those being helped into a system that is virtual Slavery to the Elites agendas.
Beware, We are losing to the progressives and need to ramp up our protests to restore the Republic!!!

Why do Liberals Deny What The 2nd And Other Amendments Mean What They Mean?Why Do They Lie About It Too?
The 2nd Amendment was ratified on December 17, 1791
First lets look at what is says;
TEXT; A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Quote on recent legal interpretation of the 2nd from Cornell Law School;
"The Second Amendment has most recently been interpreted to grant the right of gun ownership to individuals for purposes that include self-defense. At first it was thought to apply only to the Federal government, but through the mechanism of the Fourteenth Amendment, it has been applied to the states as well."
Now lets look at the term Militia;
At the time the Bill of Rights was written, the 'Militia' was considered to be the ALL the able bodied men in every community, not just a specialized group. So the 'Militia spoken of was the citizens who came together for defense against any enemy that threatened them including the Crown Government. It was only later and most probably under the influence of the beginning of the Progressive Campaign to grow a massive all controlling Central Government that the original idea of a 'Militia' was turned into what we now call the National guard. Doing that does not negate the original intent of the Founders who realized that the people might need to fend off a Government that did not respect their Liberty and Freedoms sometime in the future.
Now lets look at the statement "Keep and bear arms";
From the beginning of our Nation up until the Progressive FDR years, Communities and individuals could and did keep any and all conventional arms available to the United States Military branches.As an example: Even warships. Remember the privateers sanctioned in the war of 1812? In fact all military gear was available for civilian purchase until 1934 now permits(taxes) are necessary. (see http://usgovinfo.about.com/blguntime.htm for timeline of Government infringements of the 2nd).
What has been Public Schooled out of us since then on the meanings of our Unalienable Rights, has been used to allow the Federal Government to get away with all the gun restrictions by making the people believe the same lie that Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito,Stalin, Mao Tze Tung, and every Dictator had told their people before enslaving and abusing them. The implied lie is best said plainly as "Its to make you safer" and that is a load of Bull Sh*t.
The Elitist powers that want the public disarmed know they can't get something like a total gun ban placed on the people, so they are continuously chipping away at the 2nd with "Regulations" and now Obama has decided to Buy Up almost all available ammunition the manufactures have put out. He has also attempted to block manufacturers of firearms from getting the necessary bank loans.His EPA has destroyed the last American Lead processing business. None of that is "Gun Control" but it is.
If we modern Americans would stop with the hedonistic pursuits that are there to distract us from what is being done and actually looked at the Constitution along with taking more than a cursory look at our Government at election times, we would see what we have already lost and see what we are in dire straights of losing.
We as a people seem to have forgotten the United States Constitution was originated by the States to create and control the Federal Government not the other way around. In fact if we really looked we would realize the States themselves in fact ARE, and were always intended to be separate Sovereign Entities like the States of Europe were, but banded together in a Perpetual Union for common defense and mutual advantage in other endeavors.
Lets draw some logical conclusions if we are still capable of independent thought;
1.) The Government is an instrument of the people and not a separate entity to control the people. the people rightfully control it.
2.) The rights of the people and the States by Constitutional definition supersede the rights of the three branches of the Federal Government.
3.) In a perfect world which this is definitely not, There could be no laws enacted except by the consent of the people and States that would govern all of the people and States under their aegis.
4.) That being said, any laws that affected not only the 2nd amendment but any of the amendments or other portions of the Constitution would be unconstitutional for the Federal Government to impose.
5.) Government 'Property' is in fact held in trust for the people who rightfully OWN such materials and commodities and it's purpose is for the peoples use, not for the sole select/express use of the Federal Government.
6.) This would encompass everything the Government holds control over,including lands rightfully belonging to the States, not just what applies to the 2nd amendment.It applies to every item the people need to use, and every provision within the Constitution.
7.) The 2nd amendment protects the Peoples and the Individual States Rights to have the means necessary to block or stop an overreaching/infringing government like the one we have now.That is the main reason why the self styled rulers want the guns to be gone from civilian hands.
8.) Consider just what is said in the Preamble to the United States Constitution: "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
9.) The basic construction of the United States is the more perfect precursor of the EU. What the Elitists want is to make it less so in order to have an Iron Control over the people in first the western hemisphere and then unite east and west into a World Government that provides no individual protections, with the only the protection of the Ruling Class Oligarchy.
10.) The rights protected in the 2nd and other amendments as well as the body of the Constitution are not rights we gave ourselves, but instead are the rights due any human being. All we did was to list what the Government was not supposed to touch. We the people demanded those rights and others be officially protected so the future governments would not be allowed to take them away from us by pretending they originally gave them to us instead of God giving them to us.
This gets us back to the original declaration about the 2nd and now other amendments that have come under fire by the self serving Elitist Class that wants an Oligarchy established. The 2nd is the Key to, and the Teeth of, the Constitution.
It provides the public a way to physically stop their Government if all else has failed to do so. These rulings by the Supreme Court establishing our 'Rights to have guns for protection is a two edged sword. We can accept that a court has the authority to override the written Constitution, or we can see it as the court stopping the government from overstepping it's enumerated powers. This is a grey area that will have to be cleared up to the Peoples and the States satisfaction.
I say this because the Union of States pre existed the Federal Government created by the Constitution therefore setting a Precedence in Law.
I can see some very narrow and highly defined instances where the people could come together and deny 2nd rights. Specifically, to Incarcerated Individuals, Mentally Retarded Individuals, Permanently Crippled Individuals with Physical Conditions that would endanger them and those around them should they try to use a firearm.Minors without direct Adult Supervision, but that's about all who I would say could lose their 2nd rights.
For all of that there would have to be a clearly worded set of guidelines/regulations specifying the exact conditions necessary to allow for the loss of 2nd rights and those guidelines/regulations accepted by the people in a National Referendum and no future interpretations of them unless the entire body of citizens agree to the changes.
Any other limits, permits, registrations,etc. would and should be considered an unconstitutional infringement on our Unalienable Rights. Even that has some interpretation as to what exactly it means in the context of the time when it was written. The full article can be seen at; http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/unalienable.htm
Here is an Excerpt from the article on the differing but similar meanings;
The Declaration on parchment, now in the Department of State-unalienable
The Declaration as written out in the corrected Journal-unalienable
The Declaration as printed by Dunlap under the order of Congress-unalienable
The draft of the Declaration in the handwriting of Jefferson now in The American Philosophical Society, in Philadelphia-inalienable
The Declaration in the handwriting of Jefferson now in the New York Public Library-inalienable
The draft of the Declaration in the handwriting of Jefferson now in the Massachusetts Historical Society, in Boston-inalienable
The copy in the handwriting of John Adams of the "Rough draught" of the Declaration, now at the Massachusetts Historical Society.unalienable
The differing definitions are basically only important to a Lawyer;
Inalienable: Unalienable; that cannot be legally or justly alienated or transferred to another. The dominions of a king are inalienable. All men have certain natural rights which are inalienable. The estate of a minor is inalienable, without a reservation of the right of redemption, or the authority of the legislature.
Unalienable: Not alienable; that cannot be alienated; that may not be transferred; as unalienable rights.
The first definition gives a more complete answer as to the meaning including Unalienable in it's definition, but the Second one is what we use and it also includes the gist of the matter tersely and succinctly.
The main Question Remains; Why are the Liberal/Progressive/Socialists attempting to take away our rights? By extrapolation, What Can We Do To Stop Them And Prevent Them From trying Again?
The Founders,Framers and Ratifiers of the Constitution of the United States wrote into that document the remedy for an out of control central government that has grown far beyond it's intended size and scope. We now have that government they feared, a government with a Self-Appointed ruler with delusions of being a Monarch instead of a servant, and a Congress that has delusions of being a house of Lords and eventually an iron-fisted Oligarchy instead of hired representatives.
Just yesterday another tragic incident happened in a South Carolina Church. 9 innocent people are dead because they did not have the means to shoot down the bastard that came into their midst under false colors and proceeded to shoot them. Our Fearless divider of a President immediately started harping on the time dishonored prattle of the Socialists and started raging about the Gun Culture and the Evil guns.
The bastard that committed the atrocity showed all the sign of an unstable person and he had to resort to illegal means to even get a gun. I ask you, how well does the Self Serving and Obsessive Progressive Agenda of gun control work to make the public safer? The beast that committed the murders was one who was so filled with contempt for other living beings, that he did it without a second thought. NO LAW WILL PREVENT THAT! No proscribing of an inanimate instrument will prevent that! The insane person will always find another tool to use for the means to kill the object of their insane hatred.
The Progressives at the behest of their Elitist, Oligarchy desiring masters, will never let up until they take the Unalienable Right of having the means of Self Protection away from us so they can do their worst to enslave humanity to their will without fear of retribution. The attitude of the Elitist Masters is almost Satanic in it's bearing and demeanor. Possibly the Elitist Masters themselves are controlled by that ancient enemy of humanity.
My generation as the generations before me have shown themselves time and again by their sacrifices of blood, sweat and tears, how much they value the Freedoms given to humanity by Natures God. They were willing to sacrifice their very lives to obtain and retain that Freedom and Liberty.
We are constantly being beset by the lies and deceit our very Government is pushing to attain the end means of the Elitist Masters. Look at what that sadistic bastard we call a president has done to our Freedoms in their names. My and previous generations did follow orders and served in what we believed were just causes. My generation and the previous ones risked our lives to preserve our system. Now, we have come to see there are very few just men in power.
Those men hide behind their 'Color of Law' to force us to do things that are not in anyone's interest but their Elitist Masters. This set of lies are the self same ones that Evil despots have used on their people for all of time. They play on the peoples fears and behind the scenes they set up regulations that lend ways for vile acts such as those recently committed in South Carolina to happen, then they blame the things they are afraid of for it happening instead of taking the blame for not doing the right things to prevent it.
I have heard many people flirting with the idea of an armed insurrection. That is absurd and would only serve the enemy. What we need to do is to use what our Founders gave us to use to restore the sanity to our Republic.
Here is my Conclusion on that;
In Conclusion;
The best and only Constitutional way to accomplish what needs be accomplished, is to build up and focus the movement around the concept of restoring the Republic through the auspices of an Article V Convention Of States. It's not too late. Many will out of fear or self interest, will counsel against it. I can't accept their baseless fears, nor can I countenance the Self Serving Interests of those who would lose power from it. Enforcing the Article V provision by the States will give us the necessary basis in Constitutional Law. Once the corrections to the 100 years of Progressive amendments are incorporated through enactment or repeal of certain ones, the Supreme Court will have to agree with us when we rein in the out of control, overblown and overreaching federal government's stolen power, and return it to the States and to the People.
The Tradesman
A parting thought;
Article V of the Constitution.
An Amendment proposal, at a limited convention would make damn sure the States should/would/could unite to repeal the 14th,16th,17th amendments. Such accomplished, we would return to the balance of separate and equal branches of our government, and we could function as intended once again. The State's powers and the 10th amendment would be restored. Executive actions would be mute. No man or woman could be a king or a queen. And from that foundation where we once started to build a nation, we can begin to restore the Republic our Founders gave to us.
The 2nd Amendment was ratified on December 17, 1791
First lets look at what is says;
TEXT; A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Quote on recent legal interpretation of the 2nd from Cornell Law School;
"The Second Amendment has most recently been interpreted to grant the right of gun ownership to individuals for purposes that include self-defense. At first it was thought to apply only to the Federal government, but through the mechanism of the Fourteenth Amendment, it has been applied to the states as well."
Now lets look at the term Militia;
At the time the Bill of Rights was written, the 'Militia' was considered to be the ALL the able bodied men in every community, not just a specialized group. So the 'Militia spoken of was the citizens who came together for defense against any enemy that threatened them including the Crown Government. It was only later and most probably under the influence of the beginning of the Progressive Campaign to grow a massive all controlling Central Government that the original idea of a 'Militia' was turned into what we now call the National guard. Doing that does not negate the original intent of the Founders who realized that the people might need to fend off a Government that did not respect their Liberty and Freedoms sometime in the future.
Now lets look at the statement "Keep and bear arms";
From the beginning of our Nation up until the Progressive FDR years, Communities and individuals could and did keep any and all conventional arms available to the United States Military branches.As an example: Even warships. Remember the privateers sanctioned in the war of 1812? In fact all military gear was available for civilian purchase until 1934 now permits(taxes) are necessary. (see http://usgovinfo.about.com/blguntime.htm for timeline of Government infringements of the 2nd).
What has been Public Schooled out of us since then on the meanings of our Unalienable Rights, has been used to allow the Federal Government to get away with all the gun restrictions by making the people believe the same lie that Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito,Stalin, Mao Tze Tung, and every Dictator had told their people before enslaving and abusing them. The implied lie is best said plainly as "Its to make you safer" and that is a load of Bull Sh*t.
The Elitist powers that want the public disarmed know they can't get something like a total gun ban placed on the people, so they are continuously chipping away at the 2nd with "Regulations" and now Obama has decided to Buy Up almost all available ammunition the manufactures have put out. He has also attempted to block manufacturers of firearms from getting the necessary bank loans.His EPA has destroyed the last American Lead processing business. None of that is "Gun Control" but it is.
If we modern Americans would stop with the hedonistic pursuits that are there to distract us from what is being done and actually looked at the Constitution along with taking more than a cursory look at our Government at election times, we would see what we have already lost and see what we are in dire straights of losing.
We as a people seem to have forgotten the United States Constitution was originated by the States to create and control the Federal Government not the other way around. In fact if we really looked we would realize the States themselves in fact ARE, and were always intended to be separate Sovereign Entities like the States of Europe were, but banded together in a Perpetual Union for common defense and mutual advantage in other endeavors.
Lets draw some logical conclusions if we are still capable of independent thought;
1.) The Government is an instrument of the people and not a separate entity to control the people. the people rightfully control it.
2.) The rights of the people and the States by Constitutional definition supersede the rights of the three branches of the Federal Government.
3.) In a perfect world which this is definitely not, There could be no laws enacted except by the consent of the people and States that would govern all of the people and States under their aegis.
4.) That being said, any laws that affected not only the 2nd amendment but any of the amendments or other portions of the Constitution would be unconstitutional for the Federal Government to impose.
5.) Government 'Property' is in fact held in trust for the people who rightfully OWN such materials and commodities and it's purpose is for the peoples use, not for the sole select/express use of the Federal Government.
6.) This would encompass everything the Government holds control over,including lands rightfully belonging to the States, not just what applies to the 2nd amendment.It applies to every item the people need to use, and every provision within the Constitution.
7.) The 2nd amendment protects the Peoples and the Individual States Rights to have the means necessary to block or stop an overreaching/infringing government like the one we have now.That is the main reason why the self styled rulers want the guns to be gone from civilian hands.
8.) Consider just what is said in the Preamble to the United States Constitution: "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
9.) The basic construction of the United States is the more perfect precursor of the EU. What the Elitists want is to make it less so in order to have an Iron Control over the people in first the western hemisphere and then unite east and west into a World Government that provides no individual protections, with the only the protection of the Ruling Class Oligarchy.
10.) The rights protected in the 2nd and other amendments as well as the body of the Constitution are not rights we gave ourselves, but instead are the rights due any human being. All we did was to list what the Government was not supposed to touch. We the people demanded those rights and others be officially protected so the future governments would not be allowed to take them away from us by pretending they originally gave them to us instead of God giving them to us.
This gets us back to the original declaration about the 2nd and now other amendments that have come under fire by the self serving Elitist Class that wants an Oligarchy established. The 2nd is the Key to, and the Teeth of, the Constitution.
It provides the public a way to physically stop their Government if all else has failed to do so. These rulings by the Supreme Court establishing our 'Rights to have guns for protection is a two edged sword. We can accept that a court has the authority to override the written Constitution, or we can see it as the court stopping the government from overstepping it's enumerated powers. This is a grey area that will have to be cleared up to the Peoples and the States satisfaction.
I say this because the Union of States pre existed the Federal Government created by the Constitution therefore setting a Precedence in Law.
I can see some very narrow and highly defined instances where the people could come together and deny 2nd rights. Specifically, to Incarcerated Individuals, Mentally Retarded Individuals, Permanently Crippled Individuals with Physical Conditions that would endanger them and those around them should they try to use a firearm.Minors without direct Adult Supervision, but that's about all who I would say could lose their 2nd rights.
For all of that there would have to be a clearly worded set of guidelines/regulations specifying the exact conditions necessary to allow for the loss of 2nd rights and those guidelines/regulations accepted by the people in a National Referendum and no future interpretations of them unless the entire body of citizens agree to the changes.
Any other limits, permits, registrations,etc. would and should be considered an unconstitutional infringement on our Unalienable Rights. Even that has some interpretation as to what exactly it means in the context of the time when it was written. The full article can be seen at; http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/unalienable.htm
Here is an Excerpt from the article on the differing but similar meanings;
The Declaration on parchment, now in the Department of State-unalienable
The Declaration as written out in the corrected Journal-unalienable
The Declaration as printed by Dunlap under the order of Congress-unalienable
The draft of the Declaration in the handwriting of Jefferson now in The American Philosophical Society, in Philadelphia-inalienable
The Declaration in the handwriting of Jefferson now in the New York Public Library-inalienable
The draft of the Declaration in the handwriting of Jefferson now in the Massachusetts Historical Society, in Boston-inalienable
The copy in the handwriting of John Adams of the "Rough draught" of the Declaration, now at the Massachusetts Historical Society.unalienable
The differing definitions are basically only important to a Lawyer;
Inalienable: Unalienable; that cannot be legally or justly alienated or transferred to another. The dominions of a king are inalienable. All men have certain natural rights which are inalienable. The estate of a minor is inalienable, without a reservation of the right of redemption, or the authority of the legislature.
Unalienable: Not alienable; that cannot be alienated; that may not be transferred; as unalienable rights.
The first definition gives a more complete answer as to the meaning including Unalienable in it's definition, but the Second one is what we use and it also includes the gist of the matter tersely and succinctly.
The main Question Remains; Why are the Liberal/Progressive/Socialists attempting to take away our rights? By extrapolation, What Can We Do To Stop Them And Prevent Them From trying Again?
The Founders,Framers and Ratifiers of the Constitution of the United States wrote into that document the remedy for an out of control central government that has grown far beyond it's intended size and scope. We now have that government they feared, a government with a Self-Appointed ruler with delusions of being a Monarch instead of a servant, and a Congress that has delusions of being a house of Lords and eventually an iron-fisted Oligarchy instead of hired representatives.
Just yesterday another tragic incident happened in a South Carolina Church. 9 innocent people are dead because they did not have the means to shoot down the bastard that came into their midst under false colors and proceeded to shoot them. Our Fearless divider of a President immediately started harping on the time dishonored prattle of the Socialists and started raging about the Gun Culture and the Evil guns.
The bastard that committed the atrocity showed all the sign of an unstable person and he had to resort to illegal means to even get a gun. I ask you, how well does the Self Serving and Obsessive Progressive Agenda of gun control work to make the public safer? The beast that committed the murders was one who was so filled with contempt for other living beings, that he did it without a second thought. NO LAW WILL PREVENT THAT! No proscribing of an inanimate instrument will prevent that! The insane person will always find another tool to use for the means to kill the object of their insane hatred.
The Progressives at the behest of their Elitist, Oligarchy desiring masters, will never let up until they take the Unalienable Right of having the means of Self Protection away from us so they can do their worst to enslave humanity to their will without fear of retribution. The attitude of the Elitist Masters is almost Satanic in it's bearing and demeanor. Possibly the Elitist Masters themselves are controlled by that ancient enemy of humanity.
My generation as the generations before me have shown themselves time and again by their sacrifices of blood, sweat and tears, how much they value the Freedoms given to humanity by Natures God. They were willing to sacrifice their very lives to obtain and retain that Freedom and Liberty.
We are constantly being beset by the lies and deceit our very Government is pushing to attain the end means of the Elitist Masters. Look at what that sadistic bastard we call a president has done to our Freedoms in their names. My and previous generations did follow orders and served in what we believed were just causes. My generation and the previous ones risked our lives to preserve our system. Now, we have come to see there are very few just men in power.
Those men hide behind their 'Color of Law' to force us to do things that are not in anyone's interest but their Elitist Masters. This set of lies are the self same ones that Evil despots have used on their people for all of time. They play on the peoples fears and behind the scenes they set up regulations that lend ways for vile acts such as those recently committed in South Carolina to happen, then they blame the things they are afraid of for it happening instead of taking the blame for not doing the right things to prevent it.
I have heard many people flirting with the idea of an armed insurrection. That is absurd and would only serve the enemy. What we need to do is to use what our Founders gave us to use to restore the sanity to our Republic.
Here is my Conclusion on that;
In Conclusion;
The best and only Constitutional way to accomplish what needs be accomplished, is to build up and focus the movement around the concept of restoring the Republic through the auspices of an Article V Convention Of States. It's not too late. Many will out of fear or self interest, will counsel against it. I can't accept their baseless fears, nor can I countenance the Self Serving Interests of those who would lose power from it. Enforcing the Article V provision by the States will give us the necessary basis in Constitutional Law. Once the corrections to the 100 years of Progressive amendments are incorporated through enactment or repeal of certain ones, the Supreme Court will have to agree with us when we rein in the out of control, overblown and overreaching federal government's stolen power, and return it to the States and to the People.
The Tradesman
A parting thought;
Article V of the Constitution.
An Amendment proposal, at a limited convention would make damn sure the States should/would/could unite to repeal the 14th,16th,17th amendments. Such accomplished, we would return to the balance of separate and equal branches of our government, and we could function as intended once again. The State's powers and the 10th amendment would be restored. Executive actions would be mute. No man or woman could be a king or a queen. And from that foundation where we once started to build a nation, we can begin to restore the Republic our Founders gave to us.

'What's happening here is driving us to the brink!
We have moved even farther to the left in this 'Age Of Uncertainty'. Citizen Apathy is increasing just like the Progressive/Socialists have planned for. They(Progressive/Socialists) have for years pushed the old saw "This is America and it can't happen here"to lull us into complacency ( BTW, It CAN, It Does, and It will Continue To Do So) and to firmly plant it in everyone's brains, so there would be no objections to their switching America from a Constitutional Republic into a Socialist Gulag.
Consider this peccadillo; Considering the track records of Liberal/Socialist Democrats facing any charges for anything, I seriously doubt that they will be called to court to defend themselves. Conservatives and those who publicly oppose the current agendas are considered automatically guilty and targeted for prosecution. Our system of Justice is now a joke that ignores laws that don't fit with the administrations agenda for America.
Consider this;The Administration and Justice Department now makes excuses to ignore transgressions of those of the Liberal Persuasion who slavishly support the administrations agendas! Things like Hillary's lies over Benghazi, her E-mail destruction when they were subpoenaed by Congress, The Fast and Furious Governmental Gun Running operations,IRS Profiling Bias,NSA mass collection of phone records w/no warrants, you know, 'MINOR' infractions like that. If that doesn't convince you, nothing will.
Other and maybe even more critical factors lie squarely with the Politicians and their Crony Billionaire Elitist friends and supporters who call the shots for personal gain. We all know that something is not right with our Nation, and this problem has been going along quietly/secretly for a long time. Now with the ascension of the Socialism tilted Obama Administration, and the apparent rising of a potential Hillary Administration on the horizon, America is in serious danger of it culminating into a victory for the Progressive/Elitists. Those elitists want a Unified New World Order, to finalize their strangle hold on all who are not part of their inner circle of Power Elites.They want that so they may finalize their preference for an Oligarchy with them at the top.
This has happened, not because the progressives seemed to instinctively know that it's building and popularizing the movement first is what makes it a success or failure. It's because the Conservatives seem oblivious to that fact. For example; The Civil Rights movement under Dr. King was a success because it was launched at a time when people were fed up with Business as Usual, and the movement drew thousands. The Vietnam protests are another example.
Both movements were built when people were fed up with the frustrations and feelings of helplessness imposed on them deliberately by the progressives machinations of issues and situations. What comprehensive and unified movements have the conservatives created?
Take the example of Dr. King, he was a True Conservative and a Republican. Those who tried before him failed not because what they were fighting for was wrong, but because the movement hadn't been built large enough for an intimidating show of force. When Dr. King called for a protest march, he could reasonably expect 50,000 people to spontaneously show up for it. That scared the power elite into making the changes because the problem would not go away.
To cite another example, look at the Original Tea Party Rally's that sprang up spontaneously before the 2010 election. There were enough people across the nation to inspire the public to support that action. The groups in Washington DC were sufficiently large, that the progressives had to call out their people to populate Occupy Wall Street, to offset the Tea Party's impact.
Since then the Tea Party has had fewer people showing up for their protest rally's and breaking down into smaller groups with varying agendas. That is what allows the power elite to discount the people. It is also what is responsible for the Tea Party's waning impact on politics, in a word 'apathy'.
The mistakes the Tea Party and other Conservative movements are making now, and have been making for decades, is believing it is necessary to get the 'Right People' in to power to change things. However they have overlooked the necessity of building a massive and clearly focused movement, that would keep attracting people to it spontaneously to keep it self sustaining. Our opposition has not made that mistake.
We see this happening in many things we now contend with in daily life. Consider this factoid reported a couple of years ago by no less a personage than John Stossel " The Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security equip even the tiniest rural police departments with massive military vehicles, body armor, and grenade launchers The equipment supplied is surplus from the long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan." Recently in response to some of the news media outing the truth, and because of the reported incidents like Baltimore and Cleveland, Obama has started to take back the equipment.
Is Obama taking the equipment back for some other purpose than to restore the parameters of Police work? Or, is it in response to the uproar over the Legal and ethical Shootings recently by police against criminal thugs in those cities for his spin version of political theater?
Considering recent actions by some departments (controlled by Liberals i.e. Baltimore as a prime example) this seems to be the way things are sorting out. Especially where it comes to confiscation of guns from law abiding Conservatives, and harassment by police and other federal agencies, targeting highly visible law abiding citizens with views that oppose the administrations agendas.
Consider the historical task/purpose of SWAT teams. They were originally deployed to critical emergency situations like riots and hostage situations. Now again, (according to Stossel), they are regularly deployed in 'no-knock raids' more than 50,000 times a year.
The conditions extant do not warrant that intense of a response. It happens because the departments are becoming more and more militarized every day. This is exactly what the Progressive/Socialists want, so they will eventually have unequivocal control over the entire population. Control with a stranglehold not seen since the days of Stalinist Russia, Hitler's Germany, Mao's China or Polo Pot's Cambodia under Rampant Socialist control in either of it's phases (Communist or Fascist).
Remember that so far our Federal Government has always grown in both size and in force capability. This makes it a dangerous place for the average citizen caught in the middle. Don't believe me, think of what happened at Waco,Ruby Ridge, New York, and California. These locations experienced excesses that have been in the News in the past, and current incidents happening now, have not been covered by the Biased Media.
It must really be bad because even that rabid Left Winger Bill Maher was complaining about the out of control actions on the 'No-Knock' raids against neighborhood poker games, and small time non-violent pot dealers. Look at it this way, whether it was intended or not, the cops who have been armed to the teeth with Military gear have taken on the mantle of it's Us vs Them in an urban war scenario. This has to stop, and it will take both Liberal and Conservative American people themselves to agree to come together to rein in the Government. Another thought, Why are the Armed Drones flying in our sky's at Obama's orders? Where is the threat that justify's that action? Who will eventually be killed by them?
By the way, has anyone heard about what's happening with the 'Civilian Force' that Obama talked about arming and training to equal the military? What happens when they come on the scene? We do know that Obama has gutted the General Staffs in all the branches of the Military who have had combat experience, and replaced them with officers who are loyal to him but have zero combat experience.That in itself seriously weakens our National Security.It also begs the question will Obama's replacements defend the Constitution or will they become Obama's version of Hitler's SS and Stalin's KGB?
Nothing is as it was before Obama and his machinations to Transform America, nor will it ever go back to exactly what it was. We can only go forward, and going forward is rife with uncertainty because we have been split as a nation by this deceiver in the White House, split asunder even more that the Vietnam War split us. That prevalent condition lies directly at the feet of Obama, the Progressives in Congress on both sides of the aisle, and especially the Hidden Puppet Master Elites who are playing the world like a Chess game. We must peacefully take back our Country from these Foul purveyors of and believers that everyone is required to be in servitude to their will.
It's time for all of us to wake up fully, spit in their eye, and drag them down from their lofty fantasy perches, concurrently letting them know we will not tolerate them or their self centered actions any more. We must be as pure as Caesar's wife to use an analogy. We must learn from their tactics and turn them back on the oppressors. Notice how that sounds like something they would say?
That's just one example, but you should endeavor to learn all their tricks and use them against the ones who would make themselves kings at our expense. If we don't win majority control in both houses of Congress, and the Presidency, in November 2016, it's GAME OVER for several generations to come. Do you really want to put that Onus on your children and their children for several generations to come?
In Conclusion;
The best and only Constitutional way to accomplish what needs be accomplished, is to build up and focus the movement around the concept of restoring the Republic through the auspices of an Article V Convention Of States. It's not too late. Many will out of fear or self interest will counsel against it. I can't accept their baseless fears, nor can I countenance the Self Serving Interests of those who would lose power from it. Doing that will give us the necessary basis in Constitutional Law, where the Supreme Court will have to agree with us when we rein in the out of control, overblown and overreaching federal government's power and return it to the States and to the People.
The Founders,Framers and Ratifiers of the Constitution of the United States wrote into that document the remedy for an out of control central government that has grown far beyond it's intended size and scope. We now have that government they feared, a government with a Self-Appointed ruler with delusions of being a Monarch instead of a servant, and a Congress that has delusions of being a house of Lords instead of hired representatives.
The Tradesman
A parting thought;
Article V of the Constitution.
An Amendment proposal, at a limited convention would make damn sure the States would/could unite to repeal the 14th,16th,17th amendments. Such accomplished, we would return to the balance of separate and equal branches of our government, and we could function as intended once again. The State's powers and the 10th amendment would be restored. Executive actions would be mute. No man or woman could be a king or a queen. And from that foundation where we once started to build a nation, we can begin to restore the Republic our Founders gave to us.
We have moved even farther to the left in this 'Age Of Uncertainty'. Citizen Apathy is increasing just like the Progressive/Socialists have planned for. They(Progressive/Socialists) have for years pushed the old saw "This is America and it can't happen here"to lull us into complacency ( BTW, It CAN, It Does, and It will Continue To Do So) and to firmly plant it in everyone's brains, so there would be no objections to their switching America from a Constitutional Republic into a Socialist Gulag.
Consider this peccadillo; Considering the track records of Liberal/Socialist Democrats facing any charges for anything, I seriously doubt that they will be called to court to defend themselves. Conservatives and those who publicly oppose the current agendas are considered automatically guilty and targeted for prosecution. Our system of Justice is now a joke that ignores laws that don't fit with the administrations agenda for America.
Consider this;The Administration and Justice Department now makes excuses to ignore transgressions of those of the Liberal Persuasion who slavishly support the administrations agendas! Things like Hillary's lies over Benghazi, her E-mail destruction when they were subpoenaed by Congress, The Fast and Furious Governmental Gun Running operations,IRS Profiling Bias,NSA mass collection of phone records w/no warrants, you know, 'MINOR' infractions like that. If that doesn't convince you, nothing will.
Other and maybe even more critical factors lie squarely with the Politicians and their Crony Billionaire Elitist friends and supporters who call the shots for personal gain. We all know that something is not right with our Nation, and this problem has been going along quietly/secretly for a long time. Now with the ascension of the Socialism tilted Obama Administration, and the apparent rising of a potential Hillary Administration on the horizon, America is in serious danger of it culminating into a victory for the Progressive/Elitists. Those elitists want a Unified New World Order, to finalize their strangle hold on all who are not part of their inner circle of Power Elites.They want that so they may finalize their preference for an Oligarchy with them at the top.
This has happened, not because the progressives seemed to instinctively know that it's building and popularizing the movement first is what makes it a success or failure. It's because the Conservatives seem oblivious to that fact. For example; The Civil Rights movement under Dr. King was a success because it was launched at a time when people were fed up with Business as Usual, and the movement drew thousands. The Vietnam protests are another example.
Both movements were built when people were fed up with the frustrations and feelings of helplessness imposed on them deliberately by the progressives machinations of issues and situations. What comprehensive and unified movements have the conservatives created?
Take the example of Dr. King, he was a True Conservative and a Republican. Those who tried before him failed not because what they were fighting for was wrong, but because the movement hadn't been built large enough for an intimidating show of force. When Dr. King called for a protest march, he could reasonably expect 50,000 people to spontaneously show up for it. That scared the power elite into making the changes because the problem would not go away.
To cite another example, look at the Original Tea Party Rally's that sprang up spontaneously before the 2010 election. There were enough people across the nation to inspire the public to support that action. The groups in Washington DC were sufficiently large, that the progressives had to call out their people to populate Occupy Wall Street, to offset the Tea Party's impact.
Since then the Tea Party has had fewer people showing up for their protest rally's and breaking down into smaller groups with varying agendas. That is what allows the power elite to discount the people. It is also what is responsible for the Tea Party's waning impact on politics, in a word 'apathy'.
The mistakes the Tea Party and other Conservative movements are making now, and have been making for decades, is believing it is necessary to get the 'Right People' in to power to change things. However they have overlooked the necessity of building a massive and clearly focused movement, that would keep attracting people to it spontaneously to keep it self sustaining. Our opposition has not made that mistake.
We see this happening in many things we now contend with in daily life. Consider this factoid reported a couple of years ago by no less a personage than John Stossel " The Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security equip even the tiniest rural police departments with massive military vehicles, body armor, and grenade launchers The equipment supplied is surplus from the long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan." Recently in response to some of the news media outing the truth, and because of the reported incidents like Baltimore and Cleveland, Obama has started to take back the equipment.
Is Obama taking the equipment back for some other purpose than to restore the parameters of Police work? Or, is it in response to the uproar over the Legal and ethical Shootings recently by police against criminal thugs in those cities for his spin version of political theater?
Considering recent actions by some departments (controlled by Liberals i.e. Baltimore as a prime example) this seems to be the way things are sorting out. Especially where it comes to confiscation of guns from law abiding Conservatives, and harassment by police and other federal agencies, targeting highly visible law abiding citizens with views that oppose the administrations agendas.
Consider the historical task/purpose of SWAT teams. They were originally deployed to critical emergency situations like riots and hostage situations. Now again, (according to Stossel), they are regularly deployed in 'no-knock raids' more than 50,000 times a year.
The conditions extant do not warrant that intense of a response. It happens because the departments are becoming more and more militarized every day. This is exactly what the Progressive/Socialists want, so they will eventually have unequivocal control over the entire population. Control with a stranglehold not seen since the days of Stalinist Russia, Hitler's Germany, Mao's China or Polo Pot's Cambodia under Rampant Socialist control in either of it's phases (Communist or Fascist).
Remember that so far our Federal Government has always grown in both size and in force capability. This makes it a dangerous place for the average citizen caught in the middle. Don't believe me, think of what happened at Waco,Ruby Ridge, New York, and California. These locations experienced excesses that have been in the News in the past, and current incidents happening now, have not been covered by the Biased Media.
It must really be bad because even that rabid Left Winger Bill Maher was complaining about the out of control actions on the 'No-Knock' raids against neighborhood poker games, and small time non-violent pot dealers. Look at it this way, whether it was intended or not, the cops who have been armed to the teeth with Military gear have taken on the mantle of it's Us vs Them in an urban war scenario. This has to stop, and it will take both Liberal and Conservative American people themselves to agree to come together to rein in the Government. Another thought, Why are the Armed Drones flying in our sky's at Obama's orders? Where is the threat that justify's that action? Who will eventually be killed by them?
By the way, has anyone heard about what's happening with the 'Civilian Force' that Obama talked about arming and training to equal the military? What happens when they come on the scene? We do know that Obama has gutted the General Staffs in all the branches of the Military who have had combat experience, and replaced them with officers who are loyal to him but have zero combat experience.That in itself seriously weakens our National Security.It also begs the question will Obama's replacements defend the Constitution or will they become Obama's version of Hitler's SS and Stalin's KGB?
Nothing is as it was before Obama and his machinations to Transform America, nor will it ever go back to exactly what it was. We can only go forward, and going forward is rife with uncertainty because we have been split as a nation by this deceiver in the White House, split asunder even more that the Vietnam War split us. That prevalent condition lies directly at the feet of Obama, the Progressives in Congress on both sides of the aisle, and especially the Hidden Puppet Master Elites who are playing the world like a Chess game. We must peacefully take back our Country from these Foul purveyors of and believers that everyone is required to be in servitude to their will.
It's time for all of us to wake up fully, spit in their eye, and drag them down from their lofty fantasy perches, concurrently letting them know we will not tolerate them or their self centered actions any more. We must be as pure as Caesar's wife to use an analogy. We must learn from their tactics and turn them back on the oppressors. Notice how that sounds like something they would say?
That's just one example, but you should endeavor to learn all their tricks and use them against the ones who would make themselves kings at our expense. If we don't win majority control in both houses of Congress, and the Presidency, in November 2016, it's GAME OVER for several generations to come. Do you really want to put that Onus on your children and their children for several generations to come?
In Conclusion;
The best and only Constitutional way to accomplish what needs be accomplished, is to build up and focus the movement around the concept of restoring the Republic through the auspices of an Article V Convention Of States. It's not too late. Many will out of fear or self interest will counsel against it. I can't accept their baseless fears, nor can I countenance the Self Serving Interests of those who would lose power from it. Doing that will give us the necessary basis in Constitutional Law, where the Supreme Court will have to agree with us when we rein in the out of control, overblown and overreaching federal government's power and return it to the States and to the People.
The Founders,Framers and Ratifiers of the Constitution of the United States wrote into that document the remedy for an out of control central government that has grown far beyond it's intended size and scope. We now have that government they feared, a government with a Self-Appointed ruler with delusions of being a Monarch instead of a servant, and a Congress that has delusions of being a house of Lords instead of hired representatives.
The Tradesman
A parting thought;
Article V of the Constitution.
An Amendment proposal, at a limited convention would make damn sure the States would/could unite to repeal the 14th,16th,17th amendments. Such accomplished, we would return to the balance of separate and equal branches of our government, and we could function as intended once again. The State's powers and the 10th amendment would be restored. Executive actions would be mute. No man or woman could be a king or a queen. And from that foundation where we once started to build a nation, we can begin to restore the Republic our Founders gave to us.

Wouldn't our Founders be Proud of us?Our Founding Fathers Must be turning over in their graves for what we have allowed to happen to the Republic they forged when they pledged their Lives,Fortunes,and Sacred Honor to establish.
They knew that reconciliation was not then to be had from a Tyrant, as it is now not to be had from an overreaching and borderline governmental Tyranny.
Our Founding Fathers had these things to say
The charges they levied against the King of England (In Parenthesis) then, are strikingly familiar to what we are experiencing from our three branches of Government today. Let us take the charges they levied against King George, and compare them to what conservative Americans charge the Obama Administration and his acting bureaucracies with today;
" He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good."
Hasn't Obama ignored enforcing some laws? Hasn't Obama Ignored Constitutional Law when he oversteps his enumerated powers and legislates from the Oval office by changing enacted laws, issuing executive orders, confiscating lands from the States supposedly to create National Monuments over the objections of the people and using other agencies of the Federal Government to enforce his actions?
"He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands."
Hasn't Obama ignored Congress and the People and issued executive orders concerning Illegal Immigrants?
"He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power."
Hasn't Obama stripped the Military leadership dedicated to preserving the Constitution and replaced them with his handpicked people? What about the Ready Reserve force he initiated to be just as fully trained and equipped as our military?
" He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation: "
Hasn't he initiated or approved several treaties like the UN Gun Ban treaty, Trans Pacific Partnership, Trans Atlantic Partnership?
In simple fact, most of what the colonists charged King George with over two centuries ago, can be readily applied to Obama, his complicit Congresses, and the institutions he as chief Executive controls; i.e. the IRS,CIA,NSA, EPA to name a few, but the list goes ever on.
Just what the hell, is going on in America today? What happened to the undaunted American Spirit? All I can see is miserable, cowering, and/or brainwashed people who have forgotten their heritage!! I don't deny that Americans have been under the onslaught of negative propaganda from the growing progressive voice in our county based on the political philosophy of the Socialist Left. Theirs is a narrative that has grown ever stronger for DECADES. This coalition is the bane of the Spirit of Freedom and Liberty.
Ever since the Colonial Patriots, with the help of the French created the American Experiment of self-rule, the Antiquated Old School 'Ruling Class' has been desperate to curtail any further inroads to diminish what they themselves consider as a God Given Right. The superior right for the privileged to abuse all who they deem are not within their own 'Clique.' We do not need them to make our decisions for us. We do not need for them to establish the definition of worth or chose our direction of movement. What we need now is, for The People themselves to start learning and thinking for themselves. People who want to act, assume and become responsible for their own self-determination. If we abdicate that, we hand them our liberty.
When the self-styled Ruling Elites consider themselves as a separate and more highly esteemed entity from the rest of their fellow citizenry the trouble begins. It is only when the Leaders have similar concerns as the vast Majority of the Public, they share the same vision and goals, and they are held to the same standards that government works very well.
It is dangerous for leaders to hold themselves separate from the society that they are elected to serve; Physically, in a city but operating in a vacuum. Socially, where they mingle with influence peddlers, and Emotionally, where they share little of the burden of their policy decisions, they usually create policies that they little understand or relate to as they levy them.
History has taught us that this will manifest itself first and clearest in the venue of Criminal Justice. When the Ruling Elite create a system where the privileged of their class are held to a different standard of responsibility and accountability to the Law than the so-called average person, everything begins to break down...a spiral eventually leading to Anarchy. First manifestations example themselves when Government officials exempt themselves from the laws and regulations that they make. Sounds very much like what Congress did with Obamacare does it not?
Such burdensome political dramas tire and numb a society quickly. People strive for positive or quick distraction from the comprehensive and pervasive oppression of feeling and law. The moderately financially secure young are easily manipulated into concentrating on hedonistic activities, living for the moment, immature and self-indulgent, their lives have not yet necessitated them thinking about the future. The youth of the lower financial opportunity are made poorer and the messages of disproportionate circumstances create envy and breed mistrust. Enter into this dynamic those who would further divide us who take advantage of all issues, tragedy and current events to put a label and a color on it. They interject hatred as match to override tinder. Many pretend to be help. Many offer manifold programs that they provide, not as a hand up but as a handout to a mouth that soon forgets or desires to feed itself. This has spawned generations of families dependent on a welfare state. A welfare state that will continue to empower the cycle they cannot or will not break.
Strange as it might seem, those who have enjoyed decades of power in our country, have actually programmed our society to be accepting of the agenda they work as puppet-masters to perform and orchestrate. They fear the potential threat of a young, strong, unified, and educated generation being able to contest their rule.
The Progressive elite only want sheeple grazing in their pastures, the slaves and the needy of a general population so they can mold them and direct them to work to make them wealthier, work to support the state programs through taxes, and perpetuate envy from the poor who take from the coffers the workers fill. Who remains untouched in to scenario, who gains?
'A House divided cannot stand' Lincoln said that.A house so over-burdened with its foundation continually eroded away cannot stand either.
How long can America stand if this continues?
Do you believe that America still has a future as a Free People?
In Conclusion;
It is not too late. There is a solution, a constitutional one.
Though some would argue against it, and I cannot accept their fear as an excuse to not try.
We should all fear much more doing nothing at all.
Why do they deny the Constitutional solution?
The Founders, Framers and Ratifiers of the Constitution of the United States wrote into the document the remedy for the out of control government we now have and that they feared. A government and a self-appointed Ruler just like King George.
Article V of the Constitution.
An Amendment proposal, at a limited convention would make damn sure the States would/could unite to repeal the 14th,16th,17th amendments. Such accomplished, we would return to the balance of separate and equal branches of our government, and we could function as intended once again. The State's powers and the 10th amendment would be restored. Executive actions would be mute. No man or woman could be a king or a queen. And from that foundation where we once started to build a nation, we can begin to restore the Republic our Founders gave to us.
The Tradesman & Ladyboots
They knew that reconciliation was not then to be had from a Tyrant, as it is now not to be had from an overreaching and borderline governmental Tyranny.
Our Founding Fathers had these things to say
The charges they levied against the King of England (In Parenthesis) then, are strikingly familiar to what we are experiencing from our three branches of Government today. Let us take the charges they levied against King George, and compare them to what conservative Americans charge the Obama Administration and his acting bureaucracies with today;
" He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good."
Hasn't Obama ignored enforcing some laws? Hasn't Obama Ignored Constitutional Law when he oversteps his enumerated powers and legislates from the Oval office by changing enacted laws, issuing executive orders, confiscating lands from the States supposedly to create National Monuments over the objections of the people and using other agencies of the Federal Government to enforce his actions?
"He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands."
Hasn't Obama ignored Congress and the People and issued executive orders concerning Illegal Immigrants?
"He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power."
Hasn't Obama stripped the Military leadership dedicated to preserving the Constitution and replaced them with his handpicked people? What about the Ready Reserve force he initiated to be just as fully trained and equipped as our military?
" He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation: "
Hasn't he initiated or approved several treaties like the UN Gun Ban treaty, Trans Pacific Partnership, Trans Atlantic Partnership?
In simple fact, most of what the colonists charged King George with over two centuries ago, can be readily applied to Obama, his complicit Congresses, and the institutions he as chief Executive controls; i.e. the IRS,CIA,NSA, EPA to name a few, but the list goes ever on.
Just what the hell, is going on in America today? What happened to the undaunted American Spirit? All I can see is miserable, cowering, and/or brainwashed people who have forgotten their heritage!! I don't deny that Americans have been under the onslaught of negative propaganda from the growing progressive voice in our county based on the political philosophy of the Socialist Left. Theirs is a narrative that has grown ever stronger for DECADES. This coalition is the bane of the Spirit of Freedom and Liberty.
Ever since the Colonial Patriots, with the help of the French created the American Experiment of self-rule, the Antiquated Old School 'Ruling Class' has been desperate to curtail any further inroads to diminish what they themselves consider as a God Given Right. The superior right for the privileged to abuse all who they deem are not within their own 'Clique.' We do not need them to make our decisions for us. We do not need for them to establish the definition of worth or chose our direction of movement. What we need now is, for The People themselves to start learning and thinking for themselves. People who want to act, assume and become responsible for their own self-determination. If we abdicate that, we hand them our liberty.
When the self-styled Ruling Elites consider themselves as a separate and more highly esteemed entity from the rest of their fellow citizenry the trouble begins. It is only when the Leaders have similar concerns as the vast Majority of the Public, they share the same vision and goals, and they are held to the same standards that government works very well.
It is dangerous for leaders to hold themselves separate from the society that they are elected to serve; Physically, in a city but operating in a vacuum. Socially, where they mingle with influence peddlers, and Emotionally, where they share little of the burden of their policy decisions, they usually create policies that they little understand or relate to as they levy them.
History has taught us that this will manifest itself first and clearest in the venue of Criminal Justice. When the Ruling Elite create a system where the privileged of their class are held to a different standard of responsibility and accountability to the Law than the so-called average person, everything begins to break down...a spiral eventually leading to Anarchy. First manifestations example themselves when Government officials exempt themselves from the laws and regulations that they make. Sounds very much like what Congress did with Obamacare does it not?
Such burdensome political dramas tire and numb a society quickly. People strive for positive or quick distraction from the comprehensive and pervasive oppression of feeling and law. The moderately financially secure young are easily manipulated into concentrating on hedonistic activities, living for the moment, immature and self-indulgent, their lives have not yet necessitated them thinking about the future. The youth of the lower financial opportunity are made poorer and the messages of disproportionate circumstances create envy and breed mistrust. Enter into this dynamic those who would further divide us who take advantage of all issues, tragedy and current events to put a label and a color on it. They interject hatred as match to override tinder. Many pretend to be help. Many offer manifold programs that they provide, not as a hand up but as a handout to a mouth that soon forgets or desires to feed itself. This has spawned generations of families dependent on a welfare state. A welfare state that will continue to empower the cycle they cannot or will not break.
Strange as it might seem, those who have enjoyed decades of power in our country, have actually programmed our society to be accepting of the agenda they work as puppet-masters to perform and orchestrate. They fear the potential threat of a young, strong, unified, and educated generation being able to contest their rule.
The Progressive elite only want sheeple grazing in their pastures, the slaves and the needy of a general population so they can mold them and direct them to work to make them wealthier, work to support the state programs through taxes, and perpetuate envy from the poor who take from the coffers the workers fill. Who remains untouched in to scenario, who gains?
'A House divided cannot stand' Lincoln said that.A house so over-burdened with its foundation continually eroded away cannot stand either.
How long can America stand if this continues?
Do you believe that America still has a future as a Free People?
In Conclusion;
It is not too late. There is a solution, a constitutional one.
Though some would argue against it, and I cannot accept their fear as an excuse to not try.
We should all fear much more doing nothing at all.
Why do they deny the Constitutional solution?
The Founders, Framers and Ratifiers of the Constitution of the United States wrote into the document the remedy for the out of control government we now have and that they feared. A government and a self-appointed Ruler just like King George.
Article V of the Constitution.
An Amendment proposal, at a limited convention would make damn sure the States would/could unite to repeal the 14th,16th,17th amendments. Such accomplished, we would return to the balance of separate and equal branches of our government, and we could function as intended once again. The State's powers and the 10th amendment would be restored. Executive actions would be mute. No man or woman could be a king or a queen. And from that foundation where we once started to build a nation, we can begin to restore the Republic our Founders gave to us.
The Tradesman & Ladyboots
Is Americas Foreign Aid Just Plain Stupid?
America has been guilty of giving Foreign Aid to those nations who should be classified as potential and/or actual enemies since the end of WWII, and, it is beginning to extract a steep price from us instead of having it's desired effect of placating our enemies.
So, Who the hell says we must 'Placate' Our Potential And Actual Enemies?
Look at it the way Machiavelli would in "The Prince". If a foreign nation is in dire straights, and that nation is competing for resources that our nation uses then it would be in our nations interests to let them alone to survive or fail on their own. In retrospect the reason the Soviet Union prospered for so long is because we were surreptitiously propping them up during the 'Cold War'. Many of the third world nations we propped up, and still send money and supplies to, are the very same nations that are exporting Radical Islamic Terrorism to the world. Why are we continuing to give out foreign aid to them and to their satellites? Our Government is doing the opposite of what Machiavelli stated as the optimum response!
Whoever is in charge in the self styled Shadow Government that originated this fiasco, has used our sense of compassion and fair play to dupe us into giving our potential enemies the way to placate their populations unrest, while they use their own resources to arm and train against us. People like George Soros has publicly admitted, even bragged, that the crowning event in his life would be to bring about the downfall of the United States.
It comes to mind that the United States has been infiltrated over the last hundred years by political activists that are diametrically opposed to our way of self governance and our unique conservative capitalist model. This appears to hearken back to the time when the world was ruled by the Elite Kings and Queens with their cadre's of persons in the inner and outer circles of power. Power the Kings and Queens kept for themselves.
The Basic Concept of any Socialist mode of governance, parallels this Elitist method with the "Rulers" being the top Industrialists and Bankers taking the places of Kings etc, and the Crony Capitalists taking the place of the Peerage surrounding the central powers.
If the United States is to survive as it was intended to be, we must do several things immediately to shift the paradigm to re-institute a Republic form of Government, and dissolve the Socialist trends that have come into favor with the uninformed 'poor' class over the last Century. To do this we must first clean up our Universities and purge them of all the Socialist clap trap that has infected them since Lenin first decided to have them infiltrated. That program was increased under Stalin and the subsequent Russian rulers since then. Continuing on this obsolete path will only end in the dissolution of America by making it just another Socialist/Communist failure model. Even such a personage as Putin warned America about Obama pursuing the path that has proven through time, to be less than useless, and down right destructive of nations.
Concurrently with cleaning out the universities we must continue down through the scholastic system and purge it of the century long influence the Socialist advocates have instilled in it. This includes rejecting the new UN sponsored Propaganda camouflaged as Common Core Education Principles. In fact it would benefit us to remove America and the American financing from the UN altogether.
While we are focusing on the ongoing problem we must realize it will probably take as long to correct as it did to create. We must start cleaning up the Congress and other governmental bodies and begin restoring the Constitution to it's original intent. We must turn it back around from what the progressive powers have bastardized it into over the last hundred or so years. Three insidious amendments that should never have been ratified must be repealed;
So, Who the hell says we must 'Placate' Our Potential And Actual Enemies?
Look at it the way Machiavelli would in "The Prince". If a foreign nation is in dire straights, and that nation is competing for resources that our nation uses then it would be in our nations interests to let them alone to survive or fail on their own. In retrospect the reason the Soviet Union prospered for so long is because we were surreptitiously propping them up during the 'Cold War'. Many of the third world nations we propped up, and still send money and supplies to, are the very same nations that are exporting Radical Islamic Terrorism to the world. Why are we continuing to give out foreign aid to them and to their satellites? Our Government is doing the opposite of what Machiavelli stated as the optimum response!
Whoever is in charge in the self styled Shadow Government that originated this fiasco, has used our sense of compassion and fair play to dupe us into giving our potential enemies the way to placate their populations unrest, while they use their own resources to arm and train against us. People like George Soros has publicly admitted, even bragged, that the crowning event in his life would be to bring about the downfall of the United States.
It comes to mind that the United States has been infiltrated over the last hundred years by political activists that are diametrically opposed to our way of self governance and our unique conservative capitalist model. This appears to hearken back to the time when the world was ruled by the Elite Kings and Queens with their cadre's of persons in the inner and outer circles of power. Power the Kings and Queens kept for themselves.
The Basic Concept of any Socialist mode of governance, parallels this Elitist method with the "Rulers" being the top Industrialists and Bankers taking the places of Kings etc, and the Crony Capitalists taking the place of the Peerage surrounding the central powers.
If the United States is to survive as it was intended to be, we must do several things immediately to shift the paradigm to re-institute a Republic form of Government, and dissolve the Socialist trends that have come into favor with the uninformed 'poor' class over the last Century. To do this we must first clean up our Universities and purge them of all the Socialist clap trap that has infected them since Lenin first decided to have them infiltrated. That program was increased under Stalin and the subsequent Russian rulers since then. Continuing on this obsolete path will only end in the dissolution of America by making it just another Socialist/Communist failure model. Even such a personage as Putin warned America about Obama pursuing the path that has proven through time, to be less than useless, and down right destructive of nations.
Concurrently with cleaning out the universities we must continue down through the scholastic system and purge it of the century long influence the Socialist advocates have instilled in it. This includes rejecting the new UN sponsored Propaganda camouflaged as Common Core Education Principles. In fact it would benefit us to remove America and the American financing from the UN altogether.
While we are focusing on the ongoing problem we must realize it will probably take as long to correct as it did to create. We must start cleaning up the Congress and other governmental bodies and begin restoring the Constitution to it's original intent. We must turn it back around from what the progressive powers have bastardized it into over the last hundred or so years. Three insidious amendments that should never have been ratified must be repealed;

The 14th which was specifically put in place to guarantee citizenship and voting rights for freed slaves and nothing more had the three words slipped into it that turned the Constitution upside down. Those words were "No State Shall" with those words the Federal Government has slowly taken over the place rightfully given to the States in the Constitution and made the Federal Government superior to the States. Don't forget it was the United Sovereign States that created the Federal Government and set it's position as subservient to the States.

The 16th which overturned the equal apportionment clause for taxation in the Constitution and may not have been properly ratified but was declared so by then Secretary of State Knox. This set up the Federal Reserve which nullified another section of the Constitution that only granted the manufacture of coinage/creation of paper money to the US Treasury and increasing such only by order of Congress for more money to be coined.

The 17th which was the amendment that took away the equal representation of the states as specified by the great compromise and allowed the direct election of Senators by the people making them not responsible to State Legislatures who elected and controlled what they did in Congress before that fiasco was ratified.
So in Conclusion;
If the people would call for an Article V State petitioned for Amendment Proposal Convention to repeal those three insidious amendments the only group that would be affected would be the professional politicians who have usurped their powers from the rightful owners, the States and the People. No others would be negatively affected by the repeal, in fact they would be affected positively in many ways. If we did that, we could return to our beliefs from yesteryear where the average American believed in God, Constitution, Themselves, and Their Country.
If the people would call for an Article V State petitioned for Amendment Proposal Convention to repeal those three insidious amendments the only group that would be affected would be the professional politicians who have usurped their powers from the rightful owners, the States and the People. No others would be negatively affected by the repeal, in fact they would be affected positively in many ways. If we did that, we could return to our beliefs from yesteryear where the average American believed in God, Constitution, Themselves, and Their Country.
How can we trust Hillary for President since her agenda is the same as Obama's?
Seeing what has happened from the Socialist/Marxist Obama Administration, how can we seriously want to trust his Crony in Arms, Hillary Clinton who holds the same agendas as Obama does to heart?
Last March there was a Gallup Poll that asked 1,025 Americans how they felt about the current set of circumstances and the poll caught the peoples disgust with what has become the Federal Government. Unfortunately the left oriented media refused to go the final step ans ask the most pertinent question as to the why of that disgust.
This general feeling against the overstepping of the Federal Government has outstripped every other concern in spite of how those other issues critically impact our financial resources from a National level down to the personal level of family finances. In fact the survey's findings included the answer that was most given by the participants admitted Dissatisfaction with government as;"I"m concerned because this issue impacts me directly".
When pressed it boiled down to Obama's agendas and disregard for the Constitutional limitations on his powers he regularly ignores.
His self important Rah Rah supporters consider this Racism to deflect legitimate criticism of his corrupt methods. In actuality he fits the mode that Hillary Clinton has used throughout her and Bill's careers although they were more subtle about it.
Obama was raised in the miasma of progressiveism that incorporated Socialist indoctrination and belief that larger government was the answer to all America's ill and denying the FACT that it would also take away all of America's liberty and Freedoms except for those the government magnanimously decided to bestow on the people. Hillary was brought up in similar indoctrination and is basically the same as Obama but more polished and adept at making the ill informed believe her fictions.
Where does this lead? Look at Kerry, he's negotiating with the worlds leading Terrorist exporter Iran, to forge a nuclear agreement that will destabilize the Middle East and eventually the World. At the very least it will throw the world back into a Cold War and maybe even a shooting war. This is the same political philosophy that all three of them, Obama, Kerry, and Hillary, reek of.
Our Founders warned of such tyranny, if we should fail in our vigilance and let things slide because of a false sense of security and belief that our government was intrinsically good and would not do such things. Well we have neglected our vigilance to the point that America is about to collapse. We can not afford another term by a person such as Hillary who shares the core beliefs that Obama, Soros, and all the other progressive sycophants share.
How many old line Democrats even realize that the Socialist faction has taken control of their Party and have made serious inroads to the Republican Party as well? It may be easier to think of it like this; When the United States was formed, and won their independence from the Crown, many other countries started to follow suit and depose their hereditary rulers in preference for self rule. Those rulers saw the writing on the wall and created simulacrums of government posing as a self rule democracy but in fact were the same old rule by the now hidden hereditary rulers. This is what we will be saddled with if Hillary or any other Socialist oriented person gets their hands on the reins of power. this will also happen if we don't maintain a traditional conservative majority presence in the Congress.
How many times have the American People cried out for the government to cease what it is doing and listen to them? How many times have they been ignored by the very people who are supposed to represent them? This will only get worse until we have no say anymore unless we unite against the coming darkness and enslavement that the hidden puppet masters have planned to increase their Power, Influence, and Personal Wealth.
Look at the slick image Obama marketed himself with in both campaigns. I understand the first one where the people were bluffed into believing him, but I don't understand why they still believed him in the second! there are two things that were missing for the people to make a rational informed judgment about Obama in both campaigns.
1. the pulpits were silent in view of the hate spewing religious mentor that Obama learned from his pastor of 20 years Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
2. The main Stream Media which was controlled be Left Wing interests and refused to report the truth. Think Hillary's campaign will be any better or cleaner?
Hillary is now marketing herself as something she has never been, "A Champion of the People" especially women. In fact she's counting on the uninformed women's vote to push her over the top simply because she's a woman and says "It's time for a woman President" The same thing happened with Obama, people believed his lies and bullshit because "It was time for a Black President to heal the racial wounds the country was suffering from" How well did that work out?
The Obama marketing was promises of transparency, a government that serves all Americans, and all-around, feel-good “Hope ‘n’ Change™.Yet after six years, the American people have endured lie after lie. To name but a few;
1. If you like your health care plan you can keep it.(broken).
2. Here's what happened at Benghazi, A video insulted and inflamed a few Muslims who reacted to the insult to Islam (Outright Lie).
3. If you like your Doctor you can keep them (Broken).
4. I will not raise your taxes (Broken).
5. Fast and Furious gun running, (blocked investigation by use of executive privilege).
6. Selective enforcement of laws (Unconstitutional).
7. Bypassing Congress through Executive orders (Not an enumerated power of the president's).
8. IRS targeting ( Lois Lerner being technically given immunity from prosecution.)
9. Illegal appointing members to Labor Board ( Congress stopped that one finally).
10. Illegal amnesty by executive order ( Executive orders can not contravene Laws).
11. Trading known terrorists for a deserter (Berghdal).The list goes on and on. Do you really want another usurper like Hillary in the seat of power? And the list goes on and on!
Obama has sown the seeds of discord and distrust and Hillary fully believes in the agendas that Obama imposed on us, Hillary will move them forward if given the chance. Even the fact that Democrats Socialists with their agendas were sorely beaten in both mid terms did nothing to cool Hillary's ardor with the Socialist/Communistic agendas the Progressives support beyond all reason. Like Obama Hillary's Blatant Egotism and Elitism prevents her from recognizing the will of the people and will not allow her to back off from her selective course to fulfill all the Progressive agendas.
Like Obama Hillary's campaign has started by shoe horning the population into neat little pockets that she thinks she can exploit through Hollow Rhetoric and telling each specific group exactly what they want to hear even if she contradicts herself at every turn. this is a very dangerous woman from a very dangerous Political Dynasty. Let's not extend it's influence any more. Hillary is a master of deception and seems to be coated with Teflon™. when it comes to being held accountable for her alleged transgressions.
Americans are fed up with the Corruption, Lies, and Crony Capitalism the Progressive Elites like Hillary bring to the political table for disbursal to the unwitting public. Will Hillary pull an Obama and hide all her incriminating personal records, or will she simply erase them like she did her E-Mail server?
Yes, Americans are fed up with the likes of Hillary and Obama, not because of who they are, but because of what they have done and for all intents and purposes will continue to keep doing. Americans know what a pig in a poke is worth, and won't be fooled again if they are smart. In fact Hillary better fits the character assassination sound bite the progressives categorized Sarah Palin with, "You can put lipstick on a Pig but you can't make it sing!"
Imagine if you still can, a nation led by honorable dedicated people who say what they mean and mean what they say. The ones who will always follow through on their stated policy. That policy by the way being the one that best serves the interest of America and the Americans. A policy that obeys the Constitution and the laws of the land. Americans want that type of government leadership and are waiting, impatiently. We will have to watch out for an end run by Elizabeth Warren, she is like Hillary on steroids when it comes to Progressive Socialist Agenda and Constitution Shredding Commitment. This Country won't truly be safe until every Progressive is drummed out of politics altogether.
Last March there was a Gallup Poll that asked 1,025 Americans how they felt about the current set of circumstances and the poll caught the peoples disgust with what has become the Federal Government. Unfortunately the left oriented media refused to go the final step ans ask the most pertinent question as to the why of that disgust.
This general feeling against the overstepping of the Federal Government has outstripped every other concern in spite of how those other issues critically impact our financial resources from a National level down to the personal level of family finances. In fact the survey's findings included the answer that was most given by the participants admitted Dissatisfaction with government as;"I"m concerned because this issue impacts me directly".
When pressed it boiled down to Obama's agendas and disregard for the Constitutional limitations on his powers he regularly ignores.
His self important Rah Rah supporters consider this Racism to deflect legitimate criticism of his corrupt methods. In actuality he fits the mode that Hillary Clinton has used throughout her and Bill's careers although they were more subtle about it.
Obama was raised in the miasma of progressiveism that incorporated Socialist indoctrination and belief that larger government was the answer to all America's ill and denying the FACT that it would also take away all of America's liberty and Freedoms except for those the government magnanimously decided to bestow on the people. Hillary was brought up in similar indoctrination and is basically the same as Obama but more polished and adept at making the ill informed believe her fictions.
Where does this lead? Look at Kerry, he's negotiating with the worlds leading Terrorist exporter Iran, to forge a nuclear agreement that will destabilize the Middle East and eventually the World. At the very least it will throw the world back into a Cold War and maybe even a shooting war. This is the same political philosophy that all three of them, Obama, Kerry, and Hillary, reek of.
Our Founders warned of such tyranny, if we should fail in our vigilance and let things slide because of a false sense of security and belief that our government was intrinsically good and would not do such things. Well we have neglected our vigilance to the point that America is about to collapse. We can not afford another term by a person such as Hillary who shares the core beliefs that Obama, Soros, and all the other progressive sycophants share.
How many old line Democrats even realize that the Socialist faction has taken control of their Party and have made serious inroads to the Republican Party as well? It may be easier to think of it like this; When the United States was formed, and won their independence from the Crown, many other countries started to follow suit and depose their hereditary rulers in preference for self rule. Those rulers saw the writing on the wall and created simulacrums of government posing as a self rule democracy but in fact were the same old rule by the now hidden hereditary rulers. This is what we will be saddled with if Hillary or any other Socialist oriented person gets their hands on the reins of power. this will also happen if we don't maintain a traditional conservative majority presence in the Congress.
How many times have the American People cried out for the government to cease what it is doing and listen to them? How many times have they been ignored by the very people who are supposed to represent them? This will only get worse until we have no say anymore unless we unite against the coming darkness and enslavement that the hidden puppet masters have planned to increase their Power, Influence, and Personal Wealth.
Look at the slick image Obama marketed himself with in both campaigns. I understand the first one where the people were bluffed into believing him, but I don't understand why they still believed him in the second! there are two things that were missing for the people to make a rational informed judgment about Obama in both campaigns.
1. the pulpits were silent in view of the hate spewing religious mentor that Obama learned from his pastor of 20 years Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
2. The main Stream Media which was controlled be Left Wing interests and refused to report the truth. Think Hillary's campaign will be any better or cleaner?
Hillary is now marketing herself as something she has never been, "A Champion of the People" especially women. In fact she's counting on the uninformed women's vote to push her over the top simply because she's a woman and says "It's time for a woman President" The same thing happened with Obama, people believed his lies and bullshit because "It was time for a Black President to heal the racial wounds the country was suffering from" How well did that work out?
The Obama marketing was promises of transparency, a government that serves all Americans, and all-around, feel-good “Hope ‘n’ Change™.Yet after six years, the American people have endured lie after lie. To name but a few;
1. If you like your health care plan you can keep it.(broken).
2. Here's what happened at Benghazi, A video insulted and inflamed a few Muslims who reacted to the insult to Islam (Outright Lie).
3. If you like your Doctor you can keep them (Broken).
4. I will not raise your taxes (Broken).
5. Fast and Furious gun running, (blocked investigation by use of executive privilege).
6. Selective enforcement of laws (Unconstitutional).
7. Bypassing Congress through Executive orders (Not an enumerated power of the president's).
8. IRS targeting ( Lois Lerner being technically given immunity from prosecution.)
9. Illegal appointing members to Labor Board ( Congress stopped that one finally).
10. Illegal amnesty by executive order ( Executive orders can not contravene Laws).
11. Trading known terrorists for a deserter (Berghdal).The list goes on and on. Do you really want another usurper like Hillary in the seat of power? And the list goes on and on!
Obama has sown the seeds of discord and distrust and Hillary fully believes in the agendas that Obama imposed on us, Hillary will move them forward if given the chance. Even the fact that Democrats Socialists with their agendas were sorely beaten in both mid terms did nothing to cool Hillary's ardor with the Socialist/Communistic agendas the Progressives support beyond all reason. Like Obama Hillary's Blatant Egotism and Elitism prevents her from recognizing the will of the people and will not allow her to back off from her selective course to fulfill all the Progressive agendas.
Like Obama Hillary's campaign has started by shoe horning the population into neat little pockets that she thinks she can exploit through Hollow Rhetoric and telling each specific group exactly what they want to hear even if she contradicts herself at every turn. this is a very dangerous woman from a very dangerous Political Dynasty. Let's not extend it's influence any more. Hillary is a master of deception and seems to be coated with Teflon™. when it comes to being held accountable for her alleged transgressions.
Americans are fed up with the Corruption, Lies, and Crony Capitalism the Progressive Elites like Hillary bring to the political table for disbursal to the unwitting public. Will Hillary pull an Obama and hide all her incriminating personal records, or will she simply erase them like she did her E-Mail server?
Yes, Americans are fed up with the likes of Hillary and Obama, not because of who they are, but because of what they have done and for all intents and purposes will continue to keep doing. Americans know what a pig in a poke is worth, and won't be fooled again if they are smart. In fact Hillary better fits the character assassination sound bite the progressives categorized Sarah Palin with, "You can put lipstick on a Pig but you can't make it sing!"
Imagine if you still can, a nation led by honorable dedicated people who say what they mean and mean what they say. The ones who will always follow through on their stated policy. That policy by the way being the one that best serves the interest of America and the Americans. A policy that obeys the Constitution and the laws of the land. Americans want that type of government leadership and are waiting, impatiently. We will have to watch out for an end run by Elizabeth Warren, she is like Hillary on steroids when it comes to Progressive Socialist Agenda and Constitution Shredding Commitment. This Country won't truly be safe until every Progressive is drummed out of politics altogether.
Reasons to oppose Progressive agendas.
I stridently oppose the Progressive Agendas, but we are at a crossroads right now. We have abdicated our parental responsibilities about properly educating our children in actual American history and instilling in them the need to pay it forward as it was paid forward to us. Even Reagan said that the principles of Freedom and Liberty are not passed down to our children and are needed to be reaffirmed in every generation. I think of the Patriot Act and the monitoring by the NSA, the restrictions on our basic God Given freedoms, and the seemingly random enforcement of draconian laws and regulations. I see that caveat has not been heeded for at least two generations now, possibly three. I see how much we threw away to pursue Hedonistic pursuits instead of riding herd over our Elected Officials.
The elementary school children since 1960 have been taught an increasingly propagandized lies. this stems from the original infiltration of agents of both Lenin and Stalin who were tasked to infiltrate the universities and to gradually twist everything towards a world wide Socialist State. Fortunately I had a Father and other Relatives who served in both World Wars and were taught a much less propagandized version of American History. I even had a relative that remembered what America was like just after the Civil War because he grew up during those years.
I was usually in trouble in school because I often challenged the 'Official History' I was being taught.I was able to back up my claims that the history being taught from the late 40s was incorrect because I had an Encyclopedia that was printed before 1876. It contained many items that were being denied and twisted by the 'Official' history books.
I had partially believed what I was being taught without question until my relatives started correcting me on things that they were taught prior to the books my school used. All of my peers in school generally believed the official texts but I didn't and was vocal about it. That made me an outsider and the subject of many taunts and cat calls during my schooling, and not only from the kids either.
I know from personal experience that the Government can and does re-write history to conform with the current political agendas of the Elites controlling the Government from the shadows. The Government can and does tell as many lies as it wants to. The thing the Government can't do is erase the memories of those who have lived through the periods in history that the Government wants to change. Unless of course they are going to take a page out of the darkest days of the Soviet Union and meld it with the techniques espoused in the book Nineteen Eighty Four to incorporate in the FEMA camps we know little or nothing about.
The main thing we must realize is that the Progressive agenda does not support anyone but the Elites that have originated it strictly for their own benefit. The progressive 'Hook' is promising people safety and security. Eisenhower said; "If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom." - Dwight D. Eisenhower. So, I ask you, do you really want America to become a Prison? Ben Franklin summed it up even more clearly; "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin.
Any time the Government comes to us and says 'We must temporarily suspend some of your Constitutional Liberties' we must remember; If we restrict Liberty even temporarily to gain a measure of Security, We Will Lose Both! As Franklin said, our security lies in our Strength both in numbers and in wealth.
When we were young we believed all the things we were taught about patriotism self sacrifice for the common good and we went off to war to experience horrific trials and even death in many instances. We did this because we really believed we were doing it to protect those loved ones we left behind and to insure our way of life would not be lost to history. Belief like that is what makes heroes out of common men and women, it also sustains ones sanity in a world where human life is cheaper than the objective.
When we were younger we readily accepted the rules we were taught to live by and not to question them closely. It was considered unpatriotic to question then just as it is considered extremely unpatriotic to question the machinations of Government now. We have all seen the upsetting of our cherished principles and the topsy turvy way the Progressives have reversed the beliefs in the last 70 years. Now we are faced with international terrorism and that is the watch word for the Elites to continue stripping our Liberty and Freedom from us.
I wonder how a rational Freedom Loving people, can remain so blind, and stupidly march in lock step to the tune of the Elites have created for their self gratification of attaining even more power? The Elites want to set up a world wide Oligarchy since the Monarchies have fallen. they will accept no less than totalitarian power over the "mere humans' of the world. This is the threat we face. Evil self centered men who do not care about the fate of the to them "Mere Humans" and use them as cannon fodder to attain their nefarious goals. To use an analogy they are the spiritual Sons of Satan.
I am going to take a turn off the path for a bit and talk about the horrible treatment the Government gives to it's veterans. These are the same people that in most cases have volunteered their lives to defend the Nation and even the corrupt politicians who use then fear them. As I see it, the truth is once they have trained these men and women to be killers, they don't want them to come back. For the most part these people have lived outside the rigid controls the politicos have held over the civilian populations. the politicos know that free mindset is one of the things that revolutions are made of. Once you have been in combat more than once, you will not be cowed by the empty threats about consequences the politicos use to keep the masses in line. 'nuff said on that.
Lately, the American people have been seeing bits and pieces of their faith in the causes proposed by the progressives fall apart in the harsh light of reality. It never ceases to amaze my just how any why people are so easily led. Our belief system is a combination of what our parents first teach us, they it goes on to the schooling, and from there society has the admixture of differing points of view that settles out to our perceived moral codes what the Elites perceive as the operational codes they want other mere mortals/people to live by.
Why don't we think for ourselves? Why do we take everything the "Leaders" say at face value without even checking to see if it's true or if it would be harmful to our Nation and Society? Why do we uncover a Scandal,make noises about how terrible it was and then just willingly accept the next scandal until it's publicly disclaimed as a fraud? Why don't we demand the perpetrators be punished with jail time if the scandal is so big that affects all of us?
Ask yourselves this question; How honest is everybody? Governmental leaders (honesty is an oxymoron and disability with them). Our school teachers ( how indoctrinated were they by the schools they went to to become teachers?). Even our parents ( how many of them pass on the falsehoods they learned as children?). How much of History is factual ( how much is revised by the winners? I would say all of it). This leads us to the ethics promoted by the Progressive Master Race (in their own minds that is.). What set of moral codes are universal and generally help promote a livable society, and which ones were created by the Elites to further their personal agendas.
Why are the ones who see through all the deceptions by the Elites discredited as fools and even dangerous to our nation? What about the generations of our veterans that have had their nation fundamentally changed from what they were promised it would remain but only if they decided to defend the principles that it was supposed to be built on? We must challenge and remove from power the vile creatures who have originated this travesty, and all those who have come after them. they deserve no place of honor in our history, they deserve revulsion.
Any and all who perpetuate the self centered progressive myth, those who work either consciously or unwittingly,any and all who are helping it to persevere are stained by it's innate evil must be eradicated from positions of power and influence not only in the United States but the entire world. Like a systemic infection that threatens the life of the body, their influence must be eradicated completely.
To make it clear, I am not against normal human compassion,nor am I against helping those that need it. I am against those who use the acts of human kindness towards others to perpetuate their own power and place. We must help each other and do it in such a way that all people, except those who are physically or mentally incapable of ever helping themselves, learn to function on their own and learn to rely on themselves first and foremost.To do less is to subject those being helped into a system that is virtual Slavery to the Elites agendas.
To me the current crop of Elites that are trying to take over America and the world are missing any morals or honor. Their main overriding interest is an overwhelming desire for power over others.Nothing is too vile for them to use in pursuit of successfully bringing their base schemes to fruition.These creatures consider themselves above everyone else, and they believe that everyone else is put here to serve them. They believe that no sacrifice is too great for the other people to make if it sustains their self proclaimed Elitist positions.Their strength lies in their getting the masses to remember the place they have set for them, and doing it at any cost to who they consider lesser beings.
We still face an opposing political force that is at this point stronger than we are. They are stronger because they are more organized and focused than we are. We still have many people who agree with our viewpoint, but are not yet willing or able to rise up and demand the progressive powers step down and conform to the will of the people. We are fighting to oppose the building tyranny to our freedoms and liberties from a coalition pf progressive Elites who besmear us as traitors and even label us as terrorists because we cleave to the Constitution rather than bend to their wills.
The fellow citizens we would try to educate to the realities of what the overlord progressives want still are under the mind control of those overlords who are using their basic morals and beliefs in right and wrong against them and have beaten them down so far with their propaganda and agendas those poor souls can not even see the truth anymore.
If we falter in our task to restore the Constitutional Republic, how long do you think it will take for those Elitists to create jackbooted enforcers to prop up their agenda to create a Despotic Government that will use fear and violence against it's citizens to terrorize them into subjugation? Once we are stripped of our means of defense and our ability to freely communicate with each other, that evil side will win and any who even give the inkling of disagreement will be dragged from their homes never to be seen again. If you doubt this, look at Russia under Stalin, Germany under Hitler, China under Mao, Cambodia under Pol Pot. The list of Progressive/Socialist Dictatorships speaks for itself! They all followed the same path that the current Administration is setting for America! UNITE! FOCUS! FIGHT BACK! SURVIVE! Can't put is simpler than that. Start the fight by uniting to get a States petitioned for Article V Convention that way we can start by limiting their power and taking back the power they stole from us.
In Conclusion;
These are the reasons we all need to oppose the progressive Elitists in whatever party or position they have put themselves in at our expense.
The Tradesman
The elementary school children since 1960 have been taught an increasingly propagandized lies. this stems from the original infiltration of agents of both Lenin and Stalin who were tasked to infiltrate the universities and to gradually twist everything towards a world wide Socialist State. Fortunately I had a Father and other Relatives who served in both World Wars and were taught a much less propagandized version of American History. I even had a relative that remembered what America was like just after the Civil War because he grew up during those years.
I was usually in trouble in school because I often challenged the 'Official History' I was being taught.I was able to back up my claims that the history being taught from the late 40s was incorrect because I had an Encyclopedia that was printed before 1876. It contained many items that were being denied and twisted by the 'Official' history books.
I had partially believed what I was being taught without question until my relatives started correcting me on things that they were taught prior to the books my school used. All of my peers in school generally believed the official texts but I didn't and was vocal about it. That made me an outsider and the subject of many taunts and cat calls during my schooling, and not only from the kids either.
I know from personal experience that the Government can and does re-write history to conform with the current political agendas of the Elites controlling the Government from the shadows. The Government can and does tell as many lies as it wants to. The thing the Government can't do is erase the memories of those who have lived through the periods in history that the Government wants to change. Unless of course they are going to take a page out of the darkest days of the Soviet Union and meld it with the techniques espoused in the book Nineteen Eighty Four to incorporate in the FEMA camps we know little or nothing about.
The main thing we must realize is that the Progressive agenda does not support anyone but the Elites that have originated it strictly for their own benefit. The progressive 'Hook' is promising people safety and security. Eisenhower said; "If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom." - Dwight D. Eisenhower. So, I ask you, do you really want America to become a Prison? Ben Franklin summed it up even more clearly; "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin.
Any time the Government comes to us and says 'We must temporarily suspend some of your Constitutional Liberties' we must remember; If we restrict Liberty even temporarily to gain a measure of Security, We Will Lose Both! As Franklin said, our security lies in our Strength both in numbers and in wealth.
When we were young we believed all the things we were taught about patriotism self sacrifice for the common good and we went off to war to experience horrific trials and even death in many instances. We did this because we really believed we were doing it to protect those loved ones we left behind and to insure our way of life would not be lost to history. Belief like that is what makes heroes out of common men and women, it also sustains ones sanity in a world where human life is cheaper than the objective.
When we were younger we readily accepted the rules we were taught to live by and not to question them closely. It was considered unpatriotic to question then just as it is considered extremely unpatriotic to question the machinations of Government now. We have all seen the upsetting of our cherished principles and the topsy turvy way the Progressives have reversed the beliefs in the last 70 years. Now we are faced with international terrorism and that is the watch word for the Elites to continue stripping our Liberty and Freedom from us.
I wonder how a rational Freedom Loving people, can remain so blind, and stupidly march in lock step to the tune of the Elites have created for their self gratification of attaining even more power? The Elites want to set up a world wide Oligarchy since the Monarchies have fallen. they will accept no less than totalitarian power over the "mere humans' of the world. This is the threat we face. Evil self centered men who do not care about the fate of the to them "Mere Humans" and use them as cannon fodder to attain their nefarious goals. To use an analogy they are the spiritual Sons of Satan.
I am going to take a turn off the path for a bit and talk about the horrible treatment the Government gives to it's veterans. These are the same people that in most cases have volunteered their lives to defend the Nation and even the corrupt politicians who use then fear them. As I see it, the truth is once they have trained these men and women to be killers, they don't want them to come back. For the most part these people have lived outside the rigid controls the politicos have held over the civilian populations. the politicos know that free mindset is one of the things that revolutions are made of. Once you have been in combat more than once, you will not be cowed by the empty threats about consequences the politicos use to keep the masses in line. 'nuff said on that.
Lately, the American people have been seeing bits and pieces of their faith in the causes proposed by the progressives fall apart in the harsh light of reality. It never ceases to amaze my just how any why people are so easily led. Our belief system is a combination of what our parents first teach us, they it goes on to the schooling, and from there society has the admixture of differing points of view that settles out to our perceived moral codes what the Elites perceive as the operational codes they want other mere mortals/people to live by.
Why don't we think for ourselves? Why do we take everything the "Leaders" say at face value without even checking to see if it's true or if it would be harmful to our Nation and Society? Why do we uncover a Scandal,make noises about how terrible it was and then just willingly accept the next scandal until it's publicly disclaimed as a fraud? Why don't we demand the perpetrators be punished with jail time if the scandal is so big that affects all of us?
Ask yourselves this question; How honest is everybody? Governmental leaders (honesty is an oxymoron and disability with them). Our school teachers ( how indoctrinated were they by the schools they went to to become teachers?). Even our parents ( how many of them pass on the falsehoods they learned as children?). How much of History is factual ( how much is revised by the winners? I would say all of it). This leads us to the ethics promoted by the Progressive Master Race (in their own minds that is.). What set of moral codes are universal and generally help promote a livable society, and which ones were created by the Elites to further their personal agendas.
Why are the ones who see through all the deceptions by the Elites discredited as fools and even dangerous to our nation? What about the generations of our veterans that have had their nation fundamentally changed from what they were promised it would remain but only if they decided to defend the principles that it was supposed to be built on? We must challenge and remove from power the vile creatures who have originated this travesty, and all those who have come after them. they deserve no place of honor in our history, they deserve revulsion.
Any and all who perpetuate the self centered progressive myth, those who work either consciously or unwittingly,any and all who are helping it to persevere are stained by it's innate evil must be eradicated from positions of power and influence not only in the United States but the entire world. Like a systemic infection that threatens the life of the body, their influence must be eradicated completely.
To make it clear, I am not against normal human compassion,nor am I against helping those that need it. I am against those who use the acts of human kindness towards others to perpetuate their own power and place. We must help each other and do it in such a way that all people, except those who are physically or mentally incapable of ever helping themselves, learn to function on their own and learn to rely on themselves first and foremost.To do less is to subject those being helped into a system that is virtual Slavery to the Elites agendas.
To me the current crop of Elites that are trying to take over America and the world are missing any morals or honor. Their main overriding interest is an overwhelming desire for power over others.Nothing is too vile for them to use in pursuit of successfully bringing their base schemes to fruition.These creatures consider themselves above everyone else, and they believe that everyone else is put here to serve them. They believe that no sacrifice is too great for the other people to make if it sustains their self proclaimed Elitist positions.Their strength lies in their getting the masses to remember the place they have set for them, and doing it at any cost to who they consider lesser beings.
We still face an opposing political force that is at this point stronger than we are. They are stronger because they are more organized and focused than we are. We still have many people who agree with our viewpoint, but are not yet willing or able to rise up and demand the progressive powers step down and conform to the will of the people. We are fighting to oppose the building tyranny to our freedoms and liberties from a coalition pf progressive Elites who besmear us as traitors and even label us as terrorists because we cleave to the Constitution rather than bend to their wills.
The fellow citizens we would try to educate to the realities of what the overlord progressives want still are under the mind control of those overlords who are using their basic morals and beliefs in right and wrong against them and have beaten them down so far with their propaganda and agendas those poor souls can not even see the truth anymore.
If we falter in our task to restore the Constitutional Republic, how long do you think it will take for those Elitists to create jackbooted enforcers to prop up their agenda to create a Despotic Government that will use fear and violence against it's citizens to terrorize them into subjugation? Once we are stripped of our means of defense and our ability to freely communicate with each other, that evil side will win and any who even give the inkling of disagreement will be dragged from their homes never to be seen again. If you doubt this, look at Russia under Stalin, Germany under Hitler, China under Mao, Cambodia under Pol Pot. The list of Progressive/Socialist Dictatorships speaks for itself! They all followed the same path that the current Administration is setting for America! UNITE! FOCUS! FIGHT BACK! SURVIVE! Can't put is simpler than that. Start the fight by uniting to get a States petitioned for Article V Convention that way we can start by limiting their power and taking back the power they stole from us.
In Conclusion;
These are the reasons we all need to oppose the progressive Elitists in whatever party or position they have put themselves in at our expense.
The Tradesman
If Tyranny And Oppression Comes To This Land
"If tyranny and oppression come to this land it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."---James Madison
Those words said so long ago are still as valid today as they were then. The Founders were learned men, and they knew what the parameters of human existence meant. they also knew how humans would react over time. It seems to us who are removed from them by over 200 years, that they were seers and prophets. This is not the case, they were astute observers of humanity in all of it's phases from Vile to sublime. Remember they lived and grew up in a Totalitarian Monarchy that only had the visible outward trappings of a Constitutional Monarchy but in fact was instead an Oligarchy. This is similar to what the United States is experiencing today. Yes-No?
We have a president that believes he is above the Law, and a gaggle of congressional representatives and senators who are not willing to do anything about him for many reasons. In my opinion, the first reason cleaves to their egotistical self aggrandizement about never admitting they could be wrong. They were however when they did not properly vett Obama for the eligibility to become President. They also allowed him to sequester all of his records so the public would not be able to determine for themselves if he was in fact eligible. A fact I might add, that has not been confirmed to date. What nefarious control over Congress has caused this abject denial of their fiduciary responsible duty to their constituents?
Let me define the meaning of fiduciary. it's a noun and;In law it means a person to whom property or power is entrusted for the benefit of another.Tell me again how Congress is obeying that Law, or did they just exempt themselves from it like they usually do? In this they are akin to the 17th Century English Lords who were usually above the law.We know the current administration is not in tune with mainstream American Values and moral codes.
The latest ineptitude's coming out of the white House on Foreign Policy could very well get America embroiled in another World War or at the very least multiple Terrorist attacks. What do you think the response from the fledgling dictator would be to that? He would finally have the situation that he could exploit to increase his power and use it to trash the rest of the Constitution with the excuse of protecting America from further attacks. It would be the classic 'Giving up our freedoms for increased security' and we have been warned against such foolishness.
However, people have been conditioned through 4 generations of reeducation at the public school level to fear the government as a small child fears getting his parents mad at him. The modern education seems to be that the average citizen is not capable of understanding the complex issues that confront our Government because of the complex issues that exist in the world.
What the Elites are actually saying is the people don't appreciate the reasons the Elites NEED TO control Speech especially of a political nature. Nor do they grasp the reasons why the Elites NEED TO limit the Freedoms and God Given Rights because only the Elites are wise enough to curtail the things that would BE ABUSED by the uncontrolled public to the detriment of everyone.(meaning stifling the power&privilege of the Elites.
To my way of thinking,because so many of my fellow countrymen and women are not aware of the real issues that the Elites created to control us, we have lost our way, and along with it our Freedom. a few brave souls are standing up against the mammoth juggernaut that the Government has become for the sole purpose of catering to the Elites.
We must actively do something to reverse this deadly trend that will destroy every Liberty and Freedom that so many generations fought and died for. We must begin this peacefully using the legalities of the Constitution and make our States call for an Article V convention so we can reverse the power flow. The way is fraught with lies from the Elites and their toady's in politics. They will use every lie, Spin, Threat, mis-direction, and possibly outright violence to maintain their status quo.
They are already doing this with the fear mongering they are using to dissuade the public from demanding their legislatures act. the biggest lie is calling it a Con-Con, and that it will open up the Constitution. IT WON"T! Soros has thrown in using his bad reputation as being for a convention when the last thing he wants to see is one called.
I will address the possibility that there could be more amendments that compromise the main body of the Constitution, but you must realize that it has always been Congress that Compromised it and actually flipped it upside down with the amendments they themselves proposed. Do you really think the people and the States will do the same? If you do, you have been brainwashed to meekly accept the Dictates from on high in Congress and the Federal Government as gospel truths!
Stand up for your rights and put the Government in it's proper Constitutional place!
Those words said so long ago are still as valid today as they were then. The Founders were learned men, and they knew what the parameters of human existence meant. they also knew how humans would react over time. It seems to us who are removed from them by over 200 years, that they were seers and prophets. This is not the case, they were astute observers of humanity in all of it's phases from Vile to sublime. Remember they lived and grew up in a Totalitarian Monarchy that only had the visible outward trappings of a Constitutional Monarchy but in fact was instead an Oligarchy. This is similar to what the United States is experiencing today. Yes-No?
We have a president that believes he is above the Law, and a gaggle of congressional representatives and senators who are not willing to do anything about him for many reasons. In my opinion, the first reason cleaves to their egotistical self aggrandizement about never admitting they could be wrong. They were however when they did not properly vett Obama for the eligibility to become President. They also allowed him to sequester all of his records so the public would not be able to determine for themselves if he was in fact eligible. A fact I might add, that has not been confirmed to date. What nefarious control over Congress has caused this abject denial of their fiduciary responsible duty to their constituents?
Let me define the meaning of fiduciary. it's a noun and;In law it means a person to whom property or power is entrusted for the benefit of another.Tell me again how Congress is obeying that Law, or did they just exempt themselves from it like they usually do? In this they are akin to the 17th Century English Lords who were usually above the law.We know the current administration is not in tune with mainstream American Values and moral codes.
The latest ineptitude's coming out of the white House on Foreign Policy could very well get America embroiled in another World War or at the very least multiple Terrorist attacks. What do you think the response from the fledgling dictator would be to that? He would finally have the situation that he could exploit to increase his power and use it to trash the rest of the Constitution with the excuse of protecting America from further attacks. It would be the classic 'Giving up our freedoms for increased security' and we have been warned against such foolishness.
However, people have been conditioned through 4 generations of reeducation at the public school level to fear the government as a small child fears getting his parents mad at him. The modern education seems to be that the average citizen is not capable of understanding the complex issues that confront our Government because of the complex issues that exist in the world.
What the Elites are actually saying is the people don't appreciate the reasons the Elites NEED TO control Speech especially of a political nature. Nor do they grasp the reasons why the Elites NEED TO limit the Freedoms and God Given Rights because only the Elites are wise enough to curtail the things that would BE ABUSED by the uncontrolled public to the detriment of everyone.(meaning stifling the power&privilege of the Elites.
To my way of thinking,because so many of my fellow countrymen and women are not aware of the real issues that the Elites created to control us, we have lost our way, and along with it our Freedom. a few brave souls are standing up against the mammoth juggernaut that the Government has become for the sole purpose of catering to the Elites.
We must actively do something to reverse this deadly trend that will destroy every Liberty and Freedom that so many generations fought and died for. We must begin this peacefully using the legalities of the Constitution and make our States call for an Article V convention so we can reverse the power flow. The way is fraught with lies from the Elites and their toady's in politics. They will use every lie, Spin, Threat, mis-direction, and possibly outright violence to maintain their status quo.
They are already doing this with the fear mongering they are using to dissuade the public from demanding their legislatures act. the biggest lie is calling it a Con-Con, and that it will open up the Constitution. IT WON"T! Soros has thrown in using his bad reputation as being for a convention when the last thing he wants to see is one called.
I will address the possibility that there could be more amendments that compromise the main body of the Constitution, but you must realize that it has always been Congress that Compromised it and actually flipped it upside down with the amendments they themselves proposed. Do you really think the people and the States will do the same? If you do, you have been brainwashed to meekly accept the Dictates from on high in Congress and the Federal Government as gospel truths!
Stand up for your rights and put the Government in it's proper Constitutional place!
In the Spirit of Thomas Paine I submit this for your approval
In the Spirit of Thomas Paine
A great man once said "A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in deference to custom. But the tumult soon subsides, time makes more converts than reason."
That man was the Patriot Thomas Paine, written in the introduction to the Revolutionary Pamphlet "Common Sense". Thomas Paine and Common Sense inspired people in the Thirteen Colonies to declare and fight for independence from England in 1775-76. Today we are faced with similar circumstances, not from England, but from the same elitist attitudes that prevailed in our Founding Father's Generation. It is the selfsame arrogance that always finds a home in the hearts of men and women who seek the role of leadership in a society.
In the time of Thomas Paine you will remember that there was a faction that wanted to make George Washington a King so that they could become the Kings Court? Even in the bright light of new and hard fought for independence they could not escape the mentality of hierarchy. Now 2centuries past that war for independence, the good people of this Great Nation are grievously being oppressed by the leading political self-anointed factions. Politicians who believe they have undoubted privilege, position, and place that supplants the merits of the common citizen, and whose superior vision and intelligence supplants 'common sense'.
The unique AMERICAN experiment, one of free people, self- governing under a Constitutional design of balanced and co-equal branches began a standard that would become the epitome of the free ideal. The idea of true republican style government has been, in every measure the example to strive for among the oppressed of mankind. Too bad our corrupt leaders don't remember their history and see it that way.
Present self-serving conditions prevail and are attacking the once known universal principle, all leaders must adhere to, in every determination, and respect the necessities and the ratified compact of a freedom loving people. For far too long a time now, the oppressors have usurped their rightful powers and laid waste to that Constitution. The ruling elite desolate our Country and scatter it's resources having declared war on our 'natural rights', nay the God given rights of all mankind.
The direction that our Country is going must be corrected. That will only be accomplished when it becomes the concern of every man, woman, and child; to whom God, or to use the Founder's term 'Nature's God' has entitled to them. The Creator endowed each of us with the power of feeling, a deep burning desire, to strive for the most perfect condition of self-determination we can create, with responsible strictures equally and fairly applied, devoid of oppression and rich with independent thoughts and actions geared toward Freedom to pursue their happiness.
America was founded with a belief in the Doctrine of Independence, sparked by the tyranny of an oppressive King. A system that allows the tyranny of one is always supported by a self-serving class that justifies, proliferates, and feeds off of and to the tyranny that allows its corruption. The ersatz privileged class deftly continues to thrive through changing times and politics, and in the 239 years since our inception, has been waging its own war against our Founding principles, in order to carve out a position whereby they would re-institute the old ways of Royalty. No longer princes or princesses, earls or knights, they are called counselors, advisors, lobbyists.
In those positions and under those titles they have many human foibles, corruptions, self-interests that work to maintain and remain in positions of power over the populace. Again, I find I must Quote Thomas Paine to explain better the differences between society and government. "Society is produced by our wants,and government by wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices. One encourages intercourse , the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher."
Allow me to clarify for our modern ears, the 'intercourse' spoken of is the inter-personal communications and the day to day interactive discourse that we conduct in our everyday lives.
We have all experienced the many blessings of a benign society in our day to day experiences, and must consider it a good thing that should be sought after by and for everyone. Government, on the other hand, is naught but a necessary structure even in it's best state, and something to be feared and not to be tolerated, in it's worst state.
Currently we are being exposed to the worst state of burdensome and oppressive Government. It seems deaf to our pleas for redress, non-responsive to our demands that it listens to our voice, and refuses to conform to the type of governance we want it to provide. The existing government demands too high a price for the false sense of protection it purveys to it's people. We have gone from being free citizens, to once again the position of subjects of a hierarchy, all at the hands of a repressive and selfish government of ruling class that routinely usurps their Constitutional powers.
The necessary checks and balances are ignored by the elected Congress, the usurpations go unchallenged in fact, and lip serviced in fact, if not ourselves then who will demand we return to our founding principles and restore the Constitution that defines that which rightfully belong to free people?
It falls on us, in this generation, to restore that government. We are called upon to be the catalyst, to remind on another of what was originally intended, and to strive to be and then remain the same patriots our founders chose to be. We must be bound together in a common cause to restore that which will benefit all, equally; or we will fail before we begin in our endeavors to re-ignite the patriotic urges that were extant to form our Republic. It will require for each of us the will to overcome the ennui and self aggrandizement that our elected officials have fallen prey to. Only in that higher purpose can we force oppressive government back on the righteous path. Only then can that long forgotten America be restored to all the promise we once stood for. Once again, we must all do our part.
The current 'usurper in chief' with purposeful pattern has overstepped his Constitutional restrictions, and rightful enumerated powers delegated to the presidential office by the congress. However, the Congress has repeatedly abandoned it's duty as well. It is infiltrated by the Elites who want to see it fail, by the selfish who are self-serving, by the weak who show no will and have done nothing to counteract the usurpations although before elections they promise to do so.
AMERICA suffers an incursion by the destroyer from within, that sits at its lead a pseudo King who rides roughshod over the American traditional values and morals. Achieved through many decades of an established and entrenched institution of regulations in law, which no one in the other branches have used their check and balance powers to stop.
How has this happened? Consider, the powers deflected and rendered inconsequential when the 14th Amendment was enacted through the chicanery of the re-constructionist/deconstructionist Congress, then the victors of America's Civil War, the Washington insiders of the late 1800's, who deliberately mis-informed the public about conditions, sought to empower a national government that they controlled, over any future power or sovereign standing of any individual state, with three words ' no state shall' they usurped the original Constitution and reconstructed one of their own.
This Congress changed the rules our nation was founded on. Forced and required the ratification of the 14th Amendment before any and every state was allowed to reunify. The 14th amendment was an unconstitutional act, and was only made constitutional upon its own ratification.
Building upon the unbalance and the ability to check federal government growth, followed the 16th and 17th amendments, both ratified in the same year. This triad of amendments combined to guarantee Free Reign for the ever changing politics and controlling Establishment Party Line that would decide/decides and imposes their own brand of political will, and do as they would do, while ignoring the strictures of original Constitutional Law. This new design allows the continued making of new unconstitutional law, and a federal government that serves federal government.
Lost was the intent of serving the people, and for them conforming to Constitutional Law and equal and balanced government that respects the sovereignty of the people living in the respective states. Lost were the carefully crafted checks and balances originally meant to keep the government akin to the simplest form possible because the simpler a constructed thing is, the less liable it is to become disordered, and if it does become disordered, the simpler the repair of it will be. The checks and balances which were incorporated were also to restrict any person or group from being able to create its own fiefdom from which they could dictate terms to all others.
We now are as a people attempting to reinstate the original concepts that guided the fledgling nation into greatness on the world stage and made it the model other nations attempted to copy. The Founders in their wisdom realized that even with the checks and balances their constitutional construct for government could be rendered impotent through the machinations of men or from scientific progress and changing times. They incorporated a method of tweaking the Constitution to allow for it to be marginally changed to keep up with those developments and yet retain its protections of the Unalienable Rights of American citizens.
That method was deliberately made complicated and unwieldy to prevent frivolous and simple majority changes such as usually kills a Democracy. they even knew peradventure that even the elected officials would not always be trusted to work in the best interests of the people and the nation. Their answer to these challenges was the Article V of the Constitution. this allowed for both the congress to propose amendments to the Constitution but also gave the people a power over that Congress should it become intractable to the people. In fact the founders believed the majority of the power was safest when distributed among all the people with the proper checks to prevent our Republic from becoming a self defeating Democracy.
Conditions in our Nation now demand the concerted actions of the people to rectify that Intractable Congress and a President who has been acting like a member of Royalty. It falls on us to be the patriots who will do what is necessary to preserve the Republic and to remedy all the divergence from the original concept that our Founders handed down to our safekeeping in perpetuity. We are experiencing a modern round of what the Founders fought so hard to remove.
Firstly, the Neo-Monarchical Tyranny and disabuse of a president that has designs on becoming an American King if judged by his actions so far.
Secondly, the Neo-Aristocratical tyranny of members of Congress that have become Defacto American Peerage due to their longevity in positions that were originally intended to be only temporary inconveniences on the elected members for the benefit of the nation as a whole and then go back to their civilian lives.
Thirdly, the Republican form of government depended on the common citizens to take an active and continuous part in the control and oversight of their elected officials. this is where the people let themselves down through complacency and hedonistic pursuits.
The Article V section of the Constitution gives us the means to rectify all of those problems that have come around again to damage the Republic and return it to a pseudo monarchy or rather an Oligarchy to use the proper term. If you look at the basics there are only two forms of government Republic and Oligarchy. We can see where the Elites in Congress have run us off the wheels of the Republic over the last hundred years by incorporating the 14th,16th,and 17th Amendments to strip us of our power over them, BUT, they have not stripped the final power we have over them.
That power is to amend the Constitution without them having a say on what amendments we propose and that scares them to death. Why, we could propose an amendment that allowed then one term in the House and one term in the Senate. Or another one that made them unable to exempt themselves from the laws they enact. We could even propose an amendment that would let them have a retirement at 25% of their highest salary but only for the same duration as they spent in Congress. In short we could take back everything they stole for themselves and they could not do anything about it.
However I would think that we should start by enacting the proposed 28th Amendment to repeal the 14th,16th&17th. Then we could propose a balanced budget amendment that would stop their pay if they did not pass one by the time limit prescribed. We could even pass an amendment that would require full public disclosure of a persons background who contemplated running for and Federal Office.
I doubt there would be much opposition from the various States to ratify any of those proposals. It wouldn't be like someone trying to open up the Constitution and removing say the Bill of Rights because there would be massive public opposition to something like that.
A great man once said "A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in deference to custom. But the tumult soon subsides, time makes more converts than reason."
That man was the Patriot Thomas Paine, written in the introduction to the Revolutionary Pamphlet "Common Sense". Thomas Paine and Common Sense inspired people in the Thirteen Colonies to declare and fight for independence from England in 1775-76. Today we are faced with similar circumstances, not from England, but from the same elitist attitudes that prevailed in our Founding Father's Generation. It is the selfsame arrogance that always finds a home in the hearts of men and women who seek the role of leadership in a society.
In the time of Thomas Paine you will remember that there was a faction that wanted to make George Washington a King so that they could become the Kings Court? Even in the bright light of new and hard fought for independence they could not escape the mentality of hierarchy. Now 2centuries past that war for independence, the good people of this Great Nation are grievously being oppressed by the leading political self-anointed factions. Politicians who believe they have undoubted privilege, position, and place that supplants the merits of the common citizen, and whose superior vision and intelligence supplants 'common sense'.
The unique AMERICAN experiment, one of free people, self- governing under a Constitutional design of balanced and co-equal branches began a standard that would become the epitome of the free ideal. The idea of true republican style government has been, in every measure the example to strive for among the oppressed of mankind. Too bad our corrupt leaders don't remember their history and see it that way.
Present self-serving conditions prevail and are attacking the once known universal principle, all leaders must adhere to, in every determination, and respect the necessities and the ratified compact of a freedom loving people. For far too long a time now, the oppressors have usurped their rightful powers and laid waste to that Constitution. The ruling elite desolate our Country and scatter it's resources having declared war on our 'natural rights', nay the God given rights of all mankind.
The direction that our Country is going must be corrected. That will only be accomplished when it becomes the concern of every man, woman, and child; to whom God, or to use the Founder's term 'Nature's God' has entitled to them. The Creator endowed each of us with the power of feeling, a deep burning desire, to strive for the most perfect condition of self-determination we can create, with responsible strictures equally and fairly applied, devoid of oppression and rich with independent thoughts and actions geared toward Freedom to pursue their happiness.
America was founded with a belief in the Doctrine of Independence, sparked by the tyranny of an oppressive King. A system that allows the tyranny of one is always supported by a self-serving class that justifies, proliferates, and feeds off of and to the tyranny that allows its corruption. The ersatz privileged class deftly continues to thrive through changing times and politics, and in the 239 years since our inception, has been waging its own war against our Founding principles, in order to carve out a position whereby they would re-institute the old ways of Royalty. No longer princes or princesses, earls or knights, they are called counselors, advisors, lobbyists.
In those positions and under those titles they have many human foibles, corruptions, self-interests that work to maintain and remain in positions of power over the populace. Again, I find I must Quote Thomas Paine to explain better the differences between society and government. "Society is produced by our wants,and government by wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices. One encourages intercourse , the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher."
Allow me to clarify for our modern ears, the 'intercourse' spoken of is the inter-personal communications and the day to day interactive discourse that we conduct in our everyday lives.
We have all experienced the many blessings of a benign society in our day to day experiences, and must consider it a good thing that should be sought after by and for everyone. Government, on the other hand, is naught but a necessary structure even in it's best state, and something to be feared and not to be tolerated, in it's worst state.
Currently we are being exposed to the worst state of burdensome and oppressive Government. It seems deaf to our pleas for redress, non-responsive to our demands that it listens to our voice, and refuses to conform to the type of governance we want it to provide. The existing government demands too high a price for the false sense of protection it purveys to it's people. We have gone from being free citizens, to once again the position of subjects of a hierarchy, all at the hands of a repressive and selfish government of ruling class that routinely usurps their Constitutional powers.
The necessary checks and balances are ignored by the elected Congress, the usurpations go unchallenged in fact, and lip serviced in fact, if not ourselves then who will demand we return to our founding principles and restore the Constitution that defines that which rightfully belong to free people?
It falls on us, in this generation, to restore that government. We are called upon to be the catalyst, to remind on another of what was originally intended, and to strive to be and then remain the same patriots our founders chose to be. We must be bound together in a common cause to restore that which will benefit all, equally; or we will fail before we begin in our endeavors to re-ignite the patriotic urges that were extant to form our Republic. It will require for each of us the will to overcome the ennui and self aggrandizement that our elected officials have fallen prey to. Only in that higher purpose can we force oppressive government back on the righteous path. Only then can that long forgotten America be restored to all the promise we once stood for. Once again, we must all do our part.
The current 'usurper in chief' with purposeful pattern has overstepped his Constitutional restrictions, and rightful enumerated powers delegated to the presidential office by the congress. However, the Congress has repeatedly abandoned it's duty as well. It is infiltrated by the Elites who want to see it fail, by the selfish who are self-serving, by the weak who show no will and have done nothing to counteract the usurpations although before elections they promise to do so.
AMERICA suffers an incursion by the destroyer from within, that sits at its lead a pseudo King who rides roughshod over the American traditional values and morals. Achieved through many decades of an established and entrenched institution of regulations in law, which no one in the other branches have used their check and balance powers to stop.
How has this happened? Consider, the powers deflected and rendered inconsequential when the 14th Amendment was enacted through the chicanery of the re-constructionist/deconstructionist Congress, then the victors of America's Civil War, the Washington insiders of the late 1800's, who deliberately mis-informed the public about conditions, sought to empower a national government that they controlled, over any future power or sovereign standing of any individual state, with three words ' no state shall' they usurped the original Constitution and reconstructed one of their own.
This Congress changed the rules our nation was founded on. Forced and required the ratification of the 14th Amendment before any and every state was allowed to reunify. The 14th amendment was an unconstitutional act, and was only made constitutional upon its own ratification.
Building upon the unbalance and the ability to check federal government growth, followed the 16th and 17th amendments, both ratified in the same year. This triad of amendments combined to guarantee Free Reign for the ever changing politics and controlling Establishment Party Line that would decide/decides and imposes their own brand of political will, and do as they would do, while ignoring the strictures of original Constitutional Law. This new design allows the continued making of new unconstitutional law, and a federal government that serves federal government.
Lost was the intent of serving the people, and for them conforming to Constitutional Law and equal and balanced government that respects the sovereignty of the people living in the respective states. Lost were the carefully crafted checks and balances originally meant to keep the government akin to the simplest form possible because the simpler a constructed thing is, the less liable it is to become disordered, and if it does become disordered, the simpler the repair of it will be. The checks and balances which were incorporated were also to restrict any person or group from being able to create its own fiefdom from which they could dictate terms to all others.
We now are as a people attempting to reinstate the original concepts that guided the fledgling nation into greatness on the world stage and made it the model other nations attempted to copy. The Founders in their wisdom realized that even with the checks and balances their constitutional construct for government could be rendered impotent through the machinations of men or from scientific progress and changing times. They incorporated a method of tweaking the Constitution to allow for it to be marginally changed to keep up with those developments and yet retain its protections of the Unalienable Rights of American citizens.
That method was deliberately made complicated and unwieldy to prevent frivolous and simple majority changes such as usually kills a Democracy. they even knew peradventure that even the elected officials would not always be trusted to work in the best interests of the people and the nation. Their answer to these challenges was the Article V of the Constitution. this allowed for both the congress to propose amendments to the Constitution but also gave the people a power over that Congress should it become intractable to the people. In fact the founders believed the majority of the power was safest when distributed among all the people with the proper checks to prevent our Republic from becoming a self defeating Democracy.
Conditions in our Nation now demand the concerted actions of the people to rectify that Intractable Congress and a President who has been acting like a member of Royalty. It falls on us to be the patriots who will do what is necessary to preserve the Republic and to remedy all the divergence from the original concept that our Founders handed down to our safekeeping in perpetuity. We are experiencing a modern round of what the Founders fought so hard to remove.
Firstly, the Neo-Monarchical Tyranny and disabuse of a president that has designs on becoming an American King if judged by his actions so far.
Secondly, the Neo-Aristocratical tyranny of members of Congress that have become Defacto American Peerage due to their longevity in positions that were originally intended to be only temporary inconveniences on the elected members for the benefit of the nation as a whole and then go back to their civilian lives.
Thirdly, the Republican form of government depended on the common citizens to take an active and continuous part in the control and oversight of their elected officials. this is where the people let themselves down through complacency and hedonistic pursuits.
The Article V section of the Constitution gives us the means to rectify all of those problems that have come around again to damage the Republic and return it to a pseudo monarchy or rather an Oligarchy to use the proper term. If you look at the basics there are only two forms of government Republic and Oligarchy. We can see where the Elites in Congress have run us off the wheels of the Republic over the last hundred years by incorporating the 14th,16th,and 17th Amendments to strip us of our power over them, BUT, they have not stripped the final power we have over them.
That power is to amend the Constitution without them having a say on what amendments we propose and that scares them to death. Why, we could propose an amendment that allowed then one term in the House and one term in the Senate. Or another one that made them unable to exempt themselves from the laws they enact. We could even propose an amendment that would let them have a retirement at 25% of their highest salary but only for the same duration as they spent in Congress. In short we could take back everything they stole for themselves and they could not do anything about it.
However I would think that we should start by enacting the proposed 28th Amendment to repeal the 14th,16th&17th. Then we could propose a balanced budget amendment that would stop their pay if they did not pass one by the time limit prescribed. We could even pass an amendment that would require full public disclosure of a persons background who contemplated running for and Federal Office.
I doubt there would be much opposition from the various States to ratify any of those proposals. It wouldn't be like someone trying to open up the Constitution and removing say the Bill of Rights because there would be massive public opposition to something like that.
Some Reasons For The Waning American Empire That Must Be Addressed
We all should know certain things the Elitists don't want us to think about. Things like; For the most part the Progressive Socialist faction effectively controls most of American Business and Politics with their chosen puppets visibly in control, but in fact taking orders from their masters. We are going through the rough patch right now because people all over America have woken up and are trying to fight the amoeba like monster that has engulfed our nation. Take a cold hard look at things and you will be able to see that basically a Cabal controls the Progressive /Socialist movement. In turn the Cabal makes sure the laws are written to allow-it-to-operate-openly, with only the barest minimum of governmental supervision and taxation. Should any others not of the anointed Elite class controlling the Cabal try to compete,with it they make it neigh unto impossible for them to do business. Oh yeah, by the way they are operating a massive welfare net to keep the masses of low information voters happy and voting for their selected Politicians.
As a result of generations of this type of hidden management they are cutting necessary services like Military readiness when they should be cutting welfare payments and have a way to move those on it into productive jobs in the private sector to increase the wealth of this country for it's productive citizens. Unfortunately there has always been an Elite Class that has felt the others on this planet and by definition in this Country were put here solely to provide for the Elites every whim. The true enemy of the people are the ones who control the Elite Class. People like Mike. Bloomberg, George Soros and his son, Bill Gates,and the list goes on..
There are many others who over the ages have insinuated themselves into every human endeavor with the express purpose of controlling humanity. In bygone times they operated openly as kings with the total power to do anything they wanted to do. At that time they were only restrained by the other 'Kings' who wanted to control everything and competed with and openly fought each other to gain that final advantage.
The American Revolution changed all that and finally broke their stranglehold on world dominance but it was only a temporary victory. the Elitist controllers went hidden and like a wolf in sheeps clothing, masqueraded as the new Democracies that would overthrow the kings and queens to usher in a new age of prosperity for the masses of people. They set up basically the same dictatorships the kings had but called them Democratic Governance or Democratic Monarchies that only helped and protected the people from harm by imposing certain necessary rules and regulations that in effect would keep the people from ever uniting again like the colonists did in America. In effect they were all Oligarchies.
Very quietly the Elites took over world finances and businesses to form the Cabals that are now trying to institute the complete world control they have always sought. We are fighting them for the survival of America right now, and half of our fellow citizens have blindly sided with the enemy because of promises of being taken care of for the rest of their lives if they only would support and vote for the hidden Masters choices for government officials they could or already did control.
The corrupted politicians in American Government know that their house of cards will not last forever and that they can't keep fooling the people with Glowing Rhetoric and Total Media Control. In fact they are doing everything they possibly can to put in place another and harsher form of control. Most of which is already here. Take the hated "Patriot Act" There is nothing Patriotic about it. It was deliberately created to strip away the Bill of Rights under the guise of fighting Terrorism and Protecting the Public.
One other thing is severely damaging us, and that is the lack of Civic responsibility in the ranks of Politicians and since the Obama purge the Military has now become infected. The Politicians are more worried about continuing their political Careers/free rides on our dime instead of addressing the problems. Combine this with ignoring or even hiding the truth, elected officials and irresponsible Bureaucrats don't seem to be held to account for their lack of initiative. this bleeds through into the military where the top cadres must ply the politicking or be replaced. In turn it flows down to the civil authorities who have become increasingly militarized and are susceptible to the corruption that politicking inevitably brings.
The current crop of political rulers of the American Empire. Well, what else am I going to call it when the President acts like an Emperor instead of an elected Official who is supposed to defend the precepts of the Constitution and uphold all the laws? With the inherent power in the Presidency there needs to be a balance of responsibility and power. That balance is sorely lacking in our current CinC. It is also becoming endemic in the ranks of Congress as well. To the American observer it seems that almost but not quite the entire group of politicians have no loyalty to anything but themselves and what is required of them by their Party Masters and those hidden overlords who control their masters.
The question is what are we to do about this mess we're in? The last election was a definitive mandate by the Voters that they wanted a truly conservative set of representatives in charge and listening to them. What we have at present is the Speaker of the House ready willing and able to throw in the towel to appease the very people we want out of power. The incoming Senate Majority Leader is showing the same signs. It makes one wonder why this is happening?
We have a long hard haul ahead of us and there is no guarantee we will win in the end. So far we have been out maneuvered, out planned,and out organized by the highly controlled Left. This must end right now! In actuality the Second American Revolution has begun. We must attempt to keep it a peaceful Revolution or we will be over run by the Governmental Machine. So far it holds all the cards. We must systematically take those cards from them, and return them to their rightful owners, Us..
We have been beating around the bush for way too long. We are fragmented and frozen by the lack of cohesion and direction in our attempts to correct the mess we have been put in because most of us have been asleep for so long. Make no mistake, the opposition has been drugging us with platitudes for generations to put us in the state we were in.Now we have to stay awake not taking any more false rhetoric by the politicians as the truth. We must organize ourselves into manageable groups that are focused on the same goals, and carry them out with precision.
The most dangerous sign that we have lost it is the fact that Congress has had a 'Sudden' reluctance to tolerate differing points of view, and has since the 111th Congress trashed America. this reluctance is spreading among the population also and is discouraging discussions of the fundamental basics of our American Culture. This severely limits the arena of Political Science and cripples Freedom of Speech, which in turn cripples Freedom of Thought. We may never get back what we have had stripped from us by the curmudgeons in Congress that have repeatedly refused to listen to us on how we want the Country run. We must try to get back as much as we can, and then punish those responsible for the theft of our Constitutional Freedoms. It's either we unite against the Elites and their Cabals, or, we become their slaves once again!
What has been lost to the Elitists who believe that everyone else is put on this world solely to service them and cater to their wishes, can be gotten back again. The trick is for all of us to unite against the Dark Elitist forces. That's all it would take, for us to unite and stay the course. It would mean that we would have to subsume all personal and group goals to work on the agreed on agenda we wanted to bring about. It could even be a dual agenda to bring about two things like blocking illegal amnesty and ending income tax. Or it could be pushing for an Article V amendment convention started by the states petition to Congress to call one then step back.
Should that be done there would have to be certain safeguards put in place by the States on how it would be run, how the Delegates would be chosen, what the delegates could propose and agree to, etc. A good model for the States to follow is the Indiana laws that were enacted and placed on the books. Doing this would prevent someone like Soros from hijacking the convention to illegally and unconstitutionally shred the Constitution. It would also limit what could be done by the delegates themselves. The Delegates to a Convention of States would have to agree on the wording of any new amendment before it would be sent to the States for the Ratification process.
Under this type of legislation, the Delegates could be ordered to only allow the shortest and clearest Amendment wording. Example: The 16th Amendment on Income tax is hereby Repealed. Or The 17th Amendment is hereby Repealed and Senators will be henceforth be elected as is provided for in Article I, Section 3, of the Constitution before the 17th was ratified. Or, The 14th Amendment is hereby Repealed and replaced by the 'Original' 13th Amendment. See, Simple and straight to the point. One I would like to see is The Second Amendment is hereby interpreted to mean the Government shall in no way restrict free ownership, use,transportation, and/or carry rights of any and all firearms, by Legal American Citizens, and all prior laws enacted in conflict with this Amendment are themselves repealed as Unconstitutional and Unenforceable.
The basic premise of the short and to the point wording of amendments is to remove as much as possible and Legalese that will give the Government or it's Justice Department loop holes they can use to get around this type of Amendment. An even more needed Amendment would be one that simply States: The Supreme Court is hereby relegated to commenting on whether a law is Constitutional or not. They must explain if all or what parts are not Constitutional then return the law to Congress without any suggestions or opinions on how to rectify it. They are also charged with reviewing the decisions of lower courts rulings on points of Constitutional Law without suggesting any remedies.
This would prevent the Supreme Court from Legislating from the bench as they are now doing. Once it's in the Constitution, the Court could scream all they wanted to but they would again be under the checks and balances the Forefathers put in place to preserve the Republic.
See the enacted bills concerning the Indiana state Legislature at;
If we don't do something soon we will be left with a shell of a Constitution with no teeth. It will be similar in effect as the Russian or Chinese Constitutions were in protecting the People from a Voracious Nihilistic Government. In fact America will continue to emulate Imperial Rome until it burns too!
The Tradesman
As a result of generations of this type of hidden management they are cutting necessary services like Military readiness when they should be cutting welfare payments and have a way to move those on it into productive jobs in the private sector to increase the wealth of this country for it's productive citizens. Unfortunately there has always been an Elite Class that has felt the others on this planet and by definition in this Country were put here solely to provide for the Elites every whim. The true enemy of the people are the ones who control the Elite Class. People like Mike. Bloomberg, George Soros and his son, Bill Gates,and the list goes on..
There are many others who over the ages have insinuated themselves into every human endeavor with the express purpose of controlling humanity. In bygone times they operated openly as kings with the total power to do anything they wanted to do. At that time they were only restrained by the other 'Kings' who wanted to control everything and competed with and openly fought each other to gain that final advantage.
The American Revolution changed all that and finally broke their stranglehold on world dominance but it was only a temporary victory. the Elitist controllers went hidden and like a wolf in sheeps clothing, masqueraded as the new Democracies that would overthrow the kings and queens to usher in a new age of prosperity for the masses of people. They set up basically the same dictatorships the kings had but called them Democratic Governance or Democratic Monarchies that only helped and protected the people from harm by imposing certain necessary rules and regulations that in effect would keep the people from ever uniting again like the colonists did in America. In effect they were all Oligarchies.
Very quietly the Elites took over world finances and businesses to form the Cabals that are now trying to institute the complete world control they have always sought. We are fighting them for the survival of America right now, and half of our fellow citizens have blindly sided with the enemy because of promises of being taken care of for the rest of their lives if they only would support and vote for the hidden Masters choices for government officials they could or already did control.
The corrupted politicians in American Government know that their house of cards will not last forever and that they can't keep fooling the people with Glowing Rhetoric and Total Media Control. In fact they are doing everything they possibly can to put in place another and harsher form of control. Most of which is already here. Take the hated "Patriot Act" There is nothing Patriotic about it. It was deliberately created to strip away the Bill of Rights under the guise of fighting Terrorism and Protecting the Public.
One other thing is severely damaging us, and that is the lack of Civic responsibility in the ranks of Politicians and since the Obama purge the Military has now become infected. The Politicians are more worried about continuing their political Careers/free rides on our dime instead of addressing the problems. Combine this with ignoring or even hiding the truth, elected officials and irresponsible Bureaucrats don't seem to be held to account for their lack of initiative. this bleeds through into the military where the top cadres must ply the politicking or be replaced. In turn it flows down to the civil authorities who have become increasingly militarized and are susceptible to the corruption that politicking inevitably brings.
The current crop of political rulers of the American Empire. Well, what else am I going to call it when the President acts like an Emperor instead of an elected Official who is supposed to defend the precepts of the Constitution and uphold all the laws? With the inherent power in the Presidency there needs to be a balance of responsibility and power. That balance is sorely lacking in our current CinC. It is also becoming endemic in the ranks of Congress as well. To the American observer it seems that almost but not quite the entire group of politicians have no loyalty to anything but themselves and what is required of them by their Party Masters and those hidden overlords who control their masters.
The question is what are we to do about this mess we're in? The last election was a definitive mandate by the Voters that they wanted a truly conservative set of representatives in charge and listening to them. What we have at present is the Speaker of the House ready willing and able to throw in the towel to appease the very people we want out of power. The incoming Senate Majority Leader is showing the same signs. It makes one wonder why this is happening?
We have a long hard haul ahead of us and there is no guarantee we will win in the end. So far we have been out maneuvered, out planned,and out organized by the highly controlled Left. This must end right now! In actuality the Second American Revolution has begun. We must attempt to keep it a peaceful Revolution or we will be over run by the Governmental Machine. So far it holds all the cards. We must systematically take those cards from them, and return them to their rightful owners, Us..
We have been beating around the bush for way too long. We are fragmented and frozen by the lack of cohesion and direction in our attempts to correct the mess we have been put in because most of us have been asleep for so long. Make no mistake, the opposition has been drugging us with platitudes for generations to put us in the state we were in.Now we have to stay awake not taking any more false rhetoric by the politicians as the truth. We must organize ourselves into manageable groups that are focused on the same goals, and carry them out with precision.
The most dangerous sign that we have lost it is the fact that Congress has had a 'Sudden' reluctance to tolerate differing points of view, and has since the 111th Congress trashed America. this reluctance is spreading among the population also and is discouraging discussions of the fundamental basics of our American Culture. This severely limits the arena of Political Science and cripples Freedom of Speech, which in turn cripples Freedom of Thought. We may never get back what we have had stripped from us by the curmudgeons in Congress that have repeatedly refused to listen to us on how we want the Country run. We must try to get back as much as we can, and then punish those responsible for the theft of our Constitutional Freedoms. It's either we unite against the Elites and their Cabals, or, we become their slaves once again!
What has been lost to the Elitists who believe that everyone else is put on this world solely to service them and cater to their wishes, can be gotten back again. The trick is for all of us to unite against the Dark Elitist forces. That's all it would take, for us to unite and stay the course. It would mean that we would have to subsume all personal and group goals to work on the agreed on agenda we wanted to bring about. It could even be a dual agenda to bring about two things like blocking illegal amnesty and ending income tax. Or it could be pushing for an Article V amendment convention started by the states petition to Congress to call one then step back.
Should that be done there would have to be certain safeguards put in place by the States on how it would be run, how the Delegates would be chosen, what the delegates could propose and agree to, etc. A good model for the States to follow is the Indiana laws that were enacted and placed on the books. Doing this would prevent someone like Soros from hijacking the convention to illegally and unconstitutionally shred the Constitution. It would also limit what could be done by the delegates themselves. The Delegates to a Convention of States would have to agree on the wording of any new amendment before it would be sent to the States for the Ratification process.
Under this type of legislation, the Delegates could be ordered to only allow the shortest and clearest Amendment wording. Example: The 16th Amendment on Income tax is hereby Repealed. Or The 17th Amendment is hereby Repealed and Senators will be henceforth be elected as is provided for in Article I, Section 3, of the Constitution before the 17th was ratified. Or, The 14th Amendment is hereby Repealed and replaced by the 'Original' 13th Amendment. See, Simple and straight to the point. One I would like to see is The Second Amendment is hereby interpreted to mean the Government shall in no way restrict free ownership, use,transportation, and/or carry rights of any and all firearms, by Legal American Citizens, and all prior laws enacted in conflict with this Amendment are themselves repealed as Unconstitutional and Unenforceable.
The basic premise of the short and to the point wording of amendments is to remove as much as possible and Legalese that will give the Government or it's Justice Department loop holes they can use to get around this type of Amendment. An even more needed Amendment would be one that simply States: The Supreme Court is hereby relegated to commenting on whether a law is Constitutional or not. They must explain if all or what parts are not Constitutional then return the law to Congress without any suggestions or opinions on how to rectify it. They are also charged with reviewing the decisions of lower courts rulings on points of Constitutional Law without suggesting any remedies.
This would prevent the Supreme Court from Legislating from the bench as they are now doing. Once it's in the Constitution, the Court could scream all they wanted to but they would again be under the checks and balances the Forefathers put in place to preserve the Republic.
See the enacted bills concerning the Indiana state Legislature at;
If we don't do something soon we will be left with a shell of a Constitution with no teeth. It will be similar in effect as the Russian or Chinese Constitutions were in protecting the People from a Voracious Nihilistic Government. In fact America will continue to emulate Imperial Rome until it burns too!
The Tradesman
What The Frack Are We Going To Do About The Situation?
I have been watching this crap we call Politics since 2008. I find one thing paramount; Congress and the rest of the ruling class does not give a damn about what we want. All we are doing is spinning our wheels complaining to each other and in effect preaching to the choir about what is going wrong with America. I have not yet seen one person in the conservative arena or even the various iterations of the Tea Parties address that almost universal problem.
We are sitting back even though we know that sitting back is tantamount to being asleep, and we are not doing enough boots on the ground things that will actually change the minds of the Elite Overlords/Puppet Masters who are controlling the rest of the world, and, most of our Leadership, with an iron fist from behind the scenes. To the contrary, they won't be stopped unless we actively stop them
We are wasting all of our anger and outrage on mutual complaining or on silly ass ideas proposed in Congress that the hidden controllers just laugh at. I'm sure that our conservative leaders in the various tea parties mean well, but they are now hampered by the onset of membership ennui stemming from long periods of setbacks and lack of Congressional action.This translates into NO action when it comes to actually doing something physical to stop the crap and forcibly take back our rightful power from the usurpers. MAKE NO MISTAKE, I'M NOT COUNSELING THAT WE USE VIOLENCE. I'M NOT!
I'm counseling that we use the same Peaceful Civil Disobedience that Dr. King used. Using it in large enough numbers, in all nationwide major locations, that we can not be ignored or even arrested enmasse! What we need to do is to go to Washington in multiples of Millions, and form a sit down strike in the halls of Congress, the Supreme Court, On White House Tours, On the Mall, In the IRS bldg,By the Reflecting Pool, in fact in every single government building in Washington, and do the same in every State Capitol in a coordinated effort by all the Tea Party, Libertarian,and Conservative Groups to show our unity and strength. Doing that would scare the hell out of the Politicians and Elites alike. I just wish we had enough committed people to do this, and in every major city at the same time too.
We must do this without resorting to any violence coming from us whatsoever. If there is violence let it come from the rank and file of the rulers. In short we need to be the conservative counterpoint to the 60s radicals that took over Washington, but be even more coordinated, and in larger numbers. We need our movements Dr Kings. We also need counterpoints to the Abbey Hoffmans, our SDS, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorns of the 60s counter-revolution. Conservative opposites to those fracking programmed idiots that tore our country apart during the Vietnam War. We must use their same tactics without using the violence and bombings they committed, and reverse the propaganda they used against us on them, because those things did work!
Look at the mess we have now because we did not actively oppose and stop them cold in the 60s. Most of them are teaching our kids at colleges across the Nation on how good it is to be a Communist/Socialist/Muslim, and how hateful or pathetic it is to have Christian values. They actively suppress any desire to have freedom or liberty unless the Oppressive Government controlled by Elitists decide to push for it for their own ends and not ours. In short if it will benefit the Elite Masters of the Collective above all else!
I'm totally sick and tired of watching everything go down the drain because most of the sunshine patriots have now decided to fight with keyboards instead of actually physically doing something positive to stop the pernicious takeover of our Republic, by the Democratic/Socialists now in power, to remake it into a COMMUNIST/SOCIALIST GULAG FOR THEIR SOLE BENEFIT! You must understand, this is not to denigrate the things that have been done, it is to re-energize us for things that still need to be done. I have been out there on the streets doing things like organizing transportation for people during voting times. I have passed around petitions for candidates and proposed laws. I have personally contacted my Representatives and tried to have them fight for Constitutional Rights and against the current creeping Socialistic miasma of oppression. I know that many others have too. The problem is; At this point in history, we need EVERYBODY to do it.
If we don't make our move now, we will be prevented from making it without shedding our life's blood for the cause. I took an oath to Protect and Defend the Constitution and what it stands for. That Oath has no expiration date. I am now an old man, but I will defend it with my life as I swore to do in my youth. I do this because it is a Sacred Trust for every generation to uphold. It has been passed down from our forebears who did the same, and many paid the ultimate price to honor it. It's now Our Turn to Take Up The Fight!
The major mistake we are making is in believing that any more than a meager handful of our so called representatives actually listen to us, or act on what we want to happen within our Republic. Make no mistake, it's OUR Republic, NOT theirs. Try telling that to the Crony Capitalists or to the hidden Overlord Puppet Masters who are seriously bent on total control for their sole benefit. When are we going to hit back? Hit back peacefully if at all means possible? I must stress Peacefully or we will surely lose. We must take the high moral ground in this endeavor.Doing that will sway public sentiment to our side no matter what the opposing forces of evil try to spin.
If we don't move now and by now, I do mean NOW! We will not be able to move against them, and they will win. For way too long the hidden Overlords have held sway on just about every country in the world. America is the last bastion that stands between them and total World Domination, even Soros said this. We must also follow the Money and find out who is actually calling the shots behind Soros and the New World Order to subjugate mankind into abject slavery.
Only our focus and uniting behind the beliefs put forth in the Declaration of Independence and protected in the Constitution will work to unseat those who would enslave us and make us believe our freedom and liberty comes from them instead of from God!
For way too long the corrupt professional politicians have held sway over the people they are supposed to serve but have usually abused with regularity. Our government has become bloated and is continuing on down the road to bankruptcy because it is riddled with mismanagement and cronyism.In short it has become a Democracy in all the worst sense of the word, and has lost most of the Founders ideals of a self sustaining Republic.
We are beset by, and I believe it is contrived to be so, massive Government interference, mass corruption, fraudulent analysis of natural phenomena combined with skewed corrections to the phony problems only the crony's can profit from. If you add to this the loss of financial flexibility that those in control have built into the system for their sole advantage, you can see why we will collapse unless we actively take control and stop them.
It won't be enough to just stop them, we will have to put in place many blocks to prevent them, or a future coalition of corrupt politicians, from ever usurping our rightful powers again. Yes I do know that 'Ever' is not possible, I mean that we should institute a hard and fast set of rules that are self explanatory and crystal clear to the average citizen, so if some conniving politician tries to change them for advantage, the people will see through the changes and prevent them from happening.
A prime example of conniving politicians pulling the wool over the eyes of the unsophisticated public is exemplified by the 17th Amendment to the Constitution. The political rhetoric that was expounded on by the proponents of this reversal of Constitutional intent, was pushed by the Pro-Massive Government Factions, and fed the public to confuse and outrage them over alleged unethical practices by the way Senators were elected prior to it's ratification. It was a bald faced lie concocted by them, so the real purpose of stripping the States of their Constitutional Representation and reversing the power over the Central/Federal Government, would be completely and deliberately overlooked by the public. What the 17th actually did was allow the Central Government unbridled expansion in power and scope, for the massive and invasive Federal Government incursions into our lives on a daily basis. No longer do the Senators represent their States, they only give allegiance to their Party Agendas now.
Take a look at the so called Patriot Act in total. It has stripped so many Constitutional Freedoms it has shredded the intent of the Constitution, Ignored the gist and reasoning of the Declaration of Independence, and has mostly destroyed the Bill of rights. It has instituted internal security measures and will continue to expand them until the Federal government controls virtually every aspect of it's peoples lives. It already has just about eclipsed all the States rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Even the basic Writ of Habeas Corpus has been destroyed by it.
I believe this is a major factor why Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Schumer, Boxer, Academia and other“Progressives” hate the Declaration of Independence even more than the Constitution. You should be amazed over the number of bills, rules and regulations pending. Tens of thousands of other bureaucratically generated regulations are already “eating out the people’s substance” - a term from the Declaration of Independence.
Take a minute and read the meat of the Declaration of Independence where the Founders outlined WHY they declared independence and what their grievances were against the Dictatorial King. Here are a select few;
He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation.
He has affected to render the military independent of and superior to civil power.
In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms: our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.
He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states; for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners;
He has obstructed the administration of justice.
He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.
How does that substantially differ from conditions at present?
If you listen closely to the Progressive Rhetoric and take a hard look at what the Congress and Administration is proposing with all the new rules supposedly for our safety, you will find it is nothing but unreliable promises of security they will not provide to any others but themselves. Granted the substance of our Democratic/Republic form of government is being followed, BUT, by only lip service from the usurpers who call themselves freely elected leaders.
We must of necessity Join together or our Republic will DIE!
Our Freedoms and Liberty will DIE with it!
We are sitting back even though we know that sitting back is tantamount to being asleep, and we are not doing enough boots on the ground things that will actually change the minds of the Elite Overlords/Puppet Masters who are controlling the rest of the world, and, most of our Leadership, with an iron fist from behind the scenes. To the contrary, they won't be stopped unless we actively stop them
We are wasting all of our anger and outrage on mutual complaining or on silly ass ideas proposed in Congress that the hidden controllers just laugh at. I'm sure that our conservative leaders in the various tea parties mean well, but they are now hampered by the onset of membership ennui stemming from long periods of setbacks and lack of Congressional action.This translates into NO action when it comes to actually doing something physical to stop the crap and forcibly take back our rightful power from the usurpers. MAKE NO MISTAKE, I'M NOT COUNSELING THAT WE USE VIOLENCE. I'M NOT!
I'm counseling that we use the same Peaceful Civil Disobedience that Dr. King used. Using it in large enough numbers, in all nationwide major locations, that we can not be ignored or even arrested enmasse! What we need to do is to go to Washington in multiples of Millions, and form a sit down strike in the halls of Congress, the Supreme Court, On White House Tours, On the Mall, In the IRS bldg,By the Reflecting Pool, in fact in every single government building in Washington, and do the same in every State Capitol in a coordinated effort by all the Tea Party, Libertarian,and Conservative Groups to show our unity and strength. Doing that would scare the hell out of the Politicians and Elites alike. I just wish we had enough committed people to do this, and in every major city at the same time too.
We must do this without resorting to any violence coming from us whatsoever. If there is violence let it come from the rank and file of the rulers. In short we need to be the conservative counterpoint to the 60s radicals that took over Washington, but be even more coordinated, and in larger numbers. We need our movements Dr Kings. We also need counterpoints to the Abbey Hoffmans, our SDS, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorns of the 60s counter-revolution. Conservative opposites to those fracking programmed idiots that tore our country apart during the Vietnam War. We must use their same tactics without using the violence and bombings they committed, and reverse the propaganda they used against us on them, because those things did work!
Look at the mess we have now because we did not actively oppose and stop them cold in the 60s. Most of them are teaching our kids at colleges across the Nation on how good it is to be a Communist/Socialist/Muslim, and how hateful or pathetic it is to have Christian values. They actively suppress any desire to have freedom or liberty unless the Oppressive Government controlled by Elitists decide to push for it for their own ends and not ours. In short if it will benefit the Elite Masters of the Collective above all else!
I'm totally sick and tired of watching everything go down the drain because most of the sunshine patriots have now decided to fight with keyboards instead of actually physically doing something positive to stop the pernicious takeover of our Republic, by the Democratic/Socialists now in power, to remake it into a COMMUNIST/SOCIALIST GULAG FOR THEIR SOLE BENEFIT! You must understand, this is not to denigrate the things that have been done, it is to re-energize us for things that still need to be done. I have been out there on the streets doing things like organizing transportation for people during voting times. I have passed around petitions for candidates and proposed laws. I have personally contacted my Representatives and tried to have them fight for Constitutional Rights and against the current creeping Socialistic miasma of oppression. I know that many others have too. The problem is; At this point in history, we need EVERYBODY to do it.
If we don't make our move now, we will be prevented from making it without shedding our life's blood for the cause. I took an oath to Protect and Defend the Constitution and what it stands for. That Oath has no expiration date. I am now an old man, but I will defend it with my life as I swore to do in my youth. I do this because it is a Sacred Trust for every generation to uphold. It has been passed down from our forebears who did the same, and many paid the ultimate price to honor it. It's now Our Turn to Take Up The Fight!
The major mistake we are making is in believing that any more than a meager handful of our so called representatives actually listen to us, or act on what we want to happen within our Republic. Make no mistake, it's OUR Republic, NOT theirs. Try telling that to the Crony Capitalists or to the hidden Overlord Puppet Masters who are seriously bent on total control for their sole benefit. When are we going to hit back? Hit back peacefully if at all means possible? I must stress Peacefully or we will surely lose. We must take the high moral ground in this endeavor.Doing that will sway public sentiment to our side no matter what the opposing forces of evil try to spin.
If we don't move now and by now, I do mean NOW! We will not be able to move against them, and they will win. For way too long the hidden Overlords have held sway on just about every country in the world. America is the last bastion that stands between them and total World Domination, even Soros said this. We must also follow the Money and find out who is actually calling the shots behind Soros and the New World Order to subjugate mankind into abject slavery.
Only our focus and uniting behind the beliefs put forth in the Declaration of Independence and protected in the Constitution will work to unseat those who would enslave us and make us believe our freedom and liberty comes from them instead of from God!
For way too long the corrupt professional politicians have held sway over the people they are supposed to serve but have usually abused with regularity. Our government has become bloated and is continuing on down the road to bankruptcy because it is riddled with mismanagement and cronyism.In short it has become a Democracy in all the worst sense of the word, and has lost most of the Founders ideals of a self sustaining Republic.
We are beset by, and I believe it is contrived to be so, massive Government interference, mass corruption, fraudulent analysis of natural phenomena combined with skewed corrections to the phony problems only the crony's can profit from. If you add to this the loss of financial flexibility that those in control have built into the system for their sole advantage, you can see why we will collapse unless we actively take control and stop them.
It won't be enough to just stop them, we will have to put in place many blocks to prevent them, or a future coalition of corrupt politicians, from ever usurping our rightful powers again. Yes I do know that 'Ever' is not possible, I mean that we should institute a hard and fast set of rules that are self explanatory and crystal clear to the average citizen, so if some conniving politician tries to change them for advantage, the people will see through the changes and prevent them from happening.
A prime example of conniving politicians pulling the wool over the eyes of the unsophisticated public is exemplified by the 17th Amendment to the Constitution. The political rhetoric that was expounded on by the proponents of this reversal of Constitutional intent, was pushed by the Pro-Massive Government Factions, and fed the public to confuse and outrage them over alleged unethical practices by the way Senators were elected prior to it's ratification. It was a bald faced lie concocted by them, so the real purpose of stripping the States of their Constitutional Representation and reversing the power over the Central/Federal Government, would be completely and deliberately overlooked by the public. What the 17th actually did was allow the Central Government unbridled expansion in power and scope, for the massive and invasive Federal Government incursions into our lives on a daily basis. No longer do the Senators represent their States, they only give allegiance to their Party Agendas now.
Take a look at the so called Patriot Act in total. It has stripped so many Constitutional Freedoms it has shredded the intent of the Constitution, Ignored the gist and reasoning of the Declaration of Independence, and has mostly destroyed the Bill of rights. It has instituted internal security measures and will continue to expand them until the Federal government controls virtually every aspect of it's peoples lives. It already has just about eclipsed all the States rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Even the basic Writ of Habeas Corpus has been destroyed by it.
I believe this is a major factor why Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Schumer, Boxer, Academia and other“Progressives” hate the Declaration of Independence even more than the Constitution. You should be amazed over the number of bills, rules and regulations pending. Tens of thousands of other bureaucratically generated regulations are already “eating out the people’s substance” - a term from the Declaration of Independence.
Take a minute and read the meat of the Declaration of Independence where the Founders outlined WHY they declared independence and what their grievances were against the Dictatorial King. Here are a select few;
He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation.
He has affected to render the military independent of and superior to civil power.
In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms: our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.
He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states; for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners;
He has obstructed the administration of justice.
He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.
How does that substantially differ from conditions at present?
If you listen closely to the Progressive Rhetoric and take a hard look at what the Congress and Administration is proposing with all the new rules supposedly for our safety, you will find it is nothing but unreliable promises of security they will not provide to any others but themselves. Granted the substance of our Democratic/Republic form of government is being followed, BUT, by only lip service from the usurpers who call themselves freely elected leaders.
We must of necessity Join together or our Republic will DIE!
Our Freedoms and Liberty will DIE with it!
Let me end this treatise with a quote we all need to remember and take to heart;
"Society in it's every state is a blessing, but government, even in it’s best stage, is but a necessary evil; in it’s worst state an intolerable one."
-Thomas Paine
What do you think the state of government is right now?
The Tradesman
"Society in it's every state is a blessing, but government, even in it’s best stage, is but a necessary evil; in it’s worst state an intolerable one."
-Thomas Paine
What do you think the state of government is right now?
The Tradesman
America Is Paralleling The Fall of Imperial Rome!
I ask you not to accept what I am saying, but rather go and find out for yourselves before deciding what must be done. We need to compare what was happening in Imperial Rome just before it collapsed. Many, actually too many conditions that prevailed then are occurring right now in the USA. Rome was the biggest most powerful and influential empire in the known world in it's time. Romans were smug in their beliefs and extreme egotism, that Rome would go on forever without a problem. In short they could not envision a time when they would fail. History shows us that All empires fail given enough time and the proper circumstances. Greed and Corruption did Rome in. It will do the same to America unless we cut it short and return to our Morals and Constitutional Principles. We face something akin to this;
Look at what actually was happening in the Roman Empire. It looked from the outside looking in as invulnerable to anything the entire world could throw at it. Outwardly Rome was perceived as bursting with Military Might, Abundant Wealth, Creature Comforts second to none, Epitome of culture, the aesthetic of functional modernity. In short the building house of a working vibrant civilization that would bring peace and prosperity to the world. This was the Roman Republic Period from 509 B.C. to 27 B.C. The break down between Republic until it's demise in 49 B.C. originated with Julius Caesar who overthrew the Senate and declared himself Emperor and Rome an Empire no longer a Republic.
he Empire started out Strong and In fact there was even 'Pax Romana' from 27 B.C. to 180 A.D. During this 'Empire Period' the government became ever more corrupt.; Roman Debt climbed, Special interest groups began the process of paying for government boons and protections. The Military that even still held allegiance to the Empire was deliberately spread thin and disbursed around the known world because the Emperors and their sycophants feared it would move to restore law and order. The financial institutions and industry of that time was in lock step with the corrupt government forces. the people had no say in their destiny like they had under the Roman Republic. That empire could only be sustained by increasing prices of everyday necessities and increasing taxes. (Does that begin to sound familiar? Like the last hundred years of the United States?)
Unless we as Americans stand up to the coming tyranny, this will become our ultimate fate. We must return to the moral code we once proudly and voluntarily exhibited as the standard for our lives. We must also return to the Principles of Constitutional Law as the basis for our Society, or this will become our ultimate fate!
Compare that to the USA today. Our Bi-Cameral Congress, is our American version of the Roman Senate, originally like that of the Republic, has become like unto the Roman Senate of Empire times, and is controlled and held hostage by the same issues of money, favoritism in industry, disbursed military might, debt, a technical dictator etc. What differences do you see? I don't see any! Add to that the real problems of Fiat Money posing as real wealth, Increased indebtedness, overproduction of unnecessary but profitable items leaving necessities under produced, and favored industry ignoring the realities we are facing.Corrupt politicians being bought, The govt. playing fast and loose with the truth about everything that keeps our civilization running, but in fact it is bowing to the Crony Capitalists who want to control everything with no competition and what do you have? Not stopping that will lead to this;
Look at it this way, at the beginning of our industrial age, lets say when Coal was king and fueled the Second Industrial Revolution that was the precursor of our Modern Society that is now based on oil and natural gas primarily. Since that beginning, until now, there has been an increase in the population of the world of about 5 billion people more today than it was since the 'Oil Age ' began. We do know that our Fossil fuels are finite and will eventually run out. the problem is, the corrupt governments, the UN, and other World Organizations are playing a game with our lives. that game is being played just so their select circle can become the wealthiest and most controlling entities surpassed only by Satan in Hell on control of their subjects.
There is actually enough known reserves of coal to last for an approximate 500 years at present levels of usage. the known oil reserves at the present usage plus extrapolated forward to the increased usages is still good for over 150 years.Natural Gas is estimated to be around for 300 years at present and projected growth levels. Nuclear power is virtually limitless. Yet we are experiencing an "Energy Crisis" that has quadrupled prices of nearly everything in the last two and a half decades. WHY IS THIS? Could it be the penchant for the Elitists to push people to Socialism to better control them? The Elites want their Subjects to be too poor to oppose them and their agendas.
The reason is not as our so called Leaders would have us believe, is not dwindling supplies, nor is it the potential for polluting our world. There are many tried and proven methods that could be employed to eliminate 99+% of all pollution. No, the reasons are strictly Politics and Greed. Ask yourself why is the US the only Country that will not allow the recycling of the 'Yellow Cake' reactor rods so they can be used until they are almost harmless and then be stored in the underground facility in Yucca Flats? Ask why Nuclear has been held in abeyance by Government regulations for so long? Ask why the Naval reactors have been strictly used for ships for almost fifty years with out an accident but the designs are not available to the public even though most navies use the same designs?
Congressional Rules and Regulations that have no other purpose than to stop the nuclear industry from providing a clean and almost unending source of Electrical energy cheaply, and with extremely little pollution are the culprit blocking cheap limitless and clean power. Harry Reid has been the one who has fought the opening of the yucca Flats facility for the last 15 years, and in doing so has exposed Americans to potentially deadly radioactive waste that could have been contained safely and cheaply with no possibility of terrorists ever being able to get their hands on it.
Lets look at the Coal Industry. there are many coal fired electrical plants that have put in place scrubbers that remove almost all of the pollutants from their smokestack emissions, even the CO2 can and regularly is recovered and can be liquefied and returned to the underground areas where oil and natural gas has been removed. It even helps in the system of Fracking that has gone on for more than two decades with no ill effects except cutting into the expected profits of the Greens movement billionaires like Al Gore.
Look at oil, It's getting harder to bring up the light sweet crude not because of scarcity, but because of Congressional action that only benefits their Crony's in the green or protected industries even foreign industries over American ones. It even has been expanded outside the Constitutional Boundaries set for Legislation by Congress with Bureaucracies setting up regulations that have the force of Law and Congress doing nothing to oversee them and remove the ones that have no other reason but to stop competition with their Friends and Cronys.
Look at Natural Gas. There is more natural gas underground in the US than is in all the other combined known reserves in the rest of the world. It burns cleaner, is less polluting, and is easier to scrub the emissions it gives off when burned. so why is it not being used? Again it is because of Congressional regulations that block competition with Crony Capitalists well connected with the powers that be in Congress.
Some ways to avert the coming collapse;
Humans need three things to survive. Food, Water, Shelter. All three of these things require massive amounts of energy to be delivered sufficient amounts to meet current levels of usage based on our population. Population is one of the things that must be addressed, but addressed responsibly and intelligently. Population, productivity, usage,all come together and influence financial economics. As it sits right now the monetary model used world wide is actually a Ponzi Scheme because Fiat money has been used for a Century to give the impression of prosperity and unending wealth. that can't last.
The massive debts and Credit will eventually come home to roost with another World Wide Great Depression. It's the banks and banking practices that are the real problem here exacerbating the Ponzi like monetary fund. They need to be changed to a solid system that will remain the standard value for a dollar for as long as there is the concept of a dollar. In essence no more Fiat money, No more irresponsible credit no matter what the Social Justice Politically Correct Toady's want you to believe, they don't work.
Only solid monetary principles will last. In example and simply stated; An honest amount of work for an honest amount of pay. An honest amount of pay for an honest amount of goods or services. Pay and Prices commensurate with basic needs. Incentives to save for large ticket items and buy without Credit. ( I consider the credit industry as the number one destroyer of civilization) If Credit becomes necessary it needs to be strictly regulated so the return is a fixed amount of interest regardless of the time involved and fixed at say 3% of the total amount borrowed on Credit, with no exceptions. Regulations need to be restricted to those that actually protect the worker and consumer and give no advantage to any business over any other business.
Profit margins must be a reasonable return on investments and costs(Actual Costs incurred, and not 'lost' projected, or desired profits). Say limited at 5% to 10% over the actual total costs of making the product as a maximum allowable. Yes I know this sounds like something that would befit a Communist Country, but I knew a man that made millions by limiting his top profits to 10 cents on the dollar. He actually gave back to the community he lived in by consistently lower prices on goods and consumables he sold. The size of Governments must be limited to the barest minimum possible while they can still get the job done.
Taxes must be no more than what it takes to sustain the minimum Govt. and apportioned equally on only sales of finished products or completed services. Govt Representatives in all governments will be required to have a lifetime term limit in govt. Say a total of 12 years maximum, in any combination of Local, State, or Federal positions. As an example 3 yrs Local, 3 yrs State, and 6 yrs Federal as elected officials and then be barred from serving further on Committees, Bureaucracies, Regulatory Committees, Advisers, or Appointees to any position, and/or any further managerial or influential position within any level of government including Ambassadors posts..
I know this sounds like State Capitalism but it's not. It limits Governmental influence peddlers times as professional politicians. Too bad we can't also bar them from any Consulting position in Industries that sell items or services to the Governments, although it would be possible to restrict them from taking a job in that capacity for say ten years after they left Govt. service to block any influence peddling, and make that a requirement for all who choose to run office..If they do not want to abide by that restriction, I don't believe they would be good Representatives any way.
All the things I've shown, America has in common in one form or another with Imperial RomeI have tried to show in a microcosm how the United States is travelling down the road to ruin like Rome did because of the people being fooled by the sharks in power, who regularly hide their peccadilloes and transgressions from the people and consistently lie to those they pretend to serve. As with Rome, the people knew what was going wrong, but the Leaders were blind and deaf to what the public was saying, so they gave them bread and circuses in hopes the public would back off. What's so different with America today?
Which America would you rather have to live in?
This one;
There is actually enough known reserves of coal to last for an approximate 500 years at present levels of usage. the known oil reserves at the present usage plus extrapolated forward to the increased usages is still good for over 150 years.Natural Gas is estimated to be around for 300 years at present and projected growth levels. Nuclear power is virtually limitless. Yet we are experiencing an "Energy Crisis" that has quadrupled prices of nearly everything in the last two and a half decades. WHY IS THIS? Could it be the penchant for the Elitists to push people to Socialism to better control them? The Elites want their Subjects to be too poor to oppose them and their agendas.
The reason is not as our so called Leaders would have us believe, is not dwindling supplies, nor is it the potential for polluting our world. There are many tried and proven methods that could be employed to eliminate 99+% of all pollution. No, the reasons are strictly Politics and Greed. Ask yourself why is the US the only Country that will not allow the recycling of the 'Yellow Cake' reactor rods so they can be used until they are almost harmless and then be stored in the underground facility in Yucca Flats? Ask why Nuclear has been held in abeyance by Government regulations for so long? Ask why the Naval reactors have been strictly used for ships for almost fifty years with out an accident but the designs are not available to the public even though most navies use the same designs?
Congressional Rules and Regulations that have no other purpose than to stop the nuclear industry from providing a clean and almost unending source of Electrical energy cheaply, and with extremely little pollution are the culprit blocking cheap limitless and clean power. Harry Reid has been the one who has fought the opening of the yucca Flats facility for the last 15 years, and in doing so has exposed Americans to potentially deadly radioactive waste that could have been contained safely and cheaply with no possibility of terrorists ever being able to get their hands on it.
Lets look at the Coal Industry. there are many coal fired electrical plants that have put in place scrubbers that remove almost all of the pollutants from their smokestack emissions, even the CO2 can and regularly is recovered and can be liquefied and returned to the underground areas where oil and natural gas has been removed. It even helps in the system of Fracking that has gone on for more than two decades with no ill effects except cutting into the expected profits of the Greens movement billionaires like Al Gore.
Look at oil, It's getting harder to bring up the light sweet crude not because of scarcity, but because of Congressional action that only benefits their Crony's in the green or protected industries even foreign industries over American ones. It even has been expanded outside the Constitutional Boundaries set for Legislation by Congress with Bureaucracies setting up regulations that have the force of Law and Congress doing nothing to oversee them and remove the ones that have no other reason but to stop competition with their Friends and Cronys.
Look at Natural Gas. There is more natural gas underground in the US than is in all the other combined known reserves in the rest of the world. It burns cleaner, is less polluting, and is easier to scrub the emissions it gives off when burned. so why is it not being used? Again it is because of Congressional regulations that block competition with Crony Capitalists well connected with the powers that be in Congress.
Some ways to avert the coming collapse;
Humans need three things to survive. Food, Water, Shelter. All three of these things require massive amounts of energy to be delivered sufficient amounts to meet current levels of usage based on our population. Population is one of the things that must be addressed, but addressed responsibly and intelligently. Population, productivity, usage,all come together and influence financial economics. As it sits right now the monetary model used world wide is actually a Ponzi Scheme because Fiat money has been used for a Century to give the impression of prosperity and unending wealth. that can't last.
The massive debts and Credit will eventually come home to roost with another World Wide Great Depression. It's the banks and banking practices that are the real problem here exacerbating the Ponzi like monetary fund. They need to be changed to a solid system that will remain the standard value for a dollar for as long as there is the concept of a dollar. In essence no more Fiat money, No more irresponsible credit no matter what the Social Justice Politically Correct Toady's want you to believe, they don't work.
Only solid monetary principles will last. In example and simply stated; An honest amount of work for an honest amount of pay. An honest amount of pay for an honest amount of goods or services. Pay and Prices commensurate with basic needs. Incentives to save for large ticket items and buy without Credit. ( I consider the credit industry as the number one destroyer of civilization) If Credit becomes necessary it needs to be strictly regulated so the return is a fixed amount of interest regardless of the time involved and fixed at say 3% of the total amount borrowed on Credit, with no exceptions. Regulations need to be restricted to those that actually protect the worker and consumer and give no advantage to any business over any other business.
Profit margins must be a reasonable return on investments and costs(Actual Costs incurred, and not 'lost' projected, or desired profits). Say limited at 5% to 10% over the actual total costs of making the product as a maximum allowable. Yes I know this sounds like something that would befit a Communist Country, but I knew a man that made millions by limiting his top profits to 10 cents on the dollar. He actually gave back to the community he lived in by consistently lower prices on goods and consumables he sold. The size of Governments must be limited to the barest minimum possible while they can still get the job done.
Taxes must be no more than what it takes to sustain the minimum Govt. and apportioned equally on only sales of finished products or completed services. Govt Representatives in all governments will be required to have a lifetime term limit in govt. Say a total of 12 years maximum, in any combination of Local, State, or Federal positions. As an example 3 yrs Local, 3 yrs State, and 6 yrs Federal as elected officials and then be barred from serving further on Committees, Bureaucracies, Regulatory Committees, Advisers, or Appointees to any position, and/or any further managerial or influential position within any level of government including Ambassadors posts..
I know this sounds like State Capitalism but it's not. It limits Governmental influence peddlers times as professional politicians. Too bad we can't also bar them from any Consulting position in Industries that sell items or services to the Governments, although it would be possible to restrict them from taking a job in that capacity for say ten years after they left Govt. service to block any influence peddling, and make that a requirement for all who choose to run office..If they do not want to abide by that restriction, I don't believe they would be good Representatives any way.
All the things I've shown, America has in common in one form or another with Imperial RomeI have tried to show in a microcosm how the United States is travelling down the road to ruin like Rome did because of the people being fooled by the sharks in power, who regularly hide their peccadilloes and transgressions from the people and consistently lie to those they pretend to serve. As with Rome, the people knew what was going wrong, but the Leaders were blind and deaf to what the public was saying, so they gave them bread and circuses in hopes the public would back off. What's so different with America today?
Which America would you rather have to live in?
This one;
Or, this one?
Be Afraid, be Very Afraid for your futures should you choose not to stand against the Darkness this Administration is bringing!
The Tradesman
The Tradesman
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Lesser Known But Just As Important Mandates To the Republicans!
This was posted on another site by my friend McFixit1. We need to force the Republicans to attempt to get these and all the rest of the mandates enacted we gave them Nov. 4th!
I wonder what the Republican Establishment leaders will do to alienate the people who gave them the mandate to stop Obama, Block Amnesty, Repeal Obamacare,create jobs, Seal the borders,and strengthen the Military? Now that they have won, the very First thing the major obstructionists (Obama and Reid) and a few minor obstructionists like Pelosi have started their mewling song and dance about Cooperation for the good of the Country.
Lordy Lordy, I can see where this will all end up in the Lying propaganda and back stabbing attacks by the Party of Cheats and Liars er Democratic Socialists, er Progressive Democrats, er Liberals... Hell I don't know what they are calling themselves anymore. I just know that whatever they negatively label us, they have been doing themselves in spades for years. As always, they want to shift the blame to someone else when caught. I can see in the near future that every Republican proposed/passed bill will be challenged and torn apart. the President will most likely Veto all of them too. This is what is in store for us over the next two years from the Elitist NWO Progressives who fancy themselves the Neo-Monarchy that will rule the world. they will only 'bend' on legislation where we are the ones to capitulate in the 'Best Interests' of the people so say them. that's what Obama meant when he said he was willing to work together Nov 5th.
The Republicans better learn real damn quick that We The People did not put them in there because we trust them to do what is right for the country. In fact we put them in there as the lesser of two distinct EVILS while holding our noses and gagging at the thought of having to take such a distasteful action. Their job is to Block any further Destructive effects from Obamas agendas, and move necessary legislation through Congress. the Republicans have been given many mandates, and they better do their level best to try and get them done.
The Mandates the Republicans were given include among other better known things;
1.Improving the economy by approving the Keystone XL Pipeline and moving forward on the construction post haste.
2.Abolishing the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau we have had to endure since the Dodd-Frank law Illegally transferred what can only be describes as Legislative powers to an entity other than Congress in violation of the Constitutional Enumeration of powers. I say that because the CFPB ia allowed to 'Declare' anything it decides is an unfair business practice nationwide, again usurping the Constitution by regulating interstate commerce. It's funding comes from the Federal Reserve without any oversight by Congress.
3.In conjunction with defunding O care, there has been a mandate to the Republicans to repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board. In IPAB, it's Presidential appointees that make regulations that the ACA calls Legislative Proposals.and this measure automatically becomes law unless Congress passes a law cutting Medicare spending. In fact The ACA stipulates that "No measure for the abolition of IPAB may be introduced before January 2017 nor after February 1 2017 and must be enacted by August 15 of that year." this section was passed by the most Progressively Socialists Congress ever and it frees any subsequent president from restraint by the separation of powers act in the Constitution.
4.There is even a slap in the Face of Harry Reid Mandate We The People expect Congress to act on. That is the mandate to complete the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository that Reid has spent the last 15 years of his career blocking , and by doing so, putting at risk 160 million Americans.
5.A mandate to pass the Regulations of Executive in need of scrutiny ( REINS ) Act. It would require that any project with a minimum impact of 100 million on the economy (currently there are 200 of them in the pipeline) has to be approved without amendments by a joint resolution of Congress and signed by the President. that would make sure that major agency rules would become actual legislative proposals with fast track privileges that would then require Legislative branch complicity to enact.
These 5 listed above, are the lesser known but just as valid Mandates Congress must try to make happen along with the well known ones!
The most likely response to the Republicans trying to pass these mandates would be a massive Presidential Vetoes and show the public how progressives are actually opposing any forward constitutional movement in the nation. It would also change the entire aspect of the 2016 elections and graphically show the nation the Socialist way does not work without the collapse that usually comes from a nation deciding to commit suicide by socialist dictatorships. It would be a good start to a Compelling and Conservative New Republican Platform for Reinvigorating the Republic going into that future election.
I wonder what the Republican Establishment leaders will do to alienate the people who gave them the mandate to stop Obama, Block Amnesty, Repeal Obamacare,create jobs, Seal the borders,and strengthen the Military? Now that they have won, the very First thing the major obstructionists (Obama and Reid) and a few minor obstructionists like Pelosi have started their mewling song and dance about Cooperation for the good of the Country.
Lordy Lordy, I can see where this will all end up in the Lying propaganda and back stabbing attacks by the Party of Cheats and Liars er Democratic Socialists, er Progressive Democrats, er Liberals... Hell I don't know what they are calling themselves anymore. I just know that whatever they negatively label us, they have been doing themselves in spades for years. As always, they want to shift the blame to someone else when caught. I can see in the near future that every Republican proposed/passed bill will be challenged and torn apart. the President will most likely Veto all of them too. This is what is in store for us over the next two years from the Elitist NWO Progressives who fancy themselves the Neo-Monarchy that will rule the world. they will only 'bend' on legislation where we are the ones to capitulate in the 'Best Interests' of the people so say them. that's what Obama meant when he said he was willing to work together Nov 5th.
The Republicans better learn real damn quick that We The People did not put them in there because we trust them to do what is right for the country. In fact we put them in there as the lesser of two distinct EVILS while holding our noses and gagging at the thought of having to take such a distasteful action. Their job is to Block any further Destructive effects from Obamas agendas, and move necessary legislation through Congress. the Republicans have been given many mandates, and they better do their level best to try and get them done.
The Mandates the Republicans were given include among other better known things;
1.Improving the economy by approving the Keystone XL Pipeline and moving forward on the construction post haste.
2.Abolishing the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau we have had to endure since the Dodd-Frank law Illegally transferred what can only be describes as Legislative powers to an entity other than Congress in violation of the Constitutional Enumeration of powers. I say that because the CFPB ia allowed to 'Declare' anything it decides is an unfair business practice nationwide, again usurping the Constitution by regulating interstate commerce. It's funding comes from the Federal Reserve without any oversight by Congress.
3.In conjunction with defunding O care, there has been a mandate to the Republicans to repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board. In IPAB, it's Presidential appointees that make regulations that the ACA calls Legislative Proposals.and this measure automatically becomes law unless Congress passes a law cutting Medicare spending. In fact The ACA stipulates that "No measure for the abolition of IPAB may be introduced before January 2017 nor after February 1 2017 and must be enacted by August 15 of that year." this section was passed by the most Progressively Socialists Congress ever and it frees any subsequent president from restraint by the separation of powers act in the Constitution.
4.There is even a slap in the Face of Harry Reid Mandate We The People expect Congress to act on. That is the mandate to complete the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository that Reid has spent the last 15 years of his career blocking , and by doing so, putting at risk 160 million Americans.
5.A mandate to pass the Regulations of Executive in need of scrutiny ( REINS ) Act. It would require that any project with a minimum impact of 100 million on the economy (currently there are 200 of them in the pipeline) has to be approved without amendments by a joint resolution of Congress and signed by the President. that would make sure that major agency rules would become actual legislative proposals with fast track privileges that would then require Legislative branch complicity to enact.
These 5 listed above, are the lesser known but just as valid Mandates Congress must try to make happen along with the well known ones!
The most likely response to the Republicans trying to pass these mandates would be a massive Presidential Vetoes and show the public how progressives are actually opposing any forward constitutional movement in the nation. It would also change the entire aspect of the 2016 elections and graphically show the nation the Socialist way does not work without the collapse that usually comes from a nation deciding to commit suicide by socialist dictatorships. It would be a good start to a Compelling and Conservative New Republican Platform for Reinvigorating the Republic going into that future election.
A message for all vets
I hope anyone who has a military background, or is an American, will read and forward this.
If you are not a veteran, send this to those that you know who are, or to those who may know veterans.
(The 2014 United States elections will be held on Tuesday, November 4, 2014. During this midterm election year, all 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives and 33 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate will be contested in this election. Get out and VOTE!!)
A movement has been started by our armed forces to get out the vote in 2014. They are organizing themselves, but this can be done by all of us. The President has made the Rules of Engagement (ROE) so difficult, that our troops are often killed before they can even get permission to fight. Nothing has been done to stop our troops from being murdered by the Afghanis they are training, either.
Now, the President wants the US to sign on to the UN's International Criminal Court (ICC), which would allow the UN's ICC to arrest and try US troops for War Crimes, without the legal protections guaranteed under US Law, and from which there is no appeal.
The President, with his Democratic control of the Senate, has nearly all the power. If the Republicans, can take back the Senate in 2014, our troops can once again be protected from unnecessary danger. Please consider this, and send it on to your mailing lists.
Thank You.
Interestingly enough, when GW Bush was President you heard about the military deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan almost daily. With Obama in the White House, the mainstream media has been strangely quiet. --- Because of the Obama Rules of Engagement, more than 1,000 American soldiers have lost their lives in Afghanistan in the last 27 months. This is more than the combined total of the nine years before. Thirty have died in August alone. During the last month, over 50 additional NATO and US servicemen have been murdered, inside jobs by those who are hired to be a force for good in Afghanistan.
The commander in chief is AWOL. Not a peep, although he ordered the White House flag flown at half-staff for the Sikhs that were killed. There is a deep disgust, a fury, growing in the ranks of the military against the indifferent incompetence of this president.
It has taken on a dangerous tone. No one knows what to do about him, but the anger runs deep as the deaths continue with no strategic end in sight to the idiocy of this war. Obama has had 5+ years to end this futile insanity, during which time he has vacationed, golfed, campaigned, and generally ignored the plight of our men and women in uniform. But, there is now a movement afoot in the armed services to launch a massive get out the vote drive against this president.
Not just current active duty types, but the National Guard, Reserves, the retired, and all other prior service members. This is no small special interest group, but many millions of veterans who can have an enormous impact on the outcome of the November election if they all respond.
The one million military retirees in Florida alone could mean an overwhelming victory in that state if they all show up at the polls. It might not keep another one hundred U.S. troops from dying between now and November, but a turn out to vote by the military against this heart breaking lack of leadership can make a powerful statement that hastens a change to the indifference of this shallow little man who just lets our soldiers die.
Veterans: Please forward to your lists. High Priority!
In God We Trust.
Ever Wonder Why The Obama Administration Doesn't Trust Or Respect The Veterans?
If you are not a veteran, send this to those that you know who are, or to those who may know veterans.
(The 2014 United States elections will be held on Tuesday, November 4, 2014. During this midterm election year, all 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives and 33 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate will be contested in this election. Get out and VOTE!!)
A movement has been started by our armed forces to get out the vote in 2014. They are organizing themselves, but this can be done by all of us. The President has made the Rules of Engagement (ROE) so difficult, that our troops are often killed before they can even get permission to fight. Nothing has been done to stop our troops from being murdered by the Afghanis they are training, either.
Now, the President wants the US to sign on to the UN's International Criminal Court (ICC), which would allow the UN's ICC to arrest and try US troops for War Crimes, without the legal protections guaranteed under US Law, and from which there is no appeal.
The President, with his Democratic control of the Senate, has nearly all the power. If the Republicans, can take back the Senate in 2014, our troops can once again be protected from unnecessary danger. Please consider this, and send it on to your mailing lists.
Thank You.
Interestingly enough, when GW Bush was President you heard about the military deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan almost daily. With Obama in the White House, the mainstream media has been strangely quiet. --- Because of the Obama Rules of Engagement, more than 1,000 American soldiers have lost their lives in Afghanistan in the last 27 months. This is more than the combined total of the nine years before. Thirty have died in August alone. During the last month, over 50 additional NATO and US servicemen have been murdered, inside jobs by those who are hired to be a force for good in Afghanistan.
The commander in chief is AWOL. Not a peep, although he ordered the White House flag flown at half-staff for the Sikhs that were killed. There is a deep disgust, a fury, growing in the ranks of the military against the indifferent incompetence of this president.
It has taken on a dangerous tone. No one knows what to do about him, but the anger runs deep as the deaths continue with no strategic end in sight to the idiocy of this war. Obama has had 5+ years to end this futile insanity, during which time he has vacationed, golfed, campaigned, and generally ignored the plight of our men and women in uniform. But, there is now a movement afoot in the armed services to launch a massive get out the vote drive against this president.
Not just current active duty types, but the National Guard, Reserves, the retired, and all other prior service members. This is no small special interest group, but many millions of veterans who can have an enormous impact on the outcome of the November election if they all respond.
The one million military retirees in Florida alone could mean an overwhelming victory in that state if they all show up at the polls. It might not keep another one hundred U.S. troops from dying between now and November, but a turn out to vote by the military against this heart breaking lack of leadership can make a powerful statement that hastens a change to the indifference of this shallow little man who just lets our soldiers die.
Veterans: Please forward to your lists. High Priority!
In God We Trust.
Ever Wonder Why The Obama Administration Doesn't Trust Or Respect The Veterans?
We The People Must Out Of Necessity Unite Into A Single Minded Force to Rescue The Republic!
I know that most people have given up on our two major parties, and I don't blame them. There is a growing sentiment that the people will never again regain their stolen power over the government. Most want change so bad that they will continue to fight each other like both the major parties want them to do so they can be controlled and do not unite again like they did in 2010. these factions who for whatever reason refuse to vote one way or the other will be the ruination of the American System of Government if they don't stop fighting against themselves like third graders on a playground. the Power Elite are hoping we will continue on like this so they can cement their power over us even more than now.
Look at the crazy "Political correct Laws and Regulations we have been saddled with to supplant the tried and true common sense methods that stood the test of time. For Fifty years there has been a chipping away of our Moral Foundations. The evil ones have decreed that we will be caught between the permissiveness they project on the screen and the now draconian laws they impose on us. In example, I read of a law where Sexting by teens will be met with a jail term regardless of age instead of a good ass whipping to straighten them out. should the ass whipping be given, the parent or teacher would be charged with Assault on a minor and face prosecution. The foul elites that are creating this mess know there is no way we can oppose them if they set all the rules, and they have been doing it for at least fifty years so far. I'm not an advocate of beating your child, but I am an advocate of a proper spanking with a set of moral rules they have to live by until they reach adulthood and can make their own decisions. The Elites abhor that happening because it would expose them for the sick perverted semi-human immoral entities they are.
Here is a simple alternative to the squabbling. We vote against the Incumbent Democratic Socialists Knowing that who we vote for will only be a stopgap to give us a two year window to finally get our picks for candidates forced on to both Parties (Rs and Ds) We know if we vote for a third party, it insures the Incumbent Democratic Socialists and NWO supporters will again win their seats in Congress.
Knowing that and knowing the only party that can win Nationally (Federal Elections) at this juncture is the Republicans, our hands are sort of tied. State elections are iffy, and local elections are actually open and up for grabs.
If we ever actually want the situation outlined above to change, it will take year round work with our boots on the ground in every precinct, to accomplish that goal. It also means that we have dropped the ball consistently since 2009. We must face up to that fact.
We are not united with a single purpose like we were then. Our purpose uniting us then was to stop ACA/Obamacare. See how well that worked out for us after we lost the focus and started to let the various groups start calling the shots for us? I must say it; WE HAVE BECOME LAZY AND COMPLACENT LIKE WE WERE BEFORE 2009 ONCE AGAIN! Even in my own local area I have seen three times where the Democratic supporters have gone door to door stumping for their candidates, and I have yet to see anyone from the Republican/Conservative camp get off their butts and do the same. This is why we stand to lose to the opposition.
We must become united on a single purpose once again, and this time stick to it until we have taken back the control of our government. I suggest we think of that that Purpose and the Focus that goes with it as, The RESTORATION of the AMERICAN REPUBLIC. If we actually want to save the American Republic we will have to do, much more than sit at keyboards and try to inspire others to do the ground work. We will need the two year window leading into the 2016 elections to even begin to start accomplishing that goal!
Here's my idea; The day after the November elections we petition the leaders of the TPP and other "Tea Party/Conservative/Libertarian/ETC., to coordinate their actions toward the coming 2016 Primary elections with a specific idea in mind. We are after all supposed to be a grass roots confederation dedicated to stopping further excesses of the massive central government our Federal government has become are we not?
If the various groups will not for whatever excuse or reason, refuse to act to coordinate our efforts at our request, we must stop supporting the ones who will not and start supporting the ones that do. Here is a simple and straightforward way for them to do that;
1. Set up the structure for and help facilitate the formation of precinct level groups, assisting them by coordinating them so there is no duplication of efforts between the various at the State level. The groups themselves are more than capable of coordinating their actions on the precinct levels. (It's up to us to form and work those groups locally)
2. Using all the resources the coalition of the Tea Party et.al. groups The individual Precinct groups will need to find and vett candidates they will be able to support for the House of Representatives on the Federal Level on a precinct by precinct basis. The State Houses of Representatives candidates would have to be vetted and agreed on with the State level Tea Party/et.al. groups seeing to it that everyone of the precinct groups will agree to support the picked candidates. The Precinct groups must agree among themselves for their Local Candidate picks.
3. This part will be critical, and will have to be done within the first year after the November election. The individual Precinct Groups will have to utilize the resources of the coalition and make a coordinated movement to have the necessary petitions drawn up, passed around, signed by the required number of voters, have them certified and notarized by the Elections commissions to insure their names are on the Primary Ballots. We will have to choose enough candidates to place on Both the Democratic and the Republican Primary Ballots, and then listen to the Establishment leaders in both parties cry foul.
4. Because we will need to get our chosen candidates on both Party Primary Ballots if we wish to resolve this current mess, we must be a Non-Partisan National Grass Roots Movement if we are to succeed!!! This while simple requires a long term commitment from everyone who actually wants to save the Republic in the face of the Progressive takeover. We will have to do this for the very least the next four elections at the base minimum if we are to succeed. Do you want to be part of the solution and have the gumption to see it through? If you do, write your Tea Party et.al. National Leaders, and demand they take action to bring this about and notify them that you will NOT be supporting those that do not help!
The Tradesman
Look at the crazy "Political correct Laws and Regulations we have been saddled with to supplant the tried and true common sense methods that stood the test of time. For Fifty years there has been a chipping away of our Moral Foundations. The evil ones have decreed that we will be caught between the permissiveness they project on the screen and the now draconian laws they impose on us. In example, I read of a law where Sexting by teens will be met with a jail term regardless of age instead of a good ass whipping to straighten them out. should the ass whipping be given, the parent or teacher would be charged with Assault on a minor and face prosecution. The foul elites that are creating this mess know there is no way we can oppose them if they set all the rules, and they have been doing it for at least fifty years so far. I'm not an advocate of beating your child, but I am an advocate of a proper spanking with a set of moral rules they have to live by until they reach adulthood and can make their own decisions. The Elites abhor that happening because it would expose them for the sick perverted semi-human immoral entities they are.
Here is a simple alternative to the squabbling. We vote against the Incumbent Democratic Socialists Knowing that who we vote for will only be a stopgap to give us a two year window to finally get our picks for candidates forced on to both Parties (Rs and Ds) We know if we vote for a third party, it insures the Incumbent Democratic Socialists and NWO supporters will again win their seats in Congress.
Knowing that and knowing the only party that can win Nationally (Federal Elections) at this juncture is the Republicans, our hands are sort of tied. State elections are iffy, and local elections are actually open and up for grabs.
If we ever actually want the situation outlined above to change, it will take year round work with our boots on the ground in every precinct, to accomplish that goal. It also means that we have dropped the ball consistently since 2009. We must face up to that fact.
We are not united with a single purpose like we were then. Our purpose uniting us then was to stop ACA/Obamacare. See how well that worked out for us after we lost the focus and started to let the various groups start calling the shots for us? I must say it; WE HAVE BECOME LAZY AND COMPLACENT LIKE WE WERE BEFORE 2009 ONCE AGAIN! Even in my own local area I have seen three times where the Democratic supporters have gone door to door stumping for their candidates, and I have yet to see anyone from the Republican/Conservative camp get off their butts and do the same. This is why we stand to lose to the opposition.
We must become united on a single purpose once again, and this time stick to it until we have taken back the control of our government. I suggest we think of that that Purpose and the Focus that goes with it as, The RESTORATION of the AMERICAN REPUBLIC. If we actually want to save the American Republic we will have to do, much more than sit at keyboards and try to inspire others to do the ground work. We will need the two year window leading into the 2016 elections to even begin to start accomplishing that goal!
Here's my idea; The day after the November elections we petition the leaders of the TPP and other "Tea Party/Conservative/Libertarian/ETC., to coordinate their actions toward the coming 2016 Primary elections with a specific idea in mind. We are after all supposed to be a grass roots confederation dedicated to stopping further excesses of the massive central government our Federal government has become are we not?
If the various groups will not for whatever excuse or reason, refuse to act to coordinate our efforts at our request, we must stop supporting the ones who will not and start supporting the ones that do. Here is a simple and straightforward way for them to do that;
1. Set up the structure for and help facilitate the formation of precinct level groups, assisting them by coordinating them so there is no duplication of efforts between the various at the State level. The groups themselves are more than capable of coordinating their actions on the precinct levels. (It's up to us to form and work those groups locally)
2. Using all the resources the coalition of the Tea Party et.al. groups The individual Precinct groups will need to find and vett candidates they will be able to support for the House of Representatives on the Federal Level on a precinct by precinct basis. The State Houses of Representatives candidates would have to be vetted and agreed on with the State level Tea Party/et.al. groups seeing to it that everyone of the precinct groups will agree to support the picked candidates. The Precinct groups must agree among themselves for their Local Candidate picks.
3. This part will be critical, and will have to be done within the first year after the November election. The individual Precinct Groups will have to utilize the resources of the coalition and make a coordinated movement to have the necessary petitions drawn up, passed around, signed by the required number of voters, have them certified and notarized by the Elections commissions to insure their names are on the Primary Ballots. We will have to choose enough candidates to place on Both the Democratic and the Republican Primary Ballots, and then listen to the Establishment leaders in both parties cry foul.
4. Because we will need to get our chosen candidates on both Party Primary Ballots if we wish to resolve this current mess, we must be a Non-Partisan National Grass Roots Movement if we are to succeed!!! This while simple requires a long term commitment from everyone who actually wants to save the Republic in the face of the Progressive takeover. We will have to do this for the very least the next four elections at the base minimum if we are to succeed. Do you want to be part of the solution and have the gumption to see it through? If you do, write your Tea Party et.al. National Leaders, and demand they take action to bring this about and notify them that you will NOT be supporting those that do not help!
The Tradesman
Like Sheep To The Slaughter, Unions Are Supporting The Party That Is Destroying their Livelihoods!
Source; Union Miners Rally At EPA To Protest New Emissions Standards
I guess back stabbing actions speak louder than Progressives LIES!
I am a retired Union Man and proud of the fact that I worked hard my entire life to provide for my family, and subsequently retired with a pension. I have always attributed that to the fact that my Father and Grandfathers generations (both coal miners by trade) helped to bring about the Unions that were so necessary at that time. They were also staunch Democrats since that was the party that traditionally worked to create legislation that allowed the working man to organize and take control of his working conditions. Up to that point the conditions were dangerous to the point of life threatening, and the mine owners had little if any concern for the health and safety of their workers. Then as now, Profits ruled and people did not matter.
That was the time that Unions were the shining star of the working class and were the central contributor to a strong and healthy middle class which took America to the forefront as a world leader. That happened because of the alliance between the Democratic party and the United Mine Workers of America and went on to organize the other workers Like the UAW. This was not originally a peaceful process for the workers and the Democrats. Both faced opposition and vicious attacks by the company men. My Grandfather fell to their violence, murdered for daring to support a safe workplace, and a living wage. My Father was badgered hounded and threatened when he was helping to organize the Auto Workers in the late 1930s and early 1940s.
On Tuesday 10/7/14, the UMWA, IBEW,IBB were marching in Washington to show solidarity AGAINST the Democratically Controlled EPA, and put the Obama Administration and Democrats in General on Notice. One quote from the ground troops at the rally was;" We fought for those Progressive causes, and there are people in the progressive movement who have forgotten us.If you try to foist this devastation on Appalachia,on our brothers and sisters,we will remember."
That quote was made by Daniel Kane, who is the secretary-treasurer of the UMWA. We now have union members who are beginning to see the light that they are being manipulated and used by the Democrats who still pretend to be on their side.Seems to me that once the Progressive Socialists have used someone to their advantage and don't need them anymore, they willingly throw them to the dogs so to speak.
. Fortunately for America both sides settled down into a very good working arrangement that benefited both sides and the Nation in general making it the preeminent Innovative scientific and manufacturing powerhouse that it once was. However somewhere along the line, the Democratic Party was subverted by an inimical force that turned everything good the party had done into a Party that was centered on advancing the elites and their cronys to bring back the dark days for the workers.
I had thought originally that The Democrats were infiltrated by the stealth forces of Josef Stalin along with the centers of higher education that Stalin was using to bring down America in a hidden war against our principles of Personal Liberty and Freedom to supplant them with the Communist philosophy of everyone working for the benefit of the Central Government which was populated by the Elitists.
I labored long in researching the schism that seemingly rent apart the Democratic Party my forebears generation knew, and I but partially knew since it was radically and rapidly changing into the monster it has now become. I have seen where it has used the unions in a slavish way, promising them all their former glory before the party made it so unprofitable that it drove the best jobs out of the Country. The Democrats have used and severely abused the self same unions that have come to their aid in many elections to keep those churls in power, who then stab the workers in the back at every turn.
If you read the Source listed at the beginning of this treatise,and you really must to understand how the Democratic Socialist Progressives betray all who are not in their inner circle, you will see how the UMWA was duped into supporting a false flag political group that is now bent on destroying their industry through Excessive and Crippling Regulations that only benefit the current friends (Chinese and Elites of Green Industry) of the Democrats. I found it hard to denounce the Democrats because of my family tradition and loyalty to that party, but if I am to remain honest and honorable Denounce them I did! Don't think I came to this easily or without long soul searching thought. I tell you this now because I know from personal experience that the rank and file Americans can learn and rise up against the shadow on the land the Progressive Socialists have cast, and work to do the right thing. All they need to do that is the TRUTH..
Many will not believe that it was through the underhanded machinations of the Democrats and the mind boggling propaganda they have used to twist the minds of so many of my once Union Brothers, what a destructive force they are against the very workers they pretend to support. I saw early on what the Democrats were doing and spoke out detailing what was happening because of them in the auto industry. Because of that I was shunned and censured, verbally harassed, and called crazy or worse, a bald faced liar for the Company.
I saw the regulations that were piled on and how they would eventually drive the companies bankrupt. Before that, I was originally a patrolman for years, and it was in in a Democratically ruled/controlled city comparable to, and following the spiritual/corrupt lead of Tammany Hall, before it's total influence on New York was brought down by Elinor Roosevelt of all people, for them not supporting Franklin.I saw first hand how they basically forced Unionism on the cities and had supplanted the civil service system. It wrecked havoc with all civil service jobs, rendered the Civil Service impotent, and gave rise to Democrat Controlled Cronyism in jobs that were originally intended to be impartial with a testing system in place for promotions.
Now, with the unions in control, the City,State,and Federal workers have a voice in negotiations, The government has a voice in negotiations, but the taxpayer has no voice in the negotiations. The Plebes know they can now vote themselves bread and circuses until the system collapses.
I see no reason that unions should embrace the same party that has undermined them while promising them superior/special status and added considerations, when it has the history of two bankrupt major auto manufacturers, and prior to that, the dissolution of two other well known auto manufacturers (Checker Motors, American Motors). Thousands of lost jobs due to outsourcing because of too heavy regulations and over taxation thrown into the mix. Look at cities that used to be almost revered and envied worldwide for their prosperity and manufacturing prowess.
Where is the Aircraft Industry? Where is the Steel Industry? Where is the Automobile Industry? Where are the Small businesses which are the backbone of American Prosperity? For that matter where is the Space Industry? Now it will be the Chinese and Russians who hold the high ground and have the lock on future advancements in medicine and technology. The Democratically controlled EPA forced the last lead smelter out of business through ruinous regulations to satisfy the Progressive elites desire to curtail ammunition manufacturing and make the guns they could not get banned useless.
Detroit is a prime example. The failures of LBJs Great Society where he stole the assets from the Social Security Administration, the money of which was forcably extorted from all the working class people with the same promise of a return as any other Ponzi Scheme ever created.
Everywhere you look you see the Democrats, or should I call them by their current manifestation Democratic Socio-Communists? All they have done is lie, cheat,use, and steal from those who have supported their schemes for making their leaders and their friends supreme and in control of every aspect of American Society and Business. Lets take a look see back in time to our Founding.
Originally at the founding of America there were two factions, One wanted a free self ruled society where the people made the decisions and the elected representatives carried them out. They also wanted a weak Central Government that would be responsible for only specific things, and it was to be subservient to the States and the people. That was the enumerated power of regulating trade between what was independent nations in fee simple.
The other side wanted a strong Central government that had control of literally everything and wanted the States to be subservient to it. Don't ever forget that the United States is made up of what was originally States in the old European tradition of a State being a sovereign nation unto itself. Those States banded together in a Union for protection. They never intentionally decided to give up their individual sovereignty.
The two sides were then known as Federalists who wanted a stronger central government, and the Anti-Federalists who wanted it to be a weak subservient government. I suspect the original Federalists were actually Tories who believed in rule by kings instead of self rule since it would gain for the top people more power and prestige. not to mention more money for themselves. OK, do you know what Political Party was the first Political Party and why? History tells us it was the first iteration of the Democratic-Republican Party as it was known until the split over the Slavery Issue where the current democratic Party was all for it continuing, and the Republican faction split off to become what is known today as the GOP or Republican Party. Notice one thing, neither Party gave up their philosophy of a massive all controlling Central government.
Since then the Democratic Party has taken the forefront in the move to massively grow the Government. Until the dawning of the Reagan era, the GOP was and in some instances still is doing the same thing.My point is, the people became derelict in their obligation to keep a careful watch on the government and that has resulted in the fiasco we have today.
The way to Start to restore the Republic, and I stress that it will only be a start! We must gain at least a two year window where the issues will not be determined by the current crop of Democratic Socialists/Progressives in Congress. We must block their steam rolling advance towards making America a Socialist Democracy instead of the Constitutional Republic it still is. If we don't get that window, we will never have the chance to reform both the major political parties into what we want them to be, namely Parties that protect and defend the Constitution and do not overstep their enumerated authority under the Constitution. If we don't do it no one will do it for us.
I guess back stabbing actions speak louder than Progressives LIES!
I am a retired Union Man and proud of the fact that I worked hard my entire life to provide for my family, and subsequently retired with a pension. I have always attributed that to the fact that my Father and Grandfathers generations (both coal miners by trade) helped to bring about the Unions that were so necessary at that time. They were also staunch Democrats since that was the party that traditionally worked to create legislation that allowed the working man to organize and take control of his working conditions. Up to that point the conditions were dangerous to the point of life threatening, and the mine owners had little if any concern for the health and safety of their workers. Then as now, Profits ruled and people did not matter.
That was the time that Unions were the shining star of the working class and were the central contributor to a strong and healthy middle class which took America to the forefront as a world leader. That happened because of the alliance between the Democratic party and the United Mine Workers of America and went on to organize the other workers Like the UAW. This was not originally a peaceful process for the workers and the Democrats. Both faced opposition and vicious attacks by the company men. My Grandfather fell to their violence, murdered for daring to support a safe workplace, and a living wage. My Father was badgered hounded and threatened when he was helping to organize the Auto Workers in the late 1930s and early 1940s.
On Tuesday 10/7/14, the UMWA, IBEW,IBB were marching in Washington to show solidarity AGAINST the Democratically Controlled EPA, and put the Obama Administration and Democrats in General on Notice. One quote from the ground troops at the rally was;" We fought for those Progressive causes, and there are people in the progressive movement who have forgotten us.If you try to foist this devastation on Appalachia,on our brothers and sisters,we will remember."
That quote was made by Daniel Kane, who is the secretary-treasurer of the UMWA. We now have union members who are beginning to see the light that they are being manipulated and used by the Democrats who still pretend to be on their side.Seems to me that once the Progressive Socialists have used someone to their advantage and don't need them anymore, they willingly throw them to the dogs so to speak.
. Fortunately for America both sides settled down into a very good working arrangement that benefited both sides and the Nation in general making it the preeminent Innovative scientific and manufacturing powerhouse that it once was. However somewhere along the line, the Democratic Party was subverted by an inimical force that turned everything good the party had done into a Party that was centered on advancing the elites and their cronys to bring back the dark days for the workers.
I had thought originally that The Democrats were infiltrated by the stealth forces of Josef Stalin along with the centers of higher education that Stalin was using to bring down America in a hidden war against our principles of Personal Liberty and Freedom to supplant them with the Communist philosophy of everyone working for the benefit of the Central Government which was populated by the Elitists.
I labored long in researching the schism that seemingly rent apart the Democratic Party my forebears generation knew, and I but partially knew since it was radically and rapidly changing into the monster it has now become. I have seen where it has used the unions in a slavish way, promising them all their former glory before the party made it so unprofitable that it drove the best jobs out of the Country. The Democrats have used and severely abused the self same unions that have come to their aid in many elections to keep those churls in power, who then stab the workers in the back at every turn.
If you read the Source listed at the beginning of this treatise,and you really must to understand how the Democratic Socialist Progressives betray all who are not in their inner circle, you will see how the UMWA was duped into supporting a false flag political group that is now bent on destroying their industry through Excessive and Crippling Regulations that only benefit the current friends (Chinese and Elites of Green Industry) of the Democrats. I found it hard to denounce the Democrats because of my family tradition and loyalty to that party, but if I am to remain honest and honorable Denounce them I did! Don't think I came to this easily or without long soul searching thought. I tell you this now because I know from personal experience that the rank and file Americans can learn and rise up against the shadow on the land the Progressive Socialists have cast, and work to do the right thing. All they need to do that is the TRUTH..
Many will not believe that it was through the underhanded machinations of the Democrats and the mind boggling propaganda they have used to twist the minds of so many of my once Union Brothers, what a destructive force they are against the very workers they pretend to support. I saw early on what the Democrats were doing and spoke out detailing what was happening because of them in the auto industry. Because of that I was shunned and censured, verbally harassed, and called crazy or worse, a bald faced liar for the Company.
I saw the regulations that were piled on and how they would eventually drive the companies bankrupt. Before that, I was originally a patrolman for years, and it was in in a Democratically ruled/controlled city comparable to, and following the spiritual/corrupt lead of Tammany Hall, before it's total influence on New York was brought down by Elinor Roosevelt of all people, for them not supporting Franklin.I saw first hand how they basically forced Unionism on the cities and had supplanted the civil service system. It wrecked havoc with all civil service jobs, rendered the Civil Service impotent, and gave rise to Democrat Controlled Cronyism in jobs that were originally intended to be impartial with a testing system in place for promotions.
Now, with the unions in control, the City,State,and Federal workers have a voice in negotiations, The government has a voice in negotiations, but the taxpayer has no voice in the negotiations. The Plebes know they can now vote themselves bread and circuses until the system collapses.
I see no reason that unions should embrace the same party that has undermined them while promising them superior/special status and added considerations, when it has the history of two bankrupt major auto manufacturers, and prior to that, the dissolution of two other well known auto manufacturers (Checker Motors, American Motors). Thousands of lost jobs due to outsourcing because of too heavy regulations and over taxation thrown into the mix. Look at cities that used to be almost revered and envied worldwide for their prosperity and manufacturing prowess.
Where is the Aircraft Industry? Where is the Steel Industry? Where is the Automobile Industry? Where are the Small businesses which are the backbone of American Prosperity? For that matter where is the Space Industry? Now it will be the Chinese and Russians who hold the high ground and have the lock on future advancements in medicine and technology. The Democratically controlled EPA forced the last lead smelter out of business through ruinous regulations to satisfy the Progressive elites desire to curtail ammunition manufacturing and make the guns they could not get banned useless.
Detroit is a prime example. The failures of LBJs Great Society where he stole the assets from the Social Security Administration, the money of which was forcably extorted from all the working class people with the same promise of a return as any other Ponzi Scheme ever created.
Everywhere you look you see the Democrats, or should I call them by their current manifestation Democratic Socio-Communists? All they have done is lie, cheat,use, and steal from those who have supported their schemes for making their leaders and their friends supreme and in control of every aspect of American Society and Business. Lets take a look see back in time to our Founding.
Originally at the founding of America there were two factions, One wanted a free self ruled society where the people made the decisions and the elected representatives carried them out. They also wanted a weak Central Government that would be responsible for only specific things, and it was to be subservient to the States and the people. That was the enumerated power of regulating trade between what was independent nations in fee simple.
The other side wanted a strong Central government that had control of literally everything and wanted the States to be subservient to it. Don't ever forget that the United States is made up of what was originally States in the old European tradition of a State being a sovereign nation unto itself. Those States banded together in a Union for protection. They never intentionally decided to give up their individual sovereignty.
The two sides were then known as Federalists who wanted a stronger central government, and the Anti-Federalists who wanted it to be a weak subservient government. I suspect the original Federalists were actually Tories who believed in rule by kings instead of self rule since it would gain for the top people more power and prestige. not to mention more money for themselves. OK, do you know what Political Party was the first Political Party and why? History tells us it was the first iteration of the Democratic-Republican Party as it was known until the split over the Slavery Issue where the current democratic Party was all for it continuing, and the Republican faction split off to become what is known today as the GOP or Republican Party. Notice one thing, neither Party gave up their philosophy of a massive all controlling Central government.
Since then the Democratic Party has taken the forefront in the move to massively grow the Government. Until the dawning of the Reagan era, the GOP was and in some instances still is doing the same thing.My point is, the people became derelict in their obligation to keep a careful watch on the government and that has resulted in the fiasco we have today.
The way to Start to restore the Republic, and I stress that it will only be a start! We must gain at least a two year window where the issues will not be determined by the current crop of Democratic Socialists/Progressives in Congress. We must block their steam rolling advance towards making America a Socialist Democracy instead of the Constitutional Republic it still is. If we don't get that window, we will never have the chance to reform both the major political parties into what we want them to be, namely Parties that protect and defend the Constitution and do not overstep their enumerated authority under the Constitution. If we don't do it no one will do it for us.
Why Are Some Democrats Working Against Americas Safety And Security?
Main Source; CFIF.org Patriot Update;
Sen. Ted Cruz has firmly stated that we need to pass legislation to stop American traitors who are fighting with ISIS/ISIL from returning to the US by revoking their passports. The truth is we don't know how many Americans are joining in the fight against the US by going to the Middle East and joining our deadly enemies there. If you do not believe this, go to the many social media sites where Islamic terrorists are actually stating there are plans to send these people back to the US as stealth terrorists.
We know there is a definite threat from ISIS/ISIL, so why are key Democrats blocking legislation that would have the effect of stopping most of the influx of turncoat Americans? Sen. Ted Cruzs' Expatriate Terrorist Act of 2014 is the best way to begin. Yes, that is the main question, Why are Democrats in the Senate blocking a commonsense legislation bill to help protect the US from further terrorist activity from within? Is that Brain Damaged Two Faced Obamabot Senator Harry Reid behind the move as a stupid political ploy? I must confess I don't know.
What I do know is while speaking for her Fellow Democrat Senators, and aided by the ACLU, Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hi) single handedly caused Sen. Ted Cruzs' unanimous consent motion to pass the Expatriate Act of 2014. What manner of subterfuge did she use to explain her unamerican act? She claimed that the Cruz bill would affect fundamental Constitutional Rights by enacting legislation that grants the government the right to strip Americans citizenship.
There is a problem she did not address with her diatribe against the Cruz legislation. the omission that negates her position is the fact that the Cruz proposed legislation is simply a necessary amendment to the already existing law 8 U.S.C. 1481. That law has a long list of actions that addresses the fact Americans who have voluntarily renounced their US Citizenship if they serve in the military forces of a foreign nation that is engaged in hostilities against the United States. All the Cruz amendment to that Existing Law added one further caveat "joining a designated terrorist organization". The fact that Sen. Hironos statement obfuscated was the Law in question has been in effect for 75 Years. So, what or who activated her against the security and safety of the United States and its citizens?
I seriously wonder exactly she thought it was so wrong to stop the Traitorous Americans who were fighting against America or gaining fifth column training from returning to the United States to create havoc, death, and Destruction? Whos side is Senator Hironos really on, and who are her puppet masters in Congress, the Administration, and Elsewhere? What purpose will it serve in the near future and what agenda will it advance? NWO?
Sen. Hirono or more correctly the powers using and directing her are using a phony Politically Correct argument about preserving Civil Liberties when the Terrorists she is protecting want to actually destroy all American Civil Liberties. Could it be the cult of personality that Obama has engendered in the Democratic Socialists in congress has risked their political futures to protect their "Great Man" and his idiotic narrative rhetoric about ISIS/ISIL? Have they been brainwashed that much? Or has something else happened we don't know about that has been programmed to burst forth at a later date to destroy the remaining Conservatives in America? What the Hell are the Democratic Socialists thinking and planning?
Ask yourself this; Why would the group of Senators who have taken a solemn oath to protect America, suddenly object to an act that would protect America on such a flimsy and contrived technicality that has little or no basis in fact? Something very carefully planned for the long term is definitely up. We need to really start looking where the Progressive Socialists and NWO proponents don't want us to look! Hirono has placed the Constitutional Rights of Traitors to America above the Constitutional Rights of Honorable, Law Abiding and Patriotic Americans.
It's time to confront your representatives in their home states very publicly and loudly on this and the many other issues that have been thrown in the faces of conservative Americans by the Democratic Socialists who are attempting to get reelected by hook or crook, and why has there been no sufficient outrage and counter measures from the Republican Party on these things?
None of us can do it alone, but all of us with the basic tools of pencil and paper can work together to deluge our representatives local offices with telephone calls, faxes, e-mails, and written protests. These things really count in an election year. The more flak the politician gets in the way of faxes and letters, the more they will accede to our demands. this only works when there are numbers of people doing the same thing, or, there is a group making a concerted effort to dominate the conversations through various methods. Think of that old tried and true adage,"The squeaky wheel gets the grease first". If enough outrage over a given situation is expressed, the honest politician will respond and change their tune. however if the politician speaks in inane platitudes and tries to change the subject, vote them out because they don't care about the public they are supposed to serve.
The Tradesman
Sen. Ted Cruz has firmly stated that we need to pass legislation to stop American traitors who are fighting with ISIS/ISIL from returning to the US by revoking their passports. The truth is we don't know how many Americans are joining in the fight against the US by going to the Middle East and joining our deadly enemies there. If you do not believe this, go to the many social media sites where Islamic terrorists are actually stating there are plans to send these people back to the US as stealth terrorists.
We know there is a definite threat from ISIS/ISIL, so why are key Democrats blocking legislation that would have the effect of stopping most of the influx of turncoat Americans? Sen. Ted Cruzs' Expatriate Terrorist Act of 2014 is the best way to begin. Yes, that is the main question, Why are Democrats in the Senate blocking a commonsense legislation bill to help protect the US from further terrorist activity from within? Is that Brain Damaged Two Faced Obamabot Senator Harry Reid behind the move as a stupid political ploy? I must confess I don't know.
What I do know is while speaking for her Fellow Democrat Senators, and aided by the ACLU, Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hi) single handedly caused Sen. Ted Cruzs' unanimous consent motion to pass the Expatriate Act of 2014. What manner of subterfuge did she use to explain her unamerican act? She claimed that the Cruz bill would affect fundamental Constitutional Rights by enacting legislation that grants the government the right to strip Americans citizenship.
There is a problem she did not address with her diatribe against the Cruz legislation. the omission that negates her position is the fact that the Cruz proposed legislation is simply a necessary amendment to the already existing law 8 U.S.C. 1481. That law has a long list of actions that addresses the fact Americans who have voluntarily renounced their US Citizenship if they serve in the military forces of a foreign nation that is engaged in hostilities against the United States. All the Cruz amendment to that Existing Law added one further caveat "joining a designated terrorist organization". The fact that Sen. Hironos statement obfuscated was the Law in question has been in effect for 75 Years. So, what or who activated her against the security and safety of the United States and its citizens?
I seriously wonder exactly she thought it was so wrong to stop the Traitorous Americans who were fighting against America or gaining fifth column training from returning to the United States to create havoc, death, and Destruction? Whos side is Senator Hironos really on, and who are her puppet masters in Congress, the Administration, and Elsewhere? What purpose will it serve in the near future and what agenda will it advance? NWO?
Sen. Hirono or more correctly the powers using and directing her are using a phony Politically Correct argument about preserving Civil Liberties when the Terrorists she is protecting want to actually destroy all American Civil Liberties. Could it be the cult of personality that Obama has engendered in the Democratic Socialists in congress has risked their political futures to protect their "Great Man" and his idiotic narrative rhetoric about ISIS/ISIL? Have they been brainwashed that much? Or has something else happened we don't know about that has been programmed to burst forth at a later date to destroy the remaining Conservatives in America? What the Hell are the Democratic Socialists thinking and planning?
Ask yourself this; Why would the group of Senators who have taken a solemn oath to protect America, suddenly object to an act that would protect America on such a flimsy and contrived technicality that has little or no basis in fact? Something very carefully planned for the long term is definitely up. We need to really start looking where the Progressive Socialists and NWO proponents don't want us to look! Hirono has placed the Constitutional Rights of Traitors to America above the Constitutional Rights of Honorable, Law Abiding and Patriotic Americans.
It's time to confront your representatives in their home states very publicly and loudly on this and the many other issues that have been thrown in the faces of conservative Americans by the Democratic Socialists who are attempting to get reelected by hook or crook, and why has there been no sufficient outrage and counter measures from the Republican Party on these things?
None of us can do it alone, but all of us with the basic tools of pencil and paper can work together to deluge our representatives local offices with telephone calls, faxes, e-mails, and written protests. These things really count in an election year. The more flak the politician gets in the way of faxes and letters, the more they will accede to our demands. this only works when there are numbers of people doing the same thing, or, there is a group making a concerted effort to dominate the conversations through various methods. Think of that old tried and true adage,"The squeaky wheel gets the grease first". If enough outrage over a given situation is expressed, the honest politician will respond and change their tune. however if the politician speaks in inane platitudes and tries to change the subject, vote them out because they don't care about the public they are supposed to serve.
The Tradesman
We Can Put A New Face On Bloombergs Agenda To Disarm The American Public
We can now put a new face to the onslaught to the Second Amendment that Bloomberg is waging in an attempt to disarm the American Public and destroy the Second Amendment as a precursor to destroying the Constitution itself. The Attack takes the form of a 43 year old self proclaimed housewife and mother Shannon Watts from suburban Indianapolis Indiana.

"This is Shannon Watts Beware of her!"
Shannon has access to the deep pockets of Bloomberg and the help of his 2 million useful in my opinion misguided supporters and has convinced the CEOs of several major companies to sign on to Bloombergs agenda to ban/infringe the constitutional right to bear arms from law abiding people in the confines of their businesses thus making a major expansion of the gun free zones that become open shooting galleries for terrorists and deranged people to ply their deadly trade without fear of being stopped until the police arrive. We have all seen the devastating aftermath of these murderers in places like the school and theater shootings where the guns in the hand of a law abiding citizen would have greatly reduced the dead and injured by having the tools necessary to stop the monsters who are bent on killing innocents for some sick twisted reason.
Bloombergs way only exacerbates the problem, and I believe he is doing it for some secret agenda of his own that bodes ill for the general public, whatever that may be. Now Shannon will have the access to the unending deep pockets of Bloomberg to attack and attempt to destroy the NRA Lobby that has stood staunch and firmly in defense of the Second Amendment and all free and law abiding Americans rights.
In addition to convincing the CEOs that their clientele would be 'safer' with guns banned regardless of the FACT that law breakers will not obey the ban any more than they will obey the laws against murder. She has done one thing that is laudable, and that is convincing State lawmakers in a few States to pass laws that make it harder for perpetrators of domestic violence to get guns. again those perpetrators are NOT law abiding citizens and that is a nuance that the Bloomberg crowd tends to suppress.
Watts' organization ' Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America' a group that is funded with any amount of money they need by Bloomberg, has kicked off a campaign to discredit and challenge the NRA in State Houses and Congress. Seems that Harry Reid does not consider Bloombergs actions reprehensible like he does of the Koch Brothers, probably because Bloomberg is a staunch NWO and Progressive Socialist Democratic activist that espouses the same twisted self serving agenda that Harry Reid promotes. It leaves me wondering just what these foul specimens of politicians have in mind for the public after they take away their symbolic last bastion against Tyranny from their own government?
With Bloombergs financial backing and approval, Watts group is endorsing 110 candidates that has passed muster from Bloomberg ideological litmus test as avid supporters of what the Bloomberg and Fascist/Socialist crowd consider "Common Sense" gun restrictions including the expanded background checks and universal registration that will lead as it always has historically to complete confiscation as it did in places like Nazi Germany, Red China, Soviet Russia, and recently Australia, and England. You can see how Bloomberg has manipulated Watts by the statement she made to the Huffington Post, " It makes our moms feel like badasses to take on the most powerful lobbying organization in the country".
The push is fueled by recent losses in big fights against the NRA by Bloomberg aficionados/activists. Setbacks for the Bloomberg agenda like the Missouri Legislature giving final common sense approval to arm teachers thus making the students safer from attacks by gun wielding maniacs. The vote came after the moms tried to use the social media and messages to legislators to block the bill from passing. It makes me wonder if the moms would feel the same way if they were instrumental in keeping the guns out of the hands of qualified teachers and the result would be another Columbine or Sandy Hook Tragedy that could have been stopped by armed people and their kids were the victims. Bloomberg discounts that scenario in every attack he makes on the gun rights of law abiding Americans. I wonder why he does that???
Watts admits that the NRA is ahead of her agenda but she says that the moms are relishing the challenge of taking on a formidable foe like the NRA. I don't discount Watts desire to make it safer for her kids and the public, but I can't see where her way will do anything more than make America much less safe for a public that can't be allowed the means to protect itself just because of the Hubris and secret agenda of the people like Bloomberg and his ilk that have many armed bodyguards so they are not exposed to the daily dangers the rest of the people he considers as extremely less important have to face. Watts has also bought into the oft repeated LIE in her statement that a large vocal minority of gun extremists are making the laws.
Watts attitude can be explained and in the explanation lies the basic reason people are able to be panicked into less than rational thinking. July 2012 she and her son watched the newscast about the mass shooting in the Aurora Colorado theater, her son and her went see the movie the next day, and her imagination gave her a panic attack and she left the theater.
That mindset is preyed upon by the gun grabbers and is twisted into the agenda to take away guns falsely professing that people would be safer instead of the logical assumption that they would be safer if they had the tools to resist and stop the aggressors. The Gun Grabbers are consummate liars and twisters of reality to bend the public psyche into something pliable enough to shape into ,their distorted and self serving agendas.
Watts made the statement that "The barrier of innocence was broken" speaking about the children massacred in Newtown Mass. and said her sons lack of reaction was more frightening because "He realizes that this is what happens in America, that no one is safe." She went on to draw the erroneous conclusions that Bloomberg and the rest of the Fascist Oriented gun grabbing Socialists have pre-programmed into the public through control of the media for their own nefarious purposes.
Watt announced what most angry people would do and announced her intention to fight the 'scourge' of gun violence. She was in a mindset position that the Bloombergs could mold to their purposes. She started with a total of 75 friends, all of whom were susceptible to the Bloomberg brainwashing agenda. Watts went on to say; "Its not like I was a social media phenom," she also said. "I was just so angry and outraged that I felt that next time I'd be culpable if I did nothing."
Watts along with a woman in Brooklyn who had written something similar on her page, and Moms Demand Action was born and has chapters in all 50 States. Watts, who had held high-profile positions at the agribusiness giant Monsanto and elsewhere, has proved a natural at serving both as a spokeswoman for the gun control movement, and its effective CEO. Michael Bloomberg approached her last December and proposed a merger with his Mayors against Illegal Guns and pledged $50 MILLION A YEAR, to take on the NRA and candidates who support the Constitution and the Second Amendment. The Bloomberg Organizations all operate under the Bloomberg funded umbrella of "Everytown for Gun Safety" which in reality is the group that plans to disarm every American private citizen while allowing their bodyguards and certain certified groups (goon and murder squads if I am correctly interpreting the rhetoric and historical facts) to "Make us all safer". Currently Watts has launched a six figure push again funded by Bloomberg, against the Kroger grocery chain to force them to say "No Guns"
Bloombergs way only exacerbates the problem, and I believe he is doing it for some secret agenda of his own that bodes ill for the general public, whatever that may be. Now Shannon will have the access to the unending deep pockets of Bloomberg to attack and attempt to destroy the NRA Lobby that has stood staunch and firmly in defense of the Second Amendment and all free and law abiding Americans rights.
In addition to convincing the CEOs that their clientele would be 'safer' with guns banned regardless of the FACT that law breakers will not obey the ban any more than they will obey the laws against murder. She has done one thing that is laudable, and that is convincing State lawmakers in a few States to pass laws that make it harder for perpetrators of domestic violence to get guns. again those perpetrators are NOT law abiding citizens and that is a nuance that the Bloomberg crowd tends to suppress.
Watts' organization ' Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America' a group that is funded with any amount of money they need by Bloomberg, has kicked off a campaign to discredit and challenge the NRA in State Houses and Congress. Seems that Harry Reid does not consider Bloombergs actions reprehensible like he does of the Koch Brothers, probably because Bloomberg is a staunch NWO and Progressive Socialist Democratic activist that espouses the same twisted self serving agenda that Harry Reid promotes. It leaves me wondering just what these foul specimens of politicians have in mind for the public after they take away their symbolic last bastion against Tyranny from their own government?
With Bloombergs financial backing and approval, Watts group is endorsing 110 candidates that has passed muster from Bloomberg ideological litmus test as avid supporters of what the Bloomberg and Fascist/Socialist crowd consider "Common Sense" gun restrictions including the expanded background checks and universal registration that will lead as it always has historically to complete confiscation as it did in places like Nazi Germany, Red China, Soviet Russia, and recently Australia, and England. You can see how Bloomberg has manipulated Watts by the statement she made to the Huffington Post, " It makes our moms feel like badasses to take on the most powerful lobbying organization in the country".
The push is fueled by recent losses in big fights against the NRA by Bloomberg aficionados/activists. Setbacks for the Bloomberg agenda like the Missouri Legislature giving final common sense approval to arm teachers thus making the students safer from attacks by gun wielding maniacs. The vote came after the moms tried to use the social media and messages to legislators to block the bill from passing. It makes me wonder if the moms would feel the same way if they were instrumental in keeping the guns out of the hands of qualified teachers and the result would be another Columbine or Sandy Hook Tragedy that could have been stopped by armed people and their kids were the victims. Bloomberg discounts that scenario in every attack he makes on the gun rights of law abiding Americans. I wonder why he does that???
Watts admits that the NRA is ahead of her agenda but she says that the moms are relishing the challenge of taking on a formidable foe like the NRA. I don't discount Watts desire to make it safer for her kids and the public, but I can't see where her way will do anything more than make America much less safe for a public that can't be allowed the means to protect itself just because of the Hubris and secret agenda of the people like Bloomberg and his ilk that have many armed bodyguards so they are not exposed to the daily dangers the rest of the people he considers as extremely less important have to face. Watts has also bought into the oft repeated LIE in her statement that a large vocal minority of gun extremists are making the laws.
Watts attitude can be explained and in the explanation lies the basic reason people are able to be panicked into less than rational thinking. July 2012 she and her son watched the newscast about the mass shooting in the Aurora Colorado theater, her son and her went see the movie the next day, and her imagination gave her a panic attack and she left the theater.
That mindset is preyed upon by the gun grabbers and is twisted into the agenda to take away guns falsely professing that people would be safer instead of the logical assumption that they would be safer if they had the tools to resist and stop the aggressors. The Gun Grabbers are consummate liars and twisters of reality to bend the public psyche into something pliable enough to shape into ,their distorted and self serving agendas.
Watts made the statement that "The barrier of innocence was broken" speaking about the children massacred in Newtown Mass. and said her sons lack of reaction was more frightening because "He realizes that this is what happens in America, that no one is safe." She went on to draw the erroneous conclusions that Bloomberg and the rest of the Fascist Oriented gun grabbing Socialists have pre-programmed into the public through control of the media for their own nefarious purposes.
Watt announced what most angry people would do and announced her intention to fight the 'scourge' of gun violence. She was in a mindset position that the Bloombergs could mold to their purposes. She started with a total of 75 friends, all of whom were susceptible to the Bloomberg brainwashing agenda. Watts went on to say; "Its not like I was a social media phenom," she also said. "I was just so angry and outraged that I felt that next time I'd be culpable if I did nothing."
Watts along with a woman in Brooklyn who had written something similar on her page, and Moms Demand Action was born and has chapters in all 50 States. Watts, who had held high-profile positions at the agribusiness giant Monsanto and elsewhere, has proved a natural at serving both as a spokeswoman for the gun control movement, and its effective CEO. Michael Bloomberg approached her last December and proposed a merger with his Mayors against Illegal Guns and pledged $50 MILLION A YEAR, to take on the NRA and candidates who support the Constitution and the Second Amendment. The Bloomberg Organizations all operate under the Bloomberg funded umbrella of "Everytown for Gun Safety" which in reality is the group that plans to disarm every American private citizen while allowing their bodyguards and certain certified groups (goon and murder squads if I am correctly interpreting the rhetoric and historical facts) to "Make us all safer". Currently Watts has launched a six figure push again funded by Bloomberg, against the Kroger grocery chain to force them to say "No Guns"

"This is the typical Propaganda poster that skews sentiments into the Bloomberg agenda."
Notice the photo contains all the gun grabbers images of the evils of guns in private hands?
It uses subtle juxtaposing of innocents against a deliberately projected shabby and disturbing image of a disheveled and suspect gun carrying citizen that does nothing to allay public fears, and is geared to play on the publics emotional sympathies. Hitler and Mao would be proud to have had the use of such effective propaganda images to promote their gun confiscation schemes before they took total Dictatorial power..
Watts group in conjunction with Bloombergs has paid off in many dividends for Bloomberg's mayors group. His original had the support of elected officials, but no general pubic level enthusiasm. As spokespersons for the cause, 'MOMS' represent a significant upgrade from the prickly Big Gulp-banning ex-mayor and resurrects his flagging image.
Many of us Constitution supporting Americans of all political persuasions are hoping the association with Bloomberg may tarnish the 'MOMS' grassroots brand. Watts spends one day a week in New York with Bloomberg confidants thrashing out tactics and being further indoctrinated in Bloomberg agendas. Though she insisted Moms Demand Action operates independently, gun groups have shown the definite the links, to argue that the moms are nothing but a front for Bloomberg and his billions.
Watts said the moms were energized about the merger, which gives them resources to directly challenge the NRA and the lobby's long influence over the political process. Even the NRA is treating Watts as a serious stealth threat to Second amendment rights considering her upscale and deliberately under reported reported stint as a Public Relations Consultant while raising five children. All the while posturing herself as a simple housewife and grass roots activist. I wonder how she can describe herself with a straight face as a stay-at-home-mom when she did so much Professional PR Work?
I can't prove it but I suspect that the Bloomberg machine is behind the sanitized image of her that even went so far as to portray her as a 1950s homebody wife in a period house dress surrounded by the authentic equipment and appliances that real stay at home moms use daily. This was a definite propaganda image to confront the NRA as sexist. Really? Bloomberg is the sexist if his protocols assume that the NRA has no women in positions of power within that organization.

" This is Bloombergs Shannon doll with appliance regalia surrounding it to impart a homey image to the PR Professional."
Watts political endorsements like the one where she spoke for Democratic candidate in an ad for Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber, a Democrat who has supported gun control legislation, and is seeking re-election. In the clip, Paul Kemp holds a photo of his brother-in-law Steve Forsyth, who was killed by a gunman at a Portland mall in 2012. with the pure propaganda geared to elicit a to Bloomberg 'Proper Emotional Response', I can understand and sympathize with Paul on the emotional impact from his loss, but I wonder if he would have had that loss had there been a law abiding citizen on the scene who could have eliminated the threat from the gunman. In conjunction with this Bloomberg made a propaganda photo go viral with carefully contrived images of gun toting so called open carry activists geared to strike distrust in normal citizens because they were portrayed as threatening people, who carry around long guns and other rifles that the Bloombergs and Feinsteins have continuously mis identified as 'ASSAULT WEAPONS ONLY GOOD FOR USE IN A WAR BY MILITARY' to intimidate the peaceful citizenry.
Don't forget that Open Carry is completely legal in 40 States and should not be feared by the public. Most people use the concealed carry but I see nothing wrong with having a gun on your hip, It won't turn into the Hollywood version of the Wild West as the gun grabbers try to make us believe, because it has not done so in any of the States that have open carry as a legal right.
Don't forget that Open Carry is completely legal in 40 States and should not be feared by the public. Most people use the concealed carry but I see nothing wrong with having a gun on your hip, It won't turn into the Hollywood version of the Wild West as the gun grabbers try to make us believe, because it has not done so in any of the States that have open carry as a legal right.

"These jarring images pictured in this Propaganda piece went viral, along with the hashtag #OffTarget."
Bloomberg has declared WAR on the NRA, the Second Amendment, and Law Abiding American Freedoms (http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/bloomberg-pledges-50m-fight-nra...) His quote shows his major Hubris when he said "We've got to make them afraid of us," he said of lawmakers who didn't support his gun restrictions he considers reasonable and helpful to the completion of his agenda, like Expanded Background Checks and Universal Registration.
Another insight into Bloombergs invasive Hubris and monomaniacal tendencies is shown in his PAC (so he would not be publicly held responsible for intervening in an election more directly than Reid charges the Koch Brothers of doing) is when he sent/invested $150,000 in ads to unseat Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee because the Sheriff told the public to arm themselves so they could protect their families during the time it took until the police responded to 911 calls. Fortunately the public was very put off by the meddlesome Bloomberg who is not even a resident of that State.
Although the drive to endorse his hand picked candidates that rolls out this week seems to consciously chart a safer, less confrontational course, it still does not excuse him from sticking his nose into the affairs of other Americans business in States where he does not reside. In fact it shows his Messianic Complex very clearly and exposes him as the self righteous extremist he in fact is. You can almost feel the palpable feelings he has that he is the only one capable of dispensing the correct way to live to those he considers less than human compared to himself.
The two Moms Demand Action ads released so far are simple, but emotionally powerful Propaganda laced testimonials in support of candidates who support the types of gun restrictions, such as background checks, that the skewed Progressive/Liberal/Socialist inspired polls show are backed by most Americans who have drank the Kool-Aid put out by the Gun Grabbers. It's just the kind of common sense appeal that a veteran public relations executive like Watts might dream up to advance her leaders cause celebre'.
We as a free people need to combat this vile propaganda onslaught against our Constitutional Rights where ever it raises it's ugly head and educate the public about the lies and psychology behind it that's used to twist public opinions!
The Tradesman
Another insight into Bloombergs invasive Hubris and monomaniacal tendencies is shown in his PAC (so he would not be publicly held responsible for intervening in an election more directly than Reid charges the Koch Brothers of doing) is when he sent/invested $150,000 in ads to unseat Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee because the Sheriff told the public to arm themselves so they could protect their families during the time it took until the police responded to 911 calls. Fortunately the public was very put off by the meddlesome Bloomberg who is not even a resident of that State.
Although the drive to endorse his hand picked candidates that rolls out this week seems to consciously chart a safer, less confrontational course, it still does not excuse him from sticking his nose into the affairs of other Americans business in States where he does not reside. In fact it shows his Messianic Complex very clearly and exposes him as the self righteous extremist he in fact is. You can almost feel the palpable feelings he has that he is the only one capable of dispensing the correct way to live to those he considers less than human compared to himself.
The two Moms Demand Action ads released so far are simple, but emotionally powerful Propaganda laced testimonials in support of candidates who support the types of gun restrictions, such as background checks, that the skewed Progressive/Liberal/Socialist inspired polls show are backed by most Americans who have drank the Kool-Aid put out by the Gun Grabbers. It's just the kind of common sense appeal that a veteran public relations executive like Watts might dream up to advance her leaders cause celebre'.
We as a free people need to combat this vile propaganda onslaught against our Constitutional Rights where ever it raises it's ugly head and educate the public about the lies and psychology behind it that's used to twist public opinions!
The Tradesman
Will We Pass Muster...Or...Will We Fail And Fall?
WE MUST RETURN to our FOUNDATION, SAVE the BEST BRICKS, DISCARD the FRACTURES, and REPAIR the HOUSE that AMERICA BUILT...or we will fall.... into ruin and rule by Oligarchy!
That Answer Is Up To Us As Individuals, And, As Americans United In A Critical Purpose !
Many of you will think this is wrong. Many of you will think I have went over to the other side. Many of you will reject this out of hand. I ask you to look long and hard at it, and try and see why this is necessary for us to re-evaluate our stated positions at this point in time.
If we do not do something quickly, we will lose our guns first, and with them our we shall surely lose freedoms one by one, until we have become a nation of controlled Proles as George Orwell named the slave class that encompassed 95% of his characters in the book Nineteen Eighty Four.
..."The Constitution preserves the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation where the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." James Madison ...
We must figure out how to change and advance, but still remain true to the Constitution, and to protect and preserve the Republic.
..."In Republics, the great danger is, that the majority may not sufficiently respect the rights of the minority."James Madison ...
However we are not just a Republic, we are in fact a Constitutional Republic. A Republic based on Democratic principles and constrained by Constitutional Law that promises Equal Justice, Freedom and Liberty for all.We seem to have forgotten this as a nation.
We have been blinded, fooled, and conned, by a Progressive Stealth Faction that sees themselves cast in the ancient roles of Despots, Dictators, Satraps, and Kings with total power of High,Middle and Low Justice over the people they have subjugated. Our stealth ruling class like Soros and his ilk, have made it nearly impossible to stop their boot heels from landing on our necks. They say History repeats itself, and I believe it does. Look at what the Republicans just did in fully funding Obamacare while spouting lying rhetoric for years about de-funding it. We can no longer trust them and must depose them too.
The Basic American Paradigm has shifted, and in shifting nothing shall be as it once was.We can no longer afford to live in the past. We must continue to learn from it, but we must start living in the future. To do this we must remember our roots and the cost in lives it took to gain our independence and to maintain it to today.
..."The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Thomas Jefferson "...
To move forward, we must embrace moral idealism, but marry that idealism firmly to true reality. That must be done without fail. First and foremost we must strive for heaven, avoid hell, and be rooted in the realities of daily life with all of it's necessities checks and balances intact. To accomplish those things, you need to have a major political party to back you. But, 'We The People' must be in control of that Major Party or Parties as the case may be.
..."Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions. James Madison "...
The idealistic beliefs of the independents and third parties must be folded in to the major party/s to invigorate them, but without denying or destroying the necessities of the real world. We can not afford to constantly give a free ride to anyone, any class of Americans, or Foreigners either. We must work to help train them to provide for themselves, or we will continue doing them and their children a terrible disservice. We will be taking away their self respect and self reliance.
..."Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty. Thomas Jefferson "...
Slavery was forbidden 149 years ago, yet certain groups have re-instituted it in an insidious stealthy manner that stultifies the human condition through addicting families to a welfare existence with no more than a subsistence level of life for them. Once on Central Government assistance, they must continue to support their stealth oppressors to survive.
Socialism for all of it's faults had its basis in alleviating the excesses the Elite ruling classes heaped on the common man. In that vein, it does have a few good points that can be incorporated into our Representative Republic. The trick is to take the essence of those good points and incorporate them into a workable Conservative Philosophy. From there go on to forge a new and improved, but fully conservative way of doing things that will not infringe on the Freedoms and Liberties that are protected by the Constitution.
We must be smart enough to help those who actually need help to survive, while providing the education and jobs in the private sector that will allow them to stand on their own and partake of the Equal benefits that America is built on. The only exception to that, are those who are so severely Crippled or Mentally Damaged they can not in any way to do for themselves. ( no I don't subscribe to political correctness, as it changes the rhetoric, and gives a false perception to what is being said by subtly changing its meaning!)
Even if the Obama administration would take a page from the FDR administration, and contract with private business to hire people to work in National Infrastructure Improvement Projects that benefit all of America, that in itself would be better than just throwing money at welfare recipients. It would also give them a chance to begin to fend for themselves, gain back their self respect, and get the American economic/production engine jump started again.
Although the New Deal was vilified as a Socialist Experiment it did give us National Legacies like the Grand Coulee Dam, Golden Gate Bridge, LaGuardia Airport, Lincoln Tunnel, and other institutions like, a 40 hour work week, FDIC, and the TVA. We could do the same today by re-instituting things like the Civilian Conservation Corps to clean up our National parks or even do things like putting our entire electric transmission grid underground shielding it from weather, sabotage, and other damage. If used properly, national work programs would be a shot in the arm to jump start the economy. It would be better than just handing out money for doing nothing.
The problem would be in setting a firm expiration date for those programs. It would have to be based on economic conditions in the Country among other things so as not to become an Institution without end. To clarify, I think the government must contract with private firms to get the work done, stipulating that they hire 90% of their workforce from the welfare rolls.The FDR New Deal was not supposed to go on for as long as it did, and we can't set up something that will do the same, even if it is using private industry to get it done.
For a long time now the concept/basis of equality and fair play in the market place has been deceptively removed and consolidated by a core cadre of Crony Capitalists and Politicians, who have used and abused the system skewing it to their private advantage under the color of law. That must and will change if we are to continue growing and succeeding in our quest to move forward into the future. We need an open dialogue, minus the special interests and petulance of prima donna politicians, so we can actually decide what must be done to maintain our freedoms and liberties.
..."I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations. James Madison "...
We must follow the intent of the original Constitutional Principles in spirit as well as in letter, and apply them to deal with modern circumstances that must deal with on an everyday basis. That is what I meant when I said we can no longer live in the past but must learn from it and take it's timeless knowledge and inspiration into the future.. Neither can we allow those principles to be suborned by political expediency or private agendas.
..."Do not separate text from historical background. If you do, you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution, which can only end in a distorted, bastardized form of illegitimate government." James Madison...
The hard part will be upgrading those principles to cover modern situations, but retaining the original intent of those principles intact. We can not allow populist factions to distort the original meanings the Founders placed in the Prime Document defining America no matter how it may seem right for the current crisis or situation. In short, Emotions must not rule our decisions, hard nosed logic must.
We have so many things wrong with the nuts and bolts of everyday politics it is imperative we start from scratch and use the Constitution Proper, and the Original Bill of Rights as our guide. We must learn what the founders meant by the words they used, and we must also learn the meanings of those words in the context of the 18th Century common usage to understand their intent. Once we all learn those meanings, we must be able to strip out certain amendments from the Constitution by means of the repeal process. I am speaking of the Amendments which were put in place by and solely for the benefit of certain special interest and specific political groups.
This will require a massive process of actually educating the American Public and even educating the current politicians on the fact the Constitution means what it says, and says what it means. The original Progressivisim of a Theodore Roosevelt which was based on a desire to alleviate many evils done as a matter of course to the non elites by the Elites, even though Teddy like modern day progressives actually thought he knew better than the people he served, is completely different from the bastardized Progressivism and Bigotry of a Woodrow Wilson, and still different from Franklin Delano Roosevelt progressive policies, although to be fair, FDR had a third of the nation starving to death, so we can make some allowances there, but not for what was pushed after his death by Elinor Roosevelt. Those bastardized forms have been further corrupted since those times by Americas enemies as well as its elected leaders who only want to consolidate their power and impose will on the public to retain their positions of privilege.
..."By rendering the labor of one, the property of the other, they cherish pride, luxury, and vanity on one side; on the other, vice and servility, or hatred and revolt. James Madison "...
We are going to have to reevaluate the compromises that will be necessary for us to make, and insure that they are in fact honorable and moral compromises giving the most benefit to the most people while staying true to the principles of the Constitution. No longer can we allow Special Interest Cronyism to dominate the economy, or any facet of American life for that matter.Taxation must be lowered, properly apportioned, and fair. Spending must be drastically lowered but incrementally to prevent massive shock to the finances of America. Regulations that don't directly deal with the safety of the public, nor the quality or purity of a product, must all be looked at and the superfluous ones removed to facilitate job growth.
..."A popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce, or a tragedy, or perhaps both. James Madison "...
The energy generation systems need to be seriously looked at and reevaluated so traditional methods will only be supplanted by tried and true replacements and then only replaced gradually to lessen impact on the public and on the economy. Coal, Oil, & Gas fired generation plants have now had to clean up their emissions to the point where they do no more serious harm to the environment than the new light bulbs containing mercury do when they are disposed of. In fact they do less harm, way less harm. There is room for improvement everywhere but we must go after it with a scalpel not a mace. We can no longer afford to let the special interest groups dictate to and create disadvantages to us if we intend to compete successfully in the world marketplace.
Everything that worked to make America great, and made it the world leader it once was, needs to be reexamined, reevaluated, and upgraded into a workable modern way of doing things. That way must create a workable balance between our idealistic aspirations and cold reality. We have to balance our natural desires to help others, with cold hard logic to insure we really are helping them and moving forward. Not just further enslaving and trapping our people into a cruel system for generations, or enabling sloth and/or corruption in politics to triumph..
All of the quotes in the post above, are based on a Constitutional Republic with Democratic Principles guiding it, and itself constrained by a Written Constitution - not based on a Massive Central/Federal Government attempting to control every facet of its citizens lives.
Freedom and Liberty can not exist where the Government controls the rights of property and how that property is used by its citizens!
Ponder these things carefully, for they are going to determine our future even if we decide to ignore them.
The Tradesman
That Answer Is Up To Us As Individuals, And, As Americans United In A Critical Purpose !
Many of you will think this is wrong. Many of you will think I have went over to the other side. Many of you will reject this out of hand. I ask you to look long and hard at it, and try and see why this is necessary for us to re-evaluate our stated positions at this point in time.
If we do not do something quickly, we will lose our guns first, and with them our we shall surely lose freedoms one by one, until we have become a nation of controlled Proles as George Orwell named the slave class that encompassed 95% of his characters in the book Nineteen Eighty Four.
..."The Constitution preserves the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation where the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." James Madison ...
We must figure out how to change and advance, but still remain true to the Constitution, and to protect and preserve the Republic.
..."In Republics, the great danger is, that the majority may not sufficiently respect the rights of the minority."James Madison ...
However we are not just a Republic, we are in fact a Constitutional Republic. A Republic based on Democratic principles and constrained by Constitutional Law that promises Equal Justice, Freedom and Liberty for all.We seem to have forgotten this as a nation.
We have been blinded, fooled, and conned, by a Progressive Stealth Faction that sees themselves cast in the ancient roles of Despots, Dictators, Satraps, and Kings with total power of High,Middle and Low Justice over the people they have subjugated. Our stealth ruling class like Soros and his ilk, have made it nearly impossible to stop their boot heels from landing on our necks. They say History repeats itself, and I believe it does. Look at what the Republicans just did in fully funding Obamacare while spouting lying rhetoric for years about de-funding it. We can no longer trust them and must depose them too.
The Basic American Paradigm has shifted, and in shifting nothing shall be as it once was.We can no longer afford to live in the past. We must continue to learn from it, but we must start living in the future. To do this we must remember our roots and the cost in lives it took to gain our independence and to maintain it to today.
..."The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Thomas Jefferson "...
To move forward, we must embrace moral idealism, but marry that idealism firmly to true reality. That must be done without fail. First and foremost we must strive for heaven, avoid hell, and be rooted in the realities of daily life with all of it's necessities checks and balances intact. To accomplish those things, you need to have a major political party to back you. But, 'We The People' must be in control of that Major Party or Parties as the case may be.
..."Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions. James Madison "...
The idealistic beliefs of the independents and third parties must be folded in to the major party/s to invigorate them, but without denying or destroying the necessities of the real world. We can not afford to constantly give a free ride to anyone, any class of Americans, or Foreigners either. We must work to help train them to provide for themselves, or we will continue doing them and their children a terrible disservice. We will be taking away their self respect and self reliance.
..."Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty. Thomas Jefferson "...
Slavery was forbidden 149 years ago, yet certain groups have re-instituted it in an insidious stealthy manner that stultifies the human condition through addicting families to a welfare existence with no more than a subsistence level of life for them. Once on Central Government assistance, they must continue to support their stealth oppressors to survive.
Socialism for all of it's faults had its basis in alleviating the excesses the Elite ruling classes heaped on the common man. In that vein, it does have a few good points that can be incorporated into our Representative Republic. The trick is to take the essence of those good points and incorporate them into a workable Conservative Philosophy. From there go on to forge a new and improved, but fully conservative way of doing things that will not infringe on the Freedoms and Liberties that are protected by the Constitution.
We must be smart enough to help those who actually need help to survive, while providing the education and jobs in the private sector that will allow them to stand on their own and partake of the Equal benefits that America is built on. The only exception to that, are those who are so severely Crippled or Mentally Damaged they can not in any way to do for themselves. ( no I don't subscribe to political correctness, as it changes the rhetoric, and gives a false perception to what is being said by subtly changing its meaning!)
Even if the Obama administration would take a page from the FDR administration, and contract with private business to hire people to work in National Infrastructure Improvement Projects that benefit all of America, that in itself would be better than just throwing money at welfare recipients. It would also give them a chance to begin to fend for themselves, gain back their self respect, and get the American economic/production engine jump started again.
Although the New Deal was vilified as a Socialist Experiment it did give us National Legacies like the Grand Coulee Dam, Golden Gate Bridge, LaGuardia Airport, Lincoln Tunnel, and other institutions like, a 40 hour work week, FDIC, and the TVA. We could do the same today by re-instituting things like the Civilian Conservation Corps to clean up our National parks or even do things like putting our entire electric transmission grid underground shielding it from weather, sabotage, and other damage. If used properly, national work programs would be a shot in the arm to jump start the economy. It would be better than just handing out money for doing nothing.
The problem would be in setting a firm expiration date for those programs. It would have to be based on economic conditions in the Country among other things so as not to become an Institution without end. To clarify, I think the government must contract with private firms to get the work done, stipulating that they hire 90% of their workforce from the welfare rolls.The FDR New Deal was not supposed to go on for as long as it did, and we can't set up something that will do the same, even if it is using private industry to get it done.
For a long time now the concept/basis of equality and fair play in the market place has been deceptively removed and consolidated by a core cadre of Crony Capitalists and Politicians, who have used and abused the system skewing it to their private advantage under the color of law. That must and will change if we are to continue growing and succeeding in our quest to move forward into the future. We need an open dialogue, minus the special interests and petulance of prima donna politicians, so we can actually decide what must be done to maintain our freedoms and liberties.
..."I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations. James Madison "...
We must follow the intent of the original Constitutional Principles in spirit as well as in letter, and apply them to deal with modern circumstances that must deal with on an everyday basis. That is what I meant when I said we can no longer live in the past but must learn from it and take it's timeless knowledge and inspiration into the future.. Neither can we allow those principles to be suborned by political expediency or private agendas.
..."Do not separate text from historical background. If you do, you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution, which can only end in a distorted, bastardized form of illegitimate government." James Madison...
The hard part will be upgrading those principles to cover modern situations, but retaining the original intent of those principles intact. We can not allow populist factions to distort the original meanings the Founders placed in the Prime Document defining America no matter how it may seem right for the current crisis or situation. In short, Emotions must not rule our decisions, hard nosed logic must.
We have so many things wrong with the nuts and bolts of everyday politics it is imperative we start from scratch and use the Constitution Proper, and the Original Bill of Rights as our guide. We must learn what the founders meant by the words they used, and we must also learn the meanings of those words in the context of the 18th Century common usage to understand their intent. Once we all learn those meanings, we must be able to strip out certain amendments from the Constitution by means of the repeal process. I am speaking of the Amendments which were put in place by and solely for the benefit of certain special interest and specific political groups.
This will require a massive process of actually educating the American Public and even educating the current politicians on the fact the Constitution means what it says, and says what it means. The original Progressivisim of a Theodore Roosevelt which was based on a desire to alleviate many evils done as a matter of course to the non elites by the Elites, even though Teddy like modern day progressives actually thought he knew better than the people he served, is completely different from the bastardized Progressivism and Bigotry of a Woodrow Wilson, and still different from Franklin Delano Roosevelt progressive policies, although to be fair, FDR had a third of the nation starving to death, so we can make some allowances there, but not for what was pushed after his death by Elinor Roosevelt. Those bastardized forms have been further corrupted since those times by Americas enemies as well as its elected leaders who only want to consolidate their power and impose will on the public to retain their positions of privilege.
..."By rendering the labor of one, the property of the other, they cherish pride, luxury, and vanity on one side; on the other, vice and servility, or hatred and revolt. James Madison "...
We are going to have to reevaluate the compromises that will be necessary for us to make, and insure that they are in fact honorable and moral compromises giving the most benefit to the most people while staying true to the principles of the Constitution. No longer can we allow Special Interest Cronyism to dominate the economy, or any facet of American life for that matter.Taxation must be lowered, properly apportioned, and fair. Spending must be drastically lowered but incrementally to prevent massive shock to the finances of America. Regulations that don't directly deal with the safety of the public, nor the quality or purity of a product, must all be looked at and the superfluous ones removed to facilitate job growth.
..."A popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce, or a tragedy, or perhaps both. James Madison "...
The energy generation systems need to be seriously looked at and reevaluated so traditional methods will only be supplanted by tried and true replacements and then only replaced gradually to lessen impact on the public and on the economy. Coal, Oil, & Gas fired generation plants have now had to clean up their emissions to the point where they do no more serious harm to the environment than the new light bulbs containing mercury do when they are disposed of. In fact they do less harm, way less harm. There is room for improvement everywhere but we must go after it with a scalpel not a mace. We can no longer afford to let the special interest groups dictate to and create disadvantages to us if we intend to compete successfully in the world marketplace.
Everything that worked to make America great, and made it the world leader it once was, needs to be reexamined, reevaluated, and upgraded into a workable modern way of doing things. That way must create a workable balance between our idealistic aspirations and cold reality. We have to balance our natural desires to help others, with cold hard logic to insure we really are helping them and moving forward. Not just further enslaving and trapping our people into a cruel system for generations, or enabling sloth and/or corruption in politics to triumph..
All of the quotes in the post above, are based on a Constitutional Republic with Democratic Principles guiding it, and itself constrained by a Written Constitution - not based on a Massive Central/Federal Government attempting to control every facet of its citizens lives.
Freedom and Liberty can not exist where the Government controls the rights of property and how that property is used by its citizens!
Ponder these things carefully, for they are going to determine our future even if we decide to ignore them.
The Tradesman
What Have We Devolved Into?
A Lady Boots, Mangus Colorado, & Tradesman Joint Effort Posting
When Barack Obama forced his health care package through, something unifying happened in America.
A united and focused group of diverse people came together in response to Obama's usurpation of the Constitution.
We were a force to be reckoned with.
That Force scared both major parties silly!
They could see their loss of control and power in the creation of that embryonic movement. Remember, it actually went viral and swept the House of Representatives from the grasp of the Progressive Democrat Socialists. We broke the 'Super Majority' of rule by decree they were implementing.
What happened to us?
Since that watershed event the Democrats have openly done everything, including using the IRS to attack and break the movement. The Establishment Republicans became the the worst offenders, after we saved their bacon, they turned on us because they could not control us. They would rather eat their own than give up the control that they wanted too. Politics is about power and control, it is the ruination of good governance.
Establishment Republicans have stabbed us in the back at every turn. We have had to stand our ground against the strength of both grand old parties. For a long while, in different degrees of effectiveness, we have successfully fought back against all those odds, but we now face a far more insidious and destructive challenge.
We are succumbing to the twin destroyers of Hubris and Complacency!
The Hubris is self evident in the various groups waging what amounts to internecine warfare against each other to gain supremacy of the movement. One upsmanship seems to be the rule today and not the exception. I believe that has been stealthily imposed on us by combination and yes even coordination, by collaboration of destructive public relations from our political opponents who united to cast their aspersions.
Complacency has set in as ennui to the challenges and a general backing down from what needs to be done. If you look at the situation you can see that is self evident on all the established activist sites. More and more I see few constructive ideas or workable battle plans being developed. Neither do I see, the wealth of information I once saw on a daily basis. It's as if we have reached a saturation point/blockage, and can't or won't move forward from there.
What has happened to the united and focused group of diverse people who came together originally in response to Obamas usurpation of the Constitution when he forced through his health care package? We were then a force to be reckoned with and that scared both major parties silly. They saw in us their loss of control and power in that embryonic movement that actually went viral and swept the House of Representatives from the grasp of the Progressive Democrat Socialists, and broke the 'Super Majority' of rule by decree they were implementing.
Since then the Democrats have openly done everything including using the IRS to attack and break the movement. The Establishment Republicans were the worse offenders because; After we saved their bacon, they turned on us because they could not control us like they wanted to. They stabbed us in the back at every turn. We successfully have fought back against all those odds but we now face a far more insidious and destructive challenge.
Yes. We have succumbed to Hubris.
Yes. We have become Complacent.
Those sites I frequent have mostly devolved into a bitching and crabbing society of social networks with extremely little activist operations going on. It seems that people would rather just sit by their keyboards and complain about each others ideas, than working together and compromising on plans that could change the entire face of politics. Everyone seems to think they have the only way to win ...If Only 'they' would see.......
The real problem is by falling for that form of thinking everyone goes their own separate ways and allows the highly unified Progressive faction to walk in and dominate. So I say to everyone, it's time to start cooperating and incorporating our diverseness into a workable form of compromise,
Honorable and True Compromise.
I have said and will continue to keep saying that we must unite and start breaking the power structure of the Progressive Democrat Socialists this November. We haven't the time to cobble together a viable third independent party before the election. So the problem remains, what are we to do?
As I see it most of us do not like or trust the Establishment Old Guard Republican Party nor do we trust their Leadership to do what is right. That in itself presents us with a massive problem when it comes to defeating the Incumbent Progressive Democrat Socialists in the Senate who are up for reelection. That problem is mirrored in the House for maintaining and expanding the seats we hold. We must come up with a plan to overcome all the problems if we want America and the Constitutional Republic to survive.
Unfortunately, we know that the House majority is held by the Republicans we don't completely trust, and we must replace them with representatives we can and do trust. The Senate is controlled by the Constitutional Republics dire enemies and also by RINO Republicans who side with them. They have to be replaced. The conditions we face are critical and game changing if we allow the Progressive Democrat Socialists to maintain their stranglehold on the Senate.
We also know without a doubt, both of these factions will use every trick available to them regardless if it's Ethical, Honorable, or even Legal or Unconstitutional to maintain their current level of control. We know even if we defeat them in November, they will attempt to do a Pelosi 11th hour move, and make bad laws and treaties during the lame duck session. The question we all have to answer is how we will thwart these attempts at usurpation of Constitutional law and the power that rightfully belongs to WE The People!
At this late date, there is precious little we can do to stop the boot heel from landing on our necks. We are in this predicament because we have succumbed to Cloward&Piven as well as the Alinsky tactics to defeat us by dividing us. We are divided, and being so, we will fail unless we pull together at the last minute to gain us the necessary time to make our own changes to the Nation.
We all know what we must do even if we don't want to do it. If we don't do it all is lost for all of us. This is also happening because we have refused to work together for the common good of restoring the Constitutional Republic. Just saying those words, and directing them at the current majority of politicians in power, will accomplish NOTHING!!! Those politicians do not care what we want! They only care about maintaining their stolen power and the privilege it brings them.
The only way we will be able to 'Restore the Constitutional Republic', is by uniting behind that cause, and working together to see it come about. Doing that means getting our hands dirty doing the actual work it will take to accomplish that goal. It means we must be willing to accept the compromise that is workable, even if it's not the best in our own minds. We must be willing to give as well as take, and we must do that until we have turned the corner so to speak towards the Ideology of the Founders as the guiding light for our nation.
If we succumb to our parochial interests, (parochial meaning provincial or narrow or vary limited in scope or outlook viewpoint), we shall lose our last and best chance to turn the tide within our lifetimes. We can not afford to allow the Progressive Democrat Socialist opposition any more leeway to continue deconstructing our Country and its value systems.
Will we unite for common cause defending the Constitutional Republic?
Will we decide to go our own ways because we have lost faith in ourselves and our institutions?
Will we take the parochial viewpoint out of frustration with the system?
Will we refuse to participate in the system because we do not believe it will ever work again?
Will we blindly continue down the path that has never worked because of a belief that eventually it Will in some future utopia where the average citizens will side with us?
Should we decide to work together and actually defeat the incumbents;
Will we stay united and continue to work towards the goal of rooting out all the corruption we can in Government?
Will we stay united to promote the compromise candidates who will work for us and honor the Constitutions strictures and Laws?
Will we actually work openly to compromise with each other to find acceptable candidates to promote into positions of power?
All of this depends on us creating a period of time where we can block further encroachments by the Progressive enemies of Freedom and Liberty. It will not be easy because we will be coming up against some very heavy hitters like Soros 'pere' and 'fils', Bloomberg, Gates, and all the Elitist Crony Capitalists who have a major horse in this race. We will be fighting the Main Stream Media Opinion Makers too.
By recognizing this is as critical as a heart attack, and by uniting in common cause we can beat them. We will have to become tricky and make them believe we are going to do something other that what we are actually going to do. Sun Tzu Art of war tactics are what will win it for us. Never for one second forget this is a war. It's a war for the control of the future.
The First and most important thing you have to ask yourself is;
What am I? Am I a part of a political group primarily, or am I primarily an American with all that implies?
The Second thing you have to ask yourself is;
Am I ready to do what ever has become necessary to preserve the Constitutional Republic?
The Third thing you have to ask yourself is;
Where do my loyalties lie?
The Fourth thing you have to ask yourself is;
Am I ready to actually make the long term commitment that is necessary to see this through and change things for the better?
The Last thing you have to ask yourself is;
What can I do to insure this plan works?
You all have read the plan that has been repeatedly laid out in detail on what we have to do in November, and, what we need to refrain from doing to win. You have also read why we need to do this to win.
Now it is up to you to do some soul searching to see if you will become part of the solution or part of the problem. Our very future, and that of our progeny is in our hands. So think long and hard on what you will do in November, because you will have to live with your decision and take responsibility for it and its consequences.
No matter what slogans we have. No matter what posters we put out. No matter how strong we believe our viewpoint to be. No matter the plethora of ads depicting the Progressive attacks on our way of life, the lack of common sense their politicians exhibit daily, nor all the problems they have caused, will allow us to win if we don't unite and show a solid front against the Democratic Socialists.
We must first and foremost launch a unified campaign against those Democratic Socialists, then launch another against the RINO Socialists in the subsequent elections. In short, we need to get the people together, as a group of United Americans, to first pick, then place our choice of candidates into power at all levels of government. We can't wait any longer, and we can't expect that we can just scatter our votes as individuals or individual groups and win. We can't!
One last but critical thing for you to remember; 4+ million of you stayed home in 2012 because you refused to vote for a Mormon - I ask you now; How do you like the Muslim you elected by not uniting in a time of need? Well, How Do you like him?
A united and focused group of diverse people came together in response to Obama's usurpation of the Constitution.
We were a force to be reckoned with.
That Force scared both major parties silly!
They could see their loss of control and power in the creation of that embryonic movement. Remember, it actually went viral and swept the House of Representatives from the grasp of the Progressive Democrat Socialists. We broke the 'Super Majority' of rule by decree they were implementing.
What happened to us?
Since that watershed event the Democrats have openly done everything, including using the IRS to attack and break the movement. The Establishment Republicans became the the worst offenders, after we saved their bacon, they turned on us because they could not control us. They would rather eat their own than give up the control that they wanted too. Politics is about power and control, it is the ruination of good governance.
Establishment Republicans have stabbed us in the back at every turn. We have had to stand our ground against the strength of both grand old parties. For a long while, in different degrees of effectiveness, we have successfully fought back against all those odds, but we now face a far more insidious and destructive challenge.
We are succumbing to the twin destroyers of Hubris and Complacency!
The Hubris is self evident in the various groups waging what amounts to internecine warfare against each other to gain supremacy of the movement. One upsmanship seems to be the rule today and not the exception. I believe that has been stealthily imposed on us by combination and yes even coordination, by collaboration of destructive public relations from our political opponents who united to cast their aspersions.
Complacency has set in as ennui to the challenges and a general backing down from what needs to be done. If you look at the situation you can see that is self evident on all the established activist sites. More and more I see few constructive ideas or workable battle plans being developed. Neither do I see, the wealth of information I once saw on a daily basis. It's as if we have reached a saturation point/blockage, and can't or won't move forward from there.
What has happened to the united and focused group of diverse people who came together originally in response to Obamas usurpation of the Constitution when he forced through his health care package? We were then a force to be reckoned with and that scared both major parties silly. They saw in us their loss of control and power in that embryonic movement that actually went viral and swept the House of Representatives from the grasp of the Progressive Democrat Socialists, and broke the 'Super Majority' of rule by decree they were implementing.
Since then the Democrats have openly done everything including using the IRS to attack and break the movement. The Establishment Republicans were the worse offenders because; After we saved their bacon, they turned on us because they could not control us like they wanted to. They stabbed us in the back at every turn. We successfully have fought back against all those odds but we now face a far more insidious and destructive challenge.
Yes. We have succumbed to Hubris.
Yes. We have become Complacent.
Those sites I frequent have mostly devolved into a bitching and crabbing society of social networks with extremely little activist operations going on. It seems that people would rather just sit by their keyboards and complain about each others ideas, than working together and compromising on plans that could change the entire face of politics. Everyone seems to think they have the only way to win ...If Only 'they' would see.......
The real problem is by falling for that form of thinking everyone goes their own separate ways and allows the highly unified Progressive faction to walk in and dominate. So I say to everyone, it's time to start cooperating and incorporating our diverseness into a workable form of compromise,
Honorable and True Compromise.
I have said and will continue to keep saying that we must unite and start breaking the power structure of the Progressive Democrat Socialists this November. We haven't the time to cobble together a viable third independent party before the election. So the problem remains, what are we to do?
As I see it most of us do not like or trust the Establishment Old Guard Republican Party nor do we trust their Leadership to do what is right. That in itself presents us with a massive problem when it comes to defeating the Incumbent Progressive Democrat Socialists in the Senate who are up for reelection. That problem is mirrored in the House for maintaining and expanding the seats we hold. We must come up with a plan to overcome all the problems if we want America and the Constitutional Republic to survive.
Unfortunately, we know that the House majority is held by the Republicans we don't completely trust, and we must replace them with representatives we can and do trust. The Senate is controlled by the Constitutional Republics dire enemies and also by RINO Republicans who side with them. They have to be replaced. The conditions we face are critical and game changing if we allow the Progressive Democrat Socialists to maintain their stranglehold on the Senate.
We also know without a doubt, both of these factions will use every trick available to them regardless if it's Ethical, Honorable, or even Legal or Unconstitutional to maintain their current level of control. We know even if we defeat them in November, they will attempt to do a Pelosi 11th hour move, and make bad laws and treaties during the lame duck session. The question we all have to answer is how we will thwart these attempts at usurpation of Constitutional law and the power that rightfully belongs to WE The People!
At this late date, there is precious little we can do to stop the boot heel from landing on our necks. We are in this predicament because we have succumbed to Cloward&Piven as well as the Alinsky tactics to defeat us by dividing us. We are divided, and being so, we will fail unless we pull together at the last minute to gain us the necessary time to make our own changes to the Nation.
We all know what we must do even if we don't want to do it. If we don't do it all is lost for all of us. This is also happening because we have refused to work together for the common good of restoring the Constitutional Republic. Just saying those words, and directing them at the current majority of politicians in power, will accomplish NOTHING!!! Those politicians do not care what we want! They only care about maintaining their stolen power and the privilege it brings them.
The only way we will be able to 'Restore the Constitutional Republic', is by uniting behind that cause, and working together to see it come about. Doing that means getting our hands dirty doing the actual work it will take to accomplish that goal. It means we must be willing to accept the compromise that is workable, even if it's not the best in our own minds. We must be willing to give as well as take, and we must do that until we have turned the corner so to speak towards the Ideology of the Founders as the guiding light for our nation.
If we succumb to our parochial interests, (parochial meaning provincial or narrow or vary limited in scope or outlook viewpoint), we shall lose our last and best chance to turn the tide within our lifetimes. We can not afford to allow the Progressive Democrat Socialist opposition any more leeway to continue deconstructing our Country and its value systems.
Will we unite for common cause defending the Constitutional Republic?
Will we decide to go our own ways because we have lost faith in ourselves and our institutions?
Will we take the parochial viewpoint out of frustration with the system?
Will we refuse to participate in the system because we do not believe it will ever work again?
Will we blindly continue down the path that has never worked because of a belief that eventually it Will in some future utopia where the average citizens will side with us?
Should we decide to work together and actually defeat the incumbents;
Will we stay united and continue to work towards the goal of rooting out all the corruption we can in Government?
Will we stay united to promote the compromise candidates who will work for us and honor the Constitutions strictures and Laws?
Will we actually work openly to compromise with each other to find acceptable candidates to promote into positions of power?
All of this depends on us creating a period of time where we can block further encroachments by the Progressive enemies of Freedom and Liberty. It will not be easy because we will be coming up against some very heavy hitters like Soros 'pere' and 'fils', Bloomberg, Gates, and all the Elitist Crony Capitalists who have a major horse in this race. We will be fighting the Main Stream Media Opinion Makers too.
By recognizing this is as critical as a heart attack, and by uniting in common cause we can beat them. We will have to become tricky and make them believe we are going to do something other that what we are actually going to do. Sun Tzu Art of war tactics are what will win it for us. Never for one second forget this is a war. It's a war for the control of the future.
The First and most important thing you have to ask yourself is;
What am I? Am I a part of a political group primarily, or am I primarily an American with all that implies?
The Second thing you have to ask yourself is;
Am I ready to do what ever has become necessary to preserve the Constitutional Republic?
The Third thing you have to ask yourself is;
Where do my loyalties lie?
The Fourth thing you have to ask yourself is;
Am I ready to actually make the long term commitment that is necessary to see this through and change things for the better?
The Last thing you have to ask yourself is;
What can I do to insure this plan works?
You all have read the plan that has been repeatedly laid out in detail on what we have to do in November, and, what we need to refrain from doing to win. You have also read why we need to do this to win.
Now it is up to you to do some soul searching to see if you will become part of the solution or part of the problem. Our very future, and that of our progeny is in our hands. So think long and hard on what you will do in November, because you will have to live with your decision and take responsibility for it and its consequences.
No matter what slogans we have. No matter what posters we put out. No matter how strong we believe our viewpoint to be. No matter the plethora of ads depicting the Progressive attacks on our way of life, the lack of common sense their politicians exhibit daily, nor all the problems they have caused, will allow us to win if we don't unite and show a solid front against the Democratic Socialists.
We must first and foremost launch a unified campaign against those Democratic Socialists, then launch another against the RINO Socialists in the subsequent elections. In short, we need to get the people together, as a group of United Americans, to first pick, then place our choice of candidates into power at all levels of government. We can't wait any longer, and we can't expect that we can just scatter our votes as individuals or individual groups and win. We can't!
One last but critical thing for you to remember; 4+ million of you stayed home in 2012 because you refused to vote for a Mormon - I ask you now; How do you like the Muslim you elected by not uniting in a time of need? Well, How Do you like him?
Information Critical To Survival Of Republic!
If you have concerns about the direction the Nation is taking, and you are not sure why or what to do about it, here is what I think;
We all know how the Federal Government has usurped the enumerated powers clause of the Constitution and has illegally and immorally grown itself under the guise of 'reform' to Constitutional Law through Congressional adventure with the amendment process. If you doubt me look into the history of the 14th, 16th and 17th Amendments, and the enacting of the Patriot Act, to see where those specific amendments and act have usurped the framers original intent. The Constitution was constructed to limit the size and scope of Presidential Powers, of the Federal Government, of the authority and power of the Supreme Court, and to give the people and the States representation with the Federal Government.
The powers of the Supreme Court were to be basically restricted to being an advisory check and balance group that had the power to insure Congress did not overstep the constitution when they created legislation, and to control and oversee the inferior Federal Courts. They accomplished this by looking at the legislation and comparing it to the Constitutional Requirements and restrictions. If it did not conform, they were to send it back to Congress for Congress itself to rectify the portions of it that do not conform.
The Supreme Court under the control of John Marshall ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Marshall), Marshall was a scion and leader of the Federalist Party in Virginia, extended it's ( the Supreme Court ) enumerated powers to encompass the doctrine of Judicial Review
( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judicial_review ) and extended the Supreme Courts authority into the independent entity it is today.
He did this by embodying it with the tenets of the Federalist Doctrines. He is the First Justice that turned the Constitution on it's head and promoted the Federalist desires to make a far more authoritative Government than the Constitution allowed. He advocated expansive reading of the Enumerated Powers granted in the constitution ( Enumerated powers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) and augmented Federal Authority through the concept of Rule of Law ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_law ) doing that, he was the individual most responsible for shifting the balance of power away from the States as was originally intended and vesting the Federal Government by repeatedly confirming the supremacy of Federal Law over State Law. His opinions concerning Federalism were most probably formed when as a youth he was allowed access to his fathers employer Lord Fairfax home at Greenway Court.
The Doctrine of the Federalists concerning an exceptionally strong and large central government is essentially the same as is practiced by the Monarchies, and Socialist venues of control ( including both Fascist and Communist factions ) as it applies in the same way to the control of the people in every way.
Since the time of Marshall, we have been conditioned to believe in some of the less than Constitutional auspices of our Government, which were not the original intent of the Founders when they threw off the Yoke of the Monarchy, and decided to experiment with a Republic that was self governed and constrained by a Written Constitution designating clearly the enumerated powers of the branches of that Government.
Our Constitution was intended to be a 'Rigid' Document ( not a living document as the progressive faction is now trying to assert) that could only be changed by a complicated referendum of the States method different from the methods whereby Legislation is normally enacted and repealed. It was never intended to be a "Living Document" as the progressive faction that is the modern embodiment of the Elitist class which wants a formidable and massive Central Government to have the most exacting control over it's 'Subjects'.
I use the term subjects because only a Free People and Armed People, are self ruled Citizens. The move to bastardize the concept of self rule and individual Liberty although it has always been with us since the inception of the United States and codified through the rulings of John Marshall who rode roughshod over the Supreme Court from 1801 - 1835, the next direct assault was after the Civil War when the 14th Amendment was forced down the throats of the Rebellious States at the point of a Northern Gun.
Even that sage and Primary Author of the Constitution, Twice President of the United States, and avowed Revolutionary James Madison cautioned " Do not separate text from historical background. If you do, you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution, which can only end in a distorted, bastardized form of illegitimate government."
Forcing the 14th Amendment on the Southern States basically at the point of a gun forcing them to accept it or not be represented in Congress was in and of itself an Unconstitutional ploy by the victors since the Constitution strictly and clearly forbade the The loss of Representation of a State in the Senate through the last clause of Article V " No State without it's consent shall be deprived of equal representation in the Senate". forcing the States to ratify the 14th Amendment to regain what they Constitutionally could not lose, is by definition Unconstitutional.
The 16th Amendment that provides for the Federal Reserve to exist actually is in violation of the Coinage Clause in Article 1,Section 8, Clause 5, of the Constitution.
see ( http://www.heritage.org/constitution/#!/articles/1/essays/42/coinage-clause ) and there is even certain speculation that it was never ratified properly but simply declared as ratified ( http://givemeliberty.org/features/taxes/notratified.htm ) by then Secretary of State Philander Knox. Be it known also that Philander Knox was also a Lawyer and director of the Pittsburgh National Bank of Commerce thus calls into question a conflict of interest possibility.
The 14th Amendment was originally intended to protect the citizenship and voting rights of the Freed Slaves and no more. The 15th Amendment codified that protection for all Americans. However the proponents of massive all controlling Central Government have litigated the first clause of that amendment to make encompass everything they need to remain in power and to finally break the little remaining rights of the States.
The final dissolution of State Powers being supreme as was originally intended over the Federal Government Powers, came with the obliteration of Senators being elected for 6 year terms by their State Legislators and being constrained by those legislatures to represent the interests of the States by the ratification of the 17th Amendment. This amendment was championed by the same Progressive/Federalist interests that always wanted total control for the central Federal Government.
Originally under Article 1 section 3 clauses 1 and 2 of the Constitution, each State Legislature elected its State Senators for a six year term. Each State regardless of size and population, was entitled to two Senators as part of the Connecticut Compromise between the large and small States. Under the 17th amendment the Senators are no longer constrained by their State Legislatures and are subject to the whims of their Party agenda and the ministrations of special interest groups. It removed the lines of demarcation between the two distinct constituencies.
The old way had many advantages and a few disadvantages to the way things were done. Under the Articles of Confederation a Federal Body was considered nothing more than permanent treaties with the respective citizens retaining their original Loyalty to the state where they resided. Under the Constitution the States were subject to certain requirements of a Federal or Central government where some of their powers were subservient to that government.
The Anti Federalists were worried that the States would lose all the sovereignty that they had gained in the Revolution, so the compromise of having the States being represented by Senators the States themselves elected allayed their fears and provided a protection against an ever expanding government overruling their powers by providing a check and balance on the increasing power of the Federal Government. We can see where the direct election of Senators has confirmed the fears of the Anti-Federalists on that account based on todays conditions. The avoidance of popular election actually effectively tempered the Senate allowing it to take a longer look at the issues and avoid populism in its decisions.
Finally, the Patriot Act is in my opinion Unconstitutional in it's overreach because of certain provisions of it that creates a suspension of Constitutional law, and an 1866 Supreme Court ruling on the Constitution that states;
" The Constitution of the United States is a law for rulers and people, equally in war and peace, and covers with the shield of it's protection all classes of men, at all times, and under all circumstances. No doctrine involving more pernicious consequences was ever invented by the wit of man than that of it's provisions can be suspended during any of the great exigencies of government. Such a doctrine leads directly to anarchy or despotism."
I ask you how close to those situations are we today, given the conditions of the Republic under the thumb of the Progressives and their unending agenda to grow the scope, power and control of the Federal government?
Our Future Freedom and Liberty depends Solely on Us. Support the call to the States to petition for an Article V amendment convention. Check out all the information necessary to make an informed decision about that convention that's contained in the free on-line libraries at; http://www.articlevprojecttorestoreliberty.com/
The Tradesman
We all know how the Federal Government has usurped the enumerated powers clause of the Constitution and has illegally and immorally grown itself under the guise of 'reform' to Constitutional Law through Congressional adventure with the amendment process. If you doubt me look into the history of the 14th, 16th and 17th Amendments, and the enacting of the Patriot Act, to see where those specific amendments and act have usurped the framers original intent. The Constitution was constructed to limit the size and scope of Presidential Powers, of the Federal Government, of the authority and power of the Supreme Court, and to give the people and the States representation with the Federal Government.
The powers of the Supreme Court were to be basically restricted to being an advisory check and balance group that had the power to insure Congress did not overstep the constitution when they created legislation, and to control and oversee the inferior Federal Courts. They accomplished this by looking at the legislation and comparing it to the Constitutional Requirements and restrictions. If it did not conform, they were to send it back to Congress for Congress itself to rectify the portions of it that do not conform.
The Supreme Court under the control of John Marshall ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Marshall), Marshall was a scion and leader of the Federalist Party in Virginia, extended it's ( the Supreme Court ) enumerated powers to encompass the doctrine of Judicial Review
( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judicial_review ) and extended the Supreme Courts authority into the independent entity it is today.
He did this by embodying it with the tenets of the Federalist Doctrines. He is the First Justice that turned the Constitution on it's head and promoted the Federalist desires to make a far more authoritative Government than the Constitution allowed. He advocated expansive reading of the Enumerated Powers granted in the constitution ( Enumerated powers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) and augmented Federal Authority through the concept of Rule of Law ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_law ) doing that, he was the individual most responsible for shifting the balance of power away from the States as was originally intended and vesting the Federal Government by repeatedly confirming the supremacy of Federal Law over State Law. His opinions concerning Federalism were most probably formed when as a youth he was allowed access to his fathers employer Lord Fairfax home at Greenway Court.
The Doctrine of the Federalists concerning an exceptionally strong and large central government is essentially the same as is practiced by the Monarchies, and Socialist venues of control ( including both Fascist and Communist factions ) as it applies in the same way to the control of the people in every way.
Since the time of Marshall, we have been conditioned to believe in some of the less than Constitutional auspices of our Government, which were not the original intent of the Founders when they threw off the Yoke of the Monarchy, and decided to experiment with a Republic that was self governed and constrained by a Written Constitution designating clearly the enumerated powers of the branches of that Government.
Our Constitution was intended to be a 'Rigid' Document ( not a living document as the progressive faction is now trying to assert) that could only be changed by a complicated referendum of the States method different from the methods whereby Legislation is normally enacted and repealed. It was never intended to be a "Living Document" as the progressive faction that is the modern embodiment of the Elitist class which wants a formidable and massive Central Government to have the most exacting control over it's 'Subjects'.
I use the term subjects because only a Free People and Armed People, are self ruled Citizens. The move to bastardize the concept of self rule and individual Liberty although it has always been with us since the inception of the United States and codified through the rulings of John Marshall who rode roughshod over the Supreme Court from 1801 - 1835, the next direct assault was after the Civil War when the 14th Amendment was forced down the throats of the Rebellious States at the point of a Northern Gun.
Even that sage and Primary Author of the Constitution, Twice President of the United States, and avowed Revolutionary James Madison cautioned " Do not separate text from historical background. If you do, you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution, which can only end in a distorted, bastardized form of illegitimate government."
Forcing the 14th Amendment on the Southern States basically at the point of a gun forcing them to accept it or not be represented in Congress was in and of itself an Unconstitutional ploy by the victors since the Constitution strictly and clearly forbade the The loss of Representation of a State in the Senate through the last clause of Article V " No State without it's consent shall be deprived of equal representation in the Senate". forcing the States to ratify the 14th Amendment to regain what they Constitutionally could not lose, is by definition Unconstitutional.
The 16th Amendment that provides for the Federal Reserve to exist actually is in violation of the Coinage Clause in Article 1,Section 8, Clause 5, of the Constitution.
see ( http://www.heritage.org/constitution/#!/articles/1/essays/42/coinage-clause ) and there is even certain speculation that it was never ratified properly but simply declared as ratified ( http://givemeliberty.org/features/taxes/notratified.htm ) by then Secretary of State Philander Knox. Be it known also that Philander Knox was also a Lawyer and director of the Pittsburgh National Bank of Commerce thus calls into question a conflict of interest possibility.
The 14th Amendment was originally intended to protect the citizenship and voting rights of the Freed Slaves and no more. The 15th Amendment codified that protection for all Americans. However the proponents of massive all controlling Central Government have litigated the first clause of that amendment to make encompass everything they need to remain in power and to finally break the little remaining rights of the States.
The final dissolution of State Powers being supreme as was originally intended over the Federal Government Powers, came with the obliteration of Senators being elected for 6 year terms by their State Legislators and being constrained by those legislatures to represent the interests of the States by the ratification of the 17th Amendment. This amendment was championed by the same Progressive/Federalist interests that always wanted total control for the central Federal Government.
Originally under Article 1 section 3 clauses 1 and 2 of the Constitution, each State Legislature elected its State Senators for a six year term. Each State regardless of size and population, was entitled to two Senators as part of the Connecticut Compromise between the large and small States. Under the 17th amendment the Senators are no longer constrained by their State Legislatures and are subject to the whims of their Party agenda and the ministrations of special interest groups. It removed the lines of demarcation between the two distinct constituencies.
The old way had many advantages and a few disadvantages to the way things were done. Under the Articles of Confederation a Federal Body was considered nothing more than permanent treaties with the respective citizens retaining their original Loyalty to the state where they resided. Under the Constitution the States were subject to certain requirements of a Federal or Central government where some of their powers were subservient to that government.
The Anti Federalists were worried that the States would lose all the sovereignty that they had gained in the Revolution, so the compromise of having the States being represented by Senators the States themselves elected allayed their fears and provided a protection against an ever expanding government overruling their powers by providing a check and balance on the increasing power of the Federal Government. We can see where the direct election of Senators has confirmed the fears of the Anti-Federalists on that account based on todays conditions. The avoidance of popular election actually effectively tempered the Senate allowing it to take a longer look at the issues and avoid populism in its decisions.
Finally, the Patriot Act is in my opinion Unconstitutional in it's overreach because of certain provisions of it that creates a suspension of Constitutional law, and an 1866 Supreme Court ruling on the Constitution that states;
" The Constitution of the United States is a law for rulers and people, equally in war and peace, and covers with the shield of it's protection all classes of men, at all times, and under all circumstances. No doctrine involving more pernicious consequences was ever invented by the wit of man than that of it's provisions can be suspended during any of the great exigencies of government. Such a doctrine leads directly to anarchy or despotism."
I ask you how close to those situations are we today, given the conditions of the Republic under the thumb of the Progressives and their unending agenda to grow the scope, power and control of the Federal government?
Our Future Freedom and Liberty depends Solely on Us. Support the call to the States to petition for an Article V amendment convention. Check out all the information necessary to make an informed decision about that convention that's contained in the free on-line libraries at; http://www.articlevprojecttorestoreliberty.com/
The Tradesman
Will We Ever Be Able To Get Congress To Return To MORAL STANDARDS and Honorable Actions?
This Treatise will be more or less a combination of my previous rants, complaints, observations, and warnings.
I hope it moves you to take up the standard and actually do something in the fight to restore the Nation to a Moral Honorable Standard without falling prey to the Falsehoods of the Progressives Political Correctness and their inherent hate of our Freedom, Liberty and the Republic.
Lets start with the anti-Second Amendment Gun Grabbers;
Recently the most rabid of them under the aegis of Harry Reid tried to pull the wool over the eyes of the public and fraudulently get some supposed Pro-Gun legislation on the records of the most vulnerable Democratic Senators with a 'Fake' Pro-Gun Bill S.2363, the Bi-Partisan Sportsmans Act Of 2014.
The mis-direction and false flag Senate Bill S. 2363 was designed to be a "FAKE" Pro-Gun Bill. This bill is sponsored by the most vile and rabid anti-gun Democrats in the Senate.
Sen. Kay Hagen D-NC
Sen. Mark Begich D-AK
Sen. Mark Pryor D-AR
Sen. Mary Landreiu D-LA
Sen. Mark Udall D-CO
Sen. Mark Warner D-VA
Sen. Al (I found some 'LOST' votes) Franken D-MN
These are the major Anti-Gun sponsors of the bill that masquerades as a Pro-Gun Bill solely to enhance the listed and other ANIT-GUN Senators chances of being Re-Elected in November and Keeping that brain damaged Rabid Anti-American Harry (I changed the Senate Rules to help Obama) Reid D-NV. Even an article about this travesty in "The Hill" made this clear. This bill smacks of the same subterfuge that Harry Reid used to get the NRA to back him by providing them with his influence in getting a Shooting Range approved. This also does not take into account Congressional Luddites like Boxer, Feinstein, and the rest of their Progressive ilk. Despite every effort by Harry Reid, Cloture was not invoked by a narrow margin. I feel this bill should be exposed for the False Flag subterfuge and mis-direction it in reality is, and force the vote long enough before the November elections. All the other votes like the ratification of the UN Small Arms Treaty should be brought forward before the November election and the Senators warned if they should vote for ratification, it would be the end of their Senate Careers.
Next lets expose Elizabeth Warren and her 11 Progressive Commandments/Tenets;
At a Campaign Rally Warren asked the audience“What are our values?”
“What does it mean to be a progressive?”
Go through this list and you see nothing but falsehoods that lead to bigger government. Warren is describing a communist government.
She outlined 11 tenets of progressivism:
- “We believe that Wall Street needs stronger rules and tougher enforcement, and we’re willing to fight for it.”
- “We believe in science, and that means that we have a responsibility to protect this Earth.”
- “We believe that the Internet shouldn’t be rigged to benefit big corporations, and that means real net neutrality.”
- “We believe that no one should work full-time and still live in poverty, and that means raising the minimum wage.”
- “We believe that fast-food workers deserve a livable wage, and that means that when they take to the picket line, we are proud to fight alongside them.”
- “We believe that students are entitled to get an education without being crushed by debt.”
- “We believe that after a lifetime of work, people are entitled to retire with dignity, and that means protecting Social Security, Medicare, and pensions.”
- “We believe—I can’t believe I have to say this in 2014—we believe in equal pay for equal work.”
- “We believe that equal means equal, and that’s true in marriage, it’s true in the workplace, it’s true in all of America.”
- “We believe that immigration has made this country strong and vibrant, and that means reform.”
- “And we believe that corporations are not people, that women have a right to their bodies. We will overturn Hobby Lobby and we will fight for it. We will fight for it!”
And the main tenet of the Conservatives’ Philosophy, according to Warren is; “I got mine. The rest of you are on your own.”
Moving on, Lets examine; Ethics, Government, & Progressive Ideology;
Since Obama became President, the last vestiges of the traditional moral authority of the party of Roosevelt, Truman and Johnson have been be destroyed by his actions."
Many people who believe in right and wrong instead of the current Progressive ideology of situational ethics, and are Christians, have probably heard the adage that the greatest deception that Satan has perpetrated on humanity is making humanity believe he does not exist. The government has taken a page from Satan in the respect that the government has perpetrated the greatest deception on Americans by making us believe that the government is on our side and we are free. We have too many examples of that in the current Administration to mention, but you all know or should know what they are. To name a few of my pet peeves; Hoe the Debacle at Benghazi was not handled. How the information about Fast and Furious was kept from the investigators by Presidential Edict/Privilege. The IRS 'Lost Tapes' incident. The disclosure about indiscriminate NSA spying contrary to the law. Here's something the press should have crucified him politically for the AP Phone Records Scandal. The Keystone Pipeline Controversy. The Lack of Border Security and allowing illegals to come into the Country without enforcing Immigration Law. These are only the veriest tip of the iceberg.
That leads into the; The Paradigm Shift and Rise of Socialism;
One thing we all have to understand about the Democratic Socialists is the fact that they don't see themselves as Socialists but rather as the champions of the common man, Yeah, Right. Seriously though, no one sees themselves as evil unless they are severely twisted. I believe the leaders actually believe in the socialist mantras but if you take a closer look at them, and think back to the two most influential people that first proposed them, you will begin to see what I believe I see. Marx was a defrocked Russian Orthodox Priest and Engels was a rich businessman.
Both had reasons to create the Communist manifesto but from different realities. Marx was a dreamer who may have actually been trying to come up with a better idea to help the Russian peasants and was influenced by the American Revolution and self government. Engels was a hard line Capitalist wolf, who took on the sheep's clothing of Socialism to gain monopolies for himself and his crony's.Throughout history there have been Democracies and Republics that came and went. America was the first to experiment with self governance as a Republic.
The old order was broken and the Monarchy's "Right to Rule" that they professed was a God Sanctioned Right, was forever broken. France was the next nation to throw off Royal rule and attempt a self rule similar to the United States template but not quite the same. About that time several other Monarchy's in Europe were beginning to see the advantages of shifting the way things were done and challenging the common order of things. this in turn impacted on the ruling class and their crony's who controlled the businesses and economies with negative results.
When we rebelled against the Crown, and became a "Self Governed Nation", a Rubicon had been crossed and the Paradigm for the world had shifted. We then sent a shock wave around the world because we were unbound from the previous servitude and imprisonment by Elitist Monarchies and Oligarchies. Other oppressed souls saw what we had done, and wanted the same for themselves.
Not knowing exactly the full extent and actual intent of America's founders, and not having such a collection of intellects at their disposal, They only managed a partial shift towards the freedoms we established were inalienable God given rights, and protected them by codification in our Constitution. the Monarchies saw this as a threat to their continued existence and fought back like any animal whose life was threatened. Remember, the two Super Powers of that era, England and France, had their governments overthrown and the stage was set for the other European monarchies to fall.
I have a theory about how socialism came to be, and in spite of it's total failures is still being pushed against all common sense. This is speculation based on simple observations, and why it's still the supreme threat to Freedom and Liberty.
First lets take a look at the triad that existed in the old template; you had the Monarchy, the Banking Interests, and the Business Community. I am purposely leaving out the influence of religion on all three of these organizations and will deal with that at a later time. All three were interrelated and dependent on each other for their continued controlling existence. Since Money has always been the overriding factor I would say it was the true power behind the throne. America being successful in revolution shocked all three power groups and left them reeling. With France following America I would bet those power groups decided to do something to retain their power without seeming to do so.
Since Banking has always controlled empires, they probably were the ones to phase out Monarchies and replace them with tractable governments that gave a higher level of freedom to the people but were still controlled by an iron fist. America only escaped that because we were first to throw off the old yoke, and originally decided to create our own money, with the Treasury being legally designated to mint our money from the accepted precious metals of gold and silver. Another Progressive Democrat Elitist changed that. He was Woodrow Wilson and he signed the Federal Reserve Bill into Law.
I am ashamed of my fellow countrymen and countrywomen for allowing such a fall from our great truths of Liberty, Honor, and Justice. If you can give up these things just so you can have a false feeling of being safe, then you are no longer a people, you have become a pack of self serving slaves. The basic purpose of government is to protect its citizens. Seeing that the feds won't, negates their very legitimacy. Why have a government that only preys on you, and refuses to protect?
Lets look at the Immigration Issue a bit closer;
The Republicans came together and passed a bill for $694 million for border security, and for the care of the recent surge of Illegals. Maybe I should use the politically correct term and call them 'Undocumented Immigrant Workers', but do we call the children, undocumented children? The vote was of course along party lines with four Republicans voting against it, and one Democrat voting for it.
The negotiations had a twist in it that would allow for a later vote which if approved would call for prohibiting Obama from expanding his deferred DACA executive action . This is what Harry Reid would not agree to despite President Obama's assurances to the public about 'working with' the Republicans.Not Only did Reid object, he declared the bill "Dead on arrival in the Senate". Doesn't look much like 'Working With Republicans' to me. Or was this just done so Obama could use it as an excuse to usurp Congress' Constitutional power to be the only entity to legislate the laws of the land?
What we have now is still an unanswered problem over immigration. How long does Congress think they can continue to confuse the issues to the public? I believe the Illegals that are here should be given a work permit, be registered with the States and Federal Government. It would insure they are paying their taxes and FICA benefits. They would not be allowed to vote either.They should be allowed to reside here as long as they have a verified job, or valid unemployment insurance is in effect. If one spouse is working that fulfills the requirement of having a job.
They should not be given preferential treatment for citizenship, and in no instance should work permits be considered a road to citizenship. If they want to become citizens, they have to apply under the rules their countrymen do, and take their place on the list.
Social Security benefits they paid into can be redeemed anywhere after they retire. Children born here retain citizenship of their parents not become anchor babies. Fulfill 6 years Military service then be they can given citizenship.
It's time the politicians stop using people as pawns and get on with their real work of actually representing the people who elected them instead of pursuing their own personal agenda's for self aggrandizement and personal profits.
Obama has even savaged the Military;
Something that most vets know but don't say to outsiders. Some of the most effective and bloodiest warrior/ soldiers we have ever known are at their center the most committed to making peace, pacifists, and would undeniably would argue over a conference table for months on end rather than have to go kill something or place their men in harms way. They always preferred this action when there was the slightest chance that the Conference table was still available to resolve the issue. That holds especially true for the General Staff and Officers Corps.
Obama has taken most of the General Staff who were experienced in actual combat and removed them, replacing them with sycophants, either untrained or inexperienced in actual combat situations.
If you believe this is just a glitch caused by Obama, you are dead wrong. Unless we decide to unite against the entire Progressive Philosophy and all of its tenets, we will all be wrong and possibly dead should they persevere in their quest to 'Fundamentally Change America'.
The Tradesman
I hope it moves you to take up the standard and actually do something in the fight to restore the Nation to a Moral Honorable Standard without falling prey to the Falsehoods of the Progressives Political Correctness and their inherent hate of our Freedom, Liberty and the Republic.
Lets start with the anti-Second Amendment Gun Grabbers;
Recently the most rabid of them under the aegis of Harry Reid tried to pull the wool over the eyes of the public and fraudulently get some supposed Pro-Gun legislation on the records of the most vulnerable Democratic Senators with a 'Fake' Pro-Gun Bill S.2363, the Bi-Partisan Sportsmans Act Of 2014.
The mis-direction and false flag Senate Bill S. 2363 was designed to be a "FAKE" Pro-Gun Bill. This bill is sponsored by the most vile and rabid anti-gun Democrats in the Senate.
Sen. Kay Hagen D-NC
Sen. Mark Begich D-AK
Sen. Mark Pryor D-AR
Sen. Mary Landreiu D-LA
Sen. Mark Udall D-CO
Sen. Mark Warner D-VA
Sen. Al (I found some 'LOST' votes) Franken D-MN
These are the major Anti-Gun sponsors of the bill that masquerades as a Pro-Gun Bill solely to enhance the listed and other ANIT-GUN Senators chances of being Re-Elected in November and Keeping that brain damaged Rabid Anti-American Harry (I changed the Senate Rules to help Obama) Reid D-NV. Even an article about this travesty in "The Hill" made this clear. This bill smacks of the same subterfuge that Harry Reid used to get the NRA to back him by providing them with his influence in getting a Shooting Range approved. This also does not take into account Congressional Luddites like Boxer, Feinstein, and the rest of their Progressive ilk. Despite every effort by Harry Reid, Cloture was not invoked by a narrow margin. I feel this bill should be exposed for the False Flag subterfuge and mis-direction it in reality is, and force the vote long enough before the November elections. All the other votes like the ratification of the UN Small Arms Treaty should be brought forward before the November election and the Senators warned if they should vote for ratification, it would be the end of their Senate Careers.
Next lets expose Elizabeth Warren and her 11 Progressive Commandments/Tenets;
At a Campaign Rally Warren asked the audience“What are our values?”
“What does it mean to be a progressive?”
Go through this list and you see nothing but falsehoods that lead to bigger government. Warren is describing a communist government.
She outlined 11 tenets of progressivism:
- “We believe that Wall Street needs stronger rules and tougher enforcement, and we’re willing to fight for it.”
- “We believe in science, and that means that we have a responsibility to protect this Earth.”
- “We believe that the Internet shouldn’t be rigged to benefit big corporations, and that means real net neutrality.”
- “We believe that no one should work full-time and still live in poverty, and that means raising the minimum wage.”
- “We believe that fast-food workers deserve a livable wage, and that means that when they take to the picket line, we are proud to fight alongside them.”
- “We believe that students are entitled to get an education without being crushed by debt.”
- “We believe that after a lifetime of work, people are entitled to retire with dignity, and that means protecting Social Security, Medicare, and pensions.”
- “We believe—I can’t believe I have to say this in 2014—we believe in equal pay for equal work.”
- “We believe that equal means equal, and that’s true in marriage, it’s true in the workplace, it’s true in all of America.”
- “We believe that immigration has made this country strong and vibrant, and that means reform.”
- “And we believe that corporations are not people, that women have a right to their bodies. We will overturn Hobby Lobby and we will fight for it. We will fight for it!”
And the main tenet of the Conservatives’ Philosophy, according to Warren is; “I got mine. The rest of you are on your own.”
Moving on, Lets examine; Ethics, Government, & Progressive Ideology;
Since Obama became President, the last vestiges of the traditional moral authority of the party of Roosevelt, Truman and Johnson have been be destroyed by his actions."
Many people who believe in right and wrong instead of the current Progressive ideology of situational ethics, and are Christians, have probably heard the adage that the greatest deception that Satan has perpetrated on humanity is making humanity believe he does not exist. The government has taken a page from Satan in the respect that the government has perpetrated the greatest deception on Americans by making us believe that the government is on our side and we are free. We have too many examples of that in the current Administration to mention, but you all know or should know what they are. To name a few of my pet peeves; Hoe the Debacle at Benghazi was not handled. How the information about Fast and Furious was kept from the investigators by Presidential Edict/Privilege. The IRS 'Lost Tapes' incident. The disclosure about indiscriminate NSA spying contrary to the law. Here's something the press should have crucified him politically for the AP Phone Records Scandal. The Keystone Pipeline Controversy. The Lack of Border Security and allowing illegals to come into the Country without enforcing Immigration Law. These are only the veriest tip of the iceberg.
That leads into the; The Paradigm Shift and Rise of Socialism;
One thing we all have to understand about the Democratic Socialists is the fact that they don't see themselves as Socialists but rather as the champions of the common man, Yeah, Right. Seriously though, no one sees themselves as evil unless they are severely twisted. I believe the leaders actually believe in the socialist mantras but if you take a closer look at them, and think back to the two most influential people that first proposed them, you will begin to see what I believe I see. Marx was a defrocked Russian Orthodox Priest and Engels was a rich businessman.
Both had reasons to create the Communist manifesto but from different realities. Marx was a dreamer who may have actually been trying to come up with a better idea to help the Russian peasants and was influenced by the American Revolution and self government. Engels was a hard line Capitalist wolf, who took on the sheep's clothing of Socialism to gain monopolies for himself and his crony's.Throughout history there have been Democracies and Republics that came and went. America was the first to experiment with self governance as a Republic.
The old order was broken and the Monarchy's "Right to Rule" that they professed was a God Sanctioned Right, was forever broken. France was the next nation to throw off Royal rule and attempt a self rule similar to the United States template but not quite the same. About that time several other Monarchy's in Europe were beginning to see the advantages of shifting the way things were done and challenging the common order of things. this in turn impacted on the ruling class and their crony's who controlled the businesses and economies with negative results.
When we rebelled against the Crown, and became a "Self Governed Nation", a Rubicon had been crossed and the Paradigm for the world had shifted. We then sent a shock wave around the world because we were unbound from the previous servitude and imprisonment by Elitist Monarchies and Oligarchies. Other oppressed souls saw what we had done, and wanted the same for themselves.
Not knowing exactly the full extent and actual intent of America's founders, and not having such a collection of intellects at their disposal, They only managed a partial shift towards the freedoms we established were inalienable God given rights, and protected them by codification in our Constitution. the Monarchies saw this as a threat to their continued existence and fought back like any animal whose life was threatened. Remember, the two Super Powers of that era, England and France, had their governments overthrown and the stage was set for the other European monarchies to fall.
I have a theory about how socialism came to be, and in spite of it's total failures is still being pushed against all common sense. This is speculation based on simple observations, and why it's still the supreme threat to Freedom and Liberty.
First lets take a look at the triad that existed in the old template; you had the Monarchy, the Banking Interests, and the Business Community. I am purposely leaving out the influence of religion on all three of these organizations and will deal with that at a later time. All three were interrelated and dependent on each other for their continued controlling existence. Since Money has always been the overriding factor I would say it was the true power behind the throne. America being successful in revolution shocked all three power groups and left them reeling. With France following America I would bet those power groups decided to do something to retain their power without seeming to do so.
Since Banking has always controlled empires, they probably were the ones to phase out Monarchies and replace them with tractable governments that gave a higher level of freedom to the people but were still controlled by an iron fist. America only escaped that because we were first to throw off the old yoke, and originally decided to create our own money, with the Treasury being legally designated to mint our money from the accepted precious metals of gold and silver. Another Progressive Democrat Elitist changed that. He was Woodrow Wilson and he signed the Federal Reserve Bill into Law.
I am ashamed of my fellow countrymen and countrywomen for allowing such a fall from our great truths of Liberty, Honor, and Justice. If you can give up these things just so you can have a false feeling of being safe, then you are no longer a people, you have become a pack of self serving slaves. The basic purpose of government is to protect its citizens. Seeing that the feds won't, negates their very legitimacy. Why have a government that only preys on you, and refuses to protect?
Lets look at the Immigration Issue a bit closer;
The Republicans came together and passed a bill for $694 million for border security, and for the care of the recent surge of Illegals. Maybe I should use the politically correct term and call them 'Undocumented Immigrant Workers', but do we call the children, undocumented children? The vote was of course along party lines with four Republicans voting against it, and one Democrat voting for it.
The negotiations had a twist in it that would allow for a later vote which if approved would call for prohibiting Obama from expanding his deferred DACA executive action . This is what Harry Reid would not agree to despite President Obama's assurances to the public about 'working with' the Republicans.Not Only did Reid object, he declared the bill "Dead on arrival in the Senate". Doesn't look much like 'Working With Republicans' to me. Or was this just done so Obama could use it as an excuse to usurp Congress' Constitutional power to be the only entity to legislate the laws of the land?
What we have now is still an unanswered problem over immigration. How long does Congress think they can continue to confuse the issues to the public? I believe the Illegals that are here should be given a work permit, be registered with the States and Federal Government. It would insure they are paying their taxes and FICA benefits. They would not be allowed to vote either.They should be allowed to reside here as long as they have a verified job, or valid unemployment insurance is in effect. If one spouse is working that fulfills the requirement of having a job.
They should not be given preferential treatment for citizenship, and in no instance should work permits be considered a road to citizenship. If they want to become citizens, they have to apply under the rules their countrymen do, and take their place on the list.
Social Security benefits they paid into can be redeemed anywhere after they retire. Children born here retain citizenship of their parents not become anchor babies. Fulfill 6 years Military service then be they can given citizenship.
It's time the politicians stop using people as pawns and get on with their real work of actually representing the people who elected them instead of pursuing their own personal agenda's for self aggrandizement and personal profits.
Obama has even savaged the Military;
Something that most vets know but don't say to outsiders. Some of the most effective and bloodiest warrior/ soldiers we have ever known are at their center the most committed to making peace, pacifists, and would undeniably would argue over a conference table for months on end rather than have to go kill something or place their men in harms way. They always preferred this action when there was the slightest chance that the Conference table was still available to resolve the issue. That holds especially true for the General Staff and Officers Corps.
Obama has taken most of the General Staff who were experienced in actual combat and removed them, replacing them with sycophants, either untrained or inexperienced in actual combat situations.
If you believe this is just a glitch caused by Obama, you are dead wrong. Unless we decide to unite against the entire Progressive Philosophy and all of its tenets, we will all be wrong and possibly dead should they persevere in their quest to 'Fundamentally Change America'.
The Tradesman
An Interesting Flag Design
New Age Of Uncertainty
e have reentered the 'Age Of Uncertainty'! This is due to things like Citizen Apathy combined with the belief that "This Is America And It Can't Happen Here". Other and maybe even more critical factors lie squarely with the Politicians and their Crony Billionaire Elites who are calling the shots for personal gain. We all know that something is not right with our Nation, and this problem has been going along secretly for a long time.
We see this happening in many things we now contend with in daily life. Consider this factoid reported by no less a personage than John Stossel; " The Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security equip even the tiniest rural police departments with massive military vehicles, body armor, and grenade launchers. The equipment is surplus from the long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan." Stossel believes that giving them this equipment will have them reacting to any given situation like a hammer driving a nail in every situation no matter how big or small The situation being the proverbial nail.
Consider the historical task/purpose of SWAT teams. They were originally deployed to critical emergency situations like riots and hostage situations. Now again according to Stossel, they are regularly deployed in 'no-knock raids' more than 50,000 times a year. The conditions do not warrant that response, it happens because the departments are becoming more and more militarized every day. This is exactly what the Progressive Socialists want so they have unequivocal control over the entire population with a stranglehold not seen since the days of Stalinist Russia or Hitler's Germany.
Let's look at some of the "exceptionally dangerous raids the new American Gestapo for lack of a better term, are conducting; Per Radley Balko a Washington Post Reporter, The Swat Teams are hitting such Highly dangerous targets as Truck Stops that have video poker machines, Frat Houses where they suspect underage drinking, and unlicensed barber shops. Really dangerous huh???
Comedian Joe Lipari made a snide comment about bad service at an Apple Store on Facebook quoting fight club, and the men in black showed up at his door with guns drawn 90 minutes later when the powers that be deemed him a threat. Lipari had no police record, and if he can be called a threat TELL ME WE ARE NOT LIVING IN A POLICE STATE WHERE THE POLITICAL ELEMENT IS OUT OF CONTROL AND CAUSING THESE THINGS. I dare every progressive who monitors this site to try and deny that these actions are out of line!!
These raids sometimes go wrong like the cops go to the wrong door, or they accidentally shoot and kill a two year old child like recently happened in the motor city. What happens in a castle doctrine state when the people think they are being invaded by criminals and pick up a gun to defend themselves? Will the adrenalin charged cops think before shooting a home owner who did nothing illegal but tried to protect themselves from a perceived threat to their home and family?
Remember that so far our Government has always grown in both size and in force capability. this makes it a dangerous place for the average citizen caught in the middle. Don't believe me, think of what happened at Waco,Ruby Ridge, New York and California excesses that have been in the News, and those that have not been covered by the Biased Media. Look at the Flash Grenade that seriously wounded a child in Janesville Georgia!
It must really be bad because Stossel even remarked about that rabid Left Winger Bill Maher complaining about the out of control actions on the 'No-Knock' raids against neighborhood poker games, and small time non-violent pot dealers. Look at it this way, whether it was intended or not, the cops that have been armed to the teeth with Military gear have taken on the mantle of it's us v them in an urban war scenario. This has to stop, and it will take both sides Liberal and Conservative to come together to rein in the Government.
By the way, has anyone heard about what's happening with the 'Civilian Force' that Obama talked about arming and training to equal the military? What happens when they come on the scene? This should be a world where the people rule their government, not where the government rules it's subjects.
The Tradesman
We see this happening in many things we now contend with in daily life. Consider this factoid reported by no less a personage than John Stossel; " The Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security equip even the tiniest rural police departments with massive military vehicles, body armor, and grenade launchers. The equipment is surplus from the long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan." Stossel believes that giving them this equipment will have them reacting to any given situation like a hammer driving a nail in every situation no matter how big or small The situation being the proverbial nail.
Consider the historical task/purpose of SWAT teams. They were originally deployed to critical emergency situations like riots and hostage situations. Now again according to Stossel, they are regularly deployed in 'no-knock raids' more than 50,000 times a year. The conditions do not warrant that response, it happens because the departments are becoming more and more militarized every day. This is exactly what the Progressive Socialists want so they have unequivocal control over the entire population with a stranglehold not seen since the days of Stalinist Russia or Hitler's Germany.
Let's look at some of the "exceptionally dangerous raids the new American Gestapo for lack of a better term, are conducting; Per Radley Balko a Washington Post Reporter, The Swat Teams are hitting such Highly dangerous targets as Truck Stops that have video poker machines, Frat Houses where they suspect underage drinking, and unlicensed barber shops. Really dangerous huh???
Comedian Joe Lipari made a snide comment about bad service at an Apple Store on Facebook quoting fight club, and the men in black showed up at his door with guns drawn 90 minutes later when the powers that be deemed him a threat. Lipari had no police record, and if he can be called a threat TELL ME WE ARE NOT LIVING IN A POLICE STATE WHERE THE POLITICAL ELEMENT IS OUT OF CONTROL AND CAUSING THESE THINGS. I dare every progressive who monitors this site to try and deny that these actions are out of line!!
These raids sometimes go wrong like the cops go to the wrong door, or they accidentally shoot and kill a two year old child like recently happened in the motor city. What happens in a castle doctrine state when the people think they are being invaded by criminals and pick up a gun to defend themselves? Will the adrenalin charged cops think before shooting a home owner who did nothing illegal but tried to protect themselves from a perceived threat to their home and family?
Remember that so far our Government has always grown in both size and in force capability. this makes it a dangerous place for the average citizen caught in the middle. Don't believe me, think of what happened at Waco,Ruby Ridge, New York and California excesses that have been in the News, and those that have not been covered by the Biased Media. Look at the Flash Grenade that seriously wounded a child in Janesville Georgia!
It must really be bad because Stossel even remarked about that rabid Left Winger Bill Maher complaining about the out of control actions on the 'No-Knock' raids against neighborhood poker games, and small time non-violent pot dealers. Look at it this way, whether it was intended or not, the cops that have been armed to the teeth with Military gear have taken on the mantle of it's us v them in an urban war scenario. This has to stop, and it will take both sides Liberal and Conservative to come together to rein in the Government.
By the way, has anyone heard about what's happening with the 'Civilian Force' that Obama talked about arming and training to equal the military? What happens when they come on the scene? This should be a world where the people rule their government, not where the government rules it's subjects.
The Tradesman
Situation Critical! Pandemics, Swine Flu, WHO and US DOH and CDC
Retired Border Patrol Agent Zach Taylor says; Immigrant Surge across the Border is in fact Asymmetrical warfare. Due to the nature of this video, it probably will be pulled within 24 hours of when the Administration gets wind of it, to sequester the information and to keep it from public scrutiny. So watch it first and take notes!!! The Tradesman.
The information within the video also confirms that the CDC is not working with DHS to screen the sick illegals trying to gain access to the United States. It also confirms the fact that there are many sick people with various types of diseases. He goes on to say these people are disappearing from the masses and they don't know where they are going or if they are being quarantined, they don't know where. This is all being kept from the public supposedly to suppress any panic that would ensue if the public found out just how dangerous to public health this is.
He warns about the massive fronts where the illegals are coming in precludes most of the health screenings for the rare Kidney diseases and even the Ebola outbreak in Western Africa, and that the ebola virus looks like it was deliberately planted in those African cities to infect the population because it is working in reverse of it's normal method of infection. Many of the infected people from West Africa that have been exposed to this scourge and many are illegals pouring into Mexico to facilitate their entry into America.
He blasts the administration's ploy to only show the illegals as the helpless children and taking the focus deliberately off the 90+% that have not been caught, so the administration can play on the natural compassion of the American People. This in fact goes hand in hand with the Elites alleged program to use their influence and wealth to reduce the population of the Earth to under 2 Billion, and leaves the United States open to a Deadly Pandemic that could be avoided if the Administration wanted it to be avoided. My conclusion is the buggers actually are working to make the pandemic a reality.
Another thing is the gang members that have committed no crime in the United States are turned free to do their worst here, many of them are infected with communicable diseases too. I have to believe that Obama and his puppet masters like Soros and those above Soros are doing this to completely destroy the United States and take it over politically at a time when the population will be too weak to resist. The members of those gangs that have been found to have communicable diseases are taken by the CDC to places unknown and the diseases are kept secret. Some of the diseases that are speculated on are Antibiotic resistant Tuberculosis, Ebola, Lhasa Fever, New and unnamed Kidney destroying diseases.
I don't really see the politicos doing anything about this set of conditions until those politico's come in passing contact with the free roaming illegals and come down with the diseases themselves. Then and only then will it become a cause for them to fight against. While I pray that it does not happen, I can see no way given the current conditions that it will not happen. Don't forget that FEMA is preparing for 200 Million deaths in the United States that should tell the public something. Isn't this a really nice way for the Progressive Socialists and Elites to maintain their stranglehold on power in perpetuity?
I leave you with one more condemnation of the Administration. Taylor let slip that even though the Federal Government has amassed over 6 Billion rounds of ammunition, the Agencies patrolling the Borders will not get any ammunition for their rifles until 2015, and are forbidden from using what they have on hand. It's systematically accounted for on a bullet by bullet basis. Strange isn't it?
This Video is a Critical MUST WATCH VIDEO. Then we must confront the administration at every turn with the information it contains watch it before it gets pulled by the Administration.
See Video ( Video courtesy of Little Bonanza Productions. For more information, please contact: lisa@littlebonanzaproductions.com. ); https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnkSXosZhic
The information within the video also confirms that the CDC is not working with DHS to screen the sick illegals trying to gain access to the United States. It also confirms the fact that there are many sick people with various types of diseases. He goes on to say these people are disappearing from the masses and they don't know where they are going or if they are being quarantined, they don't know where. This is all being kept from the public supposedly to suppress any panic that would ensue if the public found out just how dangerous to public health this is.
He warns about the massive fronts where the illegals are coming in precludes most of the health screenings for the rare Kidney diseases and even the Ebola outbreak in Western Africa, and that the ebola virus looks like it was deliberately planted in those African cities to infect the population because it is working in reverse of it's normal method of infection. Many of the infected people from West Africa that have been exposed to this scourge and many are illegals pouring into Mexico to facilitate their entry into America.
He blasts the administration's ploy to only show the illegals as the helpless children and taking the focus deliberately off the 90+% that have not been caught, so the administration can play on the natural compassion of the American People. This in fact goes hand in hand with the Elites alleged program to use their influence and wealth to reduce the population of the Earth to under 2 Billion, and leaves the United States open to a Deadly Pandemic that could be avoided if the Administration wanted it to be avoided. My conclusion is the buggers actually are working to make the pandemic a reality.
Another thing is the gang members that have committed no crime in the United States are turned free to do their worst here, many of them are infected with communicable diseases too. I have to believe that Obama and his puppet masters like Soros and those above Soros are doing this to completely destroy the United States and take it over politically at a time when the population will be too weak to resist. The members of those gangs that have been found to have communicable diseases are taken by the CDC to places unknown and the diseases are kept secret. Some of the diseases that are speculated on are Antibiotic resistant Tuberculosis, Ebola, Lhasa Fever, New and unnamed Kidney destroying diseases.
I don't really see the politicos doing anything about this set of conditions until those politico's come in passing contact with the free roaming illegals and come down with the diseases themselves. Then and only then will it become a cause for them to fight against. While I pray that it does not happen, I can see no way given the current conditions that it will not happen. Don't forget that FEMA is preparing for 200 Million deaths in the United States that should tell the public something. Isn't this a really nice way for the Progressive Socialists and Elites to maintain their stranglehold on power in perpetuity?
I leave you with one more condemnation of the Administration. Taylor let slip that even though the Federal Government has amassed over 6 Billion rounds of ammunition, the Agencies patrolling the Borders will not get any ammunition for their rifles until 2015, and are forbidden from using what they have on hand. It's systematically accounted for on a bullet by bullet basis. Strange isn't it?
This Video is a Critical MUST WATCH VIDEO. Then we must confront the administration at every turn with the information it contains watch it before it gets pulled by the Administration.
See Video ( Video courtesy of Little Bonanza Productions. For more information, please contact: lisa@littlebonanzaproductions.com. ); https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnkSXosZhic
Some Gun Control FACTS That Refute The Gun Grabbers Rhetoric Aimed At Disarming Us!
While looking through the many sites I haunt looking for information on what is being plotted against America by her Domestic Enemies, and her Foreign Enemies ,I happened to come across this list that refutes the typical rhetoric and lies that are spouted by International Socialism,/Communism by the UN, and by the Domestic Progressive Socialists that are bound and determined to disarm law abiding American Citizens.
They are doing this because when the Elites decide they are the only ones worthy of having entitlements, and move to subjugate the rest of humanity, they are terrified of the consequences of an armed public that has the means to fight back with the distinct possibility that the armed public will be responsible of the demise of those corrupt and twisted Elites.
I know this is an ongoing theme but even back in the silent movie days before the progressive self styled overlords gained control of the media industry movies like Fritz Lang's movie "Metropolis" set in a future society where the Elites ruled and everyone else were relegated to slave laborers to provide the luxuries only the Elites could have warned against the Socialist Agenda of those Elites. It did pan out that way at the Nadir point of Communist Russia under Stalin and held true until the Communist Empire supposedly collapsed.
The bottom line is; Our Guns are the Symbols of our Freedom as my friend McFixit1 once wrote. They are also the only things that stand between us and abject slavery. Answer this question; Do you truly trust the Elites to be fair and honest with you when they hold all the cards and all the methods of forcing you to bend to their wills? If you do, you are a damn fool that deserves to be subjugated. You know nothing about the base side of human nature.
As long as we retain our guns and remove the unconstitutional restrictions that have been placed on them over the last century by those same Elitist Progressive Socialists bent on their own total control agenda's, we will be able to resist them and remove them from power peacefully through the voting process. Should they themselves decide to use force against us to further their wretched evil schemes, we will at least have the means to fight back.
This is the CRUX of why they want to disarm us!
Here is the list of FACTS, many garnered from their own statistics that disprove all of their lies, spin, and misdirection of the truth to make their phony lying case against firearms in the hands of a law abiding public;
Source; http://girlsjustwannahaveguns.com/2014/07/gun-control-fact-sheet-fa...
Editor’s Note: Take notes and bookmark this link! This list gives you enough facts to demolish the gun-control argument for years to come.
1. Highlights
* Guns are used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense. Law-abiding citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year—or about 6,850 times a day.
(1) This means that each year, firearms are used more than 80 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives.
(2)* Even anti-gun Clinton researchers concede that guns are used 1.5 million times annually for self-defense. According to the Clinton Justice Department, there are as many as 1.5 million cases of self-defense with a firearm every year. The National Institute of Justice published this figure in 1997 as part of “Guns in America”—a study which was authored by noted anti-gun criminologists Philip Cook and Jens Ludwig.
(3)* Concealed carry laws have reduced murder and crime rates in the states that have enacted them. According to a comprehensive study which reviewed crime statistics in every county in the United States from 1977 to 1992, states which passed concealed carry laws reduced their rate of murder by 8.5%, rape by 5%, aggravated assault by 7% and robbery by 3%.
(4)* Anti-gun journal pronounces the failure of the Brady law. One of the nation’s leading anti-gun medical publications, the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that the Brady registration law has failed to reduce murder rates. In August 2000, JAMA reported that states implementing waiting periods and background checks did “not [experience] reductions in homicide rates or overall suicide rates.”
(5)* Twice as many children are killed playing football in school than are murdered by guns. That’s right. Despite what media coverage might seem to indicate, there are more deaths related to high school football than guns. In a recent three year period, twice as many football players died from hits to the head, heat stroke, etc. (45), as compared with students who were murdered by firearms (22) during that same time period.
(6)* More guns, less crime. In the decade of the 1990s, the number of guns in this country increased by roughly 40 million—even while the murder rate decreased by almost 40% percent.
(7) Accidental gun deaths in the home decreased by almost 40 percent as well.
(8)* CDC admits there is no evidence that gun control reduces crime. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has long been criticized for propagating questionable studies which gun control organizations have used in defense of their cause. But after analyzing 51 studies in 2003, the CDC concluded that the “evidence was insufficient to determine the effectiveness of any of these [firearms] laws.”
(9)* Gun shows are NOT a primary source of illegal guns for criminals. According to two government studies, the National Institute of Justice reported in 1997 that “less than two percent [of criminals] reported obtaining [firearms] from a gun show.”
(10) And the Bureau of Justice Statistics revealed in 2001 that less than one percent of firearm offenders acquired their weapons at gun shows.
(11)* Several polls show that Americans are very pro-gun. Several scientific polls indicate that the right to keep and bear arms is still revered—and gun control disdained—by a majority of Americans today. To mention just a few recent polls:* In 2002, an ABC News poll found that almost three-fourths of the American public believe that the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects the rights of “individuals” to own guns.
(12)* Zogby pollsters found that by a more than 3 to 1 margin, Americans support punishing “criminals who use a gun in the commission of a crime” over legislation to “ban handguns.”
(13)* A Research 2000 poll found that 85% of Americans would find it appropriate for a principal or teacher to use “a gun at school to defend the lives of students” to stop a school massacre.
(14)* A study claiming “guns are three times more likely to kill you than help you” is a total fraud. Even using the low figures from the Clinton Justice Department, firearms are used almost 50 times more often to save life than to take life.
(15) More importantly, however, the figure claiming one is three times more likely to be killed by one’s own gun is a total lie:* Researcher Don Kates reveals that all available data now indicates that the “home gun homicide victims [in the flawed study] were killed using guns not kept in the victim’s home.”
(16)* In other words, the victims were NOT murdered with their own guns! They were killed “by intruders who brought their own guns to the victim’s household.”
(17)* Gun-free England not such a utopia after all. According to the BBC News, handgun crime in the United Kingdom rose by 40% in the two years after it passed its draconian gun ban in 1997.
(18) And according to a United Nations study, British citizens are more likely to become a victim of crime than are people in the United States.
The 2000 report shows that the crime rate in England is higher than the crime rates of 16 other industrialized nations, including the United States.
2. Self-defense
A. Guns save more lives than they take; prevent more injuries than they inflict
(19)* Guns are used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense. Law-abiding citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year—or about 6,850 times a day.
(20) This means that each year, firearms are used more than 80 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives.
(21)* Of the 2.5 million times citizens use their guns to defend themselves every year, the overwhelming majority merely brandish their gun or fire a warning shot to scare off their attackers. Less than 8% of the time, a citizen will kill or wound his/her attacker.
(22)* As many as 200,000 women use a gun every year to defend themselves against sexual abuse.
(23)* Even anti-gun Clinton researchers concede that guns are used 1.5 million times annually for self-defense. According to the Clinton Justice Department, there are as many as 1.5 million cases of self-defense with a firearm every year. The National Institute of Justice published this figure in 1997 as part of “Guns in America”—a study which was authored by noted anti-gun criminologists Philip Cook and Jens Ludwig.
(24)* Armed citizens kill more crooks than do the police. Citizens shoot and kill at least twice as many criminals as police do every year (1,527 to 606)
(25). And readers of Newsweek learned that “only 2 percent of civilian shootings involved an innocent person mistakenly identified as a criminal. The ‘error rate’ for the police, however, was 11 percent, more than five times as high.”
(26)* Handguns are the weapon of choice for self-defense. Citizens use handguns to protect themselves over 1.9 million times a year.Many of these self-defense handguns could be labeled as “Saturday Night Specials.”
B. Concealed carry laws help reduce crime
(27)* Nationwide: one-half million self-defense uses. Every year, as many as one-half million citizens defend themselves with a firearm away from home.
(28)* Concealed carry laws are dropping crime rates across the country. A comprehensive national study determined in 1996 that violent crime fell after states made it legal to carry concealed firearms. The results of the study showed:* States which passed concealed carry laws reduced their rate of murder by 8.5%, rape by 5%, aggravated assault by 7% and robbery by 3%;
(29) If those states not having concealed carry laws had adopted such laws in 1992, then approximately 1,570 murders, 4,177 rapes, 60,000 aggravated assaults and over 11,000 robberies would have been avoided yearly.
(30)* Vermont: one of the safest five states in the country. In Vermont, citizens can carry a firearm without getting permission . . . without paying a fee . . . or without going through any kind of government-imposed waiting period. And yet for ten years in a row, Vermont has remained one of the top-five, safest states in the union—having three times received the “Safest State Award.”
(31)* Florida: concealed carry helps slash the murder rate in the state. In the fifteen years following the passage of Florida’s concealed carry law in 1987, over 800,000 permits to carry firearms were issued to people in the state.
(32) FBI reports show that the homicide rate in Florida, which in 1987 was much higher than the national average, fell 52% during that 15-year period—thus putting the Florida rate below the national average.
(33)* Do firearms carry laws result in chaos? No. Consider the case of Florida. A citizen in the Sunshine State is far more likely to be attacked by an alligator than to be assaulted by a concealed carry holder.* During the first fifteen years that the Florida law was in effect, alligator attacks outpaced the number of crimes committed by carry holders by a 229 to 155 margin.
(34)* And even the 155 “crimes” committed by concealed carry permit holders are somewhat misleading as most of these infractions resulted from Floridians who accidentally carried their firearms into restricted areas, such as an airport.
(35)* Concealed Carry v. Waiting Period Laws. In 1976, both Georgia and Wisconsin tried two different approaches to fighting crime. Georgia enacted legislation making it easier for citizens to carry guns for self-defense, while Wisconsin passed a law requiring a 48 hour waiting period before the purchase of a handgun. What resulted during the ensuing years? Georgia’s law served as a deterrent to criminals and helped drop its homicide rate by 21 percent. Wisconsin’s murder rate, however, rose 33 percent during the same period.
These FACTS will give everyone enough truthful information to refute publicly all the mis-information these political curs spout at their town hall meetings and on their campaign trails. These liars must of necessity be confronted loudly and in public demanding them to back up their lies with facts to prove them, facts they do not have. Only public peaceful confrontation armed with the true facts will resonate with your fellow citizens, and if the Political curs go postal on you, even the better because they will then show their true colors to the public.
Please copy the facts, print them out, and keep them with you so you can have them handy not only to confront the damnable Gun Grabbing Constitution hating Politicians, but also to educate very politely other citizens who have been conditioned by the Progressive owned and operated Media to fully believe the lies and propaganda the Elites have been spouting since the turn of the last century.
The Tradesman
They are doing this because when the Elites decide they are the only ones worthy of having entitlements, and move to subjugate the rest of humanity, they are terrified of the consequences of an armed public that has the means to fight back with the distinct possibility that the armed public will be responsible of the demise of those corrupt and twisted Elites.
I know this is an ongoing theme but even back in the silent movie days before the progressive self styled overlords gained control of the media industry movies like Fritz Lang's movie "Metropolis" set in a future society where the Elites ruled and everyone else were relegated to slave laborers to provide the luxuries only the Elites could have warned against the Socialist Agenda of those Elites. It did pan out that way at the Nadir point of Communist Russia under Stalin and held true until the Communist Empire supposedly collapsed.
The bottom line is; Our Guns are the Symbols of our Freedom as my friend McFixit1 once wrote. They are also the only things that stand between us and abject slavery. Answer this question; Do you truly trust the Elites to be fair and honest with you when they hold all the cards and all the methods of forcing you to bend to their wills? If you do, you are a damn fool that deserves to be subjugated. You know nothing about the base side of human nature.
As long as we retain our guns and remove the unconstitutional restrictions that have been placed on them over the last century by those same Elitist Progressive Socialists bent on their own total control agenda's, we will be able to resist them and remove them from power peacefully through the voting process. Should they themselves decide to use force against us to further their wretched evil schemes, we will at least have the means to fight back.
This is the CRUX of why they want to disarm us!
Here is the list of FACTS, many garnered from their own statistics that disprove all of their lies, spin, and misdirection of the truth to make their phony lying case against firearms in the hands of a law abiding public;
Source; http://girlsjustwannahaveguns.com/2014/07/gun-control-fact-sheet-fa...
Editor’s Note: Take notes and bookmark this link! This list gives you enough facts to demolish the gun-control argument for years to come.
1. Highlights
* Guns are used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense. Law-abiding citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year—or about 6,850 times a day.
(1) This means that each year, firearms are used more than 80 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives.
(2)* Even anti-gun Clinton researchers concede that guns are used 1.5 million times annually for self-defense. According to the Clinton Justice Department, there are as many as 1.5 million cases of self-defense with a firearm every year. The National Institute of Justice published this figure in 1997 as part of “Guns in America”—a study which was authored by noted anti-gun criminologists Philip Cook and Jens Ludwig.
(3)* Concealed carry laws have reduced murder and crime rates in the states that have enacted them. According to a comprehensive study which reviewed crime statistics in every county in the United States from 1977 to 1992, states which passed concealed carry laws reduced their rate of murder by 8.5%, rape by 5%, aggravated assault by 7% and robbery by 3%.
(4)* Anti-gun journal pronounces the failure of the Brady law. One of the nation’s leading anti-gun medical publications, the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that the Brady registration law has failed to reduce murder rates. In August 2000, JAMA reported that states implementing waiting periods and background checks did “not [experience] reductions in homicide rates or overall suicide rates.”
(5)* Twice as many children are killed playing football in school than are murdered by guns. That’s right. Despite what media coverage might seem to indicate, there are more deaths related to high school football than guns. In a recent three year period, twice as many football players died from hits to the head, heat stroke, etc. (45), as compared with students who were murdered by firearms (22) during that same time period.
(6)* More guns, less crime. In the decade of the 1990s, the number of guns in this country increased by roughly 40 million—even while the murder rate decreased by almost 40% percent.
(7) Accidental gun deaths in the home decreased by almost 40 percent as well.
(8)* CDC admits there is no evidence that gun control reduces crime. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has long been criticized for propagating questionable studies which gun control organizations have used in defense of their cause. But after analyzing 51 studies in 2003, the CDC concluded that the “evidence was insufficient to determine the effectiveness of any of these [firearms] laws.”
(9)* Gun shows are NOT a primary source of illegal guns for criminals. According to two government studies, the National Institute of Justice reported in 1997 that “less than two percent [of criminals] reported obtaining [firearms] from a gun show.”
(10) And the Bureau of Justice Statistics revealed in 2001 that less than one percent of firearm offenders acquired their weapons at gun shows.
(11)* Several polls show that Americans are very pro-gun. Several scientific polls indicate that the right to keep and bear arms is still revered—and gun control disdained—by a majority of Americans today. To mention just a few recent polls:* In 2002, an ABC News poll found that almost three-fourths of the American public believe that the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects the rights of “individuals” to own guns.
(12)* Zogby pollsters found that by a more than 3 to 1 margin, Americans support punishing “criminals who use a gun in the commission of a crime” over legislation to “ban handguns.”
(13)* A Research 2000 poll found that 85% of Americans would find it appropriate for a principal or teacher to use “a gun at school to defend the lives of students” to stop a school massacre.
(14)* A study claiming “guns are three times more likely to kill you than help you” is a total fraud. Even using the low figures from the Clinton Justice Department, firearms are used almost 50 times more often to save life than to take life.
(15) More importantly, however, the figure claiming one is three times more likely to be killed by one’s own gun is a total lie:* Researcher Don Kates reveals that all available data now indicates that the “home gun homicide victims [in the flawed study] were killed using guns not kept in the victim’s home.”
(16)* In other words, the victims were NOT murdered with their own guns! They were killed “by intruders who brought their own guns to the victim’s household.”
(17)* Gun-free England not such a utopia after all. According to the BBC News, handgun crime in the United Kingdom rose by 40% in the two years after it passed its draconian gun ban in 1997.
(18) And according to a United Nations study, British citizens are more likely to become a victim of crime than are people in the United States.
The 2000 report shows that the crime rate in England is higher than the crime rates of 16 other industrialized nations, including the United States.
2. Self-defense
A. Guns save more lives than they take; prevent more injuries than they inflict
(19)* Guns are used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense. Law-abiding citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year—or about 6,850 times a day.
(20) This means that each year, firearms are used more than 80 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives.
(21)* Of the 2.5 million times citizens use their guns to defend themselves every year, the overwhelming majority merely brandish their gun or fire a warning shot to scare off their attackers. Less than 8% of the time, a citizen will kill or wound his/her attacker.
(22)* As many as 200,000 women use a gun every year to defend themselves against sexual abuse.
(23)* Even anti-gun Clinton researchers concede that guns are used 1.5 million times annually for self-defense. According to the Clinton Justice Department, there are as many as 1.5 million cases of self-defense with a firearm every year. The National Institute of Justice published this figure in 1997 as part of “Guns in America”—a study which was authored by noted anti-gun criminologists Philip Cook and Jens Ludwig.
(24)* Armed citizens kill more crooks than do the police. Citizens shoot and kill at least twice as many criminals as police do every year (1,527 to 606)
(25). And readers of Newsweek learned that “only 2 percent of civilian shootings involved an innocent person mistakenly identified as a criminal. The ‘error rate’ for the police, however, was 11 percent, more than five times as high.”
(26)* Handguns are the weapon of choice for self-defense. Citizens use handguns to protect themselves over 1.9 million times a year.Many of these self-defense handguns could be labeled as “Saturday Night Specials.”
B. Concealed carry laws help reduce crime
(27)* Nationwide: one-half million self-defense uses. Every year, as many as one-half million citizens defend themselves with a firearm away from home.
(28)* Concealed carry laws are dropping crime rates across the country. A comprehensive national study determined in 1996 that violent crime fell after states made it legal to carry concealed firearms. The results of the study showed:* States which passed concealed carry laws reduced their rate of murder by 8.5%, rape by 5%, aggravated assault by 7% and robbery by 3%;
(29) If those states not having concealed carry laws had adopted such laws in 1992, then approximately 1,570 murders, 4,177 rapes, 60,000 aggravated assaults and over 11,000 robberies would have been avoided yearly.
(30)* Vermont: one of the safest five states in the country. In Vermont, citizens can carry a firearm without getting permission . . . without paying a fee . . . or without going through any kind of government-imposed waiting period. And yet for ten years in a row, Vermont has remained one of the top-five, safest states in the union—having three times received the “Safest State Award.”
(31)* Florida: concealed carry helps slash the murder rate in the state. In the fifteen years following the passage of Florida’s concealed carry law in 1987, over 800,000 permits to carry firearms were issued to people in the state.
(32) FBI reports show that the homicide rate in Florida, which in 1987 was much higher than the national average, fell 52% during that 15-year period—thus putting the Florida rate below the national average.
(33)* Do firearms carry laws result in chaos? No. Consider the case of Florida. A citizen in the Sunshine State is far more likely to be attacked by an alligator than to be assaulted by a concealed carry holder.* During the first fifteen years that the Florida law was in effect, alligator attacks outpaced the number of crimes committed by carry holders by a 229 to 155 margin.
(34)* And even the 155 “crimes” committed by concealed carry permit holders are somewhat misleading as most of these infractions resulted from Floridians who accidentally carried their firearms into restricted areas, such as an airport.
(35)* Concealed Carry v. Waiting Period Laws. In 1976, both Georgia and Wisconsin tried two different approaches to fighting crime. Georgia enacted legislation making it easier for citizens to carry guns for self-defense, while Wisconsin passed a law requiring a 48 hour waiting period before the purchase of a handgun. What resulted during the ensuing years? Georgia’s law served as a deterrent to criminals and helped drop its homicide rate by 21 percent. Wisconsin’s murder rate, however, rose 33 percent during the same period.
These FACTS will give everyone enough truthful information to refute publicly all the mis-information these political curs spout at their town hall meetings and on their campaign trails. These liars must of necessity be confronted loudly and in public demanding them to back up their lies with facts to prove them, facts they do not have. Only public peaceful confrontation armed with the true facts will resonate with your fellow citizens, and if the Political curs go postal on you, even the better because they will then show their true colors to the public.
Please copy the facts, print them out, and keep them with you so you can have them handy not only to confront the damnable Gun Grabbing Constitution hating Politicians, but also to educate very politely other citizens who have been conditioned by the Progressive owned and operated Media to fully believe the lies and propaganda the Elites have been spouting since the turn of the last century.
The Tradesman
Failure of Socialism as an Ideology for Government
Source; http://www.ijreview.com/2012/12/24780-socialist-failure-a-history-in-pictures/ use the link to see the pictures.
Socialism as an ideology and a system of government is a failure. This is not a controversial statement to people who experience socialism or who study history with an honest desire to know the truth. But left-wing ideologues neither care about history nor the facts; truth is “reactionary” and works against the inevitable socialist utopian future.Socialism comes in more than one flavor: from international socialism and national socialism to short-lived anarchic socialist utopias — they are all directly opposed to the American ideals of private property, individual rights, and limited government.The European Model. The EU is touted as the shining example of socialism, but it is economically crumbling. Youth unemployment in former socialist-run welfare states like Greece and Spain exceed 50%, and the EU average is 22.7%. That’s an economic model for the future?
The USSR aka the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Once-heralded as a “worker’s paradise,” the communist bloc murdered tens of millions, and devolved into gulags and bread lines. The Soviet Union collapsed after decades of stagnation and corruption beginning in 1989.
Latin American-Style. Fidel Castro seized control in Cuba in 1959 and sat atop the Cuban pecking order until 2008, turning over control to his brother Raul Castro in nepotistic fashion. Socialist Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez just recently hand-selected his successor Nicolas Maduro. That’s not really democratic, now is it?
The Hell States. These worst-case scenarios reflect the coercive collectivist mentality run amok. The police state of North Korea is the most glaring contemporary example. Before that there was Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge, whose philosopher-king Pol Pot had a motto, “To keep you is no benefit. To destroy you is no loss.”
The National Socialist German Workers’ Party was explicitly anti-capitalist, anti-individualist and rabidly collectivist. It was opposed to the international socialist veneer of the expansionist USSR. Mussolini, who was an international socialist before he was a fascist (or national socialist), once encapsulated coercive collectivism perfectly: “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”
Anarchic Socialism. On the other end of the socialist spectrum away from coercive collectivism is the idealized anarchic socialism best embodied by the Paris Commune. Romanticized in the way today’s Occupy movement and hippies are, the spontaneous outbreak of shared property and collective action in Paris 1871 lasted about ten days. Most other socialist experiments have similar short-lived results.
Early American Socialism. Plymouth Plantation is an example of a socialist experiment that went awry. John Winthrop’s journal shows that implementing Plato’s collectivist principles led to ruinous starvation and applying private property led to plenty and the first Thanksgiving. Particular Native American tribes display that socialist principles in certain situations can have some success; given a homogenous population, a primitive lifestyle, and a lack of natural resource competition.
Middle-Age Religious Socialism. Although Marxist socialism is directly opposed to religion (as well as the family), there were socialist religious sects directly opposed to private property (a central tenet of Marxism), were anti-materialistic, and promoted all things in common. Examples include the Cathars, Taborites, and Anabaptists.
Ancient World. The Incans, Egyptians, and Sumerians, among other ancient societies, had quasi-socialist caste systems that rationed food and property to workers. There has never been a state of workers, by workers, and for workers without a privileged class administering it. This is a central irony of egalitarian socialism — it inevitably returns modern societies to more stratified and unequal forms.
“Progressive” America? As welfare spending explodes to unsustainable levels, the U.S. is poised to adopt the European welfare state model that is proving to be untenable. America was already among the most heavily indebted states in the world before it adopted costly state-run healthcare.It is currently estimated that for every 1.25 private sector worker or “producer,” there is one government bureaucrat or welfare recipient. Because of the welfare state, it is now more beneficial for a single mom to earn $29,000 and to be on welfare, than it is for her to earn $69,000 and to be taxed.It is human nature to seek the path of least resistance; and because of this, socialism lowers the citizenry to the least common denominator, rather than lifting people up to be the best they can be. Because of class warfare, as Margaret Thatcher put it, people “would rather the poor were poorer, so long as the rich were less rich.”
Socialism as an ideology and a system of government is a failure. This is not a controversial statement to people who experience socialism or who study history with an honest desire to know the truth. But left-wing ideologues neither care about history nor the facts; truth is “reactionary” and works against the inevitable socialist utopian future.Socialism comes in more than one flavor: from international socialism and national socialism to short-lived anarchic socialist utopias — they are all directly opposed to the American ideals of private property, individual rights, and limited government.The European Model. The EU is touted as the shining example of socialism, but it is economically crumbling. Youth unemployment in former socialist-run welfare states like Greece and Spain exceed 50%, and the EU average is 22.7%. That’s an economic model for the future?
The USSR aka the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Once-heralded as a “worker’s paradise,” the communist bloc murdered tens of millions, and devolved into gulags and bread lines. The Soviet Union collapsed after decades of stagnation and corruption beginning in 1989.
Latin American-Style. Fidel Castro seized control in Cuba in 1959 and sat atop the Cuban pecking order until 2008, turning over control to his brother Raul Castro in nepotistic fashion. Socialist Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez just recently hand-selected his successor Nicolas Maduro. That’s not really democratic, now is it?
The Hell States. These worst-case scenarios reflect the coercive collectivist mentality run amok. The police state of North Korea is the most glaring contemporary example. Before that there was Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge, whose philosopher-king Pol Pot had a motto, “To keep you is no benefit. To destroy you is no loss.”
The National Socialist German Workers’ Party was explicitly anti-capitalist, anti-individualist and rabidly collectivist. It was opposed to the international socialist veneer of the expansionist USSR. Mussolini, who was an international socialist before he was a fascist (or national socialist), once encapsulated coercive collectivism perfectly: “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”
Anarchic Socialism. On the other end of the socialist spectrum away from coercive collectivism is the idealized anarchic socialism best embodied by the Paris Commune. Romanticized in the way today’s Occupy movement and hippies are, the spontaneous outbreak of shared property and collective action in Paris 1871 lasted about ten days. Most other socialist experiments have similar short-lived results.
Early American Socialism. Plymouth Plantation is an example of a socialist experiment that went awry. John Winthrop’s journal shows that implementing Plato’s collectivist principles led to ruinous starvation and applying private property led to plenty and the first Thanksgiving. Particular Native American tribes display that socialist principles in certain situations can have some success; given a homogenous population, a primitive lifestyle, and a lack of natural resource competition.
Middle-Age Religious Socialism. Although Marxist socialism is directly opposed to religion (as well as the family), there were socialist religious sects directly opposed to private property (a central tenet of Marxism), were anti-materialistic, and promoted all things in common. Examples include the Cathars, Taborites, and Anabaptists.
Ancient World. The Incans, Egyptians, and Sumerians, among other ancient societies, had quasi-socialist caste systems that rationed food and property to workers. There has never been a state of workers, by workers, and for workers without a privileged class administering it. This is a central irony of egalitarian socialism — it inevitably returns modern societies to more stratified and unequal forms.
“Progressive” America? As welfare spending explodes to unsustainable levels, the U.S. is poised to adopt the European welfare state model that is proving to be untenable. America was already among the most heavily indebted states in the world before it adopted costly state-run healthcare.It is currently estimated that for every 1.25 private sector worker or “producer,” there is one government bureaucrat or welfare recipient. Because of the welfare state, it is now more beneficial for a single mom to earn $29,000 and to be on welfare, than it is for her to earn $69,000 and to be taxed.It is human nature to seek the path of least resistance; and because of this, socialism lowers the citizenry to the least common denominator, rather than lifting people up to be the best they can be. Because of class warfare, as Margaret Thatcher put it, people “would rather the poor were poorer, so long as the rich were less rich.”
Look How Unions Are Trying To Take Over The Elections
If you really think we are organized enough to take the November elections by using the Rove Establishment Republican tactics, here is a fact that you might not know about the opposition and their organizing
Just recently the UAW has sent letters to it's retirees and active members Urging them to apply for "Absentee Ballots" for the Primary and Regular Election.
I have seen a form from Michigan and it is basically an honor system where the applicant just writes in their name, address, and city. The applicant then has to choose from a list of reasons for statutory grounds they are basing their request on.
The list includes;I expect to be absent from the community in which I am registered for the entire time the polls are opened on election day.I am physically unable to attend the polls without assisstance from another.I cannot attend the polls because of the tenets of my religion.I have been appointed an election precinct inspector in a precinct other than where I am reside.I am 60 years old or older.I cannot attend the polls because I am in jail awaiting arraignment or trial.The form goes on to request the applicants street address, the registered address,and city.
The form does require that the applicant certify that the statements they made in the application are true, and that they are an American Citizen and cites some restrictions in the law about soliciting to return the absentee ballot except as listed at the bottom of the form.
There is a place on the form where anyone assisting the voter with filing the ballot must give their information.
The end of the form lets the applicant know they must sign it and date it for it to be valid.
It gives the instructions for delivering the ballots as the last set of instructions;(A) It can be mailed in an envelope through the mails addressed to the clerk.or sent by public postal service, express mail service, parcel post service, or common carrier.(B) It can be delivered Personally to the office of the clerk, the clerk, or an authorized assistant to the clerk.
In either a or b a member of the immediate family including all in-laws, grandchildren,or even a person residing in the applicant's household can legally mail or deliver the application to the clerk.
If the applicant can not return the application by any of the above methods, the applicant may select any registered elector to return the application for them, however the elector must sign and return the certificate at the bottom of the application.
I find it extremely strange that there is nothing on the form that asks for a copy of the applicants Drivers license or other Government issued ID, and lets face it we all needed ID to register.
There is also no requirement to have the Applicant verified as residing in the district or even being alive.
The Application is open to misuse and has no checks against voter fraud like having the applicant get two signatures verifying their residence and warm body from close neighbors that are registered voters.
There is much talk about voter fraud running rampant since the motor voter laws took effect. What's stopping any entity that is bent on committing voter fraud from searching the graveyards and old telephone directories and matching up deceased persons as voters using their last address that would be on file with the clerk?
What also is to stop them from registering illegals/undocumented persons as voters, and getting them to obtain absentee ballots without having to show up at the polls where they could be checked out?
It's time to start taking back the night and blocking the potentials for voter fraud up front. Absentee ballots could sway the outcomes of all the elections with the potential for fraud.
I'm not saying there will be fraud, nor am I condemning absentee ballots either. But, I want to see strong checks and balances on them with enough safeguards built in to make fraud unlikely without stopping those who need to vote that way from being able to.
The most likely scenario about this is the Unions are really feeling the pressure from the Tea Party and Conservatives and are trying to get their members to vote any way they can. I actually like the idea of encouraging everyone who is eligible to get out and vote. Our system of self-government works best when everyone is legally participating in it.
What I object to is, slime balls taking advantage of the system through misrepresentation, lies, and fraud to perpetuate their own ends, and not caring who they hurt or what rules they break doing it. Typical Cloward and Piven tactic to overwhelm the system and deliberately mis-apply the rules to take advantage of them.
The Unions know they are in a shaky situation where they stand to lose big if they can't muster enough votes to sway the election in November. We are in that same situation, and it's because the Republican Party is a 'House Divided' as Lincoln would say. Unless we find a way to bring together all the conservative factions and vote against all the Incumbent Socialist Democrats running, we will become that which we most fear, A socialist Nation that will eventually collapse into anarchy then iron dictatorship like all the other ones before.
The path we must take is clear, We must vote the party that has the only chance to defeat the Democrats. Doing that gives us the time we need to work diligently and continuously to clean out the imperfect choices we had to make to gain that time for the 2016 Primary Elections. It will be the candidates chosen by the people who get put on both the Republican and Democrat Primary Ballots (by force of signed and certified petitions and over the objections of the Party Establishment Leadership), in spite of what the establishment leaders want and God willing, they win through to run for office and win it too.
The Tradesman
Just recently the UAW has sent letters to it's retirees and active members Urging them to apply for "Absentee Ballots" for the Primary and Regular Election.
I have seen a form from Michigan and it is basically an honor system where the applicant just writes in their name, address, and city. The applicant then has to choose from a list of reasons for statutory grounds they are basing their request on.
The list includes;I expect to be absent from the community in which I am registered for the entire time the polls are opened on election day.I am physically unable to attend the polls without assisstance from another.I cannot attend the polls because of the tenets of my religion.I have been appointed an election precinct inspector in a precinct other than where I am reside.I am 60 years old or older.I cannot attend the polls because I am in jail awaiting arraignment or trial.The form goes on to request the applicants street address, the registered address,and city.
The form does require that the applicant certify that the statements they made in the application are true, and that they are an American Citizen and cites some restrictions in the law about soliciting to return the absentee ballot except as listed at the bottom of the form.
There is a place on the form where anyone assisting the voter with filing the ballot must give their information.
The end of the form lets the applicant know they must sign it and date it for it to be valid.
It gives the instructions for delivering the ballots as the last set of instructions;(A) It can be mailed in an envelope through the mails addressed to the clerk.or sent by public postal service, express mail service, parcel post service, or common carrier.(B) It can be delivered Personally to the office of the clerk, the clerk, or an authorized assistant to the clerk.
In either a or b a member of the immediate family including all in-laws, grandchildren,or even a person residing in the applicant's household can legally mail or deliver the application to the clerk.
If the applicant can not return the application by any of the above methods, the applicant may select any registered elector to return the application for them, however the elector must sign and return the certificate at the bottom of the application.
I find it extremely strange that there is nothing on the form that asks for a copy of the applicants Drivers license or other Government issued ID, and lets face it we all needed ID to register.
There is also no requirement to have the Applicant verified as residing in the district or even being alive.
The Application is open to misuse and has no checks against voter fraud like having the applicant get two signatures verifying their residence and warm body from close neighbors that are registered voters.
There is much talk about voter fraud running rampant since the motor voter laws took effect. What's stopping any entity that is bent on committing voter fraud from searching the graveyards and old telephone directories and matching up deceased persons as voters using their last address that would be on file with the clerk?
What also is to stop them from registering illegals/undocumented persons as voters, and getting them to obtain absentee ballots without having to show up at the polls where they could be checked out?
It's time to start taking back the night and blocking the potentials for voter fraud up front. Absentee ballots could sway the outcomes of all the elections with the potential for fraud.
I'm not saying there will be fraud, nor am I condemning absentee ballots either. But, I want to see strong checks and balances on them with enough safeguards built in to make fraud unlikely without stopping those who need to vote that way from being able to.
The most likely scenario about this is the Unions are really feeling the pressure from the Tea Party and Conservatives and are trying to get their members to vote any way they can. I actually like the idea of encouraging everyone who is eligible to get out and vote. Our system of self-government works best when everyone is legally participating in it.
What I object to is, slime balls taking advantage of the system through misrepresentation, lies, and fraud to perpetuate their own ends, and not caring who they hurt or what rules they break doing it. Typical Cloward and Piven tactic to overwhelm the system and deliberately mis-apply the rules to take advantage of them.
The Unions know they are in a shaky situation where they stand to lose big if they can't muster enough votes to sway the election in November. We are in that same situation, and it's because the Republican Party is a 'House Divided' as Lincoln would say. Unless we find a way to bring together all the conservative factions and vote against all the Incumbent Socialist Democrats running, we will become that which we most fear, A socialist Nation that will eventually collapse into anarchy then iron dictatorship like all the other ones before.
The path we must take is clear, We must vote the party that has the only chance to defeat the Democrats. Doing that gives us the time we need to work diligently and continuously to clean out the imperfect choices we had to make to gain that time for the 2016 Primary Elections. It will be the candidates chosen by the people who get put on both the Republican and Democrat Primary Ballots (by force of signed and certified petitions and over the objections of the Party Establishment Leadership), in spite of what the establishment leaders want and God willing, they win through to run for office and win it too.
The Tradesman
The Elections, and what the Progressives want to see happen
I have been speaking out for a good while now about this Penchant for, or rather a seeming Obsession that everyone seems to have about the 2016 Presidential Election being the turning point that will save the Republic and the Constitution. I agree, that we will have to address that issue and hopefully find someone who can unite us again and bring about the restoration of Constitutional Law and a resurrection of the Republic. Unfortunately, by focusing on the 2016 Presidential Election at this time, we are falling into the propaganda trap the Progressive Socialists have laid out for us. They have constructed a phenomenal amount of smoke and mirrors politics to baffle and confuse us.
What trap or smoke and mirrors ploy you might ask? Well, the progressive Socialists have been playing fast and loose with the truth about politics for at least the last three generations as we all are beginning to wake up and find out about. Through a carefully constructed plan to eventually saddle us with a massive central government that would control us from cradle to grave, they have insinuated into the American Consciousness several lies that have taken on the mantle of common wisdom/knowledge regardless of how false they are at their core. One of those propaganda coups is making Americans believe that the main way to change things in America, is to elect the proper President who appeals to the greatest number of people. I have to agree that is necessary, but only to a certain extent.
You see the President does not control spending, the peoples representatives (the House of Representatives) is the governmental entity that holds the purse strings. We have been led to believe other just as nefarious things like the President gives the orders on laws. again only a partial truth. Congress is the governmental entity that has the only Constitutionally approved permission to make laws for the land. The President can issue executive orders, but they only have the force of law on Federal Employees. The Congress has the Constitutional power to override and remove those Presidential orders but they have not used that power like they should have. Obama has only been able to do the things he has done to us, because of the complicity of the Democratic Socialists in Congress not opposing his agenda to transform us. It's their agenda too.
Or for instance, the President can ask his appointed department heads ( like Eric Holder) to formulate regulations, or initiate programs that have the force of law, and they become considered as law if left in force for a certain period of time and are enforced as such on a daily basis. The Congress also has the Constitutional power to void those regulations/programs, but they have not done that either.
Take into consideration the Federal Court System including SCOTUS. The courts are now, and have been, legislating from the bench for many decades in direct violation of their Constitutional enumerated powers. They are only supposed to review the new laws or practices, and decide if the new laws or practices violate Constitutional law. Then send those laws or recommendations on the practices back to Congress to fix, not impose a fix themselves. "Congress" is supposed to rectify those laws or practices that violate constitutional law.
Much of the current problems started with the 14th amendment. That amendment was forced through on the South at the point of a gun after the civil war. In it's original form it only was supposed to insure the citizenship and voting rights of the freed slaves. It has turned the Constitution backwards and given the main power to the Federal Government and taken it away from the States and the people. It was superseded by the more in-depth 15th amendment. Now, it is the most litigated amendment on the books because it is the one the courts have used consistently to legislate from the bench through ( think anchor babies for starters).
The 17th amendment was snuck past by a Progressive Congress by bluffing the people into forcing the States into ratifying it ( and it may not even have been properly ratified) and breaking the Senators out from under the control of State Legislatures. If you remember "the great compromise" the Senators actual responsibility was to represent the States, and were by Constitutional Law under the direct control of State Legislatures who elected them to represent the States concerns with the Federal Government.
All that being said, you should realize the main power to affect the direction and law of the country was vested in the Congress, not the President. Sure the President has his Constitutionally required duties, but he is not the end all and be all of power in America. This is where the Progressives have slipped one over on the American People in making them believe that the President controls everything from his oval office.
Maybe the current denizen of that office does attempt with varying success to control everything, but that is not his Constitutionally enumerated powers, nor the actuality. The mindset that the President controls the fate of America, has been systematically imposed on Americans and only lends itself to the promotion of those politicians who want to continuously increase their personal power (consider Harry Reid's obstructionist actions), and grow an ever more massive central government until that government eventually collapses under it's own weight.
We know the most powerful faction in American politics is the Congress. We know that through a series of plots and misdirection the Congress gained what was supposed to be the powers relegated by Constitutional Law to the States and the People.
We know the current Progressive Socialists are predominantly embedded in the Democratic Party with a lesser number in the RINO faction of the Republican Party. We know the Congress is the governmental entity that supposedly controls the laws and protocols of American life.
We have seen how the Congress has disrupted the American Economy by passing controversial laws the majority of Americans were dead set against, like the We have to vote for it to see what's in it law pushed through in the eleventh hour by Pelosi and the Democratic Socialists, after the Republicans that could have blocked it, had went home at the end of the 111th Congress.
So I ask all of you, WHY THIS OBSESSION WITH THE 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION WHEN THE 2014 MID-TERM IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE RIGHT NOW? We can worry about the upcoming Presidential election after we have started to clean house in Congress and have seriously impeded the Progressive march to make America a Socialist Nation and take away all of our unique American Liberties and Freedoms. Our main Battle. Our most critical battle for survival of the Republic is this years Mid-Term Elections. We blew it in 2012 or we would not be in this fix right now.
Ask yourselves this most important question; Will we do the same stupid things again this election as we did in 2012 and hope we can recover with the proper president in 2016? Or, will we wake up and realize we need to focus on the immediate threat posed from a Congress, rotten with Socialist Infiltrators that are ever more leaning towards making America a Communist Clone, and will we have the fortitude to oust them?
The Choice Is Ours, Let's Make It The Right One!!!
The Tradesman
What trap or smoke and mirrors ploy you might ask? Well, the progressive Socialists have been playing fast and loose with the truth about politics for at least the last three generations as we all are beginning to wake up and find out about. Through a carefully constructed plan to eventually saddle us with a massive central government that would control us from cradle to grave, they have insinuated into the American Consciousness several lies that have taken on the mantle of common wisdom/knowledge regardless of how false they are at their core. One of those propaganda coups is making Americans believe that the main way to change things in America, is to elect the proper President who appeals to the greatest number of people. I have to agree that is necessary, but only to a certain extent.
You see the President does not control spending, the peoples representatives (the House of Representatives) is the governmental entity that holds the purse strings. We have been led to believe other just as nefarious things like the President gives the orders on laws. again only a partial truth. Congress is the governmental entity that has the only Constitutionally approved permission to make laws for the land. The President can issue executive orders, but they only have the force of law on Federal Employees. The Congress has the Constitutional power to override and remove those Presidential orders but they have not used that power like they should have. Obama has only been able to do the things he has done to us, because of the complicity of the Democratic Socialists in Congress not opposing his agenda to transform us. It's their agenda too.
Or for instance, the President can ask his appointed department heads ( like Eric Holder) to formulate regulations, or initiate programs that have the force of law, and they become considered as law if left in force for a certain period of time and are enforced as such on a daily basis. The Congress also has the Constitutional power to void those regulations/programs, but they have not done that either.
Take into consideration the Federal Court System including SCOTUS. The courts are now, and have been, legislating from the bench for many decades in direct violation of their Constitutional enumerated powers. They are only supposed to review the new laws or practices, and decide if the new laws or practices violate Constitutional law. Then send those laws or recommendations on the practices back to Congress to fix, not impose a fix themselves. "Congress" is supposed to rectify those laws or practices that violate constitutional law.
Much of the current problems started with the 14th amendment. That amendment was forced through on the South at the point of a gun after the civil war. In it's original form it only was supposed to insure the citizenship and voting rights of the freed slaves. It has turned the Constitution backwards and given the main power to the Federal Government and taken it away from the States and the people. It was superseded by the more in-depth 15th amendment. Now, it is the most litigated amendment on the books because it is the one the courts have used consistently to legislate from the bench through ( think anchor babies for starters).
The 17th amendment was snuck past by a Progressive Congress by bluffing the people into forcing the States into ratifying it ( and it may not even have been properly ratified) and breaking the Senators out from under the control of State Legislatures. If you remember "the great compromise" the Senators actual responsibility was to represent the States, and were by Constitutional Law under the direct control of State Legislatures who elected them to represent the States concerns with the Federal Government.
All that being said, you should realize the main power to affect the direction and law of the country was vested in the Congress, not the President. Sure the President has his Constitutionally required duties, but he is not the end all and be all of power in America. This is where the Progressives have slipped one over on the American People in making them believe that the President controls everything from his oval office.
Maybe the current denizen of that office does attempt with varying success to control everything, but that is not his Constitutionally enumerated powers, nor the actuality. The mindset that the President controls the fate of America, has been systematically imposed on Americans and only lends itself to the promotion of those politicians who want to continuously increase their personal power (consider Harry Reid's obstructionist actions), and grow an ever more massive central government until that government eventually collapses under it's own weight.
We know the most powerful faction in American politics is the Congress. We know that through a series of plots and misdirection the Congress gained what was supposed to be the powers relegated by Constitutional Law to the States and the People.
We know the current Progressive Socialists are predominantly embedded in the Democratic Party with a lesser number in the RINO faction of the Republican Party. We know the Congress is the governmental entity that supposedly controls the laws and protocols of American life.
We have seen how the Congress has disrupted the American Economy by passing controversial laws the majority of Americans were dead set against, like the We have to vote for it to see what's in it law pushed through in the eleventh hour by Pelosi and the Democratic Socialists, after the Republicans that could have blocked it, had went home at the end of the 111th Congress.
So I ask all of you, WHY THIS OBSESSION WITH THE 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION WHEN THE 2014 MID-TERM IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE RIGHT NOW? We can worry about the upcoming Presidential election after we have started to clean house in Congress and have seriously impeded the Progressive march to make America a Socialist Nation and take away all of our unique American Liberties and Freedoms. Our main Battle. Our most critical battle for survival of the Republic is this years Mid-Term Elections. We blew it in 2012 or we would not be in this fix right now.
Ask yourselves this most important question; Will we do the same stupid things again this election as we did in 2012 and hope we can recover with the proper president in 2016? Or, will we wake up and realize we need to focus on the immediate threat posed from a Congress, rotten with Socialist Infiltrators that are ever more leaning towards making America a Communist Clone, and will we have the fortitude to oust them?
The Choice Is Ours, Let's Make It The Right One!!!
The Tradesman
This will be a long winded treatise, but please bear with me and keep an open mind to the suggestions
To stop the destruction of America and all the good about it effectively, we must deal with the hard facts of political life as they exist in the real world first. If we want to change our Nation back to the original blueprint engineered by the Founders that is the first step. Believe me, I understand the many viewpoints espoused by many different people. However most if not all of them would be rejected by the vast majority of brainwashed low information voters. More importantly, they would be soundly rejected by the totality of the highly organized progressive Kool-Aid drinking takers, who slavishly support the insanity being forced on us by the purveyors of those who plot return us to the evil days of rule by men, instead of rule by law.
We have many fights to win, and we must win them in order of severity they present, or order of importance if you choose that term. First and foremost in the order of severity, and the major threat to our Republic we now face, is the challenge to block and stop the inexorable march towards the Fascistic and/or Communistic road to Socialism the Progressive Elites are determined to force us down.
The only clear way to do that and yet maintain the integrity we need to survive the challenge we face is to go all out and vote against the Progressive Democrat/Socialists who are the incumbents running for reelection this term. Realistically we will not be able to unseat more than about 40% of them this election cycle. We must do that and have a workable strategy to keep chipping away at their ranks until in the fullness of time we can finally eliminate all of them. Then we absolutely must take on all the RINO's in the next primary along with the remaining Democratic Socialists. We have made one glaring example in unseating Eric Cantor in his Primary, and there are others. Unfortunately we did not start attacking the progressive opposition early enough nor hard enough in the primary elections this cycle.
We still have the specter of split votes, that will only serve to empower our enemies, hanging over our heads. Many well meaning and honorable people are totally fed up with the corrupt and self centered practices of both parties for not properly representing the people who elected them. I understand the reasons they want to just stop supporting either party and really believe that voting for neither of them will send some kind of message that will straighten them up. What they don't seem to realize is this is exactly the mindset these two parties want the average voter to believe in because it enhances their chances of keeping their positions in perpetuity.
I have advocated for a single minded focus and unity among all the disaffected voters to oppose the progressive juggernaut systematically and with the solid chance of ending it for good.Many good people feel it is time for a third party to rise and kick the collective butts of both the Republicans and the Democrats, and by doing so kick the Progressive Socialists and their destructive philosophy into the dust bin of history. Guess what? I see the logic and necessity of doing that myself, and I have always been against it up til now.
To do that will be as dangerous as it gets, because the Progressives and the hard line establishment leaders of both parties will be gunning for us with a tenfold increase in attacks in hopes of ending the threat to their usurped powers. We have to go about this systematically and carefully with every move planed out in advance. We need to field a workable way to get rid of the incumbents without any backlash as happened in the Cochran-McDaniel race. The basic premise was valid with McDaniel pushing to win the Primary Election against Cochran, and he probably would have made it in the first round if everyone woke up enough to get off their asses and went out to vote. Remember that caveat, We Must Get Out The Vote.
Anyone can readily see where the Progressive Elites used dirty underhanded methods to gang up on McDaniel with a Sworn lefty Democratic Socialist like Mike Bloomberg donating $250,000 to a Republican's campaign through a PAC.While not illegal for him to do so, it was highly dishonorable and showed the world his true colors of being a rabid Elitist defending his presumed territory of total control over the masses of to him lesser beings. then we have the allegations of buying votes through the playing of a False Race Card to agitate the predominantly black MS voters to switch sides in the run off primary strictly to insure McDaniel's loss. to me this shows the depths of dishonorable conduct both fanatical sides (establishment republicans and hard left Democratic Socialists) will go to disenfranchise the American voter's will.
The main and immediate danger we face is moving too quickly and without a single minded plan to oust the Progressive influence. I know I am harping on this theme, but I definitely see the clear danger of many good people reacting with many diverse plan to defeat the incumbents and scattering our power while the Progressives unite theirs to win. I have a plan. I have drawn from several sources, including the Socialist takeover of the Democratic Party and how other sitting governments were changed. I do not and will not ever mean to overthrow the government of the United States, I simply mean to oust the corrupt and anti-American factions that are infecting it by using all the legal means granted in the Constitution.
If we want to be successful in this endeavor we will have to think outside the box, and have mutually agreed on tactics planned out in advance with agreed on back up plans for every contingency the sitting opposition will throw at us. Boy will they throw it at us. What I propose is basically Political Warfare of the bloodless kind, but Warfare none the less.
We must be able to do two major things at the outset;
1.Dominate the 2014 elections and vote the incumbent Democrats out.
2. Work towards the 2016 Primaries that we will need to control and then Dominate to maintain that control.
To eject the incumbent Democratic Socialists we need to USE the only party that has a chance of defeating them (Republicans) and pretend that we are going to support their hypocritical choices for candidates.Doing this will give us a two year window to formulate, agree on the methodology, and refine the next phase that will be necessary to accomplish our goals of cleaning up our political system, and launching a Third Party. I promise you if we stick to the plan, it will be the last time the hard line establishment Republican RINO faction, and the hard left/NWO Democratic Socialist faction has a major say in who gets into office. If we come together for the benefit of ourselves and our Republic, it will be the people who choose their representatives as it was originally intended to be by the Founders. Again, to win we must Dominate the Primaries! To get to the primaries and avoid the possibility of the Incumbent Democratic Socialists maintaining their numbers in positions of power, we will need breathing room.
Now for the plan; As I have repeatedly stated, we must be able to dominate the primary elections for both major parties if we are to be successful in regaining our rightful power and control over our government. This plan goes for both Federal and State Governments with the Primal Target being the Congressional primaries for the 2016 election cycle. We The People must absolutely band together to Dominate that 2016 Primary and have contingency plans to defeat any any all dirty tricks the Progressive, Rino, and legitimate establishment hard line leaderships will throw at us.
To do that we must form or use existing State by State groups dedicated to removing the blight from our Nations Government. If we could utilize the resources of all the like minded groups and factions within each State, and focus them towards a single minded goal, we would be unstoppable. These groups will have to work together and do the necessary ground pounding and door bell ringing necessary to accomplish this phase. The groups will have to be organized along these lines; The composite of all the groups will have to agree on who they want to run for the State Senators and work State Wide to get petitions signed and certified to place their picks (4 of them) on both the Democratic and Republican Primary ballots over and above all of the objections and attempts of those parties to disqualify the 4 picks. Everyone will also have to work hard to get out the vote for their picks.
The other necessary division of these groups will have to be on a district by district basis, where the individuals in the district pick who they want to run against the incumbents so they can place their picks on the ballots of both parties against the wishes of the hard line party establishment leadership. They must also do the work to get the petitions signed and certified, the doorbell ringing, and the ground pounding to make the people aware in their districts what is at stake in the 2016 elections. The key premise of this is to inject the peoples choices into the mix over and above of any and all objections by the establishments in both parties.
None of this excludes certain incumbents from being picked by the people who through their voting have been proven to be honorable representatives who actually represent the people who voted for them and obey Constitutional Law thus honoring their oaths of office to protect and defend the Constitution. The main weakness in this plan is the people themselves. If they do not stick together and continue working for the goal of removing the blight from our government, it will fall flat for lack of participation, and we will actually deserve the form of government the Elites will force on us.
We have many fights to win, and we must win them in order of severity they present, or order of importance if you choose that term. First and foremost in the order of severity, and the major threat to our Republic we now face, is the challenge to block and stop the inexorable march towards the Fascistic and/or Communistic road to Socialism the Progressive Elites are determined to force us down.
The only clear way to do that and yet maintain the integrity we need to survive the challenge we face is to go all out and vote against the Progressive Democrat/Socialists who are the incumbents running for reelection this term. Realistically we will not be able to unseat more than about 40% of them this election cycle. We must do that and have a workable strategy to keep chipping away at their ranks until in the fullness of time we can finally eliminate all of them. Then we absolutely must take on all the RINO's in the next primary along with the remaining Democratic Socialists. We have made one glaring example in unseating Eric Cantor in his Primary, and there are others. Unfortunately we did not start attacking the progressive opposition early enough nor hard enough in the primary elections this cycle.
We still have the specter of split votes, that will only serve to empower our enemies, hanging over our heads. Many well meaning and honorable people are totally fed up with the corrupt and self centered practices of both parties for not properly representing the people who elected them. I understand the reasons they want to just stop supporting either party and really believe that voting for neither of them will send some kind of message that will straighten them up. What they don't seem to realize is this is exactly the mindset these two parties want the average voter to believe in because it enhances their chances of keeping their positions in perpetuity.
I have advocated for a single minded focus and unity among all the disaffected voters to oppose the progressive juggernaut systematically and with the solid chance of ending it for good.Many good people feel it is time for a third party to rise and kick the collective butts of both the Republicans and the Democrats, and by doing so kick the Progressive Socialists and their destructive philosophy into the dust bin of history. Guess what? I see the logic and necessity of doing that myself, and I have always been against it up til now.
To do that will be as dangerous as it gets, because the Progressives and the hard line establishment leaders of both parties will be gunning for us with a tenfold increase in attacks in hopes of ending the threat to their usurped powers. We have to go about this systematically and carefully with every move planed out in advance. We need to field a workable way to get rid of the incumbents without any backlash as happened in the Cochran-McDaniel race. The basic premise was valid with McDaniel pushing to win the Primary Election against Cochran, and he probably would have made it in the first round if everyone woke up enough to get off their asses and went out to vote. Remember that caveat, We Must Get Out The Vote.
Anyone can readily see where the Progressive Elites used dirty underhanded methods to gang up on McDaniel with a Sworn lefty Democratic Socialist like Mike Bloomberg donating $250,000 to a Republican's campaign through a PAC.While not illegal for him to do so, it was highly dishonorable and showed the world his true colors of being a rabid Elitist defending his presumed territory of total control over the masses of to him lesser beings. then we have the allegations of buying votes through the playing of a False Race Card to agitate the predominantly black MS voters to switch sides in the run off primary strictly to insure McDaniel's loss. to me this shows the depths of dishonorable conduct both fanatical sides (establishment republicans and hard left Democratic Socialists) will go to disenfranchise the American voter's will.
The main and immediate danger we face is moving too quickly and without a single minded plan to oust the Progressive influence. I know I am harping on this theme, but I definitely see the clear danger of many good people reacting with many diverse plan to defeat the incumbents and scattering our power while the Progressives unite theirs to win. I have a plan. I have drawn from several sources, including the Socialist takeover of the Democratic Party and how other sitting governments were changed. I do not and will not ever mean to overthrow the government of the United States, I simply mean to oust the corrupt and anti-American factions that are infecting it by using all the legal means granted in the Constitution.
If we want to be successful in this endeavor we will have to think outside the box, and have mutually agreed on tactics planned out in advance with agreed on back up plans for every contingency the sitting opposition will throw at us. Boy will they throw it at us. What I propose is basically Political Warfare of the bloodless kind, but Warfare none the less.
We must be able to do two major things at the outset;
1.Dominate the 2014 elections and vote the incumbent Democrats out.
2. Work towards the 2016 Primaries that we will need to control and then Dominate to maintain that control.
To eject the incumbent Democratic Socialists we need to USE the only party that has a chance of defeating them (Republicans) and pretend that we are going to support their hypocritical choices for candidates.Doing this will give us a two year window to formulate, agree on the methodology, and refine the next phase that will be necessary to accomplish our goals of cleaning up our political system, and launching a Third Party. I promise you if we stick to the plan, it will be the last time the hard line establishment Republican RINO faction, and the hard left/NWO Democratic Socialist faction has a major say in who gets into office. If we come together for the benefit of ourselves and our Republic, it will be the people who choose their representatives as it was originally intended to be by the Founders. Again, to win we must Dominate the Primaries! To get to the primaries and avoid the possibility of the Incumbent Democratic Socialists maintaining their numbers in positions of power, we will need breathing room.
Now for the plan; As I have repeatedly stated, we must be able to dominate the primary elections for both major parties if we are to be successful in regaining our rightful power and control over our government. This plan goes for both Federal and State Governments with the Primal Target being the Congressional primaries for the 2016 election cycle. We The People must absolutely band together to Dominate that 2016 Primary and have contingency plans to defeat any any all dirty tricks the Progressive, Rino, and legitimate establishment hard line leaderships will throw at us.
To do that we must form or use existing State by State groups dedicated to removing the blight from our Nations Government. If we could utilize the resources of all the like minded groups and factions within each State, and focus them towards a single minded goal, we would be unstoppable. These groups will have to work together and do the necessary ground pounding and door bell ringing necessary to accomplish this phase. The groups will have to be organized along these lines; The composite of all the groups will have to agree on who they want to run for the State Senators and work State Wide to get petitions signed and certified to place their picks (4 of them) on both the Democratic and Republican Primary ballots over and above all of the objections and attempts of those parties to disqualify the 4 picks. Everyone will also have to work hard to get out the vote for their picks.
The other necessary division of these groups will have to be on a district by district basis, where the individuals in the district pick who they want to run against the incumbents so they can place their picks on the ballots of both parties against the wishes of the hard line party establishment leadership. They must also do the work to get the petitions signed and certified, the doorbell ringing, and the ground pounding to make the people aware in their districts what is at stake in the 2016 elections. The key premise of this is to inject the peoples choices into the mix over and above of any and all objections by the establishments in both parties.
None of this excludes certain incumbents from being picked by the people who through their voting have been proven to be honorable representatives who actually represent the people who voted for them and obey Constitutional Law thus honoring their oaths of office to protect and defend the Constitution. The main weakness in this plan is the people themselves. If they do not stick together and continue working for the goal of removing the blight from our government, it will fall flat for lack of participation, and we will actually deserve the form of government the Elites will force on us.
Bloomberg donates $250,000.00 To A Republican RINO?
I see that That dastardly Anti-Gun Anti- Constitution, probably Anti-Freedom & Liberty Michael Bloomberg has decided to try and buy an election. Where's Harry Reid and his scathing comments about this sort of thing now? Oh what's that, Oh Yeah I forgot, it does not apply if you are supporting someone the Progressive Socialists want to win.
Michael Bloomberg, a Native of New York has reared his ugly head in Mississippi with a $250,000.00 gift to Thad Cochran's campaign using the same laws that Harry Reid is stumping against over the Koch Brothers. What's that I don't hear? Nothing yet from Reid condemning the move as immoral and usurping the American public's voting rights by trying to buy an election. Don't forget Bloomberg in his indiscriminate lack of wisdom and hate of all things Constitutional, has pledged $50 Million Dollars towards Gun confiscation er Control this year. Bloomberg used the self same methods of a super pac to donate to the candidate of his choice, just like the Koch Brothers do but sans rhetoric from the court jester Harry Reid.
What's that? You don't believe an upstanding Gun-Grabbing Progressive Elitist would do such a thing?
Here's Proof:
Michael Bloomberg, a Native of New York has reared his ugly head in Mississippi with a $250,000.00 gift to Thad Cochran's campaign using the same laws that Harry Reid is stumping against over the Koch Brothers. What's that I don't hear? Nothing yet from Reid condemning the move as immoral and usurping the American public's voting rights by trying to buy an election. Don't forget Bloomberg in his indiscriminate lack of wisdom and hate of all things Constitutional, has pledged $50 Million Dollars towards Gun confiscation er Control this year. Bloomberg used the self same methods of a super pac to donate to the candidate of his choice, just like the Koch Brothers do but sans rhetoric from the court jester Harry Reid.
What's that? You don't believe an upstanding Gun-Grabbing Progressive Elitist would do such a thing?
Here's Proof:
This is just one week before the run off election. Timing's kinda suspicious. I hope and Pray to God the same thing happens here that happened to Eric Cantor. that would show the belligerent Elitists they do not have total control over our hearts and minds. It would also send a very chilling message to every politico who has ignored the people who put them in office and then just ignored proper representation for their wishes.
The underlying reason is most probably because Cochran's opponent Chris McDaniel has a record in the Mississippi Legislature of standing up for American's Gun Rights. I really can't see why an Eastern Progressive Democratic Socialist would spend so much money on a Republican Candidate otherwise. Watch the mud slinging begin against McDaniel and Cochran being presented as a beneficent champion of the peoples interests. Just look at his record to see the truth.
Speaking of Records, lets view the highlights of McDaniel's record. He has been a State Senator that defended Gun Rights of the people of Mississippi. His Record in the state Senate has earned him high ratings from Gun Rights Advocate groups like the Gun Owners of America. Actually he received the GOA's highest rating. McDaniel did several things that Cochran seems to be politically opposed to.
1. McDaniel Sponsored the Mississippi Firearms Freedom Act.
2. McDaniel Sponsored a concealed carry reciprocity Act.
3. McDaniel Co-sponsored legislation expanding concealed carry in three consecutive years.
4. McDaniel Sponsored a 'Tax Holiday' for gun owners and sportsmen in 2012.
McDaniel shows the backbone that is needed to stand up to Barack Obama and his nefarious Crony's in Congress like Reid and also the bureaucracies. Since we can't keep the Bloomberg Millions and the money from other multi-millionaires out of the equation, we need to encourage support for McDaniel by all the Gun Owners and Second Amendment Warriors.
Those are my reasons for believing in Chris McDaniel over the proven RINO record of Thad Cochran. Besides 42 years is plenty for what was once supposed to be a part time job by the Founders, then return to private endeavors. Not as a lifetime occupation.
The underlying reason is most probably because Cochran's opponent Chris McDaniel has a record in the Mississippi Legislature of standing up for American's Gun Rights. I really can't see why an Eastern Progressive Democratic Socialist would spend so much money on a Republican Candidate otherwise. Watch the mud slinging begin against McDaniel and Cochran being presented as a beneficent champion of the peoples interests. Just look at his record to see the truth.
Speaking of Records, lets view the highlights of McDaniel's record. He has been a State Senator that defended Gun Rights of the people of Mississippi. His Record in the state Senate has earned him high ratings from Gun Rights Advocate groups like the Gun Owners of America. Actually he received the GOA's highest rating. McDaniel did several things that Cochran seems to be politically opposed to.
1. McDaniel Sponsored the Mississippi Firearms Freedom Act.
2. McDaniel Sponsored a concealed carry reciprocity Act.
3. McDaniel Co-sponsored legislation expanding concealed carry in three consecutive years.
4. McDaniel Sponsored a 'Tax Holiday' for gun owners and sportsmen in 2012.
McDaniel shows the backbone that is needed to stand up to Barack Obama and his nefarious Crony's in Congress like Reid and also the bureaucracies. Since we can't keep the Bloomberg Millions and the money from other multi-millionaires out of the equation, we need to encourage support for McDaniel by all the Gun Owners and Second Amendment Warriors.
Those are my reasons for believing in Chris McDaniel over the proven RINO record of Thad Cochran. Besides 42 years is plenty for what was once supposed to be a part time job by the Founders, then return to private endeavors. Not as a lifetime occupation.
Newest Threat To American Voting Rights And Our Ability To Choose Who Will Run In Future Elections!
I have been made aware of a clear threat to how we run our Primary Elections. I actually believe it has come about in response to several plans to win the elections and oust the incumbent progressive socialists in the primary elections. There is a well organized and funded group out there that wants to turn the voting into a pure Democracy Function with 50% +1 the winners. It is an all out move by the Liberal Socialist Progressives and their factions to make America a 100% Democracy so it will fall on it's own. If they are successful,the Constitution will be essentially VOIDED, and not just suspended by the Progressive Socialist Factions like it is now!!!
The threat comes from the IndependentVoting.org 'The Hub'. You can see for yourself by going to that site and see what they are trying to do. Basically they want non-partisan primaries. On the surface it would seem to block the two major parties and give everyone an equal chance. In reality it will turn everything upside down in the elections because the Socialist factions will purposely support the anti-conservatives and make sure there is not another Ted Cruz or Mike Lee ever able to run or elected again.
The Independent voter organization was founded 20 years ago by ultra Liberal activists, and has been gaining traction ever since. This is just another thing in a long line of attacks against the basic premise of America by the Progressive factions. The founders, Jackie Salit and Dr. Lenora Fulani, were honored in NYC at the same meeting that activist Jason Martinez and co-founder of Moveon.org, Moms Rising,and Living Room Conversations, Joan Blades were honored. Does anyone else see the trail to George and Jonathan Soros and their designs for destroying America from within?
We think we are making some headway against the Progressive infection, but the deeper we dig, the more we are finding. Over the last hundred years the progressives have established a system that can be likened to an onion with it's many layers, or maybe even akin to the Labyrinth Maze of mythology. The main point is, if we even think about voting for an independent, we probably will be supporting the wishes of George Soros and the other Progressives.
We have been warned, it's up to us to take the proper actions in the November elections or lose the Nation. Which will it be America? You Decide!
The Tradesman
The threat comes from the IndependentVoting.org 'The Hub'. You can see for yourself by going to that site and see what they are trying to do. Basically they want non-partisan primaries. On the surface it would seem to block the two major parties and give everyone an equal chance. In reality it will turn everything upside down in the elections because the Socialist factions will purposely support the anti-conservatives and make sure there is not another Ted Cruz or Mike Lee ever able to run or elected again.
The Independent voter organization was founded 20 years ago by ultra Liberal activists, and has been gaining traction ever since. This is just another thing in a long line of attacks against the basic premise of America by the Progressive factions. The founders, Jackie Salit and Dr. Lenora Fulani, were honored in NYC at the same meeting that activist Jason Martinez and co-founder of Moveon.org, Moms Rising,and Living Room Conversations, Joan Blades were honored. Does anyone else see the trail to George and Jonathan Soros and their designs for destroying America from within?
We think we are making some headway against the Progressive infection, but the deeper we dig, the more we are finding. Over the last hundred years the progressives have established a system that can be likened to an onion with it's many layers, or maybe even akin to the Labyrinth Maze of mythology. The main point is, if we even think about voting for an independent, we probably will be supporting the wishes of George Soros and the other Progressives.
We have been warned, it's up to us to take the proper actions in the November elections or lose the Nation. Which will it be America? You Decide!
The Tradesman
Operation ChokePoint
Very Recently rumors have been surfacing about a new wrinkle in the Obama/Holder stealth firearms ban/confiscation project or rather agenda to prevent arms from being accessed by law abiding American citizens. The information comes out from the Federal "Operation Chokepoint" program. That program is supposed to target payday lenders and Pornographers, but instead is targeting firearm manufacturers and sellers. It seems that the Holder Injustice Department is using Federal Financial Services Regulators to harass and control financial service providers through intimidation.
They are targeting the very providers whom they deem have 'relationships' with legal but 'high risk' businesses. The original program was set to target businesses such as pay day lenders, escort services, porn producers, and sellers of drug paraphernalia. It was presented in that way so it would gain approval in the political arena so politicians could point to it and say look what I'm fighting even though though all those businesses are severely regulated and completely legal but not socially acceptable to most Americans.
Originally in the minds of the uninformed and low information citizens, it seemed a laudable if not overdue project. However, in practice there was nothing within it to limit it to those practices nor even to insure that it would be used against them in other than a cursory manner. What is beginning to float to the surface on this is the DOJ and their controlled minions are leaning on lending banks to coerce them to stop lending to firearms sellers, manufacturers, and the same for ammunition manufacturers who sell to the public, evidently those who sell only to the government are exempt from the harassment. The basis behind this is the Regulators will cause the banks to sever relationships with the businesses and force those businesses out of business.
Where the hell does the Government come off destroying a legitimate and perfectly legal business just to satisfy an Unconstitutional Agenda to ban civilian ownership of firearms? The Obama Administration has always held the American Public in disdain for their beliefs on Liberty and rule by Constitutional Law. Since it has not gotten it's corrupt plans to disarm the public through Congress it is trying to subvert the laws of the land to achieve it's dastardly ideals and impost them on Law Abiding Americans.
In case you are wondering, the NRA reported on this last January ( http://www.nranews.com/commentators/video/iain-murray-private-lending-and-operation-choke-point/list/commentator-feature ), and even Breitbart commented in January ( http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/01/09/Congressman-Issa-Demands-Answers-from-Attorney-General-Holder-on-Operation-Choke-Point ) citing Rep. Darrell Issa who is the chairman of the House oversight and reform committee, and Rep. Jim Jordan who is chairman of the Economic Growth Subcommittee, of sending Holder a letter demanding further information on the program.
In the letter, Issa and Jordan stated, "the [House Oversight and Government Reform] Committee is concerned that both the goal and mechanisms of Operation Choke Point may constitute a serious mismanagement and abuse of the Department's FIRREA [Financial Institution Reform and Recovery Act of 1989] authority."
The NRA in a follow up report ( http://www.nranews.com/commentators/video/andrew-langer-operation-choke-point/list/channel-guide ) in the NRA news in April interviewed Andrew Langer ( Institute for Liberty) who said the program was expanding. The House Committee on Financial Services held a hearing ( http://financialservices.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=374904 ) where concerns over 'Operation Chokepoint' were expressed from both sides of the aisle. The NRA even has listings of banks like 'Bank of America' that have severed their relationships with the firearms industry ( http://www.nraila.org/news-issues/articles/2012/nra-investigating-story-concerning-bank-of-america.aspx?s=%22Bank+of+America%22&st=&ps= ). It's not only banks that are acceding to the intimidation of the corrupt Administration on this subject. Services like Google Shopping, E-Bay, Craigslist, and Pay-Pal are now refusing to host listings for sales of firearms or ammunition.
Various Progressive millionaire funded Anti-Gun groups have had varying degrees of success ( http://www.nraila.org/news-issues/articles/2014/3/anti-gunners-want-help-from-whom.aspx?s=starbucks+2013&st=&ps= ) that arch Anti-Gun Millionaire Michael Bloomberg through his recently accquired anit-gun franchise "Mom's demand action for gun sense in America".
Bloomberg has used his massive fortune to also help fund his pet project Mayors against guns, and his rabidly anti-gun mayors have advanced plans to use city contracts to impose their personal gun control wishes even with the usual hard push back from their Police Departments. Even some pension plans have fallen victim to the Anti gun attacks . The NRA has affirmed their intent to continue monitoring the events as they transpire and keep the American public informed like they have on these issues.
The public needs to be made aware of all of these infringements on our Constitutionally protected Liberties and Freedoms the corrupt and ideologically inimical Administration is perpetrating on the American public through the auspices of the DOJ to give them the color of law. Remember that in opposition to that corrupt Administration, the Firearm industry is experiencing an unprecedented growth in it's sales. That is a thumb to the nose so to speak to Obama and the Progressives who want to disarm us and impose a gun ban agenda.
Time to stop this cold.
The Tradesman
They are targeting the very providers whom they deem have 'relationships' with legal but 'high risk' businesses. The original program was set to target businesses such as pay day lenders, escort services, porn producers, and sellers of drug paraphernalia. It was presented in that way so it would gain approval in the political arena so politicians could point to it and say look what I'm fighting even though though all those businesses are severely regulated and completely legal but not socially acceptable to most Americans.
Originally in the minds of the uninformed and low information citizens, it seemed a laudable if not overdue project. However, in practice there was nothing within it to limit it to those practices nor even to insure that it would be used against them in other than a cursory manner. What is beginning to float to the surface on this is the DOJ and their controlled minions are leaning on lending banks to coerce them to stop lending to firearms sellers, manufacturers, and the same for ammunition manufacturers who sell to the public, evidently those who sell only to the government are exempt from the harassment. The basis behind this is the Regulators will cause the banks to sever relationships with the businesses and force those businesses out of business.
Where the hell does the Government come off destroying a legitimate and perfectly legal business just to satisfy an Unconstitutional Agenda to ban civilian ownership of firearms? The Obama Administration has always held the American Public in disdain for their beliefs on Liberty and rule by Constitutional Law. Since it has not gotten it's corrupt plans to disarm the public through Congress it is trying to subvert the laws of the land to achieve it's dastardly ideals and impost them on Law Abiding Americans.
In case you are wondering, the NRA reported on this last January ( http://www.nranews.com/commentators/video/iain-murray-private-lending-and-operation-choke-point/list/commentator-feature ), and even Breitbart commented in January ( http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/01/09/Congressman-Issa-Demands-Answers-from-Attorney-General-Holder-on-Operation-Choke-Point ) citing Rep. Darrell Issa who is the chairman of the House oversight and reform committee, and Rep. Jim Jordan who is chairman of the Economic Growth Subcommittee, of sending Holder a letter demanding further information on the program.
In the letter, Issa and Jordan stated, "the [House Oversight and Government Reform] Committee is concerned that both the goal and mechanisms of Operation Choke Point may constitute a serious mismanagement and abuse of the Department's FIRREA [Financial Institution Reform and Recovery Act of 1989] authority."
The NRA in a follow up report ( http://www.nranews.com/commentators/video/andrew-langer-operation-choke-point/list/channel-guide ) in the NRA news in April interviewed Andrew Langer ( Institute for Liberty) who said the program was expanding. The House Committee on Financial Services held a hearing ( http://financialservices.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=374904 ) where concerns over 'Operation Chokepoint' were expressed from both sides of the aisle. The NRA even has listings of banks like 'Bank of America' that have severed their relationships with the firearms industry ( http://www.nraila.org/news-issues/articles/2012/nra-investigating-story-concerning-bank-of-america.aspx?s=%22Bank+of+America%22&st=&ps= ). It's not only banks that are acceding to the intimidation of the corrupt Administration on this subject. Services like Google Shopping, E-Bay, Craigslist, and Pay-Pal are now refusing to host listings for sales of firearms or ammunition.
Various Progressive millionaire funded Anti-Gun groups have had varying degrees of success ( http://www.nraila.org/news-issues/articles/2014/3/anti-gunners-want-help-from-whom.aspx?s=starbucks+2013&st=&ps= ) that arch Anti-Gun Millionaire Michael Bloomberg through his recently accquired anit-gun franchise "Mom's demand action for gun sense in America".
Bloomberg has used his massive fortune to also help fund his pet project Mayors against guns, and his rabidly anti-gun mayors have advanced plans to use city contracts to impose their personal gun control wishes even with the usual hard push back from their Police Departments. Even some pension plans have fallen victim to the Anti gun attacks . The NRA has affirmed their intent to continue monitoring the events as they transpire and keep the American public informed like they have on these issues.
The public needs to be made aware of all of these infringements on our Constitutionally protected Liberties and Freedoms the corrupt and ideologically inimical Administration is perpetrating on the American public through the auspices of the DOJ to give them the color of law. Remember that in opposition to that corrupt Administration, the Firearm industry is experiencing an unprecedented growth in it's sales. That is a thumb to the nose so to speak to Obama and the Progressives who want to disarm us and impose a gun ban agenda.
Time to stop this cold.
The Tradesman
Ben Franklin Warned us, Join or Die!
The Cardinal Sin that 50% of the public makes is the unforgivable sin of Complacency. If that fact is not overcome soon it will be our and the Republic's Downfall. The 50% of the public that sits back and either refuses to or can't face the truth about what is happening are just as great a threat to America as those bent on making us a Socialist Nation. This is guaranteed to happen if we don't wake up to the facts as they are, and get out and vote!!!
It is the IMPLIED DUTY of EVERY American Citizen to protect and defend the Constitution that we have agreed to live under. Those that would bring it down or ignore it's requirements are in fact TRAITORS to America and it's people. They should be dealt with accordingly by the legal system. Unfortunately That has been co-opted by Socialist forces too.
So, where do we stand? As I see it we have two choices.
Choice 1. We can lie down roll over and play dead by agreeing to every whim and happenstance of the current Administration and let the Greed totally destroy our Country through redistribution of the wealth until those working decide to stop and let everything collapse.
Choice 2. We can band together like our forefathers did during the Revolution, and the Grand Army of the Republic did during the Civil War, and our Grandfathers and Fathers did during both World Wars, Korea,Vietnam, and the Mid-East conflicts and defend this Great Nation by Waging our own War at the Ballot Box in 2014. YES, it will be a WAR at the Ballot Box. We can only win that War of Ideologies at the Ballot Box, not in the streets. Never in the streets because the left is slavering for us to try that so they can really crack down on us with the full military might they temporarily control. We need to opt for Choice 2.
I have heard that during the times at the beginning of the Revolutionary War, about 65% of the population stayed neutral until there was a clear cut victory by either side. That is happening now with about the same percentages, but it will have disastrous results if it is allowed to go on. In this fast paced age we have to block and eliminate the threats before they become the law of the land and are next to impossible to remove.
We need several things to happen soon.
1. We need all the help that a Large majority of numbers can deliver.
2. We need to use those majority of numbers to Dominate First and foremost, the remaining Primary Elections. Then go on to dominate the general election we need to get the highest concentration of true conservatives into seats in Congress as fast as we can, and keep them there.
3. All the National Tea Parties and affiliated groups that are working individually to bring about a return to a true Republic must of necessity join forces and approach that goal through a simple direct plan that all will subscribe to like taking over the Republican Party and stacking it with Conservatives by throwing out all the RINOs and Establishment professional politicians.
4. We need to rid the Congress of every single Democratic Socialist no matter which Party they are Hiding in and keep them out of any semblance of political power at any level from local up to federal. If we don't get rid of the Socialist influence soon, the Socialists will do what Nikita Khrushchev said they would do, and bury us as a Capitalistic & Free Nation.
5. We need all the State Coordinators for all the Tea Parties and affiliated or like groups to hold a summit within the next two months and forge a plan we will all work towards for the final victory of our age. After that we must put in place safeguards that will prevent the subtle takeover by nefarious forces for as long as the United States is in existence.
When I am talking about the Tea Parties and affiliates I mean the TPP, Tea Party Express, and every other National or Local Tea Party in existence in this Country. The Affiliates are groups like the National Taxpayers Union, the DAR, SAR, & every other patriotic group that objects to what the Socialists are doing to us. We need to join or die like Benjamin Franklin warned the feuding Colonies and that advice is as valid today as it was then. After we take back the Republic we can iron out our differences.
To truly make a difference in 2014 we must bring together every single person and group that objects to the Un-American treatment that the Administration and the Senate has inflicted us with. We have to put our differences aside and Dominate the Primary and then the Election. The only thing that should save any incumbents job is a long standing background of voting Conservative on all the previous issues. Remember the opposition has been organizing since November 2010 when we first showed our unified power to stand against the oppressors of Liberty.
In short; We must heed what Benjamin Franklin said so many years ago "Unite or Die!"
The Tradesman
It is the IMPLIED DUTY of EVERY American Citizen to protect and defend the Constitution that we have agreed to live under. Those that would bring it down or ignore it's requirements are in fact TRAITORS to America and it's people. They should be dealt with accordingly by the legal system. Unfortunately That has been co-opted by Socialist forces too.
So, where do we stand? As I see it we have two choices.
Choice 1. We can lie down roll over and play dead by agreeing to every whim and happenstance of the current Administration and let the Greed totally destroy our Country through redistribution of the wealth until those working decide to stop and let everything collapse.
Choice 2. We can band together like our forefathers did during the Revolution, and the Grand Army of the Republic did during the Civil War, and our Grandfathers and Fathers did during both World Wars, Korea,Vietnam, and the Mid-East conflicts and defend this Great Nation by Waging our own War at the Ballot Box in 2014. YES, it will be a WAR at the Ballot Box. We can only win that War of Ideologies at the Ballot Box, not in the streets. Never in the streets because the left is slavering for us to try that so they can really crack down on us with the full military might they temporarily control. We need to opt for Choice 2.
I have heard that during the times at the beginning of the Revolutionary War, about 65% of the population stayed neutral until there was a clear cut victory by either side. That is happening now with about the same percentages, but it will have disastrous results if it is allowed to go on. In this fast paced age we have to block and eliminate the threats before they become the law of the land and are next to impossible to remove.
We need several things to happen soon.
1. We need all the help that a Large majority of numbers can deliver.
2. We need to use those majority of numbers to Dominate First and foremost, the remaining Primary Elections. Then go on to dominate the general election we need to get the highest concentration of true conservatives into seats in Congress as fast as we can, and keep them there.
3. All the National Tea Parties and affiliated groups that are working individually to bring about a return to a true Republic must of necessity join forces and approach that goal through a simple direct plan that all will subscribe to like taking over the Republican Party and stacking it with Conservatives by throwing out all the RINOs and Establishment professional politicians.
4. We need to rid the Congress of every single Democratic Socialist no matter which Party they are Hiding in and keep them out of any semblance of political power at any level from local up to federal. If we don't get rid of the Socialist influence soon, the Socialists will do what Nikita Khrushchev said they would do, and bury us as a Capitalistic & Free Nation.
5. We need all the State Coordinators for all the Tea Parties and affiliated or like groups to hold a summit within the next two months and forge a plan we will all work towards for the final victory of our age. After that we must put in place safeguards that will prevent the subtle takeover by nefarious forces for as long as the United States is in existence.
When I am talking about the Tea Parties and affiliates I mean the TPP, Tea Party Express, and every other National or Local Tea Party in existence in this Country. The Affiliates are groups like the National Taxpayers Union, the DAR, SAR, & every other patriotic group that objects to what the Socialists are doing to us. We need to join or die like Benjamin Franklin warned the feuding Colonies and that advice is as valid today as it was then. After we take back the Republic we can iron out our differences.
To truly make a difference in 2014 we must bring together every single person and group that objects to the Un-American treatment that the Administration and the Senate has inflicted us with. We have to put our differences aside and Dominate the Primary and then the Election. The only thing that should save any incumbents job is a long standing background of voting Conservative on all the previous issues. Remember the opposition has been organizing since November 2010 when we first showed our unified power to stand against the oppressors of Liberty.
In short; We must heed what Benjamin Franklin said so many years ago "Unite or Die!"
The Tradesman
The Democrats’ Strategic Ambiguity Rebuttal
Source; A National Memo Article by By E. J. Dionne
the article; 'The Democrats Strategic Ambiguity.'
This self serving piece needs to be critically looked at line by line and debunked.
Mr. Dionne's first line is " Bragging about what they've achieved is what incumbent politicians do."
(* I have no objections to that statement, and believe it's true for all politicians.) My comments in this format.
Mr. Dionne goes on to cite a string of Conservatives and strangely enough neglects to add in any Liberals in his next line. " Ronald Reagan brought morning to America. Nelson Rockefeller, running for his fourth term as governor of New York in 1970, had a snappy slogan:'He's done a lot. He'll do more.' British prime minister Harold McMillan told voters in the late '50s they 'never had it so good.'
(* Somehow I am getting the vague impression from the way this was stated, tends to make it sound like these were not the normal types of slogans that both sides usually use to get the attention and votes of the people. Mr. Dionne seems to imply they were in some way arrogant disparaging remarks made against a public that the politicians in question held in intellectual contempt.) Maybe that just feeling comes from reading all the anti conservative views that Mr. Dionne has penned over the decades. What do you think?
Mr. Dionne's next line; " But as democrats struggle to hang on to the Senate this year ( and try against the odds to take over the House), they are not in their usual boasting mood.
(* Does it seem to you that Mr. Dionne is somehow casting the Democrats in the underdog position and are being bullied by the Conservative faction for their "manifest duty to help all of mankind by redistributing funds and leveling the playing field to the lowest common denominator?" Poor abused Democratic Socialists never seem to be understood by anyone they are not helping with other peoples money, especially by other people who's money they use to provide that help.)
I especially take umbrage at the next lines; "Some of their candidates actively praise the Affordable Care Act, but others talk more about how they would fix it. Most Democrats hailed this month’s excellent jobs numbers, but so much of the party’s message this year stresses a squeezed middle class and the problems of stagnating wages and economic inequality. “You’ve never had it so good” is not in their talking points.
More than anyone, President Obama can expound on how much better things are now than they were when the economy was near collapse in 2009. But a campaign speech he offered at a Democratic fundraiser last week in La Jolla, California, nicely captured the party’s two-track argument."
(* When Obama made that statement about a free falling economy he neglected to state the reasons for it. All of the damage to the economy was caused by the Democrats in Congress who created the housing bubble with Fannie may and Freddie mac lowered standards, and the sales of debt that were the overriding features of the financial collapse. When Obama stated about the 9.2 million new jobs, he neglected to indicate that most of them were part time and temporary, and did not replace the vast number of lost jobs due to the shortsightedness of the Democrats Overtax and Spend that drove many manufacturers out of the country. And finally when Obama spoke about the auto industry come roaring back he said nothing about the Billions of dollars of private investors money that was lost when the auto companies declared bankruptcy, nor about the Billions of Taxpayer dollars lost in the bailouts of the auto industry, but all the dollars that were lost to the other bailouts.)
I will say that Dionne did spank the Democrats 'widdle paddys' with this line " It's a lot of good news. But note the word "significant" it's less buoyant than, say,"fantastic" or "wonderful". The understatement reflected what Obama said a moment later:" What we also know is that the American Public is anxious."
(* Mr Dionne seems to make light of the issues and takes issue with semantics instead of content of what the Democrats did or did not do. He even calls it an understatement about the American Public being 'Anxious'. Hell's Bells, the American Public is downright terrified about the direction that the Obama administration is taking the Country, along with the assault on the Constitutional Freedoms, and the lack of the Administration to follow Constitutional law except when it suits their purpose.)
Mr Dionne espouses the Current Democratic buzz about income equality by saying; "{The president listed the many sources of that anxiety, concluding with a central Democratic theme: that “for a couple of decades now, even when we’re growing, even when corporate profits are soaring, incomes, wages have not gone up.” For “ordinary Americans,” he said, the improvement “hasn't translated into greater financial security.”}"
Then Mr.Dionne like every other dyed in the wool believer goes on to say;" Obama’s be-happy-but-worry theme is justified by the facts but it leads to a peculiar imbalance in the campaign dialogue. Republicans rail against everything Obama has done. Their agenda may look like a catalog of Fox News obsessions — last month it was Obamacare, currently it’s Benghazi. But they will not stop blaming Obama and his party for all the country’s shortcomings. Democrats, by contrast, feel constrained from offering an unambiguously sunny rebuttal.
The long-term stall in middle-class incomes Obama described is one reason they can’t. Most Democrats also have a philosophical commitment to reducing inequalities. They may hold the White House but they are not championing the status quo."
(* Isn't it just typical and expected that the Democrats tend to blame everything on the Republicans as their tired old mantra of shifting the blame? Which party blocked every budget proposal from coming to the floor in the Senate? Which party forced Obamacare on the American public who did not want it? Look how he tries to negate the importance of the Benghazi issue or the Obamacare issue. He even manages to make it look like the Democrats are constraining themselves from a sunny rebuttal of the issues, when their is no rebuttal possible except accepting the culpability for them. He even tries to make it look like the Obamacrats are concerned about the status quo. Is he trying to hide the fact that the Obamacrats are the most self serving and divisive group to hit main stream politics in the modern era?)
Mr. Dionne's next line, "The party’s candidates fear that if they are too upbeat, they’ll look out of touch with a country whose spirits aren’t very high. The RealClearPolitics polling averages show that over the last month, only 28 percent of Americans saw the country as being on the right track; 63 percent said it was moving in the wrong direction."
(* Saying this about the parties candidates fearing if they are too upbeat they will look like they are out of touch with the country, means that Dionne like his Democrat promoting peers, is the one who is actually out of touch with the mainstream citizens of this country. I don't know where he got his poll numbers, but I don't trust polls from either side since they are usually created to show a fore gone conclusion before the first question is asked.)
In a two faced backhanded slap at the Republicans Dionne quoted;"It’s not a contradiction, but there is a tension between the administration wanting to argue for success on health care and the economy and House and Senate candidates who want to identify with the many voters who are still struggling in the economy,” said Anna Greenberg, a Democratic pollster with many clients on the ballot this fall. “And many of the independent expenditure groups will be talking about the Koch brothers and other big-money groups on the right who are tilting Washington against the interests of average people.”
(* this really takes the spin cake, saying something about the Democrats wanting to tout their Obamacare and economy success (?), and condemning the Republican's for trying to dismantle something that most Americans want gone because of the increased financial burden placed on them. All the while he is spinning the facts and admitting many voters are still struggling with the economy. This spin is so convoluted it is ludicrous. As far as the Democratic polls go, he does admit that the pollster has many Democratic clients on the ballot. Wouldn't that necessitate her spinning the facts so the low information voters will vote for her client candidates? The real prize in this bit, and it is the party line most touted by that Democratic Standard bearer Harry Reid who vitriolically condemns the Koch brothers as trying to buy the elections and not bothering to mention the Billionaires like ' billionaire ex-hedge-fund manager Tom Steyer ' flushing massive amounts of money into the Democratic coffers. By the way while Steyer has donated Mucho Dinero to the Democratic cause, of course he expects to make even more than he donated because he is heavily invested in competing projects to the Keystone pipeline ( he donated $50 million to democratic candidates opposed to it.) and in 'Green energy Companies' ( he donated another $50 Million in support of Global warming Initiatives). I guess that the Progressive Democrats don't worry about their Dual Standards when someone is financially supporting them and their pet causes. Isn't Crony Capitalism Grand???)
Dionne's final line in the article; "Reality is what reality is, and it will take many more months of growth to change the country’s disposition. But even as Democrats respond to widespread discontent, they also need to convince Americans that Obama’s tenure gives them a good deal to cheer about. Doing both at once is more challenging than incessantly repeating the word “Benghazi.”"
(*In his parting shot, Dionne snipes at the people who want answers about the inaction's in the Benghazi Issue. He also backhandedly admits the Democrats need to convince the rank and file public that they have a good deal to cheer about because of Obama's tenure. Really? What should we cheer about? The lost jobs? The increased healthcare costs? The over regulation that is destroying American small and large businesses? The loss of Constitutional Liberties? The invasion of privacy by the NSA? The attack on conservatives by the IRS? The many outright lies the Administration and Obama have been caught out short on? Exactly what do we have to cheer about? It makes me wonder just what the Progressives and their peers consider 'Reality to be?'. )
I know that Mr. Dionne believes that the Progressives and the '|Greatest Generation made the world "Safe for Democracy" Well the Progressive politicians did in fact make the world safe for democracy, unfortunately they made it untenable for the Republic to prosper. that's my parting shot, and in the tradition the Progressives know and do best, it is not about the above article, just changing the point to show how it's done.
The Tradesman
P.S. If you want to make a statement to E.J. Dionne here is his E-Mail address. Please keep it clean, professional, and factual. It works better that way when we confront and confuse the Liberal Progressives with the facts in a professional manner.
E.J. Dionne’s email address is ejdionne@washpost.com. Twitter: @EJDionne. let him know how you feel.
the article; 'The Democrats Strategic Ambiguity.'
This self serving piece needs to be critically looked at line by line and debunked.
Mr. Dionne's first line is " Bragging about what they've achieved is what incumbent politicians do."
(* I have no objections to that statement, and believe it's true for all politicians.) My comments in this format.
Mr. Dionne goes on to cite a string of Conservatives and strangely enough neglects to add in any Liberals in his next line. " Ronald Reagan brought morning to America. Nelson Rockefeller, running for his fourth term as governor of New York in 1970, had a snappy slogan:'He's done a lot. He'll do more.' British prime minister Harold McMillan told voters in the late '50s they 'never had it so good.'
(* Somehow I am getting the vague impression from the way this was stated, tends to make it sound like these were not the normal types of slogans that both sides usually use to get the attention and votes of the people. Mr. Dionne seems to imply they were in some way arrogant disparaging remarks made against a public that the politicians in question held in intellectual contempt.) Maybe that just feeling comes from reading all the anti conservative views that Mr. Dionne has penned over the decades. What do you think?
Mr. Dionne's next line; " But as democrats struggle to hang on to the Senate this year ( and try against the odds to take over the House), they are not in their usual boasting mood.
(* Does it seem to you that Mr. Dionne is somehow casting the Democrats in the underdog position and are being bullied by the Conservative faction for their "manifest duty to help all of mankind by redistributing funds and leveling the playing field to the lowest common denominator?" Poor abused Democratic Socialists never seem to be understood by anyone they are not helping with other peoples money, especially by other people who's money they use to provide that help.)
I especially take umbrage at the next lines; "Some of their candidates actively praise the Affordable Care Act, but others talk more about how they would fix it. Most Democrats hailed this month’s excellent jobs numbers, but so much of the party’s message this year stresses a squeezed middle class and the problems of stagnating wages and economic inequality. “You’ve never had it so good” is not in their talking points.
More than anyone, President Obama can expound on how much better things are now than they were when the economy was near collapse in 2009. But a campaign speech he offered at a Democratic fundraiser last week in La Jolla, California, nicely captured the party’s two-track argument."
(* When Obama made that statement about a free falling economy he neglected to state the reasons for it. All of the damage to the economy was caused by the Democrats in Congress who created the housing bubble with Fannie may and Freddie mac lowered standards, and the sales of debt that were the overriding features of the financial collapse. When Obama stated about the 9.2 million new jobs, he neglected to indicate that most of them were part time and temporary, and did not replace the vast number of lost jobs due to the shortsightedness of the Democrats Overtax and Spend that drove many manufacturers out of the country. And finally when Obama spoke about the auto industry come roaring back he said nothing about the Billions of dollars of private investors money that was lost when the auto companies declared bankruptcy, nor about the Billions of Taxpayer dollars lost in the bailouts of the auto industry, but all the dollars that were lost to the other bailouts.)
I will say that Dionne did spank the Democrats 'widdle paddys' with this line " It's a lot of good news. But note the word "significant" it's less buoyant than, say,"fantastic" or "wonderful". The understatement reflected what Obama said a moment later:" What we also know is that the American Public is anxious."
(* Mr Dionne seems to make light of the issues and takes issue with semantics instead of content of what the Democrats did or did not do. He even calls it an understatement about the American Public being 'Anxious'. Hell's Bells, the American Public is downright terrified about the direction that the Obama administration is taking the Country, along with the assault on the Constitutional Freedoms, and the lack of the Administration to follow Constitutional law except when it suits their purpose.)
Mr Dionne espouses the Current Democratic buzz about income equality by saying; "{The president listed the many sources of that anxiety, concluding with a central Democratic theme: that “for a couple of decades now, even when we’re growing, even when corporate profits are soaring, incomes, wages have not gone up.” For “ordinary Americans,” he said, the improvement “hasn't translated into greater financial security.”}"
Then Mr.Dionne like every other dyed in the wool believer goes on to say;" Obama’s be-happy-but-worry theme is justified by the facts but it leads to a peculiar imbalance in the campaign dialogue. Republicans rail against everything Obama has done. Their agenda may look like a catalog of Fox News obsessions — last month it was Obamacare, currently it’s Benghazi. But they will not stop blaming Obama and his party for all the country’s shortcomings. Democrats, by contrast, feel constrained from offering an unambiguously sunny rebuttal.
The long-term stall in middle-class incomes Obama described is one reason they can’t. Most Democrats also have a philosophical commitment to reducing inequalities. They may hold the White House but they are not championing the status quo."
(* Isn't it just typical and expected that the Democrats tend to blame everything on the Republicans as their tired old mantra of shifting the blame? Which party blocked every budget proposal from coming to the floor in the Senate? Which party forced Obamacare on the American public who did not want it? Look how he tries to negate the importance of the Benghazi issue or the Obamacare issue. He even manages to make it look like the Democrats are constraining themselves from a sunny rebuttal of the issues, when their is no rebuttal possible except accepting the culpability for them. He even tries to make it look like the Obamacrats are concerned about the status quo. Is he trying to hide the fact that the Obamacrats are the most self serving and divisive group to hit main stream politics in the modern era?)
Mr. Dionne's next line, "The party’s candidates fear that if they are too upbeat, they’ll look out of touch with a country whose spirits aren’t very high. The RealClearPolitics polling averages show that over the last month, only 28 percent of Americans saw the country as being on the right track; 63 percent said it was moving in the wrong direction."
(* Saying this about the parties candidates fearing if they are too upbeat they will look like they are out of touch with the country, means that Dionne like his Democrat promoting peers, is the one who is actually out of touch with the mainstream citizens of this country. I don't know where he got his poll numbers, but I don't trust polls from either side since they are usually created to show a fore gone conclusion before the first question is asked.)
In a two faced backhanded slap at the Republicans Dionne quoted;"It’s not a contradiction, but there is a tension between the administration wanting to argue for success on health care and the economy and House and Senate candidates who want to identify with the many voters who are still struggling in the economy,” said Anna Greenberg, a Democratic pollster with many clients on the ballot this fall. “And many of the independent expenditure groups will be talking about the Koch brothers and other big-money groups on the right who are tilting Washington against the interests of average people.”
(* this really takes the spin cake, saying something about the Democrats wanting to tout their Obamacare and economy success (?), and condemning the Republican's for trying to dismantle something that most Americans want gone because of the increased financial burden placed on them. All the while he is spinning the facts and admitting many voters are still struggling with the economy. This spin is so convoluted it is ludicrous. As far as the Democratic polls go, he does admit that the pollster has many Democratic clients on the ballot. Wouldn't that necessitate her spinning the facts so the low information voters will vote for her client candidates? The real prize in this bit, and it is the party line most touted by that Democratic Standard bearer Harry Reid who vitriolically condemns the Koch brothers as trying to buy the elections and not bothering to mention the Billionaires like ' billionaire ex-hedge-fund manager Tom Steyer ' flushing massive amounts of money into the Democratic coffers. By the way while Steyer has donated Mucho Dinero to the Democratic cause, of course he expects to make even more than he donated because he is heavily invested in competing projects to the Keystone pipeline ( he donated $50 million to democratic candidates opposed to it.) and in 'Green energy Companies' ( he donated another $50 Million in support of Global warming Initiatives). I guess that the Progressive Democrats don't worry about their Dual Standards when someone is financially supporting them and their pet causes. Isn't Crony Capitalism Grand???)
Dionne's final line in the article; "Reality is what reality is, and it will take many more months of growth to change the country’s disposition. But even as Democrats respond to widespread discontent, they also need to convince Americans that Obama’s tenure gives them a good deal to cheer about. Doing both at once is more challenging than incessantly repeating the word “Benghazi.”"
(*In his parting shot, Dionne snipes at the people who want answers about the inaction's in the Benghazi Issue. He also backhandedly admits the Democrats need to convince the rank and file public that they have a good deal to cheer about because of Obama's tenure. Really? What should we cheer about? The lost jobs? The increased healthcare costs? The over regulation that is destroying American small and large businesses? The loss of Constitutional Liberties? The invasion of privacy by the NSA? The attack on conservatives by the IRS? The many outright lies the Administration and Obama have been caught out short on? Exactly what do we have to cheer about? It makes me wonder just what the Progressives and their peers consider 'Reality to be?'. )
I know that Mr. Dionne believes that the Progressives and the '|Greatest Generation made the world "Safe for Democracy" Well the Progressive politicians did in fact make the world safe for democracy, unfortunately they made it untenable for the Republic to prosper. that's my parting shot, and in the tradition the Progressives know and do best, it is not about the above article, just changing the point to show how it's done.
The Tradesman
P.S. If you want to make a statement to E.J. Dionne here is his E-Mail address. Please keep it clean, professional, and factual. It works better that way when we confront and confuse the Liberal Progressives with the facts in a professional manner.
E.J. Dionne’s email address is ejdionne@washpost.com. Twitter: @EJDionne. let him know how you feel.
Why Is Obama And His Puppet Masters Trying To Destroy Our Energy Industry?
Barack Obama. He is the most insidious and Anti-American President bar none. He is 100 times worse then Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt put together. At least those two Presidents were no actively trying to dismantle America and utterly destroy it through "Hope and Change." I must admit he has warned us multiple times that he was going to do this. Remember his opening speech when just elected? It went something like this; "America is the greatest country in the world, help me change it". He really did mean to change it, but to change it to something that should be unacceptable to the American Public. Not make it better.
So far he has ham strung our military readiness and has fired more experienced military command line personnel than all the other presidents before him combined. He has wantonly degraded military equipment and supplies, and cancelled projects that are critical to our national defense superiority. He has outright lied about his centerpiece health care program that will over the next ten years shatter our health systems and end up costing everyone except the elites ten times the amount they spend now, on one fifth the medical coverage then.
He has tried to make Congress irrelevant with his executive orders, side stepping any legislation Congress passes that does not agree with his destruction of America agenda. Through his minions, he has tried to surrender American Sovereignty to the UN through massively one sided treaties that strip even more away from America.
Make no mistake, his agenda for destruction is as multifaceted as they come. He has reached into every facet of American lives with the same hatred of America as the Devil has for humanity. I actually feel like those two are working together on this travesty.
Lets go back a little to 2008 and see what the first warning he gave us was. He spoke about smashing the existing energy industry with green power, and he even made an unintentional slip when he said that energy costs would naturally skyrocket because of his plans. Guess what, they did rise and are still rising. He and his ilk are using the natural phenomenon of global warming caused by the sun cycles, to terrify the useful idiots into believing that we are the cause of that warming, and will all die if we don't obey his programs on clean energy.
Anyone who has been taught to think for themselves, will know that there is some global warming happening, that much of it is true. However the observations about the CO2 causing it are shown to be false. How do I know that? It is because the average temperature rise on the Earth is exactly the same as the average temperature rise on Mars as has been observed and reported by NASA (http://www.nasa.gov/centers/ames/research/2007/marswarming.html ). That FACT precludes pollution as causing more than .0001% of the increase. In fact Mars has about 95% CO2 and that has not contributed to any Mars Global Warming.
The real reasons behind the scam and lies of the Administration are to promote Obama's stated goals and to ruin American energy industries so we will be even more weakened. Has anyone else even noticed where the so called GREEN energy companies are based and who has control of them? Here's an idea, search the net so you will find out for yourselves and hopefully learn about other things the Obama Administration has been charged with doing by it's puppet masters from the world stage.
If you don't believe this, look at Obama's war on coal and gas fired power plants. He is pushing forward with these idiotic ideas even in the face of all the scandals and falling poll numbers. Even the Loyal Democrats that are not insane with Obama worship like Reid, Pelosi, Feinstein,Boxer, and Udall are distancing themselves from him in hopes on not being brought down in the mid-terms by association to the bragging of a totally idiotic rant by Obama counselor Podesta, signalling that even Congress can't stop his war on energy in America.
He (Obama) has even ordered the Democrats to support his agenda and has decided it must be mandatory for them to fully support his plans. Isn't that the sign of an Egomaniac World Class Dictator like a Hitler, or a Stalin, or a Mao Tse Tung? Remember what happened to the citizens of those countries when the purges began.
Per Fox News ( http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/05/06/podesta-says-zero-chance-congress-can-stop-obama-climate-plan/ ) White House Counselor John Podesta bragged that even Congress had ZERO chance of blocking Obama's Climate Action Plans, and that NO ONE could stop Obama's war on energy. Podesta believes the Democrats will commit to promoting Obama's plans, but I believe they will commit political suicide if they go along to get along. The Republicans are attempting to roll back the EPA's greenhouse Gas standards saying those standards will materially harm American economies.
Podesta also let the cat out of the bag by stating " They'll find various ways, particularly in the House, to try and stop us from using the authority we have under the Clean Air Act. All I would say is that those have zero percent chance of working. We're committed to moving forward with those rules." The clean air act regulations he was referring to are (regulations to cut carbon dioxide emissions for all new coal and gas fires power
Podesta did slip up a little when he said that one way the Republicans can beat back the Democrats war on the energy industry and subsequently the war on America's middle class is to push through the Keystone XL Pipeline. One avenue they have to do that is with the bi-partisan energy efficiency bill by attaching an amendment to it approving the pipeline, thus giving Obama a much more limited and harder choice in the fight.
The Tradesman
So far he has ham strung our military readiness and has fired more experienced military command line personnel than all the other presidents before him combined. He has wantonly degraded military equipment and supplies, and cancelled projects that are critical to our national defense superiority. He has outright lied about his centerpiece health care program that will over the next ten years shatter our health systems and end up costing everyone except the elites ten times the amount they spend now, on one fifth the medical coverage then.
He has tried to make Congress irrelevant with his executive orders, side stepping any legislation Congress passes that does not agree with his destruction of America agenda. Through his minions, he has tried to surrender American Sovereignty to the UN through massively one sided treaties that strip even more away from America.
Make no mistake, his agenda for destruction is as multifaceted as they come. He has reached into every facet of American lives with the same hatred of America as the Devil has for humanity. I actually feel like those two are working together on this travesty.
Lets go back a little to 2008 and see what the first warning he gave us was. He spoke about smashing the existing energy industry with green power, and he even made an unintentional slip when he said that energy costs would naturally skyrocket because of his plans. Guess what, they did rise and are still rising. He and his ilk are using the natural phenomenon of global warming caused by the sun cycles, to terrify the useful idiots into believing that we are the cause of that warming, and will all die if we don't obey his programs on clean energy.
Anyone who has been taught to think for themselves, will know that there is some global warming happening, that much of it is true. However the observations about the CO2 causing it are shown to be false. How do I know that? It is because the average temperature rise on the Earth is exactly the same as the average temperature rise on Mars as has been observed and reported by NASA (http://www.nasa.gov/centers/ames/research/2007/marswarming.html ). That FACT precludes pollution as causing more than .0001% of the increase. In fact Mars has about 95% CO2 and that has not contributed to any Mars Global Warming.
The real reasons behind the scam and lies of the Administration are to promote Obama's stated goals and to ruin American energy industries so we will be even more weakened. Has anyone else even noticed where the so called GREEN energy companies are based and who has control of them? Here's an idea, search the net so you will find out for yourselves and hopefully learn about other things the Obama Administration has been charged with doing by it's puppet masters from the world stage.
If you don't believe this, look at Obama's war on coal and gas fired power plants. He is pushing forward with these idiotic ideas even in the face of all the scandals and falling poll numbers. Even the Loyal Democrats that are not insane with Obama worship like Reid, Pelosi, Feinstein,Boxer, and Udall are distancing themselves from him in hopes on not being brought down in the mid-terms by association to the bragging of a totally idiotic rant by Obama counselor Podesta, signalling that even Congress can't stop his war on energy in America.
He (Obama) has even ordered the Democrats to support his agenda and has decided it must be mandatory for them to fully support his plans. Isn't that the sign of an Egomaniac World Class Dictator like a Hitler, or a Stalin, or a Mao Tse Tung? Remember what happened to the citizens of those countries when the purges began.
Per Fox News ( http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/05/06/podesta-says-zero-chance-congress-can-stop-obama-climate-plan/ ) White House Counselor John Podesta bragged that even Congress had ZERO chance of blocking Obama's Climate Action Plans, and that NO ONE could stop Obama's war on energy. Podesta believes the Democrats will commit to promoting Obama's plans, but I believe they will commit political suicide if they go along to get along. The Republicans are attempting to roll back the EPA's greenhouse Gas standards saying those standards will materially harm American economies.
Podesta also let the cat out of the bag by stating " They'll find various ways, particularly in the House, to try and stop us from using the authority we have under the Clean Air Act. All I would say is that those have zero percent chance of working. We're committed to moving forward with those rules." The clean air act regulations he was referring to are (regulations to cut carbon dioxide emissions for all new coal and gas fires power
Podesta did slip up a little when he said that one way the Republicans can beat back the Democrats war on the energy industry and subsequently the war on America's middle class is to push through the Keystone XL Pipeline. One avenue they have to do that is with the bi-partisan energy efficiency bill by attaching an amendment to it approving the pipeline, thus giving Obama a much more limited and harder choice in the fight.
The Tradesman
Operation Chokepoint - DOJ Stealth Attack On Gun Rights
Very recently rumors have been surfacing about a new wrinkle in the Obama/Holder stealth firearms ban/confiscation project or rather agenda to prevent arms from being accessed by law abiding American citizens. The information comes out from the Federal "Operation Chokepoint" program. That program is supposed to target payday lenders and Pornographers, but instead is targeting firearm manufacturers and sellers. It seems that the Holder Injustice Department is using Federal Financial Services Regulators to harass and control financial service providers through intimidation.They are targeting the very providers whom they deem have 'relationships' with legal but 'high risk' businesses. The original program was set to target businesses such as pay day lenders, escort services, porn producers, and sellers of drug paraphernalia. It was presented in that way so it would gain approval in the political arena so politicians could point to it and say look what I'm fighting even though though all those businesses are severely regulated and completely legal but not socially acceptable to most Americans.
Originally in the minds of the uninformed and low information citizens, it seemed a laudable if not overdue project. However, in practice there was nothing within it to limit it to those practices nor even to insure that it would be used against them in other than a cursory manner. What is beginning to float to the surface on this is the DOJ and their controlled minions are leaning on lending banks to coerce them to stop lending to firearms sellers, manufacturers, and the same for ammunition manufacturers who sell to the public, evidently those who sell only to the government are exempt from the harassment. The basis behind this is the Regulators will cause the banks to sever relationships with the businesses and force those businesses out of business.
Where the hell does the Government come off destroying a legitimate and perfectly legal business just to satisfy an Unconstitutional Agenda to ban civilian ownership of firearms? The Obama Administration has always held the American Public in disdain for their beliefs on Liberty and rule by Constitutional Law. Since it has not gotten it's corrupt plans to disarm the public through Congress it is trying to subvert the laws of the land to achieve it's dastardly ideals and impost them on Law Abiding Americans.
In case you are wondering, the NRA reported on this last January ( http://www.nranews.com/commentators/video/iain-murray-private-lending-and-operation-choke-point/list/commentator-feature ), and even Breitbart commented in January ( http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/01/09/Congressman-Issa-Demands-Answers-from-Attorney-General-Holder-on-Operation-Choke-Point ) citing Rep. Darrell Issa who is the chairman of the House oversight and reform committee, and Rep. Jim Jordan who is chairman of the Economic Growth Subcommittee, of sending Holder a letter demanding further information on the program.
In the letter, Issa and Jordan stated, "the [House Oversight and Government Reform] Committee is concerned that both the goal and mechanisms of Operation Choke Point may constitute a serious mismanagement and abuse of the Department's FIRREA [Financial Institution Reform and Recovery Act of 1989] authority."
The NRA in a follow up report (http://www.nranews.com/commentators/video/andrew-langer-operation-choke-point/list/channel-guide ) in the NRA news in April interviewed Andrew Langer (Institute for Liberty) who said the program was expanding. The House Committee on Financial Services held a hearing (http://financialservices.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=374904) where concerns over 'Operation Chokepoint' were expressed from both sides of the aisle. The NRA even has listings of banks like 'Bank of America' that have severed their relationships with the firearms industry (http://www.nraila.org/news-issues/articles/2012/nra-investigating-story-concerning-bank-of-america.aspx?s=%22Bank+of+America%22&st=&ps= ). It's not only banks that are acceding to the intimidation of the corrupt Administration on this subject. Services like Google Shopping, E-Bay, Craigslist, and Pay-Pal are now refusing to host listings for sales of firearms or ammunition.
Various Progressive millionaire funded Anti-Gun groups have had varying degrees of success (http://www.nraila.org/news-issues/articles/2014/3/anti-gunners-want-help-from-whom.aspx?s=starbucks+2013&st=&ps= ) and (http://www.nraila.org/news-issues/articles/2014/3/anti-gunners-want-help-from-whom.aspx?s=starbucks+2013&st=&ps=) and it has also been reported (http://www.nraila.org/news-issues/articles/2014/3/anti-gunners-want-help-from-whom.aspx?s=starbucks+2013&st=&ps=) that that arch Anti-Gun Millionaire Michael Bloomberg through his recently accquired anit-gun franchise "Mom's demand action for gun sense in America".
Bloomberg has used his massive fortune to also help fund his pet project Mayors against guns, and his rabidly anti-gun mayors have advanced plans to use city contracts (http://www.nraila.org/news-issues/articles/2014/3/anti-gunners-want-help-from-whom.aspx?s=starbucks+2013&st=&ps= ) to impose their personal gun control wishes even with the usual hard push back from their Police Departments. Even some pension plans have fallen victim to the Anti gun attacks (http://www.nraila.org/news-issues/articles/2014/3/anti-gunners-want-help-from-whom.aspx?s=starbucks+2013&st=&ps= ).
The NRA has affirmed their intent to continue monitoring the events as they transpire and keep the American public informed like they have on these issues, ( http://www.nraila.org/news-issues/articles/2014/3/anti-gunners-want-help-from-whom.aspx?s=starbucks+2013&st=&ps= ) ( http://www.nraila.org/news-issues/articles/2014/3/anti-gunners-want-help-from-whom.aspx?s=starbucks+2013&st=&ps= ) ( http://www.nraila.org/news-issues/articles/2014/3/anti-gunners-want-help-from-whom.aspx?s=starbucks+2013&st=&ps= ).
The public needs to be made aware of all of these infringements on our Constitutionally protected Liberties and Freedoms the corrupt and ideologically inimical Administration is perpetrating on the American public through the auspices of the DOJ to give them the color of law. Remember that in opposition to that corrupt Administration, the Firearm industry is experiencing an unprecedented growth in its sales. That is a thumb to the nose so to speak to Obama and the Progressives who want to disarm us and impose a gun ban agenda.
The Tradesman
Originally in the minds of the uninformed and low information citizens, it seemed a laudable if not overdue project. However, in practice there was nothing within it to limit it to those practices nor even to insure that it would be used against them in other than a cursory manner. What is beginning to float to the surface on this is the DOJ and their controlled minions are leaning on lending banks to coerce them to stop lending to firearms sellers, manufacturers, and the same for ammunition manufacturers who sell to the public, evidently those who sell only to the government are exempt from the harassment. The basis behind this is the Regulators will cause the banks to sever relationships with the businesses and force those businesses out of business.
Where the hell does the Government come off destroying a legitimate and perfectly legal business just to satisfy an Unconstitutional Agenda to ban civilian ownership of firearms? The Obama Administration has always held the American Public in disdain for their beliefs on Liberty and rule by Constitutional Law. Since it has not gotten it's corrupt plans to disarm the public through Congress it is trying to subvert the laws of the land to achieve it's dastardly ideals and impost them on Law Abiding Americans.
In case you are wondering, the NRA reported on this last January ( http://www.nranews.com/commentators/video/iain-murray-private-lending-and-operation-choke-point/list/commentator-feature ), and even Breitbart commented in January ( http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/01/09/Congressman-Issa-Demands-Answers-from-Attorney-General-Holder-on-Operation-Choke-Point ) citing Rep. Darrell Issa who is the chairman of the House oversight and reform committee, and Rep. Jim Jordan who is chairman of the Economic Growth Subcommittee, of sending Holder a letter demanding further information on the program.
In the letter, Issa and Jordan stated, "the [House Oversight and Government Reform] Committee is concerned that both the goal and mechanisms of Operation Choke Point may constitute a serious mismanagement and abuse of the Department's FIRREA [Financial Institution Reform and Recovery Act of 1989] authority."
The NRA in a follow up report (http://www.nranews.com/commentators/video/andrew-langer-operation-choke-point/list/channel-guide ) in the NRA news in April interviewed Andrew Langer (Institute for Liberty) who said the program was expanding. The House Committee on Financial Services held a hearing (http://financialservices.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=374904) where concerns over 'Operation Chokepoint' were expressed from both sides of the aisle. The NRA even has listings of banks like 'Bank of America' that have severed their relationships with the firearms industry (http://www.nraila.org/news-issues/articles/2012/nra-investigating-story-concerning-bank-of-america.aspx?s=%22Bank+of+America%22&st=&ps= ). It's not only banks that are acceding to the intimidation of the corrupt Administration on this subject. Services like Google Shopping, E-Bay, Craigslist, and Pay-Pal are now refusing to host listings for sales of firearms or ammunition.
Various Progressive millionaire funded Anti-Gun groups have had varying degrees of success (http://www.nraila.org/news-issues/articles/2014/3/anti-gunners-want-help-from-whom.aspx?s=starbucks+2013&st=&ps= ) and (http://www.nraila.org/news-issues/articles/2014/3/anti-gunners-want-help-from-whom.aspx?s=starbucks+2013&st=&ps=) and it has also been reported (http://www.nraila.org/news-issues/articles/2014/3/anti-gunners-want-help-from-whom.aspx?s=starbucks+2013&st=&ps=) that that arch Anti-Gun Millionaire Michael Bloomberg through his recently accquired anit-gun franchise "Mom's demand action for gun sense in America".
Bloomberg has used his massive fortune to also help fund his pet project Mayors against guns, and his rabidly anti-gun mayors have advanced plans to use city contracts (http://www.nraila.org/news-issues/articles/2014/3/anti-gunners-want-help-from-whom.aspx?s=starbucks+2013&st=&ps= ) to impose their personal gun control wishes even with the usual hard push back from their Police Departments. Even some pension plans have fallen victim to the Anti gun attacks (http://www.nraila.org/news-issues/articles/2014/3/anti-gunners-want-help-from-whom.aspx?s=starbucks+2013&st=&ps= ).
The NRA has affirmed their intent to continue monitoring the events as they transpire and keep the American public informed like they have on these issues, ( http://www.nraila.org/news-issues/articles/2014/3/anti-gunners-want-help-from-whom.aspx?s=starbucks+2013&st=&ps= ) ( http://www.nraila.org/news-issues/articles/2014/3/anti-gunners-want-help-from-whom.aspx?s=starbucks+2013&st=&ps= ) ( http://www.nraila.org/news-issues/articles/2014/3/anti-gunners-want-help-from-whom.aspx?s=starbucks+2013&st=&ps= ).
The public needs to be made aware of all of these infringements on our Constitutionally protected Liberties and Freedoms the corrupt and ideologically inimical Administration is perpetrating on the American public through the auspices of the DOJ to give them the color of law. Remember that in opposition to that corrupt Administration, the Firearm industry is experiencing an unprecedented growth in its sales. That is a thumb to the nose so to speak to Obama and the Progressives who want to disarm us and impose a gun ban agenda.
The Tradesman
Our Stolen Freedoms
As Americans, we all have much in common. The basic beliefs in inalienable freedoms codified in the Constitution should be one of those commonalities, but with the ascension of the Socialist ethic becoming ever more prevalent, that commonality is losing ground. We can begin to blame ourselves partly because for the last few generations, we have allowed others to define what those rights mean, and how they are to be interpreted. Those lost generations were only given a superficial understanding of those inalienable rights and that knowledge was highly slanted from an equal rights ideology,to the false concept of a social rights ideology.
Let me define those terms in definitions that the Progressives will surely have a fit with. First, our justice system was supposed to be based on an unbiased EQUAL JUSTICE for all concept for the highborn rich and lowborn poor alike. The reality of the matter was somewhat different, but if you listen to the Progressive rhetoric where they promote special treatment for all minorities, in order to somehow make up for the treatment those minorities ancestors have suffered in the past. Those same politicians who purport that treatment are in fact re-instituting the very generational servitude they say they are against.
Today the youth and special interest groups are being given only superficial acerbic information about our system, and that information has been twisted to fit the agenda's of indoctrination by the Socialist miscreants and made to promote the falsehoods of supposedly superior qualities of a Marxist oriented system over what we have created over the past 230 years. Qualities that stressed American exceptionalism and made us the pre-eminent nation in the world up til now.
The generations starting originally with the baby boomers as the first affected to a lesser extent than the succeeding generations have been systematically dumbed down on the real history, and have had the ideals of a personal work ethic, personal self reliance, and personal responsibility, replaced with a philosophy of immediate gratification and hedonistic pursuits and a belief that the world owes them a living. This is evident in the current idea that all children need to receive a trophy just for participating in something so they will have their sense of self worth increased. The insidious backlash to that is in doing so it eliminates any pride in personal accomplishments and makes the child strive for mediocrity. If everyone is lauded as a winner then no one is a winner, just another implacable cog in a Socialist machine.
With about 48%+ of American people now getting some type of government assistance, two things are going to happen. First there will be no incentive to work for a living, and second the money will run out to sustain the system which will crash and burn. If we do nothing to reverse this trend and stop the ruinous forces allayed against us, our nation will devolve into chaos and ruin to never be the same again. We must reverse this trend quickly. In actuality, under a cover of deceit, outright lies, and mis-information, the Progressive Elitist/Statist's have incrementally stolen our Heritage from us and surreptitiously replaced it with falsehoods and unworkable solutions to the very real problems facing not only us, but every nation today.
Hopefully, the excesses the destructive Administration and hard left leaning Democratic Socialists in Congress have imposed on us against our will, have already begun. That beginning of a reversal is doomed to failure unless every one of us decides to band together with the single minded purpose of deposing the pretenders in government. The very pretenders who have facilitated that theft of our heritage by promoting the philosophy of Mediocrity, Political Correctness instead of Honesty, Sloth instead of a work ethic, Duplicity instead of Honesty, Dependence on Government Subsistence instead of Self Reliance. All those charlatans are doing, is buying the vote for them to remain Elitists in power, and creating a subservient slave class to bend to their wills. If allowed to go on any longer, they will have stolen the entire future from our children and grandchildren for their nefarious self aggrandizing purposes.
Unite! Arise! Arouse! against these political reprobates who have so sorely used us. We must become much more active in a focused and prioritized way against them and all they stand for. They are trying desperately to complete their Agenda before they are removed from office, and if they succeed, it will bode ill for generations to come before we can correct all of it if we ever can. We need to do what we did in the 2010 elections and even more of that in the 2014 ones to offset the criminal fraud they will propagate against us to remain in power.
Our single most important overriding Priority is to "VOTE THEM OUT".
Until we do that First and Foremost, we will not be able to positively affect anything else. If you don't believe me, I refer you to the travesty they committed in the 2010 Lame Duck Session with Obamacare. Don't go quietly into the long goodnight, rip their arses up, and make them go away. If we are led down the primrose path and act like we did in the 2012 elections we shall surely lose everything. I know a lot of good and upright people thought that 2012 was the time to send a message or try and push against the lock the two main parties have on the system. Look how that worked out for us. If we do that in 2014, it will make our situation untenable and will destroy the last vestiges of the Republic.
This time we must look ahead and plan to systematically take apart the existing power structure of the two party system over the next twelve years, by using the same tactics the Progressive Socialist/Communist Faction used to subvert the Democratic Party into the degenerate entity it is today. The difference between our using those tactics and what was done is this; We will be using them to return to a Conservative Republic just as the Founders intended us to be. We must take a long hard look at the consequences of not removing the Incumbent Democrats from Congress even if the alternative is just a marginally better Republican being put in their place for a short time. Unfortunately Independent and third parties are still not strong enough in the main stream consciousness of the American Public to win effectively at this time, given the penchant for habitual voting patterns of people who don't get it yet.
We can combat the main two parties by first removing all incumbent Democratic Socialists from Congress and even a few RINO's if their Democrat opposition are more conservative than they are. You can see how the old Guard RINO Republicans are beginning to desert the ship by not running for re-election. I wonder if that was planned a few years ago so the better known Democratic candidates would have a better chance of winning against the unknown Republicans trying for the vacated seats? I'll bet it was either that or the RINO's knew they would lose their primaries and go out in shameful defeat.
The concept of splitting the vote in 2014 holds truer here and now more-so than it ever has done before. Independent and third parties will assume like they have been led to believe by the Duplicitous Progressives and their ilk, that they will have an excellent chance of winning now that the hidebound Republican's have left the fray. That is one of the main dangers we face in the coming election, and it is one that the Progressives have orchestrated over the last two years in hopes of getting another Super Majority so they can finish off the Republic with no credible opposition to their agenda.
I propose a plan of attack that while it will take a while to see fruit, will get us back on track to restoring the Republic.
1. We must win the 2014 elections with a majority of House and Senate members being conservative Republicans. I know that rankles the sensibilities of the Libertarians, Independents, and other Third Parties. But it is critical we remove the Incumbent Democrats from power.
2. We must start immediately after the election to vett and promote candidates from the Tea Party, Main Stream, Libertarian, Independent, and Third Party pools, and get active in getting together the required petitions to force them on the Primary Ballots in spite of the wishes of the establishment party leadership. This will require those candidates to run as either Republican or Democrat but only temporarily.
3. We must make sure the candidates we pick believe in the founders principles and rule by Constitutional Law. For the next three or four elections our picks will have to masquerade as either Republican or Democrat but vote for the principles they are supposed to believe in. After both parties have been sufficiently infiltrated by our candidates, then and only then can we form a viable political party that will have known and respected politicians from both of the existing political parties joining it en-masse.
4. We must do this for every level of government and not forget to support the candidates who have already proven themselves as honorable and dedicated to a Constitutional Republic by their past votes and actions.
If we stay strong and focused, we the people can and will take back our rightful place as the highest authority of government but still restrained by the Constitution.
The Tradesman
Let me define those terms in definitions that the Progressives will surely have a fit with. First, our justice system was supposed to be based on an unbiased EQUAL JUSTICE for all concept for the highborn rich and lowborn poor alike. The reality of the matter was somewhat different, but if you listen to the Progressive rhetoric where they promote special treatment for all minorities, in order to somehow make up for the treatment those minorities ancestors have suffered in the past. Those same politicians who purport that treatment are in fact re-instituting the very generational servitude they say they are against.
Today the youth and special interest groups are being given only superficial acerbic information about our system, and that information has been twisted to fit the agenda's of indoctrination by the Socialist miscreants and made to promote the falsehoods of supposedly superior qualities of a Marxist oriented system over what we have created over the past 230 years. Qualities that stressed American exceptionalism and made us the pre-eminent nation in the world up til now.
The generations starting originally with the baby boomers as the first affected to a lesser extent than the succeeding generations have been systematically dumbed down on the real history, and have had the ideals of a personal work ethic, personal self reliance, and personal responsibility, replaced with a philosophy of immediate gratification and hedonistic pursuits and a belief that the world owes them a living. This is evident in the current idea that all children need to receive a trophy just for participating in something so they will have their sense of self worth increased. The insidious backlash to that is in doing so it eliminates any pride in personal accomplishments and makes the child strive for mediocrity. If everyone is lauded as a winner then no one is a winner, just another implacable cog in a Socialist machine.
With about 48%+ of American people now getting some type of government assistance, two things are going to happen. First there will be no incentive to work for a living, and second the money will run out to sustain the system which will crash and burn. If we do nothing to reverse this trend and stop the ruinous forces allayed against us, our nation will devolve into chaos and ruin to never be the same again. We must reverse this trend quickly. In actuality, under a cover of deceit, outright lies, and mis-information, the Progressive Elitist/Statist's have incrementally stolen our Heritage from us and surreptitiously replaced it with falsehoods and unworkable solutions to the very real problems facing not only us, but every nation today.
Hopefully, the excesses the destructive Administration and hard left leaning Democratic Socialists in Congress have imposed on us against our will, have already begun. That beginning of a reversal is doomed to failure unless every one of us decides to band together with the single minded purpose of deposing the pretenders in government. The very pretenders who have facilitated that theft of our heritage by promoting the philosophy of Mediocrity, Political Correctness instead of Honesty, Sloth instead of a work ethic, Duplicity instead of Honesty, Dependence on Government Subsistence instead of Self Reliance. All those charlatans are doing, is buying the vote for them to remain Elitists in power, and creating a subservient slave class to bend to their wills. If allowed to go on any longer, they will have stolen the entire future from our children and grandchildren for their nefarious self aggrandizing purposes.
Unite! Arise! Arouse! against these political reprobates who have so sorely used us. We must become much more active in a focused and prioritized way against them and all they stand for. They are trying desperately to complete their Agenda before they are removed from office, and if they succeed, it will bode ill for generations to come before we can correct all of it if we ever can. We need to do what we did in the 2010 elections and even more of that in the 2014 ones to offset the criminal fraud they will propagate against us to remain in power.
Our single most important overriding Priority is to "VOTE THEM OUT".
Until we do that First and Foremost, we will not be able to positively affect anything else. If you don't believe me, I refer you to the travesty they committed in the 2010 Lame Duck Session with Obamacare. Don't go quietly into the long goodnight, rip their arses up, and make them go away. If we are led down the primrose path and act like we did in the 2012 elections we shall surely lose everything. I know a lot of good and upright people thought that 2012 was the time to send a message or try and push against the lock the two main parties have on the system. Look how that worked out for us. If we do that in 2014, it will make our situation untenable and will destroy the last vestiges of the Republic.
This time we must look ahead and plan to systematically take apart the existing power structure of the two party system over the next twelve years, by using the same tactics the Progressive Socialist/Communist Faction used to subvert the Democratic Party into the degenerate entity it is today. The difference between our using those tactics and what was done is this; We will be using them to return to a Conservative Republic just as the Founders intended us to be. We must take a long hard look at the consequences of not removing the Incumbent Democrats from Congress even if the alternative is just a marginally better Republican being put in their place for a short time. Unfortunately Independent and third parties are still not strong enough in the main stream consciousness of the American Public to win effectively at this time, given the penchant for habitual voting patterns of people who don't get it yet.
We can combat the main two parties by first removing all incumbent Democratic Socialists from Congress and even a few RINO's if their Democrat opposition are more conservative than they are. You can see how the old Guard RINO Republicans are beginning to desert the ship by not running for re-election. I wonder if that was planned a few years ago so the better known Democratic candidates would have a better chance of winning against the unknown Republicans trying for the vacated seats? I'll bet it was either that or the RINO's knew they would lose their primaries and go out in shameful defeat.
The concept of splitting the vote in 2014 holds truer here and now more-so than it ever has done before. Independent and third parties will assume like they have been led to believe by the Duplicitous Progressives and their ilk, that they will have an excellent chance of winning now that the hidebound Republican's have left the fray. That is one of the main dangers we face in the coming election, and it is one that the Progressives have orchestrated over the last two years in hopes of getting another Super Majority so they can finish off the Republic with no credible opposition to their agenda.
I propose a plan of attack that while it will take a while to see fruit, will get us back on track to restoring the Republic.
1. We must win the 2014 elections with a majority of House and Senate members being conservative Republicans. I know that rankles the sensibilities of the Libertarians, Independents, and other Third Parties. But it is critical we remove the Incumbent Democrats from power.
2. We must start immediately after the election to vett and promote candidates from the Tea Party, Main Stream, Libertarian, Independent, and Third Party pools, and get active in getting together the required petitions to force them on the Primary Ballots in spite of the wishes of the establishment party leadership. This will require those candidates to run as either Republican or Democrat but only temporarily.
3. We must make sure the candidates we pick believe in the founders principles and rule by Constitutional Law. For the next three or four elections our picks will have to masquerade as either Republican or Democrat but vote for the principles they are supposed to believe in. After both parties have been sufficiently infiltrated by our candidates, then and only then can we form a viable political party that will have known and respected politicians from both of the existing political parties joining it en-masse.
4. We must do this for every level of government and not forget to support the candidates who have already proven themselves as honorable and dedicated to a Constitutional Republic by their past votes and actions.
If we stay strong and focused, we the people can and will take back our rightful place as the highest authority of government but still restrained by the Constitution.
The Tradesman
Patriots Refuse To Register Guns, Gun Control Moves Fail
There is tremendous pressure being placed on law abiding citizens, because the government wants their guns registered then the people disarmed. In spite of the draconian laws, and threats of fines and imprisonment, patriotic citizens of New York and Connecticut are defying the gun grabbers in power in those states, and are refusing to comply with the latest round of gun controls.
This civil disobedience is not just a small group of who Bloomberg and his ilk would call gun nuts, they are the vast majority of law abiding gun owners who have finally been pushed too far. There is now an open rebellion against the stupid registration laws that were rammed through state Legislatures by the Ultra Progressive Socialist factions currently in power. Those Socialists have acted directly contradictory to the wished of their public, and from the response of the public, have pushed the situation past the breaking point.
In New York an estimated 90% of the owners of legal long guns have rebelled and opted for civil disobedience in regards to the Safe Act. In Connecticut hundreds of thousands of law abiding gun owners have refused to register what the powers that be are now calling Assault Weapons. In fact except for a cosmetic likeness, those weapons are the same as any semi-automatic rifles, they are not the machine guns ( true assault weapons) the government purposely tried to compare them with.
Now is the time when all law abiding Americans whether they own guns or not, need to rally in firm support of the citizens in Connecticut and New York, who are defying a freedom and liberty shattering law. Recently an op-ed piece asked what would happen when a Liberal/Socialist government passed a gun law and nobody obeyed it? The answer to that question is being decided in Connecticut and New York by true American Patriots as you read this essay. Will Civil Disobedience Triumph, or will the Oppressors slam dunk the Constitution, and finally decide they can crush and enslave us?
We have the typical style of Progressive Arrogance and Rabid Hostility towards anyone who does not subserviently bow to their every whim, and kiss their butts. Progressive Connecticut Governor Daniel Malloy mocked the very people who put him in office when he signed the hated gun registration bill the vast majority of his public rejected. Sounding like a typical progressive elitist smart ass three year old, he chided them saying "Your side lost". As far as numbers go Malloy's Connecticut Third Reich Progressives expected 372,000-400,000 residents to register. Only 50,000 did so for their long guns, and only 38,000 high capacity magazines out of an estimated 2 million were registered. I wonder if Gov. Malloy has thought of what he's going to do after the next election removes him and his cronies from office.
This mass movement has alarmed the Liberal Politicians and the Socialist Controlled Press alike. Both the press and the fascist oriented prog/lib hierarchy argue that the State should use the background check database to hunt down and target the disobedient owners for police raids and arrests. Seems they forget what happened the last time an oppressive government tried to raid non-compliant gun owners in 1775. I guess that with the police and citizens balking at the new and thoroughly hated law that won't happen unless they go about it quietly on a person by person basis. The government controlled forces in both States seriously outgunned by the citizens, and would face a heavy citizen turn out should they foolishly be ordered by their cowering leaders to engage in piecemeal Swat style raids.
New York State has a similar situation, but it is magnified to almost three times what Connecticut faces. The estimates for the Government decreed 'Assault Weapons' is believed to be around 400,000. In New York however, the estimates run to over 1 million for what the government has newly and arbitrarily designated 'Assault Firearms', and nothing was said about the large clips. Governor Cuomo has additional problems because constitutionally minded New York Sheriff's groups are ready to revolt against the law (Safe Act) too, and said they will not obey orders to enforce it. While quieter than the Sheriffs, the New York State Troopers have indicated they will do as little as they possibly can to enforce the unwanted law. I guess that might put some brown stains in the pants of the Fascist Liberal Socialists who thought they could do anything they wanted to with Obama as President.
The politicians and other elites cannot fathom just why the compliance with a law is so low, nor can they understand the reluctance of the heretofore complacent 'little people' to obey it. It seems they cannot comprehend what true Americans hold dear. Besides the rule by Constitutional Law, gun owners know from 100+ years of world history that registration is the precursor of confiscation and a disarmed citizenry. A disarmed citizenry usually ends in mass murders of the population by the dictatorships that spring up to terrorize the populace, so the elites can take full advantage of a population that has no means to defend themselves.
The hands of these foul excuses for Americans that happen to be elected politicians are somewhat tied in how they can respond to the situation. Can they threaten the gun owners with criminal charges? No, because the citizens already voluntarily decided to become felons in the eyes of the un-American politico's, and trusting that the situation would be overturned by a sane constitutionally oriented court system. Could the politico's threaten the citizenry with force? No, the politicians’ forces are seriously outgunned and outnumbered, besides it would wreck their political careers even more than forcing that ill-gotten law through has already done. Could they offer amnesty or an extension? No because they could not risk another noncompliance to their rule with an extension and subsequent loss of prestige in the court of public opinion. Neither could they offer amnesty because it would show the rest of America how little authority the government actually has over the true governmental authority of the people when they stand against governmental tyranny.
At this point, especially with what happened at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada last week, Cuomo and Malloy really need to reassess the situation, and possibly in the typical Teflon tradition of what face saving rhetoric that Bill Clinton and other Socialist Democrats publicly say when they are losing the argument so badly, "We Have Heard You, And We Will Listen To What You Want". These two idiots, similar to what Harry Reid has been charged of doing, has precipitated an open and unabashed rebellion to illegal government usurpations. We as Americans know the Second Amendment is intended to give teeth to the rest of the Constitution, as well as give the citizenry the means to defend themselves from state government despots and dictators as well as the federal government itself. Enslavement and oppression cannot happen when the citizens are well armed and willing to take the same stand they minutemen did against an out of control and oppressive government that wanted to take away the God given rights that are now protected in the Constitution.
Considering what has been happening over the last 14 years, nay the last 100 years, it is time the American public stands together to resist the Progressive Socialist faction that has little by little usurped the true power of the people unto themselves. If we allow it to go any further we will end up an enslaved nation where ourselves and our children are mere pawns held in thrall of the whims of the criminally psychotic elitist faction that believes they and only they count and their whims must be followed by the lesser beings who are here only to serve their sybaritic excesses.
Only generations of abject horror through tyranny awaits us and our progeny if we fail at this cusp and allow the animals/demons in human clothing to have their way. All American Patriots must take this stand now before it becomes necessary to shed our blood for the cause of Freedom and Liberty yet again.
The Tradesman
This civil disobedience is not just a small group of who Bloomberg and his ilk would call gun nuts, they are the vast majority of law abiding gun owners who have finally been pushed too far. There is now an open rebellion against the stupid registration laws that were rammed through state Legislatures by the Ultra Progressive Socialist factions currently in power. Those Socialists have acted directly contradictory to the wished of their public, and from the response of the public, have pushed the situation past the breaking point.
In New York an estimated 90% of the owners of legal long guns have rebelled and opted for civil disobedience in regards to the Safe Act. In Connecticut hundreds of thousands of law abiding gun owners have refused to register what the powers that be are now calling Assault Weapons. In fact except for a cosmetic likeness, those weapons are the same as any semi-automatic rifles, they are not the machine guns ( true assault weapons) the government purposely tried to compare them with.
Now is the time when all law abiding Americans whether they own guns or not, need to rally in firm support of the citizens in Connecticut and New York, who are defying a freedom and liberty shattering law. Recently an op-ed piece asked what would happen when a Liberal/Socialist government passed a gun law and nobody obeyed it? The answer to that question is being decided in Connecticut and New York by true American Patriots as you read this essay. Will Civil Disobedience Triumph, or will the Oppressors slam dunk the Constitution, and finally decide they can crush and enslave us?
We have the typical style of Progressive Arrogance and Rabid Hostility towards anyone who does not subserviently bow to their every whim, and kiss their butts. Progressive Connecticut Governor Daniel Malloy mocked the very people who put him in office when he signed the hated gun registration bill the vast majority of his public rejected. Sounding like a typical progressive elitist smart ass three year old, he chided them saying "Your side lost". As far as numbers go Malloy's Connecticut Third Reich Progressives expected 372,000-400,000 residents to register. Only 50,000 did so for their long guns, and only 38,000 high capacity magazines out of an estimated 2 million were registered. I wonder if Gov. Malloy has thought of what he's going to do after the next election removes him and his cronies from office.
This mass movement has alarmed the Liberal Politicians and the Socialist Controlled Press alike. Both the press and the fascist oriented prog/lib hierarchy argue that the State should use the background check database to hunt down and target the disobedient owners for police raids and arrests. Seems they forget what happened the last time an oppressive government tried to raid non-compliant gun owners in 1775. I guess that with the police and citizens balking at the new and thoroughly hated law that won't happen unless they go about it quietly on a person by person basis. The government controlled forces in both States seriously outgunned by the citizens, and would face a heavy citizen turn out should they foolishly be ordered by their cowering leaders to engage in piecemeal Swat style raids.
New York State has a similar situation, but it is magnified to almost three times what Connecticut faces. The estimates for the Government decreed 'Assault Weapons' is believed to be around 400,000. In New York however, the estimates run to over 1 million for what the government has newly and arbitrarily designated 'Assault Firearms', and nothing was said about the large clips. Governor Cuomo has additional problems because constitutionally minded New York Sheriff's groups are ready to revolt against the law (Safe Act) too, and said they will not obey orders to enforce it. While quieter than the Sheriffs, the New York State Troopers have indicated they will do as little as they possibly can to enforce the unwanted law. I guess that might put some brown stains in the pants of the Fascist Liberal Socialists who thought they could do anything they wanted to with Obama as President.
The politicians and other elites cannot fathom just why the compliance with a law is so low, nor can they understand the reluctance of the heretofore complacent 'little people' to obey it. It seems they cannot comprehend what true Americans hold dear. Besides the rule by Constitutional Law, gun owners know from 100+ years of world history that registration is the precursor of confiscation and a disarmed citizenry. A disarmed citizenry usually ends in mass murders of the population by the dictatorships that spring up to terrorize the populace, so the elites can take full advantage of a population that has no means to defend themselves.
The hands of these foul excuses for Americans that happen to be elected politicians are somewhat tied in how they can respond to the situation. Can they threaten the gun owners with criminal charges? No, because the citizens already voluntarily decided to become felons in the eyes of the un-American politico's, and trusting that the situation would be overturned by a sane constitutionally oriented court system. Could the politico's threaten the citizenry with force? No, the politicians’ forces are seriously outgunned and outnumbered, besides it would wreck their political careers even more than forcing that ill-gotten law through has already done. Could they offer amnesty or an extension? No because they could not risk another noncompliance to their rule with an extension and subsequent loss of prestige in the court of public opinion. Neither could they offer amnesty because it would show the rest of America how little authority the government actually has over the true governmental authority of the people when they stand against governmental tyranny.
At this point, especially with what happened at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada last week, Cuomo and Malloy really need to reassess the situation, and possibly in the typical Teflon tradition of what face saving rhetoric that Bill Clinton and other Socialist Democrats publicly say when they are losing the argument so badly, "We Have Heard You, And We Will Listen To What You Want". These two idiots, similar to what Harry Reid has been charged of doing, has precipitated an open and unabashed rebellion to illegal government usurpations. We as Americans know the Second Amendment is intended to give teeth to the rest of the Constitution, as well as give the citizenry the means to defend themselves from state government despots and dictators as well as the federal government itself. Enslavement and oppression cannot happen when the citizens are well armed and willing to take the same stand they minutemen did against an out of control and oppressive government that wanted to take away the God given rights that are now protected in the Constitution.
Considering what has been happening over the last 14 years, nay the last 100 years, it is time the American public stands together to resist the Progressive Socialist faction that has little by little usurped the true power of the people unto themselves. If we allow it to go any further we will end up an enslaved nation where ourselves and our children are mere pawns held in thrall of the whims of the criminally psychotic elitist faction that believes they and only they count and their whims must be followed by the lesser beings who are here only to serve their sybaritic excesses.
Only generations of abject horror through tyranny awaits us and our progeny if we fail at this cusp and allow the animals/demons in human clothing to have their way. All American Patriots must take this stand now before it becomes necessary to shed our blood for the cause of Freedom and Liberty yet again.
The Tradesman
Does anyone remember the movie Braveheart where Mel Gibson playing William Wallace shouted Freedom just before being horribly being killed by the forces of the Oppressor King Edward Longshanks, and that act created a breaking point that ignited an unstoppable force giving Scotland their freedom under Robert the Bruce? Well we just experienced a breaking point like that when the Bureau of Land Management under the orders of Neil Kornze an ex-Aide of Harry Reid, attacked rancher Cliven Bundy in an attempt to throw him off his land illegally, confiscate his herd of cattle, just so the Dishonorable Senator Harry Reid could fulfill a commitment to his Chinese Campaign Contributors the ENN and Sinocorp corporations. Confirmation of that criminal act can be seen in this video, but you better download it before Reid orders You Tube to remove it to facilitate the attempted cover up of his involvement in the incident
( https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=HFiosLqjoQQ )
Freedom is the most important legacy our predecessors gave to us. For many of them it cost them their very lives. It is something we must cherish and defend if it is to continue. It is also our most important distinction from the rest of the world. Why then are the progressive individuals and the progressive political factions in power trying so very hard to take it away?
Those simpering self-centered Progressive/Socialist idiots wish to trade our Liberty and Freedom so they may gain more power and wealth, as well as being able to dictate terms of how we are ordered to live to us, from their pedestals on high. They promise us if we placidly go along with the program they will take care of us and give us safety and security while taking care of our every need. Bullshit! Anyone or any political entity that tries to take our legacy of freedom away from us makes themselves and their political faction our worst and most immediate enemy. Their individual and collective philosophy combined with their Collective mentality and its attendant sophistry and lies, will always lead to Tyranny. We can see a plethora of validation on that just by looking at any Monarchy or Dictatorship in a Socialist controlled Country.
Our American culture while it has not always been a Republican society of enlightened people, is so far the best that has ever been created on this planet since the beginnings of the human race. Until recently the individual American enjoyed unprecedented liberty and freedom. The laws of the land included a Constitutional caveat for Equal Justice. The Socialist/Progressive faction has turned that upside down and changes it to the false concept of Social Justice.
Freedom and Liberty does not come cheap nor does it come without certain requirements from the people. First we must conduct ourselves in a manner that is worthy of that Liberty and Freedom. We must also be individually responsible for our own actions. The Progressive/socialists see that a lot differently and promote the blame on others or on mechanical contrivances like guns as being responsible for tragedy's instead of blaming the person responsible. This carries over into the everyday world where people can blithely go about their business in a fog, and when something bad happens, there is a corps of lawyers to take up their case against the thing that hurt them, instead of the actions of the person that blindly did something stupid causing themselves harm. Maybe the legislated laws are this way because the majority faction in congress is the Democrats who were lawyers before taking office. Something to think about.
Do you want to discuss a real hot button item? Let's discuss Real Freedom and what it really is. Real freedom is freedom to act on your own recognizance, but it has certain common sense restrictions. You are free to act any way you want to if that action causes no material harm to others. Actions you take must allow society to hold you accountable for them. Your actions may not threaten others with harm, nor threaten significant property damage to others. I do make a distinction between the actual act that causes physical harm and the Threatened act that only intimidates others into compliance with our wills and desires. Reasonably speaking, for us to be free, we must allow or help others to be free also, all within rational limits of course. Anyone have anything else to add to this?
Progressive/Socialists attempt to pull the wool over our eyes with lies about how their self-serving actions will benefit us above what we already have. they attempt to justify their ever increasing legal restrictions on us to the point of creating a False Institution that will perpetuate their rule. They will resort to any kind of violence or threatened violence to enforce that False Institution and give it the color of law. I cite the recent incident at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada Where the Armed BLM used attack dogs and threatened to shoot American Citizens for standing up for their Constitutional Rights.
If we as Americans regardless of our Political side of the aisle don't stand up to the tyranny that has been levied on us and do it peaceably while we still can, the opposition will get their way and open up another shooting war. Should that happen, let us not be tricked into firing the opening shot like South Carolina was by the machinations of Lincoln and the hidden powers behind him. Let them fire it, and we will take the high ground and win.
The Tradesman
( https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=HFiosLqjoQQ )
Freedom is the most important legacy our predecessors gave to us. For many of them it cost them their very lives. It is something we must cherish and defend if it is to continue. It is also our most important distinction from the rest of the world. Why then are the progressive individuals and the progressive political factions in power trying so very hard to take it away?
Those simpering self-centered Progressive/Socialist idiots wish to trade our Liberty and Freedom so they may gain more power and wealth, as well as being able to dictate terms of how we are ordered to live to us, from their pedestals on high. They promise us if we placidly go along with the program they will take care of us and give us safety and security while taking care of our every need. Bullshit! Anyone or any political entity that tries to take our legacy of freedom away from us makes themselves and their political faction our worst and most immediate enemy. Their individual and collective philosophy combined with their Collective mentality and its attendant sophistry and lies, will always lead to Tyranny. We can see a plethora of validation on that just by looking at any Monarchy or Dictatorship in a Socialist controlled Country.
Our American culture while it has not always been a Republican society of enlightened people, is so far the best that has ever been created on this planet since the beginnings of the human race. Until recently the individual American enjoyed unprecedented liberty and freedom. The laws of the land included a Constitutional caveat for Equal Justice. The Socialist/Progressive faction has turned that upside down and changes it to the false concept of Social Justice.
Freedom and Liberty does not come cheap nor does it come without certain requirements from the people. First we must conduct ourselves in a manner that is worthy of that Liberty and Freedom. We must also be individually responsible for our own actions. The Progressive/socialists see that a lot differently and promote the blame on others or on mechanical contrivances like guns as being responsible for tragedy's instead of blaming the person responsible. This carries over into the everyday world where people can blithely go about their business in a fog, and when something bad happens, there is a corps of lawyers to take up their case against the thing that hurt them, instead of the actions of the person that blindly did something stupid causing themselves harm. Maybe the legislated laws are this way because the majority faction in congress is the Democrats who were lawyers before taking office. Something to think about.
Do you want to discuss a real hot button item? Let's discuss Real Freedom and what it really is. Real freedom is freedom to act on your own recognizance, but it has certain common sense restrictions. You are free to act any way you want to if that action causes no material harm to others. Actions you take must allow society to hold you accountable for them. Your actions may not threaten others with harm, nor threaten significant property damage to others. I do make a distinction between the actual act that causes physical harm and the Threatened act that only intimidates others into compliance with our wills and desires. Reasonably speaking, for us to be free, we must allow or help others to be free also, all within rational limits of course. Anyone have anything else to add to this?
Progressive/Socialists attempt to pull the wool over our eyes with lies about how their self-serving actions will benefit us above what we already have. they attempt to justify their ever increasing legal restrictions on us to the point of creating a False Institution that will perpetuate their rule. They will resort to any kind of violence or threatened violence to enforce that False Institution and give it the color of law. I cite the recent incident at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada Where the Armed BLM used attack dogs and threatened to shoot American Citizens for standing up for their Constitutional Rights.
If we as Americans regardless of our Political side of the aisle don't stand up to the tyranny that has been levied on us and do it peaceably while we still can, the opposition will get their way and open up another shooting war. Should that happen, let us not be tricked into firing the opening shot like South Carolina was by the machinations of Lincoln and the hidden powers behind him. Let them fire it, and we will take the high ground and win.
The Tradesman
"Observations On The Causes Of The Civil War, And How Those Causes Impact Us Today."
Even today, the conflict of interest between the Rights of the States, which are in actuality Sovereign Nations unto themselves, and, the States and Peoples Rights usurped by the Federal Government, have been, and still are, at the center of the ongoing controversy since this country began. The current predicament we find ourselves in with today's overreaching Federal Government, is hauntingly similar to the original reasons for the Civil War.
Over time, the ongoing controversy between States Rights and Federal Authority, had achieved a regional phase. The general beliefs of the North and the South could be summarized in just a few words. The contentions of the South, was codified in its belief that the Union formed first under the Confederation, and later under the auspices of the Constitution, was a Union of Consent, and not of Force. Those differences ultimately led to the Civil War, and continue to cause political problems today.
The crux of the Southern belief was based on the fact the original states were the independent creators of the Union, and thus, were not its subservient parts. Remember, these states had all recently gained their individual independence and freedom from British rule, and that freedom included their individual sovereignty. Having just gained individual sovereignty, they were not about to surrender it to another central governmental agency, except in the very small ways necessary for the union to survive.
In short, the South refuted the North's belief that the Federal Government, with its explicitly enumerated powers, had constitutional authority to either invade or coerce a Sovereign State. The South in turn, believed that any State could accept or reject any ruling that did not comply with the constitutionally enumerated powers delegated to the federal government.
The North contended that their position was the correct one, based on the parameters of the Union formed under the Constitution, and, was as its predecessor, considered to be a Perpetual Union. This predecessor was codified by name as "The Articles of the Confederation and Perpetual Union" designating the United States of America as the new nation. The North's position was adamant about the fact the Union under the Constitution, had always been intended to be perpetual; the sovereignty was solely vested in the union of states, and not separately designated state by state.
In essence, the North believed the 'Union' was intended to be perpetual and could not be divided for any reason. Strangely enough they ignored the original caveat in the Articles of Confederation that a State could potentially secede if all of the other States allowed it to do so. ( This was implied in Article XIII of the Articles of the Confederation )
The North believed that even if there was no specific or express power or powers designated or enumerated in the Constitution, the right of all governments for self-preservation was inherent. The union was essential for the continuance of Liberty, and that 'Liberty and Union' were one and the same, inseparable. The North had a firm and unshakable contention that secession was in fact treason to the Union, just as much as rebellion was.
The Northern Federal Leaders then, and our current crop of Federal Leaders are doing now, had actually turned the constitutional argument for a restricted federal government upside down. The South had heard all the condemning rhetoric being espoused by the North at that juncture, as basically the same rhetoric that was levied against the Original Rebels by England.
The epithets were familiar from the Revolution, and to vindicate their position on secession, the South contended that the right to govern is consensual, and is only to be controlled by the governed themselves in our system of governance. It also contended that the right to independent action was among the powers reserved to the States and to the people based on the 10th amendment. Our current administration and Congress does not share that belief.
You can begin to see here the arguments ascertained by the North then, are the same arguments they are using now, and are taken to their logical conclusion, where the Federal Government has repeatedly rejected any concept of States Rights in the quest for more Centralized Power.
The current pervasive federal power I might add, is diametrically opposed to what the Original Constitution had clearly specified in its Enumerations and Delegations of Powers, prior to self-serving Congressional Amendments with their hidden ramifications being placed into the constitution altering its basic intent ( citing the 14th, 16th & 17th ), rather than addressing potential abuses of power. The power structure from the 1800's somehow removed the original 13th amendment without repealing it (http://www.amendment-13.org/ ) to enhance their power and control.
The major crux of the South's argument was centered on the acts and opinions of the Founding Fathers, Framers and Ratifiers of the Constitution. They cited the report of the Hartford convention of the New England States as remedy to the infraction of rights, and to the position of John Quincy Adams along with the Declaration of the Assemblage in Ohio that indicated 200,000 Democrats were ready to stand guard at the river and resist invasion of Southern Territory. Even Abraham Lincoln had stated there was difficulty on the question of use of force to coerce compliance in our supposedly Fraternal Government.
The North rejected these points, and in answer to them then, as they seem bent on mandating now, is to stipulate the overriding purpose of the Founding Fathers was to make a stronger union and stronger central government. Study of the Constitution and the clarity in which it was written for the common man to read and understand, belies that northern position of creating a stronger Central Government as a false ideology, otherwise why would the Founders codify a specific enumeration of shared powers in the Constitution that specified what limitations the Federal Government and its leaders were constrained to?
Long before the hostilities broke out, and before a single shot had been fired, the sentiments of both North and South had been whipped to a frenzy in a sea of passion driven agendas. This led to a fixing of sentiment without room for compromise in both the North and the South. The opposing positions finally came to the simple position on both sides as; "The arguments have been exhausted", and "We stand by our guns for redress". The debate continued in battles and in blood the likes of which have never been seen by this country again. Unfortunately we seem on track to repeat that ill-fated travesty today. It's strange to say this, but both sides while they were partisan to their opposing beliefs, were in fact both patriots in the far greater sense of their belief of what constituted Rule by Constitutional Law, and how it was applied.
After the conflict the prevailing and I might add Official stance of the winners was; The North was stereotyped as essentially right, and the South was stereotyped as essentially wrong. Such contentions are the meat and potatoes of the winners in every conflict, but those contentions do not actually represent the truth. The truth is much more exoteric than that, actually it is a commonplace occurrence in history books that are written solely by the winners. The controversy came into being because the cited reasons that still exist today, were what they were and are.
The South contended the North had no Constitutional Right to wage war on sister States that were attempting to peaceably set up a government that had no hostile intentions on its former sister States, and had proposed no war or conflict with the remaining sister States. All they wanted was the States Rights the constitution granted them, and a central government that only was allowed strictly the enumerated powers the Constitution granted it. In effect the South was asserting a second independence along the lines set by the Founders, Framers and Ratifiers of the constitution.
Then as now, the jaundiced and self-aggrandizing partisan and power usurping representatives only want to represent themselves and the Elitist Toady's in their peer group. These so called statesmen then as now spout one sided emotional rather than rational sentiments that's geared to enhancing their own benefits and increasing the central governments powers, to rally the young to their cause, because of the young's naiveté. I find these repeated actions to be inconsistent with the truth of history, and inimical to the continued welfare and common good. They have every aspect within themselves to destroy utterly the unity of the Republic.
The truth of the current Progressive Alliance, complete with all of its aggrandized self-righteousness, is nothing more than a belittling attitude of arrogance and intolerance, for opposing the common sense of rational processes that advance the common good. Must more good men struggle and die before we see the folly of our present course that seems set on repeating the disaster that was the Civil War? What else can we do to protect and defend the God given rights we are now losing to the arrogance of the opposition in their quest for ever more power and control?
Are we relegated to continuously fighting the same fight over the size and power of the central government? Have not our forebears given their life's blood to show us that we are supposed to stand up against any and all oppression with everything we have, and all that we are? We must again suffer for Liberty, Truth, and Equal Justice. We must preserve the Freedom bequeathed to us to guard and nurture for future generations of Americans.
We must maintain at all costs that liberty bequeathed to us. We must act consistently in the laudable character of the generations of American Soldiers, who gave some or gave all, to defend the Principles of Freedom and Liberty. You must remember that a principle is something that is always worth dying for. If it is something that is not worth dying for, then it is not a principle but instead a falsehood or lie we perpetrate on ourselves for whatever personal reasons we want to confound ourselves with.
So like the soldiers who fought for their principles concerning Freedom and Liberty so must we fight the good fight. We must do this at the ballot box and with constant feedback sent to our representatives demanding they conform their works to our wills and in accord with the written constitution in ALL its aspects no matter what we or they want to the contrary.
The Tradesman
Over time, the ongoing controversy between States Rights and Federal Authority, had achieved a regional phase. The general beliefs of the North and the South could be summarized in just a few words. The contentions of the South, was codified in its belief that the Union formed first under the Confederation, and later under the auspices of the Constitution, was a Union of Consent, and not of Force. Those differences ultimately led to the Civil War, and continue to cause political problems today.
The crux of the Southern belief was based on the fact the original states were the independent creators of the Union, and thus, were not its subservient parts. Remember, these states had all recently gained their individual independence and freedom from British rule, and that freedom included their individual sovereignty. Having just gained individual sovereignty, they were not about to surrender it to another central governmental agency, except in the very small ways necessary for the union to survive.
In short, the South refuted the North's belief that the Federal Government, with its explicitly enumerated powers, had constitutional authority to either invade or coerce a Sovereign State. The South in turn, believed that any State could accept or reject any ruling that did not comply with the constitutionally enumerated powers delegated to the federal government.
The North contended that their position was the correct one, based on the parameters of the Union formed under the Constitution, and, was as its predecessor, considered to be a Perpetual Union. This predecessor was codified by name as "The Articles of the Confederation and Perpetual Union" designating the United States of America as the new nation. The North's position was adamant about the fact the Union under the Constitution, had always been intended to be perpetual; the sovereignty was solely vested in the union of states, and not separately designated state by state.
In essence, the North believed the 'Union' was intended to be perpetual and could not be divided for any reason. Strangely enough they ignored the original caveat in the Articles of Confederation that a State could potentially secede if all of the other States allowed it to do so. ( This was implied in Article XIII of the Articles of the Confederation )
The North believed that even if there was no specific or express power or powers designated or enumerated in the Constitution, the right of all governments for self-preservation was inherent. The union was essential for the continuance of Liberty, and that 'Liberty and Union' were one and the same, inseparable. The North had a firm and unshakable contention that secession was in fact treason to the Union, just as much as rebellion was.
The Northern Federal Leaders then, and our current crop of Federal Leaders are doing now, had actually turned the constitutional argument for a restricted federal government upside down. The South had heard all the condemning rhetoric being espoused by the North at that juncture, as basically the same rhetoric that was levied against the Original Rebels by England.
The epithets were familiar from the Revolution, and to vindicate their position on secession, the South contended that the right to govern is consensual, and is only to be controlled by the governed themselves in our system of governance. It also contended that the right to independent action was among the powers reserved to the States and to the people based on the 10th amendment. Our current administration and Congress does not share that belief.
You can begin to see here the arguments ascertained by the North then, are the same arguments they are using now, and are taken to their logical conclusion, where the Federal Government has repeatedly rejected any concept of States Rights in the quest for more Centralized Power.
The current pervasive federal power I might add, is diametrically opposed to what the Original Constitution had clearly specified in its Enumerations and Delegations of Powers, prior to self-serving Congressional Amendments with their hidden ramifications being placed into the constitution altering its basic intent ( citing the 14th, 16th & 17th ), rather than addressing potential abuses of power. The power structure from the 1800's somehow removed the original 13th amendment without repealing it (http://www.amendment-13.org/ ) to enhance their power and control.
The major crux of the South's argument was centered on the acts and opinions of the Founding Fathers, Framers and Ratifiers of the Constitution. They cited the report of the Hartford convention of the New England States as remedy to the infraction of rights, and to the position of John Quincy Adams along with the Declaration of the Assemblage in Ohio that indicated 200,000 Democrats were ready to stand guard at the river and resist invasion of Southern Territory. Even Abraham Lincoln had stated there was difficulty on the question of use of force to coerce compliance in our supposedly Fraternal Government.
The North rejected these points, and in answer to them then, as they seem bent on mandating now, is to stipulate the overriding purpose of the Founding Fathers was to make a stronger union and stronger central government. Study of the Constitution and the clarity in which it was written for the common man to read and understand, belies that northern position of creating a stronger Central Government as a false ideology, otherwise why would the Founders codify a specific enumeration of shared powers in the Constitution that specified what limitations the Federal Government and its leaders were constrained to?
Long before the hostilities broke out, and before a single shot had been fired, the sentiments of both North and South had been whipped to a frenzy in a sea of passion driven agendas. This led to a fixing of sentiment without room for compromise in both the North and the South. The opposing positions finally came to the simple position on both sides as; "The arguments have been exhausted", and "We stand by our guns for redress". The debate continued in battles and in blood the likes of which have never been seen by this country again. Unfortunately we seem on track to repeat that ill-fated travesty today. It's strange to say this, but both sides while they were partisan to their opposing beliefs, were in fact both patriots in the far greater sense of their belief of what constituted Rule by Constitutional Law, and how it was applied.
After the conflict the prevailing and I might add Official stance of the winners was; The North was stereotyped as essentially right, and the South was stereotyped as essentially wrong. Such contentions are the meat and potatoes of the winners in every conflict, but those contentions do not actually represent the truth. The truth is much more exoteric than that, actually it is a commonplace occurrence in history books that are written solely by the winners. The controversy came into being because the cited reasons that still exist today, were what they were and are.
The South contended the North had no Constitutional Right to wage war on sister States that were attempting to peaceably set up a government that had no hostile intentions on its former sister States, and had proposed no war or conflict with the remaining sister States. All they wanted was the States Rights the constitution granted them, and a central government that only was allowed strictly the enumerated powers the Constitution granted it. In effect the South was asserting a second independence along the lines set by the Founders, Framers and Ratifiers of the constitution.
Then as now, the jaundiced and self-aggrandizing partisan and power usurping representatives only want to represent themselves and the Elitist Toady's in their peer group. These so called statesmen then as now spout one sided emotional rather than rational sentiments that's geared to enhancing their own benefits and increasing the central governments powers, to rally the young to their cause, because of the young's naiveté. I find these repeated actions to be inconsistent with the truth of history, and inimical to the continued welfare and common good. They have every aspect within themselves to destroy utterly the unity of the Republic.
The truth of the current Progressive Alliance, complete with all of its aggrandized self-righteousness, is nothing more than a belittling attitude of arrogance and intolerance, for opposing the common sense of rational processes that advance the common good. Must more good men struggle and die before we see the folly of our present course that seems set on repeating the disaster that was the Civil War? What else can we do to protect and defend the God given rights we are now losing to the arrogance of the opposition in their quest for ever more power and control?
Are we relegated to continuously fighting the same fight over the size and power of the central government? Have not our forebears given their life's blood to show us that we are supposed to stand up against any and all oppression with everything we have, and all that we are? We must again suffer for Liberty, Truth, and Equal Justice. We must preserve the Freedom bequeathed to us to guard and nurture for future generations of Americans.
We must maintain at all costs that liberty bequeathed to us. We must act consistently in the laudable character of the generations of American Soldiers, who gave some or gave all, to defend the Principles of Freedom and Liberty. You must remember that a principle is something that is always worth dying for. If it is something that is not worth dying for, then it is not a principle but instead a falsehood or lie we perpetrate on ourselves for whatever personal reasons we want to confound ourselves with.
So like the soldiers who fought for their principles concerning Freedom and Liberty so must we fight the good fight. We must do this at the ballot box and with constant feedback sent to our representatives demanding they conform their works to our wills and in accord with the written constitution in ALL its aspects no matter what we or they want to the contrary.
The Tradesman
Principles, Pseudo-Principles, and Corruption
It has been said that the Constitution is the document that embodies the Principles of the American Nation's Soul. We must remember that a Principle is something worth dying for, and so many brave men have died over the intervening centuries since our creation as a sovereign nation, to uphold those principles. Can we just ignore the darkness that has fallen over the land because of greed and corruption of those who lust for power? They lust for power not because of the money or the prestige, They lust for it because it gives them the capability to order everyone around them to do things exactly as they want them done.
We are now faced with the corrupted values of a Government that is out of control and working towards oblivion. If we want to stop that slide down into dissolution and Obama's "Hope and Change" to unmake the United States and all it stands for. To me it seems that Obama and his supporters within and without the Government are setting us on a path to destruction of our principles. They want to supplant real principles with pseudo-principles that are only a sham of self-aggrandizement or masquerade as truth with no substance to them. They are in fact nothing more than comfortable lies to keep the masses in line and under control.
Seems that everything in Washington is coming together in a tsunami against the Constitutional principles that this Country was founded on. Even the so called Old Guard Establishment Republican Party is now apparently acting like a puppet of the Globalists. They are fighting any and all influence from grass roots organizations, and this is typified in the recent Virginia race where they did not give Cucchinelli the proper support and gave Virginia over to the Progressive Opposition. Actually this schism goes back to our inception as a Nation. The difference of opinion between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists is the same as the fight between the Progressives and the Constitutional Conservatives. Today it is called the difference between the Progressive and the Conservative factions, but now there is extreme influence from the NWO faction that is using this schism to their benefit.
Let's take a Historical look: The Federalists always wanted a strong and inflexible Central Government patterned after the Monarchies existent when America was formed. The Anti-Federalists like Jefferson knew the dangers of that form and the compromise was the Constitutional Republic with Democratic Principles that was the Fledgling Country. It seems like the Federalist/Centrist faction has just about shut out the Conservative faction that desired a limited Federal Government.
Right now the RNC and the DNC seem to be united in waging a war against the True Conservative factions as personified by the Tea Party Movement. It seems like both parties are campaigning against us and treating us like we were a competing political party. In fact we are a legitimate grass roots movement to elicit a response to our wishes from our supposed representatives as it is supposed to be. the representatives with a few noted exceptions are acting like they are our masters instead of our servants. This must stop.
Congress and the other two branches of our government seem to ignore or discount the constitution as the law of the land and in its place rule by whim is increasingly replacing the rule of law. Americans are not blameless in this because they went to sleep figuring they could trust their elected representatives to act honorably in their behalf instead of succumbing to the siren song of power, position, and wealth for themselves. I doubt if our Founders would approve of the increasingly costly free ride the Representatives always seem to find funding for from the public though. I know they would condemn them for exempting themselves and their crony's from the laws they pass for us mere mortals.
The question remains: Short of an armed revolt, what do we do to effectively reverse this Century+ trend? The answer is as simple as the question, but most people won't believe it applies to them. We must unite in a single minded purpose against the agendas of those who oppose Constitutional rule of law as the highest law of the land. We must stand together against them and remove them from power. To do that effectively we must of needs be change what we individually want to do and concentrate on what we as United Americans must do. This will mean a sublimation of our desired objectives into a combined objective to restore the true Republic.
Here are the simple rules on how to achieve that goal:
1. We must first agree on what issues are immediately needed to be addressed, and set the priorities for them. This will be the hardest obstacle to surmount owing to our diverse wants and beliefs on how the government should be run. If we are to accomplish anything, we must do this first and foremost. We must be specific in this too, and agree to combine our efforts to make it come about.
2. We must get over the imposed ideology of Party Loyalty. By that I mean we must vet all the candidates and choose the ones who by their past performance align most closely with our stated goals regardless of party affiliation. This will be another major hurdle to surmount, but it must be accomplished if we want to win through in our endeavors to restore the Republic.
3. We need to DOMINATE the Primary Elections. We need to realize that right or wrong the vast majority of officials elected will be either Democrat or Republican like it or not that is the current fact of politics. We can't win if we allow the votes to be split, and it is not fair to the smaller parties to expect them to ignore their candidates and hold their nose and vote for the lesser of two evils.
So, we must look objectively at all the Conservative and Independent Candidates, form a consensus of opinion on them, and unite behind our consensus candidates to get them on the primary ballots as either Republican or Democrat just like Ron Paul who is a lifelong Libertarian ran as a Republican so he could get elected and do some good.
We must also understand that the Progressives have co-opted the good name of the libertarian Party and have stacked the deck so to speak with ringers that are placed in key positions to suck away votes from Conservative Candidates like they did in the Virginia race.
To do that we must form teams to pass around the necessary petitions to have our candidates placed on the Ballot as either a Republican or Democrat to either run against the Republican or Democrat we want to remove from office, or replace them on their own ticket by having our candidates win the primaries.
4. From here on it will have to be hands on, and boots on the ground 75% of the time with computer time used to create, discuss, and disseminate workable tactics and also learn what is not working for us and amend it so it is. One of the first things we need to do right now is to get into positions in every precinct as Elections Officials and Volunteers. Precinct Captains, Poll Watchers, Vote Counters, Vote Challengers, the entire spectrum of duties that goes along with keeping the vote clean and honest.
5. We need to set up teams in every precinct to go around their own neighborhoods and do three things.
A. Get a list of the registered voters in your area. That is public information and can be requested from election commissions or county clerks offices and they are usually broken down into party affiliation of the voter. Use that list to do two things, verify that the voters are still at the addresses listed. Plan your geographic area to canvass. If you find that anyone on the official registered voters list does not live at the address make sure you write it down and when you are through with your canvass send a notarizes copy to the elections commission and the county clerk by registered first class mail return receipt requested. You can also use the list to cross check the list used at the polls as an official challenger.
B. Make sure everyone is registered to vote and can get to the polls. If they cannot get there we need to either form transportation services or get them signed up for Absentee Ballots.
C. This is a very important part also; we need to have poll observers outside to watch for any intimidation or other illegal activity that would prevent people from voting the way they want to. It would be best to have at least three people detailed to that at each polling place, and stationed in different areas but close enough to come to each other’s aid should the need arise. They should also have phones with speed dial of the three police agencies; Local Police, County Sheriff's, and State Police. All three should be dialed to report illegal activities or acts of violence or intimidation. If all three are responding then they will also keep each other in check along with stopping the activity. The outside and inside watchers need to have a means to photograph any illegal activity and automatically transmit it to a secure location for later use in court should their phones be confiscated.
6. We all need to push our neighbors to get out and vote in the primary and general elections so we don't have a repeat of the 2012 fiasco.
I know I have said much of this before and some of it multiple times. It is very important for ours and Future Generations Freedom and Liberty, that we do not drop the ball on these things.
The Tradesman
We are now faced with the corrupted values of a Government that is out of control and working towards oblivion. If we want to stop that slide down into dissolution and Obama's "Hope and Change" to unmake the United States and all it stands for. To me it seems that Obama and his supporters within and without the Government are setting us on a path to destruction of our principles. They want to supplant real principles with pseudo-principles that are only a sham of self-aggrandizement or masquerade as truth with no substance to them. They are in fact nothing more than comfortable lies to keep the masses in line and under control.
Seems that everything in Washington is coming together in a tsunami against the Constitutional principles that this Country was founded on. Even the so called Old Guard Establishment Republican Party is now apparently acting like a puppet of the Globalists. They are fighting any and all influence from grass roots organizations, and this is typified in the recent Virginia race where they did not give Cucchinelli the proper support and gave Virginia over to the Progressive Opposition. Actually this schism goes back to our inception as a Nation. The difference of opinion between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists is the same as the fight between the Progressives and the Constitutional Conservatives. Today it is called the difference between the Progressive and the Conservative factions, but now there is extreme influence from the NWO faction that is using this schism to their benefit.
Let's take a Historical look: The Federalists always wanted a strong and inflexible Central Government patterned after the Monarchies existent when America was formed. The Anti-Federalists like Jefferson knew the dangers of that form and the compromise was the Constitutional Republic with Democratic Principles that was the Fledgling Country. It seems like the Federalist/Centrist faction has just about shut out the Conservative faction that desired a limited Federal Government.
Right now the RNC and the DNC seem to be united in waging a war against the True Conservative factions as personified by the Tea Party Movement. It seems like both parties are campaigning against us and treating us like we were a competing political party. In fact we are a legitimate grass roots movement to elicit a response to our wishes from our supposed representatives as it is supposed to be. the representatives with a few noted exceptions are acting like they are our masters instead of our servants. This must stop.
Congress and the other two branches of our government seem to ignore or discount the constitution as the law of the land and in its place rule by whim is increasingly replacing the rule of law. Americans are not blameless in this because they went to sleep figuring they could trust their elected representatives to act honorably in their behalf instead of succumbing to the siren song of power, position, and wealth for themselves. I doubt if our Founders would approve of the increasingly costly free ride the Representatives always seem to find funding for from the public though. I know they would condemn them for exempting themselves and their crony's from the laws they pass for us mere mortals.
The question remains: Short of an armed revolt, what do we do to effectively reverse this Century+ trend? The answer is as simple as the question, but most people won't believe it applies to them. We must unite in a single minded purpose against the agendas of those who oppose Constitutional rule of law as the highest law of the land. We must stand together against them and remove them from power. To do that effectively we must of needs be change what we individually want to do and concentrate on what we as United Americans must do. This will mean a sublimation of our desired objectives into a combined objective to restore the true Republic.
Here are the simple rules on how to achieve that goal:
1. We must first agree on what issues are immediately needed to be addressed, and set the priorities for them. This will be the hardest obstacle to surmount owing to our diverse wants and beliefs on how the government should be run. If we are to accomplish anything, we must do this first and foremost. We must be specific in this too, and agree to combine our efforts to make it come about.
2. We must get over the imposed ideology of Party Loyalty. By that I mean we must vet all the candidates and choose the ones who by their past performance align most closely with our stated goals regardless of party affiliation. This will be another major hurdle to surmount, but it must be accomplished if we want to win through in our endeavors to restore the Republic.
3. We need to DOMINATE the Primary Elections. We need to realize that right or wrong the vast majority of officials elected will be either Democrat or Republican like it or not that is the current fact of politics. We can't win if we allow the votes to be split, and it is not fair to the smaller parties to expect them to ignore their candidates and hold their nose and vote for the lesser of two evils.
So, we must look objectively at all the Conservative and Independent Candidates, form a consensus of opinion on them, and unite behind our consensus candidates to get them on the primary ballots as either Republican or Democrat just like Ron Paul who is a lifelong Libertarian ran as a Republican so he could get elected and do some good.
We must also understand that the Progressives have co-opted the good name of the libertarian Party and have stacked the deck so to speak with ringers that are placed in key positions to suck away votes from Conservative Candidates like they did in the Virginia race.
To do that we must form teams to pass around the necessary petitions to have our candidates placed on the Ballot as either a Republican or Democrat to either run against the Republican or Democrat we want to remove from office, or replace them on their own ticket by having our candidates win the primaries.
4. From here on it will have to be hands on, and boots on the ground 75% of the time with computer time used to create, discuss, and disseminate workable tactics and also learn what is not working for us and amend it so it is. One of the first things we need to do right now is to get into positions in every precinct as Elections Officials and Volunteers. Precinct Captains, Poll Watchers, Vote Counters, Vote Challengers, the entire spectrum of duties that goes along with keeping the vote clean and honest.
5. We need to set up teams in every precinct to go around their own neighborhoods and do three things.
A. Get a list of the registered voters in your area. That is public information and can be requested from election commissions or county clerks offices and they are usually broken down into party affiliation of the voter. Use that list to do two things, verify that the voters are still at the addresses listed. Plan your geographic area to canvass. If you find that anyone on the official registered voters list does not live at the address make sure you write it down and when you are through with your canvass send a notarizes copy to the elections commission and the county clerk by registered first class mail return receipt requested. You can also use the list to cross check the list used at the polls as an official challenger.
B. Make sure everyone is registered to vote and can get to the polls. If they cannot get there we need to either form transportation services or get them signed up for Absentee Ballots.
C. This is a very important part also; we need to have poll observers outside to watch for any intimidation or other illegal activity that would prevent people from voting the way they want to. It would be best to have at least three people detailed to that at each polling place, and stationed in different areas but close enough to come to each other’s aid should the need arise. They should also have phones with speed dial of the three police agencies; Local Police, County Sheriff's, and State Police. All three should be dialed to report illegal activities or acts of violence or intimidation. If all three are responding then they will also keep each other in check along with stopping the activity. The outside and inside watchers need to have a means to photograph any illegal activity and automatically transmit it to a secure location for later use in court should their phones be confiscated.
6. We all need to push our neighbors to get out and vote in the primary and general elections so we don't have a repeat of the 2012 fiasco.
I know I have said much of this before and some of it multiple times. It is very important for ours and Future Generations Freedom and Liberty, that we do not drop the ball on these things.
The Tradesman
Act In Self Defense Within The Law And Still Get Sued
What has become of American sense of Honor and Fair Play? Are the Lawyers going to totally ruin everything for their own profits? If you read the story you will see that some Liability Attorney, despite the Castle doctrine, will file papers to sue the Armed Citizen which the lengthy police investigation exonerated. He shot the thugs in self defense when they were exiting the Convenience Store they had just robbed, and after they pointed their gun at the armed citizen who shot first and killed them.
Reading, Pennsylvania: The story highlights what is the crazy way it works in an America gone mad. The two men entered the convenience store, pulled their guns and robbed the store clerk. The thugs exited the store where the armed citizen (name withheld by police for fear of retaliation against him) confronted them, they pointed their guns at him and he shot first killing both of them.
Believe me I can sympathize with the families of the men over their loss of a loved ones, because no one wants to lose somebody. However, I cannot find it in myself to approve of, in even the slightest way, those families call for justice against the armed citizen. The mother of one of the dead robbers went on the air to say that her boy was a "good boy", he didn't deserve to be shot by the armed citizen he pointed the gun at, and even though he was a known drug user, he probably only robbed the store so he could make his child support payments like a good father should. She even went so far as to say the armed citizen had no right to take the law into his own hands, and the robbers cousin quipped that maybe everyone should run around policing the city on their own, "how much worse is it going to get?" was his comment..
In a typical move for what the families think is "Justice", the family of one of the dead robbers plans to sue the armed citizen for wrongful death, and of course for monetary compensation for their loss. This is complete with a media blitz to give the families of the dead robbers a public forum. The mother contends that the armed citizen had no right to fire at the two boys who pointed their guns at him. The mother contends that a false picture of her son has been painted, and that he was not a thug, but was a good boy. Maybe he was a good boy once, but when he pulled a gun and robbed the store he became an armed and dangerous criminal, and a "good boy" no longer.
Due to the Castle Doctrine, Pennsylvania does not allow lawsuits against anyone involved in a justified self defense incident. Unfortunately the families can still file paperwork. Because of this, the Armed citizen will have to retain an attorney at his own expense, and go to court to move the case be dismissed. Once his identity is exposed through that court action, he will be subject to fear of potential retaliation from the dead robbers families, and anyone else who sympathizes with those families. Bear in mind that multiple videos and testimony from multiple witnesses prove that the Armed Citizen acted in self defense and within the existing law.
In today's upside down world where the criminals get the benefit of the doubt, even when there is overwhelming proof positive evidence of their crimes, the honest citizen who exercises their Second Amendment Rights to have a gun to defend themselves with, will have to face similar trials and tribulations because of a severely broken and politicized system that has been deliberately corrupted by Progressive Idiocy. People need to be ready to face the challenges of doing everything right and still ending up in long court battles. Something has to give, and give in favor of the honest citizen and the intent of the Constitution.
The Tradesman
Source: https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/robbers-killed-armed-citizen-now-families-want-sue/
Reading, Pennsylvania: The story highlights what is the crazy way it works in an America gone mad. The two men entered the convenience store, pulled their guns and robbed the store clerk. The thugs exited the store where the armed citizen (name withheld by police for fear of retaliation against him) confronted them, they pointed their guns at him and he shot first killing both of them.
Believe me I can sympathize with the families of the men over their loss of a loved ones, because no one wants to lose somebody. However, I cannot find it in myself to approve of, in even the slightest way, those families call for justice against the armed citizen. The mother of one of the dead robbers went on the air to say that her boy was a "good boy", he didn't deserve to be shot by the armed citizen he pointed the gun at, and even though he was a known drug user, he probably only robbed the store so he could make his child support payments like a good father should. She even went so far as to say the armed citizen had no right to take the law into his own hands, and the robbers cousin quipped that maybe everyone should run around policing the city on their own, "how much worse is it going to get?" was his comment..
In a typical move for what the families think is "Justice", the family of one of the dead robbers plans to sue the armed citizen for wrongful death, and of course for monetary compensation for their loss. This is complete with a media blitz to give the families of the dead robbers a public forum. The mother contends that the armed citizen had no right to fire at the two boys who pointed their guns at him. The mother contends that a false picture of her son has been painted, and that he was not a thug, but was a good boy. Maybe he was a good boy once, but when he pulled a gun and robbed the store he became an armed and dangerous criminal, and a "good boy" no longer.
Due to the Castle Doctrine, Pennsylvania does not allow lawsuits against anyone involved in a justified self defense incident. Unfortunately the families can still file paperwork. Because of this, the Armed citizen will have to retain an attorney at his own expense, and go to court to move the case be dismissed. Once his identity is exposed through that court action, he will be subject to fear of potential retaliation from the dead robbers families, and anyone else who sympathizes with those families. Bear in mind that multiple videos and testimony from multiple witnesses prove that the Armed Citizen acted in self defense and within the existing law.
In today's upside down world where the criminals get the benefit of the doubt, even when there is overwhelming proof positive evidence of their crimes, the honest citizen who exercises their Second Amendment Rights to have a gun to defend themselves with, will have to face similar trials and tribulations because of a severely broken and politicized system that has been deliberately corrupted by Progressive Idiocy. People need to be ready to face the challenges of doing everything right and still ending up in long court battles. Something has to give, and give in favor of the honest citizen and the intent of the Constitution.
The Tradesman
Source: https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/robbers-killed-armed-citizen-now-families-want-sue/
Did Congress break Constitutional Law to push through the 14th Amendment?
The 14th Amendment is reportedly one of the most litigated, used and probably mis-used Amendments ever. It came out of the Radical Reconstruction Congress imposed on the South after the Civil War. Basically it insured that all men over 21 (the 15th, 19th, 24th and 26th Amendments now protect voting rights of all Adults 18 years and over) would be counted to determine representation in congress. It protected Due Process and for the first time made States subservient to the bill of rights thus overturning many Supreme Court rulings that made it clear the Bill of Rights only applied to the Federal government.
One wonders if Congress, in response to what they considered an out of control President Andrew Johnson, setting the rules of Presidential Reconstruction, overstepped it's proper constitutional grounds and disobeyed the Strictures of the 10th Amendment, by rescinding Statehood of the Confederate States and declaring them as reverted to Territories of the United States under Military rule with Congressional Radical Reconstruction? Bear in mind that at that time in our history, Congress was a part time occupation with designated times they must be in and out of session.
During the interlude between authorized sessions of Congress, President Andrew Johnson Used Presidential authority to Reconstruct the Confederate States Legislatures and authorized the States to vote in state elections and pardoned almost all of the Confederate Leadership that was banned from holding political office under the terms of Presidential Reconstruction. With exception of the issue of suffrage for freed blacks which Johnson was against, all this was in accord with what Lincoln was promoting before he was assassinated.
Did President Andrew Johnson actually exceeded his enumerated powers when he authorized the Confederate States to vote again in Federal Elections and allowing them to elect their Federal Representatives and Senators? Congress thought so, and declared that Johnson's actions on the Federal elections was void citing Article 1 Section 5 that states;
Section 5.
Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business; but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide.
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.
Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy; and the Yeas and Nays of the Members of either House on any question shall, at the Desire of one fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal.
Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting.
This schism between Johnson and Congress escalated to the point where Congress was finally fed up with what they considered an out of control President and declared their version of Reconstruction;
In early 1866, Congressional Radical Republicans, appalled by mass killing of ex-slaves and adoption of restrictive black codes, the actions of Andrew Johnson, where he took a moderate position similar to Lincoln's on Reconstruction of the South. To the Radical Republicans in Congress, that seemed that Johnson was giving aid and comfort to the Confederate States and their old leadership. In response to those feelings Congress seized control of Reconstruction from President Johnson and began the Radical Reconstruction Period.
Congress denied representatives elected under Johnson's reconstruction rules for the former Confederate States their Congressional seats. It passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866, Extended the Freedmen's Bureau, Declared that confederate leaders were ineligible to hold political office in state or Federal positions, and wrote the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, extending citizenship rights to African Americans and guaranteed them equal protection of the laws. In 1867, Congress overrode a presidential veto in order to pass an act that divided the South into Military Districts that placed the former Confederate states under martial law pending their adoption of state constitutions guaranteeing civil liberties to former slaves. That also meant the Southern States that had participated in Rebellion were stripped of their Statehood to become only territories of the United States dividing them into five military districts until they complied with all the Radical Reconstruction Rules. The Confederate States had to rewrite their Constitutions, No Confederate leaders would be allowed to hold State or Federal Office, and the 14th Amendment had to be ratified before the Confederate States would be re-admitted to the Union.
Since the Articles of the original confederation of the perpetual Union and the succeeding US Constitution saw the States as basically Sovereign nations unto themselves but united as one nation, did Congress commit what under the 10th Amendment be considered an Unconstitutional Act? Note this. Anything not expressly granted to the Federal government is reserved for the States or the People. Although this amendment is very liberally interpreted, it is one of the tenets of the Constitution. This amendment is also known as the States' Rights Amendment. So I contend that congress did not have the Constitutional Authority to force the states to lose their statehood, nor did it have the authority to force them to pass the 14th Amendment as a condition to return to statehood.
The 14th Amendment also reduced representation in Congress of any southern state that deprived African Americans of the vote. In 1870, the country went even further by ratifying the Fifteenth Amendment, which gave voting rights to black men. The most radical proposals advanced during Reconstruction--to confiscate plantations and redistribute portions to the freemen--were defeated. It also gave the right to vote to black men in the South three years before the 15th Amendment gave it to all men regardless of Race, Color, or previous Servitude. This also caused Susan B. Anthony to start the Women's suffrage movement when she noted it specified men and ignored women. The schism between Congressional Republicans and the Democratic President Andrew Johnson eventually led Congress to enact laws that restricted presidential powers and prevented him from appointing Supreme Court Justices, restricted his authority over the Army, and forbade him from removing officeholders that were appointed with the advice of the Senate without Senate approval for the removal. This prompted Johnson to test the Tenure of Office act by removing Edwin Stanton and led to his impeachment.
The Tradesman
One wonders if Congress, in response to what they considered an out of control President Andrew Johnson, setting the rules of Presidential Reconstruction, overstepped it's proper constitutional grounds and disobeyed the Strictures of the 10th Amendment, by rescinding Statehood of the Confederate States and declaring them as reverted to Territories of the United States under Military rule with Congressional Radical Reconstruction? Bear in mind that at that time in our history, Congress was a part time occupation with designated times they must be in and out of session.
During the interlude between authorized sessions of Congress, President Andrew Johnson Used Presidential authority to Reconstruct the Confederate States Legislatures and authorized the States to vote in state elections and pardoned almost all of the Confederate Leadership that was banned from holding political office under the terms of Presidential Reconstruction. With exception of the issue of suffrage for freed blacks which Johnson was against, all this was in accord with what Lincoln was promoting before he was assassinated.
Did President Andrew Johnson actually exceeded his enumerated powers when he authorized the Confederate States to vote again in Federal Elections and allowing them to elect their Federal Representatives and Senators? Congress thought so, and declared that Johnson's actions on the Federal elections was void citing Article 1 Section 5 that states;
Section 5.
Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business; but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide.
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.
Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy; and the Yeas and Nays of the Members of either House on any question shall, at the Desire of one fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal.
Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting.
This schism between Johnson and Congress escalated to the point where Congress was finally fed up with what they considered an out of control President and declared their version of Reconstruction;
In early 1866, Congressional Radical Republicans, appalled by mass killing of ex-slaves and adoption of restrictive black codes, the actions of Andrew Johnson, where he took a moderate position similar to Lincoln's on Reconstruction of the South. To the Radical Republicans in Congress, that seemed that Johnson was giving aid and comfort to the Confederate States and their old leadership. In response to those feelings Congress seized control of Reconstruction from President Johnson and began the Radical Reconstruction Period.
Congress denied representatives elected under Johnson's reconstruction rules for the former Confederate States their Congressional seats. It passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866, Extended the Freedmen's Bureau, Declared that confederate leaders were ineligible to hold political office in state or Federal positions, and wrote the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, extending citizenship rights to African Americans and guaranteed them equal protection of the laws. In 1867, Congress overrode a presidential veto in order to pass an act that divided the South into Military Districts that placed the former Confederate states under martial law pending their adoption of state constitutions guaranteeing civil liberties to former slaves. That also meant the Southern States that had participated in Rebellion were stripped of their Statehood to become only territories of the United States dividing them into five military districts until they complied with all the Radical Reconstruction Rules. The Confederate States had to rewrite their Constitutions, No Confederate leaders would be allowed to hold State or Federal Office, and the 14th Amendment had to be ratified before the Confederate States would be re-admitted to the Union.
Since the Articles of the original confederation of the perpetual Union and the succeeding US Constitution saw the States as basically Sovereign nations unto themselves but united as one nation, did Congress commit what under the 10th Amendment be considered an Unconstitutional Act? Note this. Anything not expressly granted to the Federal government is reserved for the States or the People. Although this amendment is very liberally interpreted, it is one of the tenets of the Constitution. This amendment is also known as the States' Rights Amendment. So I contend that congress did not have the Constitutional Authority to force the states to lose their statehood, nor did it have the authority to force them to pass the 14th Amendment as a condition to return to statehood.
The 14th Amendment also reduced representation in Congress of any southern state that deprived African Americans of the vote. In 1870, the country went even further by ratifying the Fifteenth Amendment, which gave voting rights to black men. The most radical proposals advanced during Reconstruction--to confiscate plantations and redistribute portions to the freemen--were defeated. It also gave the right to vote to black men in the South three years before the 15th Amendment gave it to all men regardless of Race, Color, or previous Servitude. This also caused Susan B. Anthony to start the Women's suffrage movement when she noted it specified men and ignored women. The schism between Congressional Republicans and the Democratic President Andrew Johnson eventually led Congress to enact laws that restricted presidential powers and prevented him from appointing Supreme Court Justices, restricted his authority over the Army, and forbade him from removing officeholders that were appointed with the advice of the Senate without Senate approval for the removal. This prompted Johnson to test the Tenure of Office act by removing Edwin Stanton and led to his impeachment.
The Tradesman
Obama's Foreign Policy re Russia's War on the Ukraine
Obama's posturing on Russia, declaring war on the Ukraine inspired this rant against Obama's ideology. I wish to show the difference between what I believe America should be, and what 'progressives' right up to Obama, have made it into over the last hundred and one years.
This opinion of mine was inspired by an Editorial, penned By Nelson Hultberg:
Consider this: For little over half of the total years of American History up until around 1913, the Politics were primarily Libertarian in the way that was based on the ideal that American Citizens were meant by God to be free.
Concurrently the Cultural value system that the overwhelming majority of citizens ascribed to was Conservative Values within the American culture. The Founders being the highly educated, and dare I say the renaissance oriented men they were, set up the system of governance that strictly limited the government with the Constitution as the gatekeeper of Law. Laws were not to be determined by the whim of the Elite ruling class or in the case of Democracy by the passions and self-serving desires of the masses.
The Founders thoroughly understood the concept of the government adhering to the practice or doctrine of non-interference or the smallest possible interference in the affairs of the citizenry, especially with strong reference to curtailing individual conduct or freedom of action as long as it brought no harm to other citizens.
In short, it was a system of checks and balances that was ruled by Constitutional Law rather than by the edicts of a Monarch or Dictator. They also realized that the economy although it would be subject to periods of boom and bust needed to be a free marketplace to give every American an equal chance to make their fortunes with little or no government regulations. Basically, it was a Capitalist form of government that was allowed to act with as little government intervention as possible in economic affairs.
On the other subject of Conservative Values, the Founders realized: The Conservative values of Society in general, subscribed to an underlying moral order in the universe. That basic moral code was the general rule of conduct for a workable society, and was generally embraced by the population.
In explanation: If the Ten Commandments were taken out of the religious context and looked at as underlying guidelines for a peaceful workable society in the secular sense, they would also be the underlying guidelines for the enacting of laws and codes of conduct for the citizens to voluntarily follow.
In fact the "Commonwealth States" only enacted laws that did not conflict with those principles codified in the Ten Commandments. Don't mistake the Separation of Church and State here because that stricture applies only to the Federal Government to prevent it from setting up a mandatory State Religion like Henry the VIII did in England, as did others in other
countries. The culture in those beginning years however was guided by the intent of these moral objectives and it instilled them into the youth of the successive generations that followed at an early age.
This is no longer happening with the Neo-Pseudo Liberals and Socialists who now want society to subscribe to Hedonistic Principles, and turn everything upside down where it comes to the once accepted morals of our society. Knowing well in advance, those are the principles that collapse a society and allow the Oligarchs/Monarchs/Dictators to step in to restore their kind of order and strict codes of conduct.
For the citizens to complain or even act too slowly to conform, or even innocently question, the retribution is swift and deadly. I can cite examples from the Roman Empire, to Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Communist China, or more graphically Pol Pot’s Mass Murders by the Khmer Rouge who executed the majority of the adult population so they could indoctrinate the youth with their principles. This current hedonistic philosophy was recognized by the Founders as the destroyer of freedom, and would make America degenerate into license and anarchy.
The reason then, as it is now is because "A society cannot promote different opinions on or definitions of morality within itself and remain a cohesive unit. To put it in Modern Terms We cannot subscribe to the current "Doing your own thing and it's ok" moral philosophy without rending the American Society to shreds.
Let’s look at this from a little different viewpoint. Even the most Progressive of the Socialist Liberals would agree that a child of fourteen or fifteen years would not be capable of directing a Political Party, nor would that child be good at governing a Political Subdivision. Neither would they consider that Poison was no more harmful than water when ingested.
I used those over-the-top statements to showcase the common sense that people generally have about some known and learned truths. So using that basic definition of Common sense I ask why we should as a society, and why would our Political leaders consider or tolerate differences of opinion on what is and had been known through generations immemorial as right and wrong actions or immoral actions?
So, why do so many otherwise rational people accept the false premise inflicted on them by self-serving and agenda ridden and usually self-proclaimed authorities? Can the basic principles that have guided humankind for thousands of years can be thrown away and the Neo-Philosophy of Hedonism be employed without the result being utter Chaos? Would it not create a culture of Chaos and Decadence leading to the ultimate degradation and eventual dissolution of Society as a whole?
Being the men they were, the Founders deliberately inserted checks and balances into our system of governance that were set in place to prevent the Politicians who have now become the Elite Political Self-Styled Ruling Class, to become the moral guardians, and who in turn decide what the morals are going to be.
They have stolen the power over the last hundred years+ to force and beat those in society they consider sinners for disagreeing with their edicts or executive orders into either obedience or the grave. No less a figure than James Madison observed the essence of human nature to be less than angelic and in fact severely flawed, when it comes to the wielding of extreme power among other things.
The Libertarians of the Founders time, as with our time, believe that virtue must be freely chosen and not mandated. Remember the key word/concept being VIRTUE. The philosophy of the Founding Fathers held that linking the Politicians with their legislative power and to their enforcement power to moral guardians would precipitate conditions such as existed in the Theocracies of the previous ages replete with their penchant for harsh, cruel, and often deadly administration of their powers.
The crux of the matter is legislating against certain actions is in fact legislating morality, and without laws all we would have is anarchy. Therefore Legislating against harmful acts like Theft, Injury, Lying to Defame, Willful destruction of property, Murder, etc. is legislating morality and curtailing certain Individual actions, and at the same time it's legislating against violation of individual rights to protect individual actions and rights.
Any rational human should be able to see that the there is an imperative for the State to legislate against immoral behavior that injures someone or curtails their individual rights, but not against actions that are not harmful to others and do not curtail their individual rights. Sounds simple, but in practice it's very complicated.
Let’s start by agreeing the State was given the power by the people to legislate certain kinds of morality and forbidden the power to legislate against other types. That can be simply described as: Anything that is not specifically forbidden by law, is allowed. This is just the opposite of what the prevailing legal philosophy of Europe at the time of the Founding Fathers was.
To state that simply the European ideology was: Anything that is not specifically allowed by Law is Forbidden. The Founders wanted to create an open society and curtail government overreach by the Central Government/Federal Government, so they specifically set up the original Constitution to be an ironclad barrier against infringement of individual rights. They did this because the safest way to insure that we remained a Republic that respected individual rights was by strictly defining the parameters of governmental power. The states adopted similar Constitutions for the same reasons.
This fit into the Founder’s dilemma of the basic conflict between the Libertarian views and the Conservative morality questions. Which faction would be reign supreme, or would the factions be able to reach a workable compromise?
It was found that Libertarian politics and Conservative values could work together to from a free and viable society provided a method could be found to affect a realistic compromise. The Founders could not leave people alone to their own devices, nor could they be an overbearing dictatorial power keeping people in line with the rules by force.
The Founders solution to this dilemma and conflict between values was a duality of Federalism. The principle legislating bodies were the Localities and States with the Locals being the primary decision makers of what was and what wasn't appropriate legal behavior. If the problems and actions were more spread out beyond the Localities then the states would create Legislation to cover the actions.
If the local and State governments could not cover the problem then and only then the governing issue would be decided by the Federal Government but only in specified areas. This solution allowed the population to vote with their feet for or against the extent of government regulation. Example the Wet and Dry Counties that decide to allow or not allow alcoholic beverages to be sold and consumed, or more recently the legalization of Marijuana in certain States or Communities. In using this system it was thought that the governments would be held constrained through competition between them and would keep them honest.
Granted, it sounds like that system would tear itself apart in short order being basically a pseudo Democracy. However you must remember the Constitution set the parameters of law, not the politicians or the people. Certain morality laws like vice i.e. gambling, drinking alcoholic beverages, prostitution, etc. would be handled by each locality, and the vice laws in turn would be decided by the citizens of that locality.
If they thought there should be no laws against gambling you get Las Vegas and Atlantic City, and recently a plethora of States where gambling is allowed. The only requisite was that each State would structure itself as a " Government if the form of a Republic " State; therefore, America became the first and best place where the most amount of Freedom and Liberty prevailed. This happens with the majority of power decentralized To the states, and the States responsive to the people America grew and prospered.
It must be remembered that from the very beginning, the Founders were split into two groups better known as Federalists who wanted strong central government with them and their peers holding the reins of power and the Anti-Federalists who believed America should be the Republic it became even if that Republic was a compromise between Liberal and conservative viewpoints as to how the self-rule was going to be instituted. The compromise worked until, the civil war where the Strong Centralist supporters backed by the international bankers, gained the upper hand.
We have been on a downward spiral ever since with ever more restrictions on personal liberties being imposed over the years since the original 13th amendment was banished from the Constitution by Fiat of the Federalist winners of the war of the states, and they forced the 14th Amendment into the Constitution that in actual fact relegated the States into a position of inferiority with the Central Government thus reversing the original intent of the Founders of the American Republic.
The downward spiral since then has had the liberal faction taken over by the Strong Central Government factions that fly the false flags of Liberty, Integrity, and Honorable Conduct to help the downtrodden but in actuality they are ever increasing the downtrodden's servitude to their burgeoning elitist political class.
We who believe we advocate a free political order, need to challenge all the aspects of these self-acclaimed protectors of the downtrodden class by challenging them with their own rules of conduct imposed on everyone else, and hold them to account of why they say they are helping people to become self-sufficient on their welfare programs without requiring self-discipline from the recipients, and providing the training and education that will be hard but will prepare the students to tackle the problems of the real world and be able to compete in the jobs and marketplace.
If we showed them up for their insufferable tyrannical ways that keep those they "Help to Survive" in positions similar to the bonded servitude of yesteryear. Our only hope is to engage these usurpers of American Exceptionalism at every turn and show them up to the world for the miscreants they are.
Get Up And Fight Back Properly And Effectively!
The Tradesman
This opinion of mine was inspired by an Editorial, penned By Nelson Hultberg:
Consider this: For little over half of the total years of American History up until around 1913, the Politics were primarily Libertarian in the way that was based on the ideal that American Citizens were meant by God to be free.
Concurrently the Cultural value system that the overwhelming majority of citizens ascribed to was Conservative Values within the American culture. The Founders being the highly educated, and dare I say the renaissance oriented men they were, set up the system of governance that strictly limited the government with the Constitution as the gatekeeper of Law. Laws were not to be determined by the whim of the Elite ruling class or in the case of Democracy by the passions and self-serving desires of the masses.
The Founders thoroughly understood the concept of the government adhering to the practice or doctrine of non-interference or the smallest possible interference in the affairs of the citizenry, especially with strong reference to curtailing individual conduct or freedom of action as long as it brought no harm to other citizens.
In short, it was a system of checks and balances that was ruled by Constitutional Law rather than by the edicts of a Monarch or Dictator. They also realized that the economy although it would be subject to periods of boom and bust needed to be a free marketplace to give every American an equal chance to make their fortunes with little or no government regulations. Basically, it was a Capitalist form of government that was allowed to act with as little government intervention as possible in economic affairs.
On the other subject of Conservative Values, the Founders realized: The Conservative values of Society in general, subscribed to an underlying moral order in the universe. That basic moral code was the general rule of conduct for a workable society, and was generally embraced by the population.
In explanation: If the Ten Commandments were taken out of the religious context and looked at as underlying guidelines for a peaceful workable society in the secular sense, they would also be the underlying guidelines for the enacting of laws and codes of conduct for the citizens to voluntarily follow.
In fact the "Commonwealth States" only enacted laws that did not conflict with those principles codified in the Ten Commandments. Don't mistake the Separation of Church and State here because that stricture applies only to the Federal Government to prevent it from setting up a mandatory State Religion like Henry the VIII did in England, as did others in other
countries. The culture in those beginning years however was guided by the intent of these moral objectives and it instilled them into the youth of the successive generations that followed at an early age.
This is no longer happening with the Neo-Pseudo Liberals and Socialists who now want society to subscribe to Hedonistic Principles, and turn everything upside down where it comes to the once accepted morals of our society. Knowing well in advance, those are the principles that collapse a society and allow the Oligarchs/Monarchs/Dictators to step in to restore their kind of order and strict codes of conduct.
For the citizens to complain or even act too slowly to conform, or even innocently question, the retribution is swift and deadly. I can cite examples from the Roman Empire, to Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Communist China, or more graphically Pol Pot’s Mass Murders by the Khmer Rouge who executed the majority of the adult population so they could indoctrinate the youth with their principles. This current hedonistic philosophy was recognized by the Founders as the destroyer of freedom, and would make America degenerate into license and anarchy.
The reason then, as it is now is because "A society cannot promote different opinions on or definitions of morality within itself and remain a cohesive unit. To put it in Modern Terms We cannot subscribe to the current "Doing your own thing and it's ok" moral philosophy without rending the American Society to shreds.
Let’s look at this from a little different viewpoint. Even the most Progressive of the Socialist Liberals would agree that a child of fourteen or fifteen years would not be capable of directing a Political Party, nor would that child be good at governing a Political Subdivision. Neither would they consider that Poison was no more harmful than water when ingested.
I used those over-the-top statements to showcase the common sense that people generally have about some known and learned truths. So using that basic definition of Common sense I ask why we should as a society, and why would our Political leaders consider or tolerate differences of opinion on what is and had been known through generations immemorial as right and wrong actions or immoral actions?
So, why do so many otherwise rational people accept the false premise inflicted on them by self-serving and agenda ridden and usually self-proclaimed authorities? Can the basic principles that have guided humankind for thousands of years can be thrown away and the Neo-Philosophy of Hedonism be employed without the result being utter Chaos? Would it not create a culture of Chaos and Decadence leading to the ultimate degradation and eventual dissolution of Society as a whole?
Being the men they were, the Founders deliberately inserted checks and balances into our system of governance that were set in place to prevent the Politicians who have now become the Elite Political Self-Styled Ruling Class, to become the moral guardians, and who in turn decide what the morals are going to be.
They have stolen the power over the last hundred years+ to force and beat those in society they consider sinners for disagreeing with their edicts or executive orders into either obedience or the grave. No less a figure than James Madison observed the essence of human nature to be less than angelic and in fact severely flawed, when it comes to the wielding of extreme power among other things.
The Libertarians of the Founders time, as with our time, believe that virtue must be freely chosen and not mandated. Remember the key word/concept being VIRTUE. The philosophy of the Founding Fathers held that linking the Politicians with their legislative power and to their enforcement power to moral guardians would precipitate conditions such as existed in the Theocracies of the previous ages replete with their penchant for harsh, cruel, and often deadly administration of their powers.
The crux of the matter is legislating against certain actions is in fact legislating morality, and without laws all we would have is anarchy. Therefore Legislating against harmful acts like Theft, Injury, Lying to Defame, Willful destruction of property, Murder, etc. is legislating morality and curtailing certain Individual actions, and at the same time it's legislating against violation of individual rights to protect individual actions and rights.
Any rational human should be able to see that the there is an imperative for the State to legislate against immoral behavior that injures someone or curtails their individual rights, but not against actions that are not harmful to others and do not curtail their individual rights. Sounds simple, but in practice it's very complicated.
Let’s start by agreeing the State was given the power by the people to legislate certain kinds of morality and forbidden the power to legislate against other types. That can be simply described as: Anything that is not specifically forbidden by law, is allowed. This is just the opposite of what the prevailing legal philosophy of Europe at the time of the Founding Fathers was.
To state that simply the European ideology was: Anything that is not specifically allowed by Law is Forbidden. The Founders wanted to create an open society and curtail government overreach by the Central Government/Federal Government, so they specifically set up the original Constitution to be an ironclad barrier against infringement of individual rights. They did this because the safest way to insure that we remained a Republic that respected individual rights was by strictly defining the parameters of governmental power. The states adopted similar Constitutions for the same reasons.
This fit into the Founder’s dilemma of the basic conflict between the Libertarian views and the Conservative morality questions. Which faction would be reign supreme, or would the factions be able to reach a workable compromise?
It was found that Libertarian politics and Conservative values could work together to from a free and viable society provided a method could be found to affect a realistic compromise. The Founders could not leave people alone to their own devices, nor could they be an overbearing dictatorial power keeping people in line with the rules by force.
The Founders solution to this dilemma and conflict between values was a duality of Federalism. The principle legislating bodies were the Localities and States with the Locals being the primary decision makers of what was and what wasn't appropriate legal behavior. If the problems and actions were more spread out beyond the Localities then the states would create Legislation to cover the actions.
If the local and State governments could not cover the problem then and only then the governing issue would be decided by the Federal Government but only in specified areas. This solution allowed the population to vote with their feet for or against the extent of government regulation. Example the Wet and Dry Counties that decide to allow or not allow alcoholic beverages to be sold and consumed, or more recently the legalization of Marijuana in certain States or Communities. In using this system it was thought that the governments would be held constrained through competition between them and would keep them honest.
Granted, it sounds like that system would tear itself apart in short order being basically a pseudo Democracy. However you must remember the Constitution set the parameters of law, not the politicians or the people. Certain morality laws like vice i.e. gambling, drinking alcoholic beverages, prostitution, etc. would be handled by each locality, and the vice laws in turn would be decided by the citizens of that locality.
If they thought there should be no laws against gambling you get Las Vegas and Atlantic City, and recently a plethora of States where gambling is allowed. The only requisite was that each State would structure itself as a " Government if the form of a Republic " State; therefore, America became the first and best place where the most amount of Freedom and Liberty prevailed. This happens with the majority of power decentralized To the states, and the States responsive to the people America grew and prospered.
It must be remembered that from the very beginning, the Founders were split into two groups better known as Federalists who wanted strong central government with them and their peers holding the reins of power and the Anti-Federalists who believed America should be the Republic it became even if that Republic was a compromise between Liberal and conservative viewpoints as to how the self-rule was going to be instituted. The compromise worked until, the civil war where the Strong Centralist supporters backed by the international bankers, gained the upper hand.
We have been on a downward spiral ever since with ever more restrictions on personal liberties being imposed over the years since the original 13th amendment was banished from the Constitution by Fiat of the Federalist winners of the war of the states, and they forced the 14th Amendment into the Constitution that in actual fact relegated the States into a position of inferiority with the Central Government thus reversing the original intent of the Founders of the American Republic.
The downward spiral since then has had the liberal faction taken over by the Strong Central Government factions that fly the false flags of Liberty, Integrity, and Honorable Conduct to help the downtrodden but in actuality they are ever increasing the downtrodden's servitude to their burgeoning elitist political class.
We who believe we advocate a free political order, need to challenge all the aspects of these self-acclaimed protectors of the downtrodden class by challenging them with their own rules of conduct imposed on everyone else, and hold them to account of why they say they are helping people to become self-sufficient on their welfare programs without requiring self-discipline from the recipients, and providing the training and education that will be hard but will prepare the students to tackle the problems of the real world and be able to compete in the jobs and marketplace.
If we showed them up for their insufferable tyrannical ways that keep those they "Help to Survive" in positions similar to the bonded servitude of yesteryear. Our only hope is to engage these usurpers of American Exceptionalism at every turn and show them up to the world for the miscreants they are.
Get Up And Fight Back Properly And Effectively!
The Tradesman
Alinsky's list can be used effectively to oppose the progressives
Alinsky’s 13 Rules for Radicals really don’t have to be the sole property of the Progressive element that wants to destroy us. We can learn them and use them just as effectively as the progressives have, and maybe even a little more so because our Conservative Statements and viewpoints make so much more sense.
Here are the basic Alinsky rules:
1. “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.”
We basically ignore this aspect probably due to the complacency that has been imposed on us so gradually that we haven't noticed it. But, if we all stood up for a single issue the opposition in Congress would not be able to contain us. They use subterfuge and play us against each other and try to get us to split the votes by saying the same old tired platitudes we have been conditioned to believe as truth.
2. “Never go outside the expertise of your people.”
Knowing the caliber of people that comprise the conservative factions it would be hard to do this, but we need to be able to relate all the knowledge to the greatest number of people so we are all on the same page.
3. “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.”
This is easy to do because although some of them are well trained, most of them are just sheep that react to the pleasant sounding platitudes about American's desires to do what is right and good the left uses to twist to their purposes while sounding like they are the ones who know what needs to be done.
4. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”
We have really fallen down on this one, we need to call them out on everything loudly and publicly on everything they accuse us of being and doing but backing it up with verifiable facts. And I do mean we need to use EVERYTHING Bad they do Publicly and Privately. I know this doesn't sit well with most of us but we must be ready and able to fight fire with fire, and to be able to refute their claims with verifiable facts.
5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”
this is another aspect that I don't like but it is necessary when calling them out about the ridiculous things they promote. Take the flap over Global Warming, it was going strong until some factions started ridiculing Gore with the facts and presenting him to the public as a buffoon that was only in it to make money or was too stupid to see he was being played by the Progressive factions in the UN. We need to use a specific form of ridicule, the kind where we just publicly laugh at the peccadilloes of the left and not the immature school yard snipes the left uses against us. Say a troll uses pseudo logic to try and refute something that was said. Instead of arguing the point with them simply says something on the order of 'Ha do you seriously believe that? And say nothing more on the subject.
6. “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.”
This one can be as varied as there are groups of conservatives. The key to being successful in this is to support all the other Conservative tactics while discrediting the Left's tactics. I often wonder why our side doesn't cite the fairness doctrine and threaten lawsuits to get conservative viewpoints on all the Progressive/Liberal media outlets? That could be a start to getting our positions out to the public.
7. “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”
This simply means we must be agile enough to bounce around and adapt to the prevailing conditions and use them to our advantage and the left's disadvantage by constantly changing our supposed focus but in reality pushing the conservative viewpoints. Opportunities will present themselves with regularity.
8. “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.”
This is a major failing of most of the conservatives. After the 2010 elections it seems everybody just thought we had won and would keep winning so most backed off and dissolved the former unity we had created. We should have kept up the pressure on Congress at every turn, but we all went our separate ways leading to the 2012 debacle. All we managed to do was to complain to each other about things like voter fraud and the Military not getting their ballots in time to have them count. I did not see many of us volunteering at the polls or hitting the bricks to promote our choices for that fiasco either.
9. “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”
We need to know how to properly threaten the left without exposing ourselves to legal actions. That would play out in the real world as having many different angles of video on confrontational settings like public protests and town hall meetings making sure they are posted on You Tube and even on Television where possible, and even as evidence in court lawsuits we need to bring against the instigators. We even need to find a credible way to threaten the Representatives jobs, and follow through on those things. The bottom line is to prove the opposition is the bad guy, and we are the essence of reason.
10 “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.”
They do this to us at every turn using the Media hype against us incessantly. We must counter them by using their sites to call them out by asking leading questions and pleading a good case of stupidity when asking. Ask like a little kid and keep asking why for starters, it may get some of the less indoctrinated people there thinking. Write regularly to Op-Ed pieces to all the papers around your State. As I said before; " I often wonder why our side doesn't cite the fairness doctrine and threaten lawsuits to get conservative viewpoints on all the Progressive/Liberal media outlets? That could be a start to getting our positions out to the public."
11. “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.”
This is the age old tactic of telling a lie long enough that everyone just accepts it as the truth. this can be defeated by pushing the truth just as hard and long. Truth has it's own special ring that people respond to.
12. “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.”
Obama is especially good at this one. to put it into simple terms, If you want to make an inroad quietly in one sector, make a loud flashy hubbub in another unrelated sector.
13. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”
We did do this in 2010 without realizing it, and we need to do it again now, and keep doing it.
It does the conservative cause no good to make incorrect claims that are easily refuted by anyone with access to Google. It only makes us look silly.
The Tradesman
- See more at: http://www.teapartypatriots.org/2014/01/retailer-rescues-obamacare-ruins/?trashed=1&ids=86809#sthash.lnTsp4Iz.dpuf
Here are the basic Alinsky rules:
1. “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.”
We basically ignore this aspect probably due to the complacency that has been imposed on us so gradually that we haven't noticed it. But, if we all stood up for a single issue the opposition in Congress would not be able to contain us. They use subterfuge and play us against each other and try to get us to split the votes by saying the same old tired platitudes we have been conditioned to believe as truth.
2. “Never go outside the expertise of your people.”
Knowing the caliber of people that comprise the conservative factions it would be hard to do this, but we need to be able to relate all the knowledge to the greatest number of people so we are all on the same page.
3. “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.”
This is easy to do because although some of them are well trained, most of them are just sheep that react to the pleasant sounding platitudes about American's desires to do what is right and good the left uses to twist to their purposes while sounding like they are the ones who know what needs to be done.
4. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”
We have really fallen down on this one, we need to call them out on everything loudly and publicly on everything they accuse us of being and doing but backing it up with verifiable facts. And I do mean we need to use EVERYTHING Bad they do Publicly and Privately. I know this doesn't sit well with most of us but we must be ready and able to fight fire with fire, and to be able to refute their claims with verifiable facts.
5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”
this is another aspect that I don't like but it is necessary when calling them out about the ridiculous things they promote. Take the flap over Global Warming, it was going strong until some factions started ridiculing Gore with the facts and presenting him to the public as a buffoon that was only in it to make money or was too stupid to see he was being played by the Progressive factions in the UN. We need to use a specific form of ridicule, the kind where we just publicly laugh at the peccadilloes of the left and not the immature school yard snipes the left uses against us. Say a troll uses pseudo logic to try and refute something that was said. Instead of arguing the point with them simply says something on the order of 'Ha do you seriously believe that? And say nothing more on the subject.
6. “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.”
This one can be as varied as there are groups of conservatives. The key to being successful in this is to support all the other Conservative tactics while discrediting the Left's tactics. I often wonder why our side doesn't cite the fairness doctrine and threaten lawsuits to get conservative viewpoints on all the Progressive/Liberal media outlets? That could be a start to getting our positions out to the public.
7. “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”
This simply means we must be agile enough to bounce around and adapt to the prevailing conditions and use them to our advantage and the left's disadvantage by constantly changing our supposed focus but in reality pushing the conservative viewpoints. Opportunities will present themselves with regularity.
8. “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.”
This is a major failing of most of the conservatives. After the 2010 elections it seems everybody just thought we had won and would keep winning so most backed off and dissolved the former unity we had created. We should have kept up the pressure on Congress at every turn, but we all went our separate ways leading to the 2012 debacle. All we managed to do was to complain to each other about things like voter fraud and the Military not getting their ballots in time to have them count. I did not see many of us volunteering at the polls or hitting the bricks to promote our choices for that fiasco either.
9. “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”
We need to know how to properly threaten the left without exposing ourselves to legal actions. That would play out in the real world as having many different angles of video on confrontational settings like public protests and town hall meetings making sure they are posted on You Tube and even on Television where possible, and even as evidence in court lawsuits we need to bring against the instigators. We even need to find a credible way to threaten the Representatives jobs, and follow through on those things. The bottom line is to prove the opposition is the bad guy, and we are the essence of reason.
10 “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.”
They do this to us at every turn using the Media hype against us incessantly. We must counter them by using their sites to call them out by asking leading questions and pleading a good case of stupidity when asking. Ask like a little kid and keep asking why for starters, it may get some of the less indoctrinated people there thinking. Write regularly to Op-Ed pieces to all the papers around your State. As I said before; " I often wonder why our side doesn't cite the fairness doctrine and threaten lawsuits to get conservative viewpoints on all the Progressive/Liberal media outlets? That could be a start to getting our positions out to the public."
11. “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.”
This is the age old tactic of telling a lie long enough that everyone just accepts it as the truth. this can be defeated by pushing the truth just as hard and long. Truth has it's own special ring that people respond to.
12. “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.”
Obama is especially good at this one. to put it into simple terms, If you want to make an inroad quietly in one sector, make a loud flashy hubbub in another unrelated sector.
13. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”
We did do this in 2010 without realizing it, and we need to do it again now, and keep doing it.
It does the conservative cause no good to make incorrect claims that are easily refuted by anyone with access to Google. It only makes us look silly.
The Tradesman
- See more at: http://www.teapartypatriots.org/2014/01/retailer-rescues-obamacare-ruins/?trashed=1&ids=86809#sthash.lnTsp4Iz.dpuf
Obama To Empower The IRS To Curtail Free Speech On Political Issues
According to the Patriot Update of the cfif.org; Obama is going to deliver an executive order that will empower the IRS to implement new Speech restricting regulations proposed by the IRS and not separate from the the larger targeting plan against the conservative groups. This must be met with a solid blockage from Congress and the Supreme Court. Obama has already been helped to change America into a partial version of Stalinist Russia. How long is Congress and the American People going to let this go on.
The American people must of necessity speak out loud and clear on this issue, and do so quickly! the result for not doing so will be the loss of our Free Speech both Political and otherwise as we will not be allowed to dissent or even to worship as we see fit.
See these links; { http://www.heritage.org/events/2014/02/taxing-the-first-amendment }, { http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/11/26/first-amendment-rights-of-americans-at-even-greater-risk-irs-issues-rules-curbing-political-activity/ }, { http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/peter-roff/2014/02/06/obamas-irs-wants-to-stomp-on-the-first-amendment }, { http://www.cwfa.org/take-action/sign-a-petition/stop-irs-regulations/ }, { http://www.independentsector.org/proposed_501c4regs_2013#sthash.JPcGE6vc.LfV4h3CG.dpbs }
The links all have one thing in common, they warn Americans that we are about to lose our Freedom of Speech, and the IRS will in fact be the ones to enforce blocking the disagreements with the Administration and reporting and opinionating that we used to take for granted as being able to speak our minds. The time to fight back is right now!!! We must form a campaign to badger Congress into positive action against this travesty leveled at American Freedoms. It seems that Obama is reducing the Constitution to lesser and lesser protections every day he is in office with his executive orders and instructions to his Czars about new regulations that contravene Constitutional Law. Impeachment might slow him down, but it might also exacerbate the problems through his expected retaliation.
There is an alternative. We can send continuous faxes to our Senators and Representatives in the House. I don't mean just one or two, I mean a minimum if five a day from every American that wants to retain their Constitutional Freedoms. Anyone with a printer usually has a fax machine program where they can either write a fax from their computer, or print one out and send Via Fax. This causes a backlog of faxes on their office systems. Remember this, usually a Senator or Representative will block someone that is not from their State or District, but they usually won't take the risk of blocking their Constituents. We can usually get through to the party leaders also.
Contact your Representatives using these links; { http://www.democratichub.com/house-list.aspx?o=pv&gclid=CMfXkqyR1rwCFUcaOgodfGoABg } { http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm } { http://www.house.gov/representatives/ } { This one contains Fax information, http://www.congressmerge.com/onlinedb/ }
To contact Speaker Boehner; { http://www.speaker.gov/contact } To contact Mitch McConnell; { http://www.congressmerge.com/onlinedb/cgi-bin/leadership.cgi?site=congressmerge } To contact John Cornyn; { http://www.congressmerge.com/onlinedb/cgi-bin/leadership.cgi?site=congressmerge } To contact Eric Cantor; { http://www.congressmerge.com/onlinedb/cgi-bin/leadership.cgi?site=congressmerge } The rest you can find on the main site; { http://www.congressmerge.com/onlinedb/index.htm } To contact the office of the clerk of the House to ask them to distribute a fax to all the members via an e-mail to the Clerk.; { info.clerkweb@mail.house.gov. }
Now for the fax: We need to be as clear and concise as possible while maintaining a position of outrage and strength. Do Not threaten in your faxes, simply state your outrage that congress has done nothing to preserve our Constitutional Rights and by not doing so have broken their oaths of office. Send separate faxes to the Republican Senate Leadership, The Democratic Senate Leadership, The Republican House leadership, The Democratic House Leadership, and to your specific representatives and Senators. You can do this in a compact way by sending a copy of your fax in an e-mail to { info.clerkweb@mail.house.gov. } with the names and positions of the leaders in the heading and ask that it be distributed.
A sample of a fax;
I do not accept the IRS as the Arbiter of my 1st Amendment Rights. I ask you to bring charges of Denying me my Civil rights if they proceed with their attack on my Constitutional Rights to Free Speech, especially Political Free Speech. Order the President to call off his dogs, and censure him from doing this again through his pen and phone ideology to usurp Congressional powers of legislating.
Contrary to his belief, the IRS is not a punitive agency that is n existence just to further the wishes of the President. even the President does not have the power to infringe on and deny me my Constitutional and Civil rights. It has come to my attention that in addition to targeting Conservative groups the President wants to empower the IRS to expand their attacks and instigate regulations that will limit my God Given 1st Amendment rights. This is not yet a country comparable to Stalinist Russia, but it is beginning to resemble it in it's first stages. How long will Congress fail to act and redress these complaints?
American Center for Law and Justice spokesman Jay Sekulow said; " These new speech restricting regulations proposed by the IRS are not separate from the larger targeting scheme where the IRS singled out conservative groups for unconstitutional scrutiny but instead were long contemplated". " I am more than certain, given the lawlessness of the Obama regime, that if these new IRS speech regulations are permitted to go through, more planned and tyrannical attempts to 'regulate' my God-Given 1st Amendment rights are probably coming down the pike as part of a 'long contemplated' scheme."
The condition that really gets me disgusted and steamed is; Congress, the entity that is supposed to represent the people and the States, has done nothing to effectively end the IRS imposed tyranny that the Obama regime is pushing for. Don't you ever wonder why the Ratings for Congress are through the floor? It's because of inaction's like this, and actions like giving the President an unlimited ability to further increase our crushing debt despite what the people have told you they want you to stop!
It's time Congress grew a pair and stood up to the Progressive tyrant Just to be clear, The vast majority of the American people are sick and tired of your seemingly totally frightened do nothing response to the excesses of the Obama Regime so far. It's time that Congress uses their Constitutional powers to stop the repeated Constitution and Liberty shredding Executive Decrees that are turning the United States into a third rate dictatorship.
Obama is not an Imperatorial Ruler akin to a Roman Emperor even if he does think he is, and shows it by his actions. Americans settled the ideology of Imperial rule in 1776, don't you think you should enforce the decision of the American public to stop any more incursions of it and repeal all the existing regulations that compliment it's resurgence? The US is not yet a dictatorship but if you don't act quickly and positively it may become one. Remember what the First Roman Emperor did to the Senate and Roman Republic? Don't let that happen again. The Administration has shown it's contempt for the Constitution, Congress, The Supreme Court, and the people of america. It's time to stop him.
( Your Name Here )
The Tradesman
The American people must of necessity speak out loud and clear on this issue, and do so quickly! the result for not doing so will be the loss of our Free Speech both Political and otherwise as we will not be allowed to dissent or even to worship as we see fit.
See these links; { http://www.heritage.org/events/2014/02/taxing-the-first-amendment }, { http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/11/26/first-amendment-rights-of-americans-at-even-greater-risk-irs-issues-rules-curbing-political-activity/ }, { http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/peter-roff/2014/02/06/obamas-irs-wants-to-stomp-on-the-first-amendment }, { http://www.cwfa.org/take-action/sign-a-petition/stop-irs-regulations/ }, { http://www.independentsector.org/proposed_501c4regs_2013#sthash.JPcGE6vc.LfV4h3CG.dpbs }
The links all have one thing in common, they warn Americans that we are about to lose our Freedom of Speech, and the IRS will in fact be the ones to enforce blocking the disagreements with the Administration and reporting and opinionating that we used to take for granted as being able to speak our minds. The time to fight back is right now!!! We must form a campaign to badger Congress into positive action against this travesty leveled at American Freedoms. It seems that Obama is reducing the Constitution to lesser and lesser protections every day he is in office with his executive orders and instructions to his Czars about new regulations that contravene Constitutional Law. Impeachment might slow him down, but it might also exacerbate the problems through his expected retaliation.
There is an alternative. We can send continuous faxes to our Senators and Representatives in the House. I don't mean just one or two, I mean a minimum if five a day from every American that wants to retain their Constitutional Freedoms. Anyone with a printer usually has a fax machine program where they can either write a fax from their computer, or print one out and send Via Fax. This causes a backlog of faxes on their office systems. Remember this, usually a Senator or Representative will block someone that is not from their State or District, but they usually won't take the risk of blocking their Constituents. We can usually get through to the party leaders also.
Contact your Representatives using these links; { http://www.democratichub.com/house-list.aspx?o=pv&gclid=CMfXkqyR1rwCFUcaOgodfGoABg } { http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm } { http://www.house.gov/representatives/ } { This one contains Fax information, http://www.congressmerge.com/onlinedb/ }
To contact Speaker Boehner; { http://www.speaker.gov/contact } To contact Mitch McConnell; { http://www.congressmerge.com/onlinedb/cgi-bin/leadership.cgi?site=congressmerge } To contact John Cornyn; { http://www.congressmerge.com/onlinedb/cgi-bin/leadership.cgi?site=congressmerge } To contact Eric Cantor; { http://www.congressmerge.com/onlinedb/cgi-bin/leadership.cgi?site=congressmerge } The rest you can find on the main site; { http://www.congressmerge.com/onlinedb/index.htm } To contact the office of the clerk of the House to ask them to distribute a fax to all the members via an e-mail to the Clerk.; { info.clerkweb@mail.house.gov. }
Now for the fax: We need to be as clear and concise as possible while maintaining a position of outrage and strength. Do Not threaten in your faxes, simply state your outrage that congress has done nothing to preserve our Constitutional Rights and by not doing so have broken their oaths of office. Send separate faxes to the Republican Senate Leadership, The Democratic Senate Leadership, The Republican House leadership, The Democratic House Leadership, and to your specific representatives and Senators. You can do this in a compact way by sending a copy of your fax in an e-mail to { info.clerkweb@mail.house.gov. } with the names and positions of the leaders in the heading and ask that it be distributed.
A sample of a fax;
I do not accept the IRS as the Arbiter of my 1st Amendment Rights. I ask you to bring charges of Denying me my Civil rights if they proceed with their attack on my Constitutional Rights to Free Speech, especially Political Free Speech. Order the President to call off his dogs, and censure him from doing this again through his pen and phone ideology to usurp Congressional powers of legislating.
Contrary to his belief, the IRS is not a punitive agency that is n existence just to further the wishes of the President. even the President does not have the power to infringe on and deny me my Constitutional and Civil rights. It has come to my attention that in addition to targeting Conservative groups the President wants to empower the IRS to expand their attacks and instigate regulations that will limit my God Given 1st Amendment rights. This is not yet a country comparable to Stalinist Russia, but it is beginning to resemble it in it's first stages. How long will Congress fail to act and redress these complaints?
American Center for Law and Justice spokesman Jay Sekulow said; " These new speech restricting regulations proposed by the IRS are not separate from the larger targeting scheme where the IRS singled out conservative groups for unconstitutional scrutiny but instead were long contemplated". " I am more than certain, given the lawlessness of the Obama regime, that if these new IRS speech regulations are permitted to go through, more planned and tyrannical attempts to 'regulate' my God-Given 1st Amendment rights are probably coming down the pike as part of a 'long contemplated' scheme."
The condition that really gets me disgusted and steamed is; Congress, the entity that is supposed to represent the people and the States, has done nothing to effectively end the IRS imposed tyranny that the Obama regime is pushing for. Don't you ever wonder why the Ratings for Congress are through the floor? It's because of inaction's like this, and actions like giving the President an unlimited ability to further increase our crushing debt despite what the people have told you they want you to stop!
It's time Congress grew a pair and stood up to the Progressive tyrant Just to be clear, The vast majority of the American people are sick and tired of your seemingly totally frightened do nothing response to the excesses of the Obama Regime so far. It's time that Congress uses their Constitutional powers to stop the repeated Constitution and Liberty shredding Executive Decrees that are turning the United States into a third rate dictatorship.
Obama is not an Imperatorial Ruler akin to a Roman Emperor even if he does think he is, and shows it by his actions. Americans settled the ideology of Imperial rule in 1776, don't you think you should enforce the decision of the American public to stop any more incursions of it and repeal all the existing regulations that compliment it's resurgence? The US is not yet a dictatorship but if you don't act quickly and positively it may become one. Remember what the First Roman Emperor did to the Senate and Roman Republic? Don't let that happen again. The Administration has shown it's contempt for the Constitution, Congress, The Supreme Court, and the people of america. It's time to stop him.
( Your Name Here )
The Tradesman
I happened to watch the tribute to the Beatles, and it reminded me of the turmoil of the Sixties and how that turmoil forged a generation of virulent Pro and Con, on the subject of Traditional value systems as opposed to Revolutionary Socialism systems. Basically the contest between the Socialists and the Conservatives for control of America's future. This was the generation of the SDS and Bill Ayres or Bernadine Dorn fueled by Socialist Revolutionary rhetoric and instruction by the likes of Saul Alinsky and the team of Cloward and Piven. Who preached the hate of American Capitalism and how to destroy a Nation so it could be reborn as a Socialist Paradise.
The things most prominent in my memory were the Vietnam war and the Music. The music started out as an evolution of traditional rock and roll and advanced into Protest and Psychedelic music that actually began to shape the minds of that generations youth. The left began to gain traction, especially with the subtle brainwashing of the youth of that generation, with the music revolution that was started by the Beatles, continued on by the British Invasion, and was followed up by American bands that had bought into the mutually exclusive lifestyles of Riches for the performers who hid that fact they were millionaires, and the promoted simple anti-material lifestyle they touted to their fans. This happened because the music Revolution was either surreptitiously taken over by the left, or it was planned that way from the beginning to foster the protest movements.
I can see the progression and compelling force this presented with the real fears of young men going off to an unpopular war they had not been told the compelling reasons it was necessary to fight it for. This played into the hands of the college professors who had been themselves brainwashed by their mentors who were originally placed in the educational institutions in the 20' and 30's when Socialism/
communism was seen as a viable alternative to the excesses of the old guard robber barons of the 19th Century and the ongoing depression of the 20th century. this was before we really understood the inherent evils in Progressive Socialism, as manifested as Fascism and Communism
I can see today where the youth of america are held in thrall to the promoters of Progressiveism by inferior biased educations that are now reaching down to the kindergarten levels with the onslaught of common core and other NWO based Un agendas. I think we need to form another revolution to counteract that travesty. I suggest that we create a Conservative Revolution using the same hard hitting and emotion charging music with the end result being a return to a Conservative American lifestyle. let's face it, the most popular music for today's generation is either Gangsta Rap, or atonal movements that mimic some sort of natural rhythms. We need to energize Americans from our older generation and invoke and energize the same feelings in the younger generations, of the need to change back as the originals invoked the need to change away from the traditions in the first place.
Imagine a guitar solo on the order of the one played by Jimi Hendricks, but with traditional patriotism as the undertone instead of rebellion. Or. Maybe even encourage a rebellion in kind to the Neo-Progressive State that is being shoved down our throats by the Power Elites today. Or even a conservative oriented version of the Beatles 1968 song 'Revolution', or a patriotic rendition of Creedence Clearwater Revival's song 'Fortunate Son'.
Alternate version of lyrics to fortunate son, no plagiarism or copyright infringement intended.
Some people are born to trample the Flag
how they hate Red White and Blue.
Now when they play Obama's "Hail to the chief"
it seems America's through.
It's not me, no it's not me, I'm not a Socialist's Son.
Oh It's not me, no it's not me, I'm not the elitist one!
Oh Yeah,
Some folks are born to believe, they know all that is true.
O God don't they aggrandize themselves, then force their ways off on you,
They don't have qualms or doubts in the night, bout what they doin' to you.
And when they're asked what it's about, they say it's the best for you.
It's not me, no it's not me, I ain't no communist son, oh no no no
It's not me, no it's not me, I 'm for the Red,White and Blue.
Yes it's me, yes it's me, I'm for the Red White and Blue.
Most those folks believe in their lies, and try to sell you even more.
When you complain about how much you have to give,
woo they come back demandin', even more, and more, and more.
No it's not me, no it's not me, I'm not a Socialist's Son.
No it's not me, no it's not me, I'm not the elitist one!
It's not me, it's not me, I ain't no communist son oh no no
It's not me, it's not me, I 'm the patriotic one.
Now's the time we give it all we got to give, or this Country is through.
We have to fight for what is right, and save the Red White and Blue
Yes it's me, Yes it's me, I am a Patriot son,
Yes it's me, yes it's me, and i'll fight til it's done.....
Or a Conservative rendition of Stop Children Look around like this;
Well you know something's happening here.
What is, is becoming clear
There's a man banning guns over there
Tellin' me it'll be safer, everywhere.
It's time to stop, now and look around
everybody learn what's goin down.
Stop now, look around
Everybody see what's goin down
Political lines are being drawn,
Elites say they're right and that we're wrong
It's time we start speakin' our minds
To overcome their resistance in our time
We gotta stop and look around
Til everybody sees what goin down
We're going to take a lot of heat
when we put thousands out in the street
carrying signs and will not retreat
most of 'em will say, you'll do it our way
We must stop now and look around
everybody til everybody see's what's goin down
Their paranoia goes deep
to end our freedom's what they seek
Always afraid they will see that you stay
Try to stray they and will come, to lock you away.
So stop, hey look around, everybody see what's goin down.
He'll ban out guns and our freedoms too
with our economy he is not through
Obama's messin' with our minds
Overcome that we must in our time
We gotta stop now and look around
Everbody's gotta see what's goin down
Stop now and look around, everybody see what's goin down.......
The Tradesman
The things most prominent in my memory were the Vietnam war and the Music. The music started out as an evolution of traditional rock and roll and advanced into Protest and Psychedelic music that actually began to shape the minds of that generations youth. The left began to gain traction, especially with the subtle brainwashing of the youth of that generation, with the music revolution that was started by the Beatles, continued on by the British Invasion, and was followed up by American bands that had bought into the mutually exclusive lifestyles of Riches for the performers who hid that fact they were millionaires, and the promoted simple anti-material lifestyle they touted to their fans. This happened because the music Revolution was either surreptitiously taken over by the left, or it was planned that way from the beginning to foster the protest movements.
I can see the progression and compelling force this presented with the real fears of young men going off to an unpopular war they had not been told the compelling reasons it was necessary to fight it for. This played into the hands of the college professors who had been themselves brainwashed by their mentors who were originally placed in the educational institutions in the 20' and 30's when Socialism/
communism was seen as a viable alternative to the excesses of the old guard robber barons of the 19th Century and the ongoing depression of the 20th century. this was before we really understood the inherent evils in Progressive Socialism, as manifested as Fascism and Communism
I can see today where the youth of america are held in thrall to the promoters of Progressiveism by inferior biased educations that are now reaching down to the kindergarten levels with the onslaught of common core and other NWO based Un agendas. I think we need to form another revolution to counteract that travesty. I suggest that we create a Conservative Revolution using the same hard hitting and emotion charging music with the end result being a return to a Conservative American lifestyle. let's face it, the most popular music for today's generation is either Gangsta Rap, or atonal movements that mimic some sort of natural rhythms. We need to energize Americans from our older generation and invoke and energize the same feelings in the younger generations, of the need to change back as the originals invoked the need to change away from the traditions in the first place.
Imagine a guitar solo on the order of the one played by Jimi Hendricks, but with traditional patriotism as the undertone instead of rebellion. Or. Maybe even encourage a rebellion in kind to the Neo-Progressive State that is being shoved down our throats by the Power Elites today. Or even a conservative oriented version of the Beatles 1968 song 'Revolution', or a patriotic rendition of Creedence Clearwater Revival's song 'Fortunate Son'.
Alternate version of lyrics to fortunate son, no plagiarism or copyright infringement intended.
Some people are born to trample the Flag
how they hate Red White and Blue.
Now when they play Obama's "Hail to the chief"
it seems America's through.
It's not me, no it's not me, I'm not a Socialist's Son.
Oh It's not me, no it's not me, I'm not the elitist one!
Oh Yeah,
Some folks are born to believe, they know all that is true.
O God don't they aggrandize themselves, then force their ways off on you,
They don't have qualms or doubts in the night, bout what they doin' to you.
And when they're asked what it's about, they say it's the best for you.
It's not me, no it's not me, I ain't no communist son, oh no no no
It's not me, no it's not me, I 'm for the Red,White and Blue.
Yes it's me, yes it's me, I'm for the Red White and Blue.
Most those folks believe in their lies, and try to sell you even more.
When you complain about how much you have to give,
woo they come back demandin', even more, and more, and more.
No it's not me, no it's not me, I'm not a Socialist's Son.
No it's not me, no it's not me, I'm not the elitist one!
It's not me, it's not me, I ain't no communist son oh no no
It's not me, it's not me, I 'm the patriotic one.
Now's the time we give it all we got to give, or this Country is through.
We have to fight for what is right, and save the Red White and Blue
Yes it's me, Yes it's me, I am a Patriot son,
Yes it's me, yes it's me, and i'll fight til it's done.....
Or a Conservative rendition of Stop Children Look around like this;
Well you know something's happening here.
What is, is becoming clear
There's a man banning guns over there
Tellin' me it'll be safer, everywhere.
It's time to stop, now and look around
everybody learn what's goin down.
Stop now, look around
Everybody see what's goin down
Political lines are being drawn,
Elites say they're right and that we're wrong
It's time we start speakin' our minds
To overcome their resistance in our time
We gotta stop and look around
Til everybody sees what goin down
We're going to take a lot of heat
when we put thousands out in the street
carrying signs and will not retreat
most of 'em will say, you'll do it our way
We must stop now and look around
everybody til everybody see's what's goin down
Their paranoia goes deep
to end our freedom's what they seek
Always afraid they will see that you stay
Try to stray they and will come, to lock you away.
So stop, hey look around, everybody see what's goin down.
He'll ban out guns and our freedoms too
with our economy he is not through
Obama's messin' with our minds
Overcome that we must in our time
We gotta stop now and look around
Everbody's gotta see what's goin down
Stop now and look around, everybody see what's goin down.......
The Tradesman
The Trap
I wonder just what we are really going to do this year to try and save our Country and Lifestyle.
I know a lot of people are rattling sabers and making a big stink vocally, about what is happening. I also know they are probably thinking that will change things. Take This To The Bank; IT WON'T!
It takes a lot of hard work, focus, and commitment to do the job that has to be done. The Vast Majority of the people don't have a clue on how to unite for a Common Patriotic Cause. Ben Franklin said it best; "Unite or Die!". We can unite on two fronts; The Elections, and the Article V project. Both are necessary, and both need a massive influx of supporters.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of the American Public is just sitting back transfixed on their TV Programs like Survivor, Kardashians, Honey Boo Boo and the other mind numbing fare. That's exactly what the Socialist Faction wants.
They have fallen into the Soros Group Trap to make non-thinking zombies out of them. They go along thinking everything is all right and believe the ridicule from the Uber-Left about the awakened Patriots who are desperately trying to wake them up to the real facts of life.
Our boots need to be on the ground working tirelessly for our objective of stomping out the Socialist fires that are threatening us. If we lose the mid-terms, we will probably not be able to change anything back to what it should be until after generations of enslavement to the Elites.
Granted, our hard core activist numbers are small comparatively speaking when compared to the general populace. We had small hard core numbers before; In the Revolutionary War about 26% of Americans were for Liberty and Freedom, 26% were Loyal to the King, and 48% were waiting in the background until a clear winner was showing before throwing in with the Winners/Rebels.
We are in about the same condition now, but if the 48% waits to throw in, they will be throwing in with the Oppressors of Liberty. I for one will fight to the end, but I am loathe to see the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave become the Land of the Enslaved and Home of the Slackers!
Make that the Land of the Brain Dead, because that's what it will take to live under their rule.
The Tradesman
I know a lot of people are rattling sabers and making a big stink vocally, about what is happening. I also know they are probably thinking that will change things. Take This To The Bank; IT WON'T!
It takes a lot of hard work, focus, and commitment to do the job that has to be done. The Vast Majority of the people don't have a clue on how to unite for a Common Patriotic Cause. Ben Franklin said it best; "Unite or Die!". We can unite on two fronts; The Elections, and the Article V project. Both are necessary, and both need a massive influx of supporters.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of the American Public is just sitting back transfixed on their TV Programs like Survivor, Kardashians, Honey Boo Boo and the other mind numbing fare. That's exactly what the Socialist Faction wants.
They have fallen into the Soros Group Trap to make non-thinking zombies out of them. They go along thinking everything is all right and believe the ridicule from the Uber-Left about the awakened Patriots who are desperately trying to wake them up to the real facts of life.
Our boots need to be on the ground working tirelessly for our objective of stomping out the Socialist fires that are threatening us. If we lose the mid-terms, we will probably not be able to change anything back to what it should be until after generations of enslavement to the Elites.
Granted, our hard core activist numbers are small comparatively speaking when compared to the general populace. We had small hard core numbers before; In the Revolutionary War about 26% of Americans were for Liberty and Freedom, 26% were Loyal to the King, and 48% were waiting in the background until a clear winner was showing before throwing in with the Winners/Rebels.
We are in about the same condition now, but if the 48% waits to throw in, they will be throwing in with the Oppressors of Liberty. I for one will fight to the end, but I am loathe to see the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave become the Land of the Enslaved and Home of the Slackers!
Make that the Land of the Brain Dead, because that's what it will take to live under their rule.
The Tradesman
Registration Scheme
The Federal government at the orders of the Progressive gun grabbers is constantly scheming to register guns and gun owners with an eye to total confiscation just like they have done in most of the Communist/Socialist Countries around the world. That confiscation usually bodes very ill for the respective dissident populations. In fact despite the continuously cited reasons for the confiscations, the end result has ended in abuse and in most cases loss of life. The Gun Grabber rhetoric usually centers around the connected themes of Protecting the children, making it safer for civilians to walk down a street unmolested, stopping serial shootings ad nauseum. To quote D.J.Rummel "Power kills, Absolute power kills absolutely". Here are some figures from; R.J. Rummel's 'Death by Government'( II 128,168,000 VICTIMS:
4. 61,911,000 Murdered: The Soviet Gulag State
5. 35,236,000 Murdered: The Communist Chinese Ant Hill
6. 20,946,000 Murdered: The Nazi Genocide State
7. 10,214,000 Murdered: The Depraved Nationalist Regime
8. 5,964,000 Murdered: Japan's Savage Military
9. 2,035,000 Murdered: The Khmer Rouge Hell State
10. 1,883,000 Murdered: Turkey's Genocidal Purges
11. 1,670,000 Murdered: The Vietnamese War State
12. 1,585,000 Murdered: Poland's Ethnic Cleansing
13. 1,503,000 Murdered: The Pakistani Cutthroat State
14. 1,072,000 Murdered: Tito's Slaughterhouse
15. 1,663,000 Murdered? Orwellian North Korea
16. 1,417,000 Murdered? Barbarous Mexico
17. 1,066,000 Murdered? Feudal Russia
References Index and another quote direct from R.J.Rummel (Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government, if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5', then they would circle the earth ten times. Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century. Finally, given popular estimates of the dead in a major nuclear war, this total democide is as though such a war did occur, but with its dead spread over a century.)
Here's the Formula: Hatred + Government + Disarmed Civilians = Genocide See the Chart; (http://jpfo.org/pdf02/genocide-chart.pdf)
There are basically three central themes used by the Socialist Elites to start the ball rolling on confiscation and disarmament of the public. I'll capitalize the next statement so you won't forget it.....
The most well-known scheme is or is a variation on the existing national registration system. (Yes we do have one of those already).
I am not talking about Full-Automatic Firearms, just the usual civilian ones. The Full Autos are covered by ( National Firearms Act of 1934 legal definition of National & the National Firearms Act | ATF being the most recent catch all ) The additions to the original act were enacted in 1968 and 1986. The real problem with all those acts revolves around the Government imposing these regulations on Law abiding citizens and not enforcing the existing laws for criminal acts committed with firearms thus branding every subsequent generation as guilty until proven innocent. Presently individuals can sell or trade their firearms (handguns usually require some sort of registration with State Authorities) without having an FFL. Dealers must keep records of all sales on form 4473 and do a background check with the NCIS ( NCIS link http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/nics/nics ) this form is as close to National Registration that we have to date and being a Federal Form prescribes penalties up to 5 years in prison for incorrect information submitted on it. This book of forms must be kept for 20 years and is open to inspection by the ATF and must surrender the entire log to the ATF when they cease doing business. The dealers must also report the sale of more than 2 handguns within 5 days to the same person using (Form 3310.4 NFATCA ). I see this as just another skirting of constitutional Law by the Federal Government, since it does infringe on the Constitutional Rights of the Citizenry. In Accord with the provisions the ATF and all other Law enforcement agencies can trace firearms to the original retail purchaser using the serial number of the gun (NFATCA Form 3310.4 ) for guns used in a crime.
The obvious fallacy in this procedure and one of the main reasons the gun grabbers cite for wanting Universal registration is this: Using statistics from 1999 where approx. 200,000 trace requests were made, about 60% found the first retail dealer, and about 40% found the first retail purchaser. One reason is Violent crime gun usage does not need chain of custody from manufacturer to perpetrator, just that a gun was used by the defendant not the history of the gun. This may lead to the misuse of the Statistics by gun grabbers to regulate ownership by Law abiding citizens instead of actually cracking down on Criminal activities with a gun. It also gives rise to the over reactions like when a child was suspended by an anti-gun teacher for allegedly chewing a pop tart into what she decided was the shape of a gun in school.
The next questionable procedure that seems on the surface to be reasonable is the Firearm Fingerprinting method. In this the manufacturers test fire every new firearm for safety purposes but then take a sample of the undamaged projectile and the machining marks from the casing and as yet voluntarily enter them into the database at; ( National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN) | ATF ) this has become an automated process system, it too is currently a voluntary system that only shows what the gun originally left as ballistics and tool markings on the casings. The glaring fallacy is that the criminal elements also knows this and have devised many ways to change the 'Fingerprint' deliberate damage, and normal or excessive wear also changes it too.
Now we come to the holy grail of the gun grabber desires; Centralized Registration System. Or as it's commonly known - National Registration. On the surface it is deliberately made to look innocuous and benign supposedly only to be used to track down criminals. This system would require the registration not only of handguns, but of every legal (and I stress legal since criminals don't usually purchase through retail sources) firearm with the Name, Address, and Ident License number for the owner, and would include every firearm located at the address of the owner. It would track all transfers and probably notify the Taxing authority of all sales to collect sales and excise taxes. It would also keep a record of any 'lost' or 'stolen' firearms ( it is already a law in most states to notify authorities of these things). The real reason it's being pushed so hard is so the Federal Government and all law enforcement authorities will be able to know exactly where all firearms are so they can confiscate them during declared 'Emergencies' like Louisiana did during Hurricane Katrina and stripping the law abiding public of the basic protections they needed in that turmoil while the criminal element was basically untouched.
There are many problems with the plan for National Registration in the case of Haynes v US ( The Fifth Amendment, Self- Incrimination, and Gun Registration ) found that registration of firearms by felons or anyone not legally able to own firearms violated their 5th Amendment rights. and in the case of Freed v US ( United States v. Freed - 401 U.S. 601 (1971) :: Justia US ) It states ( Id. at 390 U. S. 95-100. Under the present Act, [Footnote 3] only possessors who lawfully Page 401 U. S. 604 make, manufacture, or import firearms can and must register them; ) thus the law is only directed at the Law Abiding Citizen since the criminal cannot be prosecuted for not registering a firearm. Question; does then not rob the Law Abiding Citizen of his due process and equal protection under the Law?
In all Countries that have required Overall Registration of Firearms, the Anti-gun activists use every incident to justify their continuous cry of only restricting the "Most Dangerous Firearms" for the "Safety and Security" of the public. Once they get enough liable people to push the Representatives, or even enough Representatives are convinced and enact legislation, they always then go on to the next "Most Dangerous Firearms" and so on and regularly accuse gun owners of being crazy and uncaring about the children or whatever issue they have brought up as the emotional trigger to gain support. They even pad the support numbers and constantly say things like 80% or more of the public backs us on this when the opposite is true. This has already taken place in its first manifestation of confiscation in Australia, England, New Zealand, and Canada. Citizens are now clamoring in those Countries for their gun rights to be restored. To put this in perspective look at the figures from Australia. there were an estimated 4 million guns in Australia of which only about 600,000 have been turned in. This proves the point that universal Registration will lead to criminalization of another wise Law Abiding Public.
Take a look at the NY Law School Journal Book Review of Lethal Laws 1995 ( http://www.guncite.com/journals/lethal.html ) I suggest that everyone set aside an hour or two to read and understand what is contained therein and do all the due diligence in researching all of the listed sources of information. Taken together they condemn any Government or group that wants to take away the basic Human Right of Self Defense. Americans must take lessons from those countries and realize that "Reasonable Restrictions will start the slide down the slippery slope from a Country with open Civil Liberties in a matter of a few years to a restrictive Society with few Civil Liberties ( http://guncite.com/journals/okslip.html ). In fact it has already started here in America under the twin Elitist's of Bloomberg and Cuomo in New York. This is directly attributed to the Extremely Restrictive Registration laws again passed as a way to provide safety and security for the populace. Beware Politicians; when their lips are flapping, they are most likely lying.
The Gun Grabbers/Confiscators have come up with yet another seemingly reasonable method of slipping their agenda to disarm Americans through the public scrutiny. It's labeled a compromise Registration Scheme. What kind of compromise do you ask? Well the compromise is directed in their direction, and is there to close the current loophole that allows long guns to be sold or traded among private individuals without and registering them like an original purchaser must. It seems that that was one of the ways New York enacted that led to almost universal confiscation and banning of most firearms for civilian use by closing that loop hole. The plan is to have retailers report the sale of guns to the manufacturer who would then keep records and expanding the law to require all private sales be registered with a local retailer who would then send the information on to the manufacturer and keep the chain of ownership current. This would allow the Government to know where every privately owned firearm was and who owned it, again making eventual confiscation easy. Eventually every record would end up in Government hands for their central records.
Gun control is not usually treated from the Second Amendment standpoint. Look at what Tom Brokaw said about it. He said; ( "If you look at the history of the Second Amendment and what led to its adoption, there is, it's my view, nothing in there which prevents reasonable measures designed to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and kids. To say that criminals have an absolute right to get guns, and we're just going to throw the book at them if we catch them, but we can't prevent them from committing a crime in the first place, I think is wrong." ), add to this the fact the Government is using Emerson v US ( UNITED STATES v. EMERSON, No. 99- 10331., October 16, 2001 ) to try and repudiate the Supreme Court Decision and that the Second Amendment confers absolutely NO RIGHT for an American Individual to own firearms. If that is not a typical Progressive based spin/lie I don't know one of greater proportions. The politicians who are the most Anti-Gun ownership by the citizenry usually start out by saying that no one wants to take your guns. That is similar to what Obama has said publicly, but his Executive orders and his orders to the ATF and Justice department belie the truth to that statement.
Gun registration for handguns is a fact of life for most Americans today. The few benefits it offers to law enforcement in the solving of crimes is as yet marginal despite what all the fictional TV shows project into the American Subconscious mind. Those shows are usually loaded with the propaganda the Progressives want to project to get the support for their agenda's from the public. To believe the lies is to hamstring our remaining liberties.
Fact: Criminals will always have access to guns.
Fact: Most of the Countries that disarmed their citizens have committed atrocities against select groups of those citizens including trying to exterminate them because of their political or religious views.
Fact: Most people still believe their Governments are working for them. Their Governments are working for their own Agenda's.
Fact: The Gun Grabbers are not against guns, only against Private ownership of guns because an armed populace is too hard to control as slaves.
Fact: Even When Guns were removed from the public, nut jobs found other ways to commit mayhem against the people, and the people had no way to fight back.
Fact: Government Mandated Gun Free Zones have been the most targeted by Serial shooters/Killers because they know going in they will not be met by any solid resistance. All they do is create a safe shooting gallery for the psycho's.
Fact: Americans today are at more risk of losing all of their constitutional Freedoms if the Second Amendment is compromised further.
Fact: Every Pseudo Democracy including Russia and China has a Constitution that pretends to protect the human rights of its population, but only the American Constitution has the Second Amendment as the teeth to bite back at any politician that wants to ignore or take away any Constitution protected God Given Right.
Remember that in November 2014 and remove the Anti-American Elitist Socialist Oriented NWO's infecting our Senate and House. That will be the start of Restoring the Republic. Combine that with an Article V Amendment Convention where we successfully submit an Amendment that will repeal the 14th 16th and 17 th Amendments and we will be well on our way to restoring all the power the shysters have stolen from us since the end of the Civil War.
Source for most of the information herein: http://www.guncite.com/gun_control_registration.html, Wikipedia, Thomas.gov, ATF, FBI, R.J.Rummel
http://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/NOTE1.HTM & the DOJ.
The Tradesman
4. 61,911,000 Murdered: The Soviet Gulag State
5. 35,236,000 Murdered: The Communist Chinese Ant Hill
6. 20,946,000 Murdered: The Nazi Genocide State
7. 10,214,000 Murdered: The Depraved Nationalist Regime
8. 5,964,000 Murdered: Japan's Savage Military
9. 2,035,000 Murdered: The Khmer Rouge Hell State
10. 1,883,000 Murdered: Turkey's Genocidal Purges
11. 1,670,000 Murdered: The Vietnamese War State
12. 1,585,000 Murdered: Poland's Ethnic Cleansing
13. 1,503,000 Murdered: The Pakistani Cutthroat State
14. 1,072,000 Murdered: Tito's Slaughterhouse
15. 1,663,000 Murdered? Orwellian North Korea
16. 1,417,000 Murdered? Barbarous Mexico
17. 1,066,000 Murdered? Feudal Russia
References Index and another quote direct from R.J.Rummel (Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government, if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5', then they would circle the earth ten times. Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century. Finally, given popular estimates of the dead in a major nuclear war, this total democide is as though such a war did occur, but with its dead spread over a century.)
Here's the Formula: Hatred + Government + Disarmed Civilians = Genocide See the Chart; (http://jpfo.org/pdf02/genocide-chart.pdf)
There are basically three central themes used by the Socialist Elites to start the ball rolling on confiscation and disarmament of the public. I'll capitalize the next statement so you won't forget it.....
The most well-known scheme is or is a variation on the existing national registration system. (Yes we do have one of those already).
I am not talking about Full-Automatic Firearms, just the usual civilian ones. The Full Autos are covered by ( National Firearms Act of 1934 legal definition of National & the National Firearms Act | ATF being the most recent catch all ) The additions to the original act were enacted in 1968 and 1986. The real problem with all those acts revolves around the Government imposing these regulations on Law abiding citizens and not enforcing the existing laws for criminal acts committed with firearms thus branding every subsequent generation as guilty until proven innocent. Presently individuals can sell or trade their firearms (handguns usually require some sort of registration with State Authorities) without having an FFL. Dealers must keep records of all sales on form 4473 and do a background check with the NCIS ( NCIS link http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/nics/nics ) this form is as close to National Registration that we have to date and being a Federal Form prescribes penalties up to 5 years in prison for incorrect information submitted on it. This book of forms must be kept for 20 years and is open to inspection by the ATF and must surrender the entire log to the ATF when they cease doing business. The dealers must also report the sale of more than 2 handguns within 5 days to the same person using (Form 3310.4 NFATCA ). I see this as just another skirting of constitutional Law by the Federal Government, since it does infringe on the Constitutional Rights of the Citizenry. In Accord with the provisions the ATF and all other Law enforcement agencies can trace firearms to the original retail purchaser using the serial number of the gun (NFATCA Form 3310.4 ) for guns used in a crime.
The obvious fallacy in this procedure and one of the main reasons the gun grabbers cite for wanting Universal registration is this: Using statistics from 1999 where approx. 200,000 trace requests were made, about 60% found the first retail dealer, and about 40% found the first retail purchaser. One reason is Violent crime gun usage does not need chain of custody from manufacturer to perpetrator, just that a gun was used by the defendant not the history of the gun. This may lead to the misuse of the Statistics by gun grabbers to regulate ownership by Law abiding citizens instead of actually cracking down on Criminal activities with a gun. It also gives rise to the over reactions like when a child was suspended by an anti-gun teacher for allegedly chewing a pop tart into what she decided was the shape of a gun in school.
The next questionable procedure that seems on the surface to be reasonable is the Firearm Fingerprinting method. In this the manufacturers test fire every new firearm for safety purposes but then take a sample of the undamaged projectile and the machining marks from the casing and as yet voluntarily enter them into the database at; ( National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN) | ATF ) this has become an automated process system, it too is currently a voluntary system that only shows what the gun originally left as ballistics and tool markings on the casings. The glaring fallacy is that the criminal elements also knows this and have devised many ways to change the 'Fingerprint' deliberate damage, and normal or excessive wear also changes it too.
Now we come to the holy grail of the gun grabber desires; Centralized Registration System. Or as it's commonly known - National Registration. On the surface it is deliberately made to look innocuous and benign supposedly only to be used to track down criminals. This system would require the registration not only of handguns, but of every legal (and I stress legal since criminals don't usually purchase through retail sources) firearm with the Name, Address, and Ident License number for the owner, and would include every firearm located at the address of the owner. It would track all transfers and probably notify the Taxing authority of all sales to collect sales and excise taxes. It would also keep a record of any 'lost' or 'stolen' firearms ( it is already a law in most states to notify authorities of these things). The real reason it's being pushed so hard is so the Federal Government and all law enforcement authorities will be able to know exactly where all firearms are so they can confiscate them during declared 'Emergencies' like Louisiana did during Hurricane Katrina and stripping the law abiding public of the basic protections they needed in that turmoil while the criminal element was basically untouched.
There are many problems with the plan for National Registration in the case of Haynes v US ( The Fifth Amendment, Self- Incrimination, and Gun Registration ) found that registration of firearms by felons or anyone not legally able to own firearms violated their 5th Amendment rights. and in the case of Freed v US ( United States v. Freed - 401 U.S. 601 (1971) :: Justia US ) It states ( Id. at 390 U. S. 95-100. Under the present Act, [Footnote 3] only possessors who lawfully Page 401 U. S. 604 make, manufacture, or import firearms can and must register them; ) thus the law is only directed at the Law Abiding Citizen since the criminal cannot be prosecuted for not registering a firearm. Question; does then not rob the Law Abiding Citizen of his due process and equal protection under the Law?
In all Countries that have required Overall Registration of Firearms, the Anti-gun activists use every incident to justify their continuous cry of only restricting the "Most Dangerous Firearms" for the "Safety and Security" of the public. Once they get enough liable people to push the Representatives, or even enough Representatives are convinced and enact legislation, they always then go on to the next "Most Dangerous Firearms" and so on and regularly accuse gun owners of being crazy and uncaring about the children or whatever issue they have brought up as the emotional trigger to gain support. They even pad the support numbers and constantly say things like 80% or more of the public backs us on this when the opposite is true. This has already taken place in its first manifestation of confiscation in Australia, England, New Zealand, and Canada. Citizens are now clamoring in those Countries for their gun rights to be restored. To put this in perspective look at the figures from Australia. there were an estimated 4 million guns in Australia of which only about 600,000 have been turned in. This proves the point that universal Registration will lead to criminalization of another wise Law Abiding Public.
Take a look at the NY Law School Journal Book Review of Lethal Laws 1995 ( http://www.guncite.com/journals/lethal.html ) I suggest that everyone set aside an hour or two to read and understand what is contained therein and do all the due diligence in researching all of the listed sources of information. Taken together they condemn any Government or group that wants to take away the basic Human Right of Self Defense. Americans must take lessons from those countries and realize that "Reasonable Restrictions will start the slide down the slippery slope from a Country with open Civil Liberties in a matter of a few years to a restrictive Society with few Civil Liberties ( http://guncite.com/journals/okslip.html ). In fact it has already started here in America under the twin Elitist's of Bloomberg and Cuomo in New York. This is directly attributed to the Extremely Restrictive Registration laws again passed as a way to provide safety and security for the populace. Beware Politicians; when their lips are flapping, they are most likely lying.
The Gun Grabbers/Confiscators have come up with yet another seemingly reasonable method of slipping their agenda to disarm Americans through the public scrutiny. It's labeled a compromise Registration Scheme. What kind of compromise do you ask? Well the compromise is directed in their direction, and is there to close the current loophole that allows long guns to be sold or traded among private individuals without and registering them like an original purchaser must. It seems that that was one of the ways New York enacted that led to almost universal confiscation and banning of most firearms for civilian use by closing that loop hole. The plan is to have retailers report the sale of guns to the manufacturer who would then keep records and expanding the law to require all private sales be registered with a local retailer who would then send the information on to the manufacturer and keep the chain of ownership current. This would allow the Government to know where every privately owned firearm was and who owned it, again making eventual confiscation easy. Eventually every record would end up in Government hands for their central records.
Gun control is not usually treated from the Second Amendment standpoint. Look at what Tom Brokaw said about it. He said; ( "If you look at the history of the Second Amendment and what led to its adoption, there is, it's my view, nothing in there which prevents reasonable measures designed to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and kids. To say that criminals have an absolute right to get guns, and we're just going to throw the book at them if we catch them, but we can't prevent them from committing a crime in the first place, I think is wrong." ), add to this the fact the Government is using Emerson v US ( UNITED STATES v. EMERSON, No. 99- 10331., October 16, 2001 ) to try and repudiate the Supreme Court Decision and that the Second Amendment confers absolutely NO RIGHT for an American Individual to own firearms. If that is not a typical Progressive based spin/lie I don't know one of greater proportions. The politicians who are the most Anti-Gun ownership by the citizenry usually start out by saying that no one wants to take your guns. That is similar to what Obama has said publicly, but his Executive orders and his orders to the ATF and Justice department belie the truth to that statement.
Gun registration for handguns is a fact of life for most Americans today. The few benefits it offers to law enforcement in the solving of crimes is as yet marginal despite what all the fictional TV shows project into the American Subconscious mind. Those shows are usually loaded with the propaganda the Progressives want to project to get the support for their agenda's from the public. To believe the lies is to hamstring our remaining liberties.
Fact: Criminals will always have access to guns.
Fact: Most of the Countries that disarmed their citizens have committed atrocities against select groups of those citizens including trying to exterminate them because of their political or religious views.
Fact: Most people still believe their Governments are working for them. Their Governments are working for their own Agenda's.
Fact: The Gun Grabbers are not against guns, only against Private ownership of guns because an armed populace is too hard to control as slaves.
Fact: Even When Guns were removed from the public, nut jobs found other ways to commit mayhem against the people, and the people had no way to fight back.
Fact: Government Mandated Gun Free Zones have been the most targeted by Serial shooters/Killers because they know going in they will not be met by any solid resistance. All they do is create a safe shooting gallery for the psycho's.
Fact: Americans today are at more risk of losing all of their constitutional Freedoms if the Second Amendment is compromised further.
Fact: Every Pseudo Democracy including Russia and China has a Constitution that pretends to protect the human rights of its population, but only the American Constitution has the Second Amendment as the teeth to bite back at any politician that wants to ignore or take away any Constitution protected God Given Right.
Remember that in November 2014 and remove the Anti-American Elitist Socialist Oriented NWO's infecting our Senate and House. That will be the start of Restoring the Republic. Combine that with an Article V Amendment Convention where we successfully submit an Amendment that will repeal the 14th 16th and 17 th Amendments and we will be well on our way to restoring all the power the shysters have stolen from us since the end of the Civil War.
Source for most of the information herein: http://www.guncite.com/gun_control_registration.html, Wikipedia, Thomas.gov, ATF, FBI, R.J.Rummel
http://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/NOTE1.HTM & the DOJ.
The Tradesman
Conservative Gun Owners Propagandized as Domestic Terrorists
Source of information: http://www.wnd.com/2014/02/national-guard-trains-to-fight-anti-government-americans/
Evidently some documents surfaced from an Ohio army National Guard training drill the scenario being a mock disaster with Second Amendment Supporters with Anti-Government Beliefs sit-repped as Domestic Terrorists.
If indeed the 'Documents' are real, they present a further problem with the Criminal Obama Administration's attacks against the Constitution and Americans who believe in it. For the administration to use the blatant Hitlerian Propaganda technique of combining an actual problem i.e. domestic Terrorism with a scapegoating of Second Amendment Supporters instead of the true potential Islamic Domestic Terrorists the Administration has allowed inside our borders, is a means of concern for all Loyal Americans to address with contempt.
The article stated that the Ohio Guard's 52nd Support Unit and First Responders in Hazmat Suits conducted the training exercise in Portsmouth Ohio. the Sit-rep had two teachers follow orders from a White Supremacist/Nationalist leader to poison school lunches with Mustard gas to advance Right-Wing beliefs about gun rights. this is beyond blatant on the part of the Administration. As you can see they have packed everything into the scenario that has even the least negative connotation against any dissent of their Anti-Gun Agendas.
They even have what I would describe as a totally biased and Progressively committed Police Chief, Chief Bill Raisin, comment on WSAZ-TV that the scenario was a valid exercise saying;"It's the reality of the world we live in". "Don't forget there is such a thing as Domestic Terrorism. this helps us all be prepared". The TV Station's website described the drill as "timely". The scenario was one that was highly suspect by me to have all the hidden messages to a vapid public against Patriotic Americans and their belief in the rule of Law by portraying them as radical monsters, using tactics like the Radical Jihadist's commonly use against a vulnerable public.
The plot was ( “Two school employees who are disgruntled over the government’s interpretation of the Second Amendment, plot to use chemical, biological and radiological agents against members of the local community.” in fact it stipulated using Mustard Gas to poison school lunches, Really? A Gas?) ignoring the fact that the people who believe in Constitutional Law would not ever countenance any such actions, and stand against those who would. Consider this fact; The DOJ has already advanced support for Obama to utilize any methods available to outright Kill american Citizens that Obama determines to be 'Domestic Terrorists' without so much as a trial. So, who's the real Domestic Terrorist in that Scenario? BTW, that's a real life Scenario.
Media Trackers.org (http://mediatrackers.org/ohio/2014/02/10/ohio-national-guard-training-envisions-right-wing-terrorism) allegedly obtained Internal documentation ( See the PDF of it here: http://mediatrackers.org/assets/uploads/2014/02/2013017_OHIONATIONALGUARD_EXERCISESCENARIO_FA130024_excerpts.pdf ) that portrays "Domestic Terrorists' as having 'Anti-Government' beliefs, and 'Protecting Gun rights and Second amendment Rights'. Seems like the Obamanation government is terrified that Americans are waking up to it's Anti-Constitutional and Anti-American Agendas, and are trying to demonize everyone who still believes in an American rule by Constitutional Law, before the Obama Induced "Help Me Change It Policy" was enacted.
The agencies involved in the drill, like the Scioto County Emergency Management Agency, The Portsmouth Police chief, and Ohio National Guard. Kim Carver the Scioto Agency director Utterly Refused to comment on the Drill. You already read the Police chief's comments, and the Ohio Guard's Communications Director James Sims refused to talk about why Gun owners were targeted as the Evil Bad Guys in the Scenario.
Funny aside though, The buckeye Firearms association spokesman chad Baus commented saying," It's a scary day indeed when Law Enforcement are being trained that Second amendment Advocates are the enemy" It makes one wonder just why they chose the one group that regularly obeys the Laws of the Land, even more so than the current Leaders do.
On another serious note, The same Guard Unit was used on a similar drill targeting Left-Wing terrorists with the Athens County first responders last year. That drill had the Public Officials apologizing for that the very next day ( http://www.athensohiotoday.com/news/apology-issued-for-terror-training-scenario/article_61df1275-3cc6-565e-b84a-7cddbb35b0ba.html ) in response to complaints from local liberal environmentalist groups. No such apology was forthcoming to gun owners protesting the scenario.
The Tradesman
Evidently some documents surfaced from an Ohio army National Guard training drill the scenario being a mock disaster with Second Amendment Supporters with Anti-Government Beliefs sit-repped as Domestic Terrorists.
If indeed the 'Documents' are real, they present a further problem with the Criminal Obama Administration's attacks against the Constitution and Americans who believe in it. For the administration to use the blatant Hitlerian Propaganda technique of combining an actual problem i.e. domestic Terrorism with a scapegoating of Second Amendment Supporters instead of the true potential Islamic Domestic Terrorists the Administration has allowed inside our borders, is a means of concern for all Loyal Americans to address with contempt.
The article stated that the Ohio Guard's 52nd Support Unit and First Responders in Hazmat Suits conducted the training exercise in Portsmouth Ohio. the Sit-rep had two teachers follow orders from a White Supremacist/Nationalist leader to poison school lunches with Mustard gas to advance Right-Wing beliefs about gun rights. this is beyond blatant on the part of the Administration. As you can see they have packed everything into the scenario that has even the least negative connotation against any dissent of their Anti-Gun Agendas.
They even have what I would describe as a totally biased and Progressively committed Police Chief, Chief Bill Raisin, comment on WSAZ-TV that the scenario was a valid exercise saying;"It's the reality of the world we live in". "Don't forget there is such a thing as Domestic Terrorism. this helps us all be prepared". The TV Station's website described the drill as "timely". The scenario was one that was highly suspect by me to have all the hidden messages to a vapid public against Patriotic Americans and their belief in the rule of Law by portraying them as radical monsters, using tactics like the Radical Jihadist's commonly use against a vulnerable public.
The plot was ( “Two school employees who are disgruntled over the government’s interpretation of the Second Amendment, plot to use chemical, biological and radiological agents against members of the local community.” in fact it stipulated using Mustard Gas to poison school lunches, Really? A Gas?) ignoring the fact that the people who believe in Constitutional Law would not ever countenance any such actions, and stand against those who would. Consider this fact; The DOJ has already advanced support for Obama to utilize any methods available to outright Kill american Citizens that Obama determines to be 'Domestic Terrorists' without so much as a trial. So, who's the real Domestic Terrorist in that Scenario? BTW, that's a real life Scenario.
Media Trackers.org (http://mediatrackers.org/ohio/2014/02/10/ohio-national-guard-training-envisions-right-wing-terrorism) allegedly obtained Internal documentation ( See the PDF of it here: http://mediatrackers.org/assets/uploads/2014/02/2013017_OHIONATIONALGUARD_EXERCISESCENARIO_FA130024_excerpts.pdf ) that portrays "Domestic Terrorists' as having 'Anti-Government' beliefs, and 'Protecting Gun rights and Second amendment Rights'. Seems like the Obamanation government is terrified that Americans are waking up to it's Anti-Constitutional and Anti-American Agendas, and are trying to demonize everyone who still believes in an American rule by Constitutional Law, before the Obama Induced "Help Me Change It Policy" was enacted.
The agencies involved in the drill, like the Scioto County Emergency Management Agency, The Portsmouth Police chief, and Ohio National Guard. Kim Carver the Scioto Agency director Utterly Refused to comment on the Drill. You already read the Police chief's comments, and the Ohio Guard's Communications Director James Sims refused to talk about why Gun owners were targeted as the Evil Bad Guys in the Scenario.
Funny aside though, The buckeye Firearms association spokesman chad Baus commented saying," It's a scary day indeed when Law Enforcement are being trained that Second amendment Advocates are the enemy" It makes one wonder just why they chose the one group that regularly obeys the Laws of the Land, even more so than the current Leaders do.
On another serious note, The same Guard Unit was used on a similar drill targeting Left-Wing terrorists with the Athens County first responders last year. That drill had the Public Officials apologizing for that the very next day ( http://www.athensohiotoday.com/news/apology-issued-for-terror-training-scenario/article_61df1275-3cc6-565e-b84a-7cddbb35b0ba.html ) in response to complaints from local liberal environmentalist groups. No such apology was forthcoming to gun owners protesting the scenario.
The Tradesman