My local paper ran op-ed's by three different Academics, all anti-Christian, all anti-Trump
When did the Humanities Become Inhuman?
I have a growing concern in what is coming out of Cal State Bakersfield and the rest of Academia.
Back in November 2020, I shared my thoughts about the election. It was obvious there were shenanigans being played at the county level across the country. I got a nasty response from a retired, but well-known Philosophy Professor and head of a local Institute for Ethics. He couldn’t just disagree with me, something he apparently never tolerated with his students or Ethics endeavors. He had to tell me he was "ashamed to live in a community that also carried me as a resident.” So much for Ethics.
Saturday, it was a graduating Sociology student from CSUB who got a lot of ink to denounce "Christian Nationalism.” But first he had to give us a lesson on the difference between secularism and socialism. He seemed to have a problem with Christian leaders of all denominations who live by Biblical principles.
He conflates principled living with perverting a religion. In fact, he states, “…assumptions of nativism, white supremacy, patriarchy and heteronormativity. … as well as the nation with no regard for the rights and needs of our fellow neighbors and citizens of different faiths.” I’ll stick with heteronormativity and still vote for Ric Grenell to replace the current Governor.
Today, 5/25, we are met with a dissertation by a retired CSUB Dean and Psychology Professor. Being of such high status he greeted the beleaguered Californian reader with a description of our beloved President of recent and constant memory as the nation goes back to unemployment (largely because folks are making more money sitting on their asses.) They don’t consider their once employers who are trying to stay in business short of workers. They have been lulled into dependency, hyperinflation, wars in the Middle East, etc.
The Professor described the “Ex-President" as a cover for another attack on Christians,
“… in recent years, however, conservative Christians have squandered whatever credibility or moral authority they once had through their unwavering support for (wait for the scholarly definition), 'our crotch-grabbing, racist protecting, child incarcerating, truth obliterating, insurrection provoking, Big Lie promoting ex-President.’” (Fact check please!)
There you have it. The genius of a university’s Humanities Departments, Philosophy (don’t forget Ethics), Sociology and Psychology. It would be funny if these folks weren’t typical of what has happened to the level of indoctrination and spreading of national disdain and misinformation a student must absorb, presumably to get a passing grade. Of course, 95% of faculties are leftists as is the media that lauds them (Doh!).
Classical liberals and conservatives have no place in Academia or the Democrat Party it blindly serves. We wonder where all these 200+ corporate CEO’s were “educated" who got snookered into suddenly becoming “Woke.” It’s that terrible combination of ignorance and arrogance that is the downfall of American Education. It is worming it’s way into the cradle to assure parental responsibility is cancelled.
Of course, they all agree with the esteemed Psychology Professor who is convinced of the veracity of his nasty remarks. Hardly fitting are the comments of all three, were they also to be defined as gentlemen, open to polite discourse. That was the original intent when the Catholic Church launched the University system in the 12th Century.
I wonder if it’s possible for graduates finding they are ill-equipped for the real world, to sue for refund of tuition, fees and expenses. Might as well throw in 10 years of lost income as Reparations. That seems to be a popular concept today. That should at least cover their burden of student loans repaid by the university, not the taxpayers.
Jerry is a retired engineer with strong experience in environmental innovation which he still applies today with clean water and energy saving technologies. His avocation is writing and study of philosophical and biblical themes as they apply to spiritual warfare in the political arena. Jerry has published several books that are available at . Jerry is widowed after 60 years with Joanne Dean Todd – 3 children, 8 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren.
Gerald V. Todd
May 25, 2021
I have a growing concern in what is coming out of Cal State Bakersfield and the rest of Academia.
Back in November 2020, I shared my thoughts about the election. It was obvious there were shenanigans being played at the county level across the country. I got a nasty response from a retired, but well-known Philosophy Professor and head of a local Institute for Ethics. He couldn’t just disagree with me, something he apparently never tolerated with his students or Ethics endeavors. He had to tell me he was "ashamed to live in a community that also carried me as a resident.” So much for Ethics.
Saturday, it was a graduating Sociology student from CSUB who got a lot of ink to denounce "Christian Nationalism.” But first he had to give us a lesson on the difference between secularism and socialism. He seemed to have a problem with Christian leaders of all denominations who live by Biblical principles.
He conflates principled living with perverting a religion. In fact, he states, “…assumptions of nativism, white supremacy, patriarchy and heteronormativity. … as well as the nation with no regard for the rights and needs of our fellow neighbors and citizens of different faiths.” I’ll stick with heteronormativity and still vote for Ric Grenell to replace the current Governor.
Today, 5/25, we are met with a dissertation by a retired CSUB Dean and Psychology Professor. Being of such high status he greeted the beleaguered Californian reader with a description of our beloved President of recent and constant memory as the nation goes back to unemployment (largely because folks are making more money sitting on their asses.) They don’t consider their once employers who are trying to stay in business short of workers. They have been lulled into dependency, hyperinflation, wars in the Middle East, etc.
The Professor described the “Ex-President" as a cover for another attack on Christians,
“… in recent years, however, conservative Christians have squandered whatever credibility or moral authority they once had through their unwavering support for (wait for the scholarly definition), 'our crotch-grabbing, racist protecting, child incarcerating, truth obliterating, insurrection provoking, Big Lie promoting ex-President.’” (Fact check please!)
There you have it. The genius of a university’s Humanities Departments, Philosophy (don’t forget Ethics), Sociology and Psychology. It would be funny if these folks weren’t typical of what has happened to the level of indoctrination and spreading of national disdain and misinformation a student must absorb, presumably to get a passing grade. Of course, 95% of faculties are leftists as is the media that lauds them (Doh!).
Classical liberals and conservatives have no place in Academia or the Democrat Party it blindly serves. We wonder where all these 200+ corporate CEO’s were “educated" who got snookered into suddenly becoming “Woke.” It’s that terrible combination of ignorance and arrogance that is the downfall of American Education. It is worming it’s way into the cradle to assure parental responsibility is cancelled.
Of course, they all agree with the esteemed Psychology Professor who is convinced of the veracity of his nasty remarks. Hardly fitting are the comments of all three, were they also to be defined as gentlemen, open to polite discourse. That was the original intent when the Catholic Church launched the University system in the 12th Century.
I wonder if it’s possible for graduates finding they are ill-equipped for the real world, to sue for refund of tuition, fees and expenses. Might as well throw in 10 years of lost income as Reparations. That seems to be a popular concept today. That should at least cover their burden of student loans repaid by the university, not the taxpayers.
Jerry is a retired engineer with strong experience in environmental innovation which he still applies today with clean water and energy saving technologies. His avocation is writing and study of philosophical and biblical themes as they apply to spiritual warfare in the political arena. Jerry has published several books that are available at . Jerry is widowed after 60 years with Joanne Dean Todd – 3 children, 8 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren.
Gerald V. Todd
May 25, 2021
WEBCommentary(tm) - The Solemn Oath as a Case for Treason Constitution/Constitutional Crises, The Solemn Oath as a Case for Treason 0
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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:32
WEBCommentary Contributor
Author: Gerald V. Todd
Bio: Gerald V. Todd
Date: November 20, 2018Print article -
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Topic category: Constitution/Constitutional Crises
The Solemn Oath as a Case for Treason
The Constitution (Article VI, clause 3) requires that Senators and Representatives take an oath of office to support the Constitution. It is set by statute (5 U.S.C. 3331), enacted by Congress.
It now reads:
“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."
The Founding Fathers understood swearing an oath was natural and seriously binding. It is not a rite of passage to power.
The Democratic Party’s turn toward Socialism and Islam are the antithesis of the Constitution. Antifa and other screaming mobs desecrate the flag and destroy the property and lives of others. #Resisting the President simply blocks the progress we elected him to apply his visionary business and building experience.
102 Senators, Representatives and other solemn Constitutional oath-taking officials have given strong support to CAIR, Council on American Islamic Relations, a front for Hamas and others bent on converting the United States into Islamic world domination.
Solemn oaths are very serious business. Officials assume power over the lives and welfare of 350 million souls. The preservation of the Republic requires us to guide our actions within Constitutional boundaries. Many officeholders have no intention to comply and are subject to charges of sedition or treason.
The Founders were common in their belief that the core principle of the Constitution is found in the Declaration: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Few young people even know or believe in the tenets of the Constitution so cannot agree with its moral, spiritual and philosophical basis in the Declaration of Independence.
Democrats wasting taxpayers’ time and money on “investigations” and resistance, rather than building our people and the economy is a serious breach of moral and fiscal responsibility. Without a level of love and responsibility, we cease to be human.
Gerald V. Todd
Send email feedback to Gerald V. Todd
Notes: Addendum
Showing Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, the 4th verse of the Star Spangled Banner, George Washington’s Prayer, Listed below are the basic tenets of the “Rules for Radicals” bible. Some call it good politics. I call it spiritual warfare. Think of these as they are applied daily to overwhelm our system of government and the freedoms many have fought and died for. (Note: You and the righteously elected, hired and military people are the “enemy” referred to here. My comments are in (parentheses))
1. "Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” (And boy have we let them bamboozle us with political correctness!)
2. "Never go outside the expertise of your people. (Done consistently, then lied about)
3. "Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy. (Not likely, though they even deny and lie about solid science and natural law.)
4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. (We should!)
5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. (Ask the Globalists of both parties.)
6. "A good tactic is one your people enjoy." (Like rioting and stealing elections. He who laughs last…)
7. "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. (Exceeds their own expertise and is ultimately exposed for the lies the tactic is built from. It explains why the globalists come up with a new “outrage” almost weekly.)
8. "Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose." (A daily dose of new crises, talking points with the complicit 5th column in the mainstream media)
9. "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself." (Health care, fiscal cliff, debt ceiling, ad nauseum)
10. "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. (They are masters at it, but when their house of cards crumbles, they’ll cry like babies.)
11. "If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counterside... (Love conquers all, but tough love is what is needed here.)
12. "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative." (With cadres “eating out the peoples’ substance,” they are ready every day with thousands of new rules and highly paid operatives to seek to enforce them.)
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. (Republicans have been suckered into this deep freeze for decades with the only reprieve being under President Ronald Reagan. They will never love you and the 5th Column media will never be on your side until their own existence is threatened. Financial bankruptcy doesn’t seem to be enough to shake them.)
It doesn’t take much for anyone who has every faced a bully, spent some time pondering Scripture, or reading history to see we are engaged in all-out spiritual warfare. While political strategies are critical, the war must be fought on the spiritual plane. Our Founders and those who followed – even the attorney, Francis Scott Key in 1814 saw at the siege of Fort Sumter the extent of courage and sacrifice it took to defend the Republic from “all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
“In God We Trust” – Written into the 4th verse of the Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key in 1814, it became the official motto in 1956, much to the chagrin of “progressives.” The fourth verse is sung as follows:
Oh thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand Between their loved homes and the war's desolation! Blest with victory and peace; may the heav'n rescued land Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a Nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto: In God is our trust.
And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
On April 14, 2005, I was privileged to be asked to read Washington’s prayer over his very tomb at Mt. Vernon. It was difficult because I was moved to tears before I uttered a line. Tears of joy for the gift of this great nation, tears of sadness for the attacks it has suffered at the hands of its own citizens, bent on destroying the very roots from which it has grown so marvelously. May God be praised for the gift we have been granted for which we have done nothing to earn.
The prayer was adapted from Washington’s Circular to the States, written from his headquarters as commander in chief in Newburgh, New York, on June 8, 1783. This circular was directed to the Governors and States of the new nation; his reference to them has been replaced by the words, “the United States.” Otherwise the words and spelling are those of General Washington:
“I now make it my earnest prayer, that God would have the United States in his holy protection, that he would incline the hearts of the Citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to Government. To entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another, for their fellow Citizens of the United States at large, and particularly for their brethren who have served in the Fields, and finally, that he would most graciously be pleased to dispose us all, to do Justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that Charity, humility and pacific temper of mind, which were the Characteristicks of the Divine Author of our blessed Religion (a paraphrase of Micah 6:8), and without an humble imitation of whose example in these things, we can never hope to be a happy Nation. Amen.” George Washington
Now we too must pray and act!
Biography - Gerald V. Todd
Jerry is a retired engineer with strong experience in environmental innovation which he still applies today with 2 clean water and energy saving technologies. His life avocation in writing and study of philosophical and biblical themes as they apply to the body politic's spiritual warfare. He survived stage 4 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in 2006; now in excellent health. A graduate of the University of Illinois (1958, Industrial Engineering), Jerry had post graduate studies at both the University of San Francisco and the University of Santa Clara in California between 1961 and 1963 (Logic, Marketing). As co Founder and seminar presenter he was awarded a Ph.D. in Philosophy at Valley Christian University operating under California private-post secondary statutes for mid career student, VCU was the pioneer external degree school for mid career students. Its course structures were picked up by several well known Christian colleges. Hosted local broadcast radio and TV shows, "Religion on the Line" and "The News Firm" (jointly with wife, Joanne), respectively. Jerry has published several books that are available at Amazon. Jerry is available to speak as a visiting lecturer at the high school, college or community organization level. Jerry is married 55 years to Joanne Dean Todd – 3 children, 8 grandchildren.
Read other commentaries by Gerald V. Todd.
Copyright © 2018 by Gerald V. Todd
All Rights Reserved.
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"Citizens Healthcare Proposal"
Repeal and Replace – An Easy Replacement for Obamacare
Any health care plan must have more than a political foundation and should parallel the astounding success of the American economy rooted in our Founding Principles – Declaration, Constitution and Bill of Rights.
A summary of aA complete health care plan is primarily a commercial enterprise that allows for innovation and correction.
- Mandates. All Federal requirements for inclusion in health care policies are hereby repealed.
- The provision of health insurance is a commercial activity, including health savings accounts to be managed by the individual states with these exceptions:
- Reciprocity - Each state must recognize insurance policies purchased in other states.
- Citizens/residents of any state may purchase health insurance in any state.
- No process or procedure governing health insurance shall be regulated by the Federal Government.
- The decision to purchase health insurance is an individual choice; no citizen shall be compelled to purchase health insurance.
- Consumers may choose health care insurance a la carte costed-out on an individual basis.
- Employers have a choice to provide health insurance as part of employee benefit programs.
- The cost of health care insurance benefits provided shall be exempt from taxation of any kind.
a)Reciprocity. Each state must recognize insurance policies purchased in other states.
a)Citizens/residents of any state may purchase health insurance in any state.
a)No process or procedure governing health insurance shall be regulated by the Federal Government.
- Types of health insurance policies shall include:
- Minimal insurance to cover emergency medical treatment.
- Well care plus emergency medical care.
- Basic general plans to cover well care, emergency medical care and routine ongoing medical treatments including doctor office visits, testing, and follow up care.
- Insurance companies may offer limited, temporary insurance at the catastrophic care level.
- The regulatory process is a state, not a Federal responsibility
- Federal funding of medical care shall be as a last resort under catastrophic care.
- All health care-health service providers shall provide lifesaving treatments in emergency situations whether the patient has health insurance or not.
- The patient shall be fully responsible to pay for compensating the health care provider for services rendered. However, this provision does not prohibit health care providers or service institutions from offering “charity care” and/or deferred/reduced payment for such services based on patient need.
- Tort Reform - Americans longing to return to excellence, accessibility, and affordability in health care should encourage their state to emulate the positive effects tort reform has on malpractice liability in the state of Texas.
- Matters of Faith - No health care provider, and no resident of the United States shall be compelled to provide services or to participate in a health care program if such participation would violate his or her beliefs.
- Alternatives to commercial health insurance - Communal, religious affiliated, specialized group, or collective assurance associations may develop and operate membership health care programs, as allowed by laws of the state wherein formed. These plans shall have the same force and full reciprocity among the States.
"It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man who knows what the law is today can guess what it will be to-morrow." --James Madison, Federalist No. 62, 1788
Co-authored by Jerry Todd (661) 213-6288 and Jim Coles III with editing by Bob Webster - Mailing address: 816 River Oaks Drive Bakersfield, CA 93309Presented to the Association of Mature American Citizens for consideration at its Conference on February 18-19, 2016 in Holley in the Hills, Florida.
Gerald V. Todd
816 River Oaks Drive
Bakersfield, CA 93309-2855
(661) 213-6288
Repeal and Replace – An Easy Replacement for Obamacare Any health care plan must have more than a political foundation and should parallel the astounding success of the American economy rooted in our Founding Principles. A complete health care plan is primarily a commercial enterprise that allows for innovation and correction.
1) Mandates. All Federal requirements for inclusion in health care policies are hereby repealed.
2) The provision of health insurance is a commercial activity, including health savings accounts to be managed by the individual states with these exceptions: a) Reciprocity - Each state must recognize insurance policies purchased in other states. b) Citizens/residents of any state may purchase health insurance in any state. c) No process or procedure governing health insurance shall be regulated by the Federal Government.
3) The decision to purchase health insurance is an individual choice; no citizen shall be compelled to purchase health insurance.
4) Consumers may choose health care insurance a la carte costed-out on an individual basis.
5) Employers have a choice to provide health insurance as part of employee benefit programs.
6) The cost of health care insurance benefits provided shall be exempt from taxation of any kind.
7) Types of health insurance policies shall include: a) Minimal insurance to cover emergency medical treatment. b) Well care plus emergency medical care. c) Basic general plans to cover well care, emergency medical care and routine ongoing medical treatments including doctor office visits, testing, and follow up care. d) Insurance companies may offer limited, temporary insurance at the catastrophic care level.
8) The regulatory process is a state, not a Federal responsibility
9) Federal funding of medical care shall be as a last resort under catastrophic care.
10) All health care-health service providers shall provide lifesaving treatments in emergency situations whether the patient has health insurance or not.
11) The patient shall be fully responsible to pay for compensating the health care provider for services rendered. However, this provision does not prohibit health care providers or service institutions from offering “charity care” and/or deferred/reduced payment for such services based on patient need.
12) Tort Reform - Americans longing to return to excellence, accessibility, and affordability in health care should encourage their state to emulate the positive effects tort reform has on malpractice liability in the state of Texas.
13) Matters of Faith - No health care provider, and no resident of the United States shall be compelled to provide services or to participate in a health care program if such participation would violate his or her beliefs.
14) Alternatives to commercial health insurance - Communal, religious affiliated, specialized group, or collective assurance associations may develop and operate membership health care programs, as allowed by laws of the state wherein formed. These plans shall have the same force and full reciprocity among the States. Medical care functions best with a devotion to simplicity and understandability. "It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man who knows what the law is today can guess what it will be to-morrow." --James Madison, Federalist No. 62, 1788
Co-authored by Jerry Todd (661) 213-6288 and Jim Coles III with editing by Bob Webster
Prepared by Gerald V. Todd and James Coles III with valued help from the “Off-Line” Group
Mailing address: 816 River Oaks Drive Bakersfield, CA 93309
My Role in Effecting Climate Science and Human Participation
‘It is urgent that we match technology with a strong ethical dimension. ... Technology should help nature develop along the lines envisioned by the Creator. In working together, the researcher and the scientist adhere to God’s plan that desired humanity as the apex and the administrator of creation. Solutions based on this principle will protect human life and its vulnerability, as well as the rights of the present and future generations’.
- Pope Benedict XVI
I’m an 80 year old Engineer of the form I like to call “Generalist.” I see a Generalist as one who tries to solve problems in one field by exploring what has been done by others in that field or in totally unrelated ones. I learned a few things over the years that could have a wonderful effect on our stewardship of the environment. They aren’t my ideas, but maybe my applications. They are largely achieved by natural processes just waiting to be developed or improved on.
Subsidiarity – the opposite of Entitlement flows naturally from a Beautiful, Ethical and Logical setting. People willingly take on personal responsibility and feel shame in accepting government dependency.
Solidarity is a natural result flowing from a people free to exercise their talents and abilities in an environment that gives pride in one’s community and nation.
Chaos in a free society is unexpected opportunities, chance meeting, cross fertilization of ideas and technology from which Harmony creates growth and prosperity.
Let me list them from the chaos of my life experiences, finishing with what we are doing right now – saving water and energy with the simplest natural process possible. I leave the rest for others to tap my fertile brain and archives. We have a lot of stewardship to do on this beautiful blue dot in space.
1. My friend and I could tie a kite string from the bottom of one can to another and stretch it tight across the street. One would talk into the can, the other would listen. (Age 7)
2. I designed an airplane that I sent to Bell Aircraft and Lockheed during World War II. I still have their memorable responses and a blow-up of a Bell P-39 Airacobra. A first lesson on the need for knowledge and teamwork. I already had the imagination (Age 8).
3. I learned the Bernoulli Principle that allowed my former Cub Scout Master to design a milk filler for small dairies. By keeping the level even in a tank of milk and opening a valve for a precise time, a quart of milk would be delivered every time. Later we pioneered the aerosol packaging industry from the same milk filler. (Age 17)
4. One of my University of Illinois college buddies was a Ceramics Engineer. He came up with a way to grow beryllium oxide crystals – better known as Emerald. During the 1957-58 Recession, he talked me into moving to California. (Age 23)
5. So much for growing emeralds, I got a job at a pharmaceutical company to help solve problems with their new idea – the metered dose inhaler. My insights from previous employment solved the problems. It has helped millions with respiratory problems over the years. (Age 24)
6. Moving to the San Francisco Area in 1960 for a fluke, I ended up as Safety Engineer for an electronics company. An Engineer who started the same day I did was dead from electrocution 4 days later. The San Mateo Red Cross came to us with a new method of resuscitation. – CPR. We were the first industrial company in the nation to train personnel in the method.
7. We built a small company around the talents of a Ph. D. Microbiologist. We grew natural oil-eating microbes in a small fermenter and combined them with water and a fertilizer compound. We could spray it on an oil spill and watch it disintegrate over a few days. When the microbes’ natural food was exhausted, they died. We were met with disdain by environmental regulators. Nature still takes care of its insults. We only helped when the insult was greater than indigenous organisms could deal with.
8. I worked with a physicist for 10 years developing stable vortex mass flow-metering. The vortex is common in nature and its movement in a flowtube generates absolute signals of mass and specific gravity. It is perfect for mixing fluids.
9. A vortex generated in a hydropower penstock can improve power generation by up to 30% or allow a shallow dam-less generating capability in remote areas.
10. A one mile long magnet can desalt sea water. No too practical, but spun at high speeds in a magnetic field can accomplish the same. Originally patented in 1970 by a former Skunk Works engineer.
Magnation water energizing technology - Today, I have devoted my time finding applications for an Oakland –based company called The Magnation Corporation. We have proven time and again the technology can reduce the demand for water of trees, grass and crops 20-25%. Because the normally clustered water molecules are split up, the water runs smoother through pipes and better penetrates soil and plant cells. This means 10-13% less pumping energy and better plant and animal health.
- Pope Benedict XVI
I’m an 80 year old Engineer of the form I like to call “Generalist.” I see a Generalist as one who tries to solve problems in one field by exploring what has been done by others in that field or in totally unrelated ones. I learned a few things over the years that could have a wonderful effect on our stewardship of the environment. They aren’t my ideas, but maybe my applications. They are largely achieved by natural processes just waiting to be developed or improved on.
Subsidiarity – the opposite of Entitlement flows naturally from a Beautiful, Ethical and Logical setting. People willingly take on personal responsibility and feel shame in accepting government dependency.
Solidarity is a natural result flowing from a people free to exercise their talents and abilities in an environment that gives pride in one’s community and nation.
Chaos in a free society is unexpected opportunities, chance meeting, cross fertilization of ideas and technology from which Harmony creates growth and prosperity.
Let me list them from the chaos of my life experiences, finishing with what we are doing right now – saving water and energy with the simplest natural process possible. I leave the rest for others to tap my fertile brain and archives. We have a lot of stewardship to do on this beautiful blue dot in space.
1. My friend and I could tie a kite string from the bottom of one can to another and stretch it tight across the street. One would talk into the can, the other would listen. (Age 7)
2. I designed an airplane that I sent to Bell Aircraft and Lockheed during World War II. I still have their memorable responses and a blow-up of a Bell P-39 Airacobra. A first lesson on the need for knowledge and teamwork. I already had the imagination (Age 8).
3. I learned the Bernoulli Principle that allowed my former Cub Scout Master to design a milk filler for small dairies. By keeping the level even in a tank of milk and opening a valve for a precise time, a quart of milk would be delivered every time. Later we pioneered the aerosol packaging industry from the same milk filler. (Age 17)
4. One of my University of Illinois college buddies was a Ceramics Engineer. He came up with a way to grow beryllium oxide crystals – better known as Emerald. During the 1957-58 Recession, he talked me into moving to California. (Age 23)
5. So much for growing emeralds, I got a job at a pharmaceutical company to help solve problems with their new idea – the metered dose inhaler. My insights from previous employment solved the problems. It has helped millions with respiratory problems over the years. (Age 24)
6. Moving to the San Francisco Area in 1960 for a fluke, I ended up as Safety Engineer for an electronics company. An Engineer who started the same day I did was dead from electrocution 4 days later. The San Mateo Red Cross came to us with a new method of resuscitation. – CPR. We were the first industrial company in the nation to train personnel in the method.
7. We built a small company around the talents of a Ph. D. Microbiologist. We grew natural oil-eating microbes in a small fermenter and combined them with water and a fertilizer compound. We could spray it on an oil spill and watch it disintegrate over a few days. When the microbes’ natural food was exhausted, they died. We were met with disdain by environmental regulators. Nature still takes care of its insults. We only helped when the insult was greater than indigenous organisms could deal with.
8. I worked with a physicist for 10 years developing stable vortex mass flow-metering. The vortex is common in nature and its movement in a flowtube generates absolute signals of mass and specific gravity. It is perfect for mixing fluids.
9. A vortex generated in a hydropower penstock can improve power generation by up to 30% or allow a shallow dam-less generating capability in remote areas.
10. A one mile long magnet can desalt sea water. No too practical, but spun at high speeds in a magnetic field can accomplish the same. Originally patented in 1970 by a former Skunk Works engineer.
Magnation water energizing technology - Today, I have devoted my time finding applications for an Oakland –based company called The Magnation Corporation. We have proven time and again the technology can reduce the demand for water of trees, grass and crops 20-25%. Because the normally clustered water molecules are split up, the water runs smoother through pipes and better penetrates soil and plant cells. This means 10-13% less pumping energy and better plant and animal health.
(Shameless promotion of what works)
Yesterday I met with members of the technology team of the California Water Institute at Fresno State (I’ve been a member for over 15 years). We discussed applications and proven successes of our Magnation water energizing
To contribute to Magnation’s growing base of real world results, many public agencies need the comfort of academically verified data or at least another agency trying it first. We discussed our existing academic and anecdotal data in field and vegetable crops, turf, trees, poultry, dairy and golf course applications. Two major points are consistent water saving of 20-25% while maintaining, even improving plant and animal health and vitality; a proven reduction in water pumping energy in the range of 10-13%.
Time is too short to start a comparative crop planting or cattle watering. The team came up with the idea of focusing on energy saving, as that can be demonstrated in the WET Lab in a short time frame. They even speculated on energy saving on the FSU campus once the lab program is completed and verifies existing data. There is the possibility of drawing on Prop 39 energy saving bond funds.
Last night, my wife and I attended by invitation a Drought and Groundwater seminar put on by the Public Policy Institute of California. Drought and Groundwater
in the San Joaquin Valley with the co-sponsorship of the California Endowment, the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation and Fresno State.
Ellen Hanek of PPIC chaired the event with noted panelists from several public sectors, including a member of the Water Resources Board. The panel and Q&A was moderated by Mark Grossi a columnist for the Fresno Bee.
To contribute to Magnation’s growing base of real world results, many public agencies need the comfort of academically verified data or at least another agency trying it first. We discussed our existing academic and anecdotal data in field and vegetable crops, turf, trees, poultry, dairy and golf course applications. Two major points are consistent water saving of 20-25% while maintaining, even improving plant and animal health and vitality; a proven reduction in water pumping energy in the range of 10-13%.
Time is too short to start a comparative crop planting or cattle watering. The team came up with the idea of focusing on energy saving, as that can be demonstrated in the WET Lab in a short time frame. They even speculated on energy saving on the FSU campus once the lab program is completed and verifies existing data. There is the possibility of drawing on Prop 39 energy saving bond funds.
Last night, my wife and I attended by invitation a Drought and Groundwater seminar put on by the Public Policy Institute of California. Drought and Groundwater
in the San Joaquin Valley with the co-sponsorship of the California Endowment, the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation and Fresno State.
Ellen Hanek of PPIC chaired the event with noted panelists from several public sectors, including a member of the Water Resources Board. The panel and Q&A was moderated by Mark Grossi a columnist for the Fresno Bee.

I had the opportunity to speak with all the panelists while making Magnation materials available to the full house attendees. I was not discouraged by any I spoke with, including the PPIC Director or Dave Orth of the Water Resources Board. Orth discussed spending $2.4 billion Prop 1 bond funds for $8 billion in requests for surface and ground water storage. No real action for 2 years.
Sue Ruiz, of Easton WSD in Porerville, a community development specialist spoke of community and individual well water problems. Dried up wells and contamination are a growing problem (not from fracking BTW).
Luke Serpa, Director of Public Utilities for the city of Clovis lamented over their forethought in water banking being used to punish the city by Sacramento regulators.
Most of the time these meetings, like the one in City Hall in January 2014 and subsequent expos at Bakersfield College define and address regulatory problems and methodologies – problems of politics and sociology. Technology is given a nod by noting the need for upgrading, but little specifics. At the end user level, Astroturf and dripping faucets are the exception. A few loud naysayers have stifled progress toward significant solutions, presumably to protect their markets for water penetrating chemicals. We have to rise above that line of thinking. After all, grass is a major sequestering flora for CO2.
This morning, I got my daily splash of cold (recycled) water as the Californian again rejoiced in contacting all the folks we’ve been pleading with to consider our “Gatling Gun” to save Hart Park, thousands of trees and what’s left of the beauty of our city. Draining Ming Lake, if done, could be slowed by 20-25% with the installation of one Magnation unit at the booster pump. I know from meetings with key people last week that they are giving it consideration. I believe Alan Christensen’s comment is pertinent that they are looking at other means to keep the lake open and are “confident we’ll get through it.”
One major grower north of here just last week purchased a dozen 10-12” diameter Magnation units to save their trees and crops – and a passle of pumping costs.
There’s more than one way to shoot a “Gatling gun.” Just gotta get the “King’s” attention. His satraps are pondering.
Sue Ruiz, of Easton WSD in Porerville, a community development specialist spoke of community and individual well water problems. Dried up wells and contamination are a growing problem (not from fracking BTW).
Luke Serpa, Director of Public Utilities for the city of Clovis lamented over their forethought in water banking being used to punish the city by Sacramento regulators.
Most of the time these meetings, like the one in City Hall in January 2014 and subsequent expos at Bakersfield College define and address regulatory problems and methodologies – problems of politics and sociology. Technology is given a nod by noting the need for upgrading, but little specifics. At the end user level, Astroturf and dripping faucets are the exception. A few loud naysayers have stifled progress toward significant solutions, presumably to protect their markets for water penetrating chemicals. We have to rise above that line of thinking. After all, grass is a major sequestering flora for CO2.
This morning, I got my daily splash of cold (recycled) water as the Californian again rejoiced in contacting all the folks we’ve been pleading with to consider our “Gatling Gun” to save Hart Park, thousands of trees and what’s left of the beauty of our city. Draining Ming Lake, if done, could be slowed by 20-25% with the installation of one Magnation unit at the booster pump. I know from meetings with key people last week that they are giving it consideration. I believe Alan Christensen’s comment is pertinent that they are looking at other means to keep the lake open and are “confident we’ll get through it.”
One major grower north of here just last week purchased a dozen 10-12” diameter Magnation units to save their trees and crops – and a passle of pumping costs.
There’s more than one way to shoot a “Gatling gun.” Just gotta get the “King’s” attention. His satraps are pondering.
The Scorching of California
How Green extremists made a bad drought worse
Winter 2015
City Journal.
Victor Davis Hanson
The Scorching of California
How Green extremists made a bad drought worse
Winter 2015
In mid-December, the first large storms in three years drenched California. No one knows whether the rain and snow will continue—only that it must last for weeks if a record three-year drought, both natural and man-made, is to end. In the 1970s, coastal elites squelched California’s near-century-long commitment to building dams, reservoirs, and canals, even as the Golden State’s population ballooned. Court-ordered drainage of man-made lakes, meant to restore fish to the 1,100-square-mile Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta, partly caused central California’s reservoir water to dry up. Not content with preventing construction of new water infrastructure, environmentalists reverse-engineered existing projects to divert precious water away from agriculture, privileging the needs of fish over the needs of people. Then they alleged that global warming, not their own foolish policies, had caused the current crisis.
Even as a fourth year of drought threatens the state, canal water from the Hetch Hetchy reservoir in Yosemite National Park keeps Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area a verdant oasis. This parched coastal mountain range would have depopulated long ago without the infrastructure that an earlier, wiser generation built and that latter-day regulators and environmentalists so casually deprecated. (See “California’s Promethean Past,” Summer 2013.) Gardens and lawns remain green in Palo Alto, San Mateo, Cupertino, and San Francisco, where residents continue to benefit from past investments in huge water transfers from inland mountains to the coast. They will be the last to go dry.
I grew up in the central San Joaquin Valley during the 1950s. In those days, some old-timers remembered with fondness when the undammed Kings River’s wild, white water would gush down into the sparsely populated valley. But most Californians never had such nostalgia. Past generations accepted that California was a growing state (with some 20 million people by 1970), that agriculture was its premier industry, and that the state fed not just its own people but millions across America and overseas. All of that required redistribution of water—and thus dams, reservoirs, and irrigation canals.
For 50 years, the state transferred surface water from northern California to the Central Valley through the California State Water Project and the federal Central Valley Project. Given these vast and ambitious initiatives, Californians didn’t worry much about the occasional one- or two-year drought or the steady growth in population. The postwar, can-do mentality resulted in a brilliantly engineered water system, far ahead of its time, that brought canal water daily from the 30 percent of the state where rain and snow were plentiful—mostly north of Sacramento as well as from the Sierra Nevada Mountains—to the lower, western, and warmer 70 percent of the state, where people preferred to work, farm, and live.
Everyone seemed to benefit. Floods in northern California became a thing of the past. The more than 40 major mountain reservoirs generated clean hydroelectric power. New lakes offered recreation for millions living in a once-arid state. Gravity-fed snow melt was channeled into irrigation canals, opening millions of new acres to farming and ending reliance on pumping the aquifer. To most Californians, the irrigated, fertile Central Valley seemed a natural occurrence, not an environmental anomaly made possible only through the foresight of a now-forgotten generation of engineers and hydrologists.
Just as California’s freeways were designed to grow to meet increased traffic, the state’s vast water projects were engineered to expand with the population. Many assumed that the state would finish planned additions to the California State Water Project and its ancillaries. But in the 1960s and early 1970s, no one anticipated that the then-nascent environmental movement would one day go to court to stop most new dam construction, including the 14,000-acre Sites Reservoir on the Sacramento River near Maxwell; the Los Banos Grandes facility, along a section of the California Aqueduct in Merced County; and the Temperance Flat Reservoir, above Millerton Lake north of Fresno. Had the gigantic Klamath River diversion project not likewise been canceled in the 1970s, the resulting Aw Paw reservoir would have been the state’s largest man-made reservoir. At two-thirds the size of Lake Mead, it might have stored 15 million acre-feet of water, enough to supply San Francisco for 30 years. California’s water-storage capacity would be nearly double what it is today had these plans come to fruition. It was just as difficult to imagine that environmentalists would try to divert contracted irrigation and municipal water from already-established reservoirs. Yet they did just that, and subsequently moved to freeze California’s water-storage resources at 1970s capacities.
All the while, the Green activists remained blissfully unconcerned about the vast immigration into California from Latin America and Mexico that would help double the state’s population in just four decades, to 40 million. Had population growth remained static, perhaps California could have lived with partially finished water projects. The state might also have been able to restore the flow of scenic rivers from the mountains to the sea, maintained a robust agribusiness sector, and even survived a four- or five-year drought. But if California continues to block new construction of the State Water Project as well as additions to local and federal water-storage infrastructure, officials must halve California’s population, or shut down the 5 million acres of irrigated crops on the Central Valley’s west side, or cut back municipal water usage in a way never before done in the United States.
When the drought began in autumn 2011, the average Californian barely noticed. Mountain reservoirs remained full throughout 2011 and much of 2012, thanks to ample rainfall in previous years. Though rain and snowfall plunged to as much as 40 percent below average in most inland counties, shortages affected only large agribusiness conglomerates on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley—a small group of corporate grandees with plenty of land and little public sympathy.
During that first year of drought, quarrels over water were mostly confined to farmers and environmentalists. Confident that stored surface water in mountain reservoirs would remain plentiful, the Greens insisted that the state continue to divert reservoir water away from agricultural usage—at roughly the same rate as during pre-drought years—in order to replenish rivers. In practical terms, however, the diversions meant that substantial amounts of stored snow melt were released from mountain dams and allowed to flow freely to the Pacific Ocean. Farmers called that wasted water; environmentalists called it a return to a natural, pre-industrial California. The Green dream was not simply river restoration and beautification, however. Bay Area environmentalists also believed that vastly increased freshwater inflows would help oxygenate the San Francisco Delta, thereby enabling the survival of the Delta smelt, a three-inch baitfish, while ensuring that salmon could be reintroduced into the San Joaquin River watershed.
Farmers mostly lost these early diversion battles. After all, the state’s reservoirs stood at or near capacity, previous wet years had recharged valley aquifers, and conventional wisdom held that the drought would probably end soon, anyway. Nevertheless, hand-painted protest signs began sprouting along Interstate 5, amid a few abandoned almond orchards, proclaiming a new “dust bowl” and condemning liberal Bay Area officials, such as Representative Nancy Pelosi and Senator Barbara Boxer, for supporting the river diversions. In Fresno County, the Consolidated Irrigation District and others stopped almost all surface deliveries to their agricultural water users from the Pine Flat dam on the Kings River reservoir. The water masters of the Kings River had enough stored water at Pine Flat to keep the reservoir at mostly normal levels. By cutting off deliveries to farmers, authorities had the luxury of releasing water to refurbish the lower Kings River for habitat restoration.
I experienced the effects of these policies firsthand. My property contains a 130-year-old abandoned well that my great-great-grandparents dug by hand and lined with tin pipe. Throughout 2012, the water table in my front yard remained about 40 feet below the surface, and all through the drought, the well proved a reliable barometer of changing groundwater levels. No one likes paying irrigation taxes for surface water not delivered, but local farmers shrugged, turned on their standby pumps, and drew from the shallow aquifer. We got by during the drought’s first year with only moderately elevated electricity bills. Fifty miles to the west, however, farmers and agribusinesses on the Central Valley’s west side resorted to drilling deeper, sometimes in excess of 1,500 feet. Pumping brackish water from great depths is an unsustainable way to irrigate millions of acres of valuable croplands. The entire 5 million-acre west-side agricultural project that arose from desert scrub didn’t exist before the early 1960s—precisely because the region had neither an aquifer nor a water project to deliver surface irrigation water from northern and eastern California.
As the drought continued, the political debate heated up. Farmers reminded Bay Area Greens that they had no proof that the Delta smelt was suffering from a lack of fresh river water. Equally likely culprits for the fish’s plight were the more than 30 Bay Area and Stockton-area municipalities that dump oxygen-depleted waste water into the baitfish’s habitat. The farmers noted the irony of using artificial reservoirs to ensure supposedly “natural” year-round river flows for salmon and smelt. Before the construction of California’s modern dams, Sierra snow melts didn’t necessarily ensure continually rushing rivers. Nineteenth-century spring floods into the valley usually were followed by a depleted late-summer Sierra snow pack and dry August river trickles. How odd, farmers thought, that environmentalists opposed new dams and reservoirs as “unnatural,” and yet counted on existing reservoir water to maintain a dependable habitat for newly introduced salmon. Before the dams, nature simply didn’t operate that way.
In the winter of 2012, the drought entered its second year, but record-high agricultural commodity prices tempered the farmers’ acrimony. Newly affluent customers in China and India—in addition to wealthy Japanese, Taiwanese, and South Korean consumers—fueled demand for premium California dairy products, wine, nuts and dried fruits, fresh fruits and vegetables, beef, and cotton. Raisin prices jumped from $900 per ton to more than $1,900 per ton. Some almond growers became millionaires overnight. When the per-pound price of nuts tripled, and new varieties of trees and new farming practices bolstered production to well over 3,000 pounds per acre, a once-“inefficient” family farmer with 40 acres could suddenly net $5,000 an acre. Given that harvesting almonds is mostly mechanized and requires little, if any, manual labor, growers embarked on planting sprees up and down the drought-stricken valley. If 40 acres could net $200,000, large conglomerates of 5,000 acres or more might see profits of $25 million annually. Pistachios and walnuts proved even more lucrative. For the first time in a quarter-century, Central Valley farmers saw the kind of prosperity associated with the Silicon and Napa Valleys.
By 2013, however, with snowfall scant, some northern California reservoirs had fallen far below normal levels. Farms on the Central Valley’s eastern side—the ones with prior privileged access to local irrigation districts and shallow water tables—faced a second year without surface-water deliveries. After 12 months of steady pumping, their water tables weren’t so shallow any more. My old well dipped to 60 feet as the water table began dropping more than a foot per month. In past years, I could count on access to canal water to replenish the water table. Now, for the first time in the 140-year history of our farm, nature and man had cut off the water. The well went dry.
Meanwhile, on the west side, state and local officials warned farmers that they might receive far less than even the 10 percent of contracted surface-water delivery that they’d been promised. Nevertheless, environmentalists prevailed upon the courts to extend orders diverting freshwater reserves from irrigation canals to rivers and the ocean. The public remained indifferent: the state had survived two years of drought before, and cities still got their water allotments from shrinking northern and mountain reservoirs. In 2012 and 2013, man-made reservoirs in San Francisco and Los Angeles brimmed while the northern and mountain lakes that supplied them were just two-thirds full. Facing no threat of rationing, coastal Californians didn’t worry if a few hundred thousand acres of lucrative orchards simply shriveled up.
As 2013 wore on, climatologists, trying to project how long the drought might persist, warned state officials that their records only ran as far back as the late 1860s. California is a relatively new human habitat, and scientists can say little with certainty about the eons of natural history preceding the arrival of Spanish, Mexican, and American explorers. Tree-ring evidence suggests that past droughts had lasted 50 or even 100 years. Historically, drought may be the norm rather than the exception in California. This might explain why such a naturally rich state could support only a small population of indigenous people. Is coastal and central California, in its natural state, a mostly unsustainable desert for large, settled agrarian populations? Maybe modern Californians don’t fully appreciate the genius of their forefathers, who were prescient enough to see that, if huge quantities of water weren’t transferred from the wet northlands, the Sierras, and the Colorado River, then the cities of San Francisco and Los Angeles would be little more than arid coastal villages, analogous to lightly populated and perennially water-short Cayucos or Cambria, along Highway 1.
Californians heaved a sigh of relief after a few days of heavy rain in November 2013, and some early snowfalls seemed to suggest that the drought would end in 2014. But the relief was premature; the dry spells returned. What rain and snow followed was too little and far too late. Even the snow pack in the American River watershed—a northern river system usually drawing on the greatest snowmelts—reached just 12 percent of its average. Soon, the huge man-made reservoirs in both the ordinarily wet north and the arid center of the state—Folsom, Millerton, New Melones, Orville Pine Flat, San Luis, Shasta, Trinity—dipped below half-full levels and, in some cases, plunged below 10 percent of capacity. By July 2014, the average storage level of reservoirs statewide was 13 percent. Across the state, surface-irrigation deliveries to farms and orchards fell to near zero.
Farmers engaged in another vigorous round of groundwater pumping in summer 2014. Water tables predictably plunged even further. Disaster struck the west side, as large agribusiness concerns drilled new wells to unheard-of depths of 2,000 feet and more, installing massive 300-horsepower electric pumps to bring up just enough brackish water to trickle over their thirsty crops. Panic ensued even on the east side, with its famous and once-shallow aquifer. Farmers complained about six-month-long waiting lists to deepen their wells. Instead of the usual 150- or 200-foot wells, farmers drilled to depths of 300 or 400 feet, and drew water from 150 feet. Pump installations were similarly backlogged, and pump sizes increased from the standard 15-horsepower models to 20- and 50-horsepower machines—all this to ensure that a farmer’s particular straw had the best chance of siphoning every last drop from an emptying common glass.
Such every-man-for-himself drilling came with its own attendant human foibles—bribing drillers to cut in front of the waiting list; violating decade-old pump-sharing easements; stealthily tapping into neighbors’ pipeline systems; or charging exorbitant rates to give dry farmers access to working wells. Well-rig manufacturers had trouble keeping up with demand. Some entrepreneurs, eager to gouge desperate farmers, sought drilling machinery on the East Coast and overseas. Meanwhile, farmers understood that, with the commodities boom, an investment in permanent trees and vines might represent $15,000–$20,000 per acre and annual profits of over $5,000 per year. By 2014, keeping the orchard or vineyard alive, not just the current crop, became the aim. On the west side, some orchard owners began bulldozing older or less productive nut groves. Others tried to find just enough water to allow a final August or September harvest at record prices, before the exhausted trees were removed in the winter.
California’s huge urban reservoirs, however, remained full. Municipalities demanded that they receive all the final deliveries of state and federal surface water from the mountainous north and east. The Hetch Hetchy reservoir in Yosemite National Park still supplies almost 90 percent of the San Francisco Bay area’s daily water supplies. In a strange paradox, that water bypasses the San Joaquin River, into which environmentalists had diverted millions of acre-feet of irrigation water for fish. Even in 2014, as the state baked dry, environmentalists insisted on diverting what little mountain reservoir water remained to river-restoration efforts. Yet no environmentalist group has suggested that California tap Hetch Hetchy for habitat restoration in the same manner in which it has expropriated the water of farmers.
By late 2014, Pyramid and Castaic Lakes in southern California—part of the vast reserves controlled by the Southern California Metropolitan Water District—remained well above 90 percent of their capacities. But their sources in the distant north had almost no surface water left to give. The cities had drained and banked virtually all the state’s existing reservoirs. Indeed, so well banked are southern California’s project reservoirs that they have enough water to keep millions of customers well supplied through 2015, even as northern and central California communities dry up.
In reaction to these ongoing disasters and fearing a fourth year of drought, the legislature and Governor Jerry Brown placed a $7.5 billion water bond on the November 2014 ballot. It passed, but only a third of the money will go to construction of reservoirs canceled in the 1970s and 1980s. Most of the bond’s provisions will fund huge new state bureaucracies to regulate access to groundwater and mandate recycling. The bond will essentially void more than a century of complex water law as the state moves to curb farmers’ ability to pump water from beneath their own lands. Bay Area legislators who helped draft the bill failed to grasp that farmers bear the huge costs of drilling and pumping, not because they are greedy or insensitive to the environment but because the state’s population has doubled and its water infrastructure has not kept pace. A better way to regulate overdrafts of the water table would have been to increase vastly the amount of reservoir surface water for agriculture so that farmers would have no need to turn on their pumps. But legislators and policymakers let utopianism get in the way.
Last summer, my two agricultural pumps worked from June to late August to keep 40 acres of grapevines alive during 100-degree days. Electricity and pump maintenance are costly. So are the annual irrigation district taxes I’ve paid the last three years for contracted—though undelivered—surface water from the system that my great-grandfather and other pioneers built themselves with horse-drawn scrapers at the turn of the twentieth century. This winter, I added my name to the waiting list to lower the pump bowls—the impellers deep in the well that force the water up through the casing to the surface—in anticipation of another year of drought.
If the drought does continue, vast tracts of west-side farmlands will turn to dust. California’s nearly $30 billion agricultural export industry—led by dairy, almond, and grape production—is in grave peril. Its collapse would crush the economic livelihood of the Central Valley, especially its Hispanic community. When the 5 million-acre west side goes dry, hundreds of thousands of people will lose their jobs in a part of the state where the average unemployment rate already hovers above 10 percent. Farmers will spend hundreds of millions of dollars to deepen their wells further and save what water they can. Everything they and their predecessors have known for a century will be threatened with extinction.
Water is to California as coal is to Kentucky—yet its use is being curtailed by those least affected, if affected at all, by the consequences of their advocacy. But environmentalists, who for 40 years worked to undermine the prudent expansion of the state’s water infrastructure, have a rendezvous with those consequences soon. No reservoir water is left for them to divert—none for the reintroduction of their pet salmon, none for the Delta smelt. Their one hope is to claim possession of the water in the ground once they’ve exhausted what was above it. Redistribution, not expansion of supplies, is the liberal creed for water, just as it is for wealth.
As the Hetch Hetchy reservoir drains, Bay Area man-made storage lakes will necessarily follow. Another year of drought will deplete even southern California’s municipal reserves sooner rather than later. When Stanford professors and Cupertino tech lords cannot take a shower and find themselves paving over their suburban lawns and gardens, perhaps they, too, will see the value of reservoir water for people rather than for fish. The new dust bowl may soon see a different generation of Joads abandoning California for a wetter—and more prosperous—Midwest.
Could California still save itself? New reservoirs to store millions of acre-feet of snowmelt could be built relatively quickly for the price of the state’s high-speed rail boondoggle. Latino voters—the state’s largest minority—might come around to the view that the liberal coastal elite’s obsession with environmental regulations leads to higher electricity rates, gasoline prices, and food costs, along with fewer jobs and economic opportunities. Barring that, there may be only two things left for California farmers to do: pray for the recent wet weather to continue; and, if it does, pray further that environmentalists do not send the precious manna from heaven out to sea.
Victor Davis Hanson is a contributing editor of City Journal and the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow in Classics and Military History at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.
It’s Oath of Office Time Again
It’s Oath of Office Time Again
After months of campaigning, the winners are eager to get on with the political art of ruling. The weeks after the election often include wild and debauched celebrations, promises broken and calling in the chips. So much to remember with a fuzzy brain as the euphoria wears off. Like fasting before receiving Communion, the oath taker should be in a sober and solemn state of mind. The responsibilities to the people and the Constitution that protects them are onerous at worst and joyful at best. The demands of the electorate and especially those who expect monetary gain or special treatment over others are fraught with temptation and frustration. So what is the oath? – A solemn promise or a rite of passage to the exercise of power and greed? Since lying has become an acceptable art form, we must hold the solemn oath takers to protect and defend the Constitution as their pledge of honor and responsibility. Judging by the actions of elected officials today, the idea of committing treason over intentional failure to uphold the Constitution doesn’t enter the soul scarred with a seared conscience. The oath to be taken by the president on first entering office is specified in Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution:“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
The Constitution (Article VI, clause 3) requires that Senators and Representatives take an oath of office to support the Constitution. It reads:“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States againstall enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” The military officer’s oath is similar. Solemn oaths are very serious business. It places in the oath taker’s hands power over the lives and welfare of 350 million people, each with their own hopes and dreams. With the advent of the “Progressive” movement, the need to protect the Constitution against domestic enemies has yet to reach the consciousness of most voters – even “progressives” themselves who like to assure each other of intellectual superiority over the wisdom of the voters. The real strength of the Constitution is found in the Declaration: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”The Founders saw swearing an oath upon the Bible was natural and binding.
Today, we have three problems:1. Swearing on the Bible with no intention of upholding any solemn promise. 2. Swearing to uphold the Constitution on the Qur’an) is unacceptable because it is an opposing theocratic code of laws strictly observed with severe, often deadly penalties. 3. After years of political correctness, misguided social justice and divisive interpretations of diversity, the American people are conditioned to accept totalitarian rule and dependency on a government incapable of love. We are engaged in all-out spiritual warfare. While political strategies are critical, the war is fought on the spiritual plane. Ask the enemies who see your death as a ticket to heaven or the blood of the unborn oozing between their teeth. The servant and his money changers lust to be our blood masters. We must act or our liberties will disappear and the chains will become immovable. Are we to accept the yoke of government bondage? Or do we rein in a government out-of-control that is unable and unwilling to restrict itself? We saw how waiting for another election is playing out in spite of the will of the people so profoundly stated. It boils down to Beauty and love – not debauchery and use of others. The opposite of love is not hate, but use! One who truly loves cannot use the beloved, willing to lay down one’s life for her/him. That is why oaths are serious statements, not rites of passage. Now we must pray and act – and demand that our elected officials take their oaths seriously or be summarily ejected from office.
© 2014 Gerald V. Todd 12/20/2014
After months of campaigning, the winners are eager to get on with the political art of ruling. The weeks after the election often include wild and debauched celebrations, promises broken and calling in the chips. So much to remember with a fuzzy brain as the euphoria wears off. Like fasting before receiving Communion, the oath taker should be in a sober and solemn state of mind. The responsibilities to the people and the Constitution that protects them are onerous at worst and joyful at best. The demands of the electorate and especially those who expect monetary gain or special treatment over others are fraught with temptation and frustration. So what is the oath? – A solemn promise or a rite of passage to the exercise of power and greed? Since lying has become an acceptable art form, we must hold the solemn oath takers to protect and defend the Constitution as their pledge of honor and responsibility. Judging by the actions of elected officials today, the idea of committing treason over intentional failure to uphold the Constitution doesn’t enter the soul scarred with a seared conscience. The oath to be taken by the president on first entering office is specified in Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution:“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
The Constitution (Article VI, clause 3) requires that Senators and Representatives take an oath of office to support the Constitution. It reads:“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States againstall enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” The military officer’s oath is similar. Solemn oaths are very serious business. It places in the oath taker’s hands power over the lives and welfare of 350 million people, each with their own hopes and dreams. With the advent of the “Progressive” movement, the need to protect the Constitution against domestic enemies has yet to reach the consciousness of most voters – even “progressives” themselves who like to assure each other of intellectual superiority over the wisdom of the voters. The real strength of the Constitution is found in the Declaration: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”The Founders saw swearing an oath upon the Bible was natural and binding.
Today, we have three problems:1. Swearing on the Bible with no intention of upholding any solemn promise. 2. Swearing to uphold the Constitution on the Qur’an) is unacceptable because it is an opposing theocratic code of laws strictly observed with severe, often deadly penalties. 3. After years of political correctness, misguided social justice and divisive interpretations of diversity, the American people are conditioned to accept totalitarian rule and dependency on a government incapable of love. We are engaged in all-out spiritual warfare. While political strategies are critical, the war is fought on the spiritual plane. Ask the enemies who see your death as a ticket to heaven or the blood of the unborn oozing between their teeth. The servant and his money changers lust to be our blood masters. We must act or our liberties will disappear and the chains will become immovable. Are we to accept the yoke of government bondage? Or do we rein in a government out-of-control that is unable and unwilling to restrict itself? We saw how waiting for another election is playing out in spite of the will of the people so profoundly stated. It boils down to Beauty and love – not debauchery and use of others. The opposite of love is not hate, but use! One who truly loves cannot use the beloved, willing to lay down one’s life for her/him. That is why oaths are serious statements, not rites of passage. Now we must pray and act – and demand that our elected officials take their oaths seriously or be summarily ejected from office.
© 2014 Gerald V. Todd 12/20/2014
I Kissed the Girl at School
(Memories of an Octogenarian)
Today’s little girls still want to be princesses and little boys will naturally gravitate to playing war and competitive games and sports - often to impress a girl – “loving pure and chaste from afar.” I still remember picking a fight with a kid in order to impress Carol McGovern who I had a crush on in 6th grade - got the hell beat out of me as she walked by. Life lesson learned as Ken and I became friends. At least kissing Donna Hoffman in 1st Grade didn't get me expelled, but surely chastised by Sister Mary Bernice!
That's when we took our jackknives to school to play "Knives" - flipping the knife to get it to stick in the ground upright within a ring scratched on the ground. Later in high school we played a stupid game of spreading out our fingers on a table while another kid stabbed between the fingers. He lost if he missed and stabbed a finger. A little bloodshed brought that nonsense to an end. It didn’t need a zero tolerance “progressive” Principal to expel us. Plinking in the fields with our Daisy Red Ryder BB guns and 22’s was a regular occurrence. We had sense enough not to shoot at each other after we carried our “weapons” down the street to the vacant fields.
Sadly, girls' sports can be venues for unhealthy relationships. My granddaughters were high school All Area Water Polo and Soccer respectively - both offered full boat college scholarships. Neither followed up, opting for academics - and both like boys! Personally, I had mixed emotions because they are outstanding players. Today’s moral climate opens the door for predators of either sex at both the high school and college levels. There are scary stories in the underground that surface occasionally that should cause a young lady and her parents to be alert.
Society does impose standards on its children. During the Feminist – ERA -Movement of the 1970’s, Hillary was writing essays about her hero Saul Alinsky and her mentors like Mary Jo Bain and Betty Friedan convinced her that children must be raised by the state to “make it fair.” Boys have suffered mightily from misguided political correctness. They are punished for being boys instead of guided to risk taking, right behavior and conscience development. How can a “progressive” with no moral foundations teach a young boy or girl anything about righteousness?
Academia's contribution of political correctness led to the end of morality and intelligent discourse. Only the “progressive” view may be heard and only by “progressive” speakers who place no value on the sanctity of human life at any stage of development or passing.
We have different views on diversity and how to deal with sexual feelings. Diversity by race and ethnicity are part of what made the USA great as a constitutional republic. Yet that is a very minor part of the national greatness equation.
True diversity gets its greatest expression because of our Declaration of Independence - "....endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights..." Our true diversity is the infinite endowment of gifts, talents and opportunities - regardless of race, ethnicity, or social status. America is special because men and women - even kids have the opportunity to rise above their economic or social station in life by discovering and exercising their infinitely diverse gifts and talents. The term “education” is a derivation of the Latin “educere” – which means “to draw out.” “Progressives” are only interested in “pounding in” their strange views.
We can all fail over and over, then succeed without being relegated to some dust bin. If we never succeed financially, at least “we will never be found among those cold and timid souls who have tasted neither victory nor defeat.” (Theodore Roosevelt)
Has anyone besides me noticed the inordinate number of blacks with lucrative jobs in sports, advertising, music and acting? Go with what works and quit complaining.
What does this have to do with kissing Donna? Aren’t we are all endowed with some level of sexual drive? The more feminine a man, the more likely he will find himself in the arts, clergy, decorating, creating things of beauty and style. When he's tempted to seek satisfaction from another male, his offset is the cold shower of intense application of his gifts and talents - even as a football player. The mob will try to convince us otherwise.
For the more masculine female, there is a strong tendency to service - nursing, religious orders, police work, sports, etc. On the extreme ends of what I call a "Creativity/Service-Sexuality Scale" are the femme fatale and the macho man. If they ever met, they’d likely kill each other.
We all fall somewhere in between but are also drawn to the exercise of our counterbalancing gifts and talents. Our sexual inclinations outside the natural law norm of married man and woman in covenant with God and each other can be daunting. There is a path that leads to greater progress in the broad exercise of our collective and diverse talents. These serve the community, the nation and the individual far better than moral license and depravity so prevalent today.
Biblically, the solution is clearly defined in 1Corinthians 10:12–22 – “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”
We still have a choice to flip things around and restore true beauty in our lives while rescuing it from the sewer of debt and depravity we find it in today. Our nation under God was organized with that in mind.
©2014 Gerald V. Todd – Bakersfield, CA 93309 –
That's when we took our jackknives to school to play "Knives" - flipping the knife to get it to stick in the ground upright within a ring scratched on the ground. Later in high school we played a stupid game of spreading out our fingers on a table while another kid stabbed between the fingers. He lost if he missed and stabbed a finger. A little bloodshed brought that nonsense to an end. It didn’t need a zero tolerance “progressive” Principal to expel us. Plinking in the fields with our Daisy Red Ryder BB guns and 22’s was a regular occurrence. We had sense enough not to shoot at each other after we carried our “weapons” down the street to the vacant fields.
Sadly, girls' sports can be venues for unhealthy relationships. My granddaughters were high school All Area Water Polo and Soccer respectively - both offered full boat college scholarships. Neither followed up, opting for academics - and both like boys! Personally, I had mixed emotions because they are outstanding players. Today’s moral climate opens the door for predators of either sex at both the high school and college levels. There are scary stories in the underground that surface occasionally that should cause a young lady and her parents to be alert.
Society does impose standards on its children. During the Feminist – ERA -Movement of the 1970’s, Hillary was writing essays about her hero Saul Alinsky and her mentors like Mary Jo Bain and Betty Friedan convinced her that children must be raised by the state to “make it fair.” Boys have suffered mightily from misguided political correctness. They are punished for being boys instead of guided to risk taking, right behavior and conscience development. How can a “progressive” with no moral foundations teach a young boy or girl anything about righteousness?
Academia's contribution of political correctness led to the end of morality and intelligent discourse. Only the “progressive” view may be heard and only by “progressive” speakers who place no value on the sanctity of human life at any stage of development or passing.
We have different views on diversity and how to deal with sexual feelings. Diversity by race and ethnicity are part of what made the USA great as a constitutional republic. Yet that is a very minor part of the national greatness equation.
True diversity gets its greatest expression because of our Declaration of Independence - "....endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights..." Our true diversity is the infinite endowment of gifts, talents and opportunities - regardless of race, ethnicity, or social status. America is special because men and women - even kids have the opportunity to rise above their economic or social station in life by discovering and exercising their infinitely diverse gifts and talents. The term “education” is a derivation of the Latin “educere” – which means “to draw out.” “Progressives” are only interested in “pounding in” their strange views.
We can all fail over and over, then succeed without being relegated to some dust bin. If we never succeed financially, at least “we will never be found among those cold and timid souls who have tasted neither victory nor defeat.” (Theodore Roosevelt)
Has anyone besides me noticed the inordinate number of blacks with lucrative jobs in sports, advertising, music and acting? Go with what works and quit complaining.
What does this have to do with kissing Donna? Aren’t we are all endowed with some level of sexual drive? The more feminine a man, the more likely he will find himself in the arts, clergy, decorating, creating things of beauty and style. When he's tempted to seek satisfaction from another male, his offset is the cold shower of intense application of his gifts and talents - even as a football player. The mob will try to convince us otherwise.
For the more masculine female, there is a strong tendency to service - nursing, religious orders, police work, sports, etc. On the extreme ends of what I call a "Creativity/Service-Sexuality Scale" are the femme fatale and the macho man. If they ever met, they’d likely kill each other.
We all fall somewhere in between but are also drawn to the exercise of our counterbalancing gifts and talents. Our sexual inclinations outside the natural law norm of married man and woman in covenant with God and each other can be daunting. There is a path that leads to greater progress in the broad exercise of our collective and diverse talents. These serve the community, the nation and the individual far better than moral license and depravity so prevalent today.
Biblically, the solution is clearly defined in 1Corinthians 10:12–22 – “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”
We still have a choice to flip things around and restore true beauty in our lives while rescuing it from the sewer of debt and depravity we find it in today. Our nation under God was organized with that in mind.
©2014 Gerald V. Todd – Bakersfield, CA 93309 –
Why Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Schumer, Boxer, Academia and other “Progressives” hate the Declaration of Independence
You should be amazed with the number of bills, rules and regulations pending. Tens of thousands of other bureaucratically generated regulations are already “eating out the people’s substance” - a term from the Declaration of Independence. Take a minute and read the meat of the Declaration of Independence where the Founders outlined WHY they declared independence: · He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
· He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
· He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing with ‘manly’ firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
· He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise; the state remaining in the meantime exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.
· He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states; for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands.
· He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers.
· He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.
· He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation:
According to the site here are the regulations pending today – 1116 pending, and 6,099 over the last 90 days:
11/21/14 Comments Due Soon
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Alaska; Hunting and Trapping in National Preserves Closing on Dec 03, 2014
Requests for Information: Passenger Use of ATVs Closing on Nov 24, 2014
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and approval... Closed on Nov 20, 2014Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units Closing on Dec 01, 2014
Standards for the Growing, Harvesting, Packing, and Holding of Produce for Human Consumption Closing on Dec 15, 2014
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Regulations created by the departments and agencies of the Executive Branch have created undue burdens on businesses and job creation.
In February, 2013, Rand Paul introduced the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act (S. 15). “This legislation would require Congress to approve every major rule proposed by the Executive Branch, which has an annual economic impact of $100 million or more, before it can be enforced on the American people. S.15 would allow for Congress to regain their constitutional authority by limiting the size and scope of rule-making powers, without oversight, by the Executive Branch.
A companion version of the REINS Act was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives as H.R.367 by Congressman Todd Young, of Indiana.
“Progressives” have long held the Declaration of Independence as legally unfettered from their view of a “living, breathing Constitution.” By creating a spiritual vacuum, they commonly vilify the critical “endowment by our Creator.” There’s more to the moral, spiritual and philosophical basis of the Constitution than defining “inalienable rights.” In the Declaration there is also the chronicled history of “repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world:”
Direct quotes from the Declaration of Independence need no further explanation. I substituted “Obama” for “He” in the restatements. My responses are in italics.
· Obama has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good (energy and monetary policy to destroy our economy and enrich his cronies and our enemies.).
· Obama has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance (border control, illegal immigration, maintaining the peace), unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
· Obama has dissolved representative houses repeatedly (bypassing Congress by Executive Orders, overturning initiatives voted overwhelmingly by the people – immigration policy, marriage under natural law between a man and woman.), for opposing with ‘manly’ firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
· Obama has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise; the state remaining in the meantime exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within (Occupy anarchism, union thuggery, failure to enforce the borders, establishing a ‘civilian defense force as strong and well-funded as the military’)..
· Obama has endeavored to prevent the population of these states; for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands (Eugenics on the population, free rein for the illegal; Removing lands from resource exploration and development, draconian EPA and development regulations, minimum and prevailing wage demands to eliminate competition and compromise free enterprise).
· Obama has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers (Appointing judges who have disdain for the Constitution, even though they solemnly swear to uphold it – in league with all too many elected and bureaucratic officials.).
· Obama has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance (Obamacare with its 159 new agencies and selective privileges in green, health, education, welfare, immigration and union venues).
· Obama has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation: (Welcoming Islamic Sharia law. Conspiring with international financial speculators and passing laws so complicated and indiscernible that they are loaded with special privileges, poison pills and bureaucratic license such as that being used to attack businesses, citizens, Christianity in general and the Catholic Church in particular No law should exceed one specific subject area or 100 pages in length, or it is by definition, pretended legislation.)
By applying Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and Cloward and Pivens strategies, the Administration and its cronies are overwhelming the system with harassment, untenable regulations, creating dependency by a large segment of the population through ignorance of our laws, traditions and history and usurping the parental role and responsibility for raising children in favor of the state. The Senate has refused to act on House bills passed on to carry out Constitutional duties the people elected them for.
The same tactics have ultimately failed throughout history at the cost of hundreds of millions of lives amid horrible human suffering and destruction of the works and dreams of many by the bomb and the torch. A Constitutional Republic under God works well and must be restored or we will suffer the fate of civilizations that came before us.
When the Declaration was written, it was in opposition to long established colonial power from afar. Declaring independence was the logical means of separation. Today, it is the usurpation of human and Constitutional rights of an established and successful nation. Today, the same offenses must be named and acted on for what it appears to me: Treason!
Ignore the Declaration, pay the price! Moral issues aside, it costs 3 to 4 times as much for government to usurp community responsibilities resulting in not only loss of freedom, but gaining a mountain of debt. Do you think it is time for truth and thrift?
"It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man who knows what the law is today can guess what it will be to-morrow." --James Madison, Federalist No. 62, 1788 for a Constitutional solution
Simple ways to solve day-to-day legislation and bureaucratic operations: the combined application of the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity (SubSoil).
Lawmaking and bureaucracy must incorporate Subsoil into the conception, design and government operations to preserve the American Way of Life. Five important questions must be asked, truthfully answered and applied with integrity:
1. Will this new law help or hurt initiative or personal responsibility? Is it an entitlement, or will people be challenged and motivated to exceed the law’s intended goals? Are the people allowed to do their best when challenged?
2. Does the legislation or the bureaucracy it authorizes benefit the wider community without focusing on special interest groups (selective privilege) save for specific needs of the helpless. (We’re all needy – we’re not all helpless!)?
3. Will this legislation put people or regions in a box? Are individual and community initiative and uniqueness subordinated to a rigid plan for central control through taxes, financial manipulation or bureaucratic overreach?
4. Will the legislation require major government oversight or will it encourage and maximize private enterprise and employment? Personal involvement with open opportunities leads to the development of individual gifts and talents and from these, new technologies, industries and services.
5. Is the legislation less than 100 pages in length, devoid of selective privileges and unrelated riders? Draconian bills of great length are by definition “pretended legislation,” filled with poison bills and bureaucratic license. We can no longer pass bills so we can see what’s in them. If a bill is too long, it becomes impossible to analyze and critique.
This may sound simplistic, but it took only 13 “Acts” of the king in 11 years to rile the Colonists to Revolution. We have 159 new agencies to “eat out the people’s substance” in Obamacare alone.
© 2014 Gerald V. Todd
Bakersfield, CA 93309
· He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
· He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing with ‘manly’ firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
· He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise; the state remaining in the meantime exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.
· He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states; for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands.
· He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers.
· He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.
· He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation:
According to the site here are the regulations pending today – 1116 pending, and 6,099 over the last 90 days:
11/21/14 Comments Due Soon
What's Trending
Alaska; Hunting and Trapping in National Preserves Closing on Dec 03, 2014
Requests for Information: Passenger Use of ATVs Closing on Nov 24, 2014
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and approval... Closed on Nov 20, 2014Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units Closing on Dec 01, 2014
Standards for the Growing, Harvesting, Packing, and Holding of Produce for Human Consumption Closing on Dec 15, 2014
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Regulations created by the departments and agencies of the Executive Branch have created undue burdens on businesses and job creation.
In February, 2013, Rand Paul introduced the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act (S. 15). “This legislation would require Congress to approve every major rule proposed by the Executive Branch, which has an annual economic impact of $100 million or more, before it can be enforced on the American people. S.15 would allow for Congress to regain their constitutional authority by limiting the size and scope of rule-making powers, without oversight, by the Executive Branch.
A companion version of the REINS Act was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives as H.R.367 by Congressman Todd Young, of Indiana.
“Progressives” have long held the Declaration of Independence as legally unfettered from their view of a “living, breathing Constitution.” By creating a spiritual vacuum, they commonly vilify the critical “endowment by our Creator.” There’s more to the moral, spiritual and philosophical basis of the Constitution than defining “inalienable rights.” In the Declaration there is also the chronicled history of “repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world:”
Direct quotes from the Declaration of Independence need no further explanation. I substituted “Obama” for “He” in the restatements. My responses are in italics.
· Obama has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good (energy and monetary policy to destroy our economy and enrich his cronies and our enemies.).
· Obama has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance (border control, illegal immigration, maintaining the peace), unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
· Obama has dissolved representative houses repeatedly (bypassing Congress by Executive Orders, overturning initiatives voted overwhelmingly by the people – immigration policy, marriage under natural law between a man and woman.), for opposing with ‘manly’ firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
· Obama has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise; the state remaining in the meantime exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within (Occupy anarchism, union thuggery, failure to enforce the borders, establishing a ‘civilian defense force as strong and well-funded as the military’)..
· Obama has endeavored to prevent the population of these states; for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands (Eugenics on the population, free rein for the illegal; Removing lands from resource exploration and development, draconian EPA and development regulations, minimum and prevailing wage demands to eliminate competition and compromise free enterprise).
· Obama has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers (Appointing judges who have disdain for the Constitution, even though they solemnly swear to uphold it – in league with all too many elected and bureaucratic officials.).
· Obama has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance (Obamacare with its 159 new agencies and selective privileges in green, health, education, welfare, immigration and union venues).
· Obama has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation: (Welcoming Islamic Sharia law. Conspiring with international financial speculators and passing laws so complicated and indiscernible that they are loaded with special privileges, poison pills and bureaucratic license such as that being used to attack businesses, citizens, Christianity in general and the Catholic Church in particular No law should exceed one specific subject area or 100 pages in length, or it is by definition, pretended legislation.)
By applying Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and Cloward and Pivens strategies, the Administration and its cronies are overwhelming the system with harassment, untenable regulations, creating dependency by a large segment of the population through ignorance of our laws, traditions and history and usurping the parental role and responsibility for raising children in favor of the state. The Senate has refused to act on House bills passed on to carry out Constitutional duties the people elected them for.
The same tactics have ultimately failed throughout history at the cost of hundreds of millions of lives amid horrible human suffering and destruction of the works and dreams of many by the bomb and the torch. A Constitutional Republic under God works well and must be restored or we will suffer the fate of civilizations that came before us.
When the Declaration was written, it was in opposition to long established colonial power from afar. Declaring independence was the logical means of separation. Today, it is the usurpation of human and Constitutional rights of an established and successful nation. Today, the same offenses must be named and acted on for what it appears to me: Treason!
Ignore the Declaration, pay the price! Moral issues aside, it costs 3 to 4 times as much for government to usurp community responsibilities resulting in not only loss of freedom, but gaining a mountain of debt. Do you think it is time for truth and thrift?
"It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man who knows what the law is today can guess what it will be to-morrow." --James Madison, Federalist No. 62, 1788 for a Constitutional solution
Simple ways to solve day-to-day legislation and bureaucratic operations: the combined application of the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity (SubSoil).
Lawmaking and bureaucracy must incorporate Subsoil into the conception, design and government operations to preserve the American Way of Life. Five important questions must be asked, truthfully answered and applied with integrity:
1. Will this new law help or hurt initiative or personal responsibility? Is it an entitlement, or will people be challenged and motivated to exceed the law’s intended goals? Are the people allowed to do their best when challenged?
2. Does the legislation or the bureaucracy it authorizes benefit the wider community without focusing on special interest groups (selective privilege) save for specific needs of the helpless. (We’re all needy – we’re not all helpless!)?
3. Will this legislation put people or regions in a box? Are individual and community initiative and uniqueness subordinated to a rigid plan for central control through taxes, financial manipulation or bureaucratic overreach?
4. Will the legislation require major government oversight or will it encourage and maximize private enterprise and employment? Personal involvement with open opportunities leads to the development of individual gifts and talents and from these, new technologies, industries and services.
5. Is the legislation less than 100 pages in length, devoid of selective privileges and unrelated riders? Draconian bills of great length are by definition “pretended legislation,” filled with poison bills and bureaucratic license. We can no longer pass bills so we can see what’s in them. If a bill is too long, it becomes impossible to analyze and critique.
This may sound simplistic, but it took only 13 “Acts” of the king in 11 years to rile the Colonists to Revolution. We have 159 new agencies to “eat out the people’s substance” in Obamacare alone.
© 2014 Gerald V. Todd
Bakersfield, CA 93309
....... A MUST READ
Can’t you hear students telling their teachers they want to be welfare recipients when they grow up?
The Cato Institute released an updated 2013 study (original study in 1955) showing that welfare benefits pay more than a minimum wage job in 33 states and the District of Columbia. Even worse, welfare pays more than $15 per hour in 13 states. According to the study, welfare benefits have increased faster than minimum wage. It’s now more profitable to sit at home than it is to earn an honest day’s pay. Hawaii is the biggest offender, where welfare recipients earn $29.13 per hour, or a $60,590 yearly salary, all for doing nothing.
Here is the list of the states where the pre-tax equivalent “salary” that welfare recipients receive is higher than having a job:
1. Hawaii: $60,590 $29.13/hr
2. District of Columbia : $50,820 $24.43/hr
3. Massachusetts: $50,540 $24.30/hr
4. Connecticut: $44,370 $21.33/hr
5. New York: $43,700 $21.01/hr
6. New Jersey: $43,450 $20.89/hr
7. Rhode Island: $43,330 $20.83/hr
8. Vermont: $42,350 $20.36/hr
9. New Hampshire: $39,750 $19.11/hr
10. Maryland: $38,160 $18.35/hr
11. California: $37,160 $17.87/hr
12. Oregon: $34,300 $16.49/hr
13. Wyoming: $32,620 $15.68/hr
14. Nevada: $29,820 $14.34/hr
15. Minnesota: $29,350 $14.11/hr
16. Delaware: $29,220 $14.05/hr
17. Washington: $28,840 $13.87/hr
18. North Dakota: $28,830 $13.86/hr
19. Pennsylvania: $28,670 $13.78/hr
20. New Mexico: $27,900 $13.41/hr
21. Montana: $26,930 $12.95/hr
22. South Dakota: $26,610 $12.79/hr
23. Kansas : $26,490 $12.74/hr
24. Michigan: $26,430 $12.71/hr
25. Alaska: $26,400 $12.69/hr
26. Ohio: $26,200 $12.60/hr
27. North Carolina: $25,760 $12.38/hr
28. West Virginia: $24,900 $11.97/hr
29. Alabama: $23,310 $11.21/hr
30. Indiana: $22,900 $11.01/hr
31. Missouri: $22,800 $10.96/hr
32. Oklahoma: $22,480 $10.81/hr
33. Louisiana: $22,250 $10.70/hr
34. South Carolina:$21,910 $10.53/hr
As a point of reference the average Middle Class annual income today is $50,000, down from $54,000 at the beginning of the Great Recession. Hawaii, DC, and Massachusetts pay more in welfare than the average working folks earn there. Is it any wonder that they stay home rather than look for a job. Time for a drastic change. America is virtually bankrupt. Note that California is $18.50 an hour. Are we Nuts or what? How do we un-do this type of stupidity … This is crazy!
Salary of the sitting US President $400,000
Salary of retired US Presidents $180,000 FOR LIFE
Salary of a sitting US Vice President $230,700
Salary of a retired US Vice President $174,000 FOR LIFE
Salary of House/Senate....$174,000 FOR LIFE This is stupid.
Salary of Speaker of the House ....$223,500 FOR LIFE! This is really stupid.
Salary of Majority/Minority Leader $193,400 FOR LIFE! Ditto last line.
Average Salary of a teacher .. $40,065
Average Salary of Soldier DEPLOYED IN AFGHANISTAN.. $38,000 Think about this.
I think we found where the cuts should be made! If you agree ...... pass it on, I just did. Wake UP America!
Never trade the thrills of living, for the security of existence !
Can’t you hear students telling their teachers they want to be welfare recipients when they grow up?
The Cato Institute released an updated 2013 study (original study in 1955) showing that welfare benefits pay more than a minimum wage job in 33 states and the District of Columbia. Even worse, welfare pays more than $15 per hour in 13 states. According to the study, welfare benefits have increased faster than minimum wage. It’s now more profitable to sit at home than it is to earn an honest day’s pay. Hawaii is the biggest offender, where welfare recipients earn $29.13 per hour, or a $60,590 yearly salary, all for doing nothing.
Here is the list of the states where the pre-tax equivalent “salary” that welfare recipients receive is higher than having a job:
1. Hawaii: $60,590 $29.13/hr
2. District of Columbia : $50,820 $24.43/hr
3. Massachusetts: $50,540 $24.30/hr
4. Connecticut: $44,370 $21.33/hr
5. New York: $43,700 $21.01/hr
6. New Jersey: $43,450 $20.89/hr
7. Rhode Island: $43,330 $20.83/hr
8. Vermont: $42,350 $20.36/hr
9. New Hampshire: $39,750 $19.11/hr
10. Maryland: $38,160 $18.35/hr
11. California: $37,160 $17.87/hr
12. Oregon: $34,300 $16.49/hr
13. Wyoming: $32,620 $15.68/hr
14. Nevada: $29,820 $14.34/hr
15. Minnesota: $29,350 $14.11/hr
16. Delaware: $29,220 $14.05/hr
17. Washington: $28,840 $13.87/hr
18. North Dakota: $28,830 $13.86/hr
19. Pennsylvania: $28,670 $13.78/hr
20. New Mexico: $27,900 $13.41/hr
21. Montana: $26,930 $12.95/hr
22. South Dakota: $26,610 $12.79/hr
23. Kansas : $26,490 $12.74/hr
24. Michigan: $26,430 $12.71/hr
25. Alaska: $26,400 $12.69/hr
26. Ohio: $26,200 $12.60/hr
27. North Carolina: $25,760 $12.38/hr
28. West Virginia: $24,900 $11.97/hr
29. Alabama: $23,310 $11.21/hr
30. Indiana: $22,900 $11.01/hr
31. Missouri: $22,800 $10.96/hr
32. Oklahoma: $22,480 $10.81/hr
33. Louisiana: $22,250 $10.70/hr
34. South Carolina:$21,910 $10.53/hr
As a point of reference the average Middle Class annual income today is $50,000, down from $54,000 at the beginning of the Great Recession. Hawaii, DC, and Massachusetts pay more in welfare than the average working folks earn there. Is it any wonder that they stay home rather than look for a job. Time for a drastic change. America is virtually bankrupt. Note that California is $18.50 an hour. Are we Nuts or what? How do we un-do this type of stupidity … This is crazy!
Salary of the sitting US President $400,000
Salary of retired US Presidents $180,000 FOR LIFE
Salary of a sitting US Vice President $230,700
Salary of a retired US Vice President $174,000 FOR LIFE
Salary of House/Senate....$174,000 FOR LIFE This is stupid.
Salary of Speaker of the House ....$223,500 FOR LIFE! This is really stupid.
Salary of Majority/Minority Leader $193,400 FOR LIFE! Ditto last line.
Average Salary of a teacher .. $40,065
Average Salary of Soldier DEPLOYED IN AFGHANISTAN.. $38,000 Think about this.
I think we found where the cuts should be made! If you agree ...... pass it on, I just did. Wake UP America!
Never trade the thrills of living, for the security of existence !
While the pressure to repeal Obamacare builds, it might be a good idea to see where our health care system came from and why it is wise to stop ACA and any other totalitarian system designed to control our lives.
Our health care system grew out of longstanding Christian responsibilities for the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. These matured beautifully in the ideal laboratory of human accomplishment – “One Nation under God” with a spiritual and philosophical basis in its unique Declaration of Independence.
What we face today is a byproduct of rejecting what worked magnificently in both Austria of the 1920-30’s and the USA until Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society started dismantling the system in the name of “fairness.” The poor and uninsured always found care far more economically than today’s totalitarian system. Austria and USA both suffered the manipulation of money changers, misplaced “charity” of new-rich billionaires and ignorant “progressive” politicians. In Austria, Hitler turned it into a laboratory of human experimentation and eugenics. In the USA. Administration minions are turning it into a gigantic eugenic laboratory of abortion and euthanasia. The architects of Obamacare, like Zeke Emanuel are arch-eugenicists who long for an 80% reduction in human population by any means to “save the planet.”
Why do we have to have to have a proven to fail Soviet style 5 year plan to make the system seem politically functional? All the “progressives” have done is create a spiritual vacuum and then bitch because it only got filled with demons they and no one else can control.
In a proper subsidiarity/solidarity/chaos system, needs are exposed and free people rise to meet them. Many fail but continue to try. Some succeed by creating a solution, launching a business, helping millions and providing employment for thousands. They in turn heal or enrich those whose products and services they employ.
Gerald V. Todd, Ph.D.
Our health care system grew out of longstanding Christian responsibilities for the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. These matured beautifully in the ideal laboratory of human accomplishment – “One Nation under God” with a spiritual and philosophical basis in its unique Declaration of Independence.
What we face today is a byproduct of rejecting what worked magnificently in both Austria of the 1920-30’s and the USA until Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society started dismantling the system in the name of “fairness.” The poor and uninsured always found care far more economically than today’s totalitarian system. Austria and USA both suffered the manipulation of money changers, misplaced “charity” of new-rich billionaires and ignorant “progressive” politicians. In Austria, Hitler turned it into a laboratory of human experimentation and eugenics. In the USA. Administration minions are turning it into a gigantic eugenic laboratory of abortion and euthanasia. The architects of Obamacare, like Zeke Emanuel are arch-eugenicists who long for an 80% reduction in human population by any means to “save the planet.”
Why do we have to have to have a proven to fail Soviet style 5 year plan to make the system seem politically functional? All the “progressives” have done is create a spiritual vacuum and then bitch because it only got filled with demons they and no one else can control.
In a proper subsidiarity/solidarity/chaos system, needs are exposed and free people rise to meet them. Many fail but continue to try. Some succeed by creating a solution, launching a business, helping millions and providing employment for thousands. They in turn heal or enrich those whose products and services they employ.
Gerald V. Todd, Ph.D.
Commentary On The Second Innocent Journalist Beheading By Radical Islam
With the beheading of a second journalist by the forces of radical Islam that are hell bent in taking over the world, I’m beginning to wonder if our friends in the “progressive” and obedient media are beginning to get the idea they’re in mortal danger along with the rest of us.
By refusing to report facts and provide honest analysis, the 4th Estate sank into the unenviable position of being the 5th Column – aiding and abetting our demise.
I published this brief quote on line, in my 2007 book, “God’s Prophetic Zodiac” and my 2010 book “Guide to Effective Constitutional Values for Politicians and the People Who Vote for Them.” GPZ contains an in depth analysis of the 1950 quote, plus a possible solution. www.lulu.comin print or download. Both books are largely positive, offering a bevy of ideas and suggestions to restore our constitutional republic under God. As much as I tried, only one article was printed on GPZ in 2007. No TV or radio host would touch them. Like the great positives in the Declaration of Independence, the books also contain a litany of the evils despots visit upon the people so they may be forewarned.
Frying Islam’s 100th Egg
Probably for the 100th time, I am posting a 1950 quote attributed to the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, one of America's greatest teachers/preachers. Sheen was not a bigot - truly a saintly man of God who was also a scholar relating to Islam. He did however see that the depraved death cult in Islam enjoys support from another death cult - the deniers of the sanctity of human life at all stages - the "progressive."
“At the present time, the hatred of the Islamic countries toward the West has become hatred against Christianity itself. Statesmen are now taking it into account that there is a grave danger that the temporal power of Islam may return on a broad scale, and with it, the menace that it may shake off a West which has ceased to be Christian, and affirm itself as a great anti-Christian world power. Muslim writers say, "When the locust swarms darken vast countries, they bear on their wings these Arabic words, "We are God's host, each of us has 99 eggs, and if we had 100, we should lay waste to the world and all that is in it."
Sadly, the evidence is now overwhelming – the United States of America is Islam’s “100th egg!” Are we not exporting jihadist’s with impunity, weapons, and money? Have we not thrown the whole Middle East into chaos? Are we not enriching our enemies with insane energy and fiscal policies? Haven’t we thrown our borders open to any who would wish us harm – hiding behind little children and the skirts of desperate women? Hasn’t our education system been taken over at a level of governance and propaganda that cannot succeed? Haven’t we worked tirelessly to destroy our free enterprise system? Haven’t we ignored the principles of personal responsibility and e pluribus unum that made our nation and its health care system the greatest the world has ever seen? Haven’t we disarmed our military – even on its own bases where a single insane terrorist can wreak havoc on its personnel? Are we not ignoring the slaughter of Christians by Muslim terrorists like the 40 agriculture college students gunned down in their dorms in Nigeria or over 250 girls kidnapped to become slaves and “wives” to Muslim perverts- or the wonton public beheadings of Americans?
Are we the once freest nation in the world now the100th Egg to “lay waste to the world and all that is in it?” Praise God, we will overcome –
Oh thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace; may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a Nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: In God is our trust.
And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
By refusing to report facts and provide honest analysis, the 4th Estate sank into the unenviable position of being the 5th Column – aiding and abetting our demise.
I published this brief quote on line, in my 2007 book, “God’s Prophetic Zodiac” and my 2010 book “Guide to Effective Constitutional Values for Politicians and the People Who Vote for Them.” GPZ contains an in depth analysis of the 1950 quote, plus a possible solution. www.lulu.comin print or download. Both books are largely positive, offering a bevy of ideas and suggestions to restore our constitutional republic under God. As much as I tried, only one article was printed on GPZ in 2007. No TV or radio host would touch them. Like the great positives in the Declaration of Independence, the books also contain a litany of the evils despots visit upon the people so they may be forewarned.
Frying Islam’s 100th Egg
Probably for the 100th time, I am posting a 1950 quote attributed to the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, one of America's greatest teachers/preachers. Sheen was not a bigot - truly a saintly man of God who was also a scholar relating to Islam. He did however see that the depraved death cult in Islam enjoys support from another death cult - the deniers of the sanctity of human life at all stages - the "progressive."
“At the present time, the hatred of the Islamic countries toward the West has become hatred against Christianity itself. Statesmen are now taking it into account that there is a grave danger that the temporal power of Islam may return on a broad scale, and with it, the menace that it may shake off a West which has ceased to be Christian, and affirm itself as a great anti-Christian world power. Muslim writers say, "When the locust swarms darken vast countries, they bear on their wings these Arabic words, "We are God's host, each of us has 99 eggs, and if we had 100, we should lay waste to the world and all that is in it."
Sadly, the evidence is now overwhelming – the United States of America is Islam’s “100th egg!” Are we not exporting jihadist’s with impunity, weapons, and money? Have we not thrown the whole Middle East into chaos? Are we not enriching our enemies with insane energy and fiscal policies? Haven’t we thrown our borders open to any who would wish us harm – hiding behind little children and the skirts of desperate women? Hasn’t our education system been taken over at a level of governance and propaganda that cannot succeed? Haven’t we worked tirelessly to destroy our free enterprise system? Haven’t we ignored the principles of personal responsibility and e pluribus unum that made our nation and its health care system the greatest the world has ever seen? Haven’t we disarmed our military – even on its own bases where a single insane terrorist can wreak havoc on its personnel? Are we not ignoring the slaughter of Christians by Muslim terrorists like the 40 agriculture college students gunned down in their dorms in Nigeria or over 250 girls kidnapped to become slaves and “wives” to Muslim perverts- or the wonton public beheadings of Americans?
Are we the once freest nation in the world now the100th Egg to “lay waste to the world and all that is in it?” Praise God, we will overcome –
Oh thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace; may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a Nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: In God is our trust.
And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
Are Modern Catholic Academic Viewpoints on Labor a Help or a Hindrance?
Are Modern Catholic Academic Viewpoints on Labor a Help or a Hindrance?
I’ve always been a great fan of Pope St. Leo XIII’s moves to protect the working man during the Industrial Revolution that resulted in the rise of the labor unions. It saddens me to see how unionism has fallen under totalitarian rule with the leaders thriving on power, rather than the welfare of the workers – or the survival of the companies that employ them.
More than one union has committed economic suicide by demanding pay and benefits beyond what an industry can support. They forgot it wasn’t only solidarity, it was also subsidiarity – well-stated in Pope Benedict XVI’s “Caritas in veritate” 57 and 58. A company has a better chance of prospering with a happy and motivated work force. Companies will move offshore or die if they can no longer compete. The wreckage of heavily unionized industries dots the American landscape. All ignored the “formula” our Founders left us in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I’m for labor unions, but have a real problem with public employee unions. There’s a “Catch-22” here, because public employees need some form of collective bargaining at times, but the power they exercise in the body politic has become a possibly terminal cancer in our society. Public employee unions have an evil advantage over the taxpayer who suddenly finds himself paying salaries and perks to public “servants” ranging all the way to near full time pay in retirement at a rate 3 times what the hardest worker in the private sector can hope to amass. It’s a far cry from freely choosing to buy a union shop’s product at any price.
Cities and states under control of federal government funds can benefit from newly printed money against rising debt to cover for their extravagance. Municipal and state bankruptcies result in vast cuts in normal public services and infrastructure – just look at the weeds and ruts along California highways in spite of the highest highway taxes in the nation.
When public employee unions run their own candidates or push the election of others, they are cementing the status quo and bureaucratic inefficiency into the workings of the community and nation. See what a horrible price our children and wallets have paid for the power of the now well entrenched educational establishment and the power of the public service employees unions worldwide!
I’ve developed a series of “Rules of Fives” – five rules for the target individual or group to follow toward success, with a nod to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.
1. If you are only looking for a “job,” don’t join a union. Entry level jobs are for you to learn what you love to do, to be responsible for your employer’s needs to stay in business. If you’re not making your employer a profit, you should be fired if you refuse to develop your skills and apply them through an honest day’s work.
2. If you want to build your skills and be adequately paid for them, be sure your union doesn’t just talk solidarity, but understands and applies the responsibility of subsidiarity and solidarity together. You can compete with non-union workers by being better at quality, performance and reliability – not rioting over their existence as the collective is wont to do.
3. If your union wants to be involved in politics, be sure the members’ dues are applied as the members want them applied, or not at all. Union leaders have a penchant for supporting hard left causes bordering on Marxism. It seems to be a natural tendency to believe strong central control accomplishes more, when it does not.
4. Your union’s policies must allow members to grow and be rewarded for excellence, not just be sheep. The union should have an entrepreneurial policy where it encourages members’ to start businesses, often leading to a friendly union contract that is good for the new employer and employee. If the company prospers, the employees prosper based on results, not an illusion of fairness devoid of effort.
5. Your union’s health care structure should be totally local in service and administration, cooperating with local doctors, hospitals and clinics. The National or International should provide catastrophic care insurance for major medical care needs, but not make demands to participate in local medical care. Close relationships and support of charitable research hospitals like St. Jude’s will help keep the international on track to avoid the corruption and inefficiencies of federal programs.
The good professors from Catholic institutions proclaiming the human is not autonomous does not justify collectivism that ignores the specialness of the individual and his/her responsibilities to God, family and self. Diversity limited to race, sex and ethnicity has damaged our whole outlook because true diversity is the infinite range of God-given gifts and talents that must be educed from the individual and developed for the good of all for the glory of God. Sinyai said, “as Catholics, we are bound to seek other models to accomplish our ends.” How about considering another Catholic model that combines subsidiarity and solidarity, just as personal responsibility and e pluribus unum made this nation great?
Gerald V. Todd, Ph.D.
Bakersfield, CA 93309
See for 90 other articles and a brief bio. See also other writers’ posts well worth the read.
I’ve always been a great fan of Pope St. Leo XIII’s moves to protect the working man during the Industrial Revolution that resulted in the rise of the labor unions. It saddens me to see how unionism has fallen under totalitarian rule with the leaders thriving on power, rather than the welfare of the workers – or the survival of the companies that employ them.
More than one union has committed economic suicide by demanding pay and benefits beyond what an industry can support. They forgot it wasn’t only solidarity, it was also subsidiarity – well-stated in Pope Benedict XVI’s “Caritas in veritate” 57 and 58. A company has a better chance of prospering with a happy and motivated work force. Companies will move offshore or die if they can no longer compete. The wreckage of heavily unionized industries dots the American landscape. All ignored the “formula” our Founders left us in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I’m for labor unions, but have a real problem with public employee unions. There’s a “Catch-22” here, because public employees need some form of collective bargaining at times, but the power they exercise in the body politic has become a possibly terminal cancer in our society. Public employee unions have an evil advantage over the taxpayer who suddenly finds himself paying salaries and perks to public “servants” ranging all the way to near full time pay in retirement at a rate 3 times what the hardest worker in the private sector can hope to amass. It’s a far cry from freely choosing to buy a union shop’s product at any price.
Cities and states under control of federal government funds can benefit from newly printed money against rising debt to cover for their extravagance. Municipal and state bankruptcies result in vast cuts in normal public services and infrastructure – just look at the weeds and ruts along California highways in spite of the highest highway taxes in the nation.
When public employee unions run their own candidates or push the election of others, they are cementing the status quo and bureaucratic inefficiency into the workings of the community and nation. See what a horrible price our children and wallets have paid for the power of the now well entrenched educational establishment and the power of the public service employees unions worldwide!
I’ve developed a series of “Rules of Fives” – five rules for the target individual or group to follow toward success, with a nod to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.
1. If you are only looking for a “job,” don’t join a union. Entry level jobs are for you to learn what you love to do, to be responsible for your employer’s needs to stay in business. If you’re not making your employer a profit, you should be fired if you refuse to develop your skills and apply them through an honest day’s work.
2. If you want to build your skills and be adequately paid for them, be sure your union doesn’t just talk solidarity, but understands and applies the responsibility of subsidiarity and solidarity together. You can compete with non-union workers by being better at quality, performance and reliability – not rioting over their existence as the collective is wont to do.
3. If your union wants to be involved in politics, be sure the members’ dues are applied as the members want them applied, or not at all. Union leaders have a penchant for supporting hard left causes bordering on Marxism. It seems to be a natural tendency to believe strong central control accomplishes more, when it does not.
4. Your union’s policies must allow members to grow and be rewarded for excellence, not just be sheep. The union should have an entrepreneurial policy where it encourages members’ to start businesses, often leading to a friendly union contract that is good for the new employer and employee. If the company prospers, the employees prosper based on results, not an illusion of fairness devoid of effort.
5. Your union’s health care structure should be totally local in service and administration, cooperating with local doctors, hospitals and clinics. The National or International should provide catastrophic care insurance for major medical care needs, but not make demands to participate in local medical care. Close relationships and support of charitable research hospitals like St. Jude’s will help keep the international on track to avoid the corruption and inefficiencies of federal programs.
The good professors from Catholic institutions proclaiming the human is not autonomous does not justify collectivism that ignores the specialness of the individual and his/her responsibilities to God, family and self. Diversity limited to race, sex and ethnicity has damaged our whole outlook because true diversity is the infinite range of God-given gifts and talents that must be educed from the individual and developed for the good of all for the glory of God. Sinyai said, “as Catholics, we are bound to seek other models to accomplish our ends.” How about considering another Catholic model that combines subsidiarity and solidarity, just as personal responsibility and e pluribus unum made this nation great?
Gerald V. Todd, Ph.D.
Bakersfield, CA 93309
See for 90 other articles and a brief bio. See also other writers’ posts well worth the read.
The United States of America truly is the Greatest Country in the World. Don't Let Freedom Slip Away

The United States of America truly is the Greatest Country in the World. Don't Let Freedom Slip Away
By: Kitty Werthmann, native of Austria and her 1930-46 experiences under Hitler and Stalin
with 2010 Commentaries by
Gerald V. Todd, Ph.D.
Added Commentary in italics
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it!
By: Kitty Werthmann, native of Austria and her 1930-46 experiences under Hitler and Stalin
with 2010 Commentaries by
Gerald V. Todd, Ph.D.
Added Commentary in italics
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it!

RUSSIA - With the collapse of the rule of the Romanoff’s, the Communist Bolshevik Revolution took place in 1917. On the heels of a great hope, a vacuum was quickly filled by the Kerensky Government, which was to model itself after the American Constitutional Republic. The Romanoff’s fell largely because its leader’s were not paying attention to or even cared for the way officials, soldiers and police were treating the peasant public. It cost them their lives.
The rulers of old Russia may have lacked much in fair treatment of their people, but a tour of the great cathedrals, museums, palaces, subway systems and works of art testifies to at least a sincere effort to put Beauty and its Author ahead of strict utility. Apparently there were millions of talented artists, artisans and craftsmen to design, build and maintain the great edifices of the Czarist era. The Soviet Era produced only pain, death and ugliness in the midst of great technological development, including crumbling buildings erected during the Soviet era. Today, Russia seems to be striving to regain her former transcendent vision. She, like every relatively free country in the world is also facing a new enemy that believes in death above life… that there is an eternal reward for killing oneself while killing others. Jesus warned of this.
GERMANY - Following her defeat in World War I, Germany was left to pay reparations for her war crimes. Her people were starving, her financial system in collapse and her Weimar Republic rulers inept. It was a perfect venue for another rising despot, Adolph Hitler. While Russia was awash in the blood of Christians and Jews, Hitler got financing from Britain and the United States through sale of bonds and mortgages. German financial paper was sold at 100% par value for silver in these countries. It is well known that elites in the USA and Great Britain were Hitler sympathizers. Through the 1930’s and into the 1940’s Hitler put the people to work rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure, designing and building war materiel, military might and youth corps.
As the author describes, her desperate 32% unemployed Austrian countrymen were torn because of street fighting between the Communists and the Nazi’s – both leftist totalitarian movements – or socialists – the “Z” in Nazi translates “socialist.” With the nation collapsing, they had to make a choice between inviting the destructive communists or the seemingly progressive Nazi’s to merge with. They chose neighboring Nazi Germany because it was prospering. The ordinary citizen didn’t know the underlying evils of Hitler’s Third Reich and happily welcomed him to Vienna.
A romantic version of the era is the true story of Maria von Trapp and her family in the wonderful musical testament to the natural human hunger for freedom, “The Sound of Music.” The episodes of Baron von Trapp being ordered to serve in the Nazi Navy and the boyfriend of the Baron’s daughter joining the Hitler Youth are chilling parts of the story.
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it!
"After America, There is No Place to Go"
Kitty Werthmann, the author of this article lives in South Dakota and appears to be very active in attempting to maintain our freedom. Google Kitty Werthmann and you will see articles and videos including a 3 part December, 2007 interview from which the text of her comments was transcribed.
The commentaries (in italics) between sections are intended to point out the parallels being experienced under the suddenly rapid acceleration of the Progressive movement after slowly eroding the Constitution and attendant American freedoms starting in 1877, through Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon Baines Johnson and in an apparent attempt at a final upsurge by Barack Hussein Obama. While the Progressive movement lurched ahead under mostly Democratic Presidencies, the problem knows no partisan bounds, only a lust for power. Every aspect of American life under a Constitutional Republic has been under slow Progressive attack since at least 1877.
My most critical question is, “Why would any group want to tear down the greatest structure of human freedom and physical prosperity in world history just to gain power over its ashes?”
There is something intrinsically evil about the lust for power at any price. It is clear to anyone willing to notice that just like Austria in the late 1930’s, there is an underlying struggle between two evil totalitarian forces. In Austria, it was the Communists versus the Nazi’s; both perverted forms of socialism… one atheistic, the other based on natural religion., the USA like Austria is populated by a vast majority of faith-filled people who came to a predicted point where “they cling to a form of religion, but deny its power!”
The Catholic Church learned much on how to prosper and serve in the Constitutional Republic called the United States of America. The Catholic Church educates 2.6 million students everyday at the cost to that Church of 10 billion dollars, and a savings on the other hand to the American taxpayer of 28 billion dollars. The graduates go on to graduate studies at the rate of 92%. The Church has 230 colleges and universities in the U.S. with an enrollment of 700,000 students.
The Catholic Church has a non-profit hospital system of 637 hospitals, which account for hospital treatment of 1 out of every 5 people - not just Catholics - in the United States today.
But the press is vindictive and trying to totally denigrate in every way the Catholic Church in this country. They have blamed the disease of pedophilia on the Catholic Church, which is as irresponsible as blaming adultery on the institution of marriage. Was it much different in the Austria of the 1930’s? It was to the great hospitals and universities of Austria that medicine and research reached its pinnacle in the West – until totalitarian forces began dismantling her economy.
The ill-famed “hockey stick” curve of the global warming hoax shown below can well be applied in fact to the rapid thrust of the Obama administration “complete transformation of America as we’ve known it!” Replace 1998 with 2010 in the political scenario and compare it to Hitler’s transformation of Austria in the late 1930’s.
The rulers of old Russia may have lacked much in fair treatment of their people, but a tour of the great cathedrals, museums, palaces, subway systems and works of art testifies to at least a sincere effort to put Beauty and its Author ahead of strict utility. Apparently there were millions of talented artists, artisans and craftsmen to design, build and maintain the great edifices of the Czarist era. The Soviet Era produced only pain, death and ugliness in the midst of great technological development, including crumbling buildings erected during the Soviet era. Today, Russia seems to be striving to regain her former transcendent vision. She, like every relatively free country in the world is also facing a new enemy that believes in death above life… that there is an eternal reward for killing oneself while killing others. Jesus warned of this.
GERMANY - Following her defeat in World War I, Germany was left to pay reparations for her war crimes. Her people were starving, her financial system in collapse and her Weimar Republic rulers inept. It was a perfect venue for another rising despot, Adolph Hitler. While Russia was awash in the blood of Christians and Jews, Hitler got financing from Britain and the United States through sale of bonds and mortgages. German financial paper was sold at 100% par value for silver in these countries. It is well known that elites in the USA and Great Britain were Hitler sympathizers. Through the 1930’s and into the 1940’s Hitler put the people to work rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure, designing and building war materiel, military might and youth corps.
As the author describes, her desperate 32% unemployed Austrian countrymen were torn because of street fighting between the Communists and the Nazi’s – both leftist totalitarian movements – or socialists – the “Z” in Nazi translates “socialist.” With the nation collapsing, they had to make a choice between inviting the destructive communists or the seemingly progressive Nazi’s to merge with. They chose neighboring Nazi Germany because it was prospering. The ordinary citizen didn’t know the underlying evils of Hitler’s Third Reich and happily welcomed him to Vienna.
A romantic version of the era is the true story of Maria von Trapp and her family in the wonderful musical testament to the natural human hunger for freedom, “The Sound of Music.” The episodes of Baron von Trapp being ordered to serve in the Nazi Navy and the boyfriend of the Baron’s daughter joining the Hitler Youth are chilling parts of the story.
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it!
"After America, There is No Place to Go"
Kitty Werthmann, the author of this article lives in South Dakota and appears to be very active in attempting to maintain our freedom. Google Kitty Werthmann and you will see articles and videos including a 3 part December, 2007 interview from which the text of her comments was transcribed.
The commentaries (in italics) between sections are intended to point out the parallels being experienced under the suddenly rapid acceleration of the Progressive movement after slowly eroding the Constitution and attendant American freedoms starting in 1877, through Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon Baines Johnson and in an apparent attempt at a final upsurge by Barack Hussein Obama. While the Progressive movement lurched ahead under mostly Democratic Presidencies, the problem knows no partisan bounds, only a lust for power. Every aspect of American life under a Constitutional Republic has been under slow Progressive attack since at least 1877.
My most critical question is, “Why would any group want to tear down the greatest structure of human freedom and physical prosperity in world history just to gain power over its ashes?”
There is something intrinsically evil about the lust for power at any price. It is clear to anyone willing to notice that just like Austria in the late 1930’s, there is an underlying struggle between two evil totalitarian forces. In Austria, it was the Communists versus the Nazi’s; both perverted forms of socialism… one atheistic, the other based on natural religion., the USA like Austria is populated by a vast majority of faith-filled people who came to a predicted point where “they cling to a form of religion, but deny its power!”
The Catholic Church learned much on how to prosper and serve in the Constitutional Republic called the United States of America. The Catholic Church educates 2.6 million students everyday at the cost to that Church of 10 billion dollars, and a savings on the other hand to the American taxpayer of 28 billion dollars. The graduates go on to graduate studies at the rate of 92%. The Church has 230 colleges and universities in the U.S. with an enrollment of 700,000 students.
The Catholic Church has a non-profit hospital system of 637 hospitals, which account for hospital treatment of 1 out of every 5 people - not just Catholics - in the United States today.
But the press is vindictive and trying to totally denigrate in every way the Catholic Church in this country. They have blamed the disease of pedophilia on the Catholic Church, which is as irresponsible as blaming adultery on the institution of marriage. Was it much different in the Austria of the 1930’s? It was to the great hospitals and universities of Austria that medicine and research reached its pinnacle in the West – until totalitarian forces began dismantling her economy.
The ill-famed “hockey stick” curve of the global warming hoax shown below can well be applied in fact to the rapid thrust of the Obama administration “complete transformation of America as we’ve known it!” Replace 1998 with 2010 in the political scenario and compare it to Hitler’s transformation of Austria in the late 1930’s.
(Dates and data are relative - just to show how a real hockey stick curve works!)
The strength and resiliency of the work ethic of our Founding Fathers and pioneers produced a nation of great faith, vision, imagination and the gift of upward mobility so often denied to subjects of despotic and totalitarian regimes. Have the “wickedness of rulers and spiritual forces in high places” decided we have been beaten down and ill-educated in history enough that a “total transformation” from a free and prosperous nation to just another country dominated by despots is now possible?
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it!
(Dates and data are relative - just to show how a real hockey stick curve works!)
The strength and resiliency of the work ethic of our Founding Fathers and pioneers produced a nation of great faith, vision, imagination and the gift of upward mobility so often denied to subjects of despotic and totalitarian regimes. Have the “wickedness of rulers and spiritual forces in high places” decided we have been beaten down and ill-educated in history enough that a “total transformation” from a free and prosperous nation to just another country dominated by despots is now possible?
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it!

And now the 2007 interview…The United States of America truly is the Greatest Country in the World. Don't Let Freedom Slip Away
By: Kitty Werthmann with 2010 Commentaries by
Gerald V. Todd, Ph.D.
Kitty Werthmann: What I am about to tell you is something you've probably never heard or will ever read in history books.
I believe that I am an eyewitness to history. I cannot tell you that Hitler took Austria by tanks and guns; it would distort history. We elected him by a landslide - 98% of the vote. I've never read that in any American publications. Everyone thinks that Hitler just rolled in with his tanks and took Austria by force.
In 1938, Austria was in deep Depression. Nearly one-third of our workforce was unemployed. We had 25% inflation and 25% bank loan interest rates. Farmers and business people were declaring bankruptcy daily. Young people were going from house to house begging for food. Not that they didn't want to work; there simply weren't any jobs. My mother was a Christian woman and believed in helping people in need. Every day we cooked a big kettle of soup and baked bread to feed those poor, hungry people - about 30 daily. 0. Commentary 1: Progressives understand that the process is evolutionary rather than revolutionary. Like Nazi Germany after World War I, the people were desperate for a solution. The USA experienced a similar situation both during the Roosevelt-enhanced Depression of the 1930’s, but again during the Carter administration.
0. Few of us recall there was a serious depression following World War I into 1921. By cutting taxes and getting out of the way, the Warren G. Harding Administration brought on a recovery that is famously called “The Roaring Twenties!” They certainly didn’t roar because government got in the way. They did fail when the Progressives pushed their new control over the Wilson-born Federal Reserve and dried up the money supply. They just can’t stand prosperity they can’t control.
· Jump to the prosperous Post WWII era. People and their legislators were spending like there was no tomorrow. Inflation was running rampant and local taxes were out of control. In California, Proposition 13 was joined by Proposition 10. Proposition 13 was to reduce and control property taxes, the traditional source of funds for schools, streets, parks, fire and police services. Proposition 10 was to remove the traditional and biblical usury laws that limited lending charges to 10%. Both passed with significant desperate majorities, just like Austrians voted in Hitler.
· Property taxes were drastically reduced. At the same time interest rates skyrocketed under the guidance of Federal Reserve Chairman, Paul Volcker, who is now President Obama’s Chief Economics Advisor. Volcker was then and remains today an outspoken Progressive – of the totalitarian bent who understands how to pressure a populace. The lending that dried up in usury law states was again available. Rampant unemployment was caused by forced business failures in California, until Proposition 10 passed. For business operating costs, interest rates after Proposition 10 took far more out of the till than the property taxes that supported the community.
· After Proposition 13, local governments and school districts were suddenly strapped for cash and turned to the state for help. Over time, the states feeling similar pressures turned to a Federal Government that was all too willing to take on roles properly held by local and state entities. Health, education and welfare soon fell under Federal control and the costs and debts accelerated. The joy and chaos of local control was ceded to Federal bureaucracies that have no competence in the areas of health, education and welfare, nor the love required to make these fields effective for those they serve.
· The rise of a welfare industry, followed by national teachers’ unions and ultimately public employee unions have led to where today public employees make on average 45% more than those in the private sector whose taxes pay their salaries and bloated pensions and perks, including paid holidays no one in the private sector can afford.
· Unions lost their original purpose to insist on fair wages and working environments to power bases for corrupt leaders in cahoots with their government agency counterparts and often the businesses they are supposed to which they are charged to represent workers interests.
· In a piece I wrote in 1998, I warned of the then rising power of public employee unions:
o I’m for labor unions, but have a real problem with public employee unions. There’s a “Catch-22” here, because public employees need some form of collective bargaining at times, but the power they exercise in the body politic has become a possibly terminal cancer in our society.
o When they run their own candidates or push the election of others, they are cementing the status quo and bureaucratic inefficiency into the workings of the community and nation.
o See what a horrible price our children and wallets have paid for the power of the now well entrenched educational establishment!
o One politician’s ad (1998 was an election year) sneers that his opponent has a “0” National Education Association rating. That, for those of us who hate socialism from the core of our beings, is the highest praise one could reap on a candidate. For the rest of you, cry for your beloved country for what you are doing to it!
· World Events – 1938 © Information Please Almanac
World Statistics
population by decade
Nobel Peace Prize:
Office International Nansen pour les Réfugiés (Switzerland)
More World Statistics...
· Hitler marches into Austria; political and geographical union of Germany and Austria proclaimed.
· Munich Pact—Britain, France, and Italy agree to let Germany partition Czechoslovakia.
· Nazis destroy Jewish shops, homes, synagogues in Kristallnacht riots; 20,000-30,000 sent to concentration camps.
· First oil strike in Kuwait transforms the emirate's economy.
Welcome to the world of SEIU, UAW and the IBEW, currently harassing Tea Party gatherings trying to foment a violent reaction. Remember Mahatma Ghandi and Martin Luther King.
Werthmann - The Communist Party and the National Socialist Party were fighting each other. Blocks and blocks of cities like Vienna, Linz, and Graz were destroyed. The people became desperate and petitioned the government to let them decide what kind of government they wanted. We looked to our neighbor on the north, Germany, where Hitler had been in power since 1933. We had been told that they didn't have unemployment or crime, and they had a high standard of living. Nothing was ever said about persecution of any group -- Jewish or otherwise. We were led to believe that everyone was happy. We wanted the same way of life in Austria. We were promised that a vote for Hitler would mean the end of unemployment and help for the family. Hitler also said that businesses would be assisted, and farmers would get their farms back. Ninety-eight percent of the population voted to annex Austria to Germany and have Hitler for our ruler.
Commentary 2: Like Proposition 10 in California, the people with homes to buy, lives to live and businesses to run became desperate and were looking for a way out. Today, there are forces that control the Executive and Legislative branches of government with an overlay in the White House of unvetted “Czar’s” and a Congress run by determined totalitarians called Progressives. In the White House, the President’s Cabinet seems to have taken a subservient role in most traditional areas.
· There is an interesting oxymoron forming among White House appointees. The President is clearly opposed to traditional Christianity and Judaism with an obvious leaning toward Islam. This is not to be confused with the need for mutual respect among religious people, including sane foreign and domestic policies that support our fundamental rights and freedoms, equally for all. We should be that “shining city on a hill” that Ronald Reagan showed us. Too often we are exporting our lowest dimensions – Hollywood morality and draconian population control tactics instead of the freedoms that all mankind hopes for
· Currently, most Czars and other appointees are Maoists, communists, eugenicists, militant homosexuals and apostate Catholics and other Christians. That defines the left side of the structure that fits the George Soros image of the Center for American Progress. More recent appointments include “devout” Muslims in even Homeland Security assignments in spite of the recent terror attack on a State-side military base by a highly educated sworn Muslim officer. These are antithetical to the Maoist and homosexual elements in the Administration.
· Are these countering elements of totalitarianism, either as atheist communist or theocratic caliphates doomed to clash just as the Communists and the Nazi’s did to bring Austria to its knees? Which will it be; a one-world atheist totalitarian regime, or a one world Islamic caliphate? Is there room for our beloved Constitutional Republic? Constitutional Law and Sharia Law are totally incompatible. Yet certain privileges for Muslims were written into the Health Care Bill.
· Remember, Persia sided with the Nazi’s in World War II, even changing its name to Iran - a derivation of “Arian,” as in Master Race. Did you ever notice the demeanor and goose step marching style of the Iranian military, as well as its tactics in arming itself to the teeth with tacit approval of the Western elite?
· Aren’t you glad our world leaders have prevented Iran from gaining nuclear weapons technology?
a. Tehran threatens US cities with nuclear terror - if attacked - 13 April 2010: This warning, along with an announcement that Iran would join the world's nuclear club within a month, struck at the heart of President Barack Obama's Nuclear Security Summit. The Iranian publication Kayhan said: "If the US strikes Iran with nuclear weapons, there are elements which will respond with nuclear blasts in the centers of America's main cities."
b. DEBKAfile's military sources report this was the first time Tehran had threatened American cities with nuclear terror. Our Iranian sources say Tehran is playing brinkmanship to demonstrate that the Washington summit, from which Iran and North Korea were excluded, failed before it began, because terrorist elements capable of striking inside the US had already acquired nuclear devices for that purpose.
· Do you think that maybe the generally freedom-loving Iranian people are suffering today much as the Austrians were in 1938? Where was our foreign policy when these same people had an opportunity to regain control of their country by a proper, but then perverted election? Could the same be said about our relations with Columbia and Honduras and even Israel?
Werthmann - We were overjoyed, and for three days we danced in the streets and had candlelight parades. The new government opened up big field kitchens and everyone was fed. After the election, German officials were appointed, and like a miracle, we suddenly had law and order. Three or four weeks later, everyone was employed. The government made sure that a lot of work was created through the Public Work Service.
Commentary 3: Meet the people’s needs make them feel safe and provide “jobs.”
Masses of American people, with a heavy smattering of illegal’s are cheering the promise of “jobs” as their opportunities disappear and local businesses fail.
Most new jobs are government temporary programs such as the census. Unlike the Austrian “Public Work Service” the promised shovel ready projects are generally low on the Washington Administration’s priority.
Should we expect a sudden surge of now unspent “stimulus” funds to appear for union-sanctioned projects as the 2010 elections approach?
Werthmann - Hitler decided we should have equal rights for women. Before this, it was a custom that married Austrian women did not work outside the home. An able-bodied husband would be looked down on if he couldn't support his family. Many women in the teaching profession were elated that they could retain the jobs they previously had been required to give up for marriage.
Commentary 4: In the United States there was great pressure for an “Equal Rights Amendment” that would grant women the same privileges as men – especially they said, “Equal pay for equal work.” It was far more than that as Carter era high interest rates created economic chaos in order to pressure women into the workforce and to abandon their children to the abortion mill and the day care center.
In the USA, after World War II, it took a period of economic adjustment before prosperity kicked in. A large part of the credit goes to the vast numbers of college attendees on the GI Bill. America was on a roll in spite of the fears of Cold War with the USSR and military adventures in Korea and Vietnam.
In the Jimmy Carter era the nuclear family suffered from unemployment and high living costs with draconian interest rates affecting every level of production and sales, families could no longer afford to buy a home. The Federal Government changed the qualification rules so a woman’s income could be counted to qualify for an FHA or GI Bill home loan.
After the destruction of usury laws across the nation, as in California’s 1978 Propositions 10 and 13, women were FORCED into the work place by economic realities. Read Proverbs 31:10-31 for a woman’s rewarding role in the family. No feminist agenda can match this one!
Feminists such as Betty Friedan and Dr. Mary Jo Bane, Hillary Rodham’s mentor at Wellesley and the Clinton Administration’s first appointment, stated that. “Marriage must be abolished as it is only a means for men to control women and that children cannot be raised fairly in families. Children must be raised by the State!”
Feminists rose up demanding equal pay while denigrating the married woman and worse, her children. Abortion on demand and day care centers were only the beginning. Divorce rates soared and Federal regulations actually promoted family break-up under the rules in Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society.”
We wonder why so many women in the teaching profession, including nuns became such hard core feminists, carrying chips on their shoulders, and suckers for unionization. Did they abandon their students for a mess of pottage?
Hitler Targets Education - Eliminates Religious Instruction for Children:
Werthmann - Our education was nationalized. I attended a very good public school. The population was predominantly Catholic, so we had religion in our schools. The day we elected Hitler (March 13, 1938), I walked into my schoolroom to find the crucifix replaced by Hitler's picture hanging next to a Nazi flag. Our teacher, a very devout woman, stood up and told the class we wouldn't pray or have religion anymore. Instead, we sang "Deutschland, Deutschland, Uber Alles," and had physical education.
Sunday became National Youth Day with compulsory attendance. Parents were not pleased about the sudden change in curriculum. They were told that if they did not send us, they would receive a stiff letter of warning the first time. The second time they would be fined the equivalent of $300, and the third time they would be subject to jail. The first two hours consisted of political indoctrination. The rest of the day we had sports. As time went along, we loved it. Oh, we had so much fun and got our sports equipment free. We would go home and gleefully tell our parents about the wonderful time we had.
Commentary 5: Starting with the great charitable foundations launched by America’s Industrial Revolution barons, groups such as the Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford Foundations saw themselves as Educational change agents. Their founders surely would have rolled over in their graves.
Even the W. K. Kellogg Foundation built on children’s breakfast cereals became an avid supporter of Planned Parenthood. Talk about killing off one’s customer base!
Then the U. S. Department of Education arrives on the scene!
On November 9, 1938 Nazis destroy Jewish shops, homes, synagogues in Kristallnacht riots; 20,000-30,000 sent to concentration camps.
Hitler’s takeover of education was well-planned and staged from the first day.
Does this sound like the slow, deliberate driving of faith, religion and spirituality out of the classroom?
Actually, one religion, Christianity, was replaced by another – Nazi naturalism. Jews may have been an unhappy minority, but they did prosper in a Christian culture.
My own research reflects a plaintive song in “Fiddler on the Roof” – “If I were a rich man.” I love and detest the line: “Lord, you say we Jews are your chosen people… Couldn’t you choose someone else for a while?” The New Testament Book of Hebrews beautifully explains the unwelcome suffering and vilification of the Jewish people. In God’s plan, it is for the rest of us. Pray that we learn to appreciate it.
How many lawsuits have been initiated by single complainers, and often backed by an atheist anti-American group, the ACLU? Their purpose? To drive every aspect of moral guidance and religious faith as far from the classroom and public life as possible.
Sound religious and moral education is often enhanced by competitive sports and other challenges of the body, intellect and the spirit. Truth and reason are excellent partners. The Nazi’s took advantage of the enthusiasm of youth and the opportunities to brain wash them away from the influence of Godly parents.
The $300 fine and possible jail term for not sending Austrian children to the state school reminds us of the pressure on home schooling parents. There is a current thrust to require specific physical education programs for all children because of claimed rampant obesity. Is this another ploy to force the state’s nose under the quality education tent?
Home schooled kids consistently win local, state and national spelling bees and history contests. They tend to be well-mannered and able to matriculate in a wide variety of social settings.
Any sound education or religious program includes three elements; Spiritual, Service and Social – the “3 S’s.” Nazi and Gaian spirituality are both natural religion-based. While hard to tell the difference, it is Gaian spirituality – worship of the Earth that is the faith of the American public schools under Federal control and the totalitarians that run it. In the end, the goals are the same relative to centralized power over the masses.
How many children have been punished for praying or quoting the Bible or writing about their personal faith experiences?
Are Muslims being given special dispensations and religious privileges unavailable to the far greater Judeo-Christian populations? If not Constitutional, does it satisfy Sharia Law?
Werthmann - My mother was very unhappy. When the next term started, she took me out of public school and put me in a convent. I told her she couldn't do that and she told me that someday when I grew up, I would be grateful. There was a very good curriculum, but hardly any fun - no sports, and no political indoctrination. I hated it at first but felt I could tolerate it. Every once in a while, on holidays, I went home. I would go back to my old friends and ask what was going on and what they were doing. Their loose lifestyle was very alarming to me. They lived without religion. By that time unwed mothers were glorified for having a baby for Hitler. It seemed strange to me that our society changed so suddenly. As time went along, I realized what a great deed my mother did so that I wasn't exposed to that kind of humanistic philosophy.
Commentary 6: American public school parents have been told their children belong to the State when they are in attendance in school. What ever happened to the partnership of parent and school under the underlying principles of subsidiarity and solidarity?
The Great Society of President Lyndon B. Johnson began the breakdown of poor and minority families in particular. Once a poor woman bore a child and accepted assistance from government agencies, she could not be seen with a man in the house – husband, father figure or even maybe a well-meaning boyfriend. A man in the house disqualified her from assistance. The needs of a nuclear family were overthrown for the state’s belief that only it could raise children “fairly.”
Before the Great Society, illegitimate births among white and black populations was about on a par –far less than 15%. Today well over 70% of black births are out of wedlock, with whites at least triple what they were before the Great Society, thus creating the dependency Progressives need to “succeed.” None dare call it treason!
The whole concept of racial equality yielded Title 9 and other special privileges, forced bussing and school integration in spite of local norms and the ability of children to establish enduring friendships which are so vital in the course of growing up. One nun at a local Catholic school used a Title 9 copy machine for her regular students and was “caught” by a state inspector. She was fired on the spot.
When my wife ran a Catholic school in a rural community with a flow of migrant workers’ kids, she applied for a school lunch reimbursement through the State of California. For about $380/month in reimbursements, she had to have a volunteer do the required copious paper work which no one in Sacramento is dull enough to read. She also had to endure regular visits from her coordinator. The woman was based in Sacramento, flew to Bakersfield, stayed overnight, rented a car, drove to two schools and back to the airport where she flew back to Sacramento. When she did her report and who read it we’ll never know. In the meantime, my wife did the weekly shopping at a local wholesale house and accepted donations when available. She had a cadre of lovely volunteer mothers who cooked, served and cleaned up every day. One woman was paid to lead the menu and coordinate the volunteers. The lunch program was profitable at 50 cents a head and the kids ate far better than State specs.
Equal Rights Hits Home:
Werthmann - In 1939, the war started and a food bank was established. All food was rationed and could only be purchased using food stamps. At the same time, a full-employment law was passed which meant if you didn't work, you didn't get a ration card, and if you didn't have a card, you starved to death. Women who stayed home to raise their families didn't have any marketable skills and often had to take jobs more suited for men.
Soon after this, the draft was implemented. It was compulsory for young people, male and female, to give one year to the labor corps. During the day, the girls worked on the farms, and at night they returned to their barracks for military training just like the boys. They were trained to be anti-aircraft gunners and participated in the signal corps. After the labor corps, they were not discharged but were used in the front lines. When I go back to Austria to visit my family and friends, most of these women are emotional cripples because they just were not equipped to handle the horrors of combat. Three months before I turned 18, I was severely injured in an air raid attack. I nearly had a leg amputated, so I was spared having to go into the labor corps and into military service.
Commentary 7: President Obama during his campaign promised “a civilian defense corps as large as and well funded as the military.” Like the tiny nation of Israel which is in a constant state of warfare, Obama visualizes compulsory service by all young people for about two years.
The National Guard is organized along state lines, with each State’s Governor being the Commander-in-Chief. For the record, because of the strategic location and defense assets of Alaska, then Governor Sarah Palin had the highest security clearance and was often constrained from defending herself from scurrilous charges.
A federally controlled youth corps, given the Maoist qualities of the White house staff and advisers, one can be reasonably assured that there will be no instruction on the Constitution, states’ rights, American history or the privileges of citizenship. One can expect indoctrination to the duties to the Administration or Regime.
If any religion is to be extolled, it will be either that of worship of Gaia, the Earth Goddess under the green banner of environmentalism, or of Allah under Sharia Law. The two are grossly incompatible, thus creating an environment of potential conflict.
Certainly public service is a good thing, but like all human activity it must first be built on subsidiarity and solidarity. Americans have traditionally been the most active in voluntary service and giving at home and all over the world. They do so at their own expense or gather voluntary sponsorships from individuals, churches and service organizations.
Hitler Restructured the Family Through Daycare:
Werthmann - When the mothers had to go out into the work force, the government immediately established child care centers. You could take your children ages 4 weeks to school age and leave them there around-the-clock, 7 days a week, under the total care of the government. The state raised a whole generation of children.. There were no motherly women to take care of the children, just people highly trained in child psychology. By this time, no one talked about equal rights. We knew we had been had.
Commentary 8: While American children have been separated from parents and siblings, they have been exposed to just about everything except moral and religious principles. We can thank God for the church and synagogue sponsored day care centers that strived to instill moral values that do not run counter to their parents’ values.
Getting children away from their parents has been a Progressive goal for generations. The Equal Rights Amendment thrust of the 1970’s was all about the break-up of families and the indoctrination of the next generation.
Feminists and their negative views of femininity and masculinity were all too obvious and still affect the outlook and attitudes of the millions of them who have fund their way into the lower levels of the ruling class where they can do the most damage.
While Hitler’s Germany (and radicals Islamists of today) built up boys to be the Master Race’s warriors, the feminists have strived to reduce them to Metrosexuals with a revulsion for weapons and the natural right of self and family defense, another reason for their disdain of the Constitution.
The rate of divorce among child psychologists is quite a bit higher than the norm.
Health Care and Small Business Suffer under Government Controls:
Commentary 9: Small businesses have been the bulwark of the American dream. Over 75% of all employment in the private sector is in the small business arena.
Small businesses are also the seedbed of invention and innovation. Thousands have been absorbed by larger corporations with the ability to put their innovations to work in the broader marketplace.
Government interference and control has stifled many a new idea, job building opportunity and solution to real environmental and social problems. Follow the money trail.
Federal and State minimum wage laws are laudable in the sense that there are employers who will take undo advantage of their employees. Most would rather start a new entry at a low wage and reward good performance with frequent raises and ultimately promotions.
Pope Benedict in his encyclical Caritas in veritate speaks strongly for fair labor practices, but just as strongly for the individual employee to give his/her employer a full day’s work.
In a free enterprise environment, good employees don’t necessarily match up with a particular good employer. As the employee develops skills and discovers unique diverse gifts and talents, the opportunity is there to seek employment elsewhere.
Some employers will even create positions more suitable to a valued employee. Some even create new divisions or affiliates for the employee to develop and manage.
As an individual develops his/her diverse skills, talents and gifts, along with sound working relationships, the possibility of going into business for oneself is a common, risky and rewarding test of personal mettle.
How many small businesses fail under draconian governmental oversight?.
Werthmann - Before Hitler, we had very good medical care. Many American doctors trained at the University of Vienna. After Hitler, health care was socialized, free for everyone. Doctors were salaried by the government. The problem was, since it was free, the people were going to the doctors for everything. When the good doctor arrived at his office at 8 a.m., 40 people were already waiting and, at the same time, the hospitals were full. If you needed elective surgery, you had to wait a year or two for your turn. There was no money for research as it was poured into socialized medicine. Research at the medical schools literally stopped, so the best doctors left Austria and emigrated to other countries.
Commentary 10: There are three things government has no competence in: Health, Education and Welfare. As soon as there is government interference beyond monitoring for legality and outright criminal activity, costs skyrocket as paperwork becomes overwhelming and unqualified and disinterested bureaucrats.
Little by little pharmaceutical research has left the once center of innovation and technology, the USA, This is not because the business opportunities are lacking but because government has overwhelmed the system.
Anyone ever heard the term Brain Drain? That’s what happens when the best minds can no longer ply their ideas and trades and seek more fertile grounds to work in.
Progressives just can’t grasp that with the loss of keen minds, support jobs and industries disappear with them.
California’s Silicon Valley is a classic example of a brain drain and subsequent loss of local employment. It wasn’t just jobs in the affected industries, but every level of human society from the local grocery to the coffee shop to entertainment and even medical services.
Church attendance may have fallen off a bit, but with SV’s prosperity, it no longer “needed” God. Church attendance per capita in the area is among the lowest in the nation. I don’t know if they’ve started to climb out of their foxholes yet - or if they’re finally diving into them.
As for healthcare, our tax rates went up to 80% of our income. Newlyweds immediately received a $1,000 loan from the government to establish a household. We had big programs for families. All day care and education were free. High schools were taken over by the government and college tuition was subsidized. Everyone was entitled to free handouts, such as food stamps, clothing, and housing. We had another agency designed to monitor business. My brother-in-law owned a restaurant that had square tables. Government officials told him he had to replace them with round tables because people might bump themselves on the corners. Then they said he had to have additional bathroom facilities. It was just a small dairy business with a snack bar. He couldn't meet all the demands. Soon, he went out of business. If the government owned the large businesses and not many small ones existed, it could be in control.
We had consumer protection. We were told how to shop and what to buy. Free enterprise was essentially abolished. We had a planning agency specially designed for farmers. The agents would go to the farms, count the live-stock, then tell the farmers what to produce, and how to produce it.
Commentary 11: The creation of a dependent populace is the nirvana of the despot. One can apply government incompetence in Health, Education and Welfare to every aspect of daily life. It is always for our own good, for the children, for the poor and minorities, ad nauseum.
Austrians soon learned that government run health care meant the absconding of the bulk of a family’s income.
With no money to buy the necessities, much less the pleasures of life, small businesses failed in Austria just as they are failing in the United States.
Food production across the United States has been under serious progressive and environmentalist attack for years.
The California Sacramento/San Joaquin Valley is called “The Breadbasket of he World.” One environmental lawsuit after another, coupled with draconian rules against moving water from the very wet Northern California area to the dryer Southern regions has cut off much water.
With the snow melt flowing in rivers from the Sierra Nevada’s, environmentalists have interdicted another vital source of drinking and irrigation water by insisting on the restoration of salmon runs. This means billions of gallons of water is simply flushed to the ocean.
The San Joaquin Valley as in much of arid Southern California is deep and replenishable water aquifers. Farmers and local water districts carefully manage the percolation of spring runoff and rainwater into the aquifers. Engine or electric motor driven pumps draw out the water for irrigating surface crops from fodder for cattle to pistachios and every type of vegetables. Crazy rules against diesel/natural gas driven pumps have made it very difficult for farmers to grow profitably. Recent air pollution regulations are forcing farmers to convert their engine-driven (efficient) pumps to electric motors. One minor problem – due to other environmental nonsense, there isn’t enough generating capacity to provide power to the pumps. FYI, it takes three times as much fossil fuel or other source to generate the power at a central power plant to send to the irrigation pump motors than to burn the fuel in on site engines and power the pumps directly.
Food Nazi’s have made the baby carrot the number one snack food for pretty good reasons. These baby carrots began life as culls, twisted, split or misshapen carrots that cannot be sent to market, so were sold to cattle feeders at about $17/ton. An innovative grower and his publicist, a brilliant woman, came up with the idea of shaping the culls into small carrot-shaped morsels called baby carrots. The rest is history.
The grindings from shaping the culls are turned into carrot powder, carotene, food additives and a variety of other uses. Everything but the squeal is put to use – all without a bureaucrat’s demand – save that “evil” use of water to irrigate the carrot plants. Is this another example of the despot cutting off his nose to spite his face?
Not to be diverted from their goal of a world population, reduced from about 7 billion to 500 million, it is necessary to starve out the population, short of outright slaughter. Are we like a frog in a pot of slowly heating water, or re we ready to jump?
David J. Hayes - California Water Czar - Sr. Fellow of radical environmentalist group, “Progress Policy”. No training or experience in water management whatsoever.
"Mercy Killing" Redefined:
Werthmann - In 1944, I was a student teacher in a small village in the Alps. The villagers were surrounded by mountain passes which, in the winter, were closed off with snow, causing people to be isolated. So people intermarried and offspring were sometimes retarded. When I arrived, I was told there were 15 mentally retarded adults, but they were all useful and did good manual work. I knew one, named Vincent, very well. He was a janitor of the school. One day I looked out the window and saw Vincent and others getting into a van. I asked my superior where they were going. She said to an institution where the State Health Department would teach them a trade, and to read and write. The families were required to sign papers with a little clause that they could not visit for 6 months. They were told visits would interfere with the program and might cause homesickness.
As time passed, letters started to dribble back saying these people died a natural, merciful death. The villagers were not fooled. We suspected what was happening. Those people left in excellent physical health and all died within 6 months. We called this euthanasia.
Commentary 12: The time when to cease treatment and prepare a person for the inevitable has always been a heart-wrenching experience for all involved.
With a belief in the afterlife held by most religious people, the prospect of leaving this Earth is not as frightening for those of little or no faith. Perhaps that is why people of faith live a more contended and longer life.
Technology has extended our life spans – I should have been dead of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma five years ago save for excellent medical diagnosis, treatment and care by highly trained and dedicated professionals.
This very availability of technology has also provided a variety of life support systems for ill and injured people who would have died without such support. The question often becomes when to pull the plug.
Traditionally, it is family, doctor and clergy that participate in these life and death decisions.
The Austrian experience is paralleled by my wife’s friend who bore a baby with spina bifida, the exposure of the spinal cord at its base. Kaiser Hospital in Palo Alto advised her to leave the baby with them to be made comfortable as he dies. This was 35 or so years ago! My wife and her friend stood guard over Jimmy until he was released from the hospital after some corrective surgery. Jimmy grew up wheel chair bound, but with a brilliant and productive mind and a strong sense of competition. He was National Wheelchair Racing Champion one year!
Life and death decisions based on economic viability create deep moral problems for all involved. The current Health Care Bill passed by the US Congress and signed by the President has ultimate decisions made by bureaucrats far from the attending physician and the subject individual.
The White House chose to fill its Alinsky-trained action groups with so-called czars who were not vetted in the normal way of Cabinet officials. We have learned they are by and large of a mindset that puts little or no value on human life. Among these are radical environmentalists, eugenicists, Maoists, Communists and apostate Christians, including the President and his wife who are ardent supporters of partial birth abortion.
These are the folks who will send the van for you when you’re no longer economically viable in their view. Given their disdain for free enterprise, becoming economically unviable won’t be too difficult.
Nancy-Ann DeParle - Health Czar - Former head of Medicare / Medicaid. Strong Health Care Rationing proponent. She is married to a reporter for The New York Times.
The Final Steps - Gun Laws:
Werthmann - Next came gun registration. People were getting injured by guns. Hitler said that the real way to catch criminals (we still had a few) was by matching serial numbers on guns. Most citizens were law abiding and dutifully marched to the police station to register their firearms. Not long after-wards, the police said that it was best for everyone to turn in their guns. The authorities already knew who had them, so it was futile not to comply voluntarily.
Commentary 13: The history of mankind shows that there will be wars and rumors of wars until the end. This is because we have been given both tremendous capability for good or evil and a free will to decide how to use them.
No amount of parading or marching for peace will stop the inexorable march to the next conflict.
We are constantly admonished t pray for peace. I might add we also have to work for it and be eternally vigilant.
For those who think a strong military or personal defense is counter to real life, consider Jesus’ admonition in Matthew 12:29 and Mark 9:40: “How can anyone enter a strong man’s house and make off with his property unless he first ties him securely? Only then can he rob his house. He who is not with me is against me…”
Every time there is a crime committed by gun, the same forces of political correctness rise up to ban weapons, make ammunition unavailable, dent permits to carry and endless other efforts to disarm the population.
The reasons to disarm the population are simple: To gain and maintain control so the will of the despotic government can be forced on the people.
If the British were able to confiscate the weapons of the Colonials, the United States would never have come into existence.
Ask yourself – If your daughter is confronted by a rapist and she dials 911 as well as draws the weapon she was carefully trained to use, which would more likely guarantee her safety – the weapon or the policeman who is a mile away?
It’s all about power. Never forget it.
Werthmann - No more freedom of speech. Anyone who said something against the government was taken away. We knew many people who were arrested, not only Jews, but also priests and ministers who spoke up.
Totalitarianism didn't come quickly; it took 5 years from 1938 until 1943, to realize full dictatorship in Austria. Had it happened overnight, my countrymen would have fought to the last breath. Instead, we had creeping gradualism. Now, our only weapons were broom handles. The whole idea sounds almost unbelievable that the state, little by little eroded our freedom.
Commentary 14: The difference between a revolutionary and a progressive is the speed at which the intended goal is expected to be reached.
The revolutionary is always lurking under the skirts of the progressive because their goals are the same. The revolutionary wants it all now.
The progressive is satisfied to admire the “advances” of his forbears – in the case of the United States since 1877. Giant leaps were made under Presidents like Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt… with nods from nearly every other Administration in between.
Free speech has been under attack for generations. This is especially true on college campuses. Even on faith-sponsored campuses, radical leftists are always welcome to speak. Bring a conservative or devout Christian on campus and there are riots and threats, often with a faculty member in the lead.
In the primary and secondary grade levels, students are discouraged and often punished for expressing their own faith experiences.
The media is complicit in the unbalanced treatment of views left and right. Currently, the Tea Party movement is seen aas a threat for violence, while immigration law opponents freely throw bottles and deface buildings while frightening onlookers, yet are hardly taken notice of in the national media..
With the election of Barack Obama, one can sense the move from progressivism into revolution. Perhaps because its greatest promoter, Currency manipulator George Soros, is at an advanced age and he is eager to see his totalitarian dream fulfilled. Is the President so under Soros’ thumb that
Based on the tactics promulgated by Saul Alinsky and taught with fervor by Mr. Obama in Chicago, the pressure for change is the most intense in American history.
Spearheaded by 34 czars and other functionaries, their task is to push every aspect of society from finance, military, health care, education, law enforcement, production, international relations, agriculture, taxation, ad infinitum.
Sometimes the pressure is on one step at a time; other times several “emergencies” “must” be faced and dealt with or dire circumstances will befall us.
Pornography publishers have more explicit rights than people of faith in the modern climate.
Werthmann - After World War II, Russian troops occupied Austria . Women were raped, preteen to elderly. The press never wrote about this either. When the Soviets left in 1955, they took everything that they could, dismantling whole factories in the process. They sawed down whole orchards of fruit, and what they couldn't destroy, they burned. We called it The Burned Earth. Most of the population barricaded themselves in their houses. Women hid in their cellars for 6 weeks as the troops mobilized. Those who couldn’t paid the price. There is a monument in Vienna today, dedicated to those women who were massacred by the Russians. This is an eye witness account.
Commentary 15: Violence against women is a common denominator among all despotic regimes as well as conquering armies.
It is interesting the feminist groups that rose up in the 1970’s, taking their clues and leadership from elite schools for women such as Wellesley are very selective in which women’s rights are to be fought for or defended.
When conservative women are invited on campus for a speaking engagement, there are always violent protestors trying to disrupt their messages ad even their personal safety.
Feminist and progressive women speakers are nearly always treated with respect and loud cheers, even if their message is dumb as a rock and valueless.
Feminist organizations such as National Organization for Women (NOW) only come to the defense of radical women, but often attack conservatives.
Feminist groups never raise objection to the treatment of women in Islam, even for the cruel chlitorectomies they must endure, or the whippings, beheadings and family honor killings. Nary a word, as if they believe they would fare better under Sharia Law than a free and independent Constitutional Republic that is a gift from God and the sacrifices of many!
"It's true… those of us who sailed past the Statue of Liberty came to a country of unbelievable freedom and opportunity.
America Truly is the Greatest Country in the World. Don't Let Freedom Slip Away
"After America, There is No Place to Go"
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it!
For a complete history and survey of Austria:
Final Commentary: There are fundamental reasons why the Constitutional Republic of the United States has been so successful in bringing wealth and innovation to its people. Strangely enough, it boils down to:
An ideal prioritization of the normative sciences of philosophy – Beauty, Ethics and Logic in that order.
An unconscious but wildly successful application of the Catholic principles of subsidiarity and solidarity made the United States great and its people prosperous.
Subsidiarity meant people took personal responsibility for themselves first before seeking help from family, community, state or federal resources. They knew the higher up the ladder they went, the less time the higher entity should be involved in the problem.
Solidarity meant the community and the nation were of a common vision and strived to achieve national greatness in a nation dedicated to God and godly principles featuring Beauty first, protected by sound Constitutional Ethics and maintained by the Logic of Human Rights in the functions of government.
We are at a critical time in our history when the progressives feel their day has finally arrived after they worked so hard to destroy the Constitution, undermine our institutions and dissolve our borders, language and culture. They have little faith in the resilience of the human spirit or in Jesus’ promise that he will be with the Church “all days until the consummation of the world.”
This won’t necessarily stop them from creating chaos and bloodshed. Stalin killed by starvation and murder over 20,000,000, mostly Christians. A large part took place in the Ukraine, “The Breadbasket of Europe.” Living in “The Breadbasket of the World,” the San Joaquin Valley of California gives us great pause.
The Valley has been under attack from totalitarians posing as environmentalists for years. Our irrigation and urban water supplies have been interdicted by court orders to protect non-native fish, restoration of salmon runs and air pollution regulations that make pumping for our underground aquifers too costly. Our fertilizers and pesticides have been falsely accused of causing environmental damage and even the labor force has been put to challenge.
You may buy your food from a grocery store, but it may come as a shock to you that it all comes from the very farms your greenie friends want to shut down. This combination of ignorance and arrogance could well overwhelm the system wherein a food supply that can easily feed 12 billion people worldwide is only producing enough for the Gaian target of 500 million. What are your odds of survival unless you help stop this insanity?
The Nazi’s and the Communists battled in the streets of Austria in 1938. Both totalitarian systems should have been defeated and thrown out, just as the competing totalitarians both of the left must be defeated today. We are not a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic that functions best under the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity.
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it!
By: Kitty Werthmann with 2010 Commentaries by
Gerald V. Todd, Ph.D.
Kitty Werthmann: What I am about to tell you is something you've probably never heard or will ever read in history books.
I believe that I am an eyewitness to history. I cannot tell you that Hitler took Austria by tanks and guns; it would distort history. We elected him by a landslide - 98% of the vote. I've never read that in any American publications. Everyone thinks that Hitler just rolled in with his tanks and took Austria by force.
In 1938, Austria was in deep Depression. Nearly one-third of our workforce was unemployed. We had 25% inflation and 25% bank loan interest rates. Farmers and business people were declaring bankruptcy daily. Young people were going from house to house begging for food. Not that they didn't want to work; there simply weren't any jobs. My mother was a Christian woman and believed in helping people in need. Every day we cooked a big kettle of soup and baked bread to feed those poor, hungry people - about 30 daily. 0. Commentary 1: Progressives understand that the process is evolutionary rather than revolutionary. Like Nazi Germany after World War I, the people were desperate for a solution. The USA experienced a similar situation both during the Roosevelt-enhanced Depression of the 1930’s, but again during the Carter administration.
0. Few of us recall there was a serious depression following World War I into 1921. By cutting taxes and getting out of the way, the Warren G. Harding Administration brought on a recovery that is famously called “The Roaring Twenties!” They certainly didn’t roar because government got in the way. They did fail when the Progressives pushed their new control over the Wilson-born Federal Reserve and dried up the money supply. They just can’t stand prosperity they can’t control.
· Jump to the prosperous Post WWII era. People and their legislators were spending like there was no tomorrow. Inflation was running rampant and local taxes were out of control. In California, Proposition 13 was joined by Proposition 10. Proposition 13 was to reduce and control property taxes, the traditional source of funds for schools, streets, parks, fire and police services. Proposition 10 was to remove the traditional and biblical usury laws that limited lending charges to 10%. Both passed with significant desperate majorities, just like Austrians voted in Hitler.
· Property taxes were drastically reduced. At the same time interest rates skyrocketed under the guidance of Federal Reserve Chairman, Paul Volcker, who is now President Obama’s Chief Economics Advisor. Volcker was then and remains today an outspoken Progressive – of the totalitarian bent who understands how to pressure a populace. The lending that dried up in usury law states was again available. Rampant unemployment was caused by forced business failures in California, until Proposition 10 passed. For business operating costs, interest rates after Proposition 10 took far more out of the till than the property taxes that supported the community.
· After Proposition 13, local governments and school districts were suddenly strapped for cash and turned to the state for help. Over time, the states feeling similar pressures turned to a Federal Government that was all too willing to take on roles properly held by local and state entities. Health, education and welfare soon fell under Federal control and the costs and debts accelerated. The joy and chaos of local control was ceded to Federal bureaucracies that have no competence in the areas of health, education and welfare, nor the love required to make these fields effective for those they serve.
· The rise of a welfare industry, followed by national teachers’ unions and ultimately public employee unions have led to where today public employees make on average 45% more than those in the private sector whose taxes pay their salaries and bloated pensions and perks, including paid holidays no one in the private sector can afford.
· Unions lost their original purpose to insist on fair wages and working environments to power bases for corrupt leaders in cahoots with their government agency counterparts and often the businesses they are supposed to which they are charged to represent workers interests.
· In a piece I wrote in 1998, I warned of the then rising power of public employee unions:
o I’m for labor unions, but have a real problem with public employee unions. There’s a “Catch-22” here, because public employees need some form of collective bargaining at times, but the power they exercise in the body politic has become a possibly terminal cancer in our society.
o When they run their own candidates or push the election of others, they are cementing the status quo and bureaucratic inefficiency into the workings of the community and nation.
o See what a horrible price our children and wallets have paid for the power of the now well entrenched educational establishment!
o One politician’s ad (1998 was an election year) sneers that his opponent has a “0” National Education Association rating. That, for those of us who hate socialism from the core of our beings, is the highest praise one could reap on a candidate. For the rest of you, cry for your beloved country for what you are doing to it!
· World Events – 1938 © Information Please Almanac
World Statistics
population by decade
Nobel Peace Prize:
Office International Nansen pour les Réfugiés (Switzerland)
More World Statistics...
· Hitler marches into Austria; political and geographical union of Germany and Austria proclaimed.
· Munich Pact—Britain, France, and Italy agree to let Germany partition Czechoslovakia.
· Nazis destroy Jewish shops, homes, synagogues in Kristallnacht riots; 20,000-30,000 sent to concentration camps.
· First oil strike in Kuwait transforms the emirate's economy.
Welcome to the world of SEIU, UAW and the IBEW, currently harassing Tea Party gatherings trying to foment a violent reaction. Remember Mahatma Ghandi and Martin Luther King.
Werthmann - The Communist Party and the National Socialist Party were fighting each other. Blocks and blocks of cities like Vienna, Linz, and Graz were destroyed. The people became desperate and petitioned the government to let them decide what kind of government they wanted. We looked to our neighbor on the north, Germany, where Hitler had been in power since 1933. We had been told that they didn't have unemployment or crime, and they had a high standard of living. Nothing was ever said about persecution of any group -- Jewish or otherwise. We were led to believe that everyone was happy. We wanted the same way of life in Austria. We were promised that a vote for Hitler would mean the end of unemployment and help for the family. Hitler also said that businesses would be assisted, and farmers would get their farms back. Ninety-eight percent of the population voted to annex Austria to Germany and have Hitler for our ruler.
Commentary 2: Like Proposition 10 in California, the people with homes to buy, lives to live and businesses to run became desperate and were looking for a way out. Today, there are forces that control the Executive and Legislative branches of government with an overlay in the White House of unvetted “Czar’s” and a Congress run by determined totalitarians called Progressives. In the White House, the President’s Cabinet seems to have taken a subservient role in most traditional areas.
· There is an interesting oxymoron forming among White House appointees. The President is clearly opposed to traditional Christianity and Judaism with an obvious leaning toward Islam. This is not to be confused with the need for mutual respect among religious people, including sane foreign and domestic policies that support our fundamental rights and freedoms, equally for all. We should be that “shining city on a hill” that Ronald Reagan showed us. Too often we are exporting our lowest dimensions – Hollywood morality and draconian population control tactics instead of the freedoms that all mankind hopes for
· Currently, most Czars and other appointees are Maoists, communists, eugenicists, militant homosexuals and apostate Catholics and other Christians. That defines the left side of the structure that fits the George Soros image of the Center for American Progress. More recent appointments include “devout” Muslims in even Homeland Security assignments in spite of the recent terror attack on a State-side military base by a highly educated sworn Muslim officer. These are antithetical to the Maoist and homosexual elements in the Administration.
· Are these countering elements of totalitarianism, either as atheist communist or theocratic caliphates doomed to clash just as the Communists and the Nazi’s did to bring Austria to its knees? Which will it be; a one-world atheist totalitarian regime, or a one world Islamic caliphate? Is there room for our beloved Constitutional Republic? Constitutional Law and Sharia Law are totally incompatible. Yet certain privileges for Muslims were written into the Health Care Bill.
· Remember, Persia sided with the Nazi’s in World War II, even changing its name to Iran - a derivation of “Arian,” as in Master Race. Did you ever notice the demeanor and goose step marching style of the Iranian military, as well as its tactics in arming itself to the teeth with tacit approval of the Western elite?
· Aren’t you glad our world leaders have prevented Iran from gaining nuclear weapons technology?
a. Tehran threatens US cities with nuclear terror - if attacked - 13 April 2010: This warning, along with an announcement that Iran would join the world's nuclear club within a month, struck at the heart of President Barack Obama's Nuclear Security Summit. The Iranian publication Kayhan said: "If the US strikes Iran with nuclear weapons, there are elements which will respond with nuclear blasts in the centers of America's main cities."
b. DEBKAfile's military sources report this was the first time Tehran had threatened American cities with nuclear terror. Our Iranian sources say Tehran is playing brinkmanship to demonstrate that the Washington summit, from which Iran and North Korea were excluded, failed before it began, because terrorist elements capable of striking inside the US had already acquired nuclear devices for that purpose.
· Do you think that maybe the generally freedom-loving Iranian people are suffering today much as the Austrians were in 1938? Where was our foreign policy when these same people had an opportunity to regain control of their country by a proper, but then perverted election? Could the same be said about our relations with Columbia and Honduras and even Israel?
Werthmann - We were overjoyed, and for three days we danced in the streets and had candlelight parades. The new government opened up big field kitchens and everyone was fed. After the election, German officials were appointed, and like a miracle, we suddenly had law and order. Three or four weeks later, everyone was employed. The government made sure that a lot of work was created through the Public Work Service.
Commentary 3: Meet the people’s needs make them feel safe and provide “jobs.”
Masses of American people, with a heavy smattering of illegal’s are cheering the promise of “jobs” as their opportunities disappear and local businesses fail.
Most new jobs are government temporary programs such as the census. Unlike the Austrian “Public Work Service” the promised shovel ready projects are generally low on the Washington Administration’s priority.
Should we expect a sudden surge of now unspent “stimulus” funds to appear for union-sanctioned projects as the 2010 elections approach?
Werthmann - Hitler decided we should have equal rights for women. Before this, it was a custom that married Austrian women did not work outside the home. An able-bodied husband would be looked down on if he couldn't support his family. Many women in the teaching profession were elated that they could retain the jobs they previously had been required to give up for marriage.
Commentary 4: In the United States there was great pressure for an “Equal Rights Amendment” that would grant women the same privileges as men – especially they said, “Equal pay for equal work.” It was far more than that as Carter era high interest rates created economic chaos in order to pressure women into the workforce and to abandon their children to the abortion mill and the day care center.
In the USA, after World War II, it took a period of economic adjustment before prosperity kicked in. A large part of the credit goes to the vast numbers of college attendees on the GI Bill. America was on a roll in spite of the fears of Cold War with the USSR and military adventures in Korea and Vietnam.
In the Jimmy Carter era the nuclear family suffered from unemployment and high living costs with draconian interest rates affecting every level of production and sales, families could no longer afford to buy a home. The Federal Government changed the qualification rules so a woman’s income could be counted to qualify for an FHA or GI Bill home loan.
After the destruction of usury laws across the nation, as in California’s 1978 Propositions 10 and 13, women were FORCED into the work place by economic realities. Read Proverbs 31:10-31 for a woman’s rewarding role in the family. No feminist agenda can match this one!
Feminists such as Betty Friedan and Dr. Mary Jo Bane, Hillary Rodham’s mentor at Wellesley and the Clinton Administration’s first appointment, stated that. “Marriage must be abolished as it is only a means for men to control women and that children cannot be raised fairly in families. Children must be raised by the State!”
Feminists rose up demanding equal pay while denigrating the married woman and worse, her children. Abortion on demand and day care centers were only the beginning. Divorce rates soared and Federal regulations actually promoted family break-up under the rules in Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society.”
We wonder why so many women in the teaching profession, including nuns became such hard core feminists, carrying chips on their shoulders, and suckers for unionization. Did they abandon their students for a mess of pottage?
Hitler Targets Education - Eliminates Religious Instruction for Children:
Werthmann - Our education was nationalized. I attended a very good public school. The population was predominantly Catholic, so we had religion in our schools. The day we elected Hitler (March 13, 1938), I walked into my schoolroom to find the crucifix replaced by Hitler's picture hanging next to a Nazi flag. Our teacher, a very devout woman, stood up and told the class we wouldn't pray or have religion anymore. Instead, we sang "Deutschland, Deutschland, Uber Alles," and had physical education.
Sunday became National Youth Day with compulsory attendance. Parents were not pleased about the sudden change in curriculum. They were told that if they did not send us, they would receive a stiff letter of warning the first time. The second time they would be fined the equivalent of $300, and the third time they would be subject to jail. The first two hours consisted of political indoctrination. The rest of the day we had sports. As time went along, we loved it. Oh, we had so much fun and got our sports equipment free. We would go home and gleefully tell our parents about the wonderful time we had.
Commentary 5: Starting with the great charitable foundations launched by America’s Industrial Revolution barons, groups such as the Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford Foundations saw themselves as Educational change agents. Their founders surely would have rolled over in their graves.
Even the W. K. Kellogg Foundation built on children’s breakfast cereals became an avid supporter of Planned Parenthood. Talk about killing off one’s customer base!
Then the U. S. Department of Education arrives on the scene!
On November 9, 1938 Nazis destroy Jewish shops, homes, synagogues in Kristallnacht riots; 20,000-30,000 sent to concentration camps.
Hitler’s takeover of education was well-planned and staged from the first day.
Does this sound like the slow, deliberate driving of faith, religion and spirituality out of the classroom?
Actually, one religion, Christianity, was replaced by another – Nazi naturalism. Jews may have been an unhappy minority, but they did prosper in a Christian culture.
My own research reflects a plaintive song in “Fiddler on the Roof” – “If I were a rich man.” I love and detest the line: “Lord, you say we Jews are your chosen people… Couldn’t you choose someone else for a while?” The New Testament Book of Hebrews beautifully explains the unwelcome suffering and vilification of the Jewish people. In God’s plan, it is for the rest of us. Pray that we learn to appreciate it.
How many lawsuits have been initiated by single complainers, and often backed by an atheist anti-American group, the ACLU? Their purpose? To drive every aspect of moral guidance and religious faith as far from the classroom and public life as possible.
Sound religious and moral education is often enhanced by competitive sports and other challenges of the body, intellect and the spirit. Truth and reason are excellent partners. The Nazi’s took advantage of the enthusiasm of youth and the opportunities to brain wash them away from the influence of Godly parents.
The $300 fine and possible jail term for not sending Austrian children to the state school reminds us of the pressure on home schooling parents. There is a current thrust to require specific physical education programs for all children because of claimed rampant obesity. Is this another ploy to force the state’s nose under the quality education tent?
Home schooled kids consistently win local, state and national spelling bees and history contests. They tend to be well-mannered and able to matriculate in a wide variety of social settings.
Any sound education or religious program includes three elements; Spiritual, Service and Social – the “3 S’s.” Nazi and Gaian spirituality are both natural religion-based. While hard to tell the difference, it is Gaian spirituality – worship of the Earth that is the faith of the American public schools under Federal control and the totalitarians that run it. In the end, the goals are the same relative to centralized power over the masses.
How many children have been punished for praying or quoting the Bible or writing about their personal faith experiences?
Are Muslims being given special dispensations and religious privileges unavailable to the far greater Judeo-Christian populations? If not Constitutional, does it satisfy Sharia Law?
Werthmann - My mother was very unhappy. When the next term started, she took me out of public school and put me in a convent. I told her she couldn't do that and she told me that someday when I grew up, I would be grateful. There was a very good curriculum, but hardly any fun - no sports, and no political indoctrination. I hated it at first but felt I could tolerate it. Every once in a while, on holidays, I went home. I would go back to my old friends and ask what was going on and what they were doing. Their loose lifestyle was very alarming to me. They lived without religion. By that time unwed mothers were glorified for having a baby for Hitler. It seemed strange to me that our society changed so suddenly. As time went along, I realized what a great deed my mother did so that I wasn't exposed to that kind of humanistic philosophy.
Commentary 6: American public school parents have been told their children belong to the State when they are in attendance in school. What ever happened to the partnership of parent and school under the underlying principles of subsidiarity and solidarity?
The Great Society of President Lyndon B. Johnson began the breakdown of poor and minority families in particular. Once a poor woman bore a child and accepted assistance from government agencies, she could not be seen with a man in the house – husband, father figure or even maybe a well-meaning boyfriend. A man in the house disqualified her from assistance. The needs of a nuclear family were overthrown for the state’s belief that only it could raise children “fairly.”
Before the Great Society, illegitimate births among white and black populations was about on a par –far less than 15%. Today well over 70% of black births are out of wedlock, with whites at least triple what they were before the Great Society, thus creating the dependency Progressives need to “succeed.” None dare call it treason!
The whole concept of racial equality yielded Title 9 and other special privileges, forced bussing and school integration in spite of local norms and the ability of children to establish enduring friendships which are so vital in the course of growing up. One nun at a local Catholic school used a Title 9 copy machine for her regular students and was “caught” by a state inspector. She was fired on the spot.
When my wife ran a Catholic school in a rural community with a flow of migrant workers’ kids, she applied for a school lunch reimbursement through the State of California. For about $380/month in reimbursements, she had to have a volunteer do the required copious paper work which no one in Sacramento is dull enough to read. She also had to endure regular visits from her coordinator. The woman was based in Sacramento, flew to Bakersfield, stayed overnight, rented a car, drove to two schools and back to the airport where she flew back to Sacramento. When she did her report and who read it we’ll never know. In the meantime, my wife did the weekly shopping at a local wholesale house and accepted donations when available. She had a cadre of lovely volunteer mothers who cooked, served and cleaned up every day. One woman was paid to lead the menu and coordinate the volunteers. The lunch program was profitable at 50 cents a head and the kids ate far better than State specs.
Equal Rights Hits Home:
Werthmann - In 1939, the war started and a food bank was established. All food was rationed and could only be purchased using food stamps. At the same time, a full-employment law was passed which meant if you didn't work, you didn't get a ration card, and if you didn't have a card, you starved to death. Women who stayed home to raise their families didn't have any marketable skills and often had to take jobs more suited for men.
Soon after this, the draft was implemented. It was compulsory for young people, male and female, to give one year to the labor corps. During the day, the girls worked on the farms, and at night they returned to their barracks for military training just like the boys. They were trained to be anti-aircraft gunners and participated in the signal corps. After the labor corps, they were not discharged but were used in the front lines. When I go back to Austria to visit my family and friends, most of these women are emotional cripples because they just were not equipped to handle the horrors of combat. Three months before I turned 18, I was severely injured in an air raid attack. I nearly had a leg amputated, so I was spared having to go into the labor corps and into military service.
Commentary 7: President Obama during his campaign promised “a civilian defense corps as large as and well funded as the military.” Like the tiny nation of Israel which is in a constant state of warfare, Obama visualizes compulsory service by all young people for about two years.
The National Guard is organized along state lines, with each State’s Governor being the Commander-in-Chief. For the record, because of the strategic location and defense assets of Alaska, then Governor Sarah Palin had the highest security clearance and was often constrained from defending herself from scurrilous charges.
A federally controlled youth corps, given the Maoist qualities of the White house staff and advisers, one can be reasonably assured that there will be no instruction on the Constitution, states’ rights, American history or the privileges of citizenship. One can expect indoctrination to the duties to the Administration or Regime.
If any religion is to be extolled, it will be either that of worship of Gaia, the Earth Goddess under the green banner of environmentalism, or of Allah under Sharia Law. The two are grossly incompatible, thus creating an environment of potential conflict.
Certainly public service is a good thing, but like all human activity it must first be built on subsidiarity and solidarity. Americans have traditionally been the most active in voluntary service and giving at home and all over the world. They do so at their own expense or gather voluntary sponsorships from individuals, churches and service organizations.
Hitler Restructured the Family Through Daycare:
Werthmann - When the mothers had to go out into the work force, the government immediately established child care centers. You could take your children ages 4 weeks to school age and leave them there around-the-clock, 7 days a week, under the total care of the government. The state raised a whole generation of children.. There were no motherly women to take care of the children, just people highly trained in child psychology. By this time, no one talked about equal rights. We knew we had been had.
Commentary 8: While American children have been separated from parents and siblings, they have been exposed to just about everything except moral and religious principles. We can thank God for the church and synagogue sponsored day care centers that strived to instill moral values that do not run counter to their parents’ values.
Getting children away from their parents has been a Progressive goal for generations. The Equal Rights Amendment thrust of the 1970’s was all about the break-up of families and the indoctrination of the next generation.
Feminists and their negative views of femininity and masculinity were all too obvious and still affect the outlook and attitudes of the millions of them who have fund their way into the lower levels of the ruling class where they can do the most damage.
While Hitler’s Germany (and radicals Islamists of today) built up boys to be the Master Race’s warriors, the feminists have strived to reduce them to Metrosexuals with a revulsion for weapons and the natural right of self and family defense, another reason for their disdain of the Constitution.
The rate of divorce among child psychologists is quite a bit higher than the norm.
Health Care and Small Business Suffer under Government Controls:
Commentary 9: Small businesses have been the bulwark of the American dream. Over 75% of all employment in the private sector is in the small business arena.
Small businesses are also the seedbed of invention and innovation. Thousands have been absorbed by larger corporations with the ability to put their innovations to work in the broader marketplace.
Government interference and control has stifled many a new idea, job building opportunity and solution to real environmental and social problems. Follow the money trail.
Federal and State minimum wage laws are laudable in the sense that there are employers who will take undo advantage of their employees. Most would rather start a new entry at a low wage and reward good performance with frequent raises and ultimately promotions.
Pope Benedict in his encyclical Caritas in veritate speaks strongly for fair labor practices, but just as strongly for the individual employee to give his/her employer a full day’s work.
In a free enterprise environment, good employees don’t necessarily match up with a particular good employer. As the employee develops skills and discovers unique diverse gifts and talents, the opportunity is there to seek employment elsewhere.
Some employers will even create positions more suitable to a valued employee. Some even create new divisions or affiliates for the employee to develop and manage.
As an individual develops his/her diverse skills, talents and gifts, along with sound working relationships, the possibility of going into business for oneself is a common, risky and rewarding test of personal mettle.
How many small businesses fail under draconian governmental oversight?.
Werthmann - Before Hitler, we had very good medical care. Many American doctors trained at the University of Vienna. After Hitler, health care was socialized, free for everyone. Doctors were salaried by the government. The problem was, since it was free, the people were going to the doctors for everything. When the good doctor arrived at his office at 8 a.m., 40 people were already waiting and, at the same time, the hospitals were full. If you needed elective surgery, you had to wait a year or two for your turn. There was no money for research as it was poured into socialized medicine. Research at the medical schools literally stopped, so the best doctors left Austria and emigrated to other countries.
Commentary 10: There are three things government has no competence in: Health, Education and Welfare. As soon as there is government interference beyond monitoring for legality and outright criminal activity, costs skyrocket as paperwork becomes overwhelming and unqualified and disinterested bureaucrats.
Little by little pharmaceutical research has left the once center of innovation and technology, the USA, This is not because the business opportunities are lacking but because government has overwhelmed the system.
Anyone ever heard the term Brain Drain? That’s what happens when the best minds can no longer ply their ideas and trades and seek more fertile grounds to work in.
Progressives just can’t grasp that with the loss of keen minds, support jobs and industries disappear with them.
California’s Silicon Valley is a classic example of a brain drain and subsequent loss of local employment. It wasn’t just jobs in the affected industries, but every level of human society from the local grocery to the coffee shop to entertainment and even medical services.
Church attendance may have fallen off a bit, but with SV’s prosperity, it no longer “needed” God. Church attendance per capita in the area is among the lowest in the nation. I don’t know if they’ve started to climb out of their foxholes yet - or if they’re finally diving into them.
As for healthcare, our tax rates went up to 80% of our income. Newlyweds immediately received a $1,000 loan from the government to establish a household. We had big programs for families. All day care and education were free. High schools were taken over by the government and college tuition was subsidized. Everyone was entitled to free handouts, such as food stamps, clothing, and housing. We had another agency designed to monitor business. My brother-in-law owned a restaurant that had square tables. Government officials told him he had to replace them with round tables because people might bump themselves on the corners. Then they said he had to have additional bathroom facilities. It was just a small dairy business with a snack bar. He couldn't meet all the demands. Soon, he went out of business. If the government owned the large businesses and not many small ones existed, it could be in control.
We had consumer protection. We were told how to shop and what to buy. Free enterprise was essentially abolished. We had a planning agency specially designed for farmers. The agents would go to the farms, count the live-stock, then tell the farmers what to produce, and how to produce it.
Commentary 11: The creation of a dependent populace is the nirvana of the despot. One can apply government incompetence in Health, Education and Welfare to every aspect of daily life. It is always for our own good, for the children, for the poor and minorities, ad nauseum.
Austrians soon learned that government run health care meant the absconding of the bulk of a family’s income.
With no money to buy the necessities, much less the pleasures of life, small businesses failed in Austria just as they are failing in the United States.
Food production across the United States has been under serious progressive and environmentalist attack for years.
The California Sacramento/San Joaquin Valley is called “The Breadbasket of he World.” One environmental lawsuit after another, coupled with draconian rules against moving water from the very wet Northern California area to the dryer Southern regions has cut off much water.
With the snow melt flowing in rivers from the Sierra Nevada’s, environmentalists have interdicted another vital source of drinking and irrigation water by insisting on the restoration of salmon runs. This means billions of gallons of water is simply flushed to the ocean.
The San Joaquin Valley as in much of arid Southern California is deep and replenishable water aquifers. Farmers and local water districts carefully manage the percolation of spring runoff and rainwater into the aquifers. Engine or electric motor driven pumps draw out the water for irrigating surface crops from fodder for cattle to pistachios and every type of vegetables. Crazy rules against diesel/natural gas driven pumps have made it very difficult for farmers to grow profitably. Recent air pollution regulations are forcing farmers to convert their engine-driven (efficient) pumps to electric motors. One minor problem – due to other environmental nonsense, there isn’t enough generating capacity to provide power to the pumps. FYI, it takes three times as much fossil fuel or other source to generate the power at a central power plant to send to the irrigation pump motors than to burn the fuel in on site engines and power the pumps directly.
Food Nazi’s have made the baby carrot the number one snack food for pretty good reasons. These baby carrots began life as culls, twisted, split or misshapen carrots that cannot be sent to market, so were sold to cattle feeders at about $17/ton. An innovative grower and his publicist, a brilliant woman, came up with the idea of shaping the culls into small carrot-shaped morsels called baby carrots. The rest is history.
The grindings from shaping the culls are turned into carrot powder, carotene, food additives and a variety of other uses. Everything but the squeal is put to use – all without a bureaucrat’s demand – save that “evil” use of water to irrigate the carrot plants. Is this another example of the despot cutting off his nose to spite his face?
Not to be diverted from their goal of a world population, reduced from about 7 billion to 500 million, it is necessary to starve out the population, short of outright slaughter. Are we like a frog in a pot of slowly heating water, or re we ready to jump?
David J. Hayes - California Water Czar - Sr. Fellow of radical environmentalist group, “Progress Policy”. No training or experience in water management whatsoever.
"Mercy Killing" Redefined:
Werthmann - In 1944, I was a student teacher in a small village in the Alps. The villagers were surrounded by mountain passes which, in the winter, were closed off with snow, causing people to be isolated. So people intermarried and offspring were sometimes retarded. When I arrived, I was told there were 15 mentally retarded adults, but they were all useful and did good manual work. I knew one, named Vincent, very well. He was a janitor of the school. One day I looked out the window and saw Vincent and others getting into a van. I asked my superior where they were going. She said to an institution where the State Health Department would teach them a trade, and to read and write. The families were required to sign papers with a little clause that they could not visit for 6 months. They were told visits would interfere with the program and might cause homesickness.
As time passed, letters started to dribble back saying these people died a natural, merciful death. The villagers were not fooled. We suspected what was happening. Those people left in excellent physical health and all died within 6 months. We called this euthanasia.
Commentary 12: The time when to cease treatment and prepare a person for the inevitable has always been a heart-wrenching experience for all involved.
With a belief in the afterlife held by most religious people, the prospect of leaving this Earth is not as frightening for those of little or no faith. Perhaps that is why people of faith live a more contended and longer life.
Technology has extended our life spans – I should have been dead of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma five years ago save for excellent medical diagnosis, treatment and care by highly trained and dedicated professionals.
This very availability of technology has also provided a variety of life support systems for ill and injured people who would have died without such support. The question often becomes when to pull the plug.
Traditionally, it is family, doctor and clergy that participate in these life and death decisions.
The Austrian experience is paralleled by my wife’s friend who bore a baby with spina bifida, the exposure of the spinal cord at its base. Kaiser Hospital in Palo Alto advised her to leave the baby with them to be made comfortable as he dies. This was 35 or so years ago! My wife and her friend stood guard over Jimmy until he was released from the hospital after some corrective surgery. Jimmy grew up wheel chair bound, but with a brilliant and productive mind and a strong sense of competition. He was National Wheelchair Racing Champion one year!
Life and death decisions based on economic viability create deep moral problems for all involved. The current Health Care Bill passed by the US Congress and signed by the President has ultimate decisions made by bureaucrats far from the attending physician and the subject individual.
The White House chose to fill its Alinsky-trained action groups with so-called czars who were not vetted in the normal way of Cabinet officials. We have learned they are by and large of a mindset that puts little or no value on human life. Among these are radical environmentalists, eugenicists, Maoists, Communists and apostate Christians, including the President and his wife who are ardent supporters of partial birth abortion.
These are the folks who will send the van for you when you’re no longer economically viable in their view. Given their disdain for free enterprise, becoming economically unviable won’t be too difficult.
Nancy-Ann DeParle - Health Czar - Former head of Medicare / Medicaid. Strong Health Care Rationing proponent. She is married to a reporter for The New York Times.
The Final Steps - Gun Laws:
Werthmann - Next came gun registration. People were getting injured by guns. Hitler said that the real way to catch criminals (we still had a few) was by matching serial numbers on guns. Most citizens were law abiding and dutifully marched to the police station to register their firearms. Not long after-wards, the police said that it was best for everyone to turn in their guns. The authorities already knew who had them, so it was futile not to comply voluntarily.
Commentary 13: The history of mankind shows that there will be wars and rumors of wars until the end. This is because we have been given both tremendous capability for good or evil and a free will to decide how to use them.
No amount of parading or marching for peace will stop the inexorable march to the next conflict.
We are constantly admonished t pray for peace. I might add we also have to work for it and be eternally vigilant.
For those who think a strong military or personal defense is counter to real life, consider Jesus’ admonition in Matthew 12:29 and Mark 9:40: “How can anyone enter a strong man’s house and make off with his property unless he first ties him securely? Only then can he rob his house. He who is not with me is against me…”
Every time there is a crime committed by gun, the same forces of political correctness rise up to ban weapons, make ammunition unavailable, dent permits to carry and endless other efforts to disarm the population.
The reasons to disarm the population are simple: To gain and maintain control so the will of the despotic government can be forced on the people.
If the British were able to confiscate the weapons of the Colonials, the United States would never have come into existence.
Ask yourself – If your daughter is confronted by a rapist and she dials 911 as well as draws the weapon she was carefully trained to use, which would more likely guarantee her safety – the weapon or the policeman who is a mile away?
It’s all about power. Never forget it.
Werthmann - No more freedom of speech. Anyone who said something against the government was taken away. We knew many people who were arrested, not only Jews, but also priests and ministers who spoke up.
Totalitarianism didn't come quickly; it took 5 years from 1938 until 1943, to realize full dictatorship in Austria. Had it happened overnight, my countrymen would have fought to the last breath. Instead, we had creeping gradualism. Now, our only weapons were broom handles. The whole idea sounds almost unbelievable that the state, little by little eroded our freedom.
Commentary 14: The difference between a revolutionary and a progressive is the speed at which the intended goal is expected to be reached.
The revolutionary is always lurking under the skirts of the progressive because their goals are the same. The revolutionary wants it all now.
The progressive is satisfied to admire the “advances” of his forbears – in the case of the United States since 1877. Giant leaps were made under Presidents like Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt… with nods from nearly every other Administration in between.
Free speech has been under attack for generations. This is especially true on college campuses. Even on faith-sponsored campuses, radical leftists are always welcome to speak. Bring a conservative or devout Christian on campus and there are riots and threats, often with a faculty member in the lead.
In the primary and secondary grade levels, students are discouraged and often punished for expressing their own faith experiences.
The media is complicit in the unbalanced treatment of views left and right. Currently, the Tea Party movement is seen aas a threat for violence, while immigration law opponents freely throw bottles and deface buildings while frightening onlookers, yet are hardly taken notice of in the national media..
With the election of Barack Obama, one can sense the move from progressivism into revolution. Perhaps because its greatest promoter, Currency manipulator George Soros, is at an advanced age and he is eager to see his totalitarian dream fulfilled. Is the President so under Soros’ thumb that
Based on the tactics promulgated by Saul Alinsky and taught with fervor by Mr. Obama in Chicago, the pressure for change is the most intense in American history.
Spearheaded by 34 czars and other functionaries, their task is to push every aspect of society from finance, military, health care, education, law enforcement, production, international relations, agriculture, taxation, ad infinitum.
Sometimes the pressure is on one step at a time; other times several “emergencies” “must” be faced and dealt with or dire circumstances will befall us.
Pornography publishers have more explicit rights than people of faith in the modern climate.
Werthmann - After World War II, Russian troops occupied Austria . Women were raped, preteen to elderly. The press never wrote about this either. When the Soviets left in 1955, they took everything that they could, dismantling whole factories in the process. They sawed down whole orchards of fruit, and what they couldn't destroy, they burned. We called it The Burned Earth. Most of the population barricaded themselves in their houses. Women hid in their cellars for 6 weeks as the troops mobilized. Those who couldn’t paid the price. There is a monument in Vienna today, dedicated to those women who were massacred by the Russians. This is an eye witness account.
Commentary 15: Violence against women is a common denominator among all despotic regimes as well as conquering armies.
It is interesting the feminist groups that rose up in the 1970’s, taking their clues and leadership from elite schools for women such as Wellesley are very selective in which women’s rights are to be fought for or defended.
When conservative women are invited on campus for a speaking engagement, there are always violent protestors trying to disrupt their messages ad even their personal safety.
Feminist and progressive women speakers are nearly always treated with respect and loud cheers, even if their message is dumb as a rock and valueless.
Feminist organizations such as National Organization for Women (NOW) only come to the defense of radical women, but often attack conservatives.
Feminist groups never raise objection to the treatment of women in Islam, even for the cruel chlitorectomies they must endure, or the whippings, beheadings and family honor killings. Nary a word, as if they believe they would fare better under Sharia Law than a free and independent Constitutional Republic that is a gift from God and the sacrifices of many!
"It's true… those of us who sailed past the Statue of Liberty came to a country of unbelievable freedom and opportunity.
America Truly is the Greatest Country in the World. Don't Let Freedom Slip Away
"After America, There is No Place to Go"
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it!
For a complete history and survey of Austria:
Final Commentary: There are fundamental reasons why the Constitutional Republic of the United States has been so successful in bringing wealth and innovation to its people. Strangely enough, it boils down to:
An ideal prioritization of the normative sciences of philosophy – Beauty, Ethics and Logic in that order.
An unconscious but wildly successful application of the Catholic principles of subsidiarity and solidarity made the United States great and its people prosperous.
Subsidiarity meant people took personal responsibility for themselves first before seeking help from family, community, state or federal resources. They knew the higher up the ladder they went, the less time the higher entity should be involved in the problem.
Solidarity meant the community and the nation were of a common vision and strived to achieve national greatness in a nation dedicated to God and godly principles featuring Beauty first, protected by sound Constitutional Ethics and maintained by the Logic of Human Rights in the functions of government.
We are at a critical time in our history when the progressives feel their day has finally arrived after they worked so hard to destroy the Constitution, undermine our institutions and dissolve our borders, language and culture. They have little faith in the resilience of the human spirit or in Jesus’ promise that he will be with the Church “all days until the consummation of the world.”
This won’t necessarily stop them from creating chaos and bloodshed. Stalin killed by starvation and murder over 20,000,000, mostly Christians. A large part took place in the Ukraine, “The Breadbasket of Europe.” Living in “The Breadbasket of the World,” the San Joaquin Valley of California gives us great pause.
The Valley has been under attack from totalitarians posing as environmentalists for years. Our irrigation and urban water supplies have been interdicted by court orders to protect non-native fish, restoration of salmon runs and air pollution regulations that make pumping for our underground aquifers too costly. Our fertilizers and pesticides have been falsely accused of causing environmental damage and even the labor force has been put to challenge.
You may buy your food from a grocery store, but it may come as a shock to you that it all comes from the very farms your greenie friends want to shut down. This combination of ignorance and arrogance could well overwhelm the system wherein a food supply that can easily feed 12 billion people worldwide is only producing enough for the Gaian target of 500 million. What are your odds of survival unless you help stop this insanity?
The Nazi’s and the Communists battled in the streets of Austria in 1938. Both totalitarian systems should have been defeated and thrown out, just as the competing totalitarians both of the left must be defeated today. We are not a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic that functions best under the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity.
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it!
THE AGE OF REASON by Thomas Paine - FULL Audio Book | Greatest Audio Books - YouTube
This is an interesting free audiobook of Thomas Paine’s “Age of Reason.” I got into what I first thought was an intelligent discussion with “Love Logic.” Turns out I inadvertently hit his nadir - something one doesn’t do to a “progressive” – unless you want to learn some new names describing yourself. He says he blocked my responses after his last post. Reminds me of a law professor I used to enjoy sparring with – until I failed to take Sandra Fluke’s side in her quest for large quantities of free contraceptives paid for by her Catholic Law School. That was long before Sandra and Nancy Pelosi further defined the necessity, not only for free contraceptives, but free abortifacients.
You have to click on the See More… of the conversation – if you want a little entertainment. I’m frankly disappointed.
You have to click on the See More… of the conversation – if you want a little entertainment. I’m frankly disappointed.
A Baptist Preacher Fires Back at a Republican (Circular) Firing Squad
First Union Missionary Baptist Church, Meridian, MS is where we learned how Thad Cochran’s corrupt Senatorial re-election campaign upped the black vote by 30,000 over the last election with blatant lies and “walking around money” to narrowly beat opponent Chris McDaniel. The folks there are a bit upset with church member Rev. Stevie Fielder, the guy who broke the news. The media erroneously reported he was an Associate Pastor. No one I know blames the congregation for yielding to endless propaganda and sleazy enticements.
These very nice folks are upset with themselves for being sucked into an evil election pursuit. Politics as usual, some will say. Democrat politics for sure. It’s just not becoming of Republicans to use the same tactics when they have truth on their side – as Ben Franklin said to the lady – “We’ve given you a Republic Madam, if you can keep it!” Problem is, we have a nation that is going down the tubes due to politics as usual and the vaunted “Change” promised and being delivered by a corrupt “progressive” Administration and Senate Leadership.
The RINO Barbour’s of Mississippi and their Capitol Resources, LLC are spreading their tentacles and dirty money all over the South to attack and beat “evil racist” Tea Party and conservative candidates. Sorovian’s all!
At least McDaniel is fighting back:,657701 The Conservative Action Fund is raising money for the battle. For every black who has wised up, thanks to Rev. Fielder, I’d suggest he or she send any $15 walking around money to the Conservative Action Fund with a letter of long overdue support.
First Union and other black congregations around the country are about to find out they have far more in common with the Tea Party philosophy. Start here: and Pick your subject or contributor and see what I mean.
The lies they’ve been fed mostly by “progressives” posing as Democrats and of late, RINO “progressives” posing as Republicans cannot stand. The key word is “progressive” – a return to the original label of the “Eugenicist movement” that sought to control black, brown, Jew and Catholic per Margaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood. Margaret launched her career with a speech to a New Jersey chapter of the Ku Klux Klan in 1924. In the 1930’s she advised Adolph Hitler on his “Jewish problem.”
“During the 1960's, First Union stood out as the church unquestionably supported the civil rights movement. The congregation provided a place of refuge along with a place to meet and assemble. The membership felt a part of that progressive movement. Today First Union is a congregation which shows compassion and concern for its members and the community. The auxiliaries work to strengthen the spiritual and physical wellbeing of the members.” From “About Us” on the First Union Facebook page.
“The church always has played a pivotal role in the black community, especially during the Civil Rights Movement, when it was seen as a place of hope, restoration and revitalization. Not only was it a place for worship, it was a place where civil rights leaders such as the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Ralph Abernathy and Medgar Evers spoke. However, there are some who believe that role has changed and that the church is becoming a place to be entertained rather than a place to worship.” Sherry P. Shephard , The Shreveport (La.) Times 9:03 a.m. EST February 9, 2014
How many blacks, overcome with fear their lifestyles will be destroyed by “evil Tea Partiers,” voted twice or as ineligible under Mississippi law, or just voted by being sucked in by the typical Democrat and RINO propaganda campaigns? We won’t know until poll results are thoroughly examined and challenged.
As a California Republican, far away from Mississippi, but victimized by parallel tactics against Candidate Tim Donnelly, there are very long odds of Governor Jerry Brown actually returning to his well-educated Catholic roots, become a Classic Liberal and throw every “progressive” on his payroll out in the street to join the workers, students, teachers, businesses and dreamers of all races and ethnicities whose lives they’ve screwed up for years.
Could anti 2nd Amendment California Republican candidate Neel Kashkari match that? Surely a RINO wet dream! Tea Party dead, racist or both? My sweet patootie!
These very nice folks are upset with themselves for being sucked into an evil election pursuit. Politics as usual, some will say. Democrat politics for sure. It’s just not becoming of Republicans to use the same tactics when they have truth on their side – as Ben Franklin said to the lady – “We’ve given you a Republic Madam, if you can keep it!” Problem is, we have a nation that is going down the tubes due to politics as usual and the vaunted “Change” promised and being delivered by a corrupt “progressive” Administration and Senate Leadership.
The RINO Barbour’s of Mississippi and their Capitol Resources, LLC are spreading their tentacles and dirty money all over the South to attack and beat “evil racist” Tea Party and conservative candidates. Sorovian’s all!
At least McDaniel is fighting back:,657701 The Conservative Action Fund is raising money for the battle. For every black who has wised up, thanks to Rev. Fielder, I’d suggest he or she send any $15 walking around money to the Conservative Action Fund with a letter of long overdue support.
First Union and other black congregations around the country are about to find out they have far more in common with the Tea Party philosophy. Start here: and Pick your subject or contributor and see what I mean.
The lies they’ve been fed mostly by “progressives” posing as Democrats and of late, RINO “progressives” posing as Republicans cannot stand. The key word is “progressive” – a return to the original label of the “Eugenicist movement” that sought to control black, brown, Jew and Catholic per Margaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood. Margaret launched her career with a speech to a New Jersey chapter of the Ku Klux Klan in 1924. In the 1930’s she advised Adolph Hitler on his “Jewish problem.”
“During the 1960's, First Union stood out as the church unquestionably supported the civil rights movement. The congregation provided a place of refuge along with a place to meet and assemble. The membership felt a part of that progressive movement. Today First Union is a congregation which shows compassion and concern for its members and the community. The auxiliaries work to strengthen the spiritual and physical wellbeing of the members.” From “About Us” on the First Union Facebook page.
“The church always has played a pivotal role in the black community, especially during the Civil Rights Movement, when it was seen as a place of hope, restoration and revitalization. Not only was it a place for worship, it was a place where civil rights leaders such as the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Ralph Abernathy and Medgar Evers spoke. However, there are some who believe that role has changed and that the church is becoming a place to be entertained rather than a place to worship.” Sherry P. Shephard , The Shreveport (La.) Times 9:03 a.m. EST February 9, 2014
How many blacks, overcome with fear their lifestyles will be destroyed by “evil Tea Partiers,” voted twice or as ineligible under Mississippi law, or just voted by being sucked in by the typical Democrat and RINO propaganda campaigns? We won’t know until poll results are thoroughly examined and challenged.
As a California Republican, far away from Mississippi, but victimized by parallel tactics against Candidate Tim Donnelly, there are very long odds of Governor Jerry Brown actually returning to his well-educated Catholic roots, become a Classic Liberal and throw every “progressive” on his payroll out in the street to join the workers, students, teachers, businesses and dreamers of all races and ethnicities whose lives they’ve screwed up for years.
Could anti 2nd Amendment California Republican candidate Neel Kashkari match that? Surely a RINO wet dream! Tea Party dead, racist or both? My sweet patootie!
Obama’s Brilliant Invasion
A very upset retired Catholic doctor and his wife called Rush Limbaugh on 7/8/14 revealing a "secret" meeting of FEMA/DHS and the local Bishop with advisers requesting the Diocese of San Bernardino take in the swarm of Obama "children" from Central America and distribute them to Catholic homes - fleas, e bola, tuberculosis and all - "just for a month." They were told in the meeting not to inform the media. Doctors and nurses also have a gag order under threat. One Republican Congressman was not allowed into a facility in his own District. Even leftist sympathizer Senator McCain was not allowed to speak to or photograph the “children.” Even certified church pastors are not being admitted – yet they are expected to feed and house selected children. I suspect the ones like those shown in the photo will be shipped “elsewhere,” while the apparently few little girls and boys will be allowed to the churches.
Knowing the Church's option for the poor and the stranger, these lowlifes are pitting Catholics' natural Christian charity against them to cover for Obama and his handlers’ chicanery. Back in January, the Administration was advertising for handlers of a large group of young children expected to emigrate from Central America to the USA.
4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules (Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals – dedicated to Lucifer – and a 1969 winner of the vaunted “Pacem in Terris Award”)
Beyond social justice it's time to consider Equal Justice before we lose both Church and Constitutional Republic in the United States. This is the same Administration that has been in all-out war with the Church via health care, education and freedom of speech.
Suddenly, also revealed is another 2008 Obama campaign promise (yay!) to form "a civilian force equal to and as well-funded as the military." John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute wrote a piece - "13 Proofs Obama is making DHS his private army.
Couple this with 200 top line admirals, generals and senior officers slowly relieved of command, 5 aircraft carriers docked side by side on the East Coast as a single target, “sex scandals” among the highly trained nuclear force and military bases converted to FEMA camps. FEMA camps for who? The surge of a preplanned illegal invasion? Or for Americans who oppose this chicanery? Do goons outgun patriots among the civilian and military populations?
Dr Lee Vliet MD @healthandcents Let's be clear: #illegals NOT all "young children": recent reports 80% male, 83% over 14. I received this photo and comment from Dr. Vliet who felt that he, like me, thought the robust, healthy young men were far from the starving children one would expect from the media descriptions. The ones in the front row look more like Chechnya’s than Honduran’s.
The plot thickens: “But not only are jihad border jumpers coming across. An east TX Walmart shopper this week found on the store’s pavement a prison wristband of Hagi Enea, a Romanian immigrant who was arrested in Pinal County, AZ on May 21, 2014, (3) (This date correction appears at AZ When she called the AZ county’s prisoner intake she allegedly was told “they are released back into the local community if someone PAYS A BOND ON THEM.” So a quick Facebook search of his profile says he’s in Madrid, Spain even as the Mineola, TX shopper is looking at proof of Subject ID #349873946!”
There are also reports – 59,000 more were on the way in Mexico – with some reports indicating up to 300,000 by the end of the year. And just over the border in Baja California an innocent US Marine is in a Mexican prison for 100 days with no help from his Commander-in-Chief.
Pile this on with big time Obama supporter, co-founder and Director of COSTCO Jim Sinegal, a major Democrat donor and a speaker at the 2012 Democratic National Convention orders the removal of Dinesh D'Souza's book "America" pulled from COSTCO shelves nationwide. Read more at The movie is getting 5 star ratings. Freedom of Speech ends at the door to your local COSTCO – save for overwhelming customer ire that forced a change of heart.
I’m taking my Grandchildren to see “America” while making up my mind about renewing my COSTCO membership due this month. It’s past time to call these “Nuevo riche” billionaires who never had a Civics class on the carpet or unfortunately went to an Ivy League school. Amassing vast wealth doesn’t make one wise or apparently grateful. Evidence tells us wisdom goes flying off with the chits and too often, the generations if our major foundations are any evidence.
The Constitution was written for a righteous people. Without a people of moral character it cannot stand. Abusing the Constitution out of a moral and natural law context, were it a religion, it would be called heresy or apostasy.
We who love this country have always had a strong sense of propriety, coupled with subsidiarity – the opposite of entitlement. If someone is offended by something we hold dear, we try to make room for them out of kindness. Only problem is, "progressives", like jihadist's, use our morality and our laws against us. It has been going on so long, we don't even know how to react or to "put on the whole armor of God" to stand in this evil day of a vacuum being filled before our eyes – demons far worse than the ones our Founders cast out.
This is far from a "war on terror." It's spiritual warfare between two cults of death with the rest of us stuck in the middle – Caliphate Islam and the "progressive" movement. Unfortunately, spiritual warfare more often than not spills more blood than a simple street brawl - especially if one side thinks it’s going to heaven for killing anyone in its way and the other thinks nothing of killing anything that is not convenient or economically viable.
Here we’re in the worst kind of war and we must not forget the "whole armor of God" will bring us through. We have to deal with the fact that God also loves jihadist’s and “progressives.” It’s never between us and them. It’s always between all of us and God.
Pray and Act.
Knowing the Church's option for the poor and the stranger, these lowlifes are pitting Catholics' natural Christian charity against them to cover for Obama and his handlers’ chicanery. Back in January, the Administration was advertising for handlers of a large group of young children expected to emigrate from Central America to the USA.
4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules (Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals – dedicated to Lucifer – and a 1969 winner of the vaunted “Pacem in Terris Award”)
Beyond social justice it's time to consider Equal Justice before we lose both Church and Constitutional Republic in the United States. This is the same Administration that has been in all-out war with the Church via health care, education and freedom of speech.
Suddenly, also revealed is another 2008 Obama campaign promise (yay!) to form "a civilian force equal to and as well-funded as the military." John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute wrote a piece - "13 Proofs Obama is making DHS his private army.
Couple this with 200 top line admirals, generals and senior officers slowly relieved of command, 5 aircraft carriers docked side by side on the East Coast as a single target, “sex scandals” among the highly trained nuclear force and military bases converted to FEMA camps. FEMA camps for who? The surge of a preplanned illegal invasion? Or for Americans who oppose this chicanery? Do goons outgun patriots among the civilian and military populations?
Dr Lee Vliet MD @healthandcents Let's be clear: #illegals NOT all "young children": recent reports 80% male, 83% over 14. I received this photo and comment from Dr. Vliet who felt that he, like me, thought the robust, healthy young men were far from the starving children one would expect from the media descriptions. The ones in the front row look more like Chechnya’s than Honduran’s.
The plot thickens: “But not only are jihad border jumpers coming across. An east TX Walmart shopper this week found on the store’s pavement a prison wristband of Hagi Enea, a Romanian immigrant who was arrested in Pinal County, AZ on May 21, 2014, (3) (This date correction appears at AZ When she called the AZ county’s prisoner intake she allegedly was told “they are released back into the local community if someone PAYS A BOND ON THEM.” So a quick Facebook search of his profile says he’s in Madrid, Spain even as the Mineola, TX shopper is looking at proof of Subject ID #349873946!”
There are also reports – 59,000 more were on the way in Mexico – with some reports indicating up to 300,000 by the end of the year. And just over the border in Baja California an innocent US Marine is in a Mexican prison for 100 days with no help from his Commander-in-Chief.
Pile this on with big time Obama supporter, co-founder and Director of COSTCO Jim Sinegal, a major Democrat donor and a speaker at the 2012 Democratic National Convention orders the removal of Dinesh D'Souza's book "America" pulled from COSTCO shelves nationwide. Read more at The movie is getting 5 star ratings. Freedom of Speech ends at the door to your local COSTCO – save for overwhelming customer ire that forced a change of heart.
I’m taking my Grandchildren to see “America” while making up my mind about renewing my COSTCO membership due this month. It’s past time to call these “Nuevo riche” billionaires who never had a Civics class on the carpet or unfortunately went to an Ivy League school. Amassing vast wealth doesn’t make one wise or apparently grateful. Evidence tells us wisdom goes flying off with the chits and too often, the generations if our major foundations are any evidence.
The Constitution was written for a righteous people. Without a people of moral character it cannot stand. Abusing the Constitution out of a moral and natural law context, were it a religion, it would be called heresy or apostasy.
We who love this country have always had a strong sense of propriety, coupled with subsidiarity – the opposite of entitlement. If someone is offended by something we hold dear, we try to make room for them out of kindness. Only problem is, "progressives", like jihadist's, use our morality and our laws against us. It has been going on so long, we don't even know how to react or to "put on the whole armor of God" to stand in this evil day of a vacuum being filled before our eyes – demons far worse than the ones our Founders cast out.
This is far from a "war on terror." It's spiritual warfare between two cults of death with the rest of us stuck in the middle – Caliphate Islam and the "progressive" movement. Unfortunately, spiritual warfare more often than not spills more blood than a simple street brawl - especially if one side thinks it’s going to heaven for killing anyone in its way and the other thinks nothing of killing anything that is not convenient or economically viable.
Here we’re in the worst kind of war and we must not forget the "whole armor of God" will bring us through. We have to deal with the fact that God also loves jihadist’s and “progressives.” It’s never between us and them. It’s always between all of us and God.
Pray and Act.
When Was It A Good Idea For A Senator To Run For President?
Gerald Todd — June 16, 2014
To date, sixteen senators have also served as president of the United States. Three senators–Warren G. Harding, John F. Kennedy, and Barack Obama–moved directly from the U.S. Senate to the White House. All three moved up since the passage of the 17th Amendment to the Constitution:
17th Amendment Section 1.
The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.
While this simple amendment seems very democratic and harmless enough, the full intent was to destroy states’ rights so the Senators no longer served as effective lobbyists for the interests of the state legislatures that once elected them.
The method of representation of all too many Senators, with respect to their states’ interests, has produced utter chaos by striving to fulfill the “progressive” agenda. In effect, this reduced the number of potential managerially–qualified Presidential candidates by 2/3rds. Even the excellent Republican Senators that are at the top of the popular list have to overcome the handicap of being Senators under the 17th Amendment. This can be dealt with:
The frustration of California farmers and voters over the malfeasance of Senator Barbara Boxer – not to mention two Democrat Congressmen — shows on a highway sign that pleads to stop Boxer, Nancy Pelosi, and Congressman Jim Costa. Since the San Joaquin Valley of California produces a significant amount of our national and world food supply, this denial of water to a normally arid and fertile valley is criminal and even treasonous.
State governors, due to the requirements of their office, come better prepared for the business and human contact aspects of the Presidency. They are also conditioned to seek solutions to problems. State legislators are elected by their district constituencies and are responsible to them. The Governor manages the interests of all subject to the legislature. The Senator is obligated to represent the state government’s interests at the nation’s capital – except under the 17th Amendment.
A Governor or a Senator who has the experience of representing the state’s interests could make an excellent Presidential candidate from either party. By Senators, as members of a tight club with little interest in their state’s needs, they easily become victims to the siren call of the “progressive” who has no respect for the sanctity of human life or the nation and its Constitution. Liberal or conservative, the “progressive” philosophy benefits no one save human greed. Like the 17th Amendment, they consistently violate the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity leading to selfishness and dependency.
The views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by
To date, sixteen senators have also served as president of the United States. Three senators–Warren G. Harding, John F. Kennedy, and Barack Obama–moved directly from the U.S. Senate to the White House. All three moved up since the passage of the 17th Amendment to the Constitution:
17th Amendment Section 1.
The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.
While this simple amendment seems very democratic and harmless enough, the full intent was to destroy states’ rights so the Senators no longer served as effective lobbyists for the interests of the state legislatures that once elected them.
The method of representation of all too many Senators, with respect to their states’ interests, has produced utter chaos by striving to fulfill the “progressive” agenda. In effect, this reduced the number of potential managerially–qualified Presidential candidates by 2/3rds. Even the excellent Republican Senators that are at the top of the popular list have to overcome the handicap of being Senators under the 17th Amendment. This can be dealt with:
The frustration of California farmers and voters over the malfeasance of Senator Barbara Boxer – not to mention two Democrat Congressmen — shows on a highway sign that pleads to stop Boxer, Nancy Pelosi, and Congressman Jim Costa. Since the San Joaquin Valley of California produces a significant amount of our national and world food supply, this denial of water to a normally arid and fertile valley is criminal and even treasonous.
State governors, due to the requirements of their office, come better prepared for the business and human contact aspects of the Presidency. They are also conditioned to seek solutions to problems. State legislators are elected by their district constituencies and are responsible to them. The Governor manages the interests of all subject to the legislature. The Senator is obligated to represent the state government’s interests at the nation’s capital – except under the 17th Amendment.
A Governor or a Senator who has the experience of representing the state’s interests could make an excellent Presidential candidate from either party. By Senators, as members of a tight club with little interest in their state’s needs, they easily become victims to the siren call of the “progressive” who has no respect for the sanctity of human life or the nation and its Constitution. Liberal or conservative, the “progressive” philosophy benefits no one save human greed. Like the 17th Amendment, they consistently violate the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity leading to selfishness and dependency.
The views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by
Politics as Usual or Spiritual Warfare?
Well-meaning statesmen and politicians strive mightily for political solutions such as an Israel-Palestine accord - or moving the Muslim Brotherhood to whatever the world calls democracy are living in a fool's paradise. Islam's hatred of Israel is not political, it's spiritual at its very core. Political solutions have yet to work, but like insanity, we keep doing the same thing over again.
The West has stupidly dug itself a hole by denying Christianity, creating an enormous spiritual vacuum. It denies what created its beauty and prosperity. Russia is trying to sort out its renaissance. China has found itself the largest beneficiary of American companies selling out their customers by removing their opportunities to learn, innovate, work and earn - trading "Yankee ingenuity" for a "Yangtze ingenuity" that is devoid of human or environmental stewardship.
While the West plays politics, it's spiritual vacuum is being filled with two competing yet complicit forces - Islam, which rules of law are an absolute counter to the world's most free and successful economic/human accomplishment system. Islam only evangelizes by the edge of the scimitar, the bomb vested jihadist who seeks an eternal reward, and a highly developed spiritual depravity of lying. Its masses wallow in poverty and fear while the rulers live grand lifestyles.
"Eugenic progressivism" which has no care or concern for the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. Its extremes look to a world population reduced to 500 million, human experimentation in the lab and new ways to abort a child even beyond birth. The current scandals at the Veterans Administration hospitals are not just poor administration, but part of the intended spiritual corruption of our political system to achieve eugenic goals.
Our only hope is to regain the spiritual roots so beautifully given us in the US Declaration of Independence coupled with the Ethics of her Constitution and the protective Logic of her Bill of Rights. Adherents of nearly all the world's races and religions have found a safe home in the United States with its predominantly Christian foundations. Far from perfect, but nowhere on earth can such can be found on a broad scale.
The war against these foundations has been waged for over 100 years by "eugenic progressivism." In recent years the war has been joined by Islamic radicals with their jihad against all they see as infidels - including competing Islamic sects, but especially "The Great Satan" of individual liberty and Israel. They compete for which form of one world government they envision - fascist/communist or supreme caliphate. Neither bodes well for the human race.
If complete lack of respect for human life and the hope of eternal reward for murdering innocents isn't spiritual warfare, please explain what political strategy will drive out the demons of the culture of death? Just ask your local jihadist or eugenicist. They can both be found crawling around the halls of government wearing suits and ties living grand lifestyles. The very halls where freedom once rang.
Gerald V. Todd
Bakersfield, CA
The West has stupidly dug itself a hole by denying Christianity, creating an enormous spiritual vacuum. It denies what created its beauty and prosperity. Russia is trying to sort out its renaissance. China has found itself the largest beneficiary of American companies selling out their customers by removing their opportunities to learn, innovate, work and earn - trading "Yankee ingenuity" for a "Yangtze ingenuity" that is devoid of human or environmental stewardship.
While the West plays politics, it's spiritual vacuum is being filled with two competing yet complicit forces - Islam, which rules of law are an absolute counter to the world's most free and successful economic/human accomplishment system. Islam only evangelizes by the edge of the scimitar, the bomb vested jihadist who seeks an eternal reward, and a highly developed spiritual depravity of lying. Its masses wallow in poverty and fear while the rulers live grand lifestyles.
"Eugenic progressivism" which has no care or concern for the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. Its extremes look to a world population reduced to 500 million, human experimentation in the lab and new ways to abort a child even beyond birth. The current scandals at the Veterans Administration hospitals are not just poor administration, but part of the intended spiritual corruption of our political system to achieve eugenic goals.
Our only hope is to regain the spiritual roots so beautifully given us in the US Declaration of Independence coupled with the Ethics of her Constitution and the protective Logic of her Bill of Rights. Adherents of nearly all the world's races and religions have found a safe home in the United States with its predominantly Christian foundations. Far from perfect, but nowhere on earth can such can be found on a broad scale.
The war against these foundations has been waged for over 100 years by "eugenic progressivism." In recent years the war has been joined by Islamic radicals with their jihad against all they see as infidels - including competing Islamic sects, but especially "The Great Satan" of individual liberty and Israel. They compete for which form of one world government they envision - fascist/communist or supreme caliphate. Neither bodes well for the human race.
If complete lack of respect for human life and the hope of eternal reward for murdering innocents isn't spiritual warfare, please explain what political strategy will drive out the demons of the culture of death? Just ask your local jihadist or eugenicist. They can both be found crawling around the halls of government wearing suits and ties living grand lifestyles. The very halls where freedom once rang.
Gerald V. Todd
Bakersfield, CA
The “Dirty Job” Mike Rowe Missed
Mike Rowe the star of “Dirty Jobs,” his long running series on Discovery Channel sought out and performed a huge variety of jobs that actually got his hands - and the rest of him – dirty. He showed what others do every day to keep the country running with plenty of food, fiber and mobility.
Mike was seen on a dairy farm shoveling cow manure, inside an Air Force transport plane fuel tank; in factories and farms cleaning out sumps; slaughter houses dealing with offal; crawling into places that a claustrophobic (not homophobic) like me would panic in. I only saw him really scared once – but he did the chore anyway.
Mike found a way to put his delightful, clean cut guy personality to work in a profitable manner. His underlying goal was to demonstrate to the rest of us what it takes to keep our farms, factories and cities running – and the people who step up to the plate to get the job done day after day so the rest of us can buy our food and clothing, flush our toilets and forget about it.
Today. Mike is putting his experience to work showing us that a truly diverse society requires truly diverse gifts, talents and opportunities to keep things humming. Back in the 1970’s, when the same elitists were panicking over a global freeze, someone got the bright idea ours was going to become an “Information Society” – thriving on virtual bulls***, letting other lesser peoples in third world countries do the dirty work of making things for us while we all became college graduates.
Every nation has a population full of potential to discover and apply individual gifts and talents. Most of the world’s population lives under despots or conditions where it is impossible for those talents to be discovered, much less developed and put to use for the good of all. We were doing a pretty good job of teaching American methodologies so others could grow until greed enticed all too many companies to pick up entire factories and move them to cheap labor and lax safety and environmental requirements.
The elitists - mostly in Academia – were really big on every kid going to college and every dirty job being left to someone else far, far away – even motherhood. My son was in college when his wife became pregnant, so naturally she went to the university health center. The knot head nurse said, “You’re not going to keep “IT” are you?” “IT” is 25 years old, a college graduate and still looking for a well-paying job. Where have the jobs and the developed skills to support them gone? Go figure!
Academia was once the home of broad discourse and the building of young minds as they discover themselves, eternal truths and seek ways to maximize their potential. Young people almost universally seek ways to do a real service to family, community and the world in general while prospering personally. Scientific Method was born at the Cathedral School at Chartres in the 12th Century.
Today, in order to graduate, a student must learn to wallow in the sewer of Academic depravity from sex classes to women’s studies to satanic performances during Holy Week, to the advance of totalitarianism to hate for anything pure and innocent. Of course it is also necessary to remove any element of faith in the Transcendent. As a part of the culture of death, there is no tolerance for those who understand the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. The very existence of the United States as “one Nation under God” raises Academia’s ire as they accuse the most accomplished nation in history of polluting the earth and destroying other nations. Their idea of the greatest worldwide pollution is the existence of 5.5 billion too many human beings who must be eliminated at all costs. Ask Zeke Emanuel, the architect of Obamacare what he thinks!
My wife and I attended the commencement exercises of our Goddaughter a few years ago. The atmosphere was raucous - not because of normal student relief – but because the President of the school bragged about racial diversity to the cheers of many. The broad range of gifts and talents the school helped develop wasn’t on her Radar. The clincher was when the faculty was introduced, the vast majority came dressed like Mike Rowe after cleaning out a trough. So little self-respect – much less – for their students.
Mike missed the one dirtiest job of all – that of today’s Academic who fathered political correctness, demeaned labor, vilified the Founders and the Republic they gave us, proselytized for a spiritual vacuum. They discourage free enterprise, the core of capitalism when not under the thumb of money manipulators. They whore for grants to study pre-conceived notions such as man-made global warming. In my opinion, Academia, with precious few exceptions harbors the most willing of its members to wallow in the sewer of depravity and debt they have created for the rest of us, especially their students.
Time to restore Beauty to the top instead of the sewer. Mike is helping show us how to do it.
Mike was seen on a dairy farm shoveling cow manure, inside an Air Force transport plane fuel tank; in factories and farms cleaning out sumps; slaughter houses dealing with offal; crawling into places that a claustrophobic (not homophobic) like me would panic in. I only saw him really scared once – but he did the chore anyway.
Mike found a way to put his delightful, clean cut guy personality to work in a profitable manner. His underlying goal was to demonstrate to the rest of us what it takes to keep our farms, factories and cities running – and the people who step up to the plate to get the job done day after day so the rest of us can buy our food and clothing, flush our toilets and forget about it.
Today. Mike is putting his experience to work showing us that a truly diverse society requires truly diverse gifts, talents and opportunities to keep things humming. Back in the 1970’s, when the same elitists were panicking over a global freeze, someone got the bright idea ours was going to become an “Information Society” – thriving on virtual bulls***, letting other lesser peoples in third world countries do the dirty work of making things for us while we all became college graduates.
Every nation has a population full of potential to discover and apply individual gifts and talents. Most of the world’s population lives under despots or conditions where it is impossible for those talents to be discovered, much less developed and put to use for the good of all. We were doing a pretty good job of teaching American methodologies so others could grow until greed enticed all too many companies to pick up entire factories and move them to cheap labor and lax safety and environmental requirements.
The elitists - mostly in Academia – were really big on every kid going to college and every dirty job being left to someone else far, far away – even motherhood. My son was in college when his wife became pregnant, so naturally she went to the university health center. The knot head nurse said, “You’re not going to keep “IT” are you?” “IT” is 25 years old, a college graduate and still looking for a well-paying job. Where have the jobs and the developed skills to support them gone? Go figure!
Academia was once the home of broad discourse and the building of young minds as they discover themselves, eternal truths and seek ways to maximize their potential. Young people almost universally seek ways to do a real service to family, community and the world in general while prospering personally. Scientific Method was born at the Cathedral School at Chartres in the 12th Century.
Today, in order to graduate, a student must learn to wallow in the sewer of Academic depravity from sex classes to women’s studies to satanic performances during Holy Week, to the advance of totalitarianism to hate for anything pure and innocent. Of course it is also necessary to remove any element of faith in the Transcendent. As a part of the culture of death, there is no tolerance for those who understand the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. The very existence of the United States as “one Nation under God” raises Academia’s ire as they accuse the most accomplished nation in history of polluting the earth and destroying other nations. Their idea of the greatest worldwide pollution is the existence of 5.5 billion too many human beings who must be eliminated at all costs. Ask Zeke Emanuel, the architect of Obamacare what he thinks!
My wife and I attended the commencement exercises of our Goddaughter a few years ago. The atmosphere was raucous - not because of normal student relief – but because the President of the school bragged about racial diversity to the cheers of many. The broad range of gifts and talents the school helped develop wasn’t on her Radar. The clincher was when the faculty was introduced, the vast majority came dressed like Mike Rowe after cleaning out a trough. So little self-respect – much less – for their students.
Mike missed the one dirtiest job of all – that of today’s Academic who fathered political correctness, demeaned labor, vilified the Founders and the Republic they gave us, proselytized for a spiritual vacuum. They discourage free enterprise, the core of capitalism when not under the thumb of money manipulators. They whore for grants to study pre-conceived notions such as man-made global warming. In my opinion, Academia, with precious few exceptions harbors the most willing of its members to wallow in the sewer of depravity and debt they have created for the rest of us, especially their students.
Time to restore Beauty to the top instead of the sewer. Mike is helping show us how to do it.
Pisces in Action at the Air Force Academy
The recent event over a Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation complaining about a beautiful Scripture posted by an Air Force Academy cadet brings to mind a real “Jewish problem.” The “problem” is the Jews as a whole carry a message from God of an eternal Covenant - a covenant they only have a distant awareness of. Evil sees the message of that Covenant carried in the signs and symbols of Israel, the Zodiac signs in her Tribal identities and rages constantly against her.
Galatians 2:20 (NIV) - "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."
Why would an obviously Jewish fellow be so militant against religion? Is there something about the Jewish psyche’ that brings either the best or worst out of its individual members? It is possible, but in the end for the salvation of the world, even if Mikey Weinstein and his poor exercise of free will is blind with rage.
I'm reminded of another Scripture - Revelation 3:9 - "I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you."
The likes of the ACLU and the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, George Soros and their minions with obvious Jewish identities give real Jews a bad name. It is a rejection of love and it’s Author – another reason they hate our liberty under the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
The Ancient Stars and Constellations were placed and named by God to carry the message of His Covenant to all mankind after our first parents were evicted from the Garden of Eden. It may disappoint Astrologers, but the Magi had it right.
It’s past time for us to stop and try to understand what all the fuss is about. In the ongoing battle between good and evil, these must be a reason and a champion that goes back to our first parents. Mikey, George and the frightened commanders at the Air Force Academy make Pisces a good place to start.
The 12 Tribes of Israel each have a zodiac sign - Pisces is the sign of the Tribe Simeon, but also the overall sign of Israel - 2 fish bound to a sea monster shown to be in conflict. One fish is heaven bound, the children of Abraham and the fore-bearers of Christ. The other fish swimming against the tide of God's will is typical of all rebellious humanity of which the Jews are a microcosm. In my opinion, the Jews, God's Chosen People, carry in their signs and symbols God's whole Covenant with mankind. Why else could there be almost universal hatred for the Jews, the most accomplished people per capita in all fields in history?
My 2007 book, "God's Prophetic Zodiac" - a $10 download 335 pages - provides convincing proof that the ancient stars and constellations, read from Virgo to Leo tell the whole plan of God's covenant with our first parents as their progeny dispersed around the earth. Psalm 147 does say God named the stars and Psalm 19 tells why - certainly not for phony mythology or astrology many have come to depend on.
We may refuse to understand "our battle is not against flesh and blood, but spiritual forces and wickedness in high places" - spiritual warfare that mere politics can't handle except as just another weapon for ultimate victory over evil - the art of ruling.
Galatians 2:20 (NIV) - "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."
Why would an obviously Jewish fellow be so militant against religion? Is there something about the Jewish psyche’ that brings either the best or worst out of its individual members? It is possible, but in the end for the salvation of the world, even if Mikey Weinstein and his poor exercise of free will is blind with rage.
I'm reminded of another Scripture - Revelation 3:9 - "I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you."
The likes of the ACLU and the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, George Soros and their minions with obvious Jewish identities give real Jews a bad name. It is a rejection of love and it’s Author – another reason they hate our liberty under the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
The Ancient Stars and Constellations were placed and named by God to carry the message of His Covenant to all mankind after our first parents were evicted from the Garden of Eden. It may disappoint Astrologers, but the Magi had it right.
It’s past time for us to stop and try to understand what all the fuss is about. In the ongoing battle between good and evil, these must be a reason and a champion that goes back to our first parents. Mikey, George and the frightened commanders at the Air Force Academy make Pisces a good place to start.
The 12 Tribes of Israel each have a zodiac sign - Pisces is the sign of the Tribe Simeon, but also the overall sign of Israel - 2 fish bound to a sea monster shown to be in conflict. One fish is heaven bound, the children of Abraham and the fore-bearers of Christ. The other fish swimming against the tide of God's will is typical of all rebellious humanity of which the Jews are a microcosm. In my opinion, the Jews, God's Chosen People, carry in their signs and symbols God's whole Covenant with mankind. Why else could there be almost universal hatred for the Jews, the most accomplished people per capita in all fields in history?
My 2007 book, "God's Prophetic Zodiac" - a $10 download 335 pages - provides convincing proof that the ancient stars and constellations, read from Virgo to Leo tell the whole plan of God's covenant with our first parents as their progeny dispersed around the earth. Psalm 147 does say God named the stars and Psalm 19 tells why - certainly not for phony mythology or astrology many have come to depend on.
We may refuse to understand "our battle is not against flesh and blood, but spiritual forces and wickedness in high places" - spiritual warfare that mere politics can't handle except as just another weapon for ultimate victory over evil - the art of ruling.

A brief description of Pisces: "As the reverse swimming fish of Pisces is seen rejecting the living water and Holy Spirit symbols of Aquarius on the way back toward the evil symbolism Scorpio.
The heaven bound fish of Pisces is seen next to Aries the Lamb who will save her. Perhaps the deeper meaning of this sign is that while stubborn and resisting her Messiah, God’s Spirit is ever present to honor His eternal covenant with Israel. When she recognizes the Lamb that was slain for all, her bondage seen as Andromeda chained and by the “Band” will be broken. The fish is loosed to claim the freedom of Cassiopeia along the path described in “The Mystery of Sagitta and Pisces.” (An observation as I wrote the book)
Maybe Mikey and the frightened officers at the AF Academy will read it someday and tremble.
For an excellent summary of the whole picture of the Jews’ role in pre-Prophet salvation history, see this review written by the late Dr. Murray Norris in 1981:
Gerald V. Todd
March 25, 2014
The heaven bound fish of Pisces is seen next to Aries the Lamb who will save her. Perhaps the deeper meaning of this sign is that while stubborn and resisting her Messiah, God’s Spirit is ever present to honor His eternal covenant with Israel. When she recognizes the Lamb that was slain for all, her bondage seen as Andromeda chained and by the “Band” will be broken. The fish is loosed to claim the freedom of Cassiopeia along the path described in “The Mystery of Sagitta and Pisces.” (An observation as I wrote the book)
Maybe Mikey and the frightened officers at the AF Academy will read it someday and tremble.
For an excellent summary of the whole picture of the Jews’ role in pre-Prophet salvation history, see this review written by the late Dr. Murray Norris in 1981:
Gerald V. Todd
March 25, 2014
Another Muslim Country Displays Reticence to Accept Help when it is incapable of helping itself.
It wasn’t that long ago that another Western Pacific Muslim country acted strangely toward offers of help when confronted with the disaster of a major tsunami. With the current mystery over the disappearance of the Malaysian Airlines 777, many theories have surfaced. Suicide to kill infidels is always one option when dealing with jihadis should there have been any aboard with an “eternal” mission.
Another possibility is the cunning thievery of a planeload of people with questionable cargo, highly trained Chinese technicians and a plane that needed to be in the hands of jihadis for reverse engineering its technology. I only mention that possibility after a brand new ultra high tech stealth RO-170 drone (that looks like a miniature B-2 bomber) somehow landed in Iran in one piece three years ago . More reverse engineering for the day of the world wide Caliphate?
Muslim ruled Malaysia has acted much like Muslim ruled Indonesia after the Tsunami. Here is a page from my 2011 edition of “The Launching of the S. S. Me” – a directed Bible study. At the time, Indonesia wanted no part of American help for fear infidels would convert beleaguered Muslims.
From Page 30 of “S. S. Me” - For all the calumny heaped on the USA, no nation on earth has shared more blood and treasure to help other nations in trouble from nature or despotic rulers. Its citizens are imbued with an appreciation of the nation’s blessings and are willing to share them as others did for them. During the Western Pacific Ocean Tsunami, the US nuclear aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln was denied permission to dock in an Indonesian port because of misplaced hatred and fear of proselytizing by “infidels.” When it finally docked, its assets were used to help thousands of people. Helicopters searched the ruins, rescued stranded people, fed thousands, and provided fresh water from its desalination plant, first class medical care in its hospitals and electric power from its nuclear powered generators.
Another possibility is the cunning thievery of a planeload of people with questionable cargo, highly trained Chinese technicians and a plane that needed to be in the hands of jihadis for reverse engineering its technology. I only mention that possibility after a brand new ultra high tech stealth RO-170 drone (that looks like a miniature B-2 bomber) somehow landed in Iran in one piece three years ago . More reverse engineering for the day of the world wide Caliphate?
Muslim ruled Malaysia has acted much like Muslim ruled Indonesia after the Tsunami. Here is a page from my 2011 edition of “The Launching of the S. S. Me” – a directed Bible study. At the time, Indonesia wanted no part of American help for fear infidels would convert beleaguered Muslims.
From Page 30 of “S. S. Me” - For all the calumny heaped on the USA, no nation on earth has shared more blood and treasure to help other nations in trouble from nature or despotic rulers. Its citizens are imbued with an appreciation of the nation’s blessings and are willing to share them as others did for them. During the Western Pacific Ocean Tsunami, the US nuclear aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln was denied permission to dock in an Indonesian port because of misplaced hatred and fear of proselytizing by “infidels.” When it finally docked, its assets were used to help thousands of people. Helicopters searched the ruins, rescued stranded people, fed thousands, and provided fresh water from its desalination plant, first class medical care in its hospitals and electric power from its nuclear powered generators.
Hospital ship Mercy is shown returning from a five-month deployment in support of tsunami relief efforts and humanitarian aide missions to various Southeast Asia nations. U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Scott Taylor |
The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) pulls into San Diego, Calif., following a deployment to the Western Pacific Ocean. Lincoln and embarked Carrier Air Wing Two (CVW-2) supported Operation Unified Assistance, the humanitarian relief effort to aid the victims of the tsunami that struck Southeast Asia during their Western Pacific deployment
In order to save our democracy we must overcome the fanatics
William D. Bezdek, MDAs published in the Bakersfield Californian, February 25, 2014 with commentary following - or – at last a Liberal who isn’t a “progressive!”President Abraham Lincoln, in a short speech given at the dedication of the cemetery for those killed at Gettysburg, took the opportunity to exhort the nation to what he considered unfinished work: " ... that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom - and that, government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
He was not only fighting for the restoration of the Union but was very much aware that throughout history, all previous democracies of the people had not survived (''That a house divided against itself could not stand"). Lincoln not only had to fight a war with the southern secessionists but also maintain political balance between radical and conservative Republican factions, peace-at-any-cost Democrats and violent anti-draft demonstrators. It is remarkable considering these difficulties that he not only succeeded but, by means of the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment, changed the moral deficit in our country and Constitution that previously permitted slavery to exist in our borders.
Our democracy, at this time, is faced with a similar threat to its survival. We have always had some dysfunction in our system of government; however, the present dysfunction is beyond all previous levels. It has become a concern to a great many citizens and many friendly nations. There is even a growing movement to draft a new constitution in order to establish a more-effective and efficient method of self-government.
I do not think this is yet necessary. Our present Constitution had been sufficient in the past and, as the example of Lincoln demonstrates, should be sufficient to re-establish a government by the people and for the people. What it requires is the identification and purging from the government of all "fanatics." What is a fanatic? This is a person who believes only his option matters, and in order to establish his opinion, he ignores all other opinions. He never compromises, even though his actions and beliefs cause great harm to others and the country. Some examples are: taking a pledge to never raise taxes; shutting down the government to establish his opinion, even though all his prior attempts at establishment have been rejected; attempting to repeal the Affordable Care Act without offering any alternative; blind faith in the present actions without thought to long-term effects; blind allegiance to the doctrine of small government without defining what that means.
Let us look at the "small government" mantra. It seems to be the fanatic's opinion that government limits freedom; therefore, government is bad because freedom is paramount. This denies the historical record which demonstrates that unbridled freedom without responsibility leads to chaos and violence. Our own Constitution was thought necessary because of the weaknesses and violence seen in our initial attempt at government under the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union. Small government in and of itself is not healthy to any democracy. Fanatics often connect under this heading of small government regarding the nation's debt. But just as businesses take on debt to expand and dominate their market, so should government take on debt to maintain infrastructure, establish security and provide for the education and health of their citizens. A certain amount of debt makes economic sense. Fanatics never seem to define what would be an acceptable amount of debt, but when it comes to making an object of their desire, payment for existing debt, they hold the economy hostage in order to extort for some favorite.
Why is the present Constitution adequate? It is adequate because it provides the means for correction by simply removing the fanatics. This can be done by voting them out of office or recalling them. This seems an impossible task, seeing as there are presently so many. However, past history has shown that, over and over again, once the public becomes aware to the extent of harm, they will rise to the occasion and defeat the fanatics. Lincoln did it, and there appears now to be an awakening consciousness that this again needs to done. The first test will be the upcoming November elections. So if this dysfunctional government with its fanatical cliques disgusts you, remember: Your vote will count.
William D. Bedeck, MD., of Bakersfield is a retired physician.
My response to Dr. Bezdek begins on the following pages. It will be in the form of addressing his points or lack of from a Constitutional Conservative viewpoint. I subtitled his piece as “At last, a Liberal who isn’t a “progressive,” for a number of reasons:
1. He apparently has a belief in God.
2. He has a deep respect for the Constitution.
3. He is seeking solutions and exhorting the people to do the same.
4. He is apparently an advocate of polite discourse and compromise in the process of governing.
5. I believe his views are an excellent vehicle for dealing with traditional Liberals - “the loyal opposition.” Both Liberals and Conservatives must separate themselves from the abject evils of Alinskyite “progressivism” and its Cloward and Pivens strategies.
Gerald V. Todd
Bakersfield, CA
Saving our Democracy – Even though it’s a Constitutional Republic
Overcoming the Real Fanatics
Commentary by Gerald V. Todd – March 1, 2014
Dr. Bezdek expressed a great love for and confidence in the Constitution as written and for its original intent. This alone separates him from the “progressive” who believes it is a “living breathing document” subject to the whims of the power elite and the morality of the times – as if human nature has changed over the centuries. He used the example of the trials Abraham Lincoln faced, not only fighting “with the southern secessionists but also maintain political balance between radical and conservative Republican factions, peace-at-any-cost Democrats and violent anti-draft demonstrators.”
He opposes those who would draft a new Constitution to establish a more effective and efficient method of self-government.
This is where the debate begins, as Dr. Bezdek when he starts defining “fanatics.”
“This is a person who believes only his option matters, and in order to establish his opinion, he ignores all other opinions. He never compromises, even though his actions and beliefs cause great harm to others and the country. Some examples are: taking a pledge to never raise taxes; shutting down the government to establish his opinion, even though all his prior attempts at establishment have been rejected; attempting to repeal the Affordable Care Act without offering any alternative; blind faith in the present actions without thought to long-term effects; blind allegiance to the doctrine of small government without defining what that means.”
It is apparent that all his targets are Republican or Libertarian, especially Ted Cruz and the Tea Party – Constitutional Conservatives. There seems to be no criticism of the use of taxpayer, public employee union and Soros’ Tides Foundation funding of numerous left wing advocacy groups that by and large are anti-American while seeking to establish a one-world government and view the Constitution with disdain. Nor for the mainstream media that is clearly in the “progressive” tank. That’s for another time.
1. “…the present dysfunction is beyond all previous levels” True enough. I maintain it is because our leaders, elected and appointed, take a solemn oath to protect and defend the Constitution. For the majority – save for our military, take their oaths as merely a rite of passage and move ahead to follow the crowd of power brokers. Certainly the worst offender is the President himself who told Vladimir Putin in 2009 that “for all practical purposes, the Constitution (he swore to uphold) is dead.” His action toward making Executive orders the law of the land, bypassing Congress with impunity is proof enough of dysfunction at the top. One Democrat Congresswoman from Southern California was seen on TV stating “Congress’ job is to write executive orders for the President to sign!”
2. “…a person who believes only his option matters, and in order to establish his opinion, he ignores all other opinions.” I propose this is a clear definition of the President, his minions Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi taking bills written by outside forces, shut out the opposition and pass them “so we can see what’s in them.” When the Republicans of any stripe object, they are labeled as extremist and stupid with a lot of help from the media. The countless bills originating in the Republican House dealing with the full range of Congressional responsibilities from the budget to the military to domestic issues are dead on arrival at the Senate which refuses to debate or compromise. It is apparently not extremist or unconstitutional to fail to submit a statutorily required Senate budget for 5 years.
3. “…taking a pledge to never raise taxes” Manipulation of taxes and interest rates are well established vehicles for bringing about societal evolution – seldom for good. Wouldn’t it be common sense to strive to actually cut useless, harmful, inefficient or duplicate programs to save money? Instead what is called a cut is actually a reduction in the already inflated increase for the next budget year.
Conservative talk host Sean Hannity is proposing an across the board 1% cut in ALL government expenditures each year to lead to a balanced budget. The wail and cry from the left over “starving the children” – the ones that escaped the abortion mill – over a 1% cut is reaching a crescendo of opposition “because of its effects on the poor.” One stinking percent!
4. “…shutting down the government to establish his opinion, even though all his prior attempts at establishment have been rejected” An obvious jab at Senator Ted Cruz – who BTW got an 8 minute standing ovation upon returning to his home town. A politician who knows and adheres to the Constitution and keeps his campaign promises is certainly qualified for derision from those of “progressive” mindset. Shutting down the government yielded a typical Democrat strategy enhanced by a dictatorial President who selectively shut down national monuments and other visible government assets in the face of veterans traveling cross country to visit their war memorials. Federal employees upon returning to work were rewarded with full pay for their time off. What a perfect vehicle to further cement the loyalty and corruption of once public servants to party and public employee unions. After all, the public servants are now being paid at an average level of salary and perks far above the taxpayers who have to support them.
5. “…attempting to repeal the Affordable Care Act without offering any alternative.” As the flood of lies about the “benefits” of the ACA become obvious and painful, it is easily lost on us that we did actually develop the best healthcare system the world has ever seen. Perfect? No, but wise men and women build on what works – not destroy and try to rebuild on faulty premises. Attempts by government to intervene is a gross violation of the principle of subsidiarity and a denial of the Judeo-Christian norm of exercising the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. It is on that foundation that hospitals and universities were born in the quest for knowledge and healing the pain and suffering of many. It is these very institutions the ACA is today seeking to destroy or take over.
The alternative already existed, but like the great Austrian health care system of the early 20th Century, totalitarian forces began to infringe on it – first by bankrupting the Austrian nation through financial manipulations, then the eugenics of a Hitler ruled nation started fulfilling his dream of a final solution that ultimately cost over 60 million lives across Europe.
When Muslim Brotherhood operative Neera Tanden bragged she had a hand in writing the ACA while in the employ of George Soros, a few clues as to the evil of this takeover of a major part of the economy and the finest health care system in the world should have been obvious. It also should be an indication of why Muslims get their health care free – gambling is a no no – but it’s a tax? I believe there are around 700 references to “the secretary shall determine” in the bill. One hated Tea Party group before the ACA was signed into law broke the bill down into 20 page blocks for evaluation by volunteers. It explains why the Tea Party was horrified by what George Soros and his minions had wrought and determined to fight against it.
Ted Cruz knew it too from his in depth knowledge of the Constitution.
How many know the architect of the ACA is Zeke Emanuel, the brother of Chicago’s Mayor? Zeke and another advisor, Dr. Peter Singer are like Margaret Sanger, ardent eugenicists seeking a massive reduction in world population. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger is here seen addressing a group of Democrats in Silver Lake, NJ in 1926. Sanger wanted to rid the world of Jews, Catholics and Negroes. And we’re not supposed to be worried about the ACA and its gross violations of subsidiarity and solidarity?
6. “…blind faith in the present actions without thought to long-term effects” Blind faith in “Hope and Change” is what got us in the trouble we’re in. There is no concern or understanding of the “progressives” idea of long term effects save for forming a one world government with a drastically reduced human population to “save the planet.” “Progressives” fail to understand, like the Nazis and Communists before them, are pawns in a massive spiritual war between two halves of the culture of death – themselves who hold no value for the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. Their counterpart and current ally is radical Islam that sees the suicidal killing of innocents as a path to an eternal reward. With that mentality, it has to be a spiritual war whether atheists like it or not.
Currently our President is riding the two horses of this Apocalypse with his moves to destroy the USA while aiding and abetting the rise of Islam to its long awaited first world caliphate. These, by definition tell us we are in all out spiritual warfare – one where Christianity, the majority religion in the United States is required to check its “weapons” at the edge of the battlefield – the Luciferian Saul Alinsky’s back yard.
“…blind allegiance to the doctrine of small government without defining what that means” I don’t know what a “doctrine of small government” means. We do understand that the Framers probably unknowingly recognized the combined application of the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity. They never used the terms, but they sure understood that subsidiarity is the opposite of entitlement and that this one nation is designed to be in true solidarity with and among the states.
7. In the United States the concept of small government equals states’ rights – a right lost with the passage of the 17th Amendment. It compromised the Republic with the weakness and vulnerability of a democracy. Senators became popularly elected instead of as agents of the individual state legislatures, representing the interests of their sovereign state. With that, their allegiance falls to the central government instead of the state each is elected to represent. A classic example was seen recently when the very California Senators who have done all they could to shut off water to the California Central Valley actually show up or stand with the President at a press conference promising aid to mitigate the effects of the drought!
Is it necessary to restate the mottoes of the United States: “In God we Trust” and “e pluribus unum” – our trust is in God whose image we are individually made, not the state? We come from widely diverse backgrounds and motivations to form a wonderful working unit – “from many, one!”
This does not negate the need for a strong federal government. It is just the definition of what makes it both strong and responsible and in proper order.
• First, it recognizes and adheres to the Constitutional limits on its authority and its elected and appointed officials the solemnity of their oaths to protect and defend.
• Second, the Federal Government has key roles in a strong, constitutionally sworn military – not local or state policing. State National Guard units under the individual state’s Governors as their Commanders in Chief are there to protect the individual states in war and natural or manmade disasters. The Guard is there to help the Federal Government in national emergencies;
• An honest congressionally responsible monetary system that does not require borrowing to issue new currency that is spent into existence in specific not tied to social welfare programs to circulate throughout the economy as suggested below.
• For extraordinary needs such as natural and manmade disasters, the Federal government is the best physically equipped but last and shortest term resource for recovery. Last in – first out.
• Rules for interstate commerce, especially interstate highway, waterway and airport infrastructures. This is a good venue for new money to be spent into existence free of the tribute extracted from the value creating citizenry whose blood, sweat, tears, creativity, faith and determination made this nation what it is.
• Basic research through private and public institutions.
• There are three areas the Federal government has no competence or business being involved in – Health, Education and Welfare. Doing basic research, acting as a clearing house and a cheerleader are sufficient roles for a central government. Subsidiarity is key – not entitlement.
• Everything else belongs to the states and to the people.
Our Founders set the framework for government at all levels by limiting the powers of the central government, yielding to the states and the states to personal responsibility. Does that require definition beyond understanding what this means? They even gave us Article V of the Constitution to deal with a central government that has jumped over all its constraints and must be dealt with in a peaceful and constitutional manner while retaining the unity of the nation.
More on Government of the People
The Founders so clearly emphasized we the people are “Beautifully” endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights. They also gave us in the same Declaration a litany of the abuses despots force on the people, not unlike the good and evil defined in the Bible. No new sins, just new spins!
Following from our inalienable rights, the Constitution sets the Ethical framework and the Bill of Rights their Logical protections – From there it is normal for the people to take on personal responsibility in a unified nation where the chaos of bright and unexpected meetings, discoveries and challenges yield work and prosperity for all who choose to strive. These will yield the Harmony of things of beauty, advanced technology, stewardship and a new way for investors, bankers and philanthropists to prosper their operations while truly serving their clientele.
The good doctor claimed that no one defines what small government means. We just did it in the preceding paragraph! Most Americans have intuitively understood what subsidiarity in government means. May we define it as a Fountain of Prosperity and demonstrate why it simple means re-prioritization back to the Founders’ original intent? Two primary elements should become obvious: Money is the servant – not the master; and Beauty is taken out of the sewer of depravity and debt to the proper place its Author and the Declaration set for it. Beauty is the philosophical, moral and spiritual tone of the whole adventure…
Causes and Effects… Fountain of Prosperity: defined by 3 groups of 3 Causes and Effects:
1. Beauty and its Author as in the Declaration of Independence > defines the ->
2. Ethics of the Constitution - which is protected by the ->
3. Logic of the Bill of Rights - allowing people to act in enlightened self-interest ->
4. Subsidiarity of the personally responsible (the opposite of entitlement) - with all seeking the best for family, community and nation ->
5. Solidarity of a free people to build and maintain a nation - opens all to the ->
6. Chaos of exploration, unexpected discovery, opportune meeting, crossover ideas, artistic and technical pursuits leading to Harmony - where a real sense of beauty and esthetics accompanies ->
7. High Touch in the natural flow of a creative environment - that entices the development of practical and useful ->
8. High Tech to freely explore and apply diverse human talents and natural resources as good stewards - as a wonderful market for ->
9. High Finance as servant of commerce, discovery, entrepreneurism, philanthropy, savings and works of mercy -> where money is spent into existence to surge upward to wash down to enrich and prosper all as it is spent and re-invested.
We Must End the Cause and Effect of Money and its Manipulators as our Masters.
We’ve become so used to the structures of our political system has degenerated to and the “progressive” manipulations that control it. This reverse order absolutely perverts the causes and effects shown above. We must re-prioritize our systems to do much better for the American people with their myriad and infinite range of jobs, careers, talents and responsibilities. It would make elected officials, bureaucrats, financiers, law enforcement and military more efficient, less costly and even more honorable and meaningful careers. It means turning that Multistory Outhouse of an upside world capped by the mastery of “progressive” finance, taxation and bureaucratic overreach into a beautiful Fountain of Opportunity and Prosperity that can exceed the wildest dreams of the greediest hedge fund manager or power hungry politician – or the child dreaming of his future. They just have to learn to be good boys and girls. We will work to show them the way to change and enjoy it.
Finally, the good doctor is joined by those of us who look forward to November – for the same reasons – love of God and country and a sense of urgency to return to our roots where we can at least be “the loyal opposition to each other”:
“The only hope at present is the forthcoming November midterm elections and, if power in the Senate can be acquired by the Republican Party and expanded in the House, efforts to thwart the deliberate destruction of the nation can be enacted. We have been living with a President who has refused to negotiate with Congress and with a Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, who has blocked debates and votes on any of the legislation initiated in the House.” Alan Caruba in the Tea Party Nation Forum
By now us Conservatives and Liberals should know who the fanatics are. They are the ones striving to take down our country. The real fanatics are proud to call themselves “progressives.” We are the loyal opposition – coming from different directions, but loyal opposition nonetheless. Liberal and Conservative and the folks in the middle.
Commentary © 2014 Gerald V. Todd
He was not only fighting for the restoration of the Union but was very much aware that throughout history, all previous democracies of the people had not survived (''That a house divided against itself could not stand"). Lincoln not only had to fight a war with the southern secessionists but also maintain political balance between radical and conservative Republican factions, peace-at-any-cost Democrats and violent anti-draft demonstrators. It is remarkable considering these difficulties that he not only succeeded but, by means of the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment, changed the moral deficit in our country and Constitution that previously permitted slavery to exist in our borders.
Our democracy, at this time, is faced with a similar threat to its survival. We have always had some dysfunction in our system of government; however, the present dysfunction is beyond all previous levels. It has become a concern to a great many citizens and many friendly nations. There is even a growing movement to draft a new constitution in order to establish a more-effective and efficient method of self-government.
I do not think this is yet necessary. Our present Constitution had been sufficient in the past and, as the example of Lincoln demonstrates, should be sufficient to re-establish a government by the people and for the people. What it requires is the identification and purging from the government of all "fanatics." What is a fanatic? This is a person who believes only his option matters, and in order to establish his opinion, he ignores all other opinions. He never compromises, even though his actions and beliefs cause great harm to others and the country. Some examples are: taking a pledge to never raise taxes; shutting down the government to establish his opinion, even though all his prior attempts at establishment have been rejected; attempting to repeal the Affordable Care Act without offering any alternative; blind faith in the present actions without thought to long-term effects; blind allegiance to the doctrine of small government without defining what that means.
Let us look at the "small government" mantra. It seems to be the fanatic's opinion that government limits freedom; therefore, government is bad because freedom is paramount. This denies the historical record which demonstrates that unbridled freedom without responsibility leads to chaos and violence. Our own Constitution was thought necessary because of the weaknesses and violence seen in our initial attempt at government under the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union. Small government in and of itself is not healthy to any democracy. Fanatics often connect under this heading of small government regarding the nation's debt. But just as businesses take on debt to expand and dominate their market, so should government take on debt to maintain infrastructure, establish security and provide for the education and health of their citizens. A certain amount of debt makes economic sense. Fanatics never seem to define what would be an acceptable amount of debt, but when it comes to making an object of their desire, payment for existing debt, they hold the economy hostage in order to extort for some favorite.
Why is the present Constitution adequate? It is adequate because it provides the means for correction by simply removing the fanatics. This can be done by voting them out of office or recalling them. This seems an impossible task, seeing as there are presently so many. However, past history has shown that, over and over again, once the public becomes aware to the extent of harm, they will rise to the occasion and defeat the fanatics. Lincoln did it, and there appears now to be an awakening consciousness that this again needs to done. The first test will be the upcoming November elections. So if this dysfunctional government with its fanatical cliques disgusts you, remember: Your vote will count.
William D. Bedeck, MD., of Bakersfield is a retired physician.
My response to Dr. Bezdek begins on the following pages. It will be in the form of addressing his points or lack of from a Constitutional Conservative viewpoint. I subtitled his piece as “At last, a Liberal who isn’t a “progressive,” for a number of reasons:
1. He apparently has a belief in God.
2. He has a deep respect for the Constitution.
3. He is seeking solutions and exhorting the people to do the same.
4. He is apparently an advocate of polite discourse and compromise in the process of governing.
5. I believe his views are an excellent vehicle for dealing with traditional Liberals - “the loyal opposition.” Both Liberals and Conservatives must separate themselves from the abject evils of Alinskyite “progressivism” and its Cloward and Pivens strategies.
Gerald V. Todd
Bakersfield, CA
Saving our Democracy – Even though it’s a Constitutional Republic
Overcoming the Real Fanatics
Commentary by Gerald V. Todd – March 1, 2014
Dr. Bezdek expressed a great love for and confidence in the Constitution as written and for its original intent. This alone separates him from the “progressive” who believes it is a “living breathing document” subject to the whims of the power elite and the morality of the times – as if human nature has changed over the centuries. He used the example of the trials Abraham Lincoln faced, not only fighting “with the southern secessionists but also maintain political balance between radical and conservative Republican factions, peace-at-any-cost Democrats and violent anti-draft demonstrators.”
He opposes those who would draft a new Constitution to establish a more effective and efficient method of self-government.
This is where the debate begins, as Dr. Bezdek when he starts defining “fanatics.”
“This is a person who believes only his option matters, and in order to establish his opinion, he ignores all other opinions. He never compromises, even though his actions and beliefs cause great harm to others and the country. Some examples are: taking a pledge to never raise taxes; shutting down the government to establish his opinion, even though all his prior attempts at establishment have been rejected; attempting to repeal the Affordable Care Act without offering any alternative; blind faith in the present actions without thought to long-term effects; blind allegiance to the doctrine of small government without defining what that means.”
It is apparent that all his targets are Republican or Libertarian, especially Ted Cruz and the Tea Party – Constitutional Conservatives. There seems to be no criticism of the use of taxpayer, public employee union and Soros’ Tides Foundation funding of numerous left wing advocacy groups that by and large are anti-American while seeking to establish a one-world government and view the Constitution with disdain. Nor for the mainstream media that is clearly in the “progressive” tank. That’s for another time.
1. “…the present dysfunction is beyond all previous levels” True enough. I maintain it is because our leaders, elected and appointed, take a solemn oath to protect and defend the Constitution. For the majority – save for our military, take their oaths as merely a rite of passage and move ahead to follow the crowd of power brokers. Certainly the worst offender is the President himself who told Vladimir Putin in 2009 that “for all practical purposes, the Constitution (he swore to uphold) is dead.” His action toward making Executive orders the law of the land, bypassing Congress with impunity is proof enough of dysfunction at the top. One Democrat Congresswoman from Southern California was seen on TV stating “Congress’ job is to write executive orders for the President to sign!”
2. “…a person who believes only his option matters, and in order to establish his opinion, he ignores all other opinions.” I propose this is a clear definition of the President, his minions Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi taking bills written by outside forces, shut out the opposition and pass them “so we can see what’s in them.” When the Republicans of any stripe object, they are labeled as extremist and stupid with a lot of help from the media. The countless bills originating in the Republican House dealing with the full range of Congressional responsibilities from the budget to the military to domestic issues are dead on arrival at the Senate which refuses to debate or compromise. It is apparently not extremist or unconstitutional to fail to submit a statutorily required Senate budget for 5 years.
3. “…taking a pledge to never raise taxes” Manipulation of taxes and interest rates are well established vehicles for bringing about societal evolution – seldom for good. Wouldn’t it be common sense to strive to actually cut useless, harmful, inefficient or duplicate programs to save money? Instead what is called a cut is actually a reduction in the already inflated increase for the next budget year.
Conservative talk host Sean Hannity is proposing an across the board 1% cut in ALL government expenditures each year to lead to a balanced budget. The wail and cry from the left over “starving the children” – the ones that escaped the abortion mill – over a 1% cut is reaching a crescendo of opposition “because of its effects on the poor.” One stinking percent!
4. “…shutting down the government to establish his opinion, even though all his prior attempts at establishment have been rejected” An obvious jab at Senator Ted Cruz – who BTW got an 8 minute standing ovation upon returning to his home town. A politician who knows and adheres to the Constitution and keeps his campaign promises is certainly qualified for derision from those of “progressive” mindset. Shutting down the government yielded a typical Democrat strategy enhanced by a dictatorial President who selectively shut down national monuments and other visible government assets in the face of veterans traveling cross country to visit their war memorials. Federal employees upon returning to work were rewarded with full pay for their time off. What a perfect vehicle to further cement the loyalty and corruption of once public servants to party and public employee unions. After all, the public servants are now being paid at an average level of salary and perks far above the taxpayers who have to support them.
5. “…attempting to repeal the Affordable Care Act without offering any alternative.” As the flood of lies about the “benefits” of the ACA become obvious and painful, it is easily lost on us that we did actually develop the best healthcare system the world has ever seen. Perfect? No, but wise men and women build on what works – not destroy and try to rebuild on faulty premises. Attempts by government to intervene is a gross violation of the principle of subsidiarity and a denial of the Judeo-Christian norm of exercising the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. It is on that foundation that hospitals and universities were born in the quest for knowledge and healing the pain and suffering of many. It is these very institutions the ACA is today seeking to destroy or take over.
The alternative already existed, but like the great Austrian health care system of the early 20th Century, totalitarian forces began to infringe on it – first by bankrupting the Austrian nation through financial manipulations, then the eugenics of a Hitler ruled nation started fulfilling his dream of a final solution that ultimately cost over 60 million lives across Europe.
When Muslim Brotherhood operative Neera Tanden bragged she had a hand in writing the ACA while in the employ of George Soros, a few clues as to the evil of this takeover of a major part of the economy and the finest health care system in the world should have been obvious. It also should be an indication of why Muslims get their health care free – gambling is a no no – but it’s a tax? I believe there are around 700 references to “the secretary shall determine” in the bill. One hated Tea Party group before the ACA was signed into law broke the bill down into 20 page blocks for evaluation by volunteers. It explains why the Tea Party was horrified by what George Soros and his minions had wrought and determined to fight against it.
Ted Cruz knew it too from his in depth knowledge of the Constitution.
How many know the architect of the ACA is Zeke Emanuel, the brother of Chicago’s Mayor? Zeke and another advisor, Dr. Peter Singer are like Margaret Sanger, ardent eugenicists seeking a massive reduction in world population. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger is here seen addressing a group of Democrats in Silver Lake, NJ in 1926. Sanger wanted to rid the world of Jews, Catholics and Negroes. And we’re not supposed to be worried about the ACA and its gross violations of subsidiarity and solidarity?
6. “…blind faith in the present actions without thought to long-term effects” Blind faith in “Hope and Change” is what got us in the trouble we’re in. There is no concern or understanding of the “progressives” idea of long term effects save for forming a one world government with a drastically reduced human population to “save the planet.” “Progressives” fail to understand, like the Nazis and Communists before them, are pawns in a massive spiritual war between two halves of the culture of death – themselves who hold no value for the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. Their counterpart and current ally is radical Islam that sees the suicidal killing of innocents as a path to an eternal reward. With that mentality, it has to be a spiritual war whether atheists like it or not.
Currently our President is riding the two horses of this Apocalypse with his moves to destroy the USA while aiding and abetting the rise of Islam to its long awaited first world caliphate. These, by definition tell us we are in all out spiritual warfare – one where Christianity, the majority religion in the United States is required to check its “weapons” at the edge of the battlefield – the Luciferian Saul Alinsky’s back yard.
“…blind allegiance to the doctrine of small government without defining what that means” I don’t know what a “doctrine of small government” means. We do understand that the Framers probably unknowingly recognized the combined application of the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity. They never used the terms, but they sure understood that subsidiarity is the opposite of entitlement and that this one nation is designed to be in true solidarity with and among the states.
7. In the United States the concept of small government equals states’ rights – a right lost with the passage of the 17th Amendment. It compromised the Republic with the weakness and vulnerability of a democracy. Senators became popularly elected instead of as agents of the individual state legislatures, representing the interests of their sovereign state. With that, their allegiance falls to the central government instead of the state each is elected to represent. A classic example was seen recently when the very California Senators who have done all they could to shut off water to the California Central Valley actually show up or stand with the President at a press conference promising aid to mitigate the effects of the drought!
Is it necessary to restate the mottoes of the United States: “In God we Trust” and “e pluribus unum” – our trust is in God whose image we are individually made, not the state? We come from widely diverse backgrounds and motivations to form a wonderful working unit – “from many, one!”
This does not negate the need for a strong federal government. It is just the definition of what makes it both strong and responsible and in proper order.
• First, it recognizes and adheres to the Constitutional limits on its authority and its elected and appointed officials the solemnity of their oaths to protect and defend.
• Second, the Federal Government has key roles in a strong, constitutionally sworn military – not local or state policing. State National Guard units under the individual state’s Governors as their Commanders in Chief are there to protect the individual states in war and natural or manmade disasters. The Guard is there to help the Federal Government in national emergencies;
• An honest congressionally responsible monetary system that does not require borrowing to issue new currency that is spent into existence in specific not tied to social welfare programs to circulate throughout the economy as suggested below.
• For extraordinary needs such as natural and manmade disasters, the Federal government is the best physically equipped but last and shortest term resource for recovery. Last in – first out.
• Rules for interstate commerce, especially interstate highway, waterway and airport infrastructures. This is a good venue for new money to be spent into existence free of the tribute extracted from the value creating citizenry whose blood, sweat, tears, creativity, faith and determination made this nation what it is.
• Basic research through private and public institutions.
• There are three areas the Federal government has no competence or business being involved in – Health, Education and Welfare. Doing basic research, acting as a clearing house and a cheerleader are sufficient roles for a central government. Subsidiarity is key – not entitlement.
• Everything else belongs to the states and to the people.
Our Founders set the framework for government at all levels by limiting the powers of the central government, yielding to the states and the states to personal responsibility. Does that require definition beyond understanding what this means? They even gave us Article V of the Constitution to deal with a central government that has jumped over all its constraints and must be dealt with in a peaceful and constitutional manner while retaining the unity of the nation.
More on Government of the People
The Founders so clearly emphasized we the people are “Beautifully” endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights. They also gave us in the same Declaration a litany of the abuses despots force on the people, not unlike the good and evil defined in the Bible. No new sins, just new spins!
Following from our inalienable rights, the Constitution sets the Ethical framework and the Bill of Rights their Logical protections – From there it is normal for the people to take on personal responsibility in a unified nation where the chaos of bright and unexpected meetings, discoveries and challenges yield work and prosperity for all who choose to strive. These will yield the Harmony of things of beauty, advanced technology, stewardship and a new way for investors, bankers and philanthropists to prosper their operations while truly serving their clientele.
The good doctor claimed that no one defines what small government means. We just did it in the preceding paragraph! Most Americans have intuitively understood what subsidiarity in government means. May we define it as a Fountain of Prosperity and demonstrate why it simple means re-prioritization back to the Founders’ original intent? Two primary elements should become obvious: Money is the servant – not the master; and Beauty is taken out of the sewer of depravity and debt to the proper place its Author and the Declaration set for it. Beauty is the philosophical, moral and spiritual tone of the whole adventure…
Causes and Effects… Fountain of Prosperity: defined by 3 groups of 3 Causes and Effects:
1. Beauty and its Author as in the Declaration of Independence > defines the ->
2. Ethics of the Constitution - which is protected by the ->
3. Logic of the Bill of Rights - allowing people to act in enlightened self-interest ->
4. Subsidiarity of the personally responsible (the opposite of entitlement) - with all seeking the best for family, community and nation ->
5. Solidarity of a free people to build and maintain a nation - opens all to the ->
6. Chaos of exploration, unexpected discovery, opportune meeting, crossover ideas, artistic and technical pursuits leading to Harmony - where a real sense of beauty and esthetics accompanies ->
7. High Touch in the natural flow of a creative environment - that entices the development of practical and useful ->
8. High Tech to freely explore and apply diverse human talents and natural resources as good stewards - as a wonderful market for ->
9. High Finance as servant of commerce, discovery, entrepreneurism, philanthropy, savings and works of mercy -> where money is spent into existence to surge upward to wash down to enrich and prosper all as it is spent and re-invested.
We Must End the Cause and Effect of Money and its Manipulators as our Masters.
We’ve become so used to the structures of our political system has degenerated to and the “progressive” manipulations that control it. This reverse order absolutely perverts the causes and effects shown above. We must re-prioritize our systems to do much better for the American people with their myriad and infinite range of jobs, careers, talents and responsibilities. It would make elected officials, bureaucrats, financiers, law enforcement and military more efficient, less costly and even more honorable and meaningful careers. It means turning that Multistory Outhouse of an upside world capped by the mastery of “progressive” finance, taxation and bureaucratic overreach into a beautiful Fountain of Opportunity and Prosperity that can exceed the wildest dreams of the greediest hedge fund manager or power hungry politician – or the child dreaming of his future. They just have to learn to be good boys and girls. We will work to show them the way to change and enjoy it.
Finally, the good doctor is joined by those of us who look forward to November – for the same reasons – love of God and country and a sense of urgency to return to our roots where we can at least be “the loyal opposition to each other”:
“The only hope at present is the forthcoming November midterm elections and, if power in the Senate can be acquired by the Republican Party and expanded in the House, efforts to thwart the deliberate destruction of the nation can be enacted. We have been living with a President who has refused to negotiate with Congress and with a Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, who has blocked debates and votes on any of the legislation initiated in the House.” Alan Caruba in the Tea Party Nation Forum
By now us Conservatives and Liberals should know who the fanatics are. They are the ones striving to take down our country. The real fanatics are proud to call themselves “progressives.” We are the loyal opposition – coming from different directions, but loyal opposition nonetheless. Liberal and Conservative and the folks in the middle.
Commentary © 2014 Gerald V. Todd
Religious Liberty or License?
“Progressives” have much to say about religion as defined by relativism – surely the oxymoron of the age.
Decrying the madness of the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man, Pope Pius VI said, “This absolute freedom is established as a right of man in society. It not only guarantees him the right to not be disturbed because of his religious opinions, but it also gives him license to think, speak, write, and even print with impunity everything which the most unbridled imagination can suggest about religion. The innate quality and freedom of all men (because of our free will) is often contrary to the right of the supreme Creator.”
Without rights, then, what does the moral conversation look like? If we don’t cling to something like religious freedom, how shall we frame our response to “progressive” pontificators? Their litany of the “evils” of a Judeo-Christian national moral foundation always include errors on the relationship of science and religion and worst of all the absolutism of Sharia Law which are thrown in as just another religious option.
We’ve apparently dispensed with the language of natural inalienable rights, deteriorating into relativism. It is the undefined and ambiguous language of subjective rights that has us in this mess of relativism to begin with. If one person claims a right, another person will claim a different right, and the process will inevitably spin out of control.
Aquinas and his forerunners gave us a viable framework: natural law. Natural law is something distinct from natural rights. The concept of eternal law (lex aeternae) is of God’s making and is coeternal with His own nature (as noted in the Declaration of Independence). For humans, who can either accept or reject this law, the eternal law is received from within. When humans act in a manner consistent with God’s eternal law, they are not inventing laws of their own, but rather discovering this law and appropriating it for themselves. This is the natural law (lex naturalis). It is our participation in the divine law held in the mind of God. The American experiment, founded on biblical principles has worked well so far. Why are “progressives” so eager to trash it?
Gerald V. Todd
REF: By What Right? By Jake Tawney in The American Catholic 1/23/13
Decrying the madness of the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man, Pope Pius VI said, “This absolute freedom is established as a right of man in society. It not only guarantees him the right to not be disturbed because of his religious opinions, but it also gives him license to think, speak, write, and even print with impunity everything which the most unbridled imagination can suggest about religion. The innate quality and freedom of all men (because of our free will) is often contrary to the right of the supreme Creator.”
Without rights, then, what does the moral conversation look like? If we don’t cling to something like religious freedom, how shall we frame our response to “progressive” pontificators? Their litany of the “evils” of a Judeo-Christian national moral foundation always include errors on the relationship of science and religion and worst of all the absolutism of Sharia Law which are thrown in as just another religious option.
We’ve apparently dispensed with the language of natural inalienable rights, deteriorating into relativism. It is the undefined and ambiguous language of subjective rights that has us in this mess of relativism to begin with. If one person claims a right, another person will claim a different right, and the process will inevitably spin out of control.
Aquinas and his forerunners gave us a viable framework: natural law. Natural law is something distinct from natural rights. The concept of eternal law (lex aeternae) is of God’s making and is coeternal with His own nature (as noted in the Declaration of Independence). For humans, who can either accept or reject this law, the eternal law is received from within. When humans act in a manner consistent with God’s eternal law, they are not inventing laws of their own, but rather discovering this law and appropriating it for themselves. This is the natural law (lex naturalis). It is our participation in the divine law held in the mind of God. The American experiment, founded on biblical principles has worked well so far. Why are “progressives” so eager to trash it?
Gerald V. Todd
REF: By What Right? By Jake Tawney in The American Catholic 1/23/13
California’s Drought and Others
I had to post this great story that’s been around before because it is also a parody of how we are facing the drought – politicians, bureaucrats, end users of water – farmers, processors, oil and gas producers, offices and cold storage with a special nod to the media.
I spent 25 years trying to market remediation and water and energy saving technologies. I am unashamedly marketing two that are proven and already saving millions in water and money, yet California is one big joke as an Armenian businessman told me at the recent Ag Show in Tulare. He said Californians are by far the most difficult to be open to ideas. (BTW – he got $50 mil from the Chinese after giving up on sources in CA).
Perhaps by being regulated and taxed to death, too many Californians are brain frozen. We agreed that the regulatory and environmental nutcases are largely domiciled along the coast - having no understanding of where and how food, fiber and energy are produced. We laughed over the idea that California had too long a coast line to accommodate troglodytes.
Works in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming too
The Governor of California is jogging with his dog along a nature trail. A coyote jumps out and attacks the Governor's dog, then bites the Governor.
The Governor starts to intervene, but reflects upon the movie "Bambi" and then realizes he should stop because the coyote is only doing what is natural.
He calls animal control. Animal Control captures the coyote and bills the state $200 testing it for diseases and $500 for relocating it.
He calls a veterinarian. The vet collects the dead dog and bills the State $200 testing it for diseases.
The Governor goes to hospital and spends $3,500 getting checked for diseases from the coyote and on getting his bite wound bandaged.
The running trail gets shut down for 6 months while Fish & Game conducts a $100,000 survey to make sure the area is now free of dangerous animals.
The Governor spends $50,000 in state funds implementing a "coyote awareness program" for residents of the area.
The State Legislature spends $2 million to study how to better treat rabies and how to permanently eradicate the disease throughout the world.
The Governor's security agent is fired for not stopping the attack. The state spends $150,000 to hire and train a new agent with additional special training re the nature of coyotes.
PETA protests the coyote's relocation and files a $5 million suit against the state.
The Governor of Texas is jogging with his dog along a nature trail. A coyote jumps out and attacks his dog.
The Governor shoots the coyote with his state-issued pistol and keeps jogging. The Governor has spent $.50 on a .45 ACP hollow point cartridge.
The buzzards eat the dead coyote.
And that, my friends, is why California is broke and Texas is not.
I spent 25 years trying to market remediation and water and energy saving technologies. I am unashamedly marketing two that are proven and already saving millions in water and money, yet California is one big joke as an Armenian businessman told me at the recent Ag Show in Tulare. He said Californians are by far the most difficult to be open to ideas. (BTW – he got $50 mil from the Chinese after giving up on sources in CA).
Perhaps by being regulated and taxed to death, too many Californians are brain frozen. We agreed that the regulatory and environmental nutcases are largely domiciled along the coast - having no understanding of where and how food, fiber and energy are produced. We laughed over the idea that California had too long a coast line to accommodate troglodytes.
Works in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming too
The Governor of California is jogging with his dog along a nature trail. A coyote jumps out and attacks the Governor's dog, then bites the Governor.
The Governor starts to intervene, but reflects upon the movie "Bambi" and then realizes he should stop because the coyote is only doing what is natural.
He calls animal control. Animal Control captures the coyote and bills the state $200 testing it for diseases and $500 for relocating it.
He calls a veterinarian. The vet collects the dead dog and bills the State $200 testing it for diseases.
The Governor goes to hospital and spends $3,500 getting checked for diseases from the coyote and on getting his bite wound bandaged.
The running trail gets shut down for 6 months while Fish & Game conducts a $100,000 survey to make sure the area is now free of dangerous animals.
The Governor spends $50,000 in state funds implementing a "coyote awareness program" for residents of the area.
The State Legislature spends $2 million to study how to better treat rabies and how to permanently eradicate the disease throughout the world.
The Governor's security agent is fired for not stopping the attack. The state spends $150,000 to hire and train a new agent with additional special training re the nature of coyotes.
PETA protests the coyote's relocation and files a $5 million suit against the state.
The Governor of Texas is jogging with his dog along a nature trail. A coyote jumps out and attacks his dog.
The Governor shoots the coyote with his state-issued pistol and keeps jogging. The Governor has spent $.50 on a .45 ACP hollow point cartridge.
The buzzards eat the dead coyote.
And that, my friends, is why California is broke and Texas is not.
Date: Monday, February 17, 2014, 12:13 PM
Date: Monday, February 17, 2014, 12:13 PM
Our purpose, our advocacy ARTICLE V.
Comments from our group in discussion.
"HJR 1004 failed after more than a half hour of debate." A whole half hour, 30 minutes, I'm impressed it took that long!
By eliminating the 14th, 16th and 17th amendment, the feds would be forced into a balanced budget, and the States would determine their path, without federal blackmail money or laws or threats.
"And He will make the simple to confound the wise."
And of course we all know what will happen if it goes to a citizen vote....Democracy.
"Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide."
John Adams
Our Nation was founded as a REPUBLIC. cl/DB
Again, we are entrusting our governance to the people who do not, and will not benefit with government power curtailed.
This was an exercise in paying lip service to people trying to change things, making them feel they can make a difference and that they had a sensitive ear, and a token representative voice that gave them a shot at it.
It was an exercise in futility, wasted effort and a fig leaf instead of a hammer...I think they hope we will become so tired of fighting we just give up.
Going after the money is only one part of the solution, the power to usurp the checks and balances, is the most malignant disease (the 14th amendment). It will forever alter the original intent of the Constitution. BBA was always a less than half measure, they were settling for what they hoped they could get...we are beyond piece meal fixes. The 14th will usurp EVERY corrective law that is attempted.
Article V must come from 'we the people'...who stand to achieve the restored power, from the States, who also stand to receive the restored power....those who stand to lose any of it are not going to give it an honest chance to succeed...we have the reality of an imperial Congress and an imperial president, with a judiciary poised to ice the cake....the federal government is supreme.....30 minutes of debate was an insult. cl/lb
One of my passions over the years has been to restructure our monetary system to an honest one. See the chart I developed in 1982. LB’s comment about the 14th Amendment is so right on. The question is – what do we do about it?
1. Money at its core is a medium of exchange for safety and convenience. Period!
2. Money must again become first the servant of commerce, entrepreneurship, philanthropy and frugality.
3. Money and the love of it is currently our master – this must stop.
4. Money borrowed into existence is TRIBUTE – “the good faith and credit of…” paid by the Value Creators the debt was created against.
5. Virtually all vehicles designed to make money from manipulation of money must be either outlawed or heavily taxed – a true “carbon tax” to incentivize liquid resources to invest in enterprise and the works of mercy rather than hedging and manipulating the medium of exchange.
6. Borrowing money into existence creates a system that must continually inflate to cover the accumulation of debt until those who pay its TRIBUTE are overwhelmed. The end of a system can be much worse than its continued existence by whatever legerdemain that can be conjured up as we are currently experiencing.
7. The current 0-1% primes are designed from a practical standpoint to keep the system from collapsing on its overextended self, and nefariously to drain the wealth of the middle class to create further dependency - a long time “progressive” goal.
8. Inflation is caused by two major factors – scarcity of a commodity or what it truly is in finance – the devaluation of currency to cover for overwhelming debt. It takes far far less effort to pay off a fixed debt in 2014 dollars than in 1967 dollars.
a. Scarcity of a commodity is resolved in a free society by finding more, optimizing its refinement, or substituting for it in products and production. Success stories across the board are far too numerous to mention – only by the end results. E.g., automobile grilles used to be made of die cast zinc and chrome plated. Today they are far lighter and cheaper to make injection molded plastic, chrome plated.
b. We keep worrying about rising prices. Actually in a free economy, prices tend to fall as the gifts, talents and resources of a nation and its people are challenged. We all watch the debt clock racing furiously to the next trillion. Little is said about how that debt is incurred, who gets the money and how is it offset by true value creation.
9. The power of money is nearly impossible to overcome unless mobs in the streets overwhelm the manipulators’ Pretorian Guard and drag the perps into the street while burning and looting everything of value. This is not a suitable solution under any circumstances. The solution can come with the moneyed finding a better way to do things while easing the stress on their seared consciences (the loss of one’s ability to tell right from wrong.).
a. As an ideal, let us say the currency of God’s eternity is Love. No one expects this ultimate expression of exchange of wealth leading to greater things.
b. Wealth is measured in assets, material or financial, but also in the disciplined development of individual and community gifts and talents. It is not a zero-sum game, as the combination of resources and talents will always yield greater value, increased wealth and the incentive for even greater accomplishments.
c. My Political Theory of Relativity explains this re-prioritization as best I have been able over the years.
d. Short of the infinite resources of eternal Love, a way certainly could be developed to switch to debt-free money creation, clear the onus of existing debt by any of a variety of incentives and repayments.
i. New money – a major responsibility of Congress usurped by the money changers with the 14th Amendment will be spent into existence at a rate not to exceed the ability of the economy to absorb it. The design and construction of infrastructure, the common defense and creation or maintenance of things of beauty are legitimate new money receptacles.
ii. Congress appropriates money for national projects and distributes to the states for their projected goals and needs. Under states’ rights, we create 50 laboratories for the efficient distribution of money into meaningful projects.
iii. Debt free money can circulate in the local and national economies up to nine times as workers and purveyors are paid and they in turn spend and pay (not pad!) their bills. A 10% shrinkage allows for the taxes needed to run governments.
iv. Foreign and domestic bondholders will be offered exchange for their created debt at discounted value in non-debt created money and/or options for stock in joint entrepreneurial efforts that can enhance the lives of the debt-holding government as well as the United States. This could be called a two-way technology transfer that is used to enhance human life everywhere without destroying the careers, jobs and production capacity of the debtor nation. This is critical, as a nation must have the broadest capacity to provide not just full employment, but full employment reaching into all the myriad gifts and talents of the individual human beings that populate that nation. Creation of “jobs” falls as far short of needs as “progressive” defined diversity does of matching the infinite range of human gifts and talents found among all races, ethnicities and creeds.
10. Health, Education and Welfare are not legitimate functions of the federal government and therefore not suitable for money creation on a program level. State and community hospitals, colleges and universities, including per capita infrastructure support of private and philanthropically motivated institutions would qualify at that level. Operational support for public, private and religious institutions would come from direct community support. This keeps the inefficient and too distant hand of the federal government far away from the point of need, except for the short term in dire emergencies.
11. National standards for roads and bridges can be developed under the authority of a Senate no longer under the onus of the 17th Amendment. Here the Senators can again represent the infrastructure needs of their particular states, not the onus of an overreaching federal bureaucracy.
Comments from our group in discussion.
"HJR 1004 failed after more than a half hour of debate." A whole half hour, 30 minutes, I'm impressed it took that long!
By eliminating the 14th, 16th and 17th amendment, the feds would be forced into a balanced budget, and the States would determine their path, without federal blackmail money or laws or threats.
"And He will make the simple to confound the wise."
And of course we all know what will happen if it goes to a citizen vote....Democracy.
"Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide."
John Adams
Our Nation was founded as a REPUBLIC. cl/DB
Again, we are entrusting our governance to the people who do not, and will not benefit with government power curtailed.
This was an exercise in paying lip service to people trying to change things, making them feel they can make a difference and that they had a sensitive ear, and a token representative voice that gave them a shot at it.
It was an exercise in futility, wasted effort and a fig leaf instead of a hammer...I think they hope we will become so tired of fighting we just give up.
Going after the money is only one part of the solution, the power to usurp the checks and balances, is the most malignant disease (the 14th amendment). It will forever alter the original intent of the Constitution. BBA was always a less than half measure, they were settling for what they hoped they could get...we are beyond piece meal fixes. The 14th will usurp EVERY corrective law that is attempted.
Article V must come from 'we the people'...who stand to achieve the restored power, from the States, who also stand to receive the restored power....those who stand to lose any of it are not going to give it an honest chance to succeed...we have the reality of an imperial Congress and an imperial president, with a judiciary poised to ice the cake....the federal government is supreme.....30 minutes of debate was an insult. cl/lb
One of my passions over the years has been to restructure our monetary system to an honest one. See the chart I developed in 1982. LB’s comment about the 14th Amendment is so right on. The question is – what do we do about it?
1. Money at its core is a medium of exchange for safety and convenience. Period!
2. Money must again become first the servant of commerce, entrepreneurship, philanthropy and frugality.
3. Money and the love of it is currently our master – this must stop.
4. Money borrowed into existence is TRIBUTE – “the good faith and credit of…” paid by the Value Creators the debt was created against.
5. Virtually all vehicles designed to make money from manipulation of money must be either outlawed or heavily taxed – a true “carbon tax” to incentivize liquid resources to invest in enterprise and the works of mercy rather than hedging and manipulating the medium of exchange.
6. Borrowing money into existence creates a system that must continually inflate to cover the accumulation of debt until those who pay its TRIBUTE are overwhelmed. The end of a system can be much worse than its continued existence by whatever legerdemain that can be conjured up as we are currently experiencing.
7. The current 0-1% primes are designed from a practical standpoint to keep the system from collapsing on its overextended self, and nefariously to drain the wealth of the middle class to create further dependency - a long time “progressive” goal.
8. Inflation is caused by two major factors – scarcity of a commodity or what it truly is in finance – the devaluation of currency to cover for overwhelming debt. It takes far far less effort to pay off a fixed debt in 2014 dollars than in 1967 dollars.
a. Scarcity of a commodity is resolved in a free society by finding more, optimizing its refinement, or substituting for it in products and production. Success stories across the board are far too numerous to mention – only by the end results. E.g., automobile grilles used to be made of die cast zinc and chrome plated. Today they are far lighter and cheaper to make injection molded plastic, chrome plated.
b. We keep worrying about rising prices. Actually in a free economy, prices tend to fall as the gifts, talents and resources of a nation and its people are challenged. We all watch the debt clock racing furiously to the next trillion. Little is said about how that debt is incurred, who gets the money and how is it offset by true value creation.
9. The power of money is nearly impossible to overcome unless mobs in the streets overwhelm the manipulators’ Pretorian Guard and drag the perps into the street while burning and looting everything of value. This is not a suitable solution under any circumstances. The solution can come with the moneyed finding a better way to do things while easing the stress on their seared consciences (the loss of one’s ability to tell right from wrong.).
a. As an ideal, let us say the currency of God’s eternity is Love. No one expects this ultimate expression of exchange of wealth leading to greater things.
b. Wealth is measured in assets, material or financial, but also in the disciplined development of individual and community gifts and talents. It is not a zero-sum game, as the combination of resources and talents will always yield greater value, increased wealth and the incentive for even greater accomplishments.
c. My Political Theory of Relativity explains this re-prioritization as best I have been able over the years.
d. Short of the infinite resources of eternal Love, a way certainly could be developed to switch to debt-free money creation, clear the onus of existing debt by any of a variety of incentives and repayments.
i. New money – a major responsibility of Congress usurped by the money changers with the 14th Amendment will be spent into existence at a rate not to exceed the ability of the economy to absorb it. The design and construction of infrastructure, the common defense and creation or maintenance of things of beauty are legitimate new money receptacles.
ii. Congress appropriates money for national projects and distributes to the states for their projected goals and needs. Under states’ rights, we create 50 laboratories for the efficient distribution of money into meaningful projects.
iii. Debt free money can circulate in the local and national economies up to nine times as workers and purveyors are paid and they in turn spend and pay (not pad!) their bills. A 10% shrinkage allows for the taxes needed to run governments.
iv. Foreign and domestic bondholders will be offered exchange for their created debt at discounted value in non-debt created money and/or options for stock in joint entrepreneurial efforts that can enhance the lives of the debt-holding government as well as the United States. This could be called a two-way technology transfer that is used to enhance human life everywhere without destroying the careers, jobs and production capacity of the debtor nation. This is critical, as a nation must have the broadest capacity to provide not just full employment, but full employment reaching into all the myriad gifts and talents of the individual human beings that populate that nation. Creation of “jobs” falls as far short of needs as “progressive” defined diversity does of matching the infinite range of human gifts and talents found among all races, ethnicities and creeds.
10. Health, Education and Welfare are not legitimate functions of the federal government and therefore not suitable for money creation on a program level. State and community hospitals, colleges and universities, including per capita infrastructure support of private and philanthropically motivated institutions would qualify at that level. Operational support for public, private and religious institutions would come from direct community support. This keeps the inefficient and too distant hand of the federal government far away from the point of need, except for the short term in dire emergencies.
11. National standards for roads and bridges can be developed under the authority of a Senate no longer under the onus of the 17th Amendment. Here the Senators can again represent the infrastructure needs of their particular states, not the onus of an overreaching federal bureaucracy.
Political Correctness is the neutron bomb of spiritual warfare
Political Correctness (PC) is a weapon of spiritual warfare visited upon innocent, peace-loving people who are naturally sensitive to the feelings of others. - Propriety. Americans generally have a high sense of propriety because of their deeply ingrained Judeo-Christian heritage. This virtue has been used against us because the enemy knows we will constrain ourselves from hurting another’s feelings. Unlike the promoters of PC, we also develop our logic from more than one lame-brained concept as is common in politics, junk science and Academia today. We are naturally disposed to try to learn the truth. A lie posing as truth, oft repeated becomes ingrained in the culture.
It seems the politically correct devotee is mentally and psychologically impaired. Fortunately it is a curable malady, but the human tendency toward self-worship might make it a difficult path to follow, since it is followed spiritually… a foolish thought to the natural man.
What are some evidences of the bankruptcy of political correctness?
In true Cloward and Pivens fashion, the thrust to overwhelm the system goes on….
PC generally sets Logic as the dominating force over Ethics and Ethics over Beauty (Aesthetics). This order is a key prioritization of the three normative sciences of the Philosophy of American Philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914). Since I define PC as a weapon of spiritual warfare, I also believe this is how “the spirit of antichrist” operates. It has been wielded very effectively in our body politic while utilizing the dedicated to Lucifer tactics of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and the strategies of Cloward and Pivens.
With “Progressives” it seems logical to shut down industries, limit human access to natural resources, print fiat money against debt, destroy children in the womb or the Petri dish, accelerate the deaths of the old and infirm and subjugate Constitutional freedoms in order to flesh out an agenda to control the population. Luminaries from Pope Benedict XVI to Michelle Malkin refer to this as “The Culture of Death.” They sure are a joyless lot!
Logic is unfettered by moral or aesthetic constraints in postmodern society. Logic-dominated leaders show no interest in ethical and spiritually uplifting viewpoints, because they are incapable of yielding a sound ethic, much less beauty. They call themselves “Progressives.” There are three groups of three elements in the theory. The first three are the normative sciences of philosophy – Beauty, Ethics and Logic. B, E & L. They are equally important, but must be prioritized. e.g., L first creates a search for what to call logical, often ending up with a single stupid idea with no basis in truth. From that E has to adapt to faulty L (like global warming, gun control, anti-fracking, etc,), leaving no room for the B of a life saved or an appreciation of nature to the point of stewardship – not draconian laws, regs and fines as is the “progressive” agenda.
There are six combinations of priorities, but BEL is the ideal – Seek Beauty first, the Author of Beauty, the B of a life valued. Then the E defines the range and limits of B (e.g, Michelangelo’s Pieta but not Mary in elephant dung or a crucifix in urine.) Then L can be structured to protect B & E. That’s pure Logic.
Our Declaration of Independence is B, The Constitution is E and the Bill of Rights is L. See it? That’s part of the political theory of Relativity.
Why is it spiritual warfare? America has two major enemies in the spiritual venue – both striving for one-world government. The other participant in the “Culture of Death” is radical Islam which is diametrically opposed to what they see as our democratic form of government. We’ve done a lousy job of selling our Constitutional Republic founded on the Declaration of Independence – a gift our statesmen simply refuse to share. These opponents think nothing of killing innocents by bombing themselves into oblivion. This is clearly spiritual warfare because they anticipate an eternal reward for obedience to what they are taught is their religion. In the “progressive” and the radical Islamic cases, lying is a fine art to achieve their goals of world domination.
Those who think they are being logical usually cannot have discourse with someone they oppose without launching personal attacks that have nothing to do with the issue at hand. College students often face professors who have “politically correct" biases, who limit free debate and study of issues from ethical and aesthetic viewpoints. To confront these leftovers from the Hippie Generation is at the risk of failing a course.
Isn’t it time to Overcome the Overwhelmers? Is it time to initiate a “Millstone Award?”
It seems the politically correct devotee is mentally and psychologically impaired. Fortunately it is a curable malady, but the human tendency toward self-worship might make it a difficult path to follow, since it is followed spiritually… a foolish thought to the natural man.
What are some evidences of the bankruptcy of political correctness?
- Cartesian (single inference) interpretations of the Constitution and other moral bases – even believing the Constitution is either dead or a “living, breathing organism” subject to the whims of the time
- Denial that the spiritual, moral and philosophical basis of the Constitution is the Declaration of Independence.
- Removal of religious symbolism from community events and monuments.
- Banning of the private citizen’s means of self/family protection.
- State domination of children over the authority and responsibility of parents.
- Undermining parental and spousal relationships by welfare regulations
- Providing long term “assistance” to able-bodied people and corporations, thereby creating dependency on government.
- Wasting or failing to develop the talents and labor potential of incarcerated men and women and giving them extraordinary privileges.
- Forbidding prayer in public places
- Removal of public lands and waters from public access and mineral exploitation.
- Prevention of the development of private property, which along with the nuclear family is the bedrock of a free society.
- Forcing unmarketable totalitarian radio talk shows onto the airwaves, while ignoring the obvious bias toward the totalitarian view in the print and television media.
- Imposing unreasonable requirements on businesses, forcing closure or layoff of significant employee base.
- Defining species of flora and fauna ahead of human needs, rather than as an exhortation to stewardship and proper use.
- Promotion of pagan religious practices in public schools (satanic masses, dark rituals, meditations, etc.)
- Ignoring of male-female differences and proper respect in the public arena.
- Tolerating the gross insults against women by rappers while firing or suing commentators and announcers for one “insensitive” comment.
- Funding of medical research, procedures and drugs that violate the moral tenets of the majority of the population
- Interfering in the normal process of courting and other social relationships between men and women.
- Promotion and enactment of laws allowing same sex marriages
- Treating same sex relationships as equally important and significant as the heterosexual family unit, which is the basis of all successful societies.
- Removing basic educational and spiritual elements from school curricula to force time for corrupt “progressive” social indoctrination.
- Failure to protect the nation’s borders even to the point of jailing border agents and suing state governments who strive to perform their duties.
- Providing every imaginable free social service to those who enter the country illegally, bankrupting entire states and health care facilities.
- Failure to offer immigrants the gift of striving for the privilege of citizenship and to follow up on their progress to foster love of the new country.
- Interfering with market forces and works of mercy in the medical field even defining the economic viability of individuals and fining doctors for providing free care to the needy.
- Violating at all levels the Principle of Subsidiarity, wherein any aid to a person starts with individual responsibility and proceeds up the social hierarchy. The higher up the entity, the shorter the timeframe for providing assistance should be.
- Interference in activities that are the responsibility of the church supported by the local community (community social and religious norms, care of the helpless and needy)
- Interference in activities that are the responsibility of the family and local community (discipline, education, child-rearing). “Progressives” believe children should be raised by the state
- Diverting gas and vehicle tax funds from infrastructure building and maintenance to socialist welfare programs and supporting select union pensions and health care.
- Setting demanding requirements and penalties for technology when the technology is not yet developed rather than challenging creative people to conceive workable solutions.
- Outlawing plastic grocery bags after first demanding them to save the trees
- Undermining the patent laws of the nation to discourage individual invention while allowing international theft of creative ideas without compensation.
In true Cloward and Pivens fashion, the thrust to overwhelm the system goes on….
PC generally sets Logic as the dominating force over Ethics and Ethics over Beauty (Aesthetics). This order is a key prioritization of the three normative sciences of the Philosophy of American Philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914). Since I define PC as a weapon of spiritual warfare, I also believe this is how “the spirit of antichrist” operates. It has been wielded very effectively in our body politic while utilizing the dedicated to Lucifer tactics of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and the strategies of Cloward and Pivens.
With “Progressives” it seems logical to shut down industries, limit human access to natural resources, print fiat money against debt, destroy children in the womb or the Petri dish, accelerate the deaths of the old and infirm and subjugate Constitutional freedoms in order to flesh out an agenda to control the population. Luminaries from Pope Benedict XVI to Michelle Malkin refer to this as “The Culture of Death.” They sure are a joyless lot!
Logic is unfettered by moral or aesthetic constraints in postmodern society. Logic-dominated leaders show no interest in ethical and spiritually uplifting viewpoints, because they are incapable of yielding a sound ethic, much less beauty. They call themselves “Progressives.” There are three groups of three elements in the theory. The first three are the normative sciences of philosophy – Beauty, Ethics and Logic. B, E & L. They are equally important, but must be prioritized. e.g., L first creates a search for what to call logical, often ending up with a single stupid idea with no basis in truth. From that E has to adapt to faulty L (like global warming, gun control, anti-fracking, etc,), leaving no room for the B of a life saved or an appreciation of nature to the point of stewardship – not draconian laws, regs and fines as is the “progressive” agenda.
There are six combinations of priorities, but BEL is the ideal – Seek Beauty first, the Author of Beauty, the B of a life valued. Then the E defines the range and limits of B (e.g, Michelangelo’s Pieta but not Mary in elephant dung or a crucifix in urine.) Then L can be structured to protect B & E. That’s pure Logic.
Our Declaration of Independence is B, The Constitution is E and the Bill of Rights is L. See it? That’s part of the political theory of Relativity.
Why is it spiritual warfare? America has two major enemies in the spiritual venue – both striving for one-world government. The other participant in the “Culture of Death” is radical Islam which is diametrically opposed to what they see as our democratic form of government. We’ve done a lousy job of selling our Constitutional Republic founded on the Declaration of Independence – a gift our statesmen simply refuse to share. These opponents think nothing of killing innocents by bombing themselves into oblivion. This is clearly spiritual warfare because they anticipate an eternal reward for obedience to what they are taught is their religion. In the “progressive” and the radical Islamic cases, lying is a fine art to achieve their goals of world domination.
Those who think they are being logical usually cannot have discourse with someone they oppose without launching personal attacks that have nothing to do with the issue at hand. College students often face professors who have “politically correct" biases, who limit free debate and study of issues from ethical and aesthetic viewpoints. To confront these leftovers from the Hippie Generation is at the risk of failing a course.
Isn’t it time to Overcome the Overwhelmers? Is it time to initiate a “Millstone Award?”
Paranoid Libertarianism vs. phony diversity
This blog about a NYC school dropping a successful program for lack of diversity seems to parallel with the entire NYC/Harvard mindset.
Attached is my effort to explain it to those with more active left-right brain interaction…
Diversity has been given a bad name by “progressives”
Today’s “progressive” has such a limited mindset, it’s a wonder they can find their way to the bathroom in the morning. Being severely “corpus colosum challenged” – meaning they cannot process and integrate left and right brain signals (except for designing video games) to arrive at cogent and reasonable conclusions. An ancient text referred to this as “ever learning, but never coming to the knowledge of truth…”
Diversity in their limited perception means merely simple human divisions of race, gender, ethnicity and economic status – with today’s strange nod to sexual “preference.” True diversity goes infinitely deeper into the endless range of gifts, talents and visions among all humanity and expressed in each unique individual.
The role of education is not to segregate people into mind-numbing pre-conceived boxes to meet some totalitarian goal. Seeking one’s own gifts and talents also mitigates the more base drives for physical satisfaction whatever that may be. Searching, discovering and application is the moral counterpoint to self-demeaning urges the mob covets for us.
Education – to educe - to draw out - is the most important role for the “Educator.” If the Educator has no vision of his/her own, or basis in the Wisdom of the Ages, what value is delivered? That which is passed down to us in our faith restrains us from overwhelming others instead of serving them.
Have you ever pondered God’s command to Adam and Eve to “… Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over all the plants and animals…?” God entrusted us with His Creation. We search and toil in awe as we strive to subdue and be fruitful… all the way into outer space with our visions and inventions!
Being fruitful, multiplying and subduing doesn’t imply beating the heck out of everything in sight. The Author of Beauty has love and stewardship in mind for us. Fruitfulness not only implies populating this wonderful earth across the lands and seas, but to subdue the untamed riches by a wedding of two gifts of Creation:
1. The gift of a wonderful planet Earth - The vast array of elements, minerals, flora and fauna. Their properties, combinations and improvements are our responsibility to discover and apply as good stewards. Subduing or taming these often wild and dangerous components of creation requires wisdom and imagination. That’s where science and free enterprise come in.
2. The gift of infinite diversity - Since the challenges are infinite, and in this engineer’s mind, an eternal voyage of discovery, development, sharing, rejoicing and praising He who made us in his image and likeness. Infinite challenges require infinite diversity. The “progressive” totalitarian is incapable of such vision. He/she destroys the visions of others, especially since in our times they have dominated what is left of education and media to the point the people perish for lack of vision.
Science has determined we all came from one set of parents and are therefore brothers and sisters. See
We share common blood types and can cross breed - we go back about 60,000 years as developed humanity. The “official” racial, ethnic and moral diversity of the “regressive” divides us into potentially warring camps while denying “In God we Trust” and “e pluribus unum.”
True diversity is the infinite range of gifts, talents, challenges and opportunities humanity is intended to share in a free society – as one our Founders sacrificed for and passed down to us. No one is smart enough to determine an individual’s value and potential. That is why all life is sacred from conception to natural death. As Americans, we rejoice in the limitless opportunities our Constitutional Republic has allowed us to discover, to fail, to succeed. No nation or system of governance has ever afforded its people the privilege to thrive in infinite diversity as individuals and as a people.
Gerald V. Todd
Attached is my effort to explain it to those with more active left-right brain interaction…
Diversity has been given a bad name by “progressives”
Today’s “progressive” has such a limited mindset, it’s a wonder they can find their way to the bathroom in the morning. Being severely “corpus colosum challenged” – meaning they cannot process and integrate left and right brain signals (except for designing video games) to arrive at cogent and reasonable conclusions. An ancient text referred to this as “ever learning, but never coming to the knowledge of truth…”
Diversity in their limited perception means merely simple human divisions of race, gender, ethnicity and economic status – with today’s strange nod to sexual “preference.” True diversity goes infinitely deeper into the endless range of gifts, talents and visions among all humanity and expressed in each unique individual.
The role of education is not to segregate people into mind-numbing pre-conceived boxes to meet some totalitarian goal. Seeking one’s own gifts and talents also mitigates the more base drives for physical satisfaction whatever that may be. Searching, discovering and application is the moral counterpoint to self-demeaning urges the mob covets for us.
Education – to educe - to draw out - is the most important role for the “Educator.” If the Educator has no vision of his/her own, or basis in the Wisdom of the Ages, what value is delivered? That which is passed down to us in our faith restrains us from overwhelming others instead of serving them.
Have you ever pondered God’s command to Adam and Eve to “… Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over all the plants and animals…?” God entrusted us with His Creation. We search and toil in awe as we strive to subdue and be fruitful… all the way into outer space with our visions and inventions!
Being fruitful, multiplying and subduing doesn’t imply beating the heck out of everything in sight. The Author of Beauty has love and stewardship in mind for us. Fruitfulness not only implies populating this wonderful earth across the lands and seas, but to subdue the untamed riches by a wedding of two gifts of Creation:
1. The gift of a wonderful planet Earth - The vast array of elements, minerals, flora and fauna. Their properties, combinations and improvements are our responsibility to discover and apply as good stewards. Subduing or taming these often wild and dangerous components of creation requires wisdom and imagination. That’s where science and free enterprise come in.
2. The gift of infinite diversity - Since the challenges are infinite, and in this engineer’s mind, an eternal voyage of discovery, development, sharing, rejoicing and praising He who made us in his image and likeness. Infinite challenges require infinite diversity. The “progressive” totalitarian is incapable of such vision. He/she destroys the visions of others, especially since in our times they have dominated what is left of education and media to the point the people perish for lack of vision.
Science has determined we all came from one set of parents and are therefore brothers and sisters. See
We share common blood types and can cross breed - we go back about 60,000 years as developed humanity. The “official” racial, ethnic and moral diversity of the “regressive” divides us into potentially warring camps while denying “In God we Trust” and “e pluribus unum.”
True diversity is the infinite range of gifts, talents, challenges and opportunities humanity is intended to share in a free society – as one our Founders sacrificed for and passed down to us. No one is smart enough to determine an individual’s value and potential. That is why all life is sacred from conception to natural death. As Americans, we rejoice in the limitless opportunities our Constitutional Republic has allowed us to discover, to fail, to succeed. No nation or system of governance has ever afforded its people the privilege to thrive in infinite diversity as individuals and as a people.
Gerald V. Todd
Froma Harrop, Columnist - Providence Journal
Dear Froma,
I wrote this as an exhortation to taking a beautiful rather than draconian approach to the environment. Your article in this morning’s Bakersfield Californian touted the glories of really creative techies preferring to live in concentrated areas with strong academic ties. They also like to head out to the country to hike in their own defined spaces – and shovel manure, I suppose. I guess those 250 square foot flats being pushed in major cities will be quickly grabbed up by your techies to enjoy – or are those for the urban peons?. Somehow I get a “let them eat cake” attitude coming out of this mindset.
Your version of techies generally covers those who can write software or develop video games to make billions. One good solar flare could put all that to nothing. What about the tool and die maker who made a gear for my 1960 Omega Seamaster watch when the New York repair shop couldn’t fix it? Or for the myriad “dirty jobs” Mike Rowe exposed the world to? You did know that Silicon Valley was one of the most polluted industrial areas in the nation? Not smoke and slag, but solvents and carcinogens leaching into the water table and fouling sewer systems. “Bugs” eat your offal, but can’t when they’re dead from solvent poisoning.
Since you mentioned Burgers in Bakersfield, suffice it to say your tofu, pistachios and baby carrots come from places that require water, and open space – and talented people to husband them. These all benefit from software-based measuring devices that optimize water, energy and fertilizer applications that your nearby Safeway customer never dreams about. It also benefits from the local machine shop that can build specialized farm equipment – like the carrot harvesters that travel about 3 mph or the way baby spinach and lettuce are mowed just like your lawn. You do have a lawn, or does a tree only grow in Brooklyn?
I could go on, but may I suggest three things:
1.Forget the highly touted but limited “diversity” of race, creed, ethnicity and sexual preference. These are all fine, but true diversity is the infinite range of gifts and talents found in the human population regardless of the above. Powerful central governments are incapable of addressing true diversity. That is why our Constitutional Republic succeeded in spite of the efforts of eugenicists and “progressives.”
2.Since we are destined to a global economy, maybe a careful study of Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical “Caritas in veritate” is in order. Word search 57. and read a few sections relating to the combined application of subsidiarity and solidarity.
3.Start giving some thought to
All the best,
I wrote this as an exhortation to taking a beautiful rather than draconian approach to the environment. Your article in this morning’s Bakersfield Californian touted the glories of really creative techies preferring to live in concentrated areas with strong academic ties. They also like to head out to the country to hike in their own defined spaces – and shovel manure, I suppose. I guess those 250 square foot flats being pushed in major cities will be quickly grabbed up by your techies to enjoy – or are those for the urban peons?. Somehow I get a “let them eat cake” attitude coming out of this mindset.
Your version of techies generally covers those who can write software or develop video games to make billions. One good solar flare could put all that to nothing. What about the tool and die maker who made a gear for my 1960 Omega Seamaster watch when the New York repair shop couldn’t fix it? Or for the myriad “dirty jobs” Mike Rowe exposed the world to? You did know that Silicon Valley was one of the most polluted industrial areas in the nation? Not smoke and slag, but solvents and carcinogens leaching into the water table and fouling sewer systems. “Bugs” eat your offal, but can’t when they’re dead from solvent poisoning.
Since you mentioned Burgers in Bakersfield, suffice it to say your tofu, pistachios and baby carrots come from places that require water, and open space – and talented people to husband them. These all benefit from software-based measuring devices that optimize water, energy and fertilizer applications that your nearby Safeway customer never dreams about. It also benefits from the local machine shop that can build specialized farm equipment – like the carrot harvesters that travel about 3 mph or the way baby spinach and lettuce are mowed just like your lawn. You do have a lawn, or does a tree only grow in Brooklyn?
I could go on, but may I suggest three things:
1.Forget the highly touted but limited “diversity” of race, creed, ethnicity and sexual preference. These are all fine, but true diversity is the infinite range of gifts and talents found in the human population regardless of the above. Powerful central governments are incapable of addressing true diversity. That is why our Constitutional Republic succeeded in spite of the efforts of eugenicists and “progressives.”
2.Since we are destined to a global economy, maybe a careful study of Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical “Caritas in veritate” is in order. Word search 57. and read a few sections relating to the combined application of subsidiarity and solidarity.
3.Start giving some thought to
All the best,
Update: John McCain and George Soros at World Economic Forum at Davos On 1/23/14
George Soros, the “Titular Head of the Republican Party?”
Credit Sentinel Radio October, 2009
John McCain: George Soros’ Useful Idiot?
Many believe George Soros is out to destroy America’s Constitution and sovereignty. From the anti-2nd amendment gun control group, Americans for Gun Safety to the anti-free speech McCain-Feingold Finance Reform Act, John McCain has been carrying out marching orders from Soros, enriching his Reform Institute and his campaign coffers while riding Soros’ coattails to national prominence as the mainstream media darling, ‘Maverick’ Senator McCain.
Credit Sentinel Radio October, 2009
John McCain: George Soros’ Useful Idiot?
Many believe George Soros is out to destroy America’s Constitution and sovereignty. From the anti-2nd amendment gun control group, Americans for Gun Safety to the anti-free speech McCain-Feingold Finance Reform Act, John McCain has been carrying out marching orders from Soros, enriching his Reform Institute and his campaign coffers while riding Soros’ coattails to national prominence as the mainstream media darling, ‘Maverick’ Senator McCain.
The ambitious Soros has a goal of rewriting the United States Constitution by the year 2020. He has funded efforts for a world-wide gun ban instituted through the United Nations as well as borderless nations, legalizing illicit drugs and his ultimate goal of a world government controlled by the U.N. Does John McCain share his lofty goals?
The McCain-Feingold legislation was an idea devised by the brilliant Mr. Soros. The Act stopped ‘soft’ money contributions to the Democrat and Republican parties, as well as putting limits on free speech by not permitting a candidate’s name to be used in ads 60 days prior to general elections and 30 days prior to primary elections. This Act bankrupted the Democratic Party because, unlike the Republican Party, the Democratic Party was primarily financed by ‘soft’ money donations from large groups such as Unions. The Republican Party, by contrast, receives most of its funds from individuals in the form of ‘hard’ money, small donations.
George Soros had discovered a way to make the Democrat Party beholden to him through an obvious loophole (large enough to drive a Mexican truck through) in the law, establishing what is known as 527 groups, after the section in the tax code. With Democratic donations dried up after the passage of McCain-Feingold, George Soros and his billionaire buddies founded several 527s privately and stealthily. 527s are unlimited in terms of contributions, unregulated, and can be used to run politic ads and fund other activities related to issues. Therein lies its brilliance. It could be said that George Soros now owns the Democratic Party because he controls the money they once received through big donor donations. And, thus he controls the agenda. He has established what is now considered the ‘Shadow Party’, a party within the Democrat Party.
When Soros was looking for a vehicle to bring this scheme to fruition, who was standing with his hand extended? Senator John McCain. And, richly rewarded he was. During the 2000 political season John McCain and Russ Feingold attended the two so-called ‘Shadow Conventions’ that Soros sponsored. McCain, who is desperately attempting to retain his false title of ‘Republican’, was the keynote speaker at the ultra-liberal Philadelphia convention while Feingold spoke at the Los Angeles event. Low and behold, in 2001, John McCain founded the Reform Institute largely funded by a huge donation from George Soros’ Open Society Institute and his Tides Foundation.
The Reform Institute from which John McCain resigned in 2005, no doubt to pursue his run for the presidency, is dedicated to advancing the Soros agenda despised by most Conservatives and many mainstream Americans. Their goals include amnesty, a borderless North America dissolving a sovereign USA, open Republican primaries which would have Democrats and Independents determining the Republican Presidential Candidate, thereby putting the final nail in the Republican Party’s coffin. For examples of how the institute feels regarding mass amnesty of illegal aliens in the United States, look at the student art work awarded for mocking the border fence, posted by Michelle Malkin, who has shined light on the Soros/McCain connection over the past week.
Most damning is McCain’s Reform Institute fellow, Juan Hernandez, who is an open-border lobbyist and former Mexican government cabinet member. Working for Presidente Vicente Fox, he was the Director of the Office of Mexicans Living Abroad. He is described in his bio at McCain’s Reform Institute as being an American, but actually has dual citizenship with Mexico and has feverishly lobbied for amnesty. Juan Hernandez with his extremist views on illegal immigration and open borders, is also the John McCain presidential campaign’s Hispanic Outreach Director. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to see that McCain has never veered off of his path to amnesty.
America’s 2nd Amendment is on the McCain-Soros’ chopping block. According to an interesting observation posted on the blog, The Provocateur, Soros’ definition of a terrorist rarely strays beyond considering the word semantically equivalent to any “American citizen who owns a firearm” . Soros is funding many, if not all, anti-gun groups in the United States and throughout the world via his financial support of anti-gun bans which he initiates in the United Nations. Why? According to Judge Napolitano, in his book Constitutional Chaos, the original intent of the 2nd amendment was not only to protect the citizenry from intruders and other criminals but more importantly from the government itself. Napolitano also points out that every government takeover has been the result of a disarmed citizenry.
A little known fact is that McCain has quietly endorsed George Soros’ anti-2nd amendment gun control position, going so far as to do an advertisement for the Soros funded pro-gun control group, Americans for Gun Safety. Campaigning against gun shows to promote the McCain-Lieberman Gun Show Control Bill of 2004, the advertisement carried multiple misleading statements as explained by Dave Kopel writing in the National Review Online in an article titled, “Gun Games: Truth is a casuality of the anti-gun cause.” The McCain-Lieberman Gun Show Law would have greatly expanded the Brady Bill and the Bureau of Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) while continuing to fund new gun control laws. Important to note is that the highly respected Gun Owners of America has been exposing McCain’s anti-2nd Amendment agenda for quite some time. Read GOA’s Take on John McCain and John McCain’s Gun Control Problem. Prior to 2000, the beginning of his relationship with Soros, McCain went from being a supporter of the 2nd Amendment to being a lead sponsor of anti-gun bills.
McCain has consistently taken positions against Republicans and Conservatives in Congress, often flip-flopping on formerly Conservative positions. Do Republicans want their Presidential nominee, this so-called ‘Maverick’ McCain, who is beholden to the likes of the George Soros and what many believe is a campaign against our US Constitution and sovereignty?
Thanks to Sentinel Radio and its blog for exposing what I called “The New York Times-selected candidate for the Republican Party.” He is apparently far worse than that.
A recent article reported how he was restructuring the GOP to be “right of center”, but still retains Steve Schmidt, the Sarah Palin hating hit man to help fund candidates of like mind.
The McCain-Feingold legislation was an idea devised by the brilliant Mr. Soros. The Act stopped ‘soft’ money contributions to the Democrat and Republican parties, as well as putting limits on free speech by not permitting a candidate’s name to be used in ads 60 days prior to general elections and 30 days prior to primary elections. This Act bankrupted the Democratic Party because, unlike the Republican Party, the Democratic Party was primarily financed by ‘soft’ money donations from large groups such as Unions. The Republican Party, by contrast, receives most of its funds from individuals in the form of ‘hard’ money, small donations.
George Soros had discovered a way to make the Democrat Party beholden to him through an obvious loophole (large enough to drive a Mexican truck through) in the law, establishing what is known as 527 groups, after the section in the tax code. With Democratic donations dried up after the passage of McCain-Feingold, George Soros and his billionaire buddies founded several 527s privately and stealthily. 527s are unlimited in terms of contributions, unregulated, and can be used to run politic ads and fund other activities related to issues. Therein lies its brilliance. It could be said that George Soros now owns the Democratic Party because he controls the money they once received through big donor donations. And, thus he controls the agenda. He has established what is now considered the ‘Shadow Party’, a party within the Democrat Party.
When Soros was looking for a vehicle to bring this scheme to fruition, who was standing with his hand extended? Senator John McCain. And, richly rewarded he was. During the 2000 political season John McCain and Russ Feingold attended the two so-called ‘Shadow Conventions’ that Soros sponsored. McCain, who is desperately attempting to retain his false title of ‘Republican’, was the keynote speaker at the ultra-liberal Philadelphia convention while Feingold spoke at the Los Angeles event. Low and behold, in 2001, John McCain founded the Reform Institute largely funded by a huge donation from George Soros’ Open Society Institute and his Tides Foundation.
The Reform Institute from which John McCain resigned in 2005, no doubt to pursue his run for the presidency, is dedicated to advancing the Soros agenda despised by most Conservatives and many mainstream Americans. Their goals include amnesty, a borderless North America dissolving a sovereign USA, open Republican primaries which would have Democrats and Independents determining the Republican Presidential Candidate, thereby putting the final nail in the Republican Party’s coffin. For examples of how the institute feels regarding mass amnesty of illegal aliens in the United States, look at the student art work awarded for mocking the border fence, posted by Michelle Malkin, who has shined light on the Soros/McCain connection over the past week.
Most damning is McCain’s Reform Institute fellow, Juan Hernandez, who is an open-border lobbyist and former Mexican government cabinet member. Working for Presidente Vicente Fox, he was the Director of the Office of Mexicans Living Abroad. He is described in his bio at McCain’s Reform Institute as being an American, but actually has dual citizenship with Mexico and has feverishly lobbied for amnesty. Juan Hernandez with his extremist views on illegal immigration and open borders, is also the John McCain presidential campaign’s Hispanic Outreach Director. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to see that McCain has never veered off of his path to amnesty.
America’s 2nd Amendment is on the McCain-Soros’ chopping block. According to an interesting observation posted on the blog, The Provocateur, Soros’ definition of a terrorist rarely strays beyond considering the word semantically equivalent to any “American citizen who owns a firearm” . Soros is funding many, if not all, anti-gun groups in the United States and throughout the world via his financial support of anti-gun bans which he initiates in the United Nations. Why? According to Judge Napolitano, in his book Constitutional Chaos, the original intent of the 2nd amendment was not only to protect the citizenry from intruders and other criminals but more importantly from the government itself. Napolitano also points out that every government takeover has been the result of a disarmed citizenry.
A little known fact is that McCain has quietly endorsed George Soros’ anti-2nd amendment gun control position, going so far as to do an advertisement for the Soros funded pro-gun control group, Americans for Gun Safety. Campaigning against gun shows to promote the McCain-Lieberman Gun Show Control Bill of 2004, the advertisement carried multiple misleading statements as explained by Dave Kopel writing in the National Review Online in an article titled, “Gun Games: Truth is a casuality of the anti-gun cause.” The McCain-Lieberman Gun Show Law would have greatly expanded the Brady Bill and the Bureau of Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) while continuing to fund new gun control laws. Important to note is that the highly respected Gun Owners of America has been exposing McCain’s anti-2nd Amendment agenda for quite some time. Read GOA’s Take on John McCain and John McCain’s Gun Control Problem. Prior to 2000, the beginning of his relationship with Soros, McCain went from being a supporter of the 2nd Amendment to being a lead sponsor of anti-gun bills.
McCain has consistently taken positions against Republicans and Conservatives in Congress, often flip-flopping on formerly Conservative positions. Do Republicans want their Presidential nominee, this so-called ‘Maverick’ McCain, who is beholden to the likes of the George Soros and what many believe is a campaign against our US Constitution and sovereignty?
Thanks to Sentinel Radio and its blog for exposing what I called “The New York Times-selected candidate for the Republican Party.” He is apparently far worse than that.
A recent article reported how he was restructuring the GOP to be “right of center”, but still retains Steve Schmidt, the Sarah Palin hating hit man to help fund candidates of like mind.
Man Made Climate Change
From the widely feared global freeze alarmists from academia and media touted in the 1970’s the global warming fear-mongering of the 21st Century by the same suspects, man’s responsibility for the earth’s climatic condition has been the subject of consternation and debate.
For those of us who believe in God and the wisdom passed down to us in the Bible, the first command of God to humankind made in His image and likeness is: “Be fertile and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air and all the living things that crawl on the earth.” Genesis 1:28
Given that command from our Creator, it is apparent that man is responsible for the condition and maintenance of the things of earth. If we are to have dominion over all living creatures, would it be to our advantage or sign of obedience to destroy the environment the birds, fish and animals need to thrive, much less survive? We do have a tendency to foul our own nests, so a bit of potty training in all things environmental is certainly in order. Just look at the trash and filth left after any Earth Day celebration, Occupy Wall Street march, recent Presidential inaugurations or unrestricted southern border crossings.
In the upside down and flat earth of the “progressive,” the environment has become a tool for domination, not dominion. The EPA has usurped the task of defining responsible living and production to leave no carbon atom unturned as they seek out polluters and warmers of the earth. Their approach is not unlike the unreasoning vengeance of a jihadist as both seek to punish, tax, fine, subjugate or even kill people who do not believe or behave as they deem proper. There is no evidence of love of fellow man or awe over the wonders of Creation, but only as a means to destroy any who get in the way.
No necessary process from growing food to supplying energy is exempt from EPA’s regulation blinded eyes. To make sure there is total compliance, they’ve taken thousands of pages of asinine legislation written by totalitarian outsiders, forced it on an ignorant and arrogant Congress and turned it into at least 75,000 new pages of environmental regulations. The ones that make sense are far overshadowed by countless violations of every standard of human decency and personal responsibility.
The common man or woman citizen of any age, wealth, position or intelligence is presumed to lack the “progressive’s” intensity of dedication to the beauty of creation. They must be controlled by dialectical troglodytes. It is all about power, isn’t it? Few ever consider that when they destroy that which they would hold sway over, all they have left to luxuriate in is a rotting corpse and lost hope.
So, what is answer? Stewardship! Like the “progressive” attitude toward Health, Education and Welfare, the EPA believes that only big government can accomplish what the individual, the community and a unified nation could not. Anyone who disagrees with their unconstitutionally draconian tactics has no standing in Court. This is what the Supreme Court used to defeat California’s Proposition 8 on marriage being only between a man and a woman– no standing. The state’s elected officials refused to represent the will of the people who elected them. Is treason commonly blessed by a corrupt judiciary?
Stewardship implies a love for the beauty of creation and an appreciation for God’s command to “subdue the earth – be fruitful and multiply.” That means use our widely diverse God-given gifts and talents to explore, discover, research, learn and apply the elements, flora and fauna of earth in a responsible manner.
In this sense, only the combined application of the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity (personal responsibility and unity of purpose), always in the chaotic environment of unplanned and unexpected meetings, lessons and discoveries that mankind can bring to harmony. I know; I can use my iPhone – an excellent example of subduing the earth to apply its resources in constantly improving ways using the myriad gifts and talents of millions of people to bring it to use..
“Progressives” and the EPA may not understand Stewardship, but most of us do. We’ve lived in a Constitutional Republic where the opportunity to try, to fail and to rise above one’s station in life is always there. We intend to keep it for our kids. Liberals are welcome to combine with our efforts once they escape from their “progressive” masters.
© 2014 Gerald V. Todd
For those of us who believe in God and the wisdom passed down to us in the Bible, the first command of God to humankind made in His image and likeness is: “Be fertile and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air and all the living things that crawl on the earth.” Genesis 1:28
Given that command from our Creator, it is apparent that man is responsible for the condition and maintenance of the things of earth. If we are to have dominion over all living creatures, would it be to our advantage or sign of obedience to destroy the environment the birds, fish and animals need to thrive, much less survive? We do have a tendency to foul our own nests, so a bit of potty training in all things environmental is certainly in order. Just look at the trash and filth left after any Earth Day celebration, Occupy Wall Street march, recent Presidential inaugurations or unrestricted southern border crossings.
In the upside down and flat earth of the “progressive,” the environment has become a tool for domination, not dominion. The EPA has usurped the task of defining responsible living and production to leave no carbon atom unturned as they seek out polluters and warmers of the earth. Their approach is not unlike the unreasoning vengeance of a jihadist as both seek to punish, tax, fine, subjugate or even kill people who do not believe or behave as they deem proper. There is no evidence of love of fellow man or awe over the wonders of Creation, but only as a means to destroy any who get in the way.
No necessary process from growing food to supplying energy is exempt from EPA’s regulation blinded eyes. To make sure there is total compliance, they’ve taken thousands of pages of asinine legislation written by totalitarian outsiders, forced it on an ignorant and arrogant Congress and turned it into at least 75,000 new pages of environmental regulations. The ones that make sense are far overshadowed by countless violations of every standard of human decency and personal responsibility.
The common man or woman citizen of any age, wealth, position or intelligence is presumed to lack the “progressive’s” intensity of dedication to the beauty of creation. They must be controlled by dialectical troglodytes. It is all about power, isn’t it? Few ever consider that when they destroy that which they would hold sway over, all they have left to luxuriate in is a rotting corpse and lost hope.
So, what is answer? Stewardship! Like the “progressive” attitude toward Health, Education and Welfare, the EPA believes that only big government can accomplish what the individual, the community and a unified nation could not. Anyone who disagrees with their unconstitutionally draconian tactics has no standing in Court. This is what the Supreme Court used to defeat California’s Proposition 8 on marriage being only between a man and a woman– no standing. The state’s elected officials refused to represent the will of the people who elected them. Is treason commonly blessed by a corrupt judiciary?
Stewardship implies a love for the beauty of creation and an appreciation for God’s command to “subdue the earth – be fruitful and multiply.” That means use our widely diverse God-given gifts and talents to explore, discover, research, learn and apply the elements, flora and fauna of earth in a responsible manner.
In this sense, only the combined application of the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity (personal responsibility and unity of purpose), always in the chaotic environment of unplanned and unexpected meetings, lessons and discoveries that mankind can bring to harmony. I know; I can use my iPhone – an excellent example of subduing the earth to apply its resources in constantly improving ways using the myriad gifts and talents of millions of people to bring it to use..
“Progressives” and the EPA may not understand Stewardship, but most of us do. We’ve lived in a Constitutional Republic where the opportunity to try, to fail and to rise above one’s station in life is always there. We intend to keep it for our kids. Liberals are welcome to combine with our efforts once they escape from their “progressive” masters.
© 2014 Gerald V. Todd
A puzzle wrapped in an enigma - the California water shortage.
In late January , my Congressman Kevin McCarthy along with two other San Joaquin Valley Congressmen, David Valadao and Devin Nunes joined Speaker John Boehner for a review of the extended drought California food and fiber production is facing.
Democrats and environmentalists have been fighting any improvements in California’s wonderful, but overstressed water delivery system. This, coupled with constant harassment by the EPA and an Obamacare-like immigration bill being pushed by George Soros interests have made it so difficult to farm in California that the emphasis has moved from cotton and vegetables to high dollar crops such as grapes, tree fruit, pistachios and almonds.
The Congressmen are dealing with the “macro” solution of bringing more water to the south. This is commendable and needed. Much northern water has flowed to the ocean to protect a non-native fish brought over from Europe during the Gold Rush. Environmentalists also want to restore the salmon run up the Fresno River which requires most of the water from the High Sierras to flow to the ocean, bypassing food production and home use.
This article deals with two very significant water and energy solutions that affect individual farms and public landscaping and all commercial and government buildings that use water for their HVAC and refrigeration systems. One cold storage facility we evaluated could pay for its investment in 4 months and save over 12 million gallons of water per year.
For 25 years, I’ve been involved in water and environmental issues from a free enterprise viewpoint, and in light of the current situation, these two proven solutions that have yet to be addressed well in the San Joaquin Valley though gaining interest across the country.
Here is a summary prepared for political, governmental and business interests that could gain huge water savings while improving their crops and processes and saving the taxpayers money in governmental operations. Actual product names are omitted until specific interest is communicated.
California utilities, farms, processors, parks and golf courses, government facilities and refrigeration systems use a lot of water. As politicians wring their hands about the drought, a desperate search for solutions should take place.
The two divergent technologies cost little to operate and produce significant water and energy savings.
1. Irrigation Water and Energy Savings - Here’s one proven technology – easily installed anywhere from the well pump bowls to the smallest irrigation line or household: no maintenance, long lasting state of the art equipment available for all pipe sizes and flow volumes (support data and testimonials available –Just ask):
Decrease water consumption by 10-30%, energy use by 10%, agronomic inputs and chemicals, scale mitigation costs, surface tension, water density, soil salinity, TDS (Total Dissolved Solids)
Increase water quality, flow, water infiltration, soil permeability, oxygen concentration, nutrient uptake, crop yield and quality, time spent on other tasks, and scale removal
Improve soil conditions (“mellower soils”), soil pH, moisture retention, plant vigor, water parameters, solubility and dissolvability, mixing of fertilizers and chemicals, suction, irrigation equipment life, bottom line.
2. Cooling towers in cold storage, government and commercial buildings, manufacturing anywhere cooling is needed – A 10 year old patented cooling tower technology returns the investment in 4-8 months to utilities, government, environmental and general service agencies, and refrigerated systems operators (Quoting Sarah Gudeman of Morrisey Engineering):
“Water treatment for HVAC and cold storage systems is a design strategy that occasionally is overlooked. This could be for several reasons, but the most common are that people don’t think it’s that important or aren’t familiar or comfortable enough with it to know what to specifically ask for when it comes to specifications. (My clarification: If you shop or work in a large air conditioned facility or one that requires freezing or cold storage, it affects you directly)… but I do know that the three most important things to avoid in an HVAC water system are scale, corrosion and biological growth. I also know that there are a lot of chemicals out there and even more combinations and recommendations.
With Green Buildings on the forefront of many designer’s minds these days, some may be looking to alternatives to traditional chemical treatment systems. Enter (name withheld). This company provides their patented zero bleed silica based cooling water treatment system to licensees (typically water treatment providers – one of whom I represent) who sell their system to the public.
The system (has proven to) mitigate scale, corrosion and bio-fouling without utilizing blow down water or wasting chemicals through utilization of ‘state of the art’ corrosion and scale inhibition at 10,000-150,000 total dissolved solids (TDS) tower water, and allows for operation at high TDS with zero tower blow down. Therefore, water and chemical use reduction and cost savings are achieved without acid, scale or corrosion risks.” End quote.
The world’s largest aircraft manufacturer uses it in their West Coast facilities. They were so impressed with the cooling tower make up water technology that they participated in a 54 page independent engineering study that shows the overwhelming superiority of the technology. The report is available for the asking.
Cooling Towers can actually experience . . .
o Evaporation of over 98% of water used in the tower.
o Reducing tower water use 20% - 40% per day (9,000 – 20,000 GPD wasted per 1000 Tons cooling load)
o Eliminating hazardous storage, use and discharge of all chemicals
o Eliminating energy loss from scale accumulation
o Virtually eliminating corrosion of metals
o Substantially reducing water and sewer fees, costs and fines
o Remotely monitoring of tower operations 24/7
o Oh, by the way – the technology can use recycled water while returning the investment in 4-8 months!
Water Politics - Water technology is a wide open field with the world’s strangest politics to go with it. For most folks, when it doesn’t rain for a few years, the situation is obvious and steps are taken to deal with it logically.
Keep in mind, this simple outline showing the effects of free enterprise is designed to cross swords with 75,000 pages of EPA regulations that no one can possibly meet without facing fines, harassment and even imprisonment.
No crops – no mess. They can stop food from being produced to make the eugenicists happy, but the open fields now create conditions for dust storms. There goes the PM (Particulate Matter) 2.5 and 10 dust regulations and up come the fines for polluting the air. A better way would be to encourage competition rewarding and adulation commensurate with real accomplishments.. Sending fine money to Sacramento or DC just funds more bureaucrats.
Declaring a water emergency might stimulate activities on one end – to upgrade our north to south water transfer system far more meaningful than a brick in the toilet.
We can all do better and start meeting each opportunity where it can do the most good. As usual, free enterprise actually produces solutions.
Jerry Todd
Democrats and environmentalists have been fighting any improvements in California’s wonderful, but overstressed water delivery system. This, coupled with constant harassment by the EPA and an Obamacare-like immigration bill being pushed by George Soros interests have made it so difficult to farm in California that the emphasis has moved from cotton and vegetables to high dollar crops such as grapes, tree fruit, pistachios and almonds.
The Congressmen are dealing with the “macro” solution of bringing more water to the south. This is commendable and needed. Much northern water has flowed to the ocean to protect a non-native fish brought over from Europe during the Gold Rush. Environmentalists also want to restore the salmon run up the Fresno River which requires most of the water from the High Sierras to flow to the ocean, bypassing food production and home use.
This article deals with two very significant water and energy solutions that affect individual farms and public landscaping and all commercial and government buildings that use water for their HVAC and refrigeration systems. One cold storage facility we evaluated could pay for its investment in 4 months and save over 12 million gallons of water per year.
For 25 years, I’ve been involved in water and environmental issues from a free enterprise viewpoint, and in light of the current situation, these two proven solutions that have yet to be addressed well in the San Joaquin Valley though gaining interest across the country.
Here is a summary prepared for political, governmental and business interests that could gain huge water savings while improving their crops and processes and saving the taxpayers money in governmental operations. Actual product names are omitted until specific interest is communicated.
California utilities, farms, processors, parks and golf courses, government facilities and refrigeration systems use a lot of water. As politicians wring their hands about the drought, a desperate search for solutions should take place.
The two divergent technologies cost little to operate and produce significant water and energy savings.
1. Irrigation Water and Energy Savings - Here’s one proven technology – easily installed anywhere from the well pump bowls to the smallest irrigation line or household: no maintenance, long lasting state of the art equipment available for all pipe sizes and flow volumes (support data and testimonials available –Just ask):
Decrease water consumption by 10-30%, energy use by 10%, agronomic inputs and chemicals, scale mitigation costs, surface tension, water density, soil salinity, TDS (Total Dissolved Solids)
Increase water quality, flow, water infiltration, soil permeability, oxygen concentration, nutrient uptake, crop yield and quality, time spent on other tasks, and scale removal
Improve soil conditions (“mellower soils”), soil pH, moisture retention, plant vigor, water parameters, solubility and dissolvability, mixing of fertilizers and chemicals, suction, irrigation equipment life, bottom line.
2. Cooling towers in cold storage, government and commercial buildings, manufacturing anywhere cooling is needed – A 10 year old patented cooling tower technology returns the investment in 4-8 months to utilities, government, environmental and general service agencies, and refrigerated systems operators (Quoting Sarah Gudeman of Morrisey Engineering):
“Water treatment for HVAC and cold storage systems is a design strategy that occasionally is overlooked. This could be for several reasons, but the most common are that people don’t think it’s that important or aren’t familiar or comfortable enough with it to know what to specifically ask for when it comes to specifications. (My clarification: If you shop or work in a large air conditioned facility or one that requires freezing or cold storage, it affects you directly)… but I do know that the three most important things to avoid in an HVAC water system are scale, corrosion and biological growth. I also know that there are a lot of chemicals out there and even more combinations and recommendations.
With Green Buildings on the forefront of many designer’s minds these days, some may be looking to alternatives to traditional chemical treatment systems. Enter (name withheld). This company provides their patented zero bleed silica based cooling water treatment system to licensees (typically water treatment providers – one of whom I represent) who sell their system to the public.
The system (has proven to) mitigate scale, corrosion and bio-fouling without utilizing blow down water or wasting chemicals through utilization of ‘state of the art’ corrosion and scale inhibition at 10,000-150,000 total dissolved solids (TDS) tower water, and allows for operation at high TDS with zero tower blow down. Therefore, water and chemical use reduction and cost savings are achieved without acid, scale or corrosion risks.” End quote.
The world’s largest aircraft manufacturer uses it in their West Coast facilities. They were so impressed with the cooling tower make up water technology that they participated in a 54 page independent engineering study that shows the overwhelming superiority of the technology. The report is available for the asking.
Cooling Towers can actually experience . . .
o Evaporation of over 98% of water used in the tower.
o Reducing tower water use 20% - 40% per day (9,000 – 20,000 GPD wasted per 1000 Tons cooling load)
o Eliminating hazardous storage, use and discharge of all chemicals
o Eliminating energy loss from scale accumulation
o Virtually eliminating corrosion of metals
o Substantially reducing water and sewer fees, costs and fines
o Remotely monitoring of tower operations 24/7
o Oh, by the way – the technology can use recycled water while returning the investment in 4-8 months!
Water Politics - Water technology is a wide open field with the world’s strangest politics to go with it. For most folks, when it doesn’t rain for a few years, the situation is obvious and steps are taken to deal with it logically.
Keep in mind, this simple outline showing the effects of free enterprise is designed to cross swords with 75,000 pages of EPA regulations that no one can possibly meet without facing fines, harassment and even imprisonment.
No crops – no mess. They can stop food from being produced to make the eugenicists happy, but the open fields now create conditions for dust storms. There goes the PM (Particulate Matter) 2.5 and 10 dust regulations and up come the fines for polluting the air. A better way would be to encourage competition rewarding and adulation commensurate with real accomplishments.. Sending fine money to Sacramento or DC just funds more bureaucrats.
Declaring a water emergency might stimulate activities on one end – to upgrade our north to south water transfer system far more meaningful than a brick in the toilet.
We can all do better and start meeting each opportunity where it can do the most good. As usual, free enterprise actually produces solutions.
Jerry Todd
by Jerry Todd
I met my neighbor Rus Walton in 1974 before a financial disaster moved us from our lovely country home near Sacramento. We also enjoyed some of Governor Ronald Reagan’s staff. Rus gave me a copy of his new book, “One Nation Under God.” Rus ran The Plymouth Rock Foundation for many years and was a noted Christian speaker and prolific writer.
People of faith have understood the principle of subsidiarity for a long, long time. It just means taking personal responsibility. When needed, the hierarchy of assistance offered or given begins with the family; then the community; the state; the national government, and in major disasters, the nations. Key to subsidiarity is the higher up the ladder help comes from, the less time the higher entity is involved.
Coupled with the solidarity of “e pluribus unum” a successful society is created and maintained. As “progressives” gained power, their penchant for top down control and cronyism collided with the quality religious, educational and philanthropic institutions that have served the people well.
Walton noted a public service efficiency study done over 38 years ago, before our current welfare system went wild with the “Great Society.” Today it’s far worse with federal employees being paid double the taxpayers who support them.
“Rather than trying to expand Caesar’s welfare apparatus, Christians should be working to get Caesar out of the welfare business. If not all the way out, then reduced to the bare and temporary essentials that can be – and should be handled at the local level.’ “One Nation Under God”- Rus Walton © 1975 (Revell)
• In person-to-person giving, a dollar given is a dollar received
• In giving through voluntary organizations, twenty five cents goes for administrative costs and seventy five cents reaches the needy.
• Through state government, it costs one dollar to get another dollar to the beneficiary, and
• Through federal government, it takes almost three dollars to deliver one dollar.
Source: National Life Underwriter’s Association
We once got quality services “wholesale.” Now we have bureaucrats led by union thugs out scalping tickets to the system and rioting if we don’t buy them. There are three areas government has no competence in: Health, Education and Welfare. Rus was right.
I met my neighbor Rus Walton in 1974 before a financial disaster moved us from our lovely country home near Sacramento. We also enjoyed some of Governor Ronald Reagan’s staff. Rus gave me a copy of his new book, “One Nation Under God.” Rus ran The Plymouth Rock Foundation for many years and was a noted Christian speaker and prolific writer.
People of faith have understood the principle of subsidiarity for a long, long time. It just means taking personal responsibility. When needed, the hierarchy of assistance offered or given begins with the family; then the community; the state; the national government, and in major disasters, the nations. Key to subsidiarity is the higher up the ladder help comes from, the less time the higher entity is involved.
Coupled with the solidarity of “e pluribus unum” a successful society is created and maintained. As “progressives” gained power, their penchant for top down control and cronyism collided with the quality religious, educational and philanthropic institutions that have served the people well.
Walton noted a public service efficiency study done over 38 years ago, before our current welfare system went wild with the “Great Society.” Today it’s far worse with federal employees being paid double the taxpayers who support them.
“Rather than trying to expand Caesar’s welfare apparatus, Christians should be working to get Caesar out of the welfare business. If not all the way out, then reduced to the bare and temporary essentials that can be – and should be handled at the local level.’ “One Nation Under God”- Rus Walton © 1975 (Revell)
• In person-to-person giving, a dollar given is a dollar received
• In giving through voluntary organizations, twenty five cents goes for administrative costs and seventy five cents reaches the needy.
• Through state government, it costs one dollar to get another dollar to the beneficiary, and
• Through federal government, it takes almost three dollars to deliver one dollar.
Source: National Life Underwriter’s Association
We once got quality services “wholesale.” Now we have bureaucrats led by union thugs out scalping tickets to the system and rioting if we don’t buy them. There are three areas government has no competence in: Health, Education and Welfare. Rus was right.
A Good New Year's Resolution!
First resolution for the New Year - Let's quit fantasizing over all we'd like to do to the likes of Rove, Steve Schmidt (who torpedoed Palin as VP candidate and still gets party work) and other RINOs. We may vent, but we don't solve anything.
For your homework: I'm brewing an idea for putting our strengths to work to win elections and put our country back on track. The totalitarians thrive on unproven concepts to build new laws and rules and regulations around. Once in place they create bureaucracies to harass and fine and make life miserable for their target entrepreneur, church, charity, school, family or whoever's substance they can eat out. It's nothing new - we all remember from the DOI, ",,, endowed by our Creator etc.," but like the Bible which passes on the truth of salvation mixed with human conflict, the DOI contains a litany of abuses common to despots. I wrote an article 2 years ago - "Ignore the Declaration, Pay the Price."
Then watch the classic "I, Pencil" to get the drift: See attached for a real eye opener!
Wouldn't it be better for governments at all levels to challenge the creativity of its citizens and reward them for their discoveries or applications of stewardship? There's a campaign strategy in there that could go viral because it can reach each of us at our skill and dream levels. We will crown Mike Rowe of "Dirty Jobs" as Grand Marshall of our parade.- The despots have no defense against it - except howling! So let the "progressives" howl at the moon. Doing the same here is beneath us.
Off to serve in the Indian missions to celebrate my wife's birthday. Did I say missions? The casinos are the best minority employment program ever seen. He he.
· I Pencil revisited.doc
For your homework: I'm brewing an idea for putting our strengths to work to win elections and put our country back on track. The totalitarians thrive on unproven concepts to build new laws and rules and regulations around. Once in place they create bureaucracies to harass and fine and make life miserable for their target entrepreneur, church, charity, school, family or whoever's substance they can eat out. It's nothing new - we all remember from the DOI, ",,, endowed by our Creator etc.," but like the Bible which passes on the truth of salvation mixed with human conflict, the DOI contains a litany of abuses common to despots. I wrote an article 2 years ago - "Ignore the Declaration, Pay the Price."
Then watch the classic "I, Pencil" to get the drift: See attached for a real eye opener!
Wouldn't it be better for governments at all levels to challenge the creativity of its citizens and reward them for their discoveries or applications of stewardship? There's a campaign strategy in there that could go viral because it can reach each of us at our skill and dream levels. We will crown Mike Rowe of "Dirty Jobs" as Grand Marshall of our parade.- The despots have no defense against it - except howling! So let the "progressives" howl at the moon. Doing the same here is beneath us.
Off to serve in the Indian missions to celebrate my wife's birthday. Did I say missions? The casinos are the best minority employment program ever seen. He he.
· I Pencil revisited.doc
High Tech and Environmental Purity in the Oilfield
HIGH TECH is the bringing to fruition the visions and dreams of those who want things to be better, to work better and be more effective while being profitable. Technological innovation by its very nature is not of lasting value. This is because someone will always add improvements or come up with a new approach – the latest model.
The oil field guided horizontal boring tool is one fine example. Invented by a Bakersfield petroleum engineer acquaintance, it has been greatly improved on over the years to the point virtually all production drilling uses this method because it cuts across usually horizontally oriented petroleum deposits. With this well drilling device, A single drilling site that can be easily camouflaged with bores in a number of different directions. This approach takes the place of the old forests of ugly rigs dotting the landscape.
In my opinion, the tool’s greatest ecological accomplishment was during the Gulf of Mexico oil spill when a runaway well was spewing millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf waters. Accompanying the boring tool are software and control systems that guide the tool precisely to reach a formation. That is wonderful enough, but in order to stop the runaway well, a new bore had to be drilled about a mile away, moving from vertical to horizontal toward the out of control well’s casing. The casing is a pipe that carries the drilling and production equipment up and down and the oil flow up to barges or tankers. It is at most 18” in diameter.
Consider that the intercepting bore started on a floating rig about a mile away, dropped to the 5,000 foot deep sea floor, curved toward the flowing well and hit it square on. The casing was pierced and concrete pumped into the casing to plug the well. A mile away, a mile down, an unseen tool finds its way dead center to an out of control well to feed concrete into the casing to shut it down! Go figure!
It failed to impress the “progressive” Administration as it forced the removal of other rigs which were transferred to the less politically hostile waters off the coast of Brazil. Of course, it further enriched select investors such as George Soros with an extra Billion dollar boost from the American taxpayers.
The same technology is used on huge formations in South Dakota and in the San Joaquin Valley of California and sites such as ANWAR in northern Alaska. Other states are finding they have energy reserves that heretofore weren’t practical to extract. It has led to the revelation that we have huge reserves of oil and natural gas to the point where the USA is again the world’s largest producer. Natural gas is the preferred fuel for power plants and vehicles. Solar and wind will never exceed more than 20% of the grid. Corn based ethanol requires more energy to produce than it makes available as a fuel – not to mention that it causes corrosion in fuel systems and reduced the food supply.
Progressives” and their communist environmental ignoramuses want no drilling of any kind in “pristine” wilderness – on any “federal” land. George – drill deep in Brazilian waters – Soros and his lackeys in MoveOn.Org have been campaigning against domestic fracking for several years. They surely understand it takes energy to fuel the very economy that made them rich enough to spend time protesting and destroying the property and dreams of others. “Progressives” not only eat their parents, they eat their children!
Even the floating and shore-bound spilled oil could have been more rapidly digested by naturally occurring, but fermenter-grown oleophilic micro-organisms that die off when their food source (oil) is exhausted. Instead, bureaucrats insisted on using surfactants that only made matters worse. In the end, Nature took care of it herself with indigenous microorganisms.
Lacking any understanding of technology or stewardship, many of them live in their own personal squalor, leaving feces on the street when out protesting. They then point fingers of blame at the rest of us. This too must stop and muddled minds re-directed to meaningful pursuits, starting with true reward-centered stewardship and maybe even meaningful work.
The oil field guided horizontal boring tool is one fine example. Invented by a Bakersfield petroleum engineer acquaintance, it has been greatly improved on over the years to the point virtually all production drilling uses this method because it cuts across usually horizontally oriented petroleum deposits. With this well drilling device, A single drilling site that can be easily camouflaged with bores in a number of different directions. This approach takes the place of the old forests of ugly rigs dotting the landscape.
In my opinion, the tool’s greatest ecological accomplishment was during the Gulf of Mexico oil spill when a runaway well was spewing millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf waters. Accompanying the boring tool are software and control systems that guide the tool precisely to reach a formation. That is wonderful enough, but in order to stop the runaway well, a new bore had to be drilled about a mile away, moving from vertical to horizontal toward the out of control well’s casing. The casing is a pipe that carries the drilling and production equipment up and down and the oil flow up to barges or tankers. It is at most 18” in diameter.
Consider that the intercepting bore started on a floating rig about a mile away, dropped to the 5,000 foot deep sea floor, curved toward the flowing well and hit it square on. The casing was pierced and concrete pumped into the casing to plug the well. A mile away, a mile down, an unseen tool finds its way dead center to an out of control well to feed concrete into the casing to shut it down! Go figure!
It failed to impress the “progressive” Administration as it forced the removal of other rigs which were transferred to the less politically hostile waters off the coast of Brazil. Of course, it further enriched select investors such as George Soros with an extra Billion dollar boost from the American taxpayers.
The same technology is used on huge formations in South Dakota and in the San Joaquin Valley of California and sites such as ANWAR in northern Alaska. Other states are finding they have energy reserves that heretofore weren’t practical to extract. It has led to the revelation that we have huge reserves of oil and natural gas to the point where the USA is again the world’s largest producer. Natural gas is the preferred fuel for power plants and vehicles. Solar and wind will never exceed more than 20% of the grid. Corn based ethanol requires more energy to produce than it makes available as a fuel – not to mention that it causes corrosion in fuel systems and reduced the food supply.
Progressives” and their communist environmental ignoramuses want no drilling of any kind in “pristine” wilderness – on any “federal” land. George – drill deep in Brazilian waters – Soros and his lackeys in MoveOn.Org have been campaigning against domestic fracking for several years. They surely understand it takes energy to fuel the very economy that made them rich enough to spend time protesting and destroying the property and dreams of others. “Progressives” not only eat their parents, they eat their children!
Even the floating and shore-bound spilled oil could have been more rapidly digested by naturally occurring, but fermenter-grown oleophilic micro-organisms that die off when their food source (oil) is exhausted. Instead, bureaucrats insisted on using surfactants that only made matters worse. In the end, Nature took care of it herself with indigenous microorganisms.
Lacking any understanding of technology or stewardship, many of them live in their own personal squalor, leaving feces on the street when out protesting. They then point fingers of blame at the rest of us. This too must stop and muddled minds re-directed to meaningful pursuits, starting with true reward-centered stewardship and maybe even meaningful work.
Where is the Main-Stream-Media and the 4th Estate?
Remember In November 2009,Obama told Putin, “For all practical purposes, the Constitution is dead!”
Lies of Progressives
I visited with a friend this week about an op-ed piece in my local “progressive” paper. The piece was written by an author that pontificated on how Republicans had driven him/her to the left. It was a muddled, inaccurate drone against everything Republican, Constitutional and Tea Party that hardly made any sense.
I told my friend that it was a typical op-ed piece that regularly appears in their print, but this time, the author was really upset with the paper. He must have written the attack piece a few weeks ago - before the Dems and Obama’s worlds came crashing down on their ears.
I’m waiting – while breathing - for a passel of apologies to the Constitutional genius Ted Cruz who has the courage of Martin Luther King to stand in the evil day in spite of lies and vituperation hurled against him, even from his own party. At least Dems are intimately familiar with the idea of honor among thieves. Republicans are masters at the circular firing squad.
I told my friend that it was a typical op-ed piece that regularly appears in their print, but this time, the author was really upset with the paper. He must have written the attack piece a few weeks ago - before the Dems and Obama’s worlds came crashing down on their ears.
I’m waiting – while breathing - for a passel of apologies to the Constitutional genius Ted Cruz who has the courage of Martin Luther King to stand in the evil day in spite of lies and vituperation hurled against him, even from his own party. At least Dems are intimately familiar with the idea of honor among thieves. Republicans are masters at the circular firing squad.
Now the Dems are becoming unraveled faster than Obamacare, McCain who called Ted Cruz a wacko-bird is now chirping, “Repeal, repeal, repeal”. Since then the President made a speech trap again legislating from the teleprompter; Mike Lee got a 10 minute standing ovation at his home Town Hall; while Cruz got an 8 minute SRO. Wonder what Boxer and Feinstein would get if they ever had the courage to have a town hall meeting?
It was interesting to me that the piece contained many racist remarks about the browning of America and showed a deep misunderstanding of the sacrifices of many – including the whites who were proud to vote for our first mulatto President. 'Progressives' always level those charges against conservatives, but when they make racist remarks themselves, of course, there is no 'racism' implied in their rhetoric. What a hypocritical double-standard and out-right distortion of fact.
My wife and I have been involved in the path to citizenship for people from Poland, Turkey, Mexico and Argentina. Our first exhortation is to learn to love what made this country great - the sacrifices our Founders made to bring us the prosperous environment we live in with the right to try, to fail, to succeed at levels above our original stations in life – without being shot.
When folks love God and Country, color is not a factor – just what’s inside. Songwriter Lloyd Marcus is a well-loved, outspoken Tea Party leader. His skin is much darker than mine, but our philosophies are in close proximity. See for yourself:
It was interesting to me that the piece contained many racist remarks about the browning of America and showed a deep misunderstanding of the sacrifices of many – including the whites who were proud to vote for our first mulatto President. 'Progressives' always level those charges against conservatives, but when they make racist remarks themselves, of course, there is no 'racism' implied in their rhetoric. What a hypocritical double-standard and out-right distortion of fact.
My wife and I have been involved in the path to citizenship for people from Poland, Turkey, Mexico and Argentina. Our first exhortation is to learn to love what made this country great - the sacrifices our Founders made to bring us the prosperous environment we live in with the right to try, to fail, to succeed at levels above our original stations in life – without being shot.
When folks love God and Country, color is not a factor – just what’s inside. Songwriter Lloyd Marcus is a well-loved, outspoken Tea Party leader. His skin is much darker than mine, but our philosophies are in close proximity. See for yourself:
Immigration Op-Ed piece in the Bakersfield Californian
Long ago, as a resident of CA since 1958, I learned to determine the quality and intent of various initiatives by who sponsors them. It isn't perfect, but it's not hard to separate those with good intent versus those with ill.
Classic examples are Obamacare and the immigration reform bill. All you have to do is Google "George Soros and Obamacare" or "George Soros and immigration reform," ad nauseum, for a very telling adventure into the misuse of power and money. Soros isn't the only force of evil being foisted on us, but he sure tops the list next to your local bomb-vested jihadist!
Yesterday in a discussion on a site of which I am a member, I posted this concern about the Immigration Bill -
I shudder to think that with the number of views showing on this conservative site for such an important discussion - Daily KOS pulls in the 10's to hundreds of thousands. Whether they're lying about the count, who knows? (Turns out they're the oldest, largest and best funded leftist operation on the internet.)
I'm torn between true justice (found in the Declaration Of Independence/ The Constitution/Bill Of Rights) and the perverted social justice; coupled with, political correctness that has dulled the consciences and senses of the religious and the secular - in that order. None have done the nation or the immigrant much good.
The immigrants are here because they were largely seeking work, but also were enticed to abandon their own work ethic and family values - often under duress and a reality of owed indebtedness to coyotes -and tempted initially by an endless list of freebies that cost the taxpayer $3-4 for every $1 the illegal's receive (typical of all federally funded programs).
No one brings that up.
CA passed Prop 178 to curb coddling illegals by a wide margin only to have it suffer the fate of all common sense initiatives in CA - rule by leftist judges and their misinterpretations of the Constitution. Now the state is fiscally and morally bankrupt - just ask the boy who wants to be a girl today, so he can take a shower with the real girls.
A well-designed piecemeal approach to immigration reform is far better,than pushing through a George Soros lackey-written bill like Obamacare. If each segment is kept well under 100 pages, it can be vetted and the skunks exposed before passage. The Founders would have called the 2000 page tomes "pretended legislation" - designed to "send agents to eat out the people's substance."
See attached links for some insights dating all the way back to the Delano Grape Boycott..(I've bored you with these before.)
This link has both the text and video of Ted Cruz' exposing the nuances of the current bill promulgated by the "Gang of 8."
Absolutely scary because certain nitwits in Congress on both sides of the aisle didn't learn a thing from Obamacare.
Every Administration, since Eisenhower has kicked the ball down the sidewalk, hoping the problem solves itself. "progressives" have upped the ante by opening the border and giving special privileges to illegal's that citizens don't even get - and even have declined to creating a system that 'fines' businesses that don't meet the hired illegal's only dictum. (See Cruz' well researched evaluation.)
Let's do this reform in small bites so we can keep the likes of Soros and his hacks away from writing bills for an ignorant Congress and an
'agenda'd' President to sign without ever reading. We may find we're not that far apart.
Wild Vortex
Classic examples are Obamacare and the immigration reform bill. All you have to do is Google "George Soros and Obamacare" or "George Soros and immigration reform," ad nauseum, for a very telling adventure into the misuse of power and money. Soros isn't the only force of evil being foisted on us, but he sure tops the list next to your local bomb-vested jihadist!
Yesterday in a discussion on a site of which I am a member, I posted this concern about the Immigration Bill -
I shudder to think that with the number of views showing on this conservative site for such an important discussion - Daily KOS pulls in the 10's to hundreds of thousands. Whether they're lying about the count, who knows? (Turns out they're the oldest, largest and best funded leftist operation on the internet.)
I'm torn between true justice (found in the Declaration Of Independence/ The Constitution/Bill Of Rights) and the perverted social justice; coupled with, political correctness that has dulled the consciences and senses of the religious and the secular - in that order. None have done the nation or the immigrant much good.
The immigrants are here because they were largely seeking work, but also were enticed to abandon their own work ethic and family values - often under duress and a reality of owed indebtedness to coyotes -and tempted initially by an endless list of freebies that cost the taxpayer $3-4 for every $1 the illegal's receive (typical of all federally funded programs).
No one brings that up.
CA passed Prop 178 to curb coddling illegals by a wide margin only to have it suffer the fate of all common sense initiatives in CA - rule by leftist judges and their misinterpretations of the Constitution. Now the state is fiscally and morally bankrupt - just ask the boy who wants to be a girl today, so he can take a shower with the real girls.
A well-designed piecemeal approach to immigration reform is far better,than pushing through a George Soros lackey-written bill like Obamacare. If each segment is kept well under 100 pages, it can be vetted and the skunks exposed before passage. The Founders would have called the 2000 page tomes "pretended legislation" - designed to "send agents to eat out the people's substance."
See attached links for some insights dating all the way back to the Delano Grape Boycott..(I've bored you with these before.)
This link has both the text and video of Ted Cruz' exposing the nuances of the current bill promulgated by the "Gang of 8."
Absolutely scary because certain nitwits in Congress on both sides of the aisle didn't learn a thing from Obamacare.
Every Administration, since Eisenhower has kicked the ball down the sidewalk, hoping the problem solves itself. "progressives" have upped the ante by opening the border and giving special privileges to illegal's that citizens don't even get - and even have declined to creating a system that 'fines' businesses that don't meet the hired illegal's only dictum. (See Cruz' well researched evaluation.)
Let's do this reform in small bites so we can keep the likes of Soros and his hacks away from writing bills for an ignorant Congress and an
'agenda'd' President to sign without ever reading. We may find we're not that far apart.
Wild Vortex
Ignore Pretended Legislation, Pay the Price
A Tea Party Manifesto
What did the Founders mean by “pretended legislation” in the Declaration of Independence? Are things different today in our lust for power? It usually boils down to greed and the love of money, a complete reversal of priorities where money is master instead of servant providing a medium of exchange, thrift, risk and philanthropy. We don’t need to be diverted by a bombastic oration by a President or statesman who has drifted far from his or her solemn oath to protect and defend the Constitution.
The Declaration laments of the king: “He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation.”
• Combined with others: In any form of government, there will always be interests competing for security of position and a piece of the pie. Corporations, unions, currency manipulators, speculators, academicians, lawyers and others all jockey for power and very inefficient money that costs 3-4 times as much to the taxpayer than dealing with problems locally. How many seek justifiable profit by producing useful goods and services in a truly capitalistic system?
Most of us are primarily interested in pursuing careers, raising families, enjoying life and making meaningful contributions to society with our gifts and talents. We elect representatives to keep passions and usuries under control. An arena of fair play where all may have the opportunity to prosper does not include selected privileges. No guarantees, just the opportunity to win or lose and try again within “the laws of Nature and Nature’s God” reflected in the Constitution
• Jurisdiction foreign to our constitution: There are groups and individuals in all three branches of government and their bureaucracies that believe our Constitution is outdated or dead. Even some past and present Supreme Court justices look to international law and the constitutions of various other nations for something new and more capable of manipulation. That explains why they hate the Declaration, the moral, spiritual and philosophical base of the Constitution.
• Unacknowledged by our laws: Recess appointments and Executive Orders are being applied with abandon as the Administration thumbs its nose at the House of Representatives. With the Senate blocking all normal legislative channels, recess appointments and Executive Orders are easily accomplished since it is also the Senate that is empowered to impeach elected officials for irresponsible and treasonous actions.
• Acts of pretended legislation: Today pretended legislation means conspiring with international financial speculators and passing laws so complicated and indefinable that they are loaded with select privileges, poison pills and bureaucratic license that “eat out the people’s substance.”
Politicians and lobbyists would hate it for a while, but the first remedy should be: No law should exceed one specific subject area or 100 pages in length, or it is by definition, “pretended legislation.” It took only 27 pages to launch the Interstate Highway System!
By applying Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and Cloward and Pivens strategies, the Administration and its cronies are intentionally overwhelming the system with harassment, untenable regulations, fines, lawsuits and surrendering our sovereignty to what appears to me the long predicted rise of a world wide caliphate under Sharia law or death.
They have created dependency by a large segment of the population through ignorance of our laws, traditions and history. They are actively usurping parents’ roles and responsibilities for raising children. The state has no capacity for love to raise children or care for the needy.
"It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man who knows what the law is today can guess what it will be to-morrow." --James Madison, Federalist No. 62, 1788.
While we go about compartmentalizing our legislation into understandable, direct and non-privileged bite-size segments, our constitutionally sworn representatives have a lot of older legislation to repeal and bureaucrats to retrain into honest occupations to avoid wasting their God-given gifts and talents.
A more detailed discussion on the Declaration may be found:
What did the Founders mean by “pretended legislation” in the Declaration of Independence? Are things different today in our lust for power? It usually boils down to greed and the love of money, a complete reversal of priorities where money is master instead of servant providing a medium of exchange, thrift, risk and philanthropy. We don’t need to be diverted by a bombastic oration by a President or statesman who has drifted far from his or her solemn oath to protect and defend the Constitution.
The Declaration laments of the king: “He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation.”
• Combined with others: In any form of government, there will always be interests competing for security of position and a piece of the pie. Corporations, unions, currency manipulators, speculators, academicians, lawyers and others all jockey for power and very inefficient money that costs 3-4 times as much to the taxpayer than dealing with problems locally. How many seek justifiable profit by producing useful goods and services in a truly capitalistic system?
Most of us are primarily interested in pursuing careers, raising families, enjoying life and making meaningful contributions to society with our gifts and talents. We elect representatives to keep passions and usuries under control. An arena of fair play where all may have the opportunity to prosper does not include selected privileges. No guarantees, just the opportunity to win or lose and try again within “the laws of Nature and Nature’s God” reflected in the Constitution
• Jurisdiction foreign to our constitution: There are groups and individuals in all three branches of government and their bureaucracies that believe our Constitution is outdated or dead. Even some past and present Supreme Court justices look to international law and the constitutions of various other nations for something new and more capable of manipulation. That explains why they hate the Declaration, the moral, spiritual and philosophical base of the Constitution.
• Unacknowledged by our laws: Recess appointments and Executive Orders are being applied with abandon as the Administration thumbs its nose at the House of Representatives. With the Senate blocking all normal legislative channels, recess appointments and Executive Orders are easily accomplished since it is also the Senate that is empowered to impeach elected officials for irresponsible and treasonous actions.
• Acts of pretended legislation: Today pretended legislation means conspiring with international financial speculators and passing laws so complicated and indefinable that they are loaded with select privileges, poison pills and bureaucratic license that “eat out the people’s substance.”
Politicians and lobbyists would hate it for a while, but the first remedy should be: No law should exceed one specific subject area or 100 pages in length, or it is by definition, “pretended legislation.” It took only 27 pages to launch the Interstate Highway System!
By applying Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and Cloward and Pivens strategies, the Administration and its cronies are intentionally overwhelming the system with harassment, untenable regulations, fines, lawsuits and surrendering our sovereignty to what appears to me the long predicted rise of a world wide caliphate under Sharia law or death.
They have created dependency by a large segment of the population through ignorance of our laws, traditions and history. They are actively usurping parents’ roles and responsibilities for raising children. The state has no capacity for love to raise children or care for the needy.
"It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man who knows what the law is today can guess what it will be to-morrow." --James Madison, Federalist No. 62, 1788.
While we go about compartmentalizing our legislation into understandable, direct and non-privileged bite-size segments, our constitutionally sworn representatives have a lot of older legislation to repeal and bureaucrats to retrain into honest occupations to avoid wasting their God-given gifts and talents.
A more detailed discussion on the Declaration may be found:
Science, Mathematics, Education, Religion and “Progressivism”
Christianity – the faith of 85% of Americans is under attack from all sides, especially the Federal Government and its array of misinformed propagandists in Academia, Media and the bureaucracies. I thought this list of Catholic priests who were the fathers of various mathematics and scientific disciplines might be interesting. These Catholic clergy didn’t get their motivation by belonging to a Church that was anti-science. In fact scientific method was devised in the 12th Century at the Cathedral School at Chartres. Then the science and technology ball started rolling to benefit all of us! The Church does stand against anything that devalues the sanctity and value of human life from conception to natural death. “Progressives” whine and complain when they are stymied from imposing their culture of death, claiming the Church is against scientific endeavor.
Former Obama czar and now Harvard genius Cass Sunstein is lamenting over the lack of American students’ interest in science and math. (I have some bragging rights here – my Grandson Gerald II recently graduated in Math at the top of his class at U/Alaska-Anchorage. He is preparing to press on to Ph.D. Gerald is a product of the Carden School – the antithesis of public education as currently practiced from the totalitarian level.)
Sunstein is right in noting the kids arrive in college with poor preparation in the sciences – I might add in bad physical shape because their high school PE programs were cut, their corpus collosi challenged because their right brain development in music and art programs were cut to make room for the political correctness of phony racial diversity, gender equality, sexual proclivity and hate America themes. And they expect kids to be motivated to subject themselves to real disciplines? Their only offset is video games that make no permanent contribution to the individual or society.
Sunstein and the rest of the “progressive” crowd miss is the attitude base of today’s education process. The students are hammered with all the alleged evils of American hegemony and destroying the earth with our technology. Schools under demands from DC promote Godless political correctness in all its evil forms, including starving growing boys.
The clergy-discoverers and other devout Christians and Jews who followed them were likely motivated by God’s command in Genesis – “subdue the earth – be fruitful and multiply…” That doesn’t mean beat it to death, it means search, discover, refine, apply and bring forth the fruit of products, processes and opportunities for all to expand their horizons by creativity and service – giving glory to God – the only entity that can handle it!
The “progressive solutions” are: – see a challenge – centralize it. See it isn’t working, throw money at it. See it still isn’t working – throw more money and write new draconian rules and regulations, ad nauseum. If that isn’t insanity for the sake of power, just what is? Of course, it’s also job security for nonperformers expecting cushy perks for the rest of their lives – until their idiot-run cities like Detroit and Stockton go bankrupt. “California here I come…”
Why would a student become fired up about science and technology when his education process has laid a guilt trip on him for even thinking about it? At the world famous Bakersfield Relay For Life, I fell in to walk with a young black woman and her son. She, like me is a cancer survivor. I asked her son what he wanted to be when he grew up. A nice, well-mannered kid, his answer shocked me. He said, “I want to become a lawyer so I can sue corporations!”
As an engineer, I’m a lousy structural designer, but a pretty good innovator currently holding forth some very fine “green” technologies for water, energy and environmentally pure applications. These are “very fine” because they actually reduce costs and eliminate the kind of chemical hazards that require a safety shower nearby in case a worker gets soaked with iodine or acid. Do we get an ounce of encouragement from the environmental gurus on government payrolls? Hell no! It falls right back to good old free enterprise, salesmanship and problem solving.
When President George H. W. Bush promised to shut down the Department of Education then caved in to the “progressives” of both parties, he missed his chance for true greatness. The education process would have been returned to where it belongs and competence and competition is the highest – with the parents and the local community. Now we’re stuck with three major messes all brought on by the Federal Government interfering where the Constitution forbids it to go: Health, Education and Welfare – the playground of eugenicists and totalitarians.
“Times they are a’changing!”
Former Obama czar and now Harvard genius Cass Sunstein is lamenting over the lack of American students’ interest in science and math. (I have some bragging rights here – my Grandson Gerald II recently graduated in Math at the top of his class at U/Alaska-Anchorage. He is preparing to press on to Ph.D. Gerald is a product of the Carden School – the antithesis of public education as currently practiced from the totalitarian level.)
Sunstein is right in noting the kids arrive in college with poor preparation in the sciences – I might add in bad physical shape because their high school PE programs were cut, their corpus collosi challenged because their right brain development in music and art programs were cut to make room for the political correctness of phony racial diversity, gender equality, sexual proclivity and hate America themes. And they expect kids to be motivated to subject themselves to real disciplines? Their only offset is video games that make no permanent contribution to the individual or society.
Sunstein and the rest of the “progressive” crowd miss is the attitude base of today’s education process. The students are hammered with all the alleged evils of American hegemony and destroying the earth with our technology. Schools under demands from DC promote Godless political correctness in all its evil forms, including starving growing boys.
The clergy-discoverers and other devout Christians and Jews who followed them were likely motivated by God’s command in Genesis – “subdue the earth – be fruitful and multiply…” That doesn’t mean beat it to death, it means search, discover, refine, apply and bring forth the fruit of products, processes and opportunities for all to expand their horizons by creativity and service – giving glory to God – the only entity that can handle it!
The “progressive solutions” are: – see a challenge – centralize it. See it isn’t working, throw money at it. See it still isn’t working – throw more money and write new draconian rules and regulations, ad nauseum. If that isn’t insanity for the sake of power, just what is? Of course, it’s also job security for nonperformers expecting cushy perks for the rest of their lives – until their idiot-run cities like Detroit and Stockton go bankrupt. “California here I come…”
Why would a student become fired up about science and technology when his education process has laid a guilt trip on him for even thinking about it? At the world famous Bakersfield Relay For Life, I fell in to walk with a young black woman and her son. She, like me is a cancer survivor. I asked her son what he wanted to be when he grew up. A nice, well-mannered kid, his answer shocked me. He said, “I want to become a lawyer so I can sue corporations!”
As an engineer, I’m a lousy structural designer, but a pretty good innovator currently holding forth some very fine “green” technologies for water, energy and environmentally pure applications. These are “very fine” because they actually reduce costs and eliminate the kind of chemical hazards that require a safety shower nearby in case a worker gets soaked with iodine or acid. Do we get an ounce of encouragement from the environmental gurus on government payrolls? Hell no! It falls right back to good old free enterprise, salesmanship and problem solving.
When President George H. W. Bush promised to shut down the Department of Education then caved in to the “progressives” of both parties, he missed his chance for true greatness. The education process would have been returned to where it belongs and competence and competition is the highest – with the parents and the local community. Now we’re stuck with three major messes all brought on by the Federal Government interfering where the Constitution forbids it to go: Health, Education and Welfare – the playground of eugenicists and totalitarians.
“Times they are a’changing!”
SCRAP Bill of Rights Amendments...It's Outdated
I’m sure glad my County Superintendent of Schools thinks Common Core is cool. I just don’t buy the line about all the decisions being made locally or that children can be okay with wrong answers. Until they know the basics – including knowing how to write cursive - an excellent exercise in character building and left-right brain interaction – they need time to grow straight and true as children should.
The other evening, I helped a 4th grader with a 4 equation, 4 unknown math problem designed to determine if “a” was a larger or smaller number than “d.” I didn’t see any discussion of substitution in the text – maybe it’s just me. Maybe because I didn’t get this until high school it makes me a dinosaur. Maybe our little 4th grader is not being allowed to grow as her maturity allows.
It brought to mind Hillary Clinton’s long held view from her ERA days at Wellesley that children must be raised by the state as it is not fair for them to be raised in a family. It does “take a village” after all. Sadly, her village is not Bakersfield, but a one world government. She also wrote a thesis on Rules for Radicals’ Saul Alinsky – who dedicated his now well worn Obamaesque techniques to Lucifer!
Free of Common Core, I believe we can continue to be the most productive and inventive nation in the world. We won’t survive with standardized thinkers who will never know right from wrong or the cultural and religious basis of Western Civilization vs. ill-conceived directed reading.
Few people understand the tremendous contributions of KernCounty to world oil, agriculture and aerospace. Much of it – fracking – horizontal boring - oil production – irrigated agriculture are under attack by groups funded by George Soros and supported by Democrats at state and federal levels. No community with its own challenges should be subject to waiting for a nod from some ignorant bureaucrat. Education and problem solving takes place in the midst of real world challenges.
Education is first a family responsibility – then the community – never the federal government – if for no other reason it costs 4 times as much to run education from a totalitarian “progressive” federal bureaucracy with its corrupt union cadre compared to our community turf. With the Internet, choices in education have expanded far beyond the leftist/jihadist doctrinaires that have taken over the process.
Sadly, the teachers’ colleges have inculcated Marxist anti-Constitution/free enterprise ideologies into their common cores. We’ve been paying for it for some time with somewhat brainwashed administrators and teachers. It’s sad, because very few ever enter this field with nefarious intent. I’m surrounded by great teachers, including my wife.
Some serious restructuring needs to take place: Article V Project To Restore Liberty - Contents
This nation didn’t get where it is – in spite of 100 years of “progressive” attacks – by being under totalitarian rule.
The other evening, I helped a 4th grader with a 4 equation, 4 unknown math problem designed to determine if “a” was a larger or smaller number than “d.” I didn’t see any discussion of substitution in the text – maybe it’s just me. Maybe because I didn’t get this until high school it makes me a dinosaur. Maybe our little 4th grader is not being allowed to grow as her maturity allows.
It brought to mind Hillary Clinton’s long held view from her ERA days at Wellesley that children must be raised by the state as it is not fair for them to be raised in a family. It does “take a village” after all. Sadly, her village is not Bakersfield, but a one world government. She also wrote a thesis on Rules for Radicals’ Saul Alinsky – who dedicated his now well worn Obamaesque techniques to Lucifer!
Free of Common Core, I believe we can continue to be the most productive and inventive nation in the world. We won’t survive with standardized thinkers who will never know right from wrong or the cultural and religious basis of Western Civilization vs. ill-conceived directed reading.
Few people understand the tremendous contributions of KernCounty to world oil, agriculture and aerospace. Much of it – fracking – horizontal boring - oil production – irrigated agriculture are under attack by groups funded by George Soros and supported by Democrats at state and federal levels. No community with its own challenges should be subject to waiting for a nod from some ignorant bureaucrat. Education and problem solving takes place in the midst of real world challenges.
Education is first a family responsibility – then the community – never the federal government – if for no other reason it costs 4 times as much to run education from a totalitarian “progressive” federal bureaucracy with its corrupt union cadre compared to our community turf. With the Internet, choices in education have expanded far beyond the leftist/jihadist doctrinaires that have taken over the process.
Sadly, the teachers’ colleges have inculcated Marxist anti-Constitution/free enterprise ideologies into their common cores. We’ve been paying for it for some time with somewhat brainwashed administrators and teachers. It’s sad, because very few ever enter this field with nefarious intent. I’m surrounded by great teachers, including my wife.
Some serious restructuring needs to take place: Article V Project To Restore Liberty - Contents
This nation didn’t get where it is – in spite of 100 years of “progressive” attacks – by being under totalitarian rule.
Tea Party Popularity
Here I am; a 78 year old white male – the prototypical Tea Partier. Hate my ilk if you will, because I’ve also been a Christian all my life. I expect to be hated by some because I stand with my Redeemer and the nation God blessed us with.
Current polls indicate the Tea Party philosophy – it’s not a political party – ranks right down there with Congress (House or Senate or both?), Obamacare, the Democrats and Republicans. No one blames our jihad supporting Bloviater in Chief who can sound like he really believes the incessant lies he and his Administration belch out on endless campaigning at taxpayer expense with a complicit 4th Estate. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid calmly spouts one untruth and intransigence after another – yet he is above the fray.
Anyone in touch with editorial cartoonists – here’s an idea: The Teamsters and Longshoremen – and virtually all the trade and industrial unions finally woke up to what the Tea Party “sonzabitches” – (per James P. Hoffa) was warning all of us about Obamacare. Obama sold them down the river and now they know it. Currently they are taking the coward’s way out, seeking exemptions rather than standing for righteousness and a better way to serve their memberships and their own pocketbooks.
Bikers and Truckers rode for the Constitution in DC – totally ignored as I predicted. 12/16 is the 240th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party – the last time a Tea Party and Longshoremen met. Time for a 50 state celebration of the liberties we all enjoy - while providing solutions. I see a counter to the anti-energy, anti-food production policies of the Democrats and their goon squads in the EPA. I see meeting with state legislators and the Governors to introduce a return to states rights via Article V.
It’s way past time to unite the grass roots citizenry of all stripes from Tea Party to Teamster who love God and Country. The left are whooping and hollering over their “victory” over those dumb Republicans and tea partiers. I’m looking forward to the last laugh.
Yup! I’m a Tea Partier! Oh, by the way, in the House, John Boehner and Kevin McCarthy gave it their best shot for now. As Kevin tells his constituents – “Keep the Faith!” We just want to be sure of what faith he is referring to.
Current polls indicate the Tea Party philosophy – it’s not a political party – ranks right down there with Congress (House or Senate or both?), Obamacare, the Democrats and Republicans. No one blames our jihad supporting Bloviater in Chief who can sound like he really believes the incessant lies he and his Administration belch out on endless campaigning at taxpayer expense with a complicit 4th Estate. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid calmly spouts one untruth and intransigence after another – yet he is above the fray.
Anyone in touch with editorial cartoonists – here’s an idea: The Teamsters and Longshoremen – and virtually all the trade and industrial unions finally woke up to what the Tea Party “sonzabitches” – (per James P. Hoffa) was warning all of us about Obamacare. Obama sold them down the river and now they know it. Currently they are taking the coward’s way out, seeking exemptions rather than standing for righteousness and a better way to serve their memberships and their own pocketbooks.
Bikers and Truckers rode for the Constitution in DC – totally ignored as I predicted. 12/16 is the 240th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party – the last time a Tea Party and Longshoremen met. Time for a 50 state celebration of the liberties we all enjoy - while providing solutions. I see a counter to the anti-energy, anti-food production policies of the Democrats and their goon squads in the EPA. I see meeting with state legislators and the Governors to introduce a return to states rights via Article V.
It’s way past time to unite the grass roots citizenry of all stripes from Tea Party to Teamster who love God and Country. The left are whooping and hollering over their “victory” over those dumb Republicans and tea partiers. I’m looking forward to the last laugh.
Yup! I’m a Tea Partier! Oh, by the way, in the House, John Boehner and Kevin McCarthy gave it their best shot for now. As Kevin tells his constituents – “Keep the Faith!” We just want to be sure of what faith he is referring to.
Obama admits he is a Socialist? So what?
by Jerry Todd, staff writer
Given our level of government dependency, being a confessed socialist is great cover for what I believe Obama really is – a supreme caliph-in-waiting.
Given our level of government dependency, being a confessed socialist is great cover for what I believe Obama really is – a supreme caliph-in-waiting.
Haven’t we blindly spent trillions in American treasure and technology and thousands of American lives and wounded to see every country we supposedly are freeing from despots end up with Sharia law in their constitutions?
The Muslim Brotherhood are persecuting, murdering and forcing out Christians wherever they gain control. They are harassing and killing Buddhists and Hindus. How dumb can we get? Don’t we have the most successful triune philosophy of government in history in the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights? Why sacrifice it and ourselves to impose the most despotic theocracy in all history? Note to ACLU: You want separation of church and state? Hello!
The WH is crawling with Muslim Brotherhood types. One with access is Imam Mohamed Magid – Obama’s Sharia Czar from the Islamic Society of North America.
The Ambassadorial post to the Vatican remains unfilled. Ronald Reagan knew the Vatican is the best international source of intelligence for freedom loving countries. He and Pope John Paul II proved it with the fall of the Soviet empire.
Obama sent two of the most heretical, lying, rebellious Catholics he could find to represent us at Pope Francis installation. Obama with his apparently deep longing for world rule has insulted and demeaned every traditional ally and friend America has had.
Let’s face it, the Catholic Church much appreciates the way our one nation under God is structured. She is so concerned for the direction we are going under Obama, Pope Benedict in an apolitical way nearly begged the American people to vote for Romney. The typical Catholic voted for Obama. Go figure.
The culture of death has two sides: Islam is a theocracy embracing imposed death or slavery for infidels and opposing Muslim sects where they suicide bomb each other… Progressivism completes the culture of death with its total disdain for the sanctity of human life at all stages, even to the sexuality on which human survival depends.
These two are ultimately incompatible with a predictable outcome of bloody conflict the progressives are being led into. The two 20th century socialisms of Communism and Nazism should have taught us something. Didn’t Hitler slaughter a large group of his major supporters to consolidate his power? (1) One side of the culture of death joins the other at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. No wonder Obama stopped White House tours!
Where is the hope? Mohammed held the Blessed Virgin Mary, the prophesied Virgo of the Stars, the Jewish mother of Jesus as the most important woman in Islam. While we spew hate back and forth, I believe Gods ultimate solution is based on his true nature Love. Mary espoused it to all whether we want it or not. Can you spell Fatima or Lourdes or Guadalupe or Zeitoun? (2) Must we euthanize 80% of the world’s population to prove the culture of death’s point? Not if I can help it.
Gerald V. Todd
The Muslim Brotherhood are persecuting, murdering and forcing out Christians wherever they gain control. They are harassing and killing Buddhists and Hindus. How dumb can we get? Don’t we have the most successful triune philosophy of government in history in the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights? Why sacrifice it and ourselves to impose the most despotic theocracy in all history? Note to ACLU: You want separation of church and state? Hello!
The WH is crawling with Muslim Brotherhood types. One with access is Imam Mohamed Magid – Obama’s Sharia Czar from the Islamic Society of North America.
The Ambassadorial post to the Vatican remains unfilled. Ronald Reagan knew the Vatican is the best international source of intelligence for freedom loving countries. He and Pope John Paul II proved it with the fall of the Soviet empire.
Obama sent two of the most heretical, lying, rebellious Catholics he could find to represent us at Pope Francis installation. Obama with his apparently deep longing for world rule has insulted and demeaned every traditional ally and friend America has had.
Let’s face it, the Catholic Church much appreciates the way our one nation under God is structured. She is so concerned for the direction we are going under Obama, Pope Benedict in an apolitical way nearly begged the American people to vote for Romney. The typical Catholic voted for Obama. Go figure.
The culture of death has two sides: Islam is a theocracy embracing imposed death or slavery for infidels and opposing Muslim sects where they suicide bomb each other… Progressivism completes the culture of death with its total disdain for the sanctity of human life at all stages, even to the sexuality on which human survival depends.
These two are ultimately incompatible with a predictable outcome of bloody conflict the progressives are being led into. The two 20th century socialisms of Communism and Nazism should have taught us something. Didn’t Hitler slaughter a large group of his major supporters to consolidate his power? (1) One side of the culture of death joins the other at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. No wonder Obama stopped White House tours!
Where is the hope? Mohammed held the Blessed Virgin Mary, the prophesied Virgo of the Stars, the Jewish mother of Jesus as the most important woman in Islam. While we spew hate back and forth, I believe Gods ultimate solution is based on his true nature Love. Mary espoused it to all whether we want it or not. Can you spell Fatima or Lourdes or Guadalupe or Zeitoun? (2) Must we euthanize 80% of the world’s population to prove the culture of death’s point? Not if I can help it.
Gerald V. Todd
Political Correctness is the neutron bomb of spiritual warfare
Political Correctness (PC) is a weapon of spiritual warfare visited upon innocent, peace-loving people who are naturally sensitive to the feelings of others. - Propriety. Americans generally have a high sense of propriety because of their deeply ingrained Judeo-Christian heritage. This virtue has been used against us because the enemy knows we will constrain ourselves from hurting another’s feelings. Unlike the promoters of PC, we also develop our logic from more than one lame-brained concept as is common in politics, junk science and Academia today. We are naturally disposed to try to learn the truth. A lie posing as truth, oft repeated becomes ingrained in the culture.
It seems the politically correct devotee is mentally and psychologically impaired. Fortunately it is a curable malady, but the human tendency toward self-worship might make it a difficult path to follow, since it is followed spiritually… a foolish thought to the natural man.
What are some evidences of the bankruptcy of political correctness?
• Cartesian (single inference) interpretations of the Constitution and other moral bases – even believing the Constitution is either dead or a “living, breathing organism” subject to the whims of the time
• Denial that the spiritual, moral and philosophical basis of the Constitution is the Declaration of Independence.
• Removal of religious symbolism from community events and monuments.
• Banning of the private citizen’s means of self/family protection.
• State domination of children over the authority and responsibility of parents.
• Undermining parental and spousal relationships by welfare regulations
• Providing long term “assistance” to able-bodied people and corporations, thereby creating dependency on government.
• Wasting or failing to develop the talents and labor potential of incarcerated men and women and giving them extraordinary privileges.
• Forbidding prayer in public places
• Removal of public lands and waters from public access and mineral exploitation.
• Prevention of the development of private property, which along with the nuclear family is the bedrock of a free society.
• Forcing unmarketable totalitarian radio talk shows onto the airwaves, while ignoring the obvious bias toward the totalitarian view in the print and television media.
• Imposing unreasonable requirements on businesses, forcing closure or layoff of significant employee base.
• Defining species of flora and fauna ahead of human needs, rather than as an exhortation to stewardship and proper use.
• Promotion of pagan religious practices in public schools (satanic masses, dark rituals, meditations, etc.)
• Ignoring of male-female differences and proper respect in the public arena.
• Tolerating the gross insults against women by rappers while firing or suing commentators and announcers for one “insensitive” comment.
• Funding of medical research, procedures and drugs that violate the moral tenets of the majority of the population
• Interfering in the normal process of courting and other social relationships between men and women.
• Promotion and enactment of laws allowing same sex marriages
• Treating same sex relationships as equally important and significant as the heterosexual family unit, which is the basis of all successful societies.
• Removing basic educational and spiritual elements from school curricula to force time for corrupt “progressive” social indoctrination.
• Failure to protect the nation’s borders even to the point of jailing border agents and suing state governments who strive to perform their duties.
• Providing every imaginable free social service to those who enter the country illegally, bankrupting entire states and health care facilities.
• Failure to offer immigrants the gift of striving for the privilege of citizenship and to follow up on their progress to foster love of the new country.
• Interfering with market forces and works of mercy in the medical field even defining the economic viability of individuals and fining doctors for providing free care to the needy.
• Violating at all levels the Principle of Subsidiarity, wherein any aid to a person starts with individual responsibility and proceeds up the social hierarchy. The higher up the entity, the shorter the timeframe for providing assistance should be.
• Interference in activities that are the responsibility of the church supported by the local community (community social and religious norms, care of the helpless and needy)
• Interference in activities that are the responsibility of the family and local community (discipline, education, child-rearing). “Progressives” believe children should be raised by the state
• Diverting gas and vehicle tax funds from infrastructure building and maintenance to socialist welfare programs and supporting select union pensions and health care.
• Setting demanding requirements and penalties for technology when the technology is not yet developed rather than challenging creative people to conceive workable solutions.
• Outlawing plastic grocery bags after first demanding them to save the trees
• Undermining the patent laws of the nation to discourage individual invention while allowing international theft of creative ideas without compensation.
• In true Cloward and Pivens fashion, the thrust to overwhelm the system goes on….
PC generally sets Logic as the dominating force over Ethics and Ethics over Beauty (Aesthetics). This order is a key prioritization of the three normative sciences of the Philosophy of American Philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914). Since I define PC as a weapon of spiritual warfare, I also believe this is how “the spirit of antichrist” operates. It has been wielded very effectively in our body politic while utilizing the dedicated to Lucifer tactics of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and the strategies of Cloward and Pivens.
With “Progressives” it seems logical to shut down industries, limit human access to natural resources, print fiat money against debt, destroy children in the womb or the Petri dish, accelerate the deaths of the old and infirm and subjugate Constitutional freedoms in order to flesh out an agenda to control the population. Luminaries from Pope Benedict XVI to Michelle Malkin refer to this as “The Culture of Death.” They sure are a joyless lot!
Logic is unfettered by moral or aesthetic constraints in postmodern society. Logic-dominated leaders show no interest in ethical and spiritually uplifting viewpoints, because they are incapable of yielding a sound ethic, much less beauty. They call themselves “Progressives.” There are three groups of three elements in the theory. The first three are the normative sciences of philosophy – Beauty, Ethics and Logic. B, E & L. They are equally important, but must be prioritized. e.g., L first creates a search for what to call logical, often ending up with a single stupid idea with no basis in truth. From that E has to adapt to faulty L (like global warming, gun control, anti-fracking, etc,), leaving no room for the B of a life saved or an appreciation of nature to the point of stewardship – not draconian laws, regs and fines as is the “progressive” agenda.
There are six combinations of priorities, but BEL is the ideal – Seek Beauty first, the Author of Beauty, the B of a life valued. Then the E defines the range and limits of B (e.g, Michelangelo’s Pieta but not Mary in elephant dung or a crucifix in urine.) Then L can be structured to protect B & E.
That’s pure Logic.
Our Declaration of Independence is B, The Constitution is E and the Bill of Rights is L. See it? That’s part of the political theory of Relativity.
Why is it spiritual warfare? America has two major enemies in the spiritual venue – both striving for one-world government. The other participant in the “Culture of Death” is radical Islam which is diametrically opposed to what they see as our democratic form of government. We’ve done a lousy job of selling our Constitutional Republic founded on the Declaration of Independence – a gift our statesmen simply refuse to share. These opponents think nothing of killing innocents by bombing themselves into oblivion. This is clearly spiritual warfare because they anticipate an eternal reward for obedience to what they are taught is their religion. In the “progressive” and the radical Islamic cases, lying is a fine art to achieve their goals of world domination.
Those who think they are being logical usually cannot have discourse with someone they oppose without launching personal attacks that have nothing to do with the issue at hand. College students often face professors who have “politically correct" biases, who limit free debate and study of issues from ethical and aesthetic viewpoints. To confront these leftovers from the Hippie Generation is at the risk of failing a course.
Isn’t it time to Overcome the Overwhelmers? Is it time to initiate a “Millstone Award?”
Wild Vortex
It seems the politically correct devotee is mentally and psychologically impaired. Fortunately it is a curable malady, but the human tendency toward self-worship might make it a difficult path to follow, since it is followed spiritually… a foolish thought to the natural man.
What are some evidences of the bankruptcy of political correctness?
• Cartesian (single inference) interpretations of the Constitution and other moral bases – even believing the Constitution is either dead or a “living, breathing organism” subject to the whims of the time
• Denial that the spiritual, moral and philosophical basis of the Constitution is the Declaration of Independence.
• Removal of religious symbolism from community events and monuments.
• Banning of the private citizen’s means of self/family protection.
• State domination of children over the authority and responsibility of parents.
• Undermining parental and spousal relationships by welfare regulations
• Providing long term “assistance” to able-bodied people and corporations, thereby creating dependency on government.
• Wasting or failing to develop the talents and labor potential of incarcerated men and women and giving them extraordinary privileges.
• Forbidding prayer in public places
• Removal of public lands and waters from public access and mineral exploitation.
• Prevention of the development of private property, which along with the nuclear family is the bedrock of a free society.
• Forcing unmarketable totalitarian radio talk shows onto the airwaves, while ignoring the obvious bias toward the totalitarian view in the print and television media.
• Imposing unreasonable requirements on businesses, forcing closure or layoff of significant employee base.
• Defining species of flora and fauna ahead of human needs, rather than as an exhortation to stewardship and proper use.
• Promotion of pagan religious practices in public schools (satanic masses, dark rituals, meditations, etc.)
• Ignoring of male-female differences and proper respect in the public arena.
• Tolerating the gross insults against women by rappers while firing or suing commentators and announcers for one “insensitive” comment.
• Funding of medical research, procedures and drugs that violate the moral tenets of the majority of the population
• Interfering in the normal process of courting and other social relationships between men and women.
• Promotion and enactment of laws allowing same sex marriages
• Treating same sex relationships as equally important and significant as the heterosexual family unit, which is the basis of all successful societies.
• Removing basic educational and spiritual elements from school curricula to force time for corrupt “progressive” social indoctrination.
• Failure to protect the nation’s borders even to the point of jailing border agents and suing state governments who strive to perform their duties.
• Providing every imaginable free social service to those who enter the country illegally, bankrupting entire states and health care facilities.
• Failure to offer immigrants the gift of striving for the privilege of citizenship and to follow up on their progress to foster love of the new country.
• Interfering with market forces and works of mercy in the medical field even defining the economic viability of individuals and fining doctors for providing free care to the needy.
• Violating at all levels the Principle of Subsidiarity, wherein any aid to a person starts with individual responsibility and proceeds up the social hierarchy. The higher up the entity, the shorter the timeframe for providing assistance should be.
• Interference in activities that are the responsibility of the church supported by the local community (community social and religious norms, care of the helpless and needy)
• Interference in activities that are the responsibility of the family and local community (discipline, education, child-rearing). “Progressives” believe children should be raised by the state
• Diverting gas and vehicle tax funds from infrastructure building and maintenance to socialist welfare programs and supporting select union pensions and health care.
• Setting demanding requirements and penalties for technology when the technology is not yet developed rather than challenging creative people to conceive workable solutions.
• Outlawing plastic grocery bags after first demanding them to save the trees
• Undermining the patent laws of the nation to discourage individual invention while allowing international theft of creative ideas without compensation.
• In true Cloward and Pivens fashion, the thrust to overwhelm the system goes on….
PC generally sets Logic as the dominating force over Ethics and Ethics over Beauty (Aesthetics). This order is a key prioritization of the three normative sciences of the Philosophy of American Philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914). Since I define PC as a weapon of spiritual warfare, I also believe this is how “the spirit of antichrist” operates. It has been wielded very effectively in our body politic while utilizing the dedicated to Lucifer tactics of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and the strategies of Cloward and Pivens.
With “Progressives” it seems logical to shut down industries, limit human access to natural resources, print fiat money against debt, destroy children in the womb or the Petri dish, accelerate the deaths of the old and infirm and subjugate Constitutional freedoms in order to flesh out an agenda to control the population. Luminaries from Pope Benedict XVI to Michelle Malkin refer to this as “The Culture of Death.” They sure are a joyless lot!
Logic is unfettered by moral or aesthetic constraints in postmodern society. Logic-dominated leaders show no interest in ethical and spiritually uplifting viewpoints, because they are incapable of yielding a sound ethic, much less beauty. They call themselves “Progressives.” There are three groups of three elements in the theory. The first three are the normative sciences of philosophy – Beauty, Ethics and Logic. B, E & L. They are equally important, but must be prioritized. e.g., L first creates a search for what to call logical, often ending up with a single stupid idea with no basis in truth. From that E has to adapt to faulty L (like global warming, gun control, anti-fracking, etc,), leaving no room for the B of a life saved or an appreciation of nature to the point of stewardship – not draconian laws, regs and fines as is the “progressive” agenda.
There are six combinations of priorities, but BEL is the ideal – Seek Beauty first, the Author of Beauty, the B of a life valued. Then the E defines the range and limits of B (e.g, Michelangelo’s Pieta but not Mary in elephant dung or a crucifix in urine.) Then L can be structured to protect B & E.
That’s pure Logic.
Our Declaration of Independence is B, The Constitution is E and the Bill of Rights is L. See it? That’s part of the political theory of Relativity.
Why is it spiritual warfare? America has two major enemies in the spiritual venue – both striving for one-world government. The other participant in the “Culture of Death” is radical Islam which is diametrically opposed to what they see as our democratic form of government. We’ve done a lousy job of selling our Constitutional Republic founded on the Declaration of Independence – a gift our statesmen simply refuse to share. These opponents think nothing of killing innocents by bombing themselves into oblivion. This is clearly spiritual warfare because they anticipate an eternal reward for obedience to what they are taught is their religion. In the “progressive” and the radical Islamic cases, lying is a fine art to achieve their goals of world domination.
Those who think they are being logical usually cannot have discourse with someone they oppose without launching personal attacks that have nothing to do with the issue at hand. College students often face professors who have “politically correct" biases, who limit free debate and study of issues from ethical and aesthetic viewpoints. To confront these leftovers from the Hippie Generation is at the risk of failing a course.
Isn’t it time to Overcome the Overwhelmers? Is it time to initiate a “Millstone Award?”
Wild Vortex
Frying the 100th Egg
Probably for the 100th time, I am posting a 1950 quote attributed to the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, one of America's greatest teachers/preachers. Sheen was not a bigot - truly a saintly man of God who was also a scholar relating to Islam. He did however see that the depraved death cult in Islam enjoys support from another death cult - the deniers of the sanctity of human life at all stages - the "progressive."
“At the present time, the hatred of the Islamic countries toward the West has become hatred against Christianity itself. Statesmen are now taking it into account that there is a grave danger that the temporal power of Islam may return on a broad scale, and with it, the menace that it may shake off a West which has ceased to be Christian, and affirm itself as a great anti-Christian world power. Muslim writers say, "When the locust swarms darken vast countries, they bear on their wings these Arabic words, "We are God's host, each of us has 99 eggs, and if we had 100, we should lay waste to the world and all that is in it."
Sadly, the evidence is now overwhelming – the United States of America is Islam’s “100th egg!” Are we not even exporting jihadists with impunity, weapons, and money? Have we not thrown the whole Middle East into chaos? Are we not enriching our enemies with insane energy and fiscal economic policies? Hasn’t our education system been taken over at a level of governance and propaganda that cannot succeed? Haven’t we worked tirelessly to destroy our free enterprise system? Haven’t we ignored the principles of personal responsibility and e pluribus unum that made our nation and its health care system the greatest the world has ever seen? Haven’t we disarmed our military – even on its own bases where a single insane terrorist can wreak havoc on its personnel?
Are we the once freest nation in the world now the100th Egg to “lay waste to the world and all that is in it?” Praise God, we will overcome –
Oh thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace; may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a Nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: In God is our trust.
And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
“At the present time, the hatred of the Islamic countries toward the West has become hatred against Christianity itself. Statesmen are now taking it into account that there is a grave danger that the temporal power of Islam may return on a broad scale, and with it, the menace that it may shake off a West which has ceased to be Christian, and affirm itself as a great anti-Christian world power. Muslim writers say, "When the locust swarms darken vast countries, they bear on their wings these Arabic words, "We are God's host, each of us has 99 eggs, and if we had 100, we should lay waste to the world and all that is in it."
Sadly, the evidence is now overwhelming – the United States of America is Islam’s “100th egg!” Are we not even exporting jihadists with impunity, weapons, and money? Have we not thrown the whole Middle East into chaos? Are we not enriching our enemies with insane energy and fiscal economic policies? Hasn’t our education system been taken over at a level of governance and propaganda that cannot succeed? Haven’t we worked tirelessly to destroy our free enterprise system? Haven’t we ignored the principles of personal responsibility and e pluribus unum that made our nation and its health care system the greatest the world has ever seen? Haven’t we disarmed our military – even on its own bases where a single insane terrorist can wreak havoc on its personnel?
Are we the once freest nation in the world now the100th Egg to “lay waste to the world and all that is in it?” Praise God, we will overcome –
Oh thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace; may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a Nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: In God is our trust.
And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
On Union’s Finding Their True Mission - ReUnion must add to the union movement’s solidarity the idea of personal responsibility – the elimination of entitlement in favor of subsidiarity. Unions, by following the combined principles of subsidiarity and solidarity, instead of solidarity alone will find they will be back in the business of selecting, training, disciplining and drawing the best out of their members.
They will advocate increased pay goes to those who earn it, not the collective that falls to the lowest common denominator. The union will establish a partnership with the employer that recognizes the firm must prosper or the jobs are lost. If labor and management are both pulling the wagon in the same direction, all will prosper. The only thing a union should have to sell is providing the best trained hardest working most skilled employees – factual, not just hype. The union does so by restructuring the old guild system and weeding out members who refuse to meet agreed standards while improving their skills.
On Healthcare - Unions once made big money with their health care programs by developing health care with insurance companies and retailing them to the members. Unions could work with employers and local healthcare entities – clinics, hospitals, medical practitioners of all specialties, avoiding any government intrusion in the management and policies of their systems.
By keeping day to day health services local and attuned to the community, costs will be controlled and more effective. The international union could be a coordinator - say like the NFL and as co-carrier with major insurance companies for catastrophic care coverage. This would acknowledge subsidiarity/solidarity. By keeping responsibility at the level it belongs
Some stuff never changes!
See how this fits the Political and Social Justice Theories:
I believe that the public employee unions like the SEIU must be destroyed as they violate every aspect of good government, especially subsidiarity as they seek to elect their own city, county and state candidates and have coerced lawmakers into impossible salaries and perks.
The proud history of why and what 'unionized' has meant; and it was intended to achieve - is the strong and fair practice of building the labor trades, creation of the conditions and establishment and protection of rights of the workers in America.
That definition is a noble and worthy cause. The working men and woman of America are Americans first and union members second. Just, as are all Americans, by whatever affiliations they have joined.
Union-Unity-United People and States. We do not work for this government - THIS GOVERNMENT IS SUPPOSED TO WORK FOR US.
You do not work for the union of which you are a member - THE UNION IS SUPPOSED TO WORK FOR YOU.
On Union’s Finding Their True Mission - ReUnion must add to the union movement’s solidarity the idea of personal responsibility – the elimination of entitlement in favor of subsidiarity. Unions, by following the combined principles of subsidiarity and solidarity, instead of solidarity alone will find they will be back in the business of selecting, training, disciplining and drawing the best out of their members.
They will advocate increased pay goes to those who earn it, not the collective that falls to the lowest common denominator. The union will establish a partnership with the employer that recognizes the firm must prosper or the jobs are lost. If labor and management are both pulling the wagon in the same direction, all will prosper. The only thing a union should have to sell is providing the best trained hardest working most skilled employees – factual, not just hype. The union does so by restructuring the old guild system and weeding out members who refuse to meet agreed standards while improving their skills.
On Healthcare - Unions once made big money with their health care programs by developing health care with insurance companies and retailing them to the members. Unions could work with employers and local healthcare entities – clinics, hospitals, medical practitioners of all specialties, avoiding any government intrusion in the management and policies of their systems.
By keeping day to day health services local and attuned to the community, costs will be controlled and more effective. The international union could be a coordinator - say like the NFL and as co-carrier with major insurance companies for catastrophic care coverage. This would acknowledge subsidiarity/solidarity. By keeping responsibility at the level it belongs
Some stuff never changes!
See how this fits the Political and Social Justice Theories:
I believe that the public employee unions like the SEIU must be destroyed as they violate every aspect of good government, especially subsidiarity as they seek to elect their own city, county and state candidates and have coerced lawmakers into impossible salaries and perks.
The proud history of why and what 'unionized' has meant; and it was intended to achieve - is the strong and fair practice of building the labor trades, creation of the conditions and establishment and protection of rights of the workers in America.
That definition is a noble and worthy cause. The working men and woman of America are Americans first and union members second. Just, as are all Americans, by whatever affiliations they have joined.
Union-Unity-United People and States. We do not work for this government - THIS GOVERNMENT IS SUPPOSED TO WORK FOR US.
You do not work for the union of which you are a member - THE UNION IS SUPPOSED TO WORK FOR YOU.
“The American people are sick and tired of the corruption that is destroying America! We therefore declare a GENERAL STRIKE on the weekend of October 11-13, 2013! Truck drivers will not haul freight! Americans can strike in solidarity with truck drivers!” the group’s description reads.
In a YouTube video uploaded by user “Kevin Allan” and linked on the “Truckers To Shut Down America” Facebook page, the event is labeled as a general “strike” by the American people against the federal government and its “bulls**t.”
The narrator in the video says he has received word from others that “truckers are organizing and are going to shut down D.C.” Watch the video below (Warning: Some strong language):
It is too early to tell if the “strike” will be successful, but “shutting down” the nation’s capitol would certainly have a huge impact whether you agree or disagree with the tactic.
The Facebook page provides some additional information on the motive behind the action, which ranges from Obamacare to the IRS scandal to Benghazi.
My fellow patriot this effort is to support the truckers in a major shut down of America ion [sic] a 3 day strike October 11th thru 13th. Obamacare will be in effect and most people will be ready to take action. No commerce on those days stock up on items that you will need. No banking no shopping no money transactions.
It does not matter if a million or 50 roll through DC in this effort. Congress will listen to We the People. Which is remove Obama from office for crimes of treason and misdemeanors. We want Congressional hearing on Benghazi and Seal Team 6. Louis Learner [sic] put in jail. No amnesty, remove all Muslims in our government that do not uphold the Constitution. Remove Eric Holder from office for crimes against the people and the Constitution. Last but not least is Fuel prices.
Truckers organizing to shut down America, DC for 3 days
In a YouTube video uploaded by user “Kevin Allan” and linked on the “Truckers To Shut Down America” Facebook page, the event is labeled as a general “strike” by the American people against the federal government and its “bulls**t.”
The narrator in the video says he has received word from others that “truckers are organizing and are going to shut down D.C.” Watch the video below (Warning: Some strong language):
It is too early to tell if the “strike” will be successful, but “shutting down” the nation’s capitol would certainly have a huge impact whether you agree or disagree with the tactic.
The Facebook page provides some additional information on the motive behind the action, which ranges from Obamacare to the IRS scandal to Benghazi.
My fellow patriot this effort is to support the truckers in a major shut down of America ion [sic] a 3 day strike October 11th thru 13th. Obamacare will be in effect and most people will be ready to take action. No commerce on those days stock up on items that you will need. No banking no shopping no money transactions.
It does not matter if a million or 50 roll through DC in this effort. Congress will listen to We the People. Which is remove Obama from office for crimes of treason and misdemeanors. We want Congressional hearing on Benghazi and Seal Team 6. Louis Learner [sic] put in jail. No amnesty, remove all Muslims in our government that do not uphold the Constitution. Remove Eric Holder from office for crimes against the people and the Constitution. Last but not least is Fuel prices.
Truckers organizing to shut down America, DC for 3 days
A group of freedom-loving truckers appearing almost to have accepted a baton from the 9/11 Two Million Biker D.C. rally. They plan to shut down America on the weekend of Oct. 11-13, by calling a trucking general strike.
Four days after the crowded Sept. 11 biker rally that far surpassed the paltry showing at the so-called “Million Muslim March,” the truckers set up a Facebook page, “Truckers To Shut Down America.”
The page describes its mission this way:
The American people are sick and tired of the corruption that is destroying America! We therefore declare a GENERAL STRIKE on the weekend of October 11-13, 2013! Truck drivers will not haul freight! Americans can strike in solidarity with truck drivers!
The American people are sick and tired of the corruption that is destroying America! We therefore declare a GENERAL STRIKE on the weekend of October 11-13, 2013! Truck drivers will not haul freight! Workers will call in sick! Consumers will not buy or sell anything on this date! Stay home! Buy nothing!
“The truckers are going to shut D.C. down for three days” to protest government corruption and stand up “to D.C. and the bulls**t,” activist Kevin Allen said in an audio recording he posted on YouTube.
If the group gets enough truckers to show up next month, there’s little doubt it can bring the nation’s capital to a standstill. Although the president will still be able to make it to the links via Marine-1, other politicians will find it hard making it to their round of cocktail parties.
The truckers may just do it. Their Facebook page has been up for three days, and it already has more than 22,000 “Likes.”
Listen to the audio, courtesy of Kevin Allen. It contains some mildly strong language.
Four days after the crowded Sept. 11 biker rally that far surpassed the paltry showing at the so-called “Million Muslim March,” the truckers set up a Facebook page, “Truckers To Shut Down America.”
The page describes its mission this way:
The American people are sick and tired of the corruption that is destroying America! We therefore declare a GENERAL STRIKE on the weekend of October 11-13, 2013! Truck drivers will not haul freight! Americans can strike in solidarity with truck drivers!
The American people are sick and tired of the corruption that is destroying America! We therefore declare a GENERAL STRIKE on the weekend of October 11-13, 2013! Truck drivers will not haul freight! Workers will call in sick! Consumers will not buy or sell anything on this date! Stay home! Buy nothing!
“The truckers are going to shut D.C. down for three days” to protest government corruption and stand up “to D.C. and the bulls**t,” activist Kevin Allen said in an audio recording he posted on YouTube.
If the group gets enough truckers to show up next month, there’s little doubt it can bring the nation’s capital to a standstill. Although the president will still be able to make it to the links via Marine-1, other politicians will find it hard making it to their round of cocktail parties.
The truckers may just do it. Their Facebook page has been up for three days, and it already has more than 22,000 “Likes.”
Listen to the audio, courtesy of Kevin Allen. It contains some mildly strong language.
Something In Common With a Union Head?
James P. Hoffa Jr. Teamsters General President firmly expressed his concerns for the destruction of our economy and healthcare system. He realized the unions have been had big time. This doesn't include SEIU or any other public employee union.
Back in 2011, Hoffa was upset with the Tea Partiers over opposition to Obamacare, calling them sonzabitches. Many are! I sent him a tea bag as my smarmy response.
Here we are two years later and I’ve come to believe we have much in common and need to stand together against the fall of this country into control by the Muslim Brotherhood or whatever form of bankruptcy George Soros and his toadies are up to.
President Ronald Reagan solicited the help of then Teamster President Frank Fitzsimmons. Frank stood with Pope John Paul II, President Reagan and Lech Walesa of Poland’s Solidarity to save us from a sure global confrontation. Three labor leaders and a Pope stood to face down the Soviet Union!
Today, the trade and industrial unions are in a position to face and overcome an even greater threat – from people who are hell-bent to destroy us from within.
Soros’ has been busy trying to destroy our local ag and oil industries while promoting racial unrest. I don’t know how many Teamster jobs could be gained by this nonsense, but I sense a prosperous country with its morality on solid ground is best for all of us. I have some specific ideas that could help all of us out of this morass.
The 40,000 member Longshoremen walked out of the AFL-CIO over Obamacare. We should consider that its been 240 years since the Tea Partiers and the Longshoremen met in BostonHarbor. Crises make strange bedfellows - except we know the rank and file love this country and its freedoms as do we. This truckers ride is living proof.
Back in 2011, Hoffa was upset with the Tea Partiers over opposition to Obamacare, calling them sonzabitches. Many are! I sent him a tea bag as my smarmy response.
Here we are two years later and I’ve come to believe we have much in common and need to stand together against the fall of this country into control by the Muslim Brotherhood or whatever form of bankruptcy George Soros and his toadies are up to.
President Ronald Reagan solicited the help of then Teamster President Frank Fitzsimmons. Frank stood with Pope John Paul II, President Reagan and Lech Walesa of Poland’s Solidarity to save us from a sure global confrontation. Three labor leaders and a Pope stood to face down the Soviet Union!
Today, the trade and industrial unions are in a position to face and overcome an even greater threat – from people who are hell-bent to destroy us from within.
Soros’ has been busy trying to destroy our local ag and oil industries while promoting racial unrest. I don’t know how many Teamster jobs could be gained by this nonsense, but I sense a prosperous country with its morality on solid ground is best for all of us. I have some specific ideas that could help all of us out of this morass.
The 40,000 member Longshoremen walked out of the AFL-CIO over Obamacare. We should consider that its been 240 years since the Tea Partiers and the Longshoremen met in BostonHarbor. Crises make strange bedfellows - except we know the rank and file love this country and its freedoms as do we. This truckers ride is living proof.
Why was the Thunder Rolling?
A puzzled fellow posted on a Western Journalism blog about the “2 Million Biker” project, asked why the Bikers were in DC. Why were they there? A deep, innate love of God and Country.... a country the "progressives" have been trying to turn into flotsam for over 100 years. They may not be church going to love God, as they know and understand the value of this nation's foundations. But they know and understand the beauty of creation and the materials and processes God gave us the opportunity in this great nation to discover and apply. He gave us the means to ultimately produce the Rolling Thunder that charges the spirit of real men and women. The Thunder rolls in the Harley, the Peterbilt. The locomotive, the jetliner and the tools of industry and commerce. |
Why are they there? Maybe its time to stand with the 40,000 Longshoremen who haven't had an encounter with a Tea Party since that incident in BostonHarbor. Maybe the leaders of the trade and industrial unions who finally figured out why they were originally Democrats like Ronald Reagan, the first labor leader to stand up to the communists who destroy the beauty of everything they touch..
It is no longer the party of labor launched by the spiritual teaching of Pope St. Leo XIII in his 1891 encyclical "Rerum Novarum" - on Labor and Capital. It is now the morally void party of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and those Republicans and Academics and even church leaders who are equally lost in the sewer they have created with "progressivism" and political correctness.
Teamsters and Longshoremen, along with their leadership can have a new awakening for this nation as they hear the cry of the Patriot over the powerful music of Rolling Thunder! Come on down and honor those who have sacrificed before us!! Come on down so we can rebuild a beautiful and powerful legacy for our kids and grandkids.
It is no longer the party of labor launched by the spiritual teaching of Pope St. Leo XIII in his 1891 encyclical "Rerum Novarum" - on Labor and Capital. It is now the morally void party of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and those Republicans and Academics and even church leaders who are equally lost in the sewer they have created with "progressivism" and political correctness.
Teamsters and Longshoremen, along with their leadership can have a new awakening for this nation as they hear the cry of the Patriot over the powerful music of Rolling Thunder! Come on down and honor those who have sacrificed before us!! Come on down so we can rebuild a beautiful and powerful legacy for our kids and grandkids.
An Upside Down System
I heard Stewart Rhodes Sunday night speaking of our upside down system. Please see my Political Theory of Relativity attached for a definition and solution for righting it – all on one page. I’m developing a book which also includes a Social Justice Theory of Relativity, expanding on the 9 levels of cause and effect. On the impeachable offense On Article V Oath of office cause for impeachment My blog on Article V
The question is, “How do we work closely with Article V, 10th Amendment, Oathkeepers and others of like mind? On the impeachable offense On Article V Oath of office cause for impeachment My blog on Article V
The question is, “How do we work closely with Article V, 10th Amendment, Oathkeepers and others of like mind?
Keeping The Faith
My Republican Congressman is under fire from “progressives,” RINO’s and Church leaders who ought to know better than to see a bill passed that is so long and full of poison pills, bureaucratic license and select privilege that it cannot be honestly or efficiently managed. I sent him a letter suggesting the Republican leadership pull the existing bill and commit to rewriting it in less than 100 pages. This is necessary so all, including his advisors, staff and constituents can vet its contents and constitutionality – two elements currently lacking in any bill this onerous. Didn’t we learn from Obamacare? My Congressman always autographs his books – “Keep the Faith!” I intend to. Wild Vortex |
100 Page Bills Are Long Enough
"It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man who knows what the law is today can guess what it will be to-morrow." --James Madison, Federalist No. 62, 1788
When Chief Justice Roberts asked if the defenders of Obamacare expected the Supreme Court to review all 2,700 pages of this overreaching law, he posed a question that should have been asked 100 years ago when the "progressive" movement started. It made no more sense to the Court than it did to Charlie Rangel or Nancy Pelosi who insists a bill must be passed so we can find out what's in it! Tea Partiers formed committees to take on 20 pages each among them. It wasn't pretty! Mz Nancy still claims her Congress took the Constitution into consideration. Now the 1,200+ page Immigration bill is so long not even Jim Costa, Devin Nunes, Kevin McCarthy or Dolores Huerta can honestly tell you what is in it or what its causes and effects are on all of us.
Do we want to leave that up to faceless bureaucrats as they establish their power bases? Lawmakers have their overpaid fun for a while, but bureaucrats make careers out of draconian rules, harassment and fines to justify their existence.
If things are ever to turn around, lawmaking and bureaucracy must incorporate "Subsidiarity" - personal responsibility (the opposite of entitlement) and "Solidarity" - together in the unity of "e pluribus unum." It will always be played out in the wonderful Chaos of human interaction with proper and minimal government oversight. Then there is a chance to preserve the American Way of Life in our Constitutional Republic where all have a chance to prosper - to try, to fail, to try again to rise above our personal poverty to dreams fulfilled.
Five important questions should be consistently asked, truthfully answered and applied with integrity when writing legislation and running any resulting bureaucracy:
o Will this new law help or hurt initiative or personal responsibility?
o Does the legislation or the bureaucracy it authorizes equally benefit the wider community?
o Will this legislation put people or regions in a creative or entrepreneurial strait jacket or against one another?
o Will the legislation encourage and maximize private enterprise and employment without requiring major government oversight?
o Is the legislation less than 100 pages in length, devoid of selective privileges and unrelated attachments and riders?
Entitlements discourage individuals from challenging and motivating themselves. Are the people allowed to do their best when challenged?
There will always be hard to define needs of the helpless which should largely be handled locally, especially in the long term. We're all needy - we're not all helpless!
Individual and community initiative and uniqueness must never be subordinated to a rigid plan for central control through taxes, financial manipulations or bureaucratic overreach. Challenges and competitions between communities would be far more productive by exhorting beauty and quality rather than harassment and fines. Unexpected opportunities in the chaos of daily pursuits lead to the development of individual gifts and talents and from these, new technologies, industries and services.
Bills of great length are by definition what the Founders called "pretended legislation," filled with taxpayer poison pills and bureaucratic license. We must no longer pass bills so we can see what's in them. If a bill is too long, it becomes impossible to analyze and critique its truthfulness and constitutionality before the damage is done. Look what a disaster Obamacare has become. I would think a fair, equitable and functional immigration bill can be written in less than 100 pages so even dummies like me can figure it out. We launched the Interstate Highway System on 27 pages.
© 2013 Gerald V. Todd - Bakersfield, CA
When Chief Justice Roberts asked if the defenders of Obamacare expected the Supreme Court to review all 2,700 pages of this overreaching law, he posed a question that should have been asked 100 years ago when the "progressive" movement started. It made no more sense to the Court than it did to Charlie Rangel or Nancy Pelosi who insists a bill must be passed so we can find out what's in it! Tea Partiers formed committees to take on 20 pages each among them. It wasn't pretty! Mz Nancy still claims her Congress took the Constitution into consideration. Now the 1,200+ page Immigration bill is so long not even Jim Costa, Devin Nunes, Kevin McCarthy or Dolores Huerta can honestly tell you what is in it or what its causes and effects are on all of us.
Do we want to leave that up to faceless bureaucrats as they establish their power bases? Lawmakers have their overpaid fun for a while, but bureaucrats make careers out of draconian rules, harassment and fines to justify their existence.
If things are ever to turn around, lawmaking and bureaucracy must incorporate "Subsidiarity" - personal responsibility (the opposite of entitlement) and "Solidarity" - together in the unity of "e pluribus unum." It will always be played out in the wonderful Chaos of human interaction with proper and minimal government oversight. Then there is a chance to preserve the American Way of Life in our Constitutional Republic where all have a chance to prosper - to try, to fail, to try again to rise above our personal poverty to dreams fulfilled.
Five important questions should be consistently asked, truthfully answered and applied with integrity when writing legislation and running any resulting bureaucracy:
o Will this new law help or hurt initiative or personal responsibility?
o Does the legislation or the bureaucracy it authorizes equally benefit the wider community?
o Will this legislation put people or regions in a creative or entrepreneurial strait jacket or against one another?
o Will the legislation encourage and maximize private enterprise and employment without requiring major government oversight?
o Is the legislation less than 100 pages in length, devoid of selective privileges and unrelated attachments and riders?
Entitlements discourage individuals from challenging and motivating themselves. Are the people allowed to do their best when challenged?
There will always be hard to define needs of the helpless which should largely be handled locally, especially in the long term. We're all needy - we're not all helpless!
Individual and community initiative and uniqueness must never be subordinated to a rigid plan for central control through taxes, financial manipulations or bureaucratic overreach. Challenges and competitions between communities would be far more productive by exhorting beauty and quality rather than harassment and fines. Unexpected opportunities in the chaos of daily pursuits lead to the development of individual gifts and talents and from these, new technologies, industries and services.
Bills of great length are by definition what the Founders called "pretended legislation," filled with taxpayer poison pills and bureaucratic license. We must no longer pass bills so we can see what's in them. If a bill is too long, it becomes impossible to analyze and critique its truthfulness and constitutionality before the damage is done. Look what a disaster Obamacare has become. I would think a fair, equitable and functional immigration bill can be written in less than 100 pages so even dummies like me can figure it out. We launched the Interstate Highway System on 27 pages.
© 2013 Gerald V. Todd - Bakersfield, CA
This is a long read, but I hope some of you take the time to see why I wrote it.
August 28, 2013
This link is to an op-ed piece by Dr. Peniel E. Joseph, Professor of History at Tufts University. It was published in my local Bakersfield Californian. I felt drawn to respond to the good professor, since he seemed to want more open dialogue about race. I gave it my best shot! I even sent him a pdf copy of my 2010 book, “Guide 25 – 25 Constitutional Values for Politicians and the People Who Vote for Them.”
Peniel E. Joseph, Ph.D.
Professor of History
Tufts University
Dear Dr. Joseph,
I read your Profiling piece in my local Bakersfield Californian this morning. Upon reading it, you came across not as an angry man but one who has reasoned out all the points you made and came to cogent conclusions. That is why I am responding to it.
Then I saw your website which portrayed on first blush, much anger – something your students might take a clue from that is unlike the nature of the article.
I guess you could say I’m the prototypical Tea Partier – 78 years old, Roman Catholic (not quite prototypical), college educated (U/Illinois ’58 and on) and lily white more than disgusted Republican. I could give you a long list telling you I’m no racist, but that would come across as trying to mollify you. I do hope for a reasonable exchange from our widely different points of view. We have both been blessed and in some ways cursed in this great land. That’s life – we have to deal with it.
The first thing I must do is try to separate race from the points in this discussion. It’s not that race isn’t a factor, but for Tea Partiers it isn’t THE issue. Human beings of all sorts are always welcome to the Tea Party philosophy. Have you ever met Lloyd Marcus – a wonderful Tea Party favorite? My own intellectual heroes include Dr. Thomas Sowell and Dr. Walter Williams. They all deal with issues as far away from race obsession as they can get. I’ll try to work from that level.
Arizona is a case in point. It has to do with border enforcement. It didn’t start with the Obama Administration. It has accelerated out of control since President Obama took office – including gun smuggling Fast and Furious. The Federal Government has a constitutional responsibility to control the borders, but has refused to do so and even sue states like AZ for trying to stop the bleeding. Drugs, illegals and Middle Eastern types that pass for Hispanic pour over the border, leaving behind trash and destroyed property.
How many Hispanics have had to sell their souls in prostitution or debt to get a coyote to bring them across the border? Some have died, locked up in a semi-trailer and abandoned in the hot sun.
My wife’s kindergarten classes always got asked what they want to be when they grow up. The usual fireman, teacher, mother, nurse, etc pops up. One boy wanted to be a coyote. My innocent wife was puzzled and asked him why he wanted to be an animal? He said, “No, Mrs. Todd, the guy that gets people across the border. They make lots of money!” There was a drop off house right across from the school. Have you ever come to the defense of Hispanics victimized by coyote’s? ACORN in San Diego was apparently involved with coyote’s.
In 2006 I got a call on my cell (213 prefix same as LA Area Code) from a land line in Delano, CA 661-725… The young man announced to me “Mohammed is coming across the border today!” He insisted I was his contact in Los Angeles. Accustomed to using cell phones, he neglected to dial “1” before entering the intended number, so he got me. The intrusion of jihadist Islam is a serious threat to the nation that if successful will produce a really two class society of big time haves and have not’s with no upward mobility, living under Sharia and Dhimmitude.
If my wife isn’t watching Fox News, she’s watching Oprah – even wrote her a letter last week! Have you ever extolled to your students the great number of blacks with acting roles in movies and TV series and more importantly commercials? I have to admit – blacks make great and delightful actors – just like Jews and Catholics make great comedians. I suspect this is a vestige of our tortured pasts. What do you think?
I live in a heavily Hispanic populated area. My son employs a number of Hispanic men, some who have been with him many years. He knows the border situation intimately because he has to cover his butt. He has helped a number of illegal’s gain citizenship without fanfare. One nod to our un-racism: Sean was Team Manager for the Fresno State Bulldogs while in college. He liked (really black) player David Grayson so much he named his now 22 year old son Grayson. Gray was invited to play soccer on Sean’s employee’s Mexican soccer team. I guess I brought him up right. Sean played baseball with Congressman Kevin McCarthy when they were kids. They have lunch every so often. Think Kev will listen to me? I burned him a fax this morning.
As for hatred of Obama, remember it took a plurality of whites to elect him. Your perception of his being reviled just because of his skin color is way off base. Of course many hate him because he’s black. How many hated and vilified George W. Bush because he is Republican? To the regressive “progressives”, he could do nothing right and has been caricatured as much or more than Obama. There was even a movie out about assassinating him. There was a coffin effigy at his inaugural.
Most of us thought it was a great sign of the quality of the republic to elect a black man. I took my granddaughter to the theater airing of his inauguration so she could get a sense of history. A young black man – mostly blacks in the audience – was sitting in front of me. I asked him what he thought. Hassan said, “I never realized what a great country this is. People have always told me how bad it was.” His picture is in my Bible study book –“The Launching of the S. S. Me.”
His great orations on “Change” fired up millions. You probably have an encyclopedia of racist motivations, but for Tea Partiers, this is still not the issue. We are by and large very much attuned to the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. “Progressives” like Prof Ed Telfeyan at McGeorge School of Law insist the DOI has no basis in law today. Ed doesn’t speak to me any more since I disagreed with him about Sandra Fluke and her need for taxpayer funded condoms. He idolized her – let’s say I had a different opinion. It’s all about a very living breathing Constitution that can be changed with the winds of politics. The DOI is the moral, spiritual and philosophical basis of the Constitution and the BOR is the logic that protects the ethics outlined in the Constitution. Without this we might as well have Cuba’s constitution. Sadly, our President told Vladimir Putin in 2009 that “for all practical purposes the Constitution is dead!”
The healthcare debate is a sad chapter in US history. It has nothing to do with race per se. Like Austria before Hitler and the communists were wrestling over a weakened country with 25% unemployment, both Austria and now USA had the finest healthcare systems in the world in their time. In the 1920’s and 30’s Americans would go to Austria for medical training. Healthcare is one of the three elements that are primarily local, community and church responsibilities – health, education and welfare. The corporal works of mercy more than met by religious and charitable hospitals combined with county and state facilities covered needs well and economically.
As a young engineer, I made a decent salary when my 3 year old son woke up one night with every joint in his body bright red. He was curled up and screaming in pain. He was referred to Children’s Hospital in San Francisco. The doctor – Kyasu, a famous pediatric orthopedist told us that his treatment would be quite expensive. He said - I’ll never forget it – “If you were poor, there are means to get treatment. If you were rich, you could afford it. But that you are middle income you could never pay the costs.” So, he referred us to Crippled Children’s Foundation that picked up the difference above what my company health care paid. It was diagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis, but lately I’ve heard Lupus has similar symptoms.
If you refer to page 107 in the AHC bill, you’ll find Muslims are exempt from paying for “gambling” – so under the Dhimmitude of Islamic ruled countries they get special privilege. In the DOI, the litany of complaints against the king included “pretended legislation” and “sending out agents to eat out the people’s substance.” This and the current immigration bill are so onerous, only Nancy Pelosi would be evil enough to tell us we have to “pass the bill so we could see what’s in it.” A Tea Party group took the yet to be passed bill and broke it into 20 page increments. Each volunteer - unpaid – took 20 pages and analyzed them as best they could and reported back. The bill is so full of bureaucratic license – basically giving Kathleen Sebelius or her successor power over life and death. There are poison pills, authorities that bypass our constitutionally elected officials, special privileges, draconian rules that could never be managed honestly or efficiently. That makes it “pretended legislation” – and – surely is sending out agents to pry into every aspect of our personal lives.
The net result is surely higher taxes, but the reason is not Obama’s race or maybe good intentions. Fiscally, it s all about the inefficiencies that occur when the combined principles of subsidiarity and solidarity are violated. (A good overall well documented source is Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical “Caritas in veritate” – Charity in truth. For your convenience go to #58)
The American Association of Life Underwriters did a study of the costs that are incurred at levels of help.
• If I need a dollar and you give me a dollar, I have a dollar.
• If I need a dollar and I go to the local community or charity, they have to raise $1.20 to help me with a dollar.
• If my need is more than the local community can handle, I go to the state which must tax you $2 to give me $1 in help.
• If my need is more than the state can handle, the federal government must raise $4 in taxes to provide me with $1 in services.
The key is that at some time or another the individual and his family need help that may reach all the way to the Feds. The higher up the ladder, the shorter term must be the involvement of that level. Sadly, the highly inefficient Feds want to run it from the top, instead of being the source of last and very temporary resort. Might this be the biggest reason the states and nation are fiscally bankrupt?
Evidence of abuse and corruption shows with the so-called Obamaphone that is/was being handed out like candy, rather than to people who are homeless with no set place of residence – or the ability to pay for the privilege. One reporter got three phones within an hour because people were being paid to get the phones out. We complain that the rich get richer, but who considered the richest man in the world – a Mexican national – gets $10 for every Obamaphone distributed?
Another and far worse is the proliferation of EBT cards where people have figured out ways to accumulate cards, buy and sell them and purchase luxury items at taxpayer expense – you know the $4 tax and growing deficit to deliver $1 in EBT cards?
Muslims are apparently a select privilege group. In Michigan, they are able to get welfare for themselves, immediate family and the man’s 3 or 4 other wives who are identified as close relatives. The bad ones are supported by Arab oil money to build mosques and madrasas where anti-American Sharia and jihad principles are taught. The ones who appreciate the blessings of liberty are under threat of death. The sad part of our poor energy and environmental policies is we have enriched the Middle East potentates so much they fight any effort to develop America’s far superior energy resources. I live in a heavy oil and ag production area where George Soros is spending about $1 million through and the UFW pushing anti-fracking bills and a very faulty immigration bill.
As for the Birther mentality, you have to ask yourself why Obama has a very shaded history including schooling and residences in Indonesia. His handlers spent millions covering his tracks and travels until finally presenting his birth certificate – an issue that should have been settled at his first school, registration to vote or run for office in Illinois. Multiple SSN’s and living under more than one name and his current one indicating by number it was issued in Connecticut before he was born don’t help.
All that is under the bridge. I’d just like to see one article he wrote as Editor of the Harvard Law Review. I have a picture of him at Harvard “on strike for diversity,” so I know he was there. I don’t know what this has to do with white supremacists. I do know of a black supremacist group in West LA that is very careful about who it admits – you appear too dark (like I’d know!), and on a professor’s pay, not rich enough. Seems like a human fallacy to me, though usually controlled by the golden rule – he who has the gold rules. I would like to discuss diversity with you some time.
Tea Partiers have pointed out there were heroic blacks fighting in the Revolutionary War and even Glenn Beck – a real student of history as are you – pointed out this morning that 10% of the Union Army was made up of blacks.
I can tell you from this side of the argument that while there is a lot of white anger directed at him, it was not because of his color. You may be thrilled with policies that violate the checks and balances established to protect and maintain our representative constitutional republic under God. Democracies are only good until the people figure out them can vote themselves “free” money out of the nation’s treasury until the whole system collapses. Disdain for, but mainly ignorance of the Constitution, capitalism (not the money and tax manipulation that passes for it today) free enterprise and our Judeo-Christian roots has been the source of anger for largely older folks because they were taught far different than the outcome-based, common core centralized corrupt union controlled nonsense we have today. Political correctness, a product of Academia, has negated polite discourse and created a false sensitivity to anyone who wanders the world looking for a place or person to be offended by.
I’m not sure what you meant by passing legislation aimed at achieving racial equality that is met with white resistance. We tend to forget that it was a Republican President Eisenhower that set off the opening of southern schools to blacks and the equal rights passed with Republican votes over the “dead bodies” of Democrats. Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society has done more to destroy individual initiative of all people who would otherwise strive for upward mobility through hard work and education. We don’t all make it, but we all try. I’m flat broke because I put the last 25 years into trying to be an entrepreneur to incorporate good environmental technologies to clean up and maintain natural and industrial operations. I failed due largely to a) my own lousy salesmanship and b) bureaucratic ignorance and recalcitrance among regulators. So at 78, I’m still in there pitching - keeps me from getting Alzheimer’s!
In recent times, I’ve observed racial segregation to be largely by blacks and other racial and ethnic groups isolating themselves on campuses and creating segregated associations while pointing at whites who are just going about what they’re used to doing. Growing up in Chicago, we had our white neighborhoods - German, Italian, Irish, Polish, Lithuanian, Swedish – a Swedish woman doctor treated me for two bouts of mastoiditis, tonsils, and the loss of my left eye in a playground mishap. I’m sure she had her struggles as a professional. The ethnic groups fought in gangs but slowly integrated as boy met girl. I’m English, Danish, Swedish, Irish, German, Scotsman, French and Luxembourger. My Irish Dago buddy called me a half breed! Ethnic foods were also great unifiers.
Yet I remember my Dad was Service Manager at a near north side Packard Dealer. The Sons of the Pioneers who sang on the Grand Ole Opry and WLS – the “The Prairie Farmer Station” were also the salesmen for the agency. My only contact with blacks was the group of men in the back of the agency detailing cars. I still remember their blue coveralls. It was during the Capone Era, so at one time my Dad came home with Machine Gun Mike McGurn’s ’29 Packard coupe. He had some great customers!
The Trayvon Martin case was a travesty, but not for the reasons you and the media have projected. First, Trayvon was no angel as he was portrayed in his 12 year old photos. If you get a chance to see the security camera shots on ABC where Trayvon was buying Skittles and Gatorade -an interesting combination I’m told, but in the last second as he’s leaving the store, both he and the clerk turn away. Trayvon reaches out of camera range and as he turns to walk out he slips something in his pocket. Was he shoplifting?
What the hell is a “white Hispanic?” I think the jury, working from the evidence or lack of it – the prosecution could have done better – found Zimmerman not guilty. Given the media hype and threats flying around from the professional poop disturbers, the jury had the courage to vote their consciences. They couldn’t prove racism because Zimmerman had a long track record of tutoring black kids and doing other community service. Was he a pain in the butt for the local police? Did he bug Trayvon to the point of striking out at him? I don’t know.
I wish as much attention and leadership were paid to the kids murdered in Chicago every week, or the wild wind being reaped as young blacks are beating and even killing old white people or a young couple or that Australian visitor who jogged in the wrong place? Could Obama with his bully pulpit have exhorted the kids to excellence - to break the long history of poor neighborhood kids who want to learn being called every name in the book and beat up for their ambition? We have created a multistory outhouse out of a fountain of prosperity that needs to be righted.
My real fear for and about the President is his apparent dedication to the advance of Islam. It is more than obvious for some of us. For others, it’s the fundamental change he and his wife have extolled since he first ran for office. You speak of the ACA as something special. Neera Tanden, a Muslim Brotherhood operative bragged recently that she had a hand in writing the Act when in the employ of the ultra-racist/atheist George Soros. His Open Society Institute and its arms are busy writing draconian bills that should never be over 100 pages in length so the average citizen can understand them. Look at the people he is surrounded with – scary to say the least. I’m not sure if they were his doing or that of others.
In 1950, the late Archbishop Fulton Sheen wrote: “At the present time, the hatred of the Islamic countries toward the West has become hatred against Christianity itself. Statesmen are now taking it into account that there is a grave danger that the temporal power of Islam may return on a broad scale, and with it, the menace that it may shake off a West which has ceased to be Christian, and affirm itself as a great anti-Christian world power. Muslim writers say, "When the locust swarms darken vast countries, they bear on their wings these Arabic words, "We are God's host, each of us has 99 eggs, and if we had 100, we should lay waste to the world and all that is in it."
I have the distinct impression the USA is being used as the 100th egg.
Rather than concentrating on race, ethnicity – except for the food – we need to work toward loving the gift of a wonderful country that is now our responsibility to present to our children intact and prospering. Every time I see lines of freight care rolling through our Valley, I see the great efforts at painting graffiti on them. Would that energy and talent be applied to love and beauty and the enrichment of all?
That is certainly my hope for you, yours and all the rest who want the best for our kids and grand kids.
See what you started with that profiling article?
All the best. I hope, after all this I hear from you.
My family is hollering at me to watch a movie a young man made called “The Craig’s List Guy”. He started with no money, a laptop and a photographer and used Craig’s List for 31 days to convince people to feed, clothe, transport and hire him so he could survive. I better go watch the rest of it or I’m in trouble! Maybe there’s another message in there!
Oh, by the way, please obtain a pdf copy of my 2010 book – “Guide 25”;jsessionid=132FF40A937EE3D3BE7AF18CB08666F2
I also post on,, and now on I’m Wild Vortex among the contributors. This site is promoting a 28th Amendment, paralleling Mark Levin’s Article V book gone viral.
These were all by invitation since 2010.
I wonder if the Republicans would really have the gonads to make a scene about the 100 page bill limit. You claim all your House bills are so structured. Who would know it?
Why not blow out this immigration bill and promise a -100 page bill even Nancy Pelosi can read? The PR and education possibilities of our very frustrated young and our union brothers are endless!
The NEW Republican Party coupled with dumping Obamacare for similar restructuring would have to get media attention and terror among the “progressives” of both parties. It might even unite the country for a change. Even James P. Hoffa of the Teamsters finally figured out they’ve been screwed, blued and tattooed by Obama. What are you doing about it?
It would also bring a heck of a lot of support out of the hustings – especially among the Teat Partiers (to the rescue again - but this time with some expectation of reciprocity.).
August 28, 2013
This link is to an op-ed piece by Dr. Peniel E. Joseph, Professor of History at Tufts University. It was published in my local Bakersfield Californian. I felt drawn to respond to the good professor, since he seemed to want more open dialogue about race. I gave it my best shot! I even sent him a pdf copy of my 2010 book, “Guide 25 – 25 Constitutional Values for Politicians and the People Who Vote for Them.”
Peniel E. Joseph, Ph.D.
Professor of History
Tufts University
Dear Dr. Joseph,
I read your Profiling piece in my local Bakersfield Californian this morning. Upon reading it, you came across not as an angry man but one who has reasoned out all the points you made and came to cogent conclusions. That is why I am responding to it.
Then I saw your website which portrayed on first blush, much anger – something your students might take a clue from that is unlike the nature of the article.
I guess you could say I’m the prototypical Tea Partier – 78 years old, Roman Catholic (not quite prototypical), college educated (U/Illinois ’58 and on) and lily white more than disgusted Republican. I could give you a long list telling you I’m no racist, but that would come across as trying to mollify you. I do hope for a reasonable exchange from our widely different points of view. We have both been blessed and in some ways cursed in this great land. That’s life – we have to deal with it.
The first thing I must do is try to separate race from the points in this discussion. It’s not that race isn’t a factor, but for Tea Partiers it isn’t THE issue. Human beings of all sorts are always welcome to the Tea Party philosophy. Have you ever met Lloyd Marcus – a wonderful Tea Party favorite? My own intellectual heroes include Dr. Thomas Sowell and Dr. Walter Williams. They all deal with issues as far away from race obsession as they can get. I’ll try to work from that level.
Arizona is a case in point. It has to do with border enforcement. It didn’t start with the Obama Administration. It has accelerated out of control since President Obama took office – including gun smuggling Fast and Furious. The Federal Government has a constitutional responsibility to control the borders, but has refused to do so and even sue states like AZ for trying to stop the bleeding. Drugs, illegals and Middle Eastern types that pass for Hispanic pour over the border, leaving behind trash and destroyed property.
How many Hispanics have had to sell their souls in prostitution or debt to get a coyote to bring them across the border? Some have died, locked up in a semi-trailer and abandoned in the hot sun.
My wife’s kindergarten classes always got asked what they want to be when they grow up. The usual fireman, teacher, mother, nurse, etc pops up. One boy wanted to be a coyote. My innocent wife was puzzled and asked him why he wanted to be an animal? He said, “No, Mrs. Todd, the guy that gets people across the border. They make lots of money!” There was a drop off house right across from the school. Have you ever come to the defense of Hispanics victimized by coyote’s? ACORN in San Diego was apparently involved with coyote’s.
In 2006 I got a call on my cell (213 prefix same as LA Area Code) from a land line in Delano, CA 661-725… The young man announced to me “Mohammed is coming across the border today!” He insisted I was his contact in Los Angeles. Accustomed to using cell phones, he neglected to dial “1” before entering the intended number, so he got me. The intrusion of jihadist Islam is a serious threat to the nation that if successful will produce a really two class society of big time haves and have not’s with no upward mobility, living under Sharia and Dhimmitude.
If my wife isn’t watching Fox News, she’s watching Oprah – even wrote her a letter last week! Have you ever extolled to your students the great number of blacks with acting roles in movies and TV series and more importantly commercials? I have to admit – blacks make great and delightful actors – just like Jews and Catholics make great comedians. I suspect this is a vestige of our tortured pasts. What do you think?
I live in a heavily Hispanic populated area. My son employs a number of Hispanic men, some who have been with him many years. He knows the border situation intimately because he has to cover his butt. He has helped a number of illegal’s gain citizenship without fanfare. One nod to our un-racism: Sean was Team Manager for the Fresno State Bulldogs while in college. He liked (really black) player David Grayson so much he named his now 22 year old son Grayson. Gray was invited to play soccer on Sean’s employee’s Mexican soccer team. I guess I brought him up right. Sean played baseball with Congressman Kevin McCarthy when they were kids. They have lunch every so often. Think Kev will listen to me? I burned him a fax this morning.
As for hatred of Obama, remember it took a plurality of whites to elect him. Your perception of his being reviled just because of his skin color is way off base. Of course many hate him because he’s black. How many hated and vilified George W. Bush because he is Republican? To the regressive “progressives”, he could do nothing right and has been caricatured as much or more than Obama. There was even a movie out about assassinating him. There was a coffin effigy at his inaugural.
Most of us thought it was a great sign of the quality of the republic to elect a black man. I took my granddaughter to the theater airing of his inauguration so she could get a sense of history. A young black man – mostly blacks in the audience – was sitting in front of me. I asked him what he thought. Hassan said, “I never realized what a great country this is. People have always told me how bad it was.” His picture is in my Bible study book –“The Launching of the S. S. Me.”
His great orations on “Change” fired up millions. You probably have an encyclopedia of racist motivations, but for Tea Partiers, this is still not the issue. We are by and large very much attuned to the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. “Progressives” like Prof Ed Telfeyan at McGeorge School of Law insist the DOI has no basis in law today. Ed doesn’t speak to me any more since I disagreed with him about Sandra Fluke and her need for taxpayer funded condoms. He idolized her – let’s say I had a different opinion. It’s all about a very living breathing Constitution that can be changed with the winds of politics. The DOI is the moral, spiritual and philosophical basis of the Constitution and the BOR is the logic that protects the ethics outlined in the Constitution. Without this we might as well have Cuba’s constitution. Sadly, our President told Vladimir Putin in 2009 that “for all practical purposes the Constitution is dead!”
The healthcare debate is a sad chapter in US history. It has nothing to do with race per se. Like Austria before Hitler and the communists were wrestling over a weakened country with 25% unemployment, both Austria and now USA had the finest healthcare systems in the world in their time. In the 1920’s and 30’s Americans would go to Austria for medical training. Healthcare is one of the three elements that are primarily local, community and church responsibilities – health, education and welfare. The corporal works of mercy more than met by religious and charitable hospitals combined with county and state facilities covered needs well and economically.
As a young engineer, I made a decent salary when my 3 year old son woke up one night with every joint in his body bright red. He was curled up and screaming in pain. He was referred to Children’s Hospital in San Francisco. The doctor – Kyasu, a famous pediatric orthopedist told us that his treatment would be quite expensive. He said - I’ll never forget it – “If you were poor, there are means to get treatment. If you were rich, you could afford it. But that you are middle income you could never pay the costs.” So, he referred us to Crippled Children’s Foundation that picked up the difference above what my company health care paid. It was diagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis, but lately I’ve heard Lupus has similar symptoms.
If you refer to page 107 in the AHC bill, you’ll find Muslims are exempt from paying for “gambling” – so under the Dhimmitude of Islamic ruled countries they get special privilege. In the DOI, the litany of complaints against the king included “pretended legislation” and “sending out agents to eat out the people’s substance.” This and the current immigration bill are so onerous, only Nancy Pelosi would be evil enough to tell us we have to “pass the bill so we could see what’s in it.” A Tea Party group took the yet to be passed bill and broke it into 20 page increments. Each volunteer - unpaid – took 20 pages and analyzed them as best they could and reported back. The bill is so full of bureaucratic license – basically giving Kathleen Sebelius or her successor power over life and death. There are poison pills, authorities that bypass our constitutionally elected officials, special privileges, draconian rules that could never be managed honestly or efficiently. That makes it “pretended legislation” – and – surely is sending out agents to pry into every aspect of our personal lives.
The net result is surely higher taxes, but the reason is not Obama’s race or maybe good intentions. Fiscally, it s all about the inefficiencies that occur when the combined principles of subsidiarity and solidarity are violated. (A good overall well documented source is Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical “Caritas in veritate” – Charity in truth. For your convenience go to #58)
The American Association of Life Underwriters did a study of the costs that are incurred at levels of help.
• If I need a dollar and you give me a dollar, I have a dollar.
• If I need a dollar and I go to the local community or charity, they have to raise $1.20 to help me with a dollar.
• If my need is more than the local community can handle, I go to the state which must tax you $2 to give me $1 in help.
• If my need is more than the state can handle, the federal government must raise $4 in taxes to provide me with $1 in services.
The key is that at some time or another the individual and his family need help that may reach all the way to the Feds. The higher up the ladder, the shorter term must be the involvement of that level. Sadly, the highly inefficient Feds want to run it from the top, instead of being the source of last and very temporary resort. Might this be the biggest reason the states and nation are fiscally bankrupt?
Evidence of abuse and corruption shows with the so-called Obamaphone that is/was being handed out like candy, rather than to people who are homeless with no set place of residence – or the ability to pay for the privilege. One reporter got three phones within an hour because people were being paid to get the phones out. We complain that the rich get richer, but who considered the richest man in the world – a Mexican national – gets $10 for every Obamaphone distributed?
Another and far worse is the proliferation of EBT cards where people have figured out ways to accumulate cards, buy and sell them and purchase luxury items at taxpayer expense – you know the $4 tax and growing deficit to deliver $1 in EBT cards?
Muslims are apparently a select privilege group. In Michigan, they are able to get welfare for themselves, immediate family and the man’s 3 or 4 other wives who are identified as close relatives. The bad ones are supported by Arab oil money to build mosques and madrasas where anti-American Sharia and jihad principles are taught. The ones who appreciate the blessings of liberty are under threat of death. The sad part of our poor energy and environmental policies is we have enriched the Middle East potentates so much they fight any effort to develop America’s far superior energy resources. I live in a heavy oil and ag production area where George Soros is spending about $1 million through and the UFW pushing anti-fracking bills and a very faulty immigration bill.
As for the Birther mentality, you have to ask yourself why Obama has a very shaded history including schooling and residences in Indonesia. His handlers spent millions covering his tracks and travels until finally presenting his birth certificate – an issue that should have been settled at his first school, registration to vote or run for office in Illinois. Multiple SSN’s and living under more than one name and his current one indicating by number it was issued in Connecticut before he was born don’t help.
All that is under the bridge. I’d just like to see one article he wrote as Editor of the Harvard Law Review. I have a picture of him at Harvard “on strike for diversity,” so I know he was there. I don’t know what this has to do with white supremacists. I do know of a black supremacist group in West LA that is very careful about who it admits – you appear too dark (like I’d know!), and on a professor’s pay, not rich enough. Seems like a human fallacy to me, though usually controlled by the golden rule – he who has the gold rules. I would like to discuss diversity with you some time.
Tea Partiers have pointed out there were heroic blacks fighting in the Revolutionary War and even Glenn Beck – a real student of history as are you – pointed out this morning that 10% of the Union Army was made up of blacks.
I can tell you from this side of the argument that while there is a lot of white anger directed at him, it was not because of his color. You may be thrilled with policies that violate the checks and balances established to protect and maintain our representative constitutional republic under God. Democracies are only good until the people figure out them can vote themselves “free” money out of the nation’s treasury until the whole system collapses. Disdain for, but mainly ignorance of the Constitution, capitalism (not the money and tax manipulation that passes for it today) free enterprise and our Judeo-Christian roots has been the source of anger for largely older folks because they were taught far different than the outcome-based, common core centralized corrupt union controlled nonsense we have today. Political correctness, a product of Academia, has negated polite discourse and created a false sensitivity to anyone who wanders the world looking for a place or person to be offended by.
I’m not sure what you meant by passing legislation aimed at achieving racial equality that is met with white resistance. We tend to forget that it was a Republican President Eisenhower that set off the opening of southern schools to blacks and the equal rights passed with Republican votes over the “dead bodies” of Democrats. Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society has done more to destroy individual initiative of all people who would otherwise strive for upward mobility through hard work and education. We don’t all make it, but we all try. I’m flat broke because I put the last 25 years into trying to be an entrepreneur to incorporate good environmental technologies to clean up and maintain natural and industrial operations. I failed due largely to a) my own lousy salesmanship and b) bureaucratic ignorance and recalcitrance among regulators. So at 78, I’m still in there pitching - keeps me from getting Alzheimer’s!
In recent times, I’ve observed racial segregation to be largely by blacks and other racial and ethnic groups isolating themselves on campuses and creating segregated associations while pointing at whites who are just going about what they’re used to doing. Growing up in Chicago, we had our white neighborhoods - German, Italian, Irish, Polish, Lithuanian, Swedish – a Swedish woman doctor treated me for two bouts of mastoiditis, tonsils, and the loss of my left eye in a playground mishap. I’m sure she had her struggles as a professional. The ethnic groups fought in gangs but slowly integrated as boy met girl. I’m English, Danish, Swedish, Irish, German, Scotsman, French and Luxembourger. My Irish Dago buddy called me a half breed! Ethnic foods were also great unifiers.
Yet I remember my Dad was Service Manager at a near north side Packard Dealer. The Sons of the Pioneers who sang on the Grand Ole Opry and WLS – the “The Prairie Farmer Station” were also the salesmen for the agency. My only contact with blacks was the group of men in the back of the agency detailing cars. I still remember their blue coveralls. It was during the Capone Era, so at one time my Dad came home with Machine Gun Mike McGurn’s ’29 Packard coupe. He had some great customers!
The Trayvon Martin case was a travesty, but not for the reasons you and the media have projected. First, Trayvon was no angel as he was portrayed in his 12 year old photos. If you get a chance to see the security camera shots on ABC where Trayvon was buying Skittles and Gatorade -an interesting combination I’m told, but in the last second as he’s leaving the store, both he and the clerk turn away. Trayvon reaches out of camera range and as he turns to walk out he slips something in his pocket. Was he shoplifting?
What the hell is a “white Hispanic?” I think the jury, working from the evidence or lack of it – the prosecution could have done better – found Zimmerman not guilty. Given the media hype and threats flying around from the professional poop disturbers, the jury had the courage to vote their consciences. They couldn’t prove racism because Zimmerman had a long track record of tutoring black kids and doing other community service. Was he a pain in the butt for the local police? Did he bug Trayvon to the point of striking out at him? I don’t know.
I wish as much attention and leadership were paid to the kids murdered in Chicago every week, or the wild wind being reaped as young blacks are beating and even killing old white people or a young couple or that Australian visitor who jogged in the wrong place? Could Obama with his bully pulpit have exhorted the kids to excellence - to break the long history of poor neighborhood kids who want to learn being called every name in the book and beat up for their ambition? We have created a multistory outhouse out of a fountain of prosperity that needs to be righted.
My real fear for and about the President is his apparent dedication to the advance of Islam. It is more than obvious for some of us. For others, it’s the fundamental change he and his wife have extolled since he first ran for office. You speak of the ACA as something special. Neera Tanden, a Muslim Brotherhood operative bragged recently that she had a hand in writing the Act when in the employ of the ultra-racist/atheist George Soros. His Open Society Institute and its arms are busy writing draconian bills that should never be over 100 pages in length so the average citizen can understand them. Look at the people he is surrounded with – scary to say the least. I’m not sure if they were his doing or that of others.
In 1950, the late Archbishop Fulton Sheen wrote: “At the present time, the hatred of the Islamic countries toward the West has become hatred against Christianity itself. Statesmen are now taking it into account that there is a grave danger that the temporal power of Islam may return on a broad scale, and with it, the menace that it may shake off a West which has ceased to be Christian, and affirm itself as a great anti-Christian world power. Muslim writers say, "When the locust swarms darken vast countries, they bear on their wings these Arabic words, "We are God's host, each of us has 99 eggs, and if we had 100, we should lay waste to the world and all that is in it."
I have the distinct impression the USA is being used as the 100th egg.
Rather than concentrating on race, ethnicity – except for the food – we need to work toward loving the gift of a wonderful country that is now our responsibility to present to our children intact and prospering. Every time I see lines of freight care rolling through our Valley, I see the great efforts at painting graffiti on them. Would that energy and talent be applied to love and beauty and the enrichment of all?
That is certainly my hope for you, yours and all the rest who want the best for our kids and grand kids.
See what you started with that profiling article?
All the best. I hope, after all this I hear from you.
My family is hollering at me to watch a movie a young man made called “The Craig’s List Guy”. He started with no money, a laptop and a photographer and used Craig’s List for 31 days to convince people to feed, clothe, transport and hire him so he could survive. I better go watch the rest of it or I’m in trouble! Maybe there’s another message in there!
Oh, by the way, please obtain a pdf copy of my 2010 book – “Guide 25”;jsessionid=132FF40A937EE3D3BE7AF18CB08666F2
I also post on,, and now on I’m Wild Vortex among the contributors. This site is promoting a 28th Amendment, paralleling Mark Levin’s Article V book gone viral.
These were all by invitation since 2010.
I wonder if the Republicans would really have the gonads to make a scene about the 100 page bill limit. You claim all your House bills are so structured. Who would know it?
Why not blow out this immigration bill and promise a -100 page bill even Nancy Pelosi can read? The PR and education possibilities of our very frustrated young and our union brothers are endless!
The NEW Republican Party coupled with dumping Obamacare for similar restructuring would have to get media attention and terror among the “progressives” of both parties. It might even unite the country for a change. Even James P. Hoffa of the Teamsters finally figured out they’ve been screwed, blued and tattooed by Obama. What are you doing about it?
It would also bring a heck of a lot of support out of the hustings – especially among the Teat Partiers (to the rescue again - but this time with some expectation of reciprocity.).
We’ve heard meaningless political slogans like “Hope and Change” over the years that have aroused cheers of the ignorant and misinformed that have sent our country into a tailspin. This time, a one word slogan – “ReUnion” takes on a real and substantive meaning.
• I see a ReUnion with our Founding principles and the God to whom they are credited.
• I see a ReUnion of unions into their original purpose as servants to their membership and stewards of the responsibilities of employment.
• I see a ReUnion of free enterprise and human thrift and generosity with our monetary system acting as the servant of all; not the master of manipulations, rates and speculations.
• I see a ReUnion of parental responsibility for education and child care including local control of schools and public services without interference from distant bureaucrats.
Over the years the best intentions of social reformers, religious and labor leaders and political visionaries tend to become blurred and even perverted. I was a co-founder of our local Gleaners organization that after 21 years still distributes millions of pounds of food through churches and non-profits to meet the needs of the community’s helpless.
We adopted an illustration from my Bible of “Ruth Gleaning in Boaz’ Field” as the Gleaners’ logo. A few years ago, the Gleaners moved to a new facility. A friend of mine, named California Art Teacher of the Year volunteered to paint a mural on the face of the new building. It turned out to be a woman holding a horn of food spilling out – “The Goddess of Plenty!” That was a long way from Ruth and Boaz, progenitors of Jesus morphed into a pagan goddess! Blurred vision happens, to churches, unions, foundations, corporations, family businesses, charitable and fraternal groups and even constitutional republics that morph into democracies.
I remember during the Carter Administration, Paul Volcker was Chairman of the Federal Reserve. In order to control inflation, he pushed interest rates to stratospheric levels. Home mortgages approached 18%, making it impossible for a young couple to buy a home on the husband’s income. It brought about all kinds of social change – from no fault divorce, to abortion on demand to government day care centers to federal education and increases in the minimum wage – the unmitigated disaster we live with today. The auto industry was forced to retool to smaller cars while paying for high rate 9-12% loans. In the meantime, the Japanese were creating their now dominant auto industry while financing at 2-3%. Detroit wasn’t only a victim of union thuggery and political corruption.
With home ownership out of reach, apartment construction skyrocketed while investors snatched up entry level homes usually purchased by young couples. That year, the National Association of Realtors in DC – where else? – honored Volcker with its Golden Eagle Award for meritorious service to the country. I had a few choice words for Mr. Carlson, then President of NAR. I’ve been suspicious of National Associations of Anything ever since!
There is much to be said about the love of money being the root of all kinds of evil. Money isn’t evil – it is first and foremost a medium of exchange that makes trade, commerce and daily life workable. It is the manipulation of money – whether by taxation, interest rates and fees or speculation and hedging that evil becomes dominant – the master rather than the servant. It is common knowledge among social planners that one way to bring about societal change is to manipulate - usually by raising interest rates and taxes. These take money out of circulation to be applied to non-productive elements to be recirculated as debt - whether by high interest loans or money borrowed into existence by the Federal Government. This drives up the national debt and raises prices – which are actually the reduction in the value of the dollar. This explains why a loaf of bread that once cost 10 cents is now over $4!
Here is a 1982 comparison diagram showing the difference between a Constitutional System where money is spent into existence through Congress vs the existing Federal Reserve where money is created against debt and subject to speculations in taxes, rates and manipulations.
• I see a ReUnion with our Founding principles and the God to whom they are credited.
• I see a ReUnion of unions into their original purpose as servants to their membership and stewards of the responsibilities of employment.
• I see a ReUnion of free enterprise and human thrift and generosity with our monetary system acting as the servant of all; not the master of manipulations, rates and speculations.
• I see a ReUnion of parental responsibility for education and child care including local control of schools and public services without interference from distant bureaucrats.
Over the years the best intentions of social reformers, religious and labor leaders and political visionaries tend to become blurred and even perverted. I was a co-founder of our local Gleaners organization that after 21 years still distributes millions of pounds of food through churches and non-profits to meet the needs of the community’s helpless.
We adopted an illustration from my Bible of “Ruth Gleaning in Boaz’ Field” as the Gleaners’ logo. A few years ago, the Gleaners moved to a new facility. A friend of mine, named California Art Teacher of the Year volunteered to paint a mural on the face of the new building. It turned out to be a woman holding a horn of food spilling out – “The Goddess of Plenty!” That was a long way from Ruth and Boaz, progenitors of Jesus morphed into a pagan goddess! Blurred vision happens, to churches, unions, foundations, corporations, family businesses, charitable and fraternal groups and even constitutional republics that morph into democracies.
I remember during the Carter Administration, Paul Volcker was Chairman of the Federal Reserve. In order to control inflation, he pushed interest rates to stratospheric levels. Home mortgages approached 18%, making it impossible for a young couple to buy a home on the husband’s income. It brought about all kinds of social change – from no fault divorce, to abortion on demand to government day care centers to federal education and increases in the minimum wage – the unmitigated disaster we live with today. The auto industry was forced to retool to smaller cars while paying for high rate 9-12% loans. In the meantime, the Japanese were creating their now dominant auto industry while financing at 2-3%. Detroit wasn’t only a victim of union thuggery and political corruption.
With home ownership out of reach, apartment construction skyrocketed while investors snatched up entry level homes usually purchased by young couples. That year, the National Association of Realtors in DC – where else? – honored Volcker with its Golden Eagle Award for meritorious service to the country. I had a few choice words for Mr. Carlson, then President of NAR. I’ve been suspicious of National Associations of Anything ever since!
There is much to be said about the love of money being the root of all kinds of evil. Money isn’t evil – it is first and foremost a medium of exchange that makes trade, commerce and daily life workable. It is the manipulation of money – whether by taxation, interest rates and fees or speculation and hedging that evil becomes dominant – the master rather than the servant. It is common knowledge among social planners that one way to bring about societal change is to manipulate - usually by raising interest rates and taxes. These take money out of circulation to be applied to non-productive elements to be recirculated as debt - whether by high interest loans or money borrowed into existence by the Federal Government. This drives up the national debt and raises prices – which are actually the reduction in the value of the dollar. This explains why a loaf of bread that once cost 10 cents is now over $4!
Here is a 1982 comparison diagram showing the difference between a Constitutional System where money is spent into existence through Congress vs the existing Federal Reserve where money is created against debt and subject to speculations in taxes, rates and manipulations.
This squeezing by taxes, rates and currency speculations has a direct effect on business, on jobs, on the cost of living, causing stresses in family life. Unions demand increases in the minimum wage which has the secondary effect of their demands for higher wages to stay above the minimum. It gives the central government the opportunity to undermine family, community and states rights by offering Federal bailouts, loans and taking over services that are properly the venue of local and state entities.
Perhaps its time for a “ReUnion” with our principles, visions and dreams, including a “ReUnion” of the trades and skills that can benefit from a new approach to such associations. It is a series of Causes and Effects – one thing leads to another.
Where we are today? The three groupings below come from my recently discovered Social Justice Theory of Relativity, a subset of my Political Theory of Relativity. They attempt to define how we Think, Act and Operate. The first table shows what has happened as we allowed our little world to be turned upside down.
Perhaps its time for a “ReUnion” with our principles, visions and dreams, including a “ReUnion” of the trades and skills that can benefit from a new approach to such associations. It is a series of Causes and Effects – one thing leads to another.
Where we are today? The three groupings below come from my recently discovered Social Justice Theory of Relativity, a subset of my Political Theory of Relativity. They attempt to define how we Think, Act and Operate. The first table shows what has happened as we allowed our little world to be turned upside down.
Read and Follow from Top Down (Cause and Effect)
Social Justice Trickle Down OuthouseFinance - demanding government funds to carry out often dubious works in health, education and welfare. Manipulation of rates and taxes to fund demands and speculations.
_________________________________________________________ High Tech serves social justice by demeaning human dignity, population control, dominance over others, spying on normal citizens. _________________________________________________________ High Touch is Godless compassion ill-applied by breaking down families, children torn from homes. No moral or ethical limits; no sense of propriety. _________________________________________________________ Chaos results when people are impoverished and prevented from exploiting their own dreams and talents to meet the demands of government agents protecting their dependency turf. Solidarity of the streets produces corruption in league with corrupt politicians and bureaucrats. Without hope they neglect even their basic needs waiting for help. Entitlement – the opposite of subsidiarity, is acquired by the willingness of those who dominate health, education and welfare agencies for power. _________________________________________________________ Faulty Logic that supports despotism and dependency is applied through attack systems such as “Rules for Radicals” with complicit 4th Estate support. _________________________________________________________ Ethics are based on false compassion to destroy initiative and drive while enthroning actions contrary to natural and moral laws. _________________________________________________________ Beauty is lost in a sewer of depravity and poverty that prevents full employment of the broadest range of human talent in the arts, sciences, trades, yielding ugly products and structures – and a culture of death. _________________________________________________________ |
The Chaos of Dis-UnionWinston Churchill once asked, “Can a people tax themselves into prosperity?” His response: “Can a man stand in a bucket and lift himself up by the handle?” Technology advancements have managed to keep employment levels high and soft business opportunities at a level that few notice the disappearance of skilled labor and technical jobs – equally important to information and formal education skills. With so much attention paid to putting out “schlock and box” products and structures with faux décor, artistic and craftsman skills are also lost. The lowest skill and intellectual levels revel in a good job keeping everything shiny and clean. All meaningful work has human dignity attached at any level. _______________________________________________________ The sins of monetary manipulation only temporarily enrich the speculator. The small businessman, the clerk, housewife, old couples trying to survive on a fixed income all suffer because they are forced to pay tribute to the manipulator.. Younger people become frustrated and angry. They also become the fodder of tyrants as they organize protests and are forced to wage war. They are either goaded to riot in the streets, destroying the lives and works of others, or are soothed by free stuff to keep them dependent while the speculators play. It’s called “entitlement.” _______________________________________________________ It is in the interest of those who control rates and taxes to keep the natives from getting too restless. Setting up straw dogs of us vs. them. By pointing out the “bad guys” but short of tearing them limb from limb, the promise of goodies, EBT cards, rent assistance, free tuition and medical tends to tamp down ambition and make them controllable. The dependents are placated by sports and ever more sleazy entertainment until the society becomes a sewer of debt and depravity. With depravity naturally comes a full blown Culture of Death. The other half of this death culture is jihadist Islam. _______________________________________________________ |
How we Think, Act and Operate in a Free Society
These consist of the same elements as the outhouse, but reversed in order of causes and effects. Our upside down world turned right side up! Who’d have thought we could define ourselves and our world views so simply? The challenge is not in massive re-education, but in conversion to renewed faith in our original Representative Constitutional Republic under God. “Under God” includes freedom of religion. In a nation 80% or more Christian, its greatest testimony is room for the beliefs of others – whether Jew, Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh or even Muslim. Such reciprocity is not available in many nations, especially those under Muslim Rule or domestically those of “progressive” bent who tend to be blind to the things of the spirit – leaving them open to lies and deceit.
Freedom and Christianity go hand in hand or true Christianity is not being practiced. The price of freedom is certainly eternal vigilance. As seen from the Social Justice outhouse described already, even a free and ostensibly religious people can sell their souls for a mess of pottage, freebies and depravity and call it social justice. It is certainly time for a widespread Reunion!
As the Industrial Revolution gained momentum through the 19th Century, working men were drawn away from artisanship and agrarian labor to those of the factory. The skills carefully and patiently developed on the farm and in the guilds fell away to where too many masters treated their workers as slaves doing repetitive, mind numbing work. This gave rise to the union movement over riots and bloodshed. Socialists and communists pretending to care for the workers demanded the end of private property. If the worker isn’t poor from slave wages and working conditions, he is buried in usury. Pope Leo XIII in 1891 opened the door for labor-management relations in his encyclical Rerum Novarum - Rights and Duties of Capital and Labor :
Industrial and trade unions have done much to improve working conditions and establishing reasonable working hours. At the same time they have had an unsavory history of leveling the playing field for the most sluggish of their members. An enthusiastic worker is cajoled into slowing down so as not to eat up the job. One who has entrepreneurial dreams is either put down or drummed out of the union often creating an adversarial relationship with the employers who provided the job opportunities. Thankfully there are exceptions. The late John Lencioni of Bakersfield’s Columbo Construction knew how to draw the best from the trade unions that worked his jobs.
The ReUnion must add to the union movement’s solidarity the idea of personal responsibility – the elimination of entitlement in favor of subsidiarity. Unions, by following the combined principles of subsidiarity and solidarity, instead of solidarity alone will find they will be back in the business of selecting, training, disciplining and drawing the best out of their members. They will advocate increased pay goes to those who earn it, not the collective that falls to the lowest common denominator. The union will establish a partnership with the employer that recognizes the firm must prosper or the jobs are lost. If labor and management are both pulling the wagon in the same direction, all will prosper. The only thing a union should have to sell is providing the best trained hardest working most skilled employees. It does so by restructuring the old guild system and weeding out members who refuse to meet agreed standards while improving their skills.
Unions once made big money with their health care programs by developing health care with insurance companies and retailing them to the members. Unions could work with employers and local healthcare entities – clinics, hospitals, medical practitioners of all specialties, avoiding any government intrusion in the management and policies of their systems. By keeping day to day health services local and attuned to the community, costs will be controlled and more effective. The international union could be a coordinator - say like the NFL and maybe the co-carrier with major insurance companies of catastrophic care coverage. This would acknowledge subsidiarity/solidarity.
See 57. and 58. in Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical “Caritas in veritate” which means Charity in truth. The Church is seeing the seeming inevitable trend to globalization. The Pope addresses the issue knowing the plans of the globalizers have no concern for subsidiarity. If anything, they hope to see an 80% reduction in human population by any means. This is one area they don’t seek participation at the receiving end.
Here is a portion of 57 & 58: “…Hence the principle of subsidiarity is particularly well-suited to managing globalization and directing it towards authentic human development. In order not to produce a dangerous universal power of a tyrannical nature, the governance of globalization must be marked by subsidiarity, articulated into several layers and involving different levels that can work together. Globalization certainly requires authority, insofar as it poses the problem of a global common good that needs to be pursued. This authority, however, must be organized in a subsidiary and stratified way[138], if it is not to infringe upon freedom and if it is to yield effective results in practice.
58. The principle of subsidiarity must remain closely linked to the principle of solidarity and vice versa, since the former without the latter gives way to social privatism, while the latter without the former gives way to paternalist social assistance that is demeaning to those in need. This general rule must also be taken broadly into consideration when addressing issues concerning international development aid. Such aid, whatever the donors' intentions, can sometimes lock people into a state of dependence and even foster situations of localized oppression and exploitation in the receiving country.
Freedom and Christianity go hand in hand or true Christianity is not being practiced. The price of freedom is certainly eternal vigilance. As seen from the Social Justice outhouse described already, even a free and ostensibly religious people can sell their souls for a mess of pottage, freebies and depravity and call it social justice. It is certainly time for a widespread Reunion!
As the Industrial Revolution gained momentum through the 19th Century, working men were drawn away from artisanship and agrarian labor to those of the factory. The skills carefully and patiently developed on the farm and in the guilds fell away to where too many masters treated their workers as slaves doing repetitive, mind numbing work. This gave rise to the union movement over riots and bloodshed. Socialists and communists pretending to care for the workers demanded the end of private property. If the worker isn’t poor from slave wages and working conditions, he is buried in usury. Pope Leo XIII in 1891 opened the door for labor-management relations in his encyclical Rerum Novarum - Rights and Duties of Capital and Labor :
Industrial and trade unions have done much to improve working conditions and establishing reasonable working hours. At the same time they have had an unsavory history of leveling the playing field for the most sluggish of their members. An enthusiastic worker is cajoled into slowing down so as not to eat up the job. One who has entrepreneurial dreams is either put down or drummed out of the union often creating an adversarial relationship with the employers who provided the job opportunities. Thankfully there are exceptions. The late John Lencioni of Bakersfield’s Columbo Construction knew how to draw the best from the trade unions that worked his jobs.
The ReUnion must add to the union movement’s solidarity the idea of personal responsibility – the elimination of entitlement in favor of subsidiarity. Unions, by following the combined principles of subsidiarity and solidarity, instead of solidarity alone will find they will be back in the business of selecting, training, disciplining and drawing the best out of their members. They will advocate increased pay goes to those who earn it, not the collective that falls to the lowest common denominator. The union will establish a partnership with the employer that recognizes the firm must prosper or the jobs are lost. If labor and management are both pulling the wagon in the same direction, all will prosper. The only thing a union should have to sell is providing the best trained hardest working most skilled employees. It does so by restructuring the old guild system and weeding out members who refuse to meet agreed standards while improving their skills.
Unions once made big money with their health care programs by developing health care with insurance companies and retailing them to the members. Unions could work with employers and local healthcare entities – clinics, hospitals, medical practitioners of all specialties, avoiding any government intrusion in the management and policies of their systems. By keeping day to day health services local and attuned to the community, costs will be controlled and more effective. The international union could be a coordinator - say like the NFL and maybe the co-carrier with major insurance companies of catastrophic care coverage. This would acknowledge subsidiarity/solidarity.
See 57. and 58. in Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical “Caritas in veritate” which means Charity in truth. The Church is seeing the seeming inevitable trend to globalization. The Pope addresses the issue knowing the plans of the globalizers have no concern for subsidiarity. If anything, they hope to see an 80% reduction in human population by any means. This is one area they don’t seek participation at the receiving end.
Here is a portion of 57 & 58: “…Hence the principle of subsidiarity is particularly well-suited to managing globalization and directing it towards authentic human development. In order not to produce a dangerous universal power of a tyrannical nature, the governance of globalization must be marked by subsidiarity, articulated into several layers and involving different levels that can work together. Globalization certainly requires authority, insofar as it poses the problem of a global common good that needs to be pursued. This authority, however, must be organized in a subsidiary and stratified way[138], if it is not to infringe upon freedom and if it is to yield effective results in practice.
58. The principle of subsidiarity must remain closely linked to the principle of solidarity and vice versa, since the former without the latter gives way to social privatism, while the latter without the former gives way to paternalist social assistance that is demeaning to those in need. This general rule must also be taken broadly into consideration when addressing issues concerning international development aid. Such aid, whatever the donors' intentions, can sometimes lock people into a state of dependence and even foster situations of localized oppression and exploitation in the receiving country.
Read and Follow from Top Down (Cause and Effect)
Shower of Mercy in a Free SocietyBeauty and its Author are the first priority that set the tone for all that follows – The Declaration of Independence.
_________________________________________________________ Ethics are defined to protect and promote Beauty among a free people and all who desire it for their nations – The Constitution of the United States. _________________________________________________________ Logic draws on multiple inferences to prove its veracity to support and protect Ethics and therefore Beauty. – The Bill of Rights. _________________________________________________________ Subsidiarity – the opposite of Entitlement flows naturally from a Beautiful, Ethical and Logical setting. People willingly take on personal responsibility and feel shame in accepting government dependency. Solidarity is a natural result flowing from a people free to exercise their talents and abilities in an environment that gives pride in one’s community and nation. _________________________________________________________ Chaos in a free society is unexpected opportunities, chance meeting, cross fertilization of ideas and technology from which lives grow and prosper. _________________________________________________________ High Touch is Faith in a natural outflow of the creative mind, drawing on skills and resources to add beauty to art, architecture, landscape and infrastructure. _________________________________________________________ High Technology – Science in the free flow of ideas and ability to exploit natural and human resources yields great fruit and broadened prosperity for all. _________________________________________________________ High Finance is based on money as a medium of exchange – the servant not the master. Those with wealth – earned or attained – exercise the Beatitude of “Poor in spirit” toward others in need or opportunity. |
ReunionLove is both beautiful and tough. Our Founders, in drafting the Declaration of Independence set the beautiful moral, spiritual and philosophical foundations of the new republic. We have inalienable rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness endowed by our Creator. We also must be aware of the Founders’ litany of wrongs despots always deliver on the people they rule. These wrongs were listed for a reason that should be clear today.
The Beauty of the Declaration, Ethics in the Constitution and Logic in the Protections found in the Bill of Rights were prioritized by American Philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce long after the Founders codified it in the proper order. Right order works! We’ve proved it in spite of tireless efforts to undermine it by the ignorant and the arrogant. Time to take it back! _______________________________________________________ American settlers – most all from distant countries were a determined lot. Self assured, goal oriented and ready to accept full responsibility for their actions yielded a great country that very quickly became an international force to be reckoned with. Finding a common bond of love and courage created a union of sovereign states that took care of their own while standing together against all enemies foreign and domestic. The Chaos results in Harmony following unexpected discoveries, meetings and opportunities, the framework of the Republic allowed people to take their discoveries and ideas and bring them to fruition in cooperation with others. They were not limited to their original station in life. They took the chances – they succeeded – they failed – they got up and tried again.They were not counted among “those cold and timid souls who have never tasted victory or defeat.” _______________________________________________________ With the excitement of discovery, of tasks accomplished, of people served, the sense of beauty and stewardship created a myriad of opportunities for others to develop and hone their skills in whatever area or vocation they were drawn to or humanly capable of. The natural outcome of accomplishment and drive for discovery has to lead to improvements in ways of doing things – of ways to refine and apply natural elements. This led to high technology which opened more doors for more people to develop and hone their skills – and to develop ways to communicate and transmit information. Early man long ago discovered the need for a medium of exchange – money. In our time, free enterprise capitalism generated the natural and earned wealth that was circulated and recirculated in the economy as it grows. With Finance as the servant rather than the master of society, all can prosper – even the bankers, savers and entrepreneurs. |
Practical Steps as we go to Work
"It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man who knows what the law is today can guess what it will be to-morrow." --James Madison, Federalist No. 62, 1788
Rules of Fives
Here is a challenge for all of us to ponder, strive to apply in our endeavors. These are not to replace the tenets of our respective faiths, as they are merely attempts to focus our faith in God and Country for the good of all.
Five important questions should be consistently asked, truthfully answered and applied with integrity when writing legislation and running any resulting bureaucracy:
1. Will this new law help or hurt initiative or personal responsibility?
2. Does the legislation or the bureaucracy it authorizes equally benefit the wider community? The bureaucracy is charged to serve and challenge, not to harass and fine.
3. Will this legislation put people or regions in a creative or entrepreneurial strait jacket or vying for government handouts?
4. Will the legislation encourage and maximize private enterprise and employment without requiring major government oversight?
5. Is the legislation less than 100 pages in length, devoid of selective privileges and unrelated attachments and riders?
1. You are coming to a country worth loving. Coyotes and drug lords are not good to do business with.
2. You have worked hard all your life just to survive. Today you can work to make life better for yourself, your family and your new country.
3. People who want to control you will offer you all kinds of free gifts. Actually those free gifts cost your hosts $4 for every dollar you get in freebies. They will resent you and you will respond in anger. Their freebies aren’t worth the misery they cause.
4. Work quickly toward becoming a citizen. Our immigration laws are terrible, but there are many who would welcome you on the same level as anyone else as they work to change the laws to make your path to citizenship clear and responsible. The responsibility is yours to move forward in a way your children will be proud of you.
5. Be a good neighbor. Americans who have roots from all over the world have gotten used to great cooking. It breaks down all kinds of barriers to new friendships. Strive for beauty in your neighborhood and learn the rules of hygiene that might have been missing in your homeland.
1. Sports and other hobbies are great pastimes for all of us. Never allow them to take you away from your responsibility to be an informed citizen. It is a tyrant’s strategy since civilization began to keep the people distracted from their evildoings. Don’t limit your sources of news to one outlet.
2. The Declaration of Independence gave us the moral and spiritual foundation on which the Constitution was built. It also has a list of the things a tyrant will do to have power over you. Become familiar with them because human foibles and greed never change and must be checked.
3. It is your job to educate your children in the responsibilities of citizenship and stewardship. Responsible citizens create prosperous businesses and creative adventures. Stewardship creates a natural love for the environment and the resources from which to create new technologies and products rules and regulations from an arrogant bureaucrat can never match.
4. Responsibility starts with each individual as soon as a child can be taught. When help is needed there is never a long term involvement in providing assistance from government agencies, especially the Federal Government. Government has no capacity for love. History proves it is more likely to become a killer. It also costs 4 times as much in taxes and debt to “serve” your needs from the Federal level.
5. Strive for Beauty to be the leading element in your life and community. Money and its manipulations must never be the master and the leading element. The true role of money is as the servant of all – its greatest and most profitable potential.
1. If you are only looking for a job, don’t join a union. Entry level jobs are for you to learn to be responsible and get an idea what businesses need to stay in business. You must give your employer an honest day’s work for a day’s pay. If you’re not making your employer a profit, you are firing yourself.
2. If you want to build your skills and be adequately paid for them, be sure your union doesn’t just talk solidarity, but understands and applies subsidiarity and solidarity together. You compete with non-union workers by being better at performance and reliability.
3. If your union wants to be involved in politics, be sure the members dues are applied as the members want them applied, if at all.
4. Your union should have room in its policies for members to grow and be rewarded or to expect support if they leave an employer to enter into business. The union should have an entrepreneurial policy where it can encourage members’ new businesses and possibly share in future profits and/or a friendly union contract that is good for employer and employee.
5. Your union’s health care structure should be totally local in service and administration, cooperating with local doctors, hospitals and clinics. The National or International should carry catastrophic care insurance for major medical care needs, but not make demands to participate in regular medical care. The national office should support and contract with first class hospitals for extraordinary care. St. Jude’s is a good example for your children.
1. You have a duty to know God and the laws of God that made this country different – why you have smart phones, video games and a car to move your sorry butt around. People before you were motivated to create and produce. This nation made it possible for them to try better than any nation in history. Appreciate it and do your part.
2. You’re just a kid – enjoy growing up! You have a duty to find out what you are good at and start developing your gifts and talents to serve others and support a family one day.
3. You have a duty to your parents and family. If you don’t have one, get out and serve others and you’ll find one that might even love you back.
4. You have a duty to be kind and generous. It will return similar rewards.
5. Create things of beauty and worth. Don’t ruin and destroy the dreams and work of others. Always be true to yourself – not what the mob thinks (Mobs don’t think!).
1. Freedom of Speech works both ways. You might learn something. An Academic’s mind is a terrible thing to waste.
2. Better the absent-minded professor who thrives on sharing his wisdom than an arrogant academic who steals from his students and destroys faith, drive and ambition.
3. If you teach at a religious school, either respect their tenets or get out.
4. If you teach at a public school, you have a duty to fully explain and instill the nation’s founding principles and the benefits of free enterprise capitalism. The religious school covers these as a natural course of instruction.
5. Your colleagues should be able to differ with you without fear of retribution.
Rules of Fives
Here is a challenge for all of us to ponder, strive to apply in our endeavors. These are not to replace the tenets of our respective faiths, as they are merely attempts to focus our faith in God and Country for the good of all.
Five important questions should be consistently asked, truthfully answered and applied with integrity when writing legislation and running any resulting bureaucracy:
1. Will this new law help or hurt initiative or personal responsibility?
2. Does the legislation or the bureaucracy it authorizes equally benefit the wider community? The bureaucracy is charged to serve and challenge, not to harass and fine.
3. Will this legislation put people or regions in a creative or entrepreneurial strait jacket or vying for government handouts?
4. Will the legislation encourage and maximize private enterprise and employment without requiring major government oversight?
5. Is the legislation less than 100 pages in length, devoid of selective privileges and unrelated attachments and riders?
1. You are coming to a country worth loving. Coyotes and drug lords are not good to do business with.
2. You have worked hard all your life just to survive. Today you can work to make life better for yourself, your family and your new country.
3. People who want to control you will offer you all kinds of free gifts. Actually those free gifts cost your hosts $4 for every dollar you get in freebies. They will resent you and you will respond in anger. Their freebies aren’t worth the misery they cause.
4. Work quickly toward becoming a citizen. Our immigration laws are terrible, but there are many who would welcome you on the same level as anyone else as they work to change the laws to make your path to citizenship clear and responsible. The responsibility is yours to move forward in a way your children will be proud of you.
5. Be a good neighbor. Americans who have roots from all over the world have gotten used to great cooking. It breaks down all kinds of barriers to new friendships. Strive for beauty in your neighborhood and learn the rules of hygiene that might have been missing in your homeland.
1. Sports and other hobbies are great pastimes for all of us. Never allow them to take you away from your responsibility to be an informed citizen. It is a tyrant’s strategy since civilization began to keep the people distracted from their evildoings. Don’t limit your sources of news to one outlet.
2. The Declaration of Independence gave us the moral and spiritual foundation on which the Constitution was built. It also has a list of the things a tyrant will do to have power over you. Become familiar with them because human foibles and greed never change and must be checked.
3. It is your job to educate your children in the responsibilities of citizenship and stewardship. Responsible citizens create prosperous businesses and creative adventures. Stewardship creates a natural love for the environment and the resources from which to create new technologies and products rules and regulations from an arrogant bureaucrat can never match.
4. Responsibility starts with each individual as soon as a child can be taught. When help is needed there is never a long term involvement in providing assistance from government agencies, especially the Federal Government. Government has no capacity for love. History proves it is more likely to become a killer. It also costs 4 times as much in taxes and debt to “serve” your needs from the Federal level.
5. Strive for Beauty to be the leading element in your life and community. Money and its manipulations must never be the master and the leading element. The true role of money is as the servant of all – its greatest and most profitable potential.
1. If you are only looking for a job, don’t join a union. Entry level jobs are for you to learn to be responsible and get an idea what businesses need to stay in business. You must give your employer an honest day’s work for a day’s pay. If you’re not making your employer a profit, you are firing yourself.
2. If you want to build your skills and be adequately paid for them, be sure your union doesn’t just talk solidarity, but understands and applies subsidiarity and solidarity together. You compete with non-union workers by being better at performance and reliability.
3. If your union wants to be involved in politics, be sure the members dues are applied as the members want them applied, if at all.
4. Your union should have room in its policies for members to grow and be rewarded or to expect support if they leave an employer to enter into business. The union should have an entrepreneurial policy where it can encourage members’ new businesses and possibly share in future profits and/or a friendly union contract that is good for employer and employee.
5. Your union’s health care structure should be totally local in service and administration, cooperating with local doctors, hospitals and clinics. The National or International should carry catastrophic care insurance for major medical care needs, but not make demands to participate in regular medical care. The national office should support and contract with first class hospitals for extraordinary care. St. Jude’s is a good example for your children.
1. You have a duty to know God and the laws of God that made this country different – why you have smart phones, video games and a car to move your sorry butt around. People before you were motivated to create and produce. This nation made it possible for them to try better than any nation in history. Appreciate it and do your part.
2. You’re just a kid – enjoy growing up! You have a duty to find out what you are good at and start developing your gifts and talents to serve others and support a family one day.
3. You have a duty to your parents and family. If you don’t have one, get out and serve others and you’ll find one that might even love you back.
4. You have a duty to be kind and generous. It will return similar rewards.
5. Create things of beauty and worth. Don’t ruin and destroy the dreams and work of others. Always be true to yourself – not what the mob thinks (Mobs don’t think!).
1. Freedom of Speech works both ways. You might learn something. An Academic’s mind is a terrible thing to waste.
2. Better the absent-minded professor who thrives on sharing his wisdom than an arrogant academic who steals from his students and destroys faith, drive and ambition.
3. If you teach at a religious school, either respect their tenets or get out.
4. If you teach at a public school, you have a duty to fully explain and instill the nation’s founding principles and the benefits of free enterprise capitalism. The religious school covers these as a natural course of instruction.
5. Your colleagues should be able to differ with you without fear of retribution.
Social Justice Theory of Relativity
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